h1mmel · 4 months
About the 7s visual novel's characters and their symbolism
Taking a break from fanfiction to infodump about my favorite thing ever, which is symbolism in etymology! Sit down because this is going to be a long one... and if you read the whole thing I applaud you and also would love to talk about your thoughts!
Lin Zhaoyu
The origin of her name is actually stated in game itself, coming from the Book of Odes- a Chinese poetry book. Meaning literally, "morning rain," it is taken from the following poem. The letters that make up her name are bolded.
Here is the translation of the poem:
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The part about her being untrue to herself in marriage rings very true.
Li Sushang
The symbolism of Sushang's name is connected to that of multiple other characters, despite the literal meaning of it sounding quite simple on the outside. You might see her name via MTL written as "plain clothes," but it's a stark oversimplification of something that's partially lost in translation.
素 (Su) refers to plain silk which has not been dyed, or white silk.
裳 (Shang) is a dress.
The first letter of her name is shared with her mother. Between Sushang, Suyi, Lingshuang, and Su Mei, there is a correlating theme of clothing that I will touch on in each of their sections.
Qin Suyi
As she had amnesia, Suyi does not remember her birth name and was gifted a new one by Fu Hua. Following the trend of how she named Su Mei, her name was also taken from the book of odes. The word Suyi appears in two different poems- again, I've bolded it as written in both.
And the translation:
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The second poem:
And the translation:
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From the second poem, you can see the references to grief in regard to clothing. While Suyi and Sushang both have the same literal translation of their names, "plain clothes," Suyi's name also carries an additional symbolism. The second letter of her name, 衣 (Yi), refers to a robe instead of a dress, so her name refers to "a robe of colorless silk." This specific term is used in certain contexts to refer to mourning garments, as it is customary to wear white while mourning in some parts of Chinese culture.
This theme of dye is continued in other contexts, where Suyi is known among the Seven Swords as "The Blade of Ink-Dyed Incense." Additionally, her Xuanyuan sword, while known in English as Ebonstyle, is also referred to in Chinese as "Ink-Dyed Incense"- but the word for ink used is different between the two. (It is not letting me copy/paste Chinese words right now so, source: trust me bro)
To delve into my personal thoughts, I think it's so clever that Sushang is "a dress yet to be dyed," while Suyi is a mourning garment, since Sushang still has a long life ahead of her, and Suyi has passed on. Anyways please hit me with a car.
((fun fact: the last letter of Suyi's name, Yi, is shared with Raiden Mei (Yayi), hence why her name comes through MTL as "bud clothes" sometimes 😭😭))
Su Mei
We actually do not know Su Mei's birth name either! She was given a new first name by Fu Hua, and was going to be given Zhaoyu's last name (Lin), but chose to take her mother's surname instead. The reason as to why she chose (or was recommended by Fu Hua) to change her name while still remembering her birth name is unclear.
At Zhaoyu's recommendation, her name also comes from the following poem of the Book of Odes:
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It is not letting me highlight the text :,) so the part of the poem that is her name is "margin of the water." Mei specifically refers to where the bank of a river meets the water.
Fun fact: Her surname Su is shared with the MANTIS Su! It is said in legend to also be the surname of Xuanyuan's descendants.
At a time where Filial Piety was of the utmost importance, her changing her surname to take her mother's surname is significant. To change your surname from your father's name could be seen the same as disowning him. At the time, women did not change their names to that of their husband when getting married, hence QIN Suyi vs LI Shen or LIN Zhaoyu vs MA Feima.
While not significant to her name itself, she continues Sushang and Suyi's clothing theme. Her ability revolves around being able to see the threads of fate and predict things that may happen. Hence, it is said about her that anything she says will come true. It's never mentioned in the text, but if you zoom in up close to this art of her, you can actually see her threads surrounding her.
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From the threads plus her hair color, it makes me think of the legend of "The Red String of Fate," which is ironic being that she says she does not love anyone.
Cheng Lingshuang
Yes, she does share a surname with Cheng Lixue, but no, they are not related. Lixue was named by Fu Hua, and her surname comes from the philosopher Cheng Yi, and a saying about his disciples waiting for him in the snow, hence Lixue- Snow. Their names are so similarily themed that it's likely not a coincidence on Hua's behalf, but it's more of a homage than them actually being related.
Lingshuang means ice frost. It does not come from the Book of Odes.
To continue the talk on Filial Piety, Lingshuang is the only character to not go by her surname, either in character or on her actual dialogue name tag. She's only referred to as her full name twice, once when she is introduced as a baby, and twice when Senti is beefing with Sushang and low-key throwing shade on her master's name. Lingshuang is a character who ignores societal rules, and Filial Piety is no exception- she has no reason to care about her family or her father, so she disregards her name.
Any instance of her name being translated as "Ling Shuang" is a following mistake on HYV's localization team. (I did personally email them and they fixed it 😭😭😭) It was because the translators did not receive the context that she doesn't use her surname, so they assumed how her name was separated by first and last, as Chinese names don't have spaces between the two. If you spell her name with a space in the middle I will show up at your house at 3am.
The theme of clothes continues from her kid's as she has a loom in her house which she uses to make silk. She says that honing her fingers in such a way is also a way to hone her martial arts.
Ma... Yanqing, Feima
Ma Feima means "the horse is not a horse." He changed his name to this after getting married because he hated his past identity. It comes from "Bai Ma Fei Ma," a Chinese grammatical paradox that does not make sense in English. Don't ask me to explain it because I can't, but it means "the white horse is not a horse."
Ma means horse, and is also the most common surname within the Chinese Muslim community (specifically the Hui people.) It is used often in reference to the prophet Muhammad.
Yan means swallow, continuing Hua's bird theme.
A lot of his names and titles relate to horses. He really likes horses. A lot.
Jiang Wanxi & Wanru
These two get the smallest part because they aren't developed enough for me to GAF (I'm sorry 😭) basically their names come from a poem in the Book of Odes, which is funny since Hua isn't even the one that named them.
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I hope if you read this that you enjoyed this session of Fun Facts With Mel and please tell me your thoughts. I also definitely forgot something so I might go back later and add things. Thank you for reading!
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hagroidkerwn · 1 year
“Huff… huff… huff… Uhuk! Uhuk!”
“Kamu baik-baik saja? Mana yang sakit?”
“Aku tidak apa-apa.”
“Uhuk… Kamu lihat, aku tidak apa… ugh…”
“Jangan berdiri dulu! Cepat duduk!”
Gadis itu meletakkan tangannya di dahinya. Dia dapat merasakan sentuhan yang hangat di wajahnya.
“Aku sudah memeriksa kondisi psikologismu. Sepertinya informasi yang terlalu banyak membuatmu kelelahan dan juga pusing.”
“Sepertinya tidak ada yang perlu dikhawatirkan. Minum dan istirahatlah sejenak.”
“Terima kasih…”
“Maaf, seharusnya aku tidak membiarkanmu melakukan hal berisiko seperti ini…”
“Tenanglah. Bukankah aku baik-baik saja?”
“Fenghuang benar-benar luar biasa, bisa langsung membawamu ke ingatan masa lalu.”
"Kekuatan itu sebenarnya tidak boleh digunakan untuk hal seperti ini… Aku seharusnya menolak permintaanmu.”
“Apa boleh buat. Aku terlalu penasaran dengan cerita masa lalumu. Ini adalah cara terbaik untuk mengetahui kebenarannya, bukan?”
“Aih… Kalau begitu, apa yang sudah kamu lihat?”
“Aku melihat Sapphire, saat kamu masih di sekolah…”
“Kamu terlihat sangat muda. Pusing soal pertemanan dan khawatir akan masa depan.”
“Kamu yang saat itu mirip sekali dengan ‘dia’ dan teman-temannya.”
“Aku sudah lupa masa-masa itu…”
“Tapi masa-masa itu pasti penting bagimu, karena dia masih terus tersimpan hingga sekarang.”
“Mungkin di lubuk hatimu, kamu masih berharap bisa kembali ke kehidupan layaknya orang biasa.”
“Kalau begitu, mari kita berjuang lebih keras untuk mengembalikannya!”
“Lalu aku melihat sebuah markas organisasi… Kalau tidak salah, namanya ... Aah aku lupa. Intinya ada ‘mereka’ yang kalian sebut-sebut. Tapi pada akhirnya…”
“Yang tersisa hanyalah kekalahan, dan kehancuran.”
“Bukan… bukan begitu.”
“Mungkin monster itu menang di era sebelumnya, tapi bukan berarti semuanya berakhir.”
“Peradaban kita bangkit dari kekalahan dan kita mendapatkan kembali kekuatan untuk berperang melawan monster itu.”
“Aku tahu apa yang kukatakan ini terdengar seperti khayalan, tapi kita berbeda dengan generasi sebelumnya! Kita pasti bisa memenangkan perang ini!”
“Lalu, apa yang sudah kamu lihat lagi?”
“Aku melihat Gunung Taixuan. Yang menemanimu hanyalah angin dan awan.”
“Kamu diam-diam memberantas monster itu seorang diri. Tidak ada yang bisa mendekatimu. Kamu dijuluki Celestial.”
“Sepertinya aku menutup hatiku saat itu…”
“Aku tidak bisa membayangkan apa yang membuatmu memisahkan diri dari dunia dan menyendiri, tapi aku senang kamu berhasil melewatinya.”
“Kalau kamu ada masalah, jangan dipendam di dalam hati. Kita semua akan menanggungnya bersamamu.”
“Terima kasih. Bagiku, kata-katamu sudah lebih dari cukup. Aku benar-benar bersyukur memiliki kalian semua.”
“Kalau begitu, lepaskan tanganmu dari panel kontrol. Kalau sampai terjadi lagi, kali ini bukan hanya pusing ringan saja.”
“Hahaha… Tapi aku masih ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang masa lalumu…”
“Hal berisiko seperti ini cukup sekali saja. Atau jangan-jangan… kamu bermaksud lain?” (mengepalkan tangan)
“Tidak sama sekali! Tenangkan dirimu, Phoenix!”
“Baik, istirahatlah. Lain kali akan kuceritakan lagi padamu jika waktunya tepat.”
Fenghuang, 13 Mei 2021 (ditulis pada tanggal)
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ninachii · 3 months
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Model references for Crane of Taixuan (Fu Hua) - Honkai Impact 3rd
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eudaemon-m · 1 year
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become what you are
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mspaintbladie · 5 months
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That Seven Swords novel reference in Kafka's companion quest og outfit under the cut
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oathofkaslana · 2 months
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taixuan sect in chapter 27
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selkie-hi · 1 year
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I had the urge to put Wei Wuxian in Fu Hua’s Taixuan Impression outfit as a joke and change the color scheme to fit him lol
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Kiana: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated. 
Hua: Killed without hesitation. 
Mei: Hua, No.
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h1mmel · 5 months
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my silley
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logosminuspity · 2 years
I saw the WiP grab thing! Haha, the AE harem certainly looks interesting! I assume its some period drama, au type thing?(assuming hua was rather bitchless in her ae period😅😅)
LMFAO congrats anon you gave me a good chuckle. It's a pseudo-au that was started before I actually started playing Honkai, all when I looked at this stigma and thought: "1) there is nothing straight about that and 2) hua ma'am you are giving me very toppy vibes":
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Anyway more here:
Fu Hua turns her bemused attention back to her protege, and catches Zhaoyu briefly worrying at her bottom lip, her two hands still clasped together but just on the verge of fidgeting.
“Master…will you not say something? Anything?”
“And what is it you would like me to say? Or perhaps…what is it you would imagine me doing?” Hua speaks so perfectly even and cool, the only betrayal of the foreign urge to tease that has suddenly overcome her a single, raised eyebrow.
Lin Zhaoyu turns a brighter red than the first blooms of the plum flower upon the snow laden branches of winter. She is pretty, Hua realizes abruptly, all flushed and squirming under the full attention.
She takes a deep breath as if to steady her resolve, and then speaks, and for all that her voice drops in pitch and volume, Zhaoyu does not stutter—and she does not look away.
“I imagine the privilege of disrobing you, Phoenix. Of undoing the ornaments that hold your hair up, and parting the silk that hides your skin. I imagine your knuckles against my lips, where I can taste the shape of your calluses and the salt of endless toil. And I imagine kneeling before you as I try to grant you a reprieve, even if but for an evening, from that ceaseless work which you pursue…like petals falling from flowers and gifted to the wind.”
The wholly intimate implications are hardly lost on Hua, and now it is her turn to blush. A heat suffuses through her, part embarrassment—when did this all start, and how was she so unaware of it until now?—and part something else. Something that uncoils within her gut like a serpent that has spent its whole life sleeping until now.
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aetherose · 5 days
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qualityrain · 7 months
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im telling you if they remove my taixuan bridge you will see me at mhy hq
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mspaintbladie · 6 months
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xuanyuan sword (bonus chic phoenix)
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allegorism · 1 year
oh fu hua...
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blazingblorbos · 1 year
A not actually happy 2 years to the song that ruined my life in the single best way possible
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