avianii · 2 months
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Savior in an F4
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helixerart · 11 days
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finally going back to digital art
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determunition · 9 months
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some cozy gays to celebrate the awesome response i've been getting on digital affection, i'm so glad everyone's been appreciating these two disasters as much as i do uwu
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cthaehart · 1 year
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bloonfooleery · 7 months
Quincy impressions but animated!
Someone please stop me-
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depodraws · 6 months
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Trans Doctor Who My Beloved.
In all seriousness this special will forever hold a very special place in my heart and seeing a mostly masc presenting gender queer main character, and having it be pointed out IN EPISODE??!!! Of course Rose Noble is the queen of this special, but boy howdy did the doctor really make me feel seen.
Being a trans man rn is pretty isolating, even if that means a lot of shit isn't being flung at us, it still really hurts ya know? This show will keep me going for the rest of my life. Anyways here's some silly fanart.
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aberooski · 1 month
okay so i’m trying to get chazz to be my bestie in tag force right now but he’s being a major prick and won’t even talk to me. so obv i googled to see if i had to do something specific and
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so first off this game is so biphobic for gatekeeping him for TWO MONTHS considering it starts on May 1, second off…
chazz leaving DA, going to north, and coming back is all stretched out over a MONTH?????? A MONTH????? maybe it’s because i haven’t seen s1 in a minute but that did NOT feel like a month. maybe a week at MOST.
(side note — do we know where DA is?? one of the NPCs said the island is the pacific ocean, which makes sense if it’s near japan, but. i don’t even know with this series anymore man 😭)
first of all, I agree, supremely fucked of the game to gatekeep him like that.
Secondly, excUSE ME????? A M O N T H ?????
Now I don't claim to know a goddamn thing about how time passes in this fuckin show but A MONTH??? I guess I can see that in the sense that he left, was gone for a while, I think it's like 11 episodes he's gone because he leaves during episode 13 and he arrives at North Academy in episode 24. But therin lies the question, is that chronological? Because the duel off between Bastion and Jaden happens before that and that's how they decide Jaden's representing them in the school duel and Sheppard comes to the conclusion they should use a first year student in the spirit of competition because he's been informed that North Academy is using a first year student, WHO IS CHAZZ. And like, we know from episode 24 that Chancellor Foster's plan to use Chazz was totally premeditated, like did he say they were using a first year student before he like fuckin shanghai'd and bogarted Chazz into North Academy or after? In which case, episode 24 would have happened chronologically before the duel off, and time has clearly passed between episode 24 and even just the cold open of episode 25, like the school duel was not the next fucking day after he got to NA like I highly doubt that.
But anyway, yeah, when he got to North Academy he could've spend a couple weeks there before the school duel or something, that would make that feel less insane a time jump aksksk but bro had me fucking shook for a second like how much of that month was him stranded in the middle of the ocean??????????? 😰 Hopefully not very long but my god I will not be able to rest 😭
(And I mean I don't think they ever say where it's at specifically in the anime, at least I know in the dub they don't to my recollection. I couldn't say if they do in the sub or not. Still gotta get around to my full show sun watchthrough but that's soo many subtitles man and I have a horrible attention span I'm too antsy and fidgety 😭 But on the first page in the manga it says the island is in the southern sea
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which according to my google search research, is either the sea around Antarctica, decidedly NOT where the school is located, or the southern part of the Pacific, I.E. the South Pacific some great songs in that musical lol so I'd say Pacific Ocean is accurate lol)
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flibbetygibbetsbro · 3 months
Guys I started reading The Republic by Plato and just learned that Plato wrote the myth of the sinking of Atlantis and all hell is breaking loose in my head.
perpare for an unhinged literary analysis of the events of Nightfall and ties to the original myth in 1-5 business days
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maroon-winestain · 10 months
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crying he’s so big now
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bluesmuses · 3 months
you ever wish you could just go into identity protection and disappear into a whole new life situation to try to actually live for yourself instead of the responsibilities of your own family
and the worst part is i fully recognize my trapped circumstances but still do it because i have too much compassion and understanding and i cannot afford any forms of escaping this anyway so sure why not it's just how it is. stress. everybody's got it. especially people who aren't selfish. hahaha
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morguemaw · 9 months
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found a old Jevil and Spamton combo..................... should i draw him again...................
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hello pretty man :33
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moonpaw · 11 months
i love the 1000 queue limit update its so easy now i love you 1000 queued posts that dont show the light of day until 2 months later
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deadsh33p · 5 months
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ratta-tat-nat · 21 days
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Can’t believe it’s been already a month since I flew out to Florida ( my first time being on a plane and going to the east coast). It was worth it because I got to see a great friend and visit the most magical place on earth: Disney World!
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heybobbygirl · 10 months
i was going to get discord but i asked my mom and i dont think she really understands what it is because she got really mad so now i am in some
deep shit
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