#Abbie’s Hatchetfield Theories
abiimaryy · 3 years
So I’ve been screaming for the past hour
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Then Mariah tweeted THIS and you know I had to get all over that because?? HELLO
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Anyways here is what out of her tweets I think could potentially be the hints:
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This was posted to both her twitter and her instagram so I feel like it’s teasing a possible Alice return. Which doesn’t seem all that unlikely considering we’re getting a Ziggs story??
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Mariah used the coffee emoji and has also posted the coffee cup on her instagram story. Surely that’s gotta be teasing a Zoey return?
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This one from a little while ago isn’t as obvious and could possibly just be a reference to Matt Dahan’s project Mariah has said in a zoom with some fans that she can’t imagine Melissa with brown hair (this feels like more of a stretch tho)
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Mariah tweeted this completely out of context and my evil Webby loving brain can’t help but think it could be a reference to her (post about evil Webby here)
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And this one. The word choice seems so deliberate you know? I can’t help but feel like we’re getting Grace. Or it could be another Alice hint!!
Anyways that’s all I got
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abiimaryy · 3 years
I think Casey might be on of Miss Holloway’s three girls…
Okay so on one of her streams recently Mariah said this (I've edited out the game dialogue bits in-between)
And it got me thinking…
We’ve all pretty much guessed for a year that the 80s pop star on Casey's shirt was Miss Holloway but NMT2 all but confirmed it... "the whole world has FORGOTTEN". The pop star is one of Miss Holloway's old personas!!!!
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I (and I'm sure everyone) just assumed this was an "oh it's been a while since the 80s lost to time" sort of thing BUT NO!! THEY'VE ACTUALLY FORGOTTEN HER. So we have such a clear connection between Miss Holloway and Casey already and then I kept thinking about what Mariah said.
Casey is dead right?? She got buried by the Hatchet Men meaning she had the gift and she was killed for it. That sure as hell sounds like someone who Miss Holloway couldn't save right?? And to add onto this Mariah played one of the girls in the 3-girl creature!! Add that to the fact that Casey was the only tree-person named and that Nick is discussing her character with Mariah (he wouldn't do that for a one-off background character) I think it's very likely we're gonna be seeing Miss Casey again and it's gonna be HEARTBREAKING
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abiimaryy · 3 years
So we’re the Starry Children right?
Like in the Church of the Starry Children we are them? Obviously 'starry children' is a reference to Starkid and is just another neat fourth wall break but I kept thinking about who they could be.
Roman talks about how the Starry Children are "gone but through us they live on". Now there's a long list of potential candidates in Hatchetfield of things that could be 'gone' like Miss Holloway's 3 girls, the kids Willabella killed and so many more so I decided to look into the timings of the church. Now it's said a few times that it's the 75th annual Honey Festival in Honey Queen and based on the fact that the season takes place in the summer of 2020 that would place the first one taking place in summer 1945 (which is very interesting  considering the uh... nuclear history of Hatchetfield when the US bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945). Anyways this date allowed me to eliminate many candidates from the roster. Nearly all Hatchetfield events that we're aware of take place post-2004 (shoutout to 2005) so as a result we'd be dealing with events that only took place prior to 1945. 
Now Miss Holloway is somewhat of an anomaly here based on her whole immortal schtick we don't actually know how old she is and therefore when these girls were around. However, based on the fact that  it's the Church of the Starry Children and not just 'girls' and also Miss Holloway's 80s aesthetic kinda tying her to around the late 1900s (probably like the 1960/70s at the EARLIEST) I felt inclined to remove her and the girls.
Now there was the possibility of the kids whose blood Willabella used to write the Black Book (they made some stunning illustrations Bella I have to hand it to you) but I was also reluctant to think it was them for a number of reasons.  Willabella was executed in 1824 meaning that these children were likely killed (if they were even killed it's not confirmed but knowing the lords in black they probably were) prior to that date meaning that the first sacrifice didn't take place until over 120 years later. Now of course it's possible that the church existed before they started sacrificing women (Sheila and Mr Young got married in 1920 after all) but there is another factor that must be taken into account when thinking about these children. 
They're the children of the Hatchet Men.
We know from what Sheila said that the Hatchet Men and the church don't get along very well (read: the Hatchet Men executed the entire church) and so the fact that the church would be set up in honour of the children of their sworn enemies seems very unlikely. 
So as a result there was not really any known people in Hatchetfield who are "gone" that would really fit the bill of the Church. So then I ended up going back to general concepts in Hatchetfield and thinking about things that were gone during Nightmare Time and it was soon very obvious. One thing that was commonplace in TGWDLM and BF that hadn't translated over to Nightmare Time was the audience and the audience interaction. In both TGWDLM and BF characters interact with the audience in some way and of course they can't do that in NMT.  So when you combine that fact with the fact that they're called the "starry children" a DIRECT reference to Starkid it seems entirely likely that we are the Starry Children. Cos we're gone now but through Nightmare Time, Hatchetfield and the actors continuing to tell us these  stories even when we can't physically be there... 
We live on
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abiimaryy · 3 years
So Nick Lang did some very vague tweeting about Melissa in 2019 and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since
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We’ve learnt a whole lot about CCRP as a whole since these tweets were posted. We know they’re a hell of a lot more shady and a hell of a lot less boring than we initially thought and based on these tweets I can’t help but feel like Melissa is more than just a secretary at CCRP. I feel like she’s involved with whatever operation they’ve got going on.
Based on what I suggested in my CCRP theory I could see Melissa being more than a PA and actually being deeper into the CCRP stuff but ultimately being placed in the tech department as some sort of spy or something. Who got the spit off Paul’s coffee mug hmm?? I think Melissa is a core part of the operation of CCRP and that is what Melissa is doing. Maybe Melissa was kidnapping Paul as a part of the deeper CCRP proceedings?
Either that or Melissa is a spy for PEIP as we know they have agents in Hatchetfield and I could see them spying on CCRP because they’re highly suspicious. But I think the first option is more likely
As well as this her appearance in TGWDLM is weird. Like in storytelling everything needs to have one purpose or another. What does Melissa and Paul’s interaction serve in TGWDLM? Nothing. We don’t need it so show Paul is blunt we have that with Bill already. Melissa serves no real story purpose in TGWDLM and that makes me think that she is meant for something more. Of course we know Nick and Matt already had some idea of Black Friday and Nerdy Prudes when writing TGWDLM that’s why they had so much Macnamara stuff in TGWDLM to set up Black Friday. It’s entirely probable for Melissa to be the same. A character introduced to later have a more major role. Otherwise you’d assume she’d have been cut for time. We know the Lang’s wanted TGWDLM to be 1 act but they weren’t able to make it short enough. Why else have Melissa if not for some further story purpose??
Melissa has secrets and goddamn if I don’t wanna learn about them
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abiimaryy · 3 years
The History of Webby- A Lyrical Analysis by AbiiMaryy
So I’ve recently been transcribing the lyrics of The Web I Spin For You for the Starkid wiki and it’s caused me to spend a heck of a lot of time thinking about these lyrics and some sort of theory has been formed. Now it’s important to mention that the soundtrack version of The Web I Spin For You is slightly different to the one in the YouTube release, there’s a few extra verses you can read those lyrics here.
Okay first of all can we talk about how much of a bop this song is? Like Jeff went off but it’s a DIVERSION. You see the lyrics seem to have a deeper meaning and I think they give some insight into Webby’s history with her brothers.
It’s been a popular headcanon that Webby was the elder sister of the lords in black but I disagree. I feel like from the lyrics that Webby was almost raised by her brothers and they taught her their ways generally based on the lyrics “You may have taught me” and “You used to keep me at your side”. It seems like Webby used to have a deep love for her brothers and believed what they believed in “I thought it was something that was worth the fight for”, “I even thought that I could give my life for you”.
However, something changed Webby’s feelings towards her brothers and her feelings towards them grew sour and she realised that they were merely using her for her power: “I was the only one that loved and cared for” “now I wonder what I worked so hard for” “you’re supposed to love me the most” “as I grow older that I have no need for”. And so I think Webby turned away from her brothers and started working for the side of good “have you noticed that my trust has turned” to the point where she’s almost bitter towards her brothers “you have a tendency to stab my back” “I supposed you’d have me empathize” (does that not sound salty AF). So now Webby is actively working to undo the harm she did while working with her brothers “all this time I’ve been untangling the web I spin for YOU” and she feels almost trapped by her past “you got me inside my head with no way out I’m caught” and she’s almost trying to run from her past “I gotta buy more time if I’m to run away”.
So basically I feel like Webby used to be evil and work for her brothers but something happened that caused Webby to actively turn against them. If I’m being honest I think it was a fairly recent changed based on how shocked and almost scared Miss Holloway seemed to be in learning Hannah knew of Webby. Though I feel like it has to have happened at a minimum of when Hannah was a baby or young child cos Nick said Hannah has been able to see Webby for as long as she can remember and so if Webby had been evil Hannah wouldn’t have trusted her. So maybe around 2005-6 or earlier??
TL:DR Webby used to be evil and worked for her brothers but now she works on the side of good to try and undo the harm she did.
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abiimaryy · 3 years
Have we considered that Webby is using Hannah for her own gain?
I already suggested the idea that Webby could be evil in this post but continuing on from that I was thinking…
There’s a precedent in Hatchetfield for people attempting to use Hannah’s body as a mortal vessel (Willabella) and in the lyrics for TWISFY Webby says “I have to bide my time if I’m to run away”. Webby lives in a place outside of all dimensions. To run away she’d have to leave the Black and White. And we’ve already seen her brother attempt to do that in Black Friday.
However it could be entirely possible that Webby is acting kind and protective to Hannah for her own gain and everything she’s done to this point like how she destroyed Willabella because she was attempting to invade Hannah’s mind which Webby wanted to do or keeping her alive in Black Friday is Webby merely biding her time until she’s strong enough to invade Hannah’s mind? Everything she’s done is merely to keep Hannah alive for her own gain so she can use her to gain access to that dimension.
TL:DR: Webby is attempting to gain Hannah’s trust ti eventually use her for her own purposes
Or maybe I just have trust issues idk
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abiimaryy · 3 years
Why is Hatchetfield a magnet for such terrible things?
While making the Hatchetfield lore master doc I looked at a lot of information and something I fixated on was the witch theme in Hatchetfield.
From what we know of ‘witches’ in the Hatchetfield universe we know them to be people with ‘the gift’ and therefore have a connection to the Black and White in some way. Lex, Hannah, Willabella and Miss Holloway are all called witches all of them have the gift. As well as this we have Coven Communications Research and Power who are actively researching the Lords in Black as we know from Time Bastard and Coven is a group of witches. Every Nightmare Time episode is linked to the Witchwood forest in some way.
Every single aspect of Hatchetfield is ultimately linked to witches and it’s revealed during Willabella’s trial that she was the first disciple of Wiggog Y’wrath (Wiggly) and was ultimately hung for crimes of witchcraft. Willabella was hung in 1824, the same year that Hatchetfield was founded. Hatchetfield was founded on the death of a witch who was not only loyal to the Lords in Black but was the first one to be loyal to them. Would it really be so far fetched to suggest that the town is being targeted for killing Willabella?
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abiimaryy · 3 years
Ranking my Hatchetfield Theories based on how likely I think they are to be correct
Webby used to be evil- It just feels the most likely. Webby is so shrouded in mystery and she seems so intertwined with Miss Holloway who sensed so scared when Hannah mentioned her and just theres so much evidence in the lyrics. I just feel like it makes sense.
The Hatchetfield Timeline split in 2005- I’m 99% sure this one is canon if i’m being being honest and I feel like it’s the theory Nick talked about in the talkback stream and his interview with Julia Delbel. The only reason it’s not number one is I’m still not sure what caused the split but I don’t think
The CCRP Technical department is a sham/Charlotte is Nibbly's victim- I'm entirely convinced on the Nibbly section of this theory if I'm being honest and I feel like the tech department is solid too just maybe not as much as the Charlotte bit
Mariah's NMT tweets- This one goes up here purely because of how limited the stuff I had to analyse was and how it's based on hints rather than abstract concepts.
Webby is using Hannah (evil Webby part 2)- As I'm so confident on my evil past Webby theory this one feels kinda likely especially with how we've seen each of the lords manipulate their victims in different ways. Why shouldn't Webby pose as a friend to manipulate Hannah right where she wants her? However what her motives are I have no idea so number 5
Why is Hatchetfield such a magnet for terrible things?- The witch theme analysed in here is definitely solid and I do think the witch theme is definitely part of the cause. Whether or not it was Willabella's death is the reason for them targeting Hatchetfield is a different matter.
Nobody can leave Hatchetfield- I'm just not a big fan of this one and it feels more like common sense and I'm just not sure of it so yeah.
CCRP are the villains of NPMD- As much as I feel like this is a possibility Nerdy Prudes is so far off and shrouded in mystery that I don't want to put it any higher.
MacNamara is the tape voice (a collaboration with @wegotourmiracle and @lucifersayshowdy)- As much as I think this one is very likely it feels like such a small detail that Nick could maybe leave us to figure it out
Peanuts is related to the Lords in Black- I definitely feel that she's related to somebody because of Nick's lightbulb moment on the Black Friday 10niversary stream but whether it's the lords in black remains to be seen.
Melissa- As much as I would love this theory to be correct it relies very heavily on other theories of mine and it's entirely possible Nick was just having fun spitballing on twitter so.
Wilbur Cross is related to the Foster sisters- I don't think Wilbur is their dad anymore but I do think that Wilbur has some sort of connection to the girls you know?
Miss Holloway is a time traveller- The more I think about this the more I can't get the timeline to line up in my head so I've kinda lost faith in this one but we'll see!
Ethan and Miss Holloway- This one is more headcanon than theory so yeah.
Yikes- Babies first theory! I can't believe I'm putting this on here I'd kinda like to bury it forever because it's just straight up wrong. NMT really changed my perspective on Hatchetfield and theorising for it and I know so much more now I just hate this theory. It's so so wrong but I said all my theories so here we are. This one is not correct cos it's very very very wrong.
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abiimaryy · 3 years
So CCRP is gonna be the villain of Nerdy Prudes now that we know it’s not nibblnephim right?
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abiimaryy · 3 years
Okay it’s time for my full
Miss Holloway Time Traveller Theory
Of course we know that Miss Holloway has an 80s aesthetic and she rocks it but so many clues in Witch in the Web point to her being displaced from time.
The main point for this is Casey, the tree girl. She’s wearing a “over-sized, vintage tee bearing the logo of some 80’s pop-star the whole world’s forgotten”. This paired up with Miss Holloway’s reaction: “this girl her clothes are... old” and her remark “I used to play music a long time ago” and the fact that Casey asks for an autograph seem to point to the fact that Miss Holloway is Casey’s musician from the 80s. I lowkey feel like Nick and Matt tried to throw us off slightly by having Casey be in a “ghostlike daze”. I think she knew exactly who Miss Holloway was.
However due to Miss Holloway’s age (I’d place her somewhere in her 30s although that might be wrong) and the fact that WITW takes place in October 2019 (based on how BF takes place on 23rd November 2018 when Hannah is 13 and she’s 14 in WITW and how Dan and Donna reference pumpkins popping up around Hatchetfield) it wouldn’t make sense for Miss Holloway to have had a music career in the 80s because even if she’d been a teenage pop star she’d have to be at least 50 in WITW. So that’s where the time travel comes in.
Many people have suggested that Miss Holloway is a time traveler and I entirely agree with them but I’ve tried to focus on exactly how she did it. Now time travel isn’t a new thing in the Hatchetfield Universe but the time travel we’ve seen from Emdroid and Ted both have something in common: Tinky, as the bastard of time and space, allowed them to travel through time. Emdroid was obviously allowed to travel back because she is the one who kills Ted as the Homeless Guy and ultimately allows Tinky to get Ted in the Bastards Box and Ted was allowed because Tinky wanted to fuck with him. I don’t think Miss Holloway travelled through time with Tinky’s permission. Based on what we see in WITW she very clearly isn’t on the side of the lords in black so there seems to be no reason for them to make her go through time.
However we know Miss Holloway has a touch of ‘the gift’ as someone with a connection to the black and white (as all witches do) and I find it interesting that in BF MacNamara describes the black and white as “a place outside of all dimensions”. Hatchetfield has a lot of timelines... like a lot and based on what we’ve seen of Hannah’s powers it makes sense for the black and white to exist outside of these timelines. Now because of this there’s a possibility that Miss Holloway managed to access the black and white without a portal through accidentally using her powers and while she managed to get out eventually perhaps without a tethering point much like PEIPs portal she ended up being released from the black and white in an entirely different time.
This would explain why the “whole worlds forgotten” her music career who would really care about some rising star in the 80s who randomly disappeared? It would explain her 80s aesthetic too. Getting trapped in time would mean that she lost everything she had before the jump who can blame her for being nostalgic?
However the point at which she managed to jump out is something that I think I need more info for. She clearly has been out for a while as she’s met Duke and helped at least 3 other girls in the time since.
TL:DR: Miss Holloway is a time traveller who accidentally got stuck in the future after using the black and white to time travel.
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abiimaryy · 3 years
Nobody can leave Hatchetfield
Think about it. The only person we know who has lived in Hatchetfield and has gotten out is Bill’s wife. No matter how hard they try everyone else who has lived there has never been able to leave for long:
Alice left sure but she comes back to stay with her dad every few weeks
Emma went to Guatemala but was forced back by Jane’s death
Lex, Ethan and Hannah never made it to California whether it’s because of the events Black Friday, Lex and Ethan going to prison or (in the case of Ethan doesn’t die which isn’t canon but still fits the pattern) Ethan dying and the Foster sisters deciding to stay in the motel
Jenny was going to leave but she died before she could
What if people who were born in Hatchetfield are never able to leave? Not properly. Maybe Bill’s wife wasn’t from Hatchetfield which is why she’s able to? It could also be argued that the towns deep DEEP hatred of Clivesdale is linked to this. Why leave Hatchetfield when the next town over is so bad??
TL:DR anyone who is born in Hatchetfield cannot leave
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abiimaryy · 3 years
Peanuts the Hatchetfield Pocket Squirrel
So of course by now we all know that T’noy Karaxis means ‘dark peanuts’ in Russian which in itself is very interesting based on how we’re already aware of Peanuts the Hatchetfield Pocket Squirrel being in Hatchetfield. Like if it meant something entirely arbitrary maybe we could chalk it up to coincidence but PEANUTS?? I feel it has to mean something.
Anyways I did some analysing and I found it very interesting how they describe Peanuts as “falling from the sky”. The most obvious thing that we know has fallen from the sky in Hatchetfield is the meteor which obviously came from space and was ultimately caused by Pokotho. However this theme can also be seen to link to Wiggly too. In the Black Friday digital ticket (and therefore the live shows) the Wiggly doll descended from the rafters during the prologue and he’s described as being “from out of this world” during the Wiggly Jingle. This again links Peanuts to the Lords in Black.
As well as this the song Peanuts! itself is very interesting in it’s placement within Nightmare Time. In both episode 1 and episode 3 both the songs link to an eldritch entity with One Thousand Eyes very clearly linking to Blinky and The Web I Spin For You being sung by Webby. These songs are both about the black and white entity that features in that episode. However after Time Bastard which features Tinky we get Peanuts! it doesn’t really make sense with the general pattern of the songs in Nightmare Time. But if you factor in the fact that T’noy Karaxis means dark peanuts it makes the song fit a lot better.
There’s a lot about Peanuts that hasn’t been explored in the shows. For example in a tweet Nick said that he’s actually a girl and that everyone in Hatchetfield just got it wrong. So clearly there’s more to explore with him.
I feel like Peanuts is going to be related to the lords in black in some way, most likely Tinky, like everything seems to be pointing towards it and it wouldn’t be the first time a throwaway joke has a deeper meaning in Hatchetfield...
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abiimaryy · 3 years
I’m just gonna post these two here...
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Those are some real interesting hand gestures Mr. Nick Lang
Interview by @forevertrueblue
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abiimaryy · 3 years
how dyou think ethans connected to miss holloway? was he one of her students or does he know someone that she helped?
Ooh this question! Personally I think that Ethan knows Miss Holloway and that she helped him. We know Miss Holloway helps kids with “things others might not understand” and obviously with Hannah that’s her connection to the black and white. Both Hannah and Lex get their powers from their matriarchal line based on the “The daughter of my daughter’s daughter, of my daughter’s daughter” line but from what Nick said about Ethan Doesn’t Die as a Hatchetfield story (obviously it’s not canon but it has pieces of information that I can use to make stuff) powers don’t only appear in girls as Alfie in that story has powers. So personally I think that Ethan has some semblance of ‘the gift’ as Hannah calls it.
From what we know of Lex it’s entirely possible for someone to have a connection to black and white and be entirely unaware of it (I personally headcanon that she uses her powers all the time but just isn’t aware of it) so it’s entirely possible for Ethan to also have powers of some sort too. Much of Ethan’s home life is a mystery and of course we know Tony is a good dude but Ethan’s mom so far has been very absent in the story. I could see it being that Ethan had some issues as a youth partially to do with his powers which he kind of brushed off as he grew up and maybe chalked it up to his imagination as a kid (an imaginary spider from outer space anyone?). Based on the fact that we know Miss Holloway is dead in the Black Friday timeline (as Wilbur has the denim jacket) it’s likely that this happened some time prior to 2005 when Ethan was very young around 4/5 so it’s entirely probable that he dismissed his powers as just a childish fantasy as he’d learnt to control and/or suppress them much like Lex. I love this idea because it also means that maybe one of the reasons Ethan and Lex trust and love each other so much is that they’re connected with their powers in some way.
However Miss Holloway did help him when he was younger and eventually gave the hat to him “to remind him of the warrior he is”. That’s how he got the hat from her and he ultimately gave it to Hannah as he saw his younger self in her and that’s why he had the same speech.
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abiimaryy · 3 years
Wilbur Cross is related to the Foster sisters
I’m not entirely sure how but I can’t help but feel like Wilbur ultimately has some prior connection to the sisters. He could possibly be one of their fathers?
Based on how long it takes to become a colonel in the army (22 years according to a website) it is likely that Wilbur is in his mid-50s now, 13 years on after he entered the portal. PEIP clearly new about the Black and White from somewhere cos you don’t build a portal unless you know it’s gonna work and I doubt accessing the B&W was an accident. Based on the fact that the powers are genetic (passing through the matrilineal line) it’s possible Pamela has them. However Pamela is also always drunk so it’s entirely possible that she’s suppressing her powers through alcohol because we know they torment people (see: Hannah) so it’s possible that Pamela told Wilbur about the B&W.
Perhaps PEIP was researching the B&W powers and the gift and tracked Pamela down due to her being Willabella’s bloodline. It could be that PEIP sent Wilbur to investigate Pamela’s powers but the two formed a relationship of some kind. And clearly as Hannah and Lex’s father(s) aren’t in the picture they have to be somewhere. It’s possible they were simply deadbeats but I doubt it not in Hatchetfield. Especially as hoe in the BF commentary Nick and Angela made it out like a big reveal. So it’s possible that Pamela told Wilbur about the B&W which ultimately lead to the building of it which caused Wilbur to lose his mind and become a disciple of the lords in black. That could be seen as a cause for Pamela’s drunkenness as she blames herself for it. And that would explain how Macnamara knows about Hannah and Lex. Cos they’re literally his former mentors children.
Either that or his meddling in the B&W somehow led to Hannah’s powers being enhanced somehow.
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abiimaryy · 2 years
So CCRP definitely created Otho right?
There’s no way they didn’t right? Like: 
They found blue goo on a meteor and brought it back to earth CCRP HAVE COLONIES ON THE MOON  A METEOR AIN’T THAT BIG FOR THEM
They spliced the goo with human DNA. Who do we know that has a genetic database for all of their employees and actively buys peoples DNA? CCRP!!
This just serves as another time CCRP is involved with the lords in black. What are they doing over there whats their end goal? Like they’re trying to harness the powers of the lords in black but to what end? What do they want?
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