paroleincroce · 1 year
«E presso a loro stava la querula Acli odïosa,
pallida, magra, cascante di fame, e gambe stecchite,
e l’unghie lunghe lunghe sporgean dalle dita: colava
dalle narici moccio, cadevano giú dalle guance
stille di sangue; ed essa, con grande stridore di denti,
stava, e sugli òmeri suoi si addensava la polvere fitta,
molle di pianto.»
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techsavvychronicles · 3 months
Simplifying Jira Plugin Testing through Automated Solutions
Effective testing stands as a cornerstone in the realm of software development. Among the myriad of approaches, automating tests emerges as a pivotal practice, streamlining processes and enhancing efficiency. However, navigating the landscape of test automation demands not only the right tools but also adept knowledge in their application.
In pursuit of bolstering our testing endeavors, we embarked on automating tests for one of our Jira plugins, the jira-misc-workflow-extensions. This plugin, instrumental in automating tasks within Jira, prompted us to harness specialized tools: ACLI, GINT, and Gradle.
Selecting Appropriate Tools
ACLI and GINT, crafted by the esteemed team at Appfire led by bobswifts, emerged as indispensable allies in our quest for efficient testing. ACLI streamlines our focus on specific tasks, circumventing unnecessary navigation through Jira screens. Moreover, it simplifies the setup of our testing environment, minimizing complexities and expediting the test creation process. Gradle, on the other hand, assumes the mantle of seamlessly managing the entirety of our testing procedures.
Learning and Implementation
Our journey with ACLI and GINT commenced with a diligent study of their respective instructions and examples. These resources, provided by the bobswift team, offered invaluable insights into automating tests for JMWE extensions, an integral component of our Jira plugin. While initially tailored for simpler tasks, we adeptly adapted these resources to suit the intricacies of our JMWE extensions. However, challenges arose during the setup of JMWE plugins in Jira workflows utilizing ACLI.
Collaborative Problem-Solving
To surmount these hurdles, we meticulously combed through the documentation, supplemented by proactive engagement with the bobswift team via Slack. Their unwavering support proved instrumental in rectifying issues and refining our setup. Collaborative efforts facilitated a smoother integration of ACLI, GINT, and Gradle into our test automation framework, ensuring the comprehensiveness and efficiency of our JMWE extension tests.
In essence, our endeavor to simplify test automation for Jira plugins was underpinned by meticulous tool selection, informed learning, and collaborative problem-solving. This not only elevated the efficacy of our testing protocols but also underscored the significance of leveraging the right tools in the dynamic landscape of software development.
TECUNIQUE specializes in providing cutting-edge solutions for software testing and automation. Whether you're seeking streamlined testing processes, efficient tool utilization, or collaborative problem-solving, we've got you covered. Contact us here to explore how we can optimize your testing endeavors.
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sardies · 4 months
Acli Sardegna: «Il Governo taglia l’assistenza per i disturbi alimentari»
Cagliari. I disturbi alimentari sono delle malattie che necessitano di assistenza e trattamenti specifici. Malgrado questo, il governo nazionale ha prima estinto il fondo per i disturbi del comportamento alimentare per poi fare una rapida inversione e rifinanziarlo con dieci milioni di euro. Una decisione incomprensibile e comunque non sufficiente per vere risposte strutturali richieste da tempo…
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losttimpactt · 2 years
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Mythological Deer - Alcis
“Pliny the Elder, a Roman author, philosopher, and commander, wrote about the moose-like Achlis in a book about terrestrial animals. He described the upper lip as being so large that it had to graze backwards, otherwise it would double up. Its lack of back leg joints prevented it from ever laying down, and had to sleep resting against trees. Despite this it was still very swift and traps needed to be laid to catch it.”
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ilbasketlivornese · 16 hours
#Playoffs nazionali di #SerieBfemminile: per la terza volta consecutiva il #JollyAcliLivorno approda in finale #Livorno #ilbasketlivorneselive
(foto by Jolly Acli Basket Livorno) Le rosablu compiono l’impresa al termine di una partita complessa Il Jolly Acli Basket compie l’impresa, al termine di una partita complessa, approcciata in maniera non ottimale, sofferta per lunghi minuti, ma combattuta coraggiosamente  e perduta nei termini consentiti (81-75), dunque vinta nel doppio confronto, in maniera mirabile, grazie ad un lavoro di…
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lospeakerscorner · 3 months
Le Acli di Napoli per i senzatetto
Senza fissa dimora: Acli di Napoli, Brotherhorder Bikers e I santi on the street insieme per i più deboli e i meno fortunati Tanti volontari in risposta all’appello lanciato dalle Acli di Napoli per richiamare l’attenzione sulla problematica del ridotto numero di strutture atte a dare ospitalità ai “senza fissa dimora”.  Il Terzo Settore rappresenta un pilastro per le Istituzioni, molto spesso in…
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sammydem0n64 · 6 months
I theoretically could add Acly and Bluri's parents since I found flavors for them. But do I REALLY need to?
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francesco-nigri · 1 year
Lega Consumatori e Sindacato AssoCasa condividono la poesia di Francesco Nigri: decine di copie acquistate del libro IL SEGRETO DI EBE
Lega Consumatori e Sindacato AssoCasa condividono la poesia di Francesco Nigri: decine di copie acquistate del libro IL SEGRETO DI EBE Anni ed anni di stima ed amicizia con l’Avv. Massimiliano Uccelli, Presidente Onorario della Lega Consumatori Parma, che ha portato alla condivisone, anche con il Sindacato AssoCasa, del mio recente libro IL SEGRETO DI EBE. Decine di copie acquistate e donate ai…
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fabriziosbardella · 2 years
Sabato 15 ottobre a Gallarate incontro con Emergency e Nico Piro nella sala Rimoldi del coordinamento ACLI in via Agnelli 33 #ONG #coordinamentoACLI #emergency #Gallarate #NicoPiro
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daddiel-ish · 2 days
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Jester's power is "Dance Macabre," so they really are Death's Jester cause they lead people in a dance through death...and so I thought, "Law is the Surgeon of Death...Acli is the Jester's Death, let make them meet!"
(I'm not comic artist...I'm just an illustrator with big dreams and zero time to do anything)
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original url http://cf.geocities.com/acli/ last modified 2007-03-01 07:09:07
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jessamine-rose · 1 year
I love love love all your yandere harbingers story and I just realized u also have an ao3 cuz I was about to tell you that someone is copyrighting your fic 😭
Ok so let's get to the Yandere Pierro fic, the Disjecta Membra one, it really portrayed how the reader or rather Savior. She's really such a kind and gentle soul, yet that was her downfall, her weakness. That's why the Chess Piece side story completes everything because that's how I deeply understood why she would succumb to Stockholm Syndrome. Its kind of funny how she is aware of it but she just succumbed to it because of her longing for anyone to be with her again.
As for Pierro, girl... damn... like damn... I love the power imbalance he felt and he tripped that over so he would dominate Savior. He relishes control over her, it really stems to what we know so far. His desire to burn the old world because his nation got destroyed... I think that's how I would view his mindset, he would think of Savior as above him when he was still injured. Yet that also infruriated... so when he became the Director of the Fatui and joined the Tsaritsa... he had the strong desire to topple the gods over. I think that is also why he gets pleasure (not sexually btw xD more like it emotionally pleases him) over domineering over her. Also this may be confusing but I hope you get my point HAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!
Then for the dynamic between them, it's just ugh I too want to get locked up in a mansion with a hot looking older man (dw im aware that savior is older lmaooo) ok kidding aside... Pierro definitely admires her intellectual capacity (like how they would play chess often and the time when savior spread her mist in his mansion) and gets stimulated by her emotional reactions (like how she would get nervous about his desire to consume her).
Also from what I understood I think him prioritizing his duty to the Tsaritsa doesn't mean he would love Savior any less. Like he said in the fic... love and worship... it cannot be compared. So for me it is similar to Kujou Sara's worship for the Raiden Shogun, or to Cyno's duty for the people of Sumeru and his belief in Nahida.
Btw this is my personal insights about the fic, feel free to correct me if I misunderstood anything at all 😭
Also im so sory if this is long I just really couldn't help myself but interact with you since your fics really deserves to get recognized 😭
Read Disjecta Membra and Chess Piece here~
First of all, never apologize for sending me a long ask bc I enjoyed reading it!! I love it when y’all elaborate on your brainrot and point out your favorite parts of the fic. Not to mention your analysis of Pierro and Savior!!
I read your comments on the fics, and thank you for taking the time to tell me all of this. It was wonderful to read your insight <3
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sardies · 5 months
Sanna (Acli): «Sanità in Sardegna in crisi profonda»
Salvatore Sanna (Acli) Sassari. «Il sistema sanitario in Sardegna sta attraversando una crisi profonda e urgente e oggi esprimiamo la nostra preoccupazione in merito alle recenti problematiche che continuano ad emergere. In particolare, la chiusura del Pronto Soccorso di Ozieri è un sintomo di una situazione più ampia che richiede attenzione immediata». Così Salvatore Sanna, vicepresidente delle…
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turangalila · 2 years
Peire d'Alvernhe (c.1150-1215): Dejosta'ls breus jorns e'ls loncs sers [(fol. 86r) F-Pnm Français 20050.(Chansonnier de Saint-Germain-des-Prés). Bibliothèque nationale de France. Département des Manuscrits, Paris.]
Deiosta·ls breus iorns e·ls loncs sers, / qan la blanc’aura brunezis, / vuoill que branc e bruoill mos sabers / d’un nou ioi qe·m fruich’e·m floris; / car del doutz fuoill vei clarzir los garrics, / per qe· retrai entre·ls enois e·ls freis / lo rossignols e·l tortz e·l gais e·l pics. //
Contr’aisso m’agrada·l parers / d’amor loindan’e devezis / car pauc val levars ni iazers / a lui ses lieis cui es aclis; / c’amors vol gaug e guerpis los enics, / e qui s’esgau a l’ora q’es destreis, / be·m par q’a dreit li vol esser amics. //
Q’ieu vei e crei e sai q’es vers / c’amors engraiss’e e magrezis / l’un ab trichar, l’autr’ab plazers / e l’un ab plor e l’autr’ab ris; / lo cals qe·s vol n’es manens o mendics, / per qu’ieu n’am mais so qu’en ai q’esser reis / assatz non — re d’Escotz ni de Galics. //
Ges ieu non sai los capteners / mas soffre, c’una m’a conquis / don reviu iois e nais valers, / tals que denan li·m trassaillis; / car no m’enqier de dir, me’n ven destrics, / tan tem qe·l mieils lais e prenda·l sordeis; / on plus n’ai cor, mi pens: car non te’n gics? //
A! car si fos dels mieus volers / lo sieus rics coratges devis, / desque ma dompna·m tol poders / de so de q’ieu plus l’ai requis! / Mas no·ll sai dir lausengas ni prezics, / mas meillor cor l’ai trop que non pareis; / s’ella no·l sap, morrai me’n totz antics. //
Tant m’es doutz e fis sos vezers / pel ioi qe·m n’es al cor assis / e sobre tot lo bons espers / q’ieu n’ai, per que me’n enriquis; / c’anc tant non fui mais coartz ni mendics, / ab q’ieu la vis alques, aqui mezeis / no·m saubes far de gran paubretat rics. //
So es gaugz e iois e plazers / que a moutas gens abellis / e sos pretz mont’a grans poders / e sos iois sobreseignoris, / q’enseignamens e beutatz l’es abrics: / dompneis d’amor, q’en lieis s’espan e creis, / plens de dousor, vertz e blancs, cum es nics; //
per q’ieu mi pens: ia non te’n desrazics, / quan mi conquis en loc on ilh me seis / plus que se·m des Franssa lo reis Loics. / En aqest vers sapcha vilans, Audrics, / que d’Alvernge manda c’om ses dompneis / no vai ren plus que bels malvatz espics. //
_ Dante And The Troubadours Sequentia, Benjamin Bagby. (1995, Deutsche Harmonia Mundi – 82876 601632)
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highlifeboat · 1 year
acli: “mia its time for dinner, are you coming down?”
canadian mia: “oh no yeah fer sure, lemme finish a quick dart ‘n’Il be there”
alci: “so is that a yes??? no??”
Me, a silly little Canadian man: "Yeah, no, fer sure bud, jus' finnishin' a quick dart'n I'll be there in 20 with a 40 and a sixer, yeah?"
Alcina: "I think it's mentally challenged."
The daughters tho would love it they'd be like "We like your funny words magic man" and I'd be turned onto a form of entertainment.
They'd think it's funny how much I go "No, yeah, yer good." And "Can I just get by ya there?"
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ilbasketlivornese · 5 days
#Playoffs nazionali di #SerieBfemminile: partenza con vittoria per il #JollyAcliLivorno #Livorno #ilbasketlivorneselive
(foto by Silvia Casini/Jolly Acli Livorno) Il Jolly Acli Basket supera il San Raffaele Roma nell’andata semifinali play off nazionali, col risultato di 62-49. Assicurandosi un tesoretto in vista della gara di ritorno che si giocherà tra qualche giorno nella capitale. Una partita piuttosto equilibrata all’inizio, dominata dalle difese, con una fase di studio (18-15 chiusura primo quarto) ed un…
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