#AU overview
abbeyofcyn · 9 months
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles AUs
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New! Merch
Phantom Pain
Donnie was finally back to normal. At least.... he was no longer feral. But months of being infected takes its toll and Leo has lost a lot to get him back. It's not easy having two idiots who can't deal with emotions as brothers for Mikey.
Start reading here
CW: nightmares, amputation
Tags: #phantom pain comic
Krang infection sequel
We're not Kappa!
When a rat turns a 1000 years old they become a Kyūsu. They grow large like a cat and have been known to take care of orphan kittens, but this old rat found four turtles in strange green ooze. The Kyūsu did not expect the second physical change in his long life nor did he expect to raise four not-quite kappa in modern Japan.
Tag: #we're not kappa! au
CW: none
Wretched Little Pests
Draxum, Splinter, April. All dead. Shredder won, the Krang won. The brothers must survive and will fight to protect each other no matter the cost.
Collaboration AU
Read the comics here
CW: death, injuries, murder, savage mode
Tag: #wretched little pests au
Krang Infection
Two years after the invasion, Donnie feels sick and his gut instinct tells him it's very different from the rat flu.
Start reading here
CW: minor body horror, implied amputation, non graphic brain surgery
Tags: #krangified Donnie #Krang infection comic
False Memory
All the brothers have had nightmares from the Apocalypse pop up and ruining their sleep. Casey confirmed that what they've dreamt actually happened to their counterparts in his timeline. They refer to it as 'false memories'. Leo wakes up to the worst 'memory' he's had thus far.
Start reading here
CW: death
Brains and Brawn Apocalypse
Donnie and Raph lost their brothers during the apocalypse when they were only in their twenties. Now, in their thirties, there's not much hope left for them to win this war.
Several one shots: overview
CW: death
Great, what's next...
A poll based adventure with Donnie as the main character
Start reading here
CW: none
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Reluctantly reinstated: an overview ( non spoiler edition)
Since I've been posting about reluctantly reinstated more frequently I think I should probably write out an overview of what this AU actually is.
Krupp is a Retired Superhero. More Vigilante than actual superhero. He Willingly retired after both realizing he needed a job to provide for him and that being a superhero wasn't rewarding/ fulfilling anymore.
Compared to his cannon selves he's still grumpy but less of an Ass. He's fully human and all his cannon relatives are related to him.
This version of Krupp had a better life growing up as John is still around and ended up divorcing Bernice. Ben went to live with him and was allowed to still be a Kid.
his father started up a carpentry business that Jasper took over.
Krupp still uses his powers in the privacy of his own home but there's not much he Needs them for. He does still fly/ float with the curtains closed. He'll never give that up. He still has his basic set of powers in some capacity. ( From cannon but also just him being Rusty)
For the most part he's largely grown to feel like he Doesn't need to use them as much even if he had the chance. He's grown to like being in the background, just be Ben.
In the prologue and chapter 4 it's demonstrated he can use his powers With Clothes just fine. He adopts the captain underpants persona later on. Snapping and water have no actual effect on him. Granted he won't be happy if you splash him with water.
there's a reason the fic is called Reluctantly reinstated after all.
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spikeyfren · 8 months
Spikey’s Masterpost
My carrd! Support me on my Kofi if possible!
I use Procreate and I draw mostly on paper but scan it, CapCut helps when making my animatics but I mostly try to animate on Procreate.
Please don’t repost my work/translate without permission!
My Original Content
Yūgen Revised
A alien named Yonah lands on Earth and meets a boy named Aster who surprisingly takes them in but, he finds out to late that he is way in over his head with Yonah who is hiding a lot from him.
CW: death, injuries, blood, heavy gore, torture, abuse, scifi horror, body horror
Tags: #Yūgen comic
Apollo Vásquez runs into Devon Ortega who has a traumatic and tormenting life, getting involved to help, he finds out the terrible things that are going on.
CW: death, gore, blood, injuries, child abuse, mental health problems, psychological horror, disturbing imagery
Tags: #Kalopsia comic
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oobbbear · 8 months
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teejaystumbles · 8 days
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"Why will you not unfold yourself to me?"
For the past 2 days I have done what one does when sick - binge watch something (in my case Bridgerton's first season) and think about one's blorbos.
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0-kbelle-0 · 7 months
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Lunar ref!
The mischievous boy himself. Lunar is the second shortest of the bunch, bloodmoon being the first.
Just like the others, lunar does have claws, though they are usually hidden.
He uses his tail like an extra limb, using it to swipe objects and hide them under their capelet.
He's still made of nanomachines, the crescent moon on his chest and the stars over their body glow in the dark 🌟
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bonefall · 4 months
For Riverstar’s Heir, do you have any idea where you want to land themeatically? Because from my reading of the possible themeatic directions, with the whole story being about this crisis of politics and succession, it feels like the character who “should” become the next leader of RiverClan narratively should be the Most ruthless/aggressive/willing to resort to dishonorable methods of dealing with rivals (reinforcing RiverClan’s entry into/building up of the early Clans’ emerging systems of battle society)
The alternative “most interesting” option I can imagine would be one that is least likely/least aggressive/some otherwise sort of underdog candidate (maybe not even technically “legal” depending on what qualifications there are for heirship?), but I’m not sure exactly what themes that would play into, other than maybe how the pursuit of power can change someone?
That said, your themeatic instincts are strong enough that I can see you having a strong idea for a “middle-of-the-pack” candidate winning out over the others just as much, so— I am genuinely curious what your thoughts are for where you Want this crisis of succession to end, narratively, even if you don’t have an exact cat picked yet.
Good ask because I'd not been clear about the theme yet, I think. What Riverstar's Heir is trying to get at, at the heart of the issue, is that this is a bloodbath caused by naiive optimism and greed.
The commandments to establish borders and prevent killing are nice, but not enough. You can't just have a society on good will, not when POWER is up for grabs in the scramble. It's about collapse, and how innocent, well-meaning people get caught up in the devastation. Not JUST the troublemakers.
Riverstar was an EXCELLENT king, beloved and wise, but if you don't prepare a proper successor, everything you worked hard to build might crumble to ruin.
Something unique is lost in this shuffle. It's no longer the River Kingdom, and the Wind Coalition also becomes WindClan at this point. For better, and for worse, they both lose a bit of what made them special. Redscar's choice at the end also solidifies the early political power of Clerics, which is eventually broken many generations later with Larkwing's Strike.
So, fragment time,
At LEAST three "heirs" end up getting killed.
So, because these ones are gonna die, I have Three Heir "Slots" that I'm committed to and just need to fill;
The Eldest, Riverstar's oldest living biological child.
The Chosen, Riverstar's adopted heir, a rather meek prince easily pressured into backing off his rightful claim. This one is likely going to be the BB! version of Mossfire.
The Firstblood, directly descended from Riverstar's FIRSTborn child. This one is likely going to be the BB! version of Jumpfoot.
I also have two tentative slots.
The Accomplished... who is a blood relative of Riverstar, but more of a "puppet" for WindCo. Someone they're intentionally propping up hoping for power.
The Diplomat, from WindClan, who is a lot like WindCo's puppet but this one is more subtle about it. Poetic. Happy to purr and remind the world of the wonderful, deep ties that had existed between King Riverstar and Thunderstar.
And, LASTLY, there's The Deputy. The most qualified choice, who served Riverstar, but was no relative.
It feels right that the Deputy is the one who is chosen in the end... hm.
After a smaller conflict near the start of the story, either The Eldest or The Firstblood seems to be the favorite to win... but decides to wait for the morning to set out for the Moonstone and take their lives.
In this time period, without selecting a successor, this heir is assassinated.
In fact it might be VERY fun if this heir, being so much like King Riverstar himself, decided to throw a pre-emptive celebration.
Meat! Merriment! MURDER!!!
Having them go out via poison would be a fun way to send a character off.
This is going to be why the "DEPUTY BEFORE MOONHIGH" rule is established, but it's also what kicks off the bloodier parts of the plot.
Thinking about it... a cleric and/or the deputy should probably tell this heir, "Hey, buddy, you should really get going" and they're ignored.
With Eldest Heir gone, the small conflict from earlier becomes an LARGE conflict.
And, like they did back in DOTC, families start to rally together. Especially Eldest's offspring, who think they're just as entitled to the Throne as The Firstblood/Jumpfoot
King Riverstar used to encourage cats to enter the River Kingdom freely. The borders were essentially open, and everyone was allowed in, as long as they were willing to cross the river.
(maybe I'll even have him pull down the tree from Riverstar's Home intentionally, happy to accept other cats into his Kingdom. Then he defends it from Skystar, specifically, but refuses to destroy what he built.)
This had allowed River Kingdom to grow large and powerful, but it also meant everyone in River Kingdom had connections to the other Clans.
Which meant there were cats supporting OTHER bids to the Throne, like the one from WindCo and the one from ThunderClan.
Smelling a way to grab power, Duststar supports his favorite heir, and Whitestar of ThunderClan also begins to stick his nose in.
Each Heir tries to run the River Kingdom, and things start to get hostile. If there's more than just the three heirs, even more of them start to get openly attacked, chased out, killed, until there's only The Chosen and The Firstblood left.
Somewhere around here, River Kingdom is invaded. Probably by the leader of SkyClan at the time, claiming that they don't even NEED an heir to take what these cats clearly don't deserve.
And that's when the internal conflict becomes a FULL-BLOWN WAR between four Clans.
In those days, the camp was at Sunningrocks, right in the middle of the river.
ThunderClan jumps in to help its "Ally" against SkyClan, just like historical precedent, but they have NO IDEA who they're fighting against, because the whole Kingdom is divided. It's not as simple as it was in DOTC anymore.
WindCo came to support its favorite heir, but its cats don't obey Duststar's orders when it comes down to fighting their own friends and family, meaning they're functionally fighting EVERYONE and losing a TON of cats
SkyClan is getting pummeled because EVERY group is pissed at them as well as each other, getting a painful awakening that they are NOT being run by Skystar the War God anymore and they're no longer the biggest, baddest bananas in the bunch
(shadowclan is watching all of this and eating popcorn. moisturized. in their lane. unbothered.)
The climax here, between The Chosen and The Firstblood, is a battle that matches the chapter from COTC. They launch at each other, in a battle to the death.
The first Sunningrocks Battle.
They both wear "crowns" on their head, one custom made for Mossfire's short-furred head, and traditional, braided into Jumpfoot's long, lush fur.
As they claw, bite, and tumble, they plunge into the river.
Fighting and hissing, they try to pull apart to rise up for air-- and can't.
They're STUCK
The crowns became tangled in their skirmish, and neither one can work with the other to bring them both to shore, against the current.
Both heirs, the last with a proper claim to the throne, drown together in the river.
At the end of the bloodbath, the tone is very somber. The rules were meant to prevent The First Battle from ever happening again... but The Second Battle had just taken place.
The body count wasn't AS high as the First Battle, but it was still a bloody loss. Every Clan lost warriors. Even ShadowClan, who hadn't even been IN the conflict, checked its ranks to find that powerful warriors had run off to go fight with their Kin.
Now they could be buried with them, too.
And now, there was no proper heir. If any descendants were still kicking around, they were refusing to take a throne that so many cats had died for. Jumpfoot and Mossfire never emerged from the River, their bodies, and their legendary crowns, were never found.
At first I'd been considering Redscar being swapped to become a RiverClan Cleric, but now I'm thinking it actually makes sense he's still from ShadowClan. ShadowClan was the ONLY neutral group-- it's reasonable for the clans to turn and request their partiality.
So, Redscar peruses the options, having followed the situation from afar.
His choice, in the end, was The Deputy. The most experienced advisor who knew Riverstar, and probably tried to stay at his adopted daughter's side as well. The closest thing they'd had to a leader all along.
(Thought: Maybe this character will be the POV. Make it like a bit of a fake-out title, you THINK Riverstar's heir is Mossfire. But it's actually been this one all along.)
He creates his famous false sign, and from there, the five groups discussed how they could prevent this from ever happening again.
They create the Law of the Deputy, commanding that ALL Clans have a single Deputy who will inherit the Clan after the leader passes away, ending dynasties in WindCo and River Kingdom and centralizing power in the other 3.
With the massive losses that WindCo and River Kingdom experienced, they also restructure, forced to accept a lot of help from ThunderClan and ShadowClan.
The borders began to close up, leading to the sentiment that would lead to Commandment 4, the Law of Loyalty, in just one more generation.
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I got you buddy. I've been wanting to go nuts with an explanation FOREVER. Of course I won't be giving EVERYTHING away. Just some bits and bobs :)
Let's begin shall we?
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The Pretenders were the result of an experiment. They are not naturally created beings, nor are they the spawn of Unicron. Born in a lab, Optimus was the first of his kind and instilled with the mission that all Pretenders now adhere to without fail. It is hardwired into their genetic code, so much so that they are physically unable to avoid their mission. But with that said, they are not inherently malicious.
Made for a specific purpose, they are beings that wish to fulfill their function. If left alone, they will kill a few to gain a foothold to increase their numbers and then proceed to reproduce without any need for bloodshed. However with the war raging and due to the specifics of their biology, increasing their numbers en masse is impossible. Their lack of safety in numbers combined with the threat to their mission warring around them has forced this normally rather passive species into action.
Meant to be a race of sleeper agents, the Pretenders are only so active and aggressive due to their mission being threatened. Without the fear of annihilation hanging over them, they would largely remain dormant. But as that is not the case, they currently operate under instincts designed to serve them in times of strife. Hence their shortage of empathy and overall lack of care for the lives around them. In short, they will only act if acted upon. Without an external threat to their mission, they act as any other member of the population, excluding their smaller oddities. Bumblebee is an excellent example of what a dormant Pretender may look like, and even he is more active than a dormant one normally would be.
As of the present time in the AU, the Pretenders have made the decision to flee Cybertron to hopefully find a world where they can increase their numbers safely, and in doing so, finally have the numbers to blend into the background and complete their mission without Megatron exterminating them all.
Pretender Development
Optimus was born in a lab, and as such his origins are not going to be discussed. However in normal cases, the development of a Pretender follows this order:
Pretenders capable of spawning, those known as Firstborn, will begin to produce larva no bigger than a digit once they are mature enough and have sufficient resources. These larva develop in a safe location, either in a nest, or in the case of Optimus's young aside from Bumblebee, directly underneath his outer plating where they can feed from his fuel lines directly.
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All larva can be genetically altered to a degree when they are young through offerings of CNA from either the dead or energon samples from the living. They do not need to be inserted into a host, however those that are put into a host in their early larval stages develop differently than those who adjust without one.
Larva that grow without a host will lose their more insectoid appearance over the course of a few stellar cycles while under the dutiful care of the resident Firstborn. These larva are better at blending in than their counterparts due to the lack of information fed directly into their processors and slower development. They mimic normal sparklings in their growth, even developing a personality not tied to their CNA donor. The attention from their Sire also inspires a more docile nature in them, ensuring that they are less likely to act on their own. Their more odd Pretender aspects are not nearly as powerful since they were given ample time to grow and receive information without interference. Not having to play a role, have a personality forced on them, or otherwise being shoved into a frame that is not made for them ensures that the normal larva grow up to blend in better than their counterparts ever could.
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These unaugmented Pretenders generally do not exhibit many signs of their nature, lacking brute strength even without their disguises. Their organs and structure match the average Cybertronian almost perfectly so long as their coding is dormant, and even then, it is hard to pick them out. The only true giveaway of what they are is their EM field and the slight difference in optical structure, and to notice the first trait requires increadible skill. Megatron has begun to take notice of this fact and has trained many of his agents to sniff out a Pretender without issue. The DJD are his greatest assets in this regard, that with them all being survivors of larva implants.
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Their true forms are not nearly as monstrous as their counterparts and they can easily be mistaken for an Insecticon or a Predacon depending on the circumstances, only adding to their disguise. Often they do not allow their shells to fall away and they remain mostly docile save for the odd fits of hyper vigilance when a potential threat is around. They are not natural born leaders or specialized in any field, instead opting for greater adaptability and disguise over outright strength. Once fully mature and in the event that they are not threatened, these Pretenders largely forget what they are. Their coding falls dormant and they live without any serious differences when compared to natural Cybertronians.
The only time these Pretenders become active while allowed to live normally is when a Firstborn appears. In such a scenario, the Pretenders as a whole will begin to wake. Let it be known that there can only be one Firstborn at a time. However to make up for this weakness, every Pretender also possesses the ability to wake and become a Firstborn, which will in turn lead to conflict resulting in the deaths of all potential heirs until only one remains. For this reason, Optimus made the decision to prematurely select an heir to avoid this outcome.
Now with that said, larva inserted into hosts are a whole other issue. They are all specially chosen for their host beforehand. Their Sire gives them the CNA of the one they are to bond to, and then once they are ready, they are inserted into the host usually through the optics. The larva will then bury into the host's processors and proceed to slowly devour memory and knowledge over the course of a few stellar cycles all while it grows.
It will devour the host as much as it can, resulting in thinness. Then it will begin to expand, spreading out roots like a plant and leading its waste to be execrated as a green fluid from the host's vents. As its roots spread, it forces the host to deteriorate to make way for its developing form. By the time the larva has consumed the host in all but spark, it forces its host to walk toward energon deposits and then forces the host to purge any remaining internals the host may have so that the larva may continue to grow. Once the host is dead, the larva finishes its gestation by consuming energon and turning the external armor of its host into a disguise all while it finishes developing internally. During this state the larva is very susceptible to adaptation and depending on where it finishes it gestation, develops the unique traits that sets every Pretender apart. No two Pretenders are the same after all.
Optimus finished his development underground and he had to crush energon crystals underground, so his jaw is capable of splitting to allow that. Ratchet was given energon crystals whole during his development, so he adapted to have unusual numbers of mandibles in order to facilitate this.
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Pretenders who had a host take on many of the traits of their host and are the only ones who always remain active. They do not forget what they are and they are unable to fully adapt. Their empathy is lessened and their focus is on logic over emotion. They are the few who push the mission onward alongside their Hierarch. It is instinctual for a Firstborn to bring a few to his or her side through inserting larva into hosts. It is the most efficient way to obtain information and social status. Perhaps not the most subtle, but indeed effective.
Generally a larva cannot be removed from a host upon insertion, however a few lucky mecha with unusual processors or frames are able to have the parasite removed before it is too late. They come out scarred and broken more often than not, but due to the partial changes the larva started in them, they are the most brutal of Pretender hunters. No Pretender can hide from them, not when they can find them almost as instinctually as a normal Pretender could.
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wren-writes-things · 1 month
I think the single funniest thing about me writing Cyclamen (the Witch Marcy AU) right now is just watching as it slowly grows, because at this point chapter 4 might be chapters 4 and 5
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purpleleafsyt · 2 months
Apologies for not maintagging these other posts but for this AU post to make sense you need to read this post and ESPECIALLY this one so go do that.. be aware of the warnings though
So hey hi hello I'm making my own Hanahaki AU since I was the one who sparked up the conversation initially by reminding people that platonic hanahaki can exist :D
In the second post I went over motivations behind Soul, Whole, and an overview of how the headspace works for my HMS.
I mentioned Heart and Mind too, so, I want to go over more with them in this post because they're ALSO interesting
Warnings for everything under the cut: Self harm/destruction/sabotage, Unreliable narration in the form of poor mental ideologies, isolation, suicidal ideation, and gore/body horror. Hanahaki in this AU is a physical representation of issues found in poor mental health so anything that can spawn from that can here!
Unlike Soul, who started having typical symptoms early in the loop, before it developed into something more, Mind jumped almost immediately into the blossoming stage. It couldn't tear through metal, but vines, stems, and flowers certainly found it's way through the exposed parts of her joints. She knew early on that something, fundamentally, was wrong with her
It hurt, more than anything she can remember, to feel it wrap into and tear through her wires. She cursed herself for relishing in the pain, however. It makes her closer to being human, and thus real, if she is feeling pain, does it not?
The divide of being alive and nonliving is something she struggles with a lot, because she finds herself able to logically thing through both. She is a fracture to a whole, who is alive, and yet she is a robot, inorganic, an automaton freak
But that's besides the point. The flowers are confusing, inconvenient, and is halting any progress. How they're even able to grow within her mechanics is beyond her. The flowers make her weaker too, and is sometimes she cannot let her thirds be aware of, lest they take advantage of that said weakness(Because after all, why would any of them inform the others of their condition?)
She, despite everything, wants to understand them. She removes them, because she has to, and repairs herself. She's alone, so while difficult, it's safe. She experiments with the carefully removed flowers, and finds they can continue to grow apart from her so long as she continues to cultivate them. It's a distraction sure, but there has to be an answer somewhere in there. Besides, her garden is her own, hidden, safe, and the flowers are oh so beautiful thanks to her efforts
On the flip side, it took Heart longer to figure it out(Mind found out first, and Heart last. It left Soul, the root cause, in the middle, as usual)
He formed in the new loop, and got progressively sick. It caused agitation, as he kept getting worse, but he pushed through. Eventually, he threw up petals, and was rightfully horrified.
By this point, Mind and Soul had effectively isolated him(themselves, truly, but the real reason didn't matter) so the thoughts were free to creep in, he wasn't needed by them, nor wanted. It doesn't take long, due to the circumstances, for him to enter the blossoming stage.
The removal of the flowers is a violent act, as it always is with him, because like hell is he going to let his thirds see it. They're already treated like a burden to their thirds, why would he let them know it's worse? It's agony, but he does it anyways, all the while hiding himself further
He notices, despite the torn and ripped petals, that the flowers never wilt if he stays by them. They simply do not die in his presence, in his care. From what he can tell, they're vibrant and beautiful too.
He's allured by the flowers. He's not sure of his worth, or his life, but it becons him to take care of it, so he does. Because after all, he needs purpose, and if his thirds clearly do not need him anymore, then he can yield. He devotes himself to his garden, staying alive for the flowers to remain vibrant and beautiful.
The thirds still have to see each other because, after all, if one suddenly dissappears for too long it can cause suspicion to rise, but all of them remain unaware of each other's plights.
(That is, until very specific events happen, which I may go deeper into with another post. This one is dedicated to rounding out motive)
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
oh my GOD I love your isekai warriors au.... I love that the isekai trope is becoming a lot more popular, especially in anime... please tell me more about it!!
shaking ur hand rn hello fellow isekai anime/other mediums fan :3c FIRST lemme go on my tangent about this genre and my main inspo because wow this got way too long lol
isekai is total comfort food for me haha it's my go to genre of manga/manwha/webcomic reading whenever i'm feeling down and while i generally feel the genre is getting bloated and somewhat stale in anime, i still enjoy it quite a bit. It's a cute idea with a lot of potential, i just wish less of the shows went for the wish fulfillment route of things since we have so many by now.
mine is very inspired by a lot of korean manwha style stories in which the protag gets trapped in a show/game/book/etc. and has to deal with it, specifically what if you became the villain of a story. A lot of them play off the trope of the one dimensional evil villainess and how an average person would have to deal with coming into the body of someone like that and dealing with consequences. That, or it's the tragic villain, someone's who's life is marred by tragedy usually of their own doing.
The most interesting ones are those that play on how character archetypes would actually work in the story. The cold bad boy is just a shitty abusive guy, the shy guy who follows the girl is kind of a stalker, and so on.
One of my bigger inspirations was a plotline that also stuck out to me: a teen girl who died too soon and got reincarnated as the mother of the protagonist. obviously she has no clue what to do, she's a kid who wants to go home! And the only way she thinks she can is by ensuring the story goes as planned (and this of course is doomed from the start, unbeknownst to her, the villain is a reincarnater too and has already made tremendous changes). She dies and the reader never knows if she gets to go home or not. It's kind of this rough around the edges gem of an idea that I love and obviously had to steal for myself.
note for anyone getting intrigued by my descriptions uh a lot of these stories tend to be pretty shallow in their exploration. this subgenre consists a lot more of wish fulfillment/revenge fantasies comparatively to like a deep dive of "oh my god i've fucked up the narrative". Not to say they don't have interesting ideas! many are super interesting. just like. temper your expectations if you're going in
originally the story was gonna be set in a canon arc but that felt boring so i decided to just make up a whole story for it
The story is meant to be a (loving) poke at old fanfiction, common tropes in the aforementioned subgenre of isekai, and just a general ""cliche"" Warriors series (in the human universe here, I figured it's call Battlers/Battle Cats or something stupid lmao). In this story, Frostblaze is born into [ONE OF THE FOUR FAKE CLANS I HAVENT FIGURED OUT NAMES YET IM SORRY]. She's the born to an unnamed mother who tragically died of illness when she was just a young baby and has no clue who her father is.
She's isolated from her peers due to her eyes which some believe are an omen of her unnaturality. This only worsens when she is apprenticed to their Clan leader and causes Honeypaw, the daughter of the Clan leader, to become enraged with jealousy. She is one of Frostpaw's worst tormentors in the early parts of the book and eventually, during a battle, tries to off Frostpaw herself....but is killed by Frostpaw's love interest, the dashing and handsome (if a bit stupid) Eaglepaw of [INSERT RIVAL CLAN HERE].
The two hit it off (Honeypaw is an after thought at this point) and work together to stop the eeevviilll leader of uuhh eviiiiilll clan. They win, live happily ever after, Frost is actually their Clan leader's daughter and Honeypaw is her half-sister and blah blah blah.
At least, they're supposed to. Honeypaw, out hunting, is hit by a truck at the same time a human is. Human wakes up as a cat about to be buried because everyone thinks Honeypaw is dead and freaks the fuck out.
A lot of the plot points are kind of just me working through my gripes of the subgenre lmao:
"the person who is reincarnated is more adept and cool and better than their character and everyone loves them" -> Honey is awkward, neurotic, and can come off as rude to those who don't know her. Even her coolest trait, her wrestling ability, is off-putting because oh my god why are you putting a cAT IN A SPIDER GUARD THEIR SPINES DON'T BEND LIKE THAT HONEY PUT HIM BACK TO NORMAL-
She reread the story before she died but, because she has no pen, no paper, and sadly of all, no thumbs, she's unable to write it down to keep remembering it when she gets sent to this world. It's awful and she desperately wishes she had thumbs back.
she stands on two legs, makes weird comments alluding to being a human, and just is a bit of a weirdo. Honeypaw was isolated for being mean, Honey is isolated for making everyone uncomfortable (unintentionally). However, her isolation allows her to slip under the radar and do some more investigating, as she's noticed that some of the details in the story aren't adding up...
The story is strange and the characters aren't as she remembers now that they're in the flesh. Of course, her main priority is to thwart Honeypaw's assassination attempts, the spirit being intent that the way to get her body back is if she dies again. It's only from a near death experience that they realize that that's not gonna work and have to work together to change the story so they don't die!
and, as many people have pieced together, they're not alone.
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duckapus · 3 months
Me: Okay brain, it's about time we figure out some of the early scenes for A Snake in Horseland
Brain: Squid Time Mothafucka!
AU where "If Mario Was in... Splatoon" and subsequent Splatoon-related episodes were more faithful to Splatoon Canon (and also Agent 3 was Meggy's younger sibling)
Now, obviously not everything in Splatoon's lore is compatible with SMG4, most notably the whole "post-apocalyptic Earth where mammals are extinct" thing, but a lot of it is, and the stuff that isn't can still be addressed thanks to Retroactive SMG4 Lore Knowledge.
First off for the changes, obvious detail out of the way; the annual tournament Meggy was so fixated on until the end of "Meggy's Destiny" is going back to being called the Turf War Tournament like it was in the original episode because Splatfests are their Own Thing, and the fact that they're their Own Thing is really important for the story of Splatoon 2.
Next, "If Mario Was in Splatoon" came out a week before Splatoon 2, which for the sake of this AU means it takes place literal days before the disappearances of Callie and the Great Zapfish. It also means that this version of the episode happens in Inkopolis Square instead of Inkopolis Plaza, and Off the Hook are the ones to tell Mario about the tournament instead of the Squid Sisters.
(This bit doesn't have to do with canon adherence, but I'll also be taking the opportunity to actually flesh out Sam, Kenji and Heavy Squid as characters since I don't have youtube runtime limits or the effort of animating to worry about. Yes, the two Inkling Boys on the original Splat Squad apparently have canon names. Go figure.)
Because of the time frame, Cuttlefish and Three are already on the recon mission that gets them and Eight stuck in the Deepsea Metro while the episode is happening, and it would realistically take time to go through the tests and collect the Thangs, so it's a few months before Meggy gets to introduce her sibling to her new friends from out of town.
I haven't really worked out much beyond that (at least story-wise. I have figured out the directions I want to take the characters of the Splat Squad and Canon Splatoon Characters, but that's for another post), except that Meggy isn't aware that her sibling is Agent 3 until the Anime Island part of the Anime Arc. I figure the NSS would absolutely get involved in this continuity, both because protecting the people of Inkopolis is literally their job and because of Meggy and Marie being among those abducted by Francis.
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lavenoon · 1 year
Dynamic Swap AU - Rival Neighbors and Work Besties
~5200 words, enjoy
Main Dynamic Swap
The work besties: so Robin in this case does not immediately go on the defense, but rather feels a sort of kinship. They too rose the ranks quickly, earning their title as star agent, while being met with scorn from other agents - and perhaps there’s (initially) just that crumb of “keep your friends close and your enemies closer” kind of motivation. So they approach Dusk and act friendly enough, because even if he turns out better than them, that’s not enough to strip them of their rank and this Robin gets to use those brain cells. 
They propose a team-up, and Dusk is a little wary because the other agents really weren’t that welcoming, and this is a little too good to be true, so he doesn’t mention Dawn until it later seems awkward to bring it up. But while they aren’t really friends, as friendly as they act, in the beginning, they soon warm up to each other when they actually witness each other’s goofiness. 
Robin is absolutely on board for the cheesiness of “go to sleep” bs with hostiles and doesn't try to hide it, and Dusk may tease them for their novelty gadgets but always asks for theirs first before he tries his boring ones. Robin gets him his own then, and he workshops (begrudgingly - he throws in more than enough bird jokes, too) Robin Hood themed lines with them. They enable each other and somehow it works out, and they’re absolutely terrible to look at for everyone else because they apparently can’t take anything seriously but still get shit done. They thrive. 
For the neighbors, the set up stays the same - Y/N is the landlord, but because they already have a friend in Dusk they aren’t all that lonely and thus don’t try to befriend Sun as much, and Sun is maybe a little jealous of Moon but does not have a proper outlet for that. They don’t get off on the wrong foot - it’s a gradual “oh, we’re doing this, huh?” as they *also* enable each other but make each other worse. 
Y/N, slightly teasing, slightly seriously mentioning the noise and Sun still opting for DIY as excuse - and Y/N joking like “didnt take you for the crafty type.” The birdhouse shows up in the garden without any asking for permission, as a passive aggressive “I'll show you who’s not the crafty type” and Y/N just adds a (store bought) feeder to actually attract birds, and when Sun says he could have built one they just shrug and say both house and feeder do their job, which to Sun comes across as “your work isn't worth the effort” while Y/N meant “it works, and I wasn't gonna ask you for more (since we don't get along)”. 
Lots of passive aggressive jabs at Y/N for not being a good landlord and kind of fumbling, which does set them off a good bunch and make them shoot back with their own petty comments of how he chose to move in, and if he wants a better landlord he’s welcome to look for one. With the rent as low as it is, that’s never happening - though both sometimes leave these conversations wondering just where they went wrong, and if this is just how things are now, and why can’t they just bite their (metaphorical) tongue or ask to start over? They see each other interact with other civilians sometimes and be perfectly friendly, and it stings because then all the animosity feels personal, and they don't know how to stop. 
Meanwhile Sun complains to Moon about their landlord, who decides that he better stays out of sight because oof this is already a shitshow, no need to add to that. 
Robin also sometimes complains about their neighbor, mostly with exaggerated sighs and “there's just no pleasing that guy.” Only sometimes do they seem actually sad, but he tends to distract them with a race or an idea for a little prank to play (which Robin does not do, they do mention they don't wanna make things worse, and actually would like to fix things, it’s just that their neighbor doesn't seem to care or want to - but the hypotheticals make them laugh)
Stabbing: uh. chill, as far as a stabbing can go. There’s no tension between Dusk and Robin, they're not put off by his very insistent fretting, and he’s not as tsundere about his concern as in canon. Actually it’s Moon who proposes the idea of a gift basket when Sun is worrying over how he should handle their landlord getting appendicitis - he’s researched, and it sounds really painful, and even dangerous if left unchecked and they just said they'd stay at the hospital for a while and what if there's complications - 
Moon is just having the “non judgemental but very aware gaze face on all levels except physical. Says hey, he’s gonna get Robin a gift basket, and if Sun is so busy being a mother hen (“I’m not! That’s a totally normal amount of concern to have!”) he can grab one for the landlord, too. Maybe a more generic one, something a bit more low-key. Sun still adds a little personalized card and writes how “the house is in good hands” and he means well but Y/N is cranky and was stabbed and kinda assumes the worst, and comes back to work to grumble about how their tenant got all cocky while they were incapacitated. 
Sick Day: Moon is definitely still fretting up a storm, and pestering River about at least telling him that Robin is fine. River is so so tired fr. Sun meanwhile hears Y/N cough n all, and glares daggers at the canned soups he got but has been (ironically) too chicken to deliver. 
He catches them once taking out the trash - rushing outside himself (but not letting it show), and just kind of tells them to drop the bags, he’ll do it - they should be inside and resting, sick as they are, they aren't doing themself any favors like this. They kinda snap back how suddenly he cares, but they’re not an invalid and can take care of their trash themself. 
They argue for a bit, as they usually do, before Y/N’s phone pings and they just. immediately soften and laugh at whatever message they got. Sun near flinches - that’s what he could have had, if they didn't hate him. If he hadn't messed things up. He softens too, but mostly because he just deflates. Mumbles how really, he’ll take care of that, and it’s the least he could do. 
The wording kind of catches Y/N off guard, and they eye him warily for a bit before they sigh and admit that fine, maybe they will go inside and take a nap. They mumble a low “thanks” as they pass him, and later wake up to a few cans of soup in front of their door, though neither of them mentions it again. Dusk gets to hear about Robins flu, and this is the timeline where he finally gets to make an unholy amount of bird flu jokes 
Overtime: Ehehe. Hah. Oh poor Sunny. Remember how Hatchling Robin wasn't even sure their neighbor likes them? (: 
So Sun is definitely wearing a hole in their carpet from his pacing, and he’s very close to considering making up a fake issue to have a reason to text Y/N and make them come back home, because he is too stupid to find a more reasonable approach. Moon sighs, and tells him to “sleep” on it, and then goes to work and finds Robin buried in paperwork. Asks them what they think they’re doing, and they just whine about how they've been slacking off and gotten distracted, and they need to finish these asap. 
Dusk kinda settles on their desk, half sitting half leaning, and asks them wouldn't their friends be concerned if they saw them like that? 
Robin deadpans “Dude, you answered your own question by the way you barged in here” and Dusk kinda just. 
Continues quieter, more serious - he’s the only one? there's really no one else? Robin just shrugs, staring at the report, and he gets really really cold. Asks if they don't even think their neighbor/ tenant would miss them - surely he can't be that bad? And they just laugh, but there's no mirth in it. 
“Yeah, hah, no. He hates me, pretty sure he’s celebrating having the place to himself right now.” 
Dusk still thinks of Sun, and how he’s worried despite the animosity, and tries for a bit of forced lightheartedness at the totally unrelated but similar situation. 
“Eh, maybe he’s just a dumbass. I mean, he definitely is. But maybe he’s even *more* of one about being worried. Pretty sure if you leave without warning anyone would be concerned.” 
“God, I wish. Would be nice.” 
That still kinda stings, somehow - so he has to be a little shit to distract them from the what-ifs. 
“Ignoring him, though. I don't want you to overwork yourself. Go home and rest, for me?” 
And he crouches in front of their desk, hands curled around the edge, only his optics visible as he blinks in his best attempt of puppy eyes. Robin is sleep deprived and also bestie biased and absolutely loses it, “you’re lucky I like you” and he grins like the cat with the cream. 
Sun is very happy he didn't have to resort to anything ill advised, and mentions he’d appreciate a heads up should it happen again, which Y/N kind of bristles about but reluctantly agrees to
Reveal scenario would be something like. idk. Y/N and Sun accidentally meet at a little market, and Sun sees them buy maybe a bandana or something, or a little trinket. Something celestial themed, and he makes a comment about it, and they just roll their eyes. Mention it's got nothing to do with him, they actually have friends, so if he’d please just move on - 
And they do leave it at that, the two. But after Robin gifts Dusk said trinket and he comes back home with it on, Sun has a very very dreadful realization. Sun is freaking out because he’s been antagonizing another star agent who of course has a busy schedule and doesn't have all that much time for landlord duties, they actually have to sleep too! Knows from Moon however that apparently they don't really hate them, and would like to fix things, but just didn't know how. 
Moon on the other hand… Moon kept himself a deliberate secret, and is very very worried that their friendship won't survive that reveal, plus the concern about the agency and them living together. Robin was so open with him, and still he didn't realize - and he kinda blames himself for that. They try to figure out how to tell Y/N, but of course they stall for too long. 
Y/N, usually not the chattiest with other neighbors, maybe has to pick up a package or hand one out that was wrongly delivered to their address, and get talking with another neighbor. That neighbor does say that their tenants are quite nice, even though that moon animatronic is rather elusive! Record scratch, freeze frame - right, the, uh, moon animatronic. That one. When - when did they meet him? 
“Oh, not really met him, really, but I saw him pull up the trash cans once or twice in the morning when I forgot to put them out. Say, why does he wear a nightcap?” 
Y/N just fumbles for something not entirely impolite before scrambling for an excuse about food in the oven and having to leave. They rush back home, where Sun for plot reasons happens to be on the porch. They look at each other, startled for a moment before Sun is the one to soften and Y/N just hardens. Before Sun can say anything they start opening their door already, head low, and just mumble “You really thought I’m that stupid, huh? Congrats, you were right. Or maybe you just hate me that much.” 
Sun by now is familiar with dread, but has to ask - what are they talking about? 
Door open, and they just look at him, expression just so so tired and hurt, and just say “Moon.” before stepping inside and slamming the door shut. The lock clicks, and Sun’s knocks and panicked string of “no”s goes unanswered. 
To Y/N, this is all their worst fears combined. Sun never even liked or respected them enough to tell them that there’s a whole other person living there, obviously that whole everything is doomed. There’s also the friendship with Dusk that is now just terrifying in its implications - does he know? Why did he never tell them that he moved in at their place, did he think it’s funny that they don't know? What about Sun - is he an agent too? Does he know they’re Robin? 
They hide out at home for a day, securing a longer mission that will “give them time to think'' as they'll be out for a few days. 
They return to a desperate little plea to talk in their work pigeonhole, confirming that both know about their work identity, and also the gossip about Dusk and Dawn being out of commission after being blown up. 
That’s not what Robin wants, at all. They still are terrified the boys both hate them, or just toyed with them, but they push that aside as they rush home because even if they don't actually care for Robin, Robin cares for them and doesn't want them hurt
They kind of trip onto the porch just in time to see Moon pick up a couple packages left on the porch, both kinda startled and Y/N just has that deja vu to like a couple days before with Sun.
Kinda crumble right there, crying in relief but not really looking, too caught up in the adrenaline before Moon hesitantly asks if they want to come in. Y/N stares for a moment - but then just nods. It’s awkward, and they kind of want to help him carry stuff but don't know how to offer, and Moon wants to offer a tissue but his one arm is kind of occupied. 
They talk just a bit - get the roughest bits out first. Moon reassures them that he didn't know until the trinket Sun recognized, and Y/N confirms they aren't actually mad, they were just scared that both of them hate them. Moon then gets to tell them that Sun felt about Y/N the same way Robin felt about their tenant - sad, mostly, and unsure how to fix things, but definitely willing. Tells them a little joke about how much of a drama king Sun was about it all, and that actually, please, would they talk to the guy? The whining really gets annoying after a while. 
And Y/N laughs a little teary eyed, but hesitantly agrees - it’s a lot more awkward for the neighbors then, and they don't even talk about the reveal at first because they have to address the misunderstandings from the beginning first, and both admit they kinda got carried away and never meant for things to end up like this. 
They kinda shake on a do over with the newly reattached arm before Y/N pulls him in for a hug - they squeeze and tell him “next time you wanna try again, please know you can just ask. Don’t get blown up again.” Sun startles, then laughs before he melts into the hug, and assures them that he’d rather not have a repeat of any of this except this hug. 
Switch back to Moon, where the two get to talk out the lingering, smaller worries, and then also get a hug because fairs fair, and they discuss how the agency fucked up and cant tell either of them to move out now, and kind of settle for “we know each other, and we have each other, and if the agency has an issue with that, they'll be down three agents” and then. shenanigans
Reverse Dynamic Swap AU
work besties: Oh my god. Oh my god. These two istg. So Robin has the same motivation as with Dusk for approaching Dawn, who may also be wary of the unfamiliar goodwill, but is a suave bastard all in all. There’s no ankle grabbing because Robin isn’t a cocky little shit, and quickly appreciates Dawn’s flair for the dramatic that complements their own. He thinks their gadgets are charming and do their job well, and he thrives on the validation after going without it during his training period. 
He’s really easy to win over and Robin does so easily, and then these two hit friendship really quickly and then just as quickly the “flirts with you but just kidding haha unless?” stage. They pet name it up and mean all of it, but never confirm anything bc. Yeah workplace relationships are really not on the table (laughs in author) so they just. don’t mention it and wave off the other’s flirting as just for the bit. 
They pine a lot but also are so handsy during missions like the besties really have it so much easier in reverse au, just that this time Dawn gets the easy relationship with Robin. They just have a sort of shockwave reaction on other agents where everyone looks at them and cringes so hard they just have to keep a distance (/hj), but they definitely thrive too 
petty ass neighbors: Moon is prickly. He’s lonely, he only hears from Sun how much fun his other partner is, he’s jealous, he’s an introverted nocturnal shut-in, and maybe he snaps at the nice landlord trying to talk to him when he gets the impression they overstep when they ask about the noise level. Y/N is not desperate for a friend and just. Immediately takes the hint and backs off. 
It doesn’t really get much worse, but. Similarly to rival Dawn’s ankle-grabbing, Moon already set the precedent and will regret it for a long time. Y/N mostly avoids him, and when they have to deal with him, they’re short and or passive aggressive and petty, and he mirrors that because he is lonely, yes, but he tells himself he’s not that desperate, and here too both kind of leave these interactions and wonder where they went wrong. Do they just not click? Or is this salvageable? But if the latter, how would they go about this when the other party seems so absolutely against it? 
Their most positive “interaction” is when Moon doesn't technically admit to DIY as excuse, but just puts up a bird feeder in the backyard that Y/N keeps refilling because they kind of like the chirping and also feel like it’s at least proof that Moon isn’t really an asshole he just apparently can't stand them
Moon wallows in self pity and also wonders if maybe he’s just bad at people and not made to have friends - and Sun can hardly comfort him, because he’s got it so easy with his crush friend. Instead Sun opts for talking smack about Y/N, trying to turn it around and make them the one unfit for people, and Moon half-heartedly takes it as comfort
Robin sometimes sighs about their prickly tenant who just seems to have decided he hates them from day one, and Dawn (forever causing problems even when things go well) just smoothly swoops in and declares “Why even worry about him, darling, when you have me?” with Robin joking along the lines of “So true, why don't you move in with me?” “Alas, the rules…” “Alas indeed.” 
They’re all still idiots. 
Stabbing: Similarly to main dynamic swap, there’s no tension in caring for Dawn and Robin, and his concern cranks up to 11 as a result. Robin nearly has to reassure him, and promises him to be back soon. 
Moon frets, but doesn’t know how to even go about showing that concern, so Sun suggests the gift baskets - he’s getting one for Robin already (with the balloons and the flowers and Robin jokes about how the hospital staff asked if their partner sent it and they just semi-affirmatively laughed it off without explaining what kind of partner), and Moon just… Picks a small one and no card or anything, because he’s awkward, and Y/N just reads it as “ah, doing what’s polite/ adhering to social norms and that's it, he doesn't really care” (which Dawn insists his own gift basket more than made up for that, no?) 
Sick Day: River is dying, because Dawn is back with his concern and trying to charm his way into getting information she refuses to give out. Someone help her please. 
Moon hears Y/N, but doesn’t really dare to do anything - probably also has the canned soup, because those don't go bad and he’s a bit too unsure whether or not he’ll have the metaphorical guts to give them the food to go for something that would expire quickly. But when he hears them cough louder than before, and he checks the balcony, he finds them wrapped in a blanket sitting on theirs, watching the backyard (the feeder, to be exact, but he doesn't realize yet). 
“You should be inside, it’s getting cold.” 
“That’s what the blanket is for.” 
“Still -” 
“What do you care, anyway?” 
He doesn’t really have an answer for that. Their phone pings, and they deflate under their blanket as they smile at the screen with a small sigh. Get up, and mumble something about fine, they'll go inside, balcony’s all his. There’s no birds anyway. That’s when he looks and sees the feeder is out of food, because Y/N was too sick to refill. 
He makes up his mind - and while Y/N is busy being confused by their doorbell ringing to the very subtle anonymous canned soup delivery, he’s sneaking into the garden to refill the birdseed, and when Y/N goes to bed that evening they hear a few birds chirp, and wake up to even more. Neither really mentions it, though the gesture is not forgotten
Overtime: Moon’s starting to stack his anxieties now, after Y/N’s hospital visit and their flu and now their mysterious disappearance his regret at how he handled that initial noise complaint really starts to grate at him. He withdraws further and doesn't even consider contacting Y/N lest he pushes them away further, and Sun tries to reassure him that surely their absence has nothing to do with him. 
Dawn meanwhile doesn't pull any metaphorical punches and point blank tells Robin that he doesn't like how reckless they are with their health and they whine how they know, but fortunately being pretty is not a free pass to not do their paperwork, as he would know best.
“Flattery will not get you out of this, darling. I don’t enjoy seeing you like this.” 
“Guess with eyebags like these I stopped being pretty a while ago anyway.” 
He tilts up their head, making them look at him instead of their paperwork. 
“You always are, dear. But I’m sure I’m not the only one concerned with your lack of self care, and I think you should sleep in an actual bed to recover.” 
Robin glances away, half frowning - and he probes again, what's on their mind? Well, first they wanted to say he is the only one, but… they don’t actually know, because their tenant actually did something nice for them the other time and they're really not sure what to make of him. 
Dawn is bristling just a bit - that’s his little thief, and that tenant really has too bad of a track record to steal them away. But then he thinks of Moon, and sighs. 
“Maybe he’s just not used to people, and doesn’t know how to handle things. Maybe you should go home and reassure him you haven't suddenly died, just in case. I’ll see you after you've had a full night of sleep, and if you don’t look better then I’ll be forced to take drastic measures.” 
“Hmm, maybe I’ll have to kiss it better.” 
“Well, don’t threaten me with a good time -” 
“You’re delirious, darling. Go sleep, and we’ll talk.” 
Moon, when he next sees Y/N at home, just relaxes on the spot and sighs a little “You’re okay.” and Y/N kind of. ducks their head and mumbles a little sorry, and how they'll let him know next time if they stay out for a couple days. 
Reveal wise they get the sped up version too - Moon doesn't see Y/N get the matching trinkets, because it’s Robin who pickpockets them on the job. Maybe a little suncatcher, for the joke - or even a windchime, for the challenge. Point is, they get one for Dawn and one for themself, and when they get home they’re ready to put it up in the backyard (in a suncatcher’s case, far away enough from the feeder to not scare away the birds). Moon catches them, and recognizes the trinket, and before he can stop himself he blurts out 
“You’re Robin?” 
Y/N of course freezes, and turns to him with a stonewall of an expression, too caught up in the whiplash their mood just went through from happy to absolutely terrified. Moon reacts similarly - he takes a few steps back, tense and wide eyed, and starts apologizing. Suddenly a lot clicks into place, but now he might not have ruined any chance he could have still had with Y/N, but also ruined Sun’s friendship with them because of his blunder. 
Y/N meanwhile glances from him to something behind him, slightly in their periphery - the match to the trinket they’re still holding, dangling in the boys’ window. A lot clicks into place for them, too. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to -” 
“Moon. It’s okay. Let’s talk inside, before the neighbors hear.” 
The walk back into Y/N’s half of the house feels somewhat like a walk to the gallows, for both of them. Moon wakes up Sun and frantically conveys as much as possible in a few seconds, which. does not go over well. 
Sun is freaking out, Moon is freaking out, and while Y/N is busy shutting the door, he collapses, hands on his head as he tries to keep the sun rays in that do their best to jut out as both fight for control, driven by the urge to fix things or run or somehow be less alone, maybe all of it.
Now Y/N is freaking out too - they kneel in front of him, just hovering, watching his eyes flicker. They may not know the boys history, may not know about Eclipse, but they realize that whatever this is, it isn’t good. 
“Moon, Moon, I swear you’re okay, it’s not your fault, I’m not mad.” 
When that doesn’t help, they get out the big guns. 
“Can you look around the room and find five things I’ve stolen on the job?” 
It does reach him, but only because he feels they should know that the expert is currently screaming inside of his head, too. Not in so many words, however, as he’s still too close to a panic attack.
“Sun knows. Can tell me. Cheating.” 
Sun, huh? Should have known.
“No shit, sherlock. Tell him he gotta tell you what job it’s from, and you gotta tell me, so focus on that anyway.” 
And the boys do, and manage - and feel a little calmer after. Still all wound up, and Moon’s wringing his hands and Sun is quietly and mentally pacing, but Y/N manages half a smile. 
“Better now?” 
Just a nod in return. 
“Okay. Okay, so I’m assuming you’re an agent too, and somehow I just. Missed that entirely. Because I’m an idiot.” 
“Not an idiot.” 
“Little bit of an idiot.” 
“Not an idiot.”
Y/N makes note of the fact that even in a semiverbal state Moon insists on them not insulting themself, and earlier, keeping things fair and transparent. Their grin grows slightly exasperated, if amused. 
“I’m saying this lightheartedly, and I’m not having a panic attack about it. Which I would like to address - just how badly did you think I’d react?” 
Moon only ducks his head, staring at his hands. 
“Hate me.” 
And Y/N’s heart kind of drops. They get it, they do - after all they thought the same from him, except he did things that proved that assumption wrong, and they… They didn’t really do anything. 
“I don’t hate you. I thought - I used to think you hate me. I don’t, not anymore - and I’m sorry I didn’t do anything to make you realize I don’t hate you either.” 
He’s looking at them then, and they smile, eyebrows turned up, half pleading. 
“You feeling okay enough for some touch?” 
They’re thinking of prying his hands away from each other, and maybe rubbing some soothing circles on the back of them. But when he nods, almost sharply, more mechanically than usual, he just half leans forward, arms opening in that silent request, and well, they can't really say no to that. Don't want to, either. So the soothing circles they rub on his back, full stop. He’s trembling at the start, but it subsides quickly, and then he mumbles “Still sorry.”
“And I’m still a little bit of an idiot, and we’ll just have to agree to disagree.” 
His reaction is just the closest to a growl they hear from him, and they decide that the agree to disagree is on thin ice, and they better change the topic. 
“Sun’s there, too?” 
Another sharp nod against them, and then Moon shifts in their hold - and also switches. He needs some time to just process, too, without the pressure of being the one in control. 
Sun starts withdrawing from the hug, but Y/N pulls him back in. 
“You’re really not angry?” 
He sounds so much smaller than they’ve ever heard him, so they squeeze him as they chuckle. 
“If you give me a couple minutes to process all of this, I’ll think it’s hilarious. Why would I be mad you’re living here? Think we joked about how great that’d be multiple times before. We’ll figure it out.”
Sun is responsible for intel, looking for inconsistencies and hints to piece information together. Something nags at him.
“HQ never interfered.” 
“So as long as we don't tell them anything that might force them to act, they probably won't.” 
They’re on the same page - and they will figure it out. Sun embraces the hug then, pulling them closer, and just drinks in the reassurance. Moon does end up calling out of work that night, and they spent the time talking things out, but things are looking up for all of them now
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going more into detail on that ‘gravity what now’ au because the summary was a bit vague. ‘everything is terrible and ford thinks it’s targeting him’ and ‘the fact that it takes place in researcher ford era is dubious’ and ‘stan and fiddleford are getting along while ford is suffering’
so here’s a collection of events/general things that started happening to our trio sometime after they got to gravity falls:
-ford has traumatizing nightmares about bill, despite never having met him or even been into the cave yet. without going too into detail, these nightmares give him: a fear of sleeping, a fear of darkness, and severe touch aversion. it is also one of two things that starts to erode his relationship with stan, as a result of the latter not taking the nightmares seriously
-ford tries to curb his newfound fear of the dark via exploring the cave behind the waterfall. it doesn’t work, but he does meet the geodites and become fond of them. he visits the waterfall cave often, as nothing in the woods ever seems to follow there
-it takes eight separate tries for stan to believe ford when he says there’s something dangerous in the woods. it only takes the last time because ford came back with undeniable evidence. this is the second thing that damages their relationship
-ford continually witnesses things in the surrounding woods that the other two never do. this is intensely frustrating for him
-on two separate occasions in the woods, ford comes across fiddleford and stan in rather gruesome states. they are both perfectly fine and have no idea what he’s talking about when he gets back to the shack (not actually the shack but y’know). these two events were very real, they just weren’t actually fiddleford or stan
-stan and fiddleford bond over engineering (stan taught himself how to repair cars, we already know about fiddleford’s robot thing). they also cook meals together. they’re having a wonderful time guys
-ford has seen so many some-type-of-creatures that he’s started talking to them and they’ve started talking back
-one of the creatures has started trying to give him words of advice. it doesn’t take because said creature is unsightly and does it while perched on the trio’s roof like a spider
-ford has no healthy coping mechanisms. he doesn’t have time for them and he barely even knows what that word means anymore
-fiddleford gets really good at making various kinds of treats for when ford has especially bad days. he has no idea what’s going on with him, but that doesn’t mean he can’t try to help
-fiddleford was invited to gravity falls first (so quickly he didn’t even get a chance to meet emma-may). stan was invited second
-both the stan twins are going through it in different ways and fiddleford’s just trying to keep the peace
-ford takes in a stray cat. stan doesn’t approve, fiddleford questions it, neither of them are stopping him. feline lifeline
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shadowmilk-cookie · 2 months
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And so, her journey begins~
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imelht · 4 months
Bro pls tell me more of your Meta Knight Vampire AU i really like it
Sure thing. I appreciate the interest.
So, in my Vampire!Meta Knight AU, there is one major focus which the AU encapsulates: The internal clash between Meta Knight’s vampiric nature, and his knightly one.
(I should mention that there are also heavy themes of metadede present in the AU’s plot. Their relationship (slow burn in nature) is that of a vampiric knight’s and a mortal monarch’s, and it delves deep into the dilemma the pairing of a vampire and mortal and or knight and king may have caused at the time period of the AU (middle ages). (To note, whether it be romantic or platonic, it is no exemption as I am simply an enjoyer of this trope. It has my heart.))
(Additionally, if you are interested in hearing about my headcanons regarding (Vampire!)Meta Knight, King Dedede, or their relationship you are free and welcome to send an inquiry.)
Though I digress. The AU incorporates medieval elements. To clarify, Dreamland acts as one large province which makes up the other kingdoms of Popstar within it. The AU still keeps Popstar’s respective and canon locations, and as far as medieval elements go, the kingdoms of Dreamland are large and obviously medieval in nature, though, it goes further as to add specific traditions, social aspects and elements in medieval culture such as castles, caste systems, middle age hierarchy, dungeons, mills, grindstones, horse riding, cavalry etc etc while also including more specific elements from the cultures of the middle age such as the values treasured in said cultures, the oral passing down of tales, grand halls for celebration, (think the Anglo Saxon’s mead hall), medieval cuisine and mythologies present, branching back to kingdoms of a distant past. Most if not all of this finds its way in the AU.
Speaking of, Meta Knight’s vampirism stems from the mythological aspect of the AU. Though, this is not exclusive to vampires. Werewolves, necromancers, dragons, wyverns (like Landia), demons and a plethora of undead species also come into play in the AU. There are also bandings of hunters that actively work against Meta Knight as an external antagonistic force.
In vague short, Meta Knight found himself attacked, put at the mercy of his assailant, and felled for three days before he rose, turned by an unknown perpetrator. He spends his undead days seeking the malevolent force out, all while striving (and struggling) to acclimate to his newfound nature. Meta Knight struggles as his savage vampiric nature claws at his conscience, that very same conscience that was brought up and born in the disciplined knighthood, an order that puts first the upkeep the innocent first while his vampiric one seeks to do the opposite of just that. Much happens between these points. (It is an AU with much to unpack.)
There it is. A few key concepts in regards to the AU. Thank you for your interest, and a good-hearted thank you to anyone who stopped to read this. Have a good one.
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