#ANYWAYYYY drops this and Runs
starryarts · 9 months
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they're bitching about hoffman
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the-fluff-piece · 8 months
Hi! .u. Can we get Zoro, Law, and Ace reacting to reader saying "You're so hot." but it being a misunderstanding because the reader meant it literally? I mean in the crushing stages, not while in a relationship.
Hi u 2!
I turned it into three short scenes full of misunderstanding and silliness, hope you like it!
Telling them "You're so hot - but you mean it literally!"
Sfw funny cute scenes about clueless and silly Law, Ace and Zoro
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As you stand next to him, he gets really nervous. Like...really. He accidentally starts burning. Just a bit
"Wow Ace, you're so hot" you say, laughing. Ace gets hotter. He puts a cocky grin on his face and leans over you.
"Oh girl, you must be charcoal because you make me really hot!" He drops his absolutely stupid pick up line.
"What?" You say.
"What?"he says.
"You're literally burning a hole in the planks STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" you point to the smouldering wood where he leans against the ship.
His face literally catches on fire and he runs away, puffing clouds of smoke like a train.
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"Woah, Law! You're so hot!" You say.
"Uhm...thanks?" His eternally grumpy face crumbles a bit and reveals a lopsided smile.
"No, I mean your literally so, so hot!" You say with urgency. You're not even sure if his red cheeks are from the fever he undeniably has or if he really is flattered.
"Uhm, OK, I guess" He comes to sit next to you, really close. His thin shirt radiates with heat.
Very slowly, his hand creeps up to yours and softly squeezes. His palm is really clammy, sweaty.
"Law, you should really get to bed!" You tell him, but squeezing back.
"Whoa, so you're proposing that we..!" Law says, now a deep crimson and shaking a bit. "It's so fast, but I like it" He smiles. And yawns. He looks exhausted.
You decide that it's time to call the cavalry.
"BEPO, LAW IS REALLY HOT, GET IN HERE!" You scream for help.
"Y/n...you're so naughty! Getting another man to be with us..." Law said before collapsing.
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"Zoro, you're so hot!" You say.
"Thanks, finally someone appreciates my style" he poses in front of you with his swords.
Literal heat radiates from his body - it seems he's taken training to the next level.
"You're not so bad either" He gives you a lewd look, making you blush.
"How about we get a drink together" He tries to take your hand, but he's actually so freakishly hot that you scream "ouch!", drawing your hand away.
"Fuck I really am hot!" He realises what you meant and runs toward the reiling.
"But let's get that drink anywayyyy" He shouts on his way to cool down.
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jazminrhode1 · 7 months
Omgggg come back!! I have seen so much smut recently and I cannot dealllll :( Anywayyyy I was wondering if you could write something wedding themed totally up to you what you want, happy sad whatever I just literally finished your master list and need more lellll x Thank so much bby
The Big Day Chris Sturniolo x Reader One Shot
Summary: Heartbreak on your wedding day.
Word Count: 1375 words
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Chris was sitting in the back of his parent's minivan that you had both spent countless nights in when you were teens. As they drove down the streets painted with memories of your younger years, his heart began to race.
“How are you feeling?” Nick asked from beside him.
Chris ignored the question and instead responded with, “Will you fix your fucking tie?”
MaryLou caught his eye in the rearview mirror and offered a gentle smile. You’re going to be fine, sweetheart, is what she wanted to say but, she refrained. Today was a big day and she knew that Chris wasn’t good at times like this.
As they pulled into the church parking lot, it was filled with faces from their past and strangers that somehow made the invite list. Surely half of these people were friends of your parents that not even you recall meeting over the years.
As Chris got out of the car, your younger brother ran over and pulled him into a hug. He was so much taller than Chris now. His voice had dropped an octave and Chris’ heart lurched as he recalled the 5 year old that would run down the driveway to greet him when he came over to your house.
Chris kissed your Mom on the cheek, shook your Dad’s hand, and gestured an awkward wave to people as he made his way inside. Matt and Nick followed closely offering silent apologies to people they didn’t even know. Surely your Mom had shown them pictures of you both when he was a scrawny teen and your hair platinum blonde.
Chris often thought back to the early days of your relationship and the promises that you made to one another. He always knew that he was going to marry you, there wasn’t anyone else in this world for him. He met you on the playmat at daycare when you were both 4 years old and he has been fighting his whole life for you.
Your parents laughed about the two of you growing up and falling in love. He would bring you flowers in elementary school, write your Valentine's Day cards in middle school, and finally worked up the courage to ask you out in sophomore year. It was like a love story that was always destined to be.
As he stood in the church beside his brothers, his palms began to sweat. Like the time he walked up to your front door to pick you up for your very first date or on prom night when he waited to see you in your dress for the first time. There were so many times that he waited for you with sweaty palms and shaky hands. There were so many times that you took his breath away.
He could hear the crowds filing into the church pews that were behind him. He kept his eyes fixed on the ground between his feet and clasped his hands together to stop them from shaking.
Matt placed a reassuring hand on his back as he whispered, “You got this.”
Chris forced a smiled as the organ began to play. It felt like the blood drained from his body when he heard the church doors open. Gasps and exclamations of how beautiful you looked set butterflies swarming in his stomach. 
His legs felt like they were going to give way and he did his best to stop himself swaying from side to side. Matt wrapped an arm around Chris’ shoulders to steady him as best he could. He knew this was a big day for his brother.
One by one Chris saw your bridesmaids take their place by the altar. They were all in blush satin dresses like you had always dreamt they’d be. When you were 16, talking about the kind of wedding you wanted, Chris would have never been able to imagine the picturesque fairytale unfolding before him. There was, however, one thing he knew for certain - he would have given you whatever you wanted.
As you walked down the aisle side by side with your Dad, the wedding march sounded more like a funeral procession. He locked eyes with your Mom as you passed by his pew and made your way to your soon-to-be husband.
It wasn’t until this moment that it sunk in for him that he had missed his shot. From the day that he met you, you became the main character in his story and even after you broke up, he always hoped you’d find your way back.
Even when he got the wedding invite in the post - the one he always thought would be from Christopher Sturniolo & Y/n - he pictured you calling it off and coming back to him. He pictured a phone call from his Mom saying y/n and that boy broke up. He pictured himself standing up when the preacher said speak now or forever hold your peace and professing his love for you. 
As he sat in the audience watching a beautiful nightmare unfold before him, he knew that he had missed his chance. You were marrying this guy that he hadn’t even bothered to learn the name of and, even if he did profess his undying love for you, he wasn’t sure that you still felt the same way.
As the ceremony came to an end and the crowds followed you out, Chris stayed in his seat for a while. Matt and Nick made their way back in to find him - their hearts broke for their brother.
Out of everyone, they knew all too well how difficult today was for Chris. They knew that, for him, you were it. They knew how heartbroken he was when you left. He had mourned, for years, a future that never got to unfold. 
In the bittersweet daydreams of ‘what ifs’ and ‘could haves’, Chris would take you by the hand and run back through time to when you first met. If he had his time over, he would do things differently and you would be taking his last name today.
Instead, he wiped the tears from his face and parted with his brothers. He made his way to the dimly lit daycare room at the back of the church. It was a little smaller than he remembered but, nothing much had changed.
The timeout chair that Nick spent every afternoon on was still facing the back wall. The stuffed animal that Matt would suffocate when he cried each time his Mom left still sat atop the bookshelf. The tables were still arranged in groups of four. The height chart was still stuck on the back of the door. If he closed his eyes, he could pretend that you were both hiding in the play tent or holding hands as you sat on the mat.
He heard the creak of the door open behind him. As he turned around he spat out, “I’m coming.”
It wasn't his parents or his brothers standing behind him as he had expected it to be. It was you. There you were. 
For a split second, he was standing across from you at the altar preparing to say 'I do' before reality slapped him in the face and brought him back.
With a smile, you said, “I’m so glad you decided to come.”
I really didn't want to. “Me too”, he lied.
“I just wanted to say thank you," you began as his eyes met yours, "I am who I am because you loved me when I couldn't love myself. I always thought that we'd end up together but, I guess we were made for other people.”
His heart shattered as tears formed in his eyes. I only exist for you.
"But, I will never regret you or us. You are so special to me and even though we grew apart, you were the best part of my younger years. So, thank you, Christopher Owen Sturniolo. I think I'll always love you," you said as a tear slipped from your eye.
He was unprepared for this conversation. He has so much to say but, none of it felt right.
"Thank you," he said, "I am so happy that you found the love that you deserve."
You took in a deep breath as you walked over and pulled him into a hug. His arms wrapped around you. You held onto each other a little too long for ‘just friends’ and a little too tight for ‘strangers’.
He patted your back as he pulled away. "I think your husband might be waiting for you," he said.
"Right", you replied as you wiped the tears from your eyes. As you headed to the door, you spun back toward him, "How do I look?"
His breath caught in his throat, "You look beautiful," he whispered, "he's a lucky guy."
You held his gaze a second longer before you slipped out the door and down the hall. Someone always has to be the first to leave and you never thought it would be you. 
Chris pulled out one of the toddler chairs, sat down, and dropped his head in his hands. Nick and Matt had been waiting for him in the hallway and rushed in after you left.
As Matt knelt down in front of Chris, for the first time in their lives he didn't know what to say to make his brother feel better. He wanted to take the heartbreak from his brother but, he couldn't. Chris looked up, tears rolling down his cheeks.
"I'm sorry," was all Matt could come up with, "I know how much you love her." Love not loved because he knew that Chris was scared that he would always love you and that he would search for you in every person that he met.
Matt and Nick helped Chris to his feet and pulled him into a hug. Sometimes there are no words that you can say to fix a broken heart.
Tag list: @slaysturniolo
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
DBF!Santi showing up to m/c’s apartment at like 9PM— she’s fresh out of the shower and in a thin lounging robe.
They have the kind of dynamic where she’s sorta in control. He’s just looking at her like she’s the entire world… y’know the look.
Even though he’s got the physical strength, he allows her to make the moves.
Pressing him onto his back in bed with kisses, her straddling him and slowly opening her robe. He sees she doesn’t have anything on underneath!!! ANYWAYYYY —LOVE YA!
Song inspo is White Tee by Summer Walker 🤤💞
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What a Surprise
dbf!Santiago "Pope" Garcia X f!Reader
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KCAJNDAKJNCA - dbf!Santi kills me, I yearn. I love this I hope I did it justice :)
Tags/Warnings: NSFW, age gap, Reader is 20+, Santi Garcia is literally your dad's bf, fingering
Word Count: 709
It was simple, the way you ended up straddling your dad’s best friend in your apartment on a Sunday evening. He came to you, unprovoked, and after not hearing from him for a week. You presumed he moved on, but there he was, knocking on your door after your shower while you wore nothing but a thin robe.
He looked you up and down with that furrowed brow, that hungry look he always got when you were around. You smirked irritably, unsure if you should slam the door in his face or jump into his arms.
“Thought you’d found someone better.” You said, walking into the kitchen.
You started idly cleaning, something you did when you felt anxious.
He let out a sigh, “better than you, bebita? No chance. Your dad needed help with the kitchen renovation this week.” He wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and buried his face into the nape of your neck, “I couldn’t exactly excuse myself to go fuck his daughter now could I?”
You groaned and slipped away from him, “you could’ve texted me.”
“Just picked up a new phone today. Accidentally dropped the other one”
You turned around and crossed your arms over your chest.
“Santi I-”
He didn’t give you the opportunity to protest, stepping forward, cupping your cheeks in his strong hands and kissing you deeply.
“Show me.” He said breathlessly.
“Show you what I-”
He kissed you again, “show me how upset you are sweetheart.”
“Ok, fine.” You said, grabbing his collar and pulling him in.
The kisses got sloppier, and his hands became more explorative as you both made your way to the bedroom. He may have been stronger than you, but he was giving up control, letting you push him onto the bed with force. You straddled him, his hands gripped your sides.
“I like this fabric, what is that silk?” He tugged at the belt, letting your robe fall open.
He nearly choked, seeing that you weren’t wearing anything underneath.
“Mm bebita.” He cooed, sitting up and taking one of your nipples into his mouth.
You were doing a terrible job of showing him how angry you were, and you suspected he knew you’d cave the moment he got his hands on you. Santi seemed to practically worship the ground you walked on whenever he was around you, knowing exactly what you needed, always touching you in just the right way.
He slipped both of his fingers deep into your soaking channel, pulling your head down for a kiss. You had lost control completely. So much for showing him.
“You still mad baby?” He asked, rubbing your clit with the pad of his thumb.
You nodded, “mhm” you said against his lips.
“How mad?” He started fucking you with his thick fingers even harder.
“S-Santi…I can’t…”
You could hardly speak, and you certainly couldn’t form a coherent sentence. He grabbed your nipple with his mouth again, teething at the hardened nub. You gasped, looking down at him. His eyes shot up and looked at you before tracing back down to his work. You grabbed the back of his head, accepting defeat and letting him suck on your breast while he continued to finger you vigorously.
“Tell me, you said you were upset, c’mon. Tell me how upset you are bebita.” He said with your nipple between his teeth.
“F-fuck, Santi I-”
“Come on sweetheart…I’ve heard you run that pretty little mouth before, I know you can do it.” He was trying so hard to get you to berate him, but he’d rendered you speechless.
“You what? Come on.” He continued sliding his fingers over your walls in a come hither motion.
“Asshole.” You managed to say.
He chuckled against your breast, “yeah, not the first time I heard that one. Want me to stop?”
“N-no!” You yelled, partially in ecstasy, and partial in frustration with yourself for giving in so easily.
Finally, with the combination of his hardworking fingers and lazily suckling mouth your walls clamped over him in waves. You fell like putty into his hands while you rutted against him, chasing every bit of that feeling until it was over.
“There you go. Now…what was it you were upset with me for?”
Melody's Birthday Celebration
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padfootdaredmetoo · 9 months
Hii I can’t remember if I sent this in or not🤔🤔
Can I please (if it’s okay) request a Platonic!Tangerine + Lemon x fem!reader where Y/n is around 5/6 years old. After Tan & Lem save The Son, they happen to have to stop for gas before driving to the train station (lol I can see how much they would argue about that lol like, 🍊-“How exactly could you steal a car that doesn’t have gas??” 🍋-“How exactly was I supposed to know that??”🤣). Y/n sneaks into their car while their arguing about getting gas, steals both their wallets, and starts to run off but they notice her and are easily able to catch up to her and bring her back (although she kicks them in the shins and swats at them lol). They see their younger selves in this tiny, mischievous little girl and once again bicker on what to do (whether or not to bring her with them since she has nowhere to go), lol and Y/n is like, “Are you two almost done? I’ve got LOTS of places to be” and they look at each other, then her like “….🙄”. Anywayyyys, she goes with them on the Bullet Train (as they didn’t think it would be as eventful as it became), and she’s sitting in her seat, holding a momomon plushie (that Tangerine definitely nicked for her lol), sipping a juice box, and watching Thomas the Tank Engine on Lemon’s phone with headphones the whole time it goes down. Butttt she accidentally saves Tan when she goes looking for him and Lemon (she misses them) and finds Tan right as he’s confronting The Prince about being a Diesel. She yells his name and runs up, jumping into his arms happily, also happily jumping into Lemon’s arms when they realize that he was just asleep 🥺🥺 Tan, Lem, and their now new little sister escape the train and go home to London together where they raise her🥺🧡💛
Hey Love,
It's embarrassing how long ago this was sent in. Thanks for being a great friend <3 Hope you enjoy!
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“Did you actually steal a car with no fucking  gas in it?” Tangerine was pinching the bridge of his nose hating how his blood pressure was already through the roof and the stupid job wasn't even half over yet. 
“Well, it's hard to know which cars have gas or not,” Lemon answered easily as he pulled over at an empty gas station. He wanted to shout but settled for slamming the dashboard with his hand instead.  
He got out of the car to light a cigarette, he doubted the owner would get his car back, but still, he had manners. Lemon put gas in the car and Tan turned around to look at him, when in the corner of his eye he caught something move by his leg. 
“OI!” He shouted and instinctively reached into his pants pocket to feel an empty place where his wallet should be. “FUCK.” 
All the job details were scribbled on a napkin in his wallet, he took off into a run and caught the little kid. The first thing he noticed was how light they were. He felt triumphant as he caught the little bastard. 
The knotted mats in the boy's hair and the dirt on his face made his heart sink. 
He grew up with boys like this. He would thank God every day that his own mother held on as long as she did. He and Lemon still got put on a dark path, they had difficult childhoods, but nothing in comparison to what this boy must have gone through. 
In his moment of reflection, he realized the boy was kicking him. 
“Oi! Settle down.” He said unsure of what to do. He didnt know Japan well, not well enough to know a place to drop the kid where they would be safe. 
“Fuck you.” a little English accent hit his ears and his heart gave a twinge. “Bit far from home, eh?” He said watching the kid still struggling in his grasp. 
“Says you.” The kid bit back. 
“What the fuck is this?’ Lemon had come over and took the wallet from the kid's fist. The kid tried to lunge at him, jaw snapping like a dog. He looked around thankful to see that no one seemed to notice or care. 
“Piss off!” The boy yelled in a high voice. 
“Well, can't just let you go can we?” Lemon said in a serious voice. Tan assumed he was trying to scare the boy into better behavior. He flashed the gun on his hip and the boy stopped moving immediately. 
“Bit harsh” He mouthed silently. 
“I can stay with you then?” The kid's voice was soft and he suddenly realized that he was dealing with a little girl.
Tan and Lemon looked at each other. 
“Fuck.” Tan swore and hauled the little troublemaker back to the car. He would think of a plan on the way to the train. Maybe someone at the station would be able to help her find the authorities. Maybe she had parents desperately looking for her. 
Looking over her bruised skin and dirty clothes he strongly doubted it. She had been on the streets for a long time, which was strange considering she hadn't even been alive that long. 
He buckled her into the back seat and realized he was stuffing a small child next to a mob boss's incapacitated adult kid.  
He gave her a stern look. “No funny business.” She gave him a nod. She was going with them too easily. How many other men had picked her up in the past? 
He got into the passenger seat and Lemon pulled out of the gas station. 
“Is he dead?” The girl asks looking over at the crumpled man. 
“No, no, that’s our - um -” Lemon started. 
“Friend! He’s just really sleepy” Tan continued. 
“Jetlag, it’s a real killer.” 
“Oh.” She said easily. “Where are we going?” 
“On a train!” Lemon responded enthusiastically. Tan could have punched him in the face. Obviously, they weren't taking the girl on the mission with them. He reached into his pocket for a cigarette, to hell with the car owner, to hell with everything - except he wouldn't smoke in the car with a kid. He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. 
“Lemon, we can't take her with us.” he hissed hoping she wouldn't pay attention. 
“Can’t leave her with the police.” He hissed back.
“No! I don’t want to go with them.” She looked scared for the first time. Tan’s stomach gave a painful lurch and he sighed in defeat. 
“See, she doesn't want to go with them,” Lemon said sternly. “She can stay with us until it’s over, then we can bring her back to England and try to find her family.” 
“I don’t want to go with them either!” Her voice got even higher a sense of panic evident in her features. 
“Well, then we can put you in boarding school or something?” 
“Like Hogwarts?” She said suspiciously. 
“Sure.” Lemon nodded. Tan gave him a light shove, he shouldn't be getting the girl's hopes up. 
“Wot?!” Lemon said in a sharp tone. “She’s not going to get into a decent university unless she goes to a good school.” 
“Ah yes, her university choices are what’s important right now,” Tan said in a voice dripping with sarcasm. 
“Never too soon to start thinking about your options. That was our mistake.” Lemon looked at the girl in the mirror. “What are you thinking? Doctor, neurosurgen, artist- “ 
“I was thinking about law actually.” She said in a mater of fact voice. 
“That’s even better, street criminal turned lawyer. Excellent origin story.” Lemon gave a nod of approval. 
Tan was thinking about how bad it would be if he opened the car door and jumped. The thought of being scattered across the highway was attractive, but he would never leave his brother. He sighed and prayed that the night would go by smoothly. 
After a quick stop for clothes and toiletries, they took over a disabled toilet and tried to clean the girl up. Thankfully she was at an age where she could manage almost everything alone leaving them to face the door. The son sitting on the toilet hunched against the tile wall. 
She could manage everything except her long brown hair. Lemon sat her on the edge of the sink, putting her feet in the basin. He combed out what Knotts he could and he watched the girl try to sit very still. He picked a purple jumper that would cover the bruises on her arms. She and Lemon picked out a pair of bejeweled jeans and some light-up sneakers. They got her the essentials and stuffed them all into a light purple backpack that had daisies embroidered into it. 
It’s stupid but it made him happy to do it. She got to pick whatever she wanted, no strings attached. Something he didnt have, that he could give to someone else. His heart felt a bit bigger, and he wondered if maybe he wanted kids someday. 
“I can’t get the bigger ones out without detangler so I’ll have to do a braid for now.” 
“Will you have to cut it?” Her eyes got wide.
“Nah, this is salvageable,” Lemon assured her and Tan wondered why he knew so much about hair. “We can get some proper stuff tomorrow.”
“Thanks for all this.” She said looking at her knees, face red. Lemon lifted her out of the sink and set her down on her feet. 
“Don’t mention it.” Tan patted her head. “Now, I know you're probably thinking about bolting or just trouble-causing in general.” 
She opened her mouth to protest and he held out a hand to silence her. “This is a work trip for us, any funny business and all three of us will be in big danger. Please do as I say on the train.” He started down at her trying to make sure she understood. 
“Okay.” She nodded. He and Lemon gave each other a nod before getting out of the toilets. 
Tan got the girl settled in the seat next to him handing her a stupid-looking plushy he snatched on the way in. Lemon took out his phone and handed it to her with a pair of headphones. Thomas the tank engine was on and she shrugged putting the earphones in. 
Then everything went to shit. Thankfully every time he came back to the compartment she was sitting with the headphones in tucked into her seat. 
You didnt really understand what the men were doing. Or why they were named after fruits. You couldn't even truly understand why you were trusting them. You originally just wanted to make it back to London, not to find the family that abandoned you in Japan, just to be back where you came from. 
Distant thoughts of a great aunt swam in your mind. Maybe she would take you in? You could live in the countryside with her. The thoughts slipped away as you looked back at the phone screen. Another episode of Thomas started and you sighed. This was a baby show and you wanted to watch something more grown up. You tried to use the phone but couldn't find any other movies or shows. 
You looked at the time and realized that they had been gone for a long time. Your stomach dropped. What if they got off the train? Your heart started to race as you realized how much you wanted to stay with them. 
You got out of the seat and moved through the train. It was completely empty so you ran faster. Your eyes started to fill up with tears and you thought it was stupid to get this upset. They wouldn't be the first people to let you down and they probably weren't the last either. 
Men can't be trusted 
The thought brought up a thousand painful memories and you tried to run away from them. Searching everywhere you made it into the last compartment. Tan was there, your eyes locked on to him and everything else became unimportant. 
“TANGERINE.” You shouted then ran at him. He knelt down to catch you. You put your arms around his neck tightly, determined not to let go of him again. 
“It’s alright. Everything is going to be alright.” He patted your back and you relaxed in his arms. As long as he didnt put you down you felt okay about everything. 
 Just as she burst into the carriage, the other girl turned to see who was barging in, a diesel sticker stuck to the back of her shoulder. The small girl jumped up into his arms and held on to him tightly. She hid her face in his neck and his protective senses went into overdrive. 
Diesel was here and he had a fucking 5 year old in his arms. He just had to play it cool. 
“It’s alright. Everything is going to be alright.” He murmured to the girl trying to soothe her and reassure himself. 
There was a loud explosion of gunfire and Tan immediately tried to shield the little girl in his arms. So much for soothing. The Prince crumpled to the ground as her brain matter scattered the train car. Lemon lowered his gun and he was overwhelmed with emotion. 
The kid was fine, Lemon was fine. He would make it through this. Lemon came over and put an arm around him and the girl. She reached a hand out to grab onto the collar of his shirt. 
“That’s a sick fucking family reunion.” Ladybug came into the compartment looking agitated. He proceeded to throw up and then round on Lemon about shooting innocent girls. Eventually they all got on the same page and let the rest of the events take place. 
All in all, by the end of the night, he had adopted a kid, survived a train crash, almost lost his brother, and another hundred traumatic things.  The girl had curled up in his lap and he held on to her while she slept. They had hijacked a tangerine truck and were trying to put as much distance between them and the crash as possible. 
“I was serious about boarding school,” Lemon said while trying to steer and peel a tangerine at the same time. 
“No,” Tan said firmly taking the fruit from him to peel it himself. There were a million reasons not to send her to boarding school. He hated snotty children and he knew they would make it their mission in life to make her miserable. She had no stability in her life, sending her to be raised like cattle in a school was just depressing. Not to mention what if the staff were awful to her? All sorts of terrible things could happen there. 
“Look we can’t just leave her here.” Lemon said finally sounding genuinely upset. 
“Doesnt mean we can’t get our self a spot somewhere nice and send her to school the normal way.” He shoved a slice of Tangerine in to Lemon’s hand. 
“Finally get to go house shopping,” Lemon said excitedly and Tan started to envision what the rest of his life was going to look like. It was void of murder, women, drugs, and chaos. He would probably have to quit smoking too. He frowned, he didnt really have any idea about girls or how to raise them. Most of the girls from his neighborhood either got into drugs, prostitution, or married mobsters. 
He looked down at the little kid in his lap. Her face was red and she was drooling on what was left of his suit. He would just do his best. 
Lemon picking a house and letting her help decorate it because it’s also her house too. 
Them realizing that kids at her level at school can already read and do some maths. Them panicking and teaching her to read in a month so she’s ready when school starts in September. Her getting there and being ahead of the other kids because they messed up thinking she was a level ahead of her age. She gets to feel super smart for once and then becomes very bookish. 
Tan and Lemon reading parenting books and quizzing eacohter on what to do in various situations and how to be strict. But when she asks for something with puppy dog eyes they cave anyway. 
They always watch TV with her in case they don't like what’s happening on the show. Always trying to make sure she doesn't watch anything violent in case she gets triggered by what happened on the train or her life before.
Both of them sitting there trying not to smoke or die while listening to her struggle to read Harry Potter. After a few pages, Lemon goes “That was great almost done chapter one.” “That was only one chapter?” Tan says and Lemon gives him a look. “How long is this book anyway?” “The first one is the shortest.” “There's more than one?!” 
“Duh, there’s 7” She says happy that there is so much material meaning there will be lots of reading time as a family.
Her actually becoming a Lawyer and putting criminals away rather than carrying on the family business of killing them.
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ventisweetheart · 2 years
Hi! I heard your requests were open. I have been missing Lisa Minci and any mission that involves her (i hope they make her more connected to sumeru in 2.8) ANYWAYYYY can I request for a GN reader or a female one (whatever works) in which the reader takes good care of a flirty/tipsy/drunk Lisa after a birthday party (could be jean or any other character) I JUST MISS LISA MINCI CONTENT SO MUCH 🥲🥲🙏
Drunk!Lisa x Female! Reader
Author's Note: Hiii anon! Thank you so much for this request, I have never written for Lisa before and I am so happy to! I love this idea, I hope you enjoy <3
Warnings: Drinking, Alcohol, VERY VERY VERY slight nsfw like one line, a very drunk Lisa pretty much haha.
Genre: Not too sure, but there is a lot of fluff and comfort at the end :)
Summary: Jean come by frantically looking for you to come by Angel's Share to get Lisa, seems like she has had a bit too much to drink...
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You didn't have time to join the birthday party they were holding up at Angel's Share so there you were, walking back to your home after a long day of doing work around Monstadt and your daily comissions when Jean came running to you, calling out your name.
''Hey Y/n! Hold up-'' She takes a second to catch her breath before she speaks again. She straights out her posture and sighs.
''Hey.. sorry for coming like this so suddenly, please exuse me. Uh but, if it's not an issue could you come by Angel's Share for a minute. We kind of need your help..''
You were a little annoyed. You were really looking foward to getting a full 8 hours of sleep tonight since you were off early, but you didn't complain.
''Of course, what's going on?''
''Well, it's Lisa. She got a little too lose tonight, and now she is dancing on tables and spilling wine everywhere. We tried to get her to go back home but she wouldn't budge, so we thought you could help?''
''Oh Archons, yes I will be there soon. Thank you Jean.'' You sigh before heading straight for Angel's Share.
You open the door and walk into Angel's Share, calling for Lisa.
''O-oh look! It's my *hic* f-favorite person~'' She slugglishly walks up to you with a drink in her hand and half-lidded eyes.
''Come on Lisa, let's get you home.'' You take the drink from her hand and set it on a table near you. You give some mora to Diluc to pay for the drinks. You're not sure if they were payed, but you didn't bother asking.
''Ah- waiiiit. Cutie *hic* c-come onnn. Not yet, please~'' She slurs while she makes a pathetic attempt to drag you back in. You nod your head and drag her out the door.
''Aha~ You know, you are *hic* l-looking extra fine this evening cutie~''
''And you are looking extra drunk this evening Lisa, why did you drink so much? You usually don't hang loose like this too often.'' You were a little frusterated. You could be in bed right now, you thought. But you care for her so you wouldn't just leave her like this.
''Mhm I don't know aha I- I don't remember anything aha~ hey.. c-can I sleep at your place *hic* tonight?'' At this point you didn't mind and you knew it would be a bad idea to just drop her off and leave her, so you agreed.
You walk into a guest room you have in your home and set her on the bed.
''I have something you can change into that I think will fit you for the night, you have wine spilled all over you.''
''Oh~ so you want me to strip huh?'' She says tugging at the sleeve of her dress.
''What? No just change, tell me when you're done.'' You roll your eyes
''*hic* I am just kidding aha, you're so red~'' You quickly close the door. You go to the kitchen to get a cold rag and a cup of water ready.
A few minutes pass and you go back to the room with the water and cold rag.
''I-I guess it does fit aha.''
''Come on, drink this.'' You put the cup of water to her lips and she begins to drink. You lay her down on the bed and put the rug on her head.
''Goodnight, sleep well.'' You get up to leave but you are stopped when you feel her grab your wrist.
''Cutie~ can you hold me, please I feel lonely'' You give her a small smile and sit next to her.
''Scoot over, make some room for me.'' She moves over a little and pats the spot next to her, winking at you. You take her in your arms and rub small circles on her back to soothe her to sleep.
''Thank you f-for taking care of me'' She says while she quickly drifts off to sleep.''
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tawaifeddiediaz · 8 months
twenty questions for fic writers
@captain-hen my beloved ily thank you for tagging me.
how many works do you have on AO3?
what’s your total AO3 word count?
what fandoms do you write for?
i usually write for 911, but i've written for 911LS, marvel (just once, for Stucky), and emma x julian from the dark artifices series.
what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
a christmas miracle - the first friends to fiances fic i wrote now that it's over (and i'm sober) - @ao3theskyisblue and i wrote this because we were thirsting over buck hopping into the hot air balloon you better run from me (before i take your soul) - that's a fic i wrote about buck's childhood way, WAY, before we knew anything about phil and marge. let me go - buck gets kidnapped and made into a human bomb, eddie saves him, boom. to glimpse red - buck pulls eddie out of the well
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i try to so much, because it's so nice of people to leave them in the first place, but historically i haven't been great because i kinda just post and dip because i hate my writing 99% of the time lmao
what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i wrote a fic (which isn't completed and will never be completed) where eddie dies, and i have a fic in the works where chris dies that isn't posted yet lol.
what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i don't even know what the happiest ending would be, because most of my fics end on a happier note but i think cinnamon kisses was very cute and fluffy. love like (the sweetest) chocolate was also very flufftastic.
do you get hate on fics?
yup. not always directly on the fic itself, but they drop into my inbox.
do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes, and the depraved kind.
do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
not always, but i was watching high school musical: the musical the series, and i made a 911 crossover, and that's insane to me ajkdlasjdl
have you ever had a fic stolen?
have you ever had a fic translated?
i think someone just reached out about a chinese translation for a fic @ao3theskyisblue and i wrote, but other than that, no.
have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes! with @ao3theskyisblue and @bieddiediaz <3
what’s your all time favorite ship?
buddie lol
what’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
buddie hate fic, buddie hockey au, love, eddie, so much.
what are your writing strengths?
hmmm i like that i can use metaphors, and sometimes it's the extended metaphors that take my breath away when i go to re-read one of my fics.
what are your writing weaknesses?
that i usually don't like any of my writing without the advantage of some distance and time xD i also wish i could write longer fics.
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i've done it, and i love it so much. i had a fic i wrote years and years ago, when i was first starting out, that was half urdu and half english. the urdu just worked so much better.
first fandom you wrote for?
it was a youtube group and i wrote an au for it xD it embarrassed about it all now.
favorite fic you’ve written?
in the dark (with the stars) is one of my favorites because it's so personal and it feels like i just dropped my bleeding heart into it so...i do quite like it. i also like acts of service because it was a fricking insane prompt from a show @bedhadakdiaz and i were watching LMAOO
anywayyyy i finally got through this xD @deareddie @ao3theskyisblue @negansmiith @oneawkwardcookie @bieddiediaz @alkaysani @renecdote @miserykites and anyone else who wants to do this hehe
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imhereforscm · 6 months
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"One dance" part 2
Genre: angst/romance
Warnings: none
A/N: Your outline was perfect, hun, don't put your self down💖💖 I wanna kick Tumblr so badly😚👏✨ Because I was half done formatting it and I put it as a draft to continue later and for SOME reason, it decided to NOT LET ME EDIT IT, SO I HAD TO DELETE IT AND REDO IT! AND THE ASK GOT DELETED TOO, THANK GOD I HAD A SCREENSHOT!😃🔪 ANYWAYYYY, ENJOY!!💕💕
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The sharp end of his quill dug into the yellowish paper and formed dark lines and curves, along with circles. When the letters faded, he moved the quill away from it, dipping it back into the pot filled with ink as dark as the nightly terrors that plagued one’s mind. He turned towards his paper again, but his hand froze, his mind hushing all thoughts except one…
How beautiful you were.
Your eyes shone with millions of sparks, the stars in them dancing as elegantly as you moved and your gorgeous hair swayed around your face, a deserving frame of your beautiful features.
The blood fell from his face though, rushing to his stomach and dropping along with it. Ink was dripping from the tip of his quill onto his paper, but he didn’t care, he didn’t even notice.
A god was following you and Tauxolouve knew him. They’ve never spoken, but he knew he was the same age as the two of you, his face admittedly handsome and his body pleasant to look at. Yet he never imaged he’d see you with your arm linked in his, grinning and whispering amongst yourselves.
The library was quiet, Tauxolouve’s strained breaths and rapid heartbeats the loudest thing he was aware of. His fingers grew limb, his quill falling and rolling across the paper with a tap against the wooden table, causing a crack to ruin the flawless surface of the library’s silence.
At the sound, your eyes flitted to him and the corners of your lips, that brightened up your face so beautifully just a moment ago fell, your eyebrows lowering and eyes losing their spark, the stars in them dull.
The young god beside you turned to you, speaking words Tauxolouve couldn’t identify because of the distance separating you, but his eyebrows curled in worry, the look in his face proving concern.
Tauxolouve’s mouth dried. If it was his decision alone, he’d run up to you and hold you in his arms. He’d tell you how sorry he was and how much he craved for your eyes to be on him, your hand in his and your sweet scent to stain his clothes. He’d confess of the nights he’s laid on the grass and dreamt of you as he admired the countless stars that adorned the sky. He’d even tell you of the times your lips enticed him to kiss them, to trace them with his thumb. Anything, so long as you’d forgive him. As long as you’d be his and he’d be yours.
Your heels smacked the floor lightly, but he could hear your hurry in them and depict it in your manners. Such as the clumsy way you grabbed the young god’s hand and reasoned with him to leave with you.
Tauxolouve’s jaw clenched and he pursed his lips together. The way this god looked at you was the same way he’s always dreamt of openly looking at you. And the way you smiled… His heart tightened in his chest and his eyes fell to the black ink smeared across the yellowish paper, ruining his neat handwriting.
The way you smiled at him was the same way you had smiled at him that night at the ball, a few months back, when guilt wasn’t staining his mind and even though his days were dipped in melancholic foreboding and he watched silently as the things he loved faded and got covered in dust by the lack of use… At least he hadn’t hurt you. At least the sight of him didn’t cause your smile to die.
By the time Tauxolouve finished his school assignments, the moon had exiled the sun from the sky, stealing the throne it rightfully deserved and offering the night sky the silver jewels it made by itself, while it was waiting for the sun to stop being selfish and blinding.
His head was empty. The only thing he could feel was a painful aching coming from his heart and filling his chest with blades that hurt him with each breath. Stepping out into the night breeze, he walked slowly, allowing the cool air to pass through his dark hair, hopping to blow away his heartbreak too, but unfortunately that is not how it works. The laws of love and loss were not determined by the wind. That’s why it wasn’t flitting and remained like a scar, reminding you for a long time of every heartbreak or every racing of the heart.
Love had the potential to feel like flowers blooming, their petals tickling one’s stomach, but also like lightning striking you and killing you.
He heard talking, words tied together like music notes across a staff and upon turning his head, his lips parted, but he didn’t say anything. Instead, he remained there, staring at a painting that made his eyes bleed and his heart stop.
The young god was smiling down at you tenderly, his eyes soft and your back was facing Tauxolouve, who longed to be the man holding you right now. “Good night.” He said and leant in, his eyes closing.
Tauxolouve’s heart jolted and before it could leap out of his throat, he moved to leave. He would’ve had… Had you not stopped the young god.
Your pretty hand touched his chest and he opened his eyes again, staring at you in subtle curiosity. “I’m not ready.” You said, denying his lips.
“Alright.” He nodded, his hands slipping away from your waist slowly. “Good night.”
“Good night.” You turned away from the young god, only for the step you were about to take to vanish, your foot staying in place. Your eyes found Tauxolouve’s and you stared at him wordlessly, a lump in you throat as your mind was kept prisoner to his presence.
“How have you been?” Tauxolouve asked, hesitantly taking a step closer to you, relieved to see you weren’t pulling away.
You swallowed thickly and forced your gaze away from his. “Good, thank you.” You straightened your back, still not daring to look back at him, knowing full well you’d never be able to say the next words if you did. “I hope you’ve been well too. Good night.”
“Wait!” He called out, his hand reaching out for you, but stopping just before he could touch you, assuming you wouldn’t want that.
You turned to him sharply, your face not stern, but still guarded. “It’s late. I want to go home.”
“I know, I’m sorry. But…” He breathed in deeply and fisted his hands by either side of his hips. “I need to tell you something.” He paused, staring like a desperate man into your eyes and perhaps, that’s what he was. A desperate man. Desperate for no one else, but you. “That night, when you confessed at the ball…” He began, seeing as you were listening to him, although your body was slightly turned away from him. “I denied you, but please. Please, allow me to take it back…!”
“What are you asking of me?” You asked, your heart racing and it hurt you deeply. It shouldn’t be racing like this. You had moved on… Or so you thought. Regardless, you had to keep yourself together.
“I’m asking if you’d want to try this with me. Be together, I mean.” He didn’t know what he was doing. He swore he’d push them all away, so he wouldn’t have anyone to lose, yet here he was, blinded by love and pain and going against his better judgment.
You closed your eyes and inhaled deeply, your body facing him fully. Your heart ushered you to accept, yet your mind advised you to deny. You promised yourself a new start after all. And you had someone who loved you and treated you well. It was wrong for you to yearn for Tauxolouve still. “Like you said back then… It won’t last. After two weeks, everything will fade away. After one dance all of this will be nothing, but another experience in your list of lovers. I will be yet another meaningless name among the many. That’s not what I want.”
The cracks across Tauxolouve’s heart spread more and more, until the bloody carves connected and his heart fell apart, blood no longer flowing in his veins, as he listened to you, answering him honestly about a lie.
“Being another goddess is not what I want.” You said, hurting inside, but you steeled yourself and turned your back to him. “I want to be someone who lasts. I want a love that’s deep and strong, not something that’s disposable and useless after two weeks. I’m sorry, but our goals just don’t align…” And then you fled, your feet moving quickly away from him, so he wouldn’t see the tears you could no longer hold within your ribcage.
Tauxolouve’s head hang low, his gaze unfocused on the ground as his eyes blurred. He hated himself. He hated his fate. He hated not being able to cherish the one he loves. And he hated how there was no one here to grant his wish.
“I wish you understood…” He muttered, a broken whisper lost in wind.
That night, you sat outside at the balcony of your house, your arms folded onto the table and your face buried in them. Usually you’d stare up at the stars, but you didn’t dare to anymore. Their silver glory reminded you of all the dreams you’d craft.
You’d dream of him and his caramel scent wrapping around you, as he’d hug you close. You craved to nuzzle your nose into his chest, or rest your temple onto his shoulder and stargaze with him.
But you forced yourself to get rid of those dreams now… Thus, you avoided the sight of the stars, your mind not obeying your wishes, or the fact that you were with someone else right now.
You closed your eyes, trying to part your senses with everything around you, blocking away the reality and your surroundings, so you could fade into darkness. And apparently, it worked a little too well. Your muscles relaxed and your breathing slowed down, your eyelashes resting on your cheeks, as your mind drifted away.
Humans would often say the laws of the universe are unpredictable. No one really knows what life has for them next. Gods, on the other hand, never question such things. They’re connected to the universe, pulling the strings of humans’ fates, be it through reforming them or rewarding them.
Yet what they didn’t know… Was that a god’s wish could be granted ever so often.
Your mind molded a lake, its waters crystalline, though when you peered into them, your reflection was not present. You looked around you, your brows furrowing at how vivid and real the dream felt.
A statue of a god came into view and casting your eyes lower, a god in his teenage years stood there, paint brush in hand and his fingers stained in colors. His eyes were dark and gorgeous as the sunlight found home within them and when he stared at you, your breath hitched.
But gazing closer, you noticed his gaze was not quite on you. His eyes were casted far, a peaceful expression across his face. Your mind was hazy… Who was that god…? He looked familiar, but you couldn’t name him, like a place you’ve been in your childhood and is now nothing but a fever dream you’re not even sure if really existed.
Then his face blurred, the image wrinkling like the surface of the lake’s water and you found yourself inspecting the next thing you saw closely. Now, a man was right in front of you, his features helping you connect the previous young god to this one.
In this image, his face was shaped with every aspect of maturity and although he was an adult, you could still tell you knew him.
Something tugged at your heartstrings at the sight of him though. His face was covered in dust, his clothes wrinkled and also dirtied and your throat tightened the more you looked at the distress written all over his beautiful face.
Just as the image began to fade and your world got dipped into endless and bottomless darkness, a tear streamed down your cheek. “He’s dying…!” You choked out.
A big portion of air entered your throat suddenly and your eyes opened widely. You sat up, gazing frantically all around you. For the breathtaking lake, the handsome young god, the beautiful yet sorrowful man that pushed everyone away so he wouldn’t have to part with anything… Yet no one was here, except from you and a single name in your mind. “Tauxolouve…”
Beams of sunlight slipped through the brunches of the trees, adorned with bright green leaves, representing life and purity. And yet, you couldn’t enjoy them like you normally would.
Sitting below the shade of a tall tree with a book in hand, your efforts to ease your mind were proven pointless. Your eyes were on the pages, but your mind was unable to focus or process anything the letters tired to explain.
Early this morning you had broken up with the young god. The guilt was too heavy to bear at this point and the chain attaching you to him snapped, metallic pieces scattering everywhere.
You shut the book and set it on your lap, before you buried your face in your hands. The dreams of a god were never a coincidence. They always meant something and always told the truth.
You heard the sounds of soles wandering down the green path, with the intoxicating scent of the flowers enchanting every sense and muscle. You looked up… “Tauxolouve!” You cried out, with much more volume than you had intended and Tauxolouve halted in his path, staring at you in surprise.
“Yes…?” He asked, hesitantly. His eyes seemed lifeless and his movements sluggish and it hurt you deeply. Those eyes were not the same eyes of the young god from the dream and it only proved how broken he is. It only proved how much pain he has been carrying on his shoulders up until this point.
“I need to speak to you.” You said, lowering your voice again and pursing your lips together after you said that.
He swallowed thickly, expecting only the worst after what he did last night, but he still complied. Could it have been your precious eyes, your lovely voice or perhaps his desire to behold you staring at him? He earnestly didn’t know, but he allowed the desire to overtake him, like a leaf on the waves of a current.
You inhaled deeply and looked up at him with watery irises, which reminded him of gems at the bottom of a marble fountain. “I am so sorry… I… I had no idea…!” You began to speak, yet all your reason crumbled, your vocal cords bending in a manner that gave out a broken sob.
“What are you apologizing for?” He asked, surprised and worried to see you shedding your beautiful tears and words. “You’ve never done a single awful deed.”
“I have.” You insisted, biting down onto your lips in frustration. “I didn’t know… How much you’ve struggled.”
“What are you talking about, little lady?” He asked, working up the courage to cup your face in his hands and wipe your tears away with his thumbs, before more streamed down your cheekbones.
“Tauxolouve…” You breathed, before spreading out your arms and enveloping Tauxolouve’s torso within them. “I did know your true intensions behind anything. I judged you incorrectly and only made your pain worse…” You paused, sucking in a few quick breaths, before continuing. “You pushed me–and everyone else–away so you wouldn’t have to part with anything once you’ll die. I had no idea…”
“How do–“ Tauxolouve’s arms tightened around you. “You need to let go before your boyfriend sees.” He tried to reason and pull away, but you gripped his clothes and kept him there, within your hug.
“I broke up with him. I don’t want to be with him, I never loved him.” Looking up at him, Tauxolouve’s mind hushed and you threw his heart into chaos with your sweet tongue. “I love you. I want to be with you, please don’t push me away.”
Tauxolouve placed his hand on the back of your head, pulling your face into his chest.
“Lou…?” You asked softly, feeling the slight jolt of his body.
“Don’t look, please. Just… Just give me those moments…” He answered, his voice shaky. A cool tear fell onto your forehead and you gave his body a squeeze.
“I love you. Please, allow me to be by your side and ease your pains form now on.”
“(Name)…” He sobbed more clearly now. “Thank you, thank you… I love you.”
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insanebirddog · 2 months
oopsies my hand slipped [i deleted tumblr off my phone so now i dont post much bc i am to lazy to log in on my computer]
i wanna get into boxing like SO bad chat, literally is a spot based around violence and is the best one for me to get into as someone whos not in school [ love being a drop-out /sarc ]
and did i mention the violence? like, im not bragging this is a negatitve thing for me to have but i have a lot of violent tendencies, it is really bad genuinely. So im hoping this'll be a good outlet for me once ive got the money to pay for my fighting class [ is actually unrelated to the boxing class, but is something else i wanted to mention. ] and to get into boxing! and by that i need to get a job & quick before i run out of motivation to start persuing this bc it gen gen gen gen gen gen gen gen gen could be a huuuuge help 2 me.
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pacifymebby · 2 years
how they would spoil you on valentine’s day! ❤️(haha i know it’s a bit late but anywayyyy) mine was lacklustre so i just want to imagine what, in another universe, it could have been 😩🤩 xx
Aw this is cute af ❤️❤️ bestie I did nothing for valentines because b was away for work so dw ur not the only one xx
❤️ This boy is peak Leo so you are getting drama!!! You're his girl and he's going to spoil you bloody rotten.
❤️ He's probably one of these where he says he doesn't want to you to do anything for him because he wants the whole day to be special and about you. You don't listen to him, you want to spoil him too but you have already accepted you won't be able to outdo him.
❤️ Heart shaped balloons obviously. Fucking lots of them. Too many of them. Everywhere. You can't bloody move for them.
❤️ He's intense and sentimental, you don't just get a card, you get a love letter scribbled out for you "can't wait till we're in our 80s and still doing this <3" that sort of shite.
❤️ He's going to do his best to make you breakfast in bed. The man with no fridge is going to try to get you breakfast in bed. He's gonna run to the coffee shop in the pouring rain, come back with soaked hair because he fucked up beans on toast, but you're still getting breakfast in bed.
❤️ Jokes about waking up to a blowjob on valentines day. One year you surprise him with it and he's 😍🥵🤤
❤️ Won't let you do anything for yourself all day, you're his princess, you want a brew? He's making it? Leave your phone upstairs? He's getting it. Hes taking this 100% seriously.
❤️ Tries to do candlelit dinner, ends up being candlelit take away
❤️ Dicks you down all night long.
❤️ It's ironic valentines with a sentimental touch. He's one of these "don't like the idea of there being one specific day of the year to be in love," because he loves you dearly all the time.
❤️ But he's still making it special because any excuse to get some quality time with his lass
❤️ You're waking up to shoulder kisses, neck kisses all kisses, sleepy cute kisses on the cheek on the nose and then not so cute kisses, deep slow kisses which develop into a lot more than kisses.
❤️ He's picking you up and carrying you to the kitchen, plonking you down on the counter, you can tell he doesn't want to pull away but he does because coffee is very very important.
❤️ He's making vomit worthy cheesy little jokes, you say thanks for the coffee he says "the secret ingredient is love," and winks.
❤️ Whether you like it or not you're definitely going to wind up getting dramatically serenaded to some old motown love songs. Bad dad dancing, hip thrusts and all. You can only hope it's at home and not while you're walking along the bay.
❤️ On your walk you're dropping into the florists and picking a flower for your hair.
❤️ You probably have a favourite restaurant, one you go to all the time and that's probably where you're going, you have a favourite table too which you always get. You're having a boujie cocktail evening at one of your friends bars. It starts romantic, just the two of you, but the rest of your friends that are couples would probably end up coming too and by the end of the night you'd be like a big family all having a class night together.
❤️ Stumbling home together along the beach pished. Hot and heavy sex which starts the second you get through that front door.
❤️ Drunkenly telling one another how much you love eachother and getting kind of soppy and soft but real cute.
❤️ A traditional boy. Card, chocolates, flowers it's all very very cute.
❤️ A movie in the afternoon, you spend all week debating what you want to go and see, you change your minds ten times finally settle on one, but when you get there you both look at one another. You've changed your minds again but you want to see the same one.
❤️ You go out to one of those wannabe diners, share chips and a milkshake and ice-cream. You're giddy in love feeling silly, you throw a chip at him, he throws one back. Minor food fight. You take a blob of cream from your shake and smear in down your cheek. He blobs yours with ice cream. Uses it as an excuse to kiss you.
❤️ Chilled out evening, duvet on the sofa, hot chocolate and sharing the chocolates he bought you, another movie, video game wars which ends in play fighting when you get competitive.
❤️ Play fighting becomes you pinning him down triumphant because hes letting you win. You're straddling him and when you look down your eyes meet and the atmosphere ✨changes✨
❤️ He's shy about stuff like this, easily embarrassed, but he loves his girl and he just needs to show her how much she means. Because you mean so much to him however he's going to get more tongue tied and shy than usual.
❤️ He's written you some very sweet things in your card though, bought you your favourite flowers and turns up at your door with pastries from your favourite cafe.
❤️ He didn't even tell you he was coming over and you're still half asleep in your pj's. He was just excited to see you and he wants to spend all day with you. You're embarrassed cause you're still in your pj's but he kisses you and says you look just as beautiful as always.
❤️ When you're over the shock and you've enjoyed a lovely little breakfast together, you're going for a walk probably in the countryside somewhere peaceful. He takes so many pictures of you, you're self concious but they're some of his favourite pictures he's ever taken.
❤️ Getting home late and worn out from all the fresh air, falling onto the sofa together and cuddling, you half asleep on his chest. You had plans to go out for dinner but in the end youre both feeling a little tired.
❤️ So you light lots of candles and run a bubble bath to share, washing eachothers hair, covering eachother in bubbles, lots and lots of soapy kisses. Steamy and sleepy cosy vibes but also kind of... Hot ✨
❤️ Splashy messy sex in the bath but we all know that never really works, picks you up half way through and takes you to the bedroom.
❤️ Candle lit beans on toast valentines day dinner, falling asleep together on the sofa. You wake up in the middle of the night, he's carrying you to bed.
❤️ *kissing your forehead* go back to sleep sweetheart.
❤️Again I'm thinking this is romance with some self aware irony. But also he's awkward and soft and he's paranoid he's going to get everything wrong. He wants it to be perfect but he doesn't want it to be cliche. He wants to do something meaningful.
❤️ Thinks valentines day is a stupid capitalist construct and that it doesn't mean anything if you only spoil your girlfriend one day of the year. If your relationship is a good one then valentines day should be a normal day.
So instead of buying you a card he's made you one and its got the dumbest drawing of two stick people flying through space on a heart or some shit.
❤️He's got you one of those big Milly's cookies heart cookies with his nickname for you in written in icing
❤️You probably do something daft like bowling or that disco crazy golf thing and get absolutely smashed together.
❤️Competitive af with one another arguing about who won all the way home. You decide to stop in your local on the way back for a decider, a game of pool, whoever wins that wins all of valentines day.
❤️At this point though you're both soft drunk and gooey for one another. He keeps using the game as an excuse to be near you, keeps showing you how to hold the cue better, helping you make your shots. He basically helps you to win.
❤️Walking home together hand in hand, he keeps pulling you in closer, you stop to kiss him and he surprises you sweeping you off your feet. It's cold but the sky is clear and you decide to walk down to the beach. You stop in a shop for a bottle of wine, sit by the sea and share it, taking swigs out the bottle like you're pirates.
❤️ Kisses you all the way home. You're having soft drunk sex on and off all night basically.
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Cheryl//maple syrup
Request: Can you do the secret and sins when Veronica comments on the Cheryl’s twincest and the reader defends Cheryl even though the reader kinda diss likes Cheryl.
hey! how is everyone? i hope you’re all well and good! i may have slightly cheated a bit and copy and pasted a previously written out bit from another request where they’re playing secrets and sins. but that’s only because i didn’t see the point in writing the same dialogue again. anywayyyy enjoy! 
It seems that whenever Cheryl Blossom arrives at a party, the party atmosphere disappears. Maybe it’s her grating personality or overbearing need to be liked, whatever it is, within ten minutes of her and Chuck gate crashing Jughead’s unwanted birthday party, there’s already tension. 
Which is not made any better by the suggestion of secrets & sins. Your friends are gathered in a circle in the living room, while you sit off to the side. You want to eavesdrop, but you don’t want to reveal your deepest, darkest secrets, not to your best friends and definitely not to Cheryl. 
It’s clear everyone that’s been roped into this stupid game doesn’t want to be there. Betty shifts in her seat uncomfortably and stares at you with pleading eyes. You shoot her an unsure smile back before taking a sip of your drink and she drops your gaze, glancing at Archie before staring down at the floor. 
Cheryl is the only one that looks like she’s enjoying herself, but you’re not surprised. Chaos and the chance to get dirt on everyone so she can control them even more than she already does is what Cheryl lives for.
You glare at the red-head, who’s smiling brightly as she looks around at her victims and when her eyes land on you, her eyes narrow and the smile is replaced by a smirk. 
“What’s wrong Y/n? Did nobody pick you to be on their team?” She asks, her bright red lips forming a perfect pout and you can’t help but stare at them for a few seconds longer than you should. You feel your face heat up and look away, blaming the alcohol for the affects you’re feeling and refusing to believe that you’ve just thought of Cheryl Blossom as attractive. 
A shiver runs up your spine at the thought and you lips pull into a pout as you stare down at the now empty cup in your hands. You scratch at the plastic and listen to the mumbles and whispers of the teenagers stood and sat around you. 
Whoever isn’t partaking in Secrets and Sins, have gathered around to watch and judge, and you can’t help but lean in a little closer, they may be some of your closest friends, but you can’t help wanting to know what they’ve been hiding from one another...you’re only human and at least you’re not as bad as Cheryl. 
Cheryl lives of rumours. Like Gretchen Wieners with smaller and redder hair. 
“What the hell is Secrets and Sins?” Jughead asks, all eyes on Cheryl as she moves around in a circle, eyeing everyone suspiciously as she starts to explain the rules. 
“Its a variation on Truth or Dare…in which we own our truths by telling it like it is. I’ll start the game with…Veronica Lodge.” She smirks and you roll your eyes at her. 
“Naturally.” Veronica sighs and you pat her shoulder. 
“Let’s begin with the day you and your mob wife of a mother came to town for a so-called fresh start.” She says, her eyes filled with accusations and anger before she’s even gotten to her question. 
You really don’t know why so many people like her, well you do, it’s because she’s rich and she bullies people into being her friend because she’s unable to make them any other way. 
She’s snobby, spoilt and just plain mean, but that doesn’t stop you from sometimes staring at her for longer than you want to and definitely should. 
“Tell us Veronica, what’s so fresh about defiling Archie Andrews in a closet?”
“That was your doing.” She replies confused, her arms crossed defensively against her chest.
“Moving on to dear Daddy Lodge…” She interrupts, getting more and more angry by the second. “Isn’t it true that your father, from prison, illegally purchased the drive-in land? Which makes me wonder, what else is he doing behind bars?” She continues and you glance to your side at Joaquin, who shares a very suspicious look with FP
“Well, I can’t speak for my father…but I can think of someone with a very dirty secret. Specifically, Cheryl killing her very own brother.” The tension in the room shifts and your eyes widen. 
As much as you dislike Cheryl, you know how close her and Jason were and you knew how much it hurt and how she’s still hurting now because of his death. You’ve seen her crying underneath the bleachers after school, you see how her eyes are a little more dull than they used to be. They don’t sparkle as much when she talks and when she’s not spreading hate, she’s just not saying anything at all. 
She smiles less when with her friends, and sometimes you think the only reason she’s horrible to people is so she can feel something. But that doesn’t excuse it and so you shake your head and earn a few confused looks as you try to stop yourself from defending Cheryl Majorie Blossom. 
“Everyone knows how much I loved my brother.” Cheryl defends herself.
“Exactly.” Veronica replies. “But did you love him, maybe in ways that a sister shouldn’t love a brother?” She continues and you watch as Cheryl becomes more and more upset. “And as you got older, Jason started to think it was strange, unnatural. So he chose Polly over you. So you shot him between the eyes with one of your father’s many hunting rifles.”
Her shoulders slump a little and her bottom lip quivers as she looks around the room helplessly. The confident look she usually has, has slipped off like a mask, revealing a very sad girl underneath and suddenly you find yourself standing up. 
“That’s enough Veronica.” You say, surprising everyone, including Cheryl. “Just leave her alone, it’s not worth it.” You add quietly and slowly sit back down again. 
Veronica hold her hands up in defence and you force a smile before going back to picking at the plastic of your cup. 
“I don’t need you to defend me.” Cheryl seethes, her eyes full of hatred as she looks at you, and for some reason it stings. You’re used to her not liking you, but her hating you, hurts you for some unknown reason and you have to take a few deep breaths in order to stop the ache in your chest. 
“This game is sick.” Dilton adds and Cheryl uses the distraction to wipe away the tears on her cheek. “I wanna go next.” He adds making everyone look at him.
“Thats the spirit, Doiley. What secrets do you have to reveal to us?” Chuck grins. 
“I saw Ms. Grundy’s car by Sweetwater River the day Jason went missing.” He says and everyone gasps. People mumble and whisper around you and Cheryl stares straight at Dilton, her eyes narrow. “I told Betty and Jughead, and then Ms. Grundy quit her job and left Riverdale, like, two days later. And let’s not forget that Archie was also at Sweetwater River that morning.”
“Oh, my God.” Cheryl whips her head round to look at Archie. “Colour me shocked. Archie Andrews, is that why you became a mediocre musician overnight? Because you and Ms. Four-Eyes were pulling a Mary Kay Letourneau?”
“Don’t say anything. Don’t get in the gutter with them.” Veronica mutters while glaring at Cheryl. 
“Wait, what? Andrews was banging a teacher?” Chuck asks, his tone a mix of surprise and impressed and you roll your eyes at him. “I wish I would’ve known. I would have added you and Ms. Grundy to the book of conquests.”
“Classy, Chuck, as always.”
“Wait a second.” Cheryl interrupts. “That also explains why Archie can’t seem to keep a girlfriend to save his life. He’s got serious mommy issues. Anything to say for yourself Arch? Were you a victim or a perpetrator?”
“Dilton Doiley plays with guns.” Betty tries to change the subject but she’s immediately shut down.
“Big whoop, Betty. So Doiley’s a psychopath. Everyone knows that.”  
“Well, I guess it’s my turn now. Boy, do I have a twisted secret to reveal, starring Betty Cooper.”
“Leave her the hell alone, Chuck.” Archie threatens.
“Shut up, Andrews.” He replies. “Look, you may get a free peep show every night, but you do not know her. Hell, Betty doesn’t even know herself. Everybody knows why I got suspended, but what you don’t know...she dressed up like a hooker, in a God-awful black wig, drugged me, handcuffed me in the Jacuzzi, and well, I almost drowned until she got me to say what she wanted to hear. And then she really lost it. She actually thought she was Polly. But, hey, you knew all about this right, Jughead?” He asks. For a second, the question hangs in the air, everyone trying to figure out what to say next and how to process what they’ve just been told. 
But then Jughead leaps forward at punches Chuck in face causing all hell to break loose. Everyone stands and FP shoves races forward to grab Chuck and throw him outside. 
While everyone else follows them outside, eagerly awaiting a fight, you stay back and watch as Cheryl disappears upstairs, quietly sniffling as she goes. You look at the front door and then at the stairs and sigh, knowing that this is not gonna end well. She’s gonna insult you and tell you to leave her alone, but at least you can say you tried to help and then you won’t feel bad. 
So you glance at the door one more time and pray that at least one person is filming whatever is happening out there, before wandering up the stairs in search for Cheryl. 
The slight scent of maple syrup and the sound of faint cries coming from the bathroom lets you know where she’s hiding and you quietly creep along the slightly creaky floorboards, trying to remember which ones to avoid after years of practice when sneaking into Archie’s room in order to break him out. 
You stop outside of the bathroom, light coming out of the cracks of the door and your hand hovers over the handle. 
“Whoever is out there, go away.” She sniffles and you roll your eyes. 
Turning on your heel, you start to walk away, but then you hear her sob and it makes you freeze. 
You let out a quiet groan and curse the side of you that can’t leave people that are crying alone, before making your way back to the bathroom and slowly opening the door. 
The first thing you see as you duck your hear around the door is Cheryl sat on the side of the bath. Her hands gripping the edges so hard that her knuckles have turned white. He hair has fallen in front of her face and you watch as she her shoulder shake and tears drip onto the bath mat. 
“Cheryl?” You whisper and she looks up, her eyes wide as she quickly scrambles to wipe away the tears that have ruined her makeup. “Are you okay?” You ask and walk into the room. You close the door behind you and lean against it and her expression hardens. 
“I’m having the best time.” She deadpans and you resist the urge to roll your eyes. God is she stubborn. 
“Look, I know we’re not exactly best friends. Most of the time, I don’t really like to be around you-” 
“Is this supposed to be making me feel better?” She asks and you shrug. 
“But you know that if you need someone to talk to that won’t judge you or really know anything about you, you can. I’ll just sit and listen and you can cry or rant or I dunno. Just, know you’re not alone. You may not get along with everyone in this town, but we will all be here for you if you need us, all you have to do is ask.” You say honestly but anxiously while playing with your fingers. 
She looks at you surprised, her lips part as if she’s going to say something and you’re sure she’s going to tell you to shut up and leave her alone, but instead she says thank you and you feel yourself relax a little. 
“It’s okay.” You nod. “And for the record, what Veronica said was out of line. Everyone knows how much Jason meant to you and for her to say that is just wrong. We all know you loved your brother...a normal amount.” You add the last bit quietly and she stares at you for a few seconds before a smile twitches at her lips. “Would you like me to leave you alone now?” You ask and she shakes her head. You look around the small bathroom, trying to figure out the best place to sit and she moves along a little so you can sit beside her. “Would you like me to sit with you until you feel better?” You ask and she nods slowly, her lip wobbling again. 
You sit beside her, place a gentle hand over hers and the two of you fall into a slightly awkward but not as bad as you thought it would be, silence. 
After ten minutes, Cheryl stands and makes her way over to the mirror. She swipes her fingers under her eyes to try and get rid of her ruined mascara before messing with her hair to try and get it back to looking like normal. 
“Do I look okay?” She turns to you and stands with her arms by her side. Your breath hitches when you look at her and you wonder how she looks so pretty even in the most unflattering light that is Archie Andrews’ bathroom. 
You stand in front of her and slowly tuck a piece of hair behind her ear and you watch as she takes a shaky breath. 
“Can I?” You ask, your fingers centimetres away from her cheek and she nods slowly, her eyes locked with yours and you feel yourself growing warm from the intensity. “There.” You smile once you’ve wiped a bit of mascara away from her cheek. 
She grabs her bag and pulls her lipstick from it, but when she goes to apply it, her hands shake and you take it from her gently. 
Your lips darts out between your tongue as you concentrate on keeping the lipstick in the lines, and you can feel her warm breath on your cheek. 
“There!” You smile proudly once your finished, but she grabs your arm before you can pull away properly as her lips connect with yours in an almost frantic kiss.
You gasp a little and then relax and kiss back just as frantically, but she pulls away after a few seconds and the two of you stare at each other wide-eyed and breathless. 
“Your lipstick’s ruined.” You whisper and her lips curl into a smile. 
“Worth it.” She replies before pulling you close to her and kissing you again. 
support my writing! if you want! 
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sakusagas · 3 years
𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐲'𝐬 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥: 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐜𝐚𝐤𝐞
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→ remarks | this came so late oh my goodness but happy birthday akaashi! ^^ this order’s on the house! (also i didn’t really proofread this oops LOL)
→ pairing | a. keiji x reader
→ price | 1,032 words (omg maybe i went a little overboard HAHA)
→ ingredients | HC - akaashi’s birthday
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first of all
happy (very belated ;-;) birthday keiji!!
today is your man's birthday 😤
and you wanna do something special for him since he always spoils you so much 🥺
so you hit up his best buddy bokuto 😎
"hey kou! wanna help me surprise keiji?"
man's enthusiastic as ever
even more so when it comes to surprising his favourite dude 🤩
so about a day before (probably in the evening) keiji's birthday you send him a list of groceries to shop for
you made sure it's EXTRA long so he takes longer ;)
"darling? are you sure we need these many items...? we just went shopping last we-"
he's just so confused like
"??? okay...? be back soon, love"
anyway you run straight to your phone and call bokuto
you hear the distant echo of footsteps and soon you hear the doorbell
you open the door to a sweaty bokuto, panting with bags and bags of confetti, streamers, cake ingredients and even more bags of who knows what
yeah y'all didn't really have a plan-
the two of you sit down and discuss things you remember about keiji
💡 IDEA (from you)
"i always see him snacking on nanohana with kareshi mustard!"
"OH! speaking of food, he always ate onigiri in high school!!!"
alright now that you know these two things about him...
the two of you head to the kitchen to create the most talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before dish ever.
nanohana onigiri with karashi mustard.
honestly it's just an entire shouting mess in the kitchen
both of you are scrambling around, making literal shuttle runs between the recipe on your tablet and the kitchen supplies
who said that? probably both of you, simultaneously.
seriously who paired the two of you together??? 🥴
it's been about an hour and keiji's just about done shopping, so he drops you a text
'hey darling, i'm done and on my way home :)'
his lil' smiley faces 🥺
honestly the only time ':)' isn't threatening is when it's from him, because he actually means it <3
so you acknowledge his response and you + bokuto work ten times faster
y'all crackheads fr
you swear you've never seen bokuto run that fast in your life
not even in volleyball
he literally DASHES to the nearest convenience store and buys a little slice of cake for keiji
oh the things he does for his pillar of support 🥺
anyway he makes it back in time (thank goodness) and the two of you watch from the windows as keiji pulls into the parking lot
keiji walks in to a seemingly dark and empty house and his heart drops
"babe, i'm home."
no response
no response again
he shrugs and hopes that you're just in the bathroom or something (he's actually super worried bc??? why are all the lights out???)
he proceeds to take off his shoes and heads to the kitchen to place down the many many bags of groceries he has onto the counter
out from the back of the counter come you and bokuto!!
"oh my go-"
keiji jumps in fright
you guys scared poor boy :(
"oh no baby i'm sorry"
you come round the counter and give him an apology hug
"it's fine :) but uh... it isn't my birthday yet? it's tomorrow"
that's when you and bokuto look at each other and grin :)))
"look at the clock, 'kaashi"
akaashi: :o
it's 12:05am on the 5th of december :)))))
"oh... well in that case then..."
he pulls you and bokuto in for a group hug and smiles
"thank you both"
he looks so content with the two people he's the closest to in the world 🥺
he lightly takes hold of the side of your face and leans forward to place a tender kiss to your temple
"that's not all, 'kaashi >:)"
akaashi: :o 2.0
bokuto jogs to the fridge and takes out the onigiri and cake!
"kou and i were talking about what we usually see you eat and we thought it'd be a good idea to combine them!"
honestly akaashi's speechless rn
he's just so touched that both of you noticed such things about him :,)
(okay but tbh his eyes are practically sparkling because who doesn't like seeing their favourite food at prime meal time? —aka midnight)
"LET'S DIG IN!" -bo
the three of you grab some plates and utensils and head towards the dining table to enjoy your treats ^^
while eating, akaashi looks up from his food, at the two of you
"really, thank you both so much... this means a lot to me"
"it's no problem at all, babe! we just wanna show you how much we appreciate you"
he just gives you two a little smile and goes back to eating his food
timeskip you guys are done and bokuto's fast asleep on the couch while you and keiji head to bed for the night
the two of you cuddle in bed with you basically clinging onto him like a koala with your face buried in his chest, and him with his arm resting on your waist
"did you enjoy your surprise, babe?"
you look up at him from his chest and he looks back down at you
"i did :)"
"that's good hehe"
you flash a toothy smile at him and go back to burying your face into his chest
he sighs in content as he hears your breathing gets slower and calmer the closer you are to falling asleep
he leans down to nuzzle his face into the top of your head and plants a lil' kiss there
"once again, thank you, love" <3
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a/n: thanks for reading! also i got the karashi dressing thingy from haikyuu’s fandom wiki haha
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celestialraes · 4 years
(Not Funny Owl House Ideas & Headcanon Tings-) Part 4 ~Bonding Time~ Mini Fic
 Okay, 2 Owl House crack posts in a week, new record!
Ignoring my incredibly bad upload schedule, (if you’d even call it that), let get on with this crack idea! (Which is a little different than my normal stuff-)
@callmemichie​ It’s here.... :3
So since Lilith is now going to live at The Owl House now I came up with this..
Lilith and Luz family bonding time.
Oookay, look.
I know I know, “lUz HaTeS LiLiTh”
Onto the story!!!!
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(Synopsis Type Thingy)
This was a routine for Lilith.
A ritual that has never been broken in 20 or so years.
That is, until she betrayed the emperor and started living with her sister at the Owl House.
It took her almost an entire week to take a shower. All for the sole purpose that she was up to her eyeballs in petty chores her sister gave her.
So when she finally did take a shower, she expected something to go wrong.
And low and behold!
Something did.
* * *
Lilith gripped each side of the basin until her knuckles turned white. She slowly looked up at the mirror, allowing some hair to fall into her face before letting out all the air she was holding in.
She stood up straight, removing her hands from the sink and using them to push the hair out of her face. She took another deep breath.
“You can do this Lilith...”
She picked up an ovaline object with a plastic handle and winced as she brought it up to her head, and, she brushed.
For a millisecond before the brush gave up on it’s life and got caught in Lilith’s matted hair.
After yelping in pain she growled and slammed her fists on the sides of the sink in anger, causing various objects to fall off the basin and onto the tile floor.
And that my friends, was the fifth hair product that had gotten stuck in her hair after attempting to get the matted knots out.
Lilith was just about to give up and go to sleep when she heard the tiny pitter patter of mouse feet in the hallway, and the tiny groggy voice of one human girl.
Lilith’s head shot over towards the doorway to find a half asleep Luz draped in a blanket with her eyes half lidded.
“Oh! Human! What are you doing awake? it’s almost 11 and-” Lilith paused mid sentence and sighed, looking back into the mirror and her reflection. “Who am I kidding I’m not your mother...”
“What are-” Luz yawned. “You doing up?” She asked, rubbing her eye with the hand not holding the blanket.
“Oh, um me? Just-” Lilith took yet another deep breath. “Trying to brush my hair...” She tugged on one of the combs caught in it. “Of course it isn’t going how it usually does since I haven’t brushed it in-”
Luz gasped dramatically, cutting off Lilith and getting a sudden burst of energy. She dropped the blanket, pressing her hands to her face, her eyes practically popped out of her head.
Lilith eyed the girl for a few seconds before she spoke up again. “I can help you-”
“NO- No! I do not need your help! I can deal with this in the morning. By myself.” Lilith crossed her arms, and squinted at the human before her.
Luz’s demeanor practically deflated, she hunched over with a frown on her face, looking up at Lilith. “But-”
She held a hand up and silenced the human, refusing to look at her.
Luz turned on her heel and was about to pick up her blanket and walk out the bathroom doorway when she looked back at Lilith.
“Fine then, don’t let me help you.”
“Thank you-”
“I’ll just tell Eda that you refused to let me go out of my way to do something nice for you even after you TRIED TO KILL ME. I’m sure she would ‘like’ that...” Luz turned around and smirked, this time she was the one crossing her arms.
Lilith was practically dumbfounded. She stood there like a petrified statue for a few seconds before she hunched over and groaned. “You really are Eda’s kid..” She whispered.
She thought for a few seconds before sighing in defeat. “Fine, you can help me. But I doubt it’ll do anything but-” Lilith couldn’t finish her sentence for Luz had already run up to her and began dragging Lilith to her bedroom.
Before Lilith could comprehend what was happening, she was sat on the floor of Luz’s private bathroom, the girl pulling up a stool behind Lilith so she could easily brush her hair.
Luz sat down on the stool and grabbed some of Lilith’s hair in her hand, inspecting it a bit before she began to get the stuck combs and brushes out of Lilith’s hair.
With somewhat mild pain to Lilith Luz managed to get all 5 hair brushing instruments out of Lilith’s hair. She picked up one of them and began to carefully, (trying not to hurt her), brush Lilith’s hair.
After quite a few moments of painfully awkward silence, (in Lilith’s opinion), the adult reluctantly spoke up. “Why are.. you doing this?” She asked, her voice laced with caution.
“Because I want to help you!” Luz exclaimed cheerfully, gliding the brush through Lilith’s hair and pulling on a large knot, causing Lilith to hiss in pain. “Sorry!”
Lilith quickly regained her composure. “I mean, I noticed that but.. Why? I, witchnapped Eda, tried to kill you, I-” The witch paused, staring at the floor. “I did a lot of bad things.. What I’m trying is say is.. Why are you being nice to me of all people??”
Luz continued to brush the witch’s hair, trying her best to get out some of the smaller knots without hurting her. “I mean, you did do all that, stuff... And more..” Luz added at the end. “But, you’re trying to be better. And... I like better people!”
Lilith let out a sort of jagged breath. “Thank you human..”
Luz smiled down at the witch. “You’re very welcome Lilith!”
They stayed silent for a few quiet minutes. The only sound being the brushing of Lilith’s hair as Luz continued to try and get the knots out.
Lilith broke the silence. “Since we’re gonna be here a while.. I don’t suppose you’d like me to tell you a few stor-”
“OH WOULD I!?!??!”
Lilith chuckled at the girl’s enthusiasm. “Okay then.”
So, she told.
She told Luz, about her experiences at The Emperor’s Coven, she told Luz how she met Kikimora, she told Luz how her red roots were growing in, and how she didn’t have any more hair dye to change it back.
She told her how she usually had magic detangling spray to get the knots out, she told her how Eda almost destroyed Hexside multiple times, she told her things. Happy things.
Before she was cut off.
“I remember this one time Kiki-”
Lilith was startled, the most she’d gotten out of Luz during this entire time was a simple hum or quick question. Her shouting was a complete change of pace.
The witch almost completely forgot the purpose of her being in Luz’s room in the first place.
Luz grabbed a silver hand mirror and held it in front of Lilith’s face so that she could see her reflection.
Lilith’s hair was completely brushed and de knotted, a feat that she herself couldn’t even do, with magic!
Lilith admired the handiwork and touched her now braided, detangled hair. Sure the red roots were an eyesore, sure the grey streak drew attention to them. She didn’t really care at that moment in time.
Lilith began to get up from off the floor but Luz gasping stopped her in her tracks. “WAIT! I almost forgot one thing!” She exclaimed, running out of the bathroom, taking the hand mirror with her
Lilith heard the clatter of something in the room and winced. Luz rushed back in with a notepad and pencil, setting the mirror on the bathroom counter.
Lilith craned her neck to look at Luz and saw her furiously drawing a glyph on the paper, she couldn’t tell which kind of glyph though.
Luz practically threw the pencil down on the counter and tapped the glyph, a flower Lilith had never seen before grew from it.
She ripped the head of the flower from the stem, careful to not damage the petals in the process, and shoved the flower in Lilith’s hair.
Lilith blinked and was slightly startled when she found the hand mirror was in front of her face again, Luz again holding it.
Luz handed the mirror off to Lilith and the witch stared at her reflection once more, specifically the peculiar looking flower in her hair.
“Human,” She began, “What is this?” She pointed to the flower, poking one of the petals in the process.
“A flower.”
Lilith scoffed. “I knew that, I mean, what kind? I’ve never seen it before in my life..”
“Oooohhhh.... It’s a lily! Y’know, a lily for Lily!” Luz said happily, now sitting infront of Lily, the only thing separating them being the hand mirror.
“They named a flower after me?”
Luz stared blankly at her for a few seconds, blinking a few times before she spoke. “Yep. Sure did.”
Lilith hummed in response, continuing to stare at her reflection. She looked up from the mirror to see Luz smiling brightly at her.
She couldn’t help but smile back.
“Thank you hu-”
“Luz, thank you, Luz.”
“You’re welcome Lily.”
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seungminotes · 4 years
Accident - Prone
enemies to lovers/ almost-lovers with Hwang Hyunjin
A/N: this took so long and I don’t think I’m even happy with the result. I hope you like it though, anon
Warnings: 1.5 k words | kinda slow | potential part two? | not proofread
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Hyunjin is literally the worst luck charm ever. Everywhere he goes is just a natural disaster around you. 
No matter what, always end up getting physically hurt. 
Whether it was a flying soccer ball to your nose, that awful chemical burn in chem after you two were partnered together once, the spilled water on your favorite blouse... the list goes on and on. 
After so many unlucky occurrences, you had finally decided Hyunjin was just the equivalent of seeing a black cat
A warning sign of impending doom. 
Okay but, perhaps he was just dramatic and clumsy
 the thought never really occurred to you that this boy was just made like that. 
You only figured: you plus him in a room together was not the best of ideas. It just could never end well.
 You swore you two could’ve been mortal enemies in a past life or something. 
These occurrences had just become so frequent that at one point, you naturally despised the lanky boy. 
Though quite unreasonable of you, you simply wanted nothing to do with him. 
Hyunjin on the other hand, had no ill feelings towards you. 
No, those ill feelings were rather reserved for himself whenever he somehow managed to ruin your day over and over again.
 He partially blamed his lack of coordination, but then he remembers he’s a dancer and had rather impressive coordination in comparison to most other people. 
Maybe that was saved for dancing though, maybe somehow those skills dissipated offstage and outside the practice room.
Orrrrr just maybe... it was just around you that he became so flustered, the human embodiment of a hot mess, that he could not function or even move accordingly? 
Whatever it was, he felt utterly sorry for every encounter you’d ever had with him. 
At some point he had tried to very actively avoid you in hopes of sparing himself the embarrassment of yet another disaster. 
He always made sure he and his friend group were situated as far as possible from you in the cafeteria during lunch.  
If he saw you walking down a hallway, he’d always be sure to turn the other direction. 
Heck he’d run into you only a certain amount of times before he had memorized your routes and just avoided those altogether. 
He very secretly cared for your own safety… from himself.
Which wasn’t the most romantic of things 
Which was reasonable, right? 
You could probably never have a romantic connection with someone with which nothing could ever go right. 
But why did that notion disappoint him so much??? hmmm
Hyunjin probably shouldn’t want to get any closer to you, that’s exactly why he drew an imaginary boundary 
And his plan proved to be more than effective with time. 
That at least it was…
Until Kim Seungmin, his own very best friend, decided to befriend you after a photography project you’d both worked on. 
Ever since then, you two had been practically inseparable…
 leading many to believe in a  prospective couple. Oop
Hyunjin typically just annoyed the thoughts of other surrounding the topic of you and Seungmin though, not that it bothered him per say
Seungmin now sat with you on the other side of the cafeteria. 
Even after his long protest for you to go sit with his other friends, you couldn’t quite bring yourself to be in harm's way that close to Hyunjin.
“They’re not mean or anything, y/n,” 
“I didn’t say they are, I just don’t know them that well, it would be awkward,”
“Well how  can you get to know them if you won’t even sit near them,”
Okay so maybe at this point your feeling a bit guilty towards Minnie who is sacrificing some time with his best friends to sit with you now 
But as you glance towards his group of friends on the other side of the room, you couldn't help but get nerves from the sight of Hwang Hyunjin
Seungmin notices the change in demeanor in your face after you take a peek over there 
He thinks he;s just uncovered the mystery of the century 
“I saw that!”
“Saw what?”
“That passive aggressive glare you just shot my friends, which one do you hate?
“Seungggg, it’s nothing,”
“I bet it’s Jisung, he’s so loud, not really your type”
“I think Jisung is nice, drop it.”
The very mention of his name makes your face drop
Seungmin of course catches it 
“Knew it” 
So this leads to a very detailed retelling of every horrible occurrence that has happened to you in the presence of his friend
“You’re being stupid, he just has butter fingers” 
“You must have a butter body to mess up that much”
“Never say that phrase again, I didn’t like the mental image”
“Oh shut up”
Luckily the bell rang just in time to bring the convo to a close 
but as you both get up to throw your trays away Seungmin ultimately gets the last word
“You're sitting with us tomorrow”
You may or may not have pouted all the way to English with him afterwards 
Nothing really works on Seungmin though
So the next day, you’re sitting at lunch with all these guys you don’t know very well
But Min makes sure to introduce you well and they’re all super inclusive of you 
He even made sure you and Hyunjin sat on opposite ends of the table
Not that it even mattered though because Hyunjin was unusually quiet 
He really didn’t even look at you … 
Which didn’t bother you that much
Though it did make the atmosphere a bit tense when he was spoken to and wouldn’t really listen
He seemed super out of it
At least until he completely knocked over his carton of milk onto Felix’s tray
He cursed under his breath, because trust me he knew something would happen in the time span of half an hour that you were sitting this near him
Your breath hitched for a second because you were lowkey scared something was gonna happen soon
One of his natural disasters
But oddly enough, nothing really came towards you
Hyunjin got up to go scavenge for some napkins 
And lunch was soon nearing its end 
Meaning, you had spent a full 30 minutes near Hwang Hyunjin and remained unscathed 
Who would have thought?
Seungmin, that’s who 
He made it very clear too
His little “told you so” as you were getting up to throw your trash away
Unfortunately for you though, the nearest trash can appeared to be directly behind Hyunjin
Who by now was trying to clean up the mess of milk he made on the table
Considerate guy huh
“Y/n, hurry up we’re gonna be late” Seungmin urged 
What could go wrong if you just ….
Walk behind Hyunjin for like 3 seconds??
A lot more than you’d expect to be honest
In those mere three seconds Hyunjin has managed to turn around, trip you, and hit you on the side of the head with his outstretched arm clutching wet napkins
Cue Seungmin cracking up
And mortified Hyunjin
“Are you ok? Shoot I didn’t see you, are you good?
Your head lowkey panged but his worry was kind of unexpected …
And kinda maybe very adorable???
Uh oh
You get up and assure him you’re just fine
He kinda just scratches the back of his neck awkwardly
“I think I hurt you a little too often.”
“I’ve noticed,”
“I swear it’s not intentional or anything though”
Seungmin can’t take this atmosphere, he dips quick
He also can’t afford a tardy which you are obviously gonna get if you keep standing there staring up at this guy
You of course take notice that this awkward moment is taking a bit too long 
But something is really keeping you glued to this spot and it may or may not have to do with the warm worried eyes staring down at you
“I think Seungmin left you,” Hyunjin nods his head to where your friend was previously waiting for you 
“Little snake”
The little sound that Hyunjin made trying not to laugh kinda made you giggle
And oh no 
Hyunjin found that way too cute for his own good 
He decides to walk you to English, he knew the route pretty well, go figure
He does keep his distance though
After he drops you off at the door, you’re already late and so is he of course
But he waits for you to go in before sprinting to his own class
Almost like walking you home after a date 
When you excuse yourself into class, Seungmin is smirking at you from your shared desk 
“And I thought you hated Hyunjin.”
A roll of your eyes didn’t make him any less smug though.
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ikeservant · 4 years
(TW) Can I get reactions for Kenshin, Ieyasu, and Hideyoshi (or anyone else you want) with an MC who is always really bright and happy around others but, depressed&self h**ms when they are alone? Thankssss xoxo
-Request from @arthotsglasses
Thank you for this ask ^.^! Little message: This is relatable to me and many others, and depression is a bully that causes mental and physical hurting. To those that have depression and self-h*rming tendencies, know you’re not alone and you have so much value as a person <3. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Here’s a helpful link with some helpful alternatives that have helped me and others if anybody would want to try these as an alternative, and there’s a lot of lists and ideas from other websites as well that are helpful too :
Anywayyyy back to the headcanons!
TW: mentions of depression, s*lf h*rm, su*cidal thoughts
(TW) Can I get reactions for Kenshin, Ieyasu, and Hideyoshi (or anyone else you want) with an MC who is always really bright and happy around others but, depressed&self harms when they are alone? Thankssss xoxo
Thank you for this ask ^.^! Little message: This is relatable to me and many others, and depression is a bully that causes mental and physical hurting. To those that have depression and self-h*rming tendencies, know you’re not alone and you have so much value as a person <3. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Here’s a helpful link with some helpful alternatives that have helped me and others if anybody would want to try these as an alternative, and there’s a lot of lists and ideas from other websites as well that are helpful too :
Anywayyyy back to the headcanons!
TW: mentions of depression, s*lf h*rm, su*cidal thoughts
Kenshin: He always noticed that something was troubling MC, even if they did not try to make it obvious. MC was always cheerful around him and the others, being a ray of sunshine to his dark coolness. He noticed MC would keep their sleeves from rolling up, almost like they were terrified of showing their arms. He realized this when it was summer time. MC was sweating and overheating, but when Kenshin asked if they���d like to change in lighter clothing or just even roll up their sleeves, MC quickly shut those ideas down. “Hehe I’m fine. You’re such a worrywart!” MC said with a giggle and smile, but Kenshin wasn’t buying it. When MC almost fainted from the sudden heatwave, Kenshin propped them up, loosening and rolling up their sleeves to cool them down. It was then that Kenshin noticed the many cuts on MC’s arms, some faded while others more fresh. His mind immediately went into panic, adrenaline overload. “Who did this? Who hurt you?” he frantically asked, panicked and enraged that MC could get hurt like this. “I-I did. I’m so sorry. I keep on thinking of everything I do wrong and I don’t want to bother anybody else with my problems. I get so tired of constantly switching between being happy for everybody else but so depressed and self-hating when alone. It’s so hard. I feel like a disappointment” MC’s normally smiley face was welling with tears, sobbing as they explained. Kenshin quickly scooped up MC, eyes wide with fear and sadness. He already lost one person to suicide, he didn’t want someone so dear to him now to harm themselves. “I am so sorry. I failed to protect you. Your wounds are my wounds. Don’t you ever do this again. I can’t bear to see the love of my life hurt and hate themselves.” After tears were spilled by both MC and a few from Kenshin while hugging eachother, they discussed how to help MC. As much as Kenshin would want to lock MC away somewhere where there’s no way MC or anybody else could harm them, he knew that would make things worse and restrict MC’s freedom and desire to connect to their close friends. He would definitely be more observant of MC, being slightly overbearing. If he noticed that MC was starting to feel drained and not feeling up for being cheerful, he’d make an excuse to the others so MC could get some space. Would encourage MC to be honest with their feelings, telling MC to tell him whenever they’re feeling a depressive/harmful episode coming and that it is never a bother and considers it an honor that MC can trust him. Whenever he’s unable to be around MC to comfort/provide company, he makes sure his bunnies are around MC bc he figures they’d calm MC down and distract MC from the urges to self harm. Both Kenshin and MC learn from eachother that they each have mental scars and emotional problems and that is valid, they can lean on and support one another to be the healthiest and feel the best they can be.
Ieyasu: MC was always helping Ieyasu see the bright side of things, making his grumpy pouts turn into a slight smile. MC’s goofy laughs and smiles lit up the room, something he greatly admired about them. However, sometimes MC would have a sad look in their eye, something they’d instantly wipe off and deny if somebody asked. When he got closer to MC, he tried to express concern in his roundabout way, but MC was always able to dodge the question, finding a distraction for him and going away to their room. Unfortunately, when MC was making a hot soup with Ieyasu, they spilled the contents on their lap, burning their legs. Ieyasu immediately went into doctor mode, ordering MC to roll back their kimono cloth so he could put inspect the degree of the burns and assess what he should do to treat it. MC fought him, but finally agreed when Ieyasu looked so earnest and worried at them. When he saw MC’s upper legs, he saw the burns from the soup but he also saw scars and cuts. “How the hell did these happen and how come you never came to me to treat these?” He’s seen self inflicted cuts and internally knew what was going on, but he dreaded the thought of MC doing this. When MC knew they couldn’t lie or smile out of this, they opened up, expressing how frustrated they get at themselves and how they feel like they deserve the harm they give themselves. How MC never wants others to worry about them and did not want Ieyasu, who already had negativity in his life, be burdened by MC’s problems. Ieyasu grabbed onto MC’s shoulders, looking into MC’s eyes with the most hurt gaze they’ve ever seen. “You have never been a burden. And you do not deserve the pain you give yourself. I have seen several crooked, horrible people and you are definitely not one of them. And you don’t have to be cheerful all the time if you don’t want to. I love you for who you are as a human being, not an idealized image. I know I’m not the best at being open with my feelings, but believe me when I say that you are allowed to make mistakes and have faults and be vulnerable. Just please do not hurt yourself over it.” Ieyasu made MC spend the night, treating their leg burns and cuts and also finding calming herbs that can help calm MC’s nerves. He would be more gentle with his words around MC and being more mindful, he’s not the best with words but makes sure that MC knows he’s there for them and wants to do anything he can to help them. Would probably roast anybody into a corner if they so much as say one harmful thing to them. Would go into the library and pull out any books about depression and what can help lessen the symptoms, trying to find any way to physically help. He learns to be more honest with his feelings by reassuring MC that they are capable and lovable. Suggests MC keeps a log tracking their moods and to write their feelings to help. Read somewhere that animals can help, leading him to put MC in charge of taking care of Wasabi because he’s “too busy and Wasabi keeps getting in trouble.”
Hideyoshi: MC always made sure to brighten up the place and work hard to make sure everybody was happy. MC would always lend an ear and encourage Hideyoshi when he was doubting himself or fed up with certain people/things. Hideyoshi always offered to help them, but MC would refuse, saying that he’s already got a lot on his plate and that they’re totally fine. He noticed something was off with MC one day, almost as if MC was pushing a happy front all day to hide something wrong. He decided to drop by with some tea during the night when he heard heavy breathing and sniffling, making him enter quickly to see if something was wrong. What he saw was MC with a knife in their hand, just about to graze into their skin. Hideyoshi dropped his tray, running to MC with wide eyes and roughly grabbing the knife, chucking it across the room. “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?” he’d harshly ask, scared and confused as to what he saw, unfortunately this just caused MC to cover their face in their hands and start crying with a panic attack, making him soften his gaze and pull MC towards him to rub their back and calm them down to the point they were able to talk. “I’m sorry for doing this. I just keep trying to make everybody happy but I just feel so sad and empty and I don’t know if I want to hurt myself just to feel something or because I am angry at myself or what but I feel like I can’t stop. I didn’t want to bother you with this I’m sorry.” “You have no reason to apologize. I should be the one sorry for not noticing you were in pain. You are so positive and loving towards everybody, but you don’t feel that way about yourself, that seems very unfair. The only thing that bothers me is that I can’t find a way that can magically make you see yourself the way I see you.” “Sounds like something I should be saying to you.” MC sniffled with a small giggle. After a little bit, they talked out how to help communicate their feelings and recover from self harming. He’d be very cautious and a bit overbearing at first, hovering over MC and internally panicking when they were around sharp objects, but after some talks about it he learns to give MC some space when needed while also being supportive. Would look up all he could about depression and helpful things to do, leading him to get herbal teas that have calming properties and also getting ANYTHING and EVERYTHING he can get his hands on in town that looked like it could help MC. Things that could make good stress balls or trinkets to rip/pull/roll around/squish: get ‘em. Journal paper, brush, and ink to either write down their feelings or brush on their own skin: get ‘em. Would suggest MC to write down the good things that happened during the day as well as things they like/make them happy so they don’t just focus on the negatives in life. Would reassure MC that their feelings are valid and that they are still a wonderful human being that he wants to be with and support their healing and growth.
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ahsokryze · 3 years
Hello! I *just* realized I wasn’t following you and I had to remedy that immediately!
Anywayyyy for the WIP meme can you talk about Venom-mites? 🥰
Hi! (and oh, i didn’t even realise you weren’t following me before either)
Anyway, yes—so Venom-mites is an obitine fic about what happened on Draboon during the year on the run when Obi-Wan and Satine were caught in the swarm of venom-mites. I don’t want to give too much away, but basically Obi and Satine are wading into a lake together on Draboon, they’re enjoying themselves, splashing each other with water....only to come to realise that they aren’t the only living things in that lake 👀
Obi-Wan tries to get them out of the situation, but that doesn’t exactly go to plan...
So yeah, it’s basically Obi being a disasterTM mixed with Satine who is just. in. love. with him, even when he accidentally drops her. Whump mixed with fluff. Qui-Gon will also make an appearance.
ask me about my wips
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