#About Metafic
metaficco · 1 month
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optiwashere · 3 months
A.5 Asheera and Shadowheart? i wouldn't know who would be gushing to who about the book though. SH has an obvious choice but what would Asheera read and be passionate about? Asheera must have some good reads!
Thank you so much for requesting this one, Bear! 💜 You're right, Shadowheart's enjoyment of books has been brought up a few times in my fics before, so why not...
A5. Character A gushes about their favorite book with Character B
"You can't be serious? These are your favorites?"
Shadowheart flicked through the pages of a rebound collection of poems that Asheera had taken with them from Baldur's Gate after they met with her parents. The years weren't kind to the original binding, and Asheera missed the poems within the one Shadowheart held. Tales of lost loves and longing were especially poignant when told by Asheera's favorite wordsmith of them all.
The books, collections of poetry and technical manuals of forges, now rested on a meager shelf in the sitting room of their cottage far away from the ravages of the past. Their home away from the hurt of the past.
"What's wrong with them?" asked Asheera. "They're beautiful."
"This one compares a woman's eyes to glowing blue orbs. And this one?" Shadowheart showed her the flowing script of one of Asheera's favorites. "Isn't the darkness imagery laid on a bit thick?"
"It is, but that's what's so good about it. Mournsoul really touched my heart with these poems," Asheera explained, carefully taking the book from Shadowheart's hands. "And laid on thick? There are so many comments I could make on that, but I'll spare you."
"Don't spare me anything. What kinds of comments?"
"Well, to start, one of us was a Sharran. And it certainly wasn't me."
"It's a bit like the pot calling the kettle black?"
Shadowheart grimaced. "Fine, I suppose I have to give you that one. But the orbs? What's your stalwart defense of that, love?"
"Oh, but it's not so terrible in context, is it?"
"What possible context could there be to describe eyes like that?" Shadowheart asked with a short laugh.
Such an earnest little noise. It was joined by a smile that creased the scar on her cheek and showed off the laugh lines on her face.
Asheera countered, "The subject of the poem is a stunning enchantress. Don't wizards like magical orbs?"
Shadowheart laughed again, this time openly and louder until her eyes shone with the humor. It was a precious thing. Such a beautiful look on her face and Asheera couldn't look away.
She placed her hands on the backs of Asheera's and closed the book Asheera held. She stared up at Asheera with that smile still ghosting her face.
"If you ever compare my eyes to orbs," she whispered, "I'll really struggle not to drudge up some old Sharran interrogation techniques."
Even hearing her joke about something that sat unwell with her for years was its own beauty.
"Oh? Think you'll be able to hold me down long enough?" asked Asheera, setting the book down wherever she could. She didn't take her eyes off Shadowheart. "I've been known to overpower you, you know."
"I'll manage." Shadowheart still smiled, but a different light was in her eyes. "Unless you think you can stop me?"
Asheera settled her hands on Shadowheart's waist, broad palms covering so much of her body. Felt perfect underneath her hands like that. Shadowheart's found her hips, and they both dug in with insistent fingers.
"Shall we see?" breathed Asheera.
A particularly strong grip drew a gasp from Shadowheart, whose eyelids drooped to a lidded stare focused on Asheera.
As Asheera walked them back away from the sitting room and towards their bedroom, Shadowheart muttered, "Lead the way then, my Lady paladin."
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I saw your post that had your thoughts on Mary and her wasted potential in S4. Do you have any fics that go the direction you wish the show had gone with Mary?
Hi Nonny!!
Ahhh yes-ish??? In a sense???
Basically all the fics on my Evil / Not-Nice / Villain Mary list, and probably the ones on my S4 Rewrites list as well! The latter is more a Metafics list, so I think you'll like that one :)
These other lists might also have some nice rewrites as well, because Fic Writers are nothing if not all about correcting S4 :)
Post S4 / S4 Fix Its
Post S4 / S4 Fix Its Pt. 2
Post S4 / S4 Fix Its Pt. 3
Post S4 / S4 Fix Its Pt. 4
Post S4 / S4 Fix Its Pt. 5
S3 / TAB / S4 [FIX IT] Fics (March 2019)
If anyone has some more they want to suggest, please do!
I hope you like this fics, Nonny! 💜🖤
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toxicbrothel · 8 months
The brothel is a metafic universe where fic characters interact with each other and occasionally their madame (writer). It is set on the Toxic Compound, a sprawling property with multiple living quarters including the Joel Mansion, Slasher Party House, and Boyd Bungalow. Sometimes the madame writes smut here, too 😵‍💫
Reality tv episodes.
Real Housecreeps is a reality TV show about what they are up to when they're not in their fics. Sometimes producers intervene to stir things up.
📺🌹 real housecreeps - tv guide
Written by characters.
⛓️waking up by raider guest writer
🌸bedtime by sweet pea
👱‍♂️taking a walk by carter
👱‍♂️leatherface by carter
💦quickie by stepdad
🍃birthday by night walks
🍑Apple juice by Lincoln
🥩butcher by guest writer
⛓️waking up pt. 2 by raider
🍑helpful by vamp guest writer
⛓️raider - Joel's version by raider
The Madame's secret fics 🔥
⛓️👱🏼‍♂️camping raider x you, exhibitionism
⛓️👱🏼‍♂️river of dreams raider x you x Carter
⛓️🌸girl talk, sweet pea x you
⛓️👱🏼‍♂️carter's dream, carter x you
⛓️👱🏼‍♂️stinger, Carter x you, you x joel
⛓️👱‍♂️sucking Carter off (not sweet pea)
📷 POV masterlist 1: 12 ficlets, various char.
📷 POV masterlist 2: 12 ficlets, various
⛓️👱‍♂️breakfast table: Joel x you, ft. Carter
Fine art.
Depravity Channel by @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
Super Creepy gif by @iamasaddie
Real Housecreeps by @gasolinerainbowpuddles
Brothel zipline by puddles
Vampire in his coffin by puddles
I'm fond-uh my Gondola by puddles
Lincoln on work detail
Carter POV in the woods by puddles
Sweet pea's journal by @noxturnalpascal
girl talk mood board by not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
Lmk if I've left yours off 🖤
@nightwalksjoel @raiderjoel @slasherjoel @thighsoutjoel @gilfjoel @raidersweetpea @vampirejoel @stepdadjoel @nightwalksbilly @bigdickstevemurphy @bigdaddyjoel @raiderjavip @nightwalksbilly @joeljojomiller @lincolnjoel @troublejoel @raidercarter @drrockmd @uncletommymiller @tommybhewitt
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nat-of-personifs · 2 days
me, talking about personifs in metaf: a few reactions and questions
me, talking about personifs in btiw: instant engagement. all thothian and relevant real world languages and the way they gender countries have been listed for my convenience. nalkan is supplying half my headcanons. it is canon that haraldr would marry andolont if he could. i love all of you
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navarresimp · 1 month
SMTIV German Part 1/?
Started translating all the dialogue of Smt IV into German for fun. Thank you to @high-metafive for letting me use the decoded script as a basis. You can find it here.
Before I drop that shit I wanna talk about how I decided to translate certain things and certain grammar choices. One of the first things I actually struggled to properly translate are the terms luxuror and casualry (the latter being the worse case). For luxuror i decided on Adel/Adeliger (noble/nobleman) as thats what theyre basically are. For casualry I actually couldn't really decide on a good consistent descriptor word, the first use of casualry in the game is meant as an insult in which i used Bauer(literal translation farmer, in german if you want to insult someone as uncultured and stupid you call them a farmer). its also the word that was used to discribe the lowest social class in the middle ages. Navarre uses Fußfolk as an insult for his casualry fellows, as it can both mean infantry and people not in a leading position(derogatory). the casualry situation will definetly fluctuate as i go along tho. With the gauntlet rite i decided on Ritus des Handschuhs (though i think it sounds fucking stupid it is unfortunately the most accurate translation).
Issachar is Issaschar for now, though i might chnage it back (reason being that its commonly spelled that way in german, but the other version is also not too uncommon so idk)
My absolute favorite part of translating rn is a special pronominal form of adressing common in older german language. normally we got the informal you(duzen, (du) how you would adress a friend), the formal you(siezen, (Sie,always capital) how you would adress a teacher or boss). but in mideval times there was another heightened formal form (erzen, (Euer) not used today) which i used in the translation to varying degrees. issachar uses the informal you when adressing flynn because they know eachother. same with walter as his english dialoge sounds very informal. all of the luxurors erz eachother aswell when they adress casualries. also implemented a fuckass konjunction of certain verbs that i for the life of me cannot find a proper grammar list of, i just know from my time hearing marktsprech that theyre spoken that way. anyways yada yada enjoy the fruit of 4 hours of work.
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mitternacht · 1 year
I’m throwing my tiny weird metafic about Legato into the void can we get three cheers for the bitches in the back who have a weird relationship with their hair
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machineprayer · 6 months
Ironically awkward metafication about interactions make me feel soooo warm like /have you noticed how we always talk about this/ > I remember and pay attention to our talks <3
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toxicanonymity · 6 months
thank you for creating carter's masturbation timeline, i've actually never read about the brothel before, but will be visiting soon
Enjoy! 🫡🫡🫡
@toxicbrothel is a metafic AU where characters can interact with each other, go out of character to some degree, interact with me and "the producers," and write friend fiction. I am "the madame." You are "the audience."
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metaficco · 1 month
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Explore the narrative behind Metafic, your trusted partner in web and mobile app development. Uncover how we empower ideas, fuel innovation, and transform visions into reality. Learn about our team, values, and dedication to driving success for every client.
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theatremp3 · 10 months
can we get one of those metafics where book azcrow watch and react to s2 of gomens tv like the ones ppl wrote about the various azcrows watching the 1992 movie
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hello there! 💜💚 i hope you're well and have enough time for tea, baths and all the other lovely self-care stuff 💚💜
i would like to ask you a question... i feel a bit dumb asking this but... what are the different types of fanfics? like- i know what fluff, angst and smut is. and i know what's an AU, and more or less the concept of omegaverse (i think...)
but when is a ficlet a ficlet? or a oneshot a oneshot? what is a 221b? a drabble? idk if there are more but i guess i just don't really understand the differences between the lengths of them? does this make sense..?
i've been confused about this for a while and can't quite figure it out. if you'd help out i'd very much appreciate it!
ps: please don't be too judgy about me not knowing this *hides*
Hey Nonny!
AWW thanks!! I love tea, baths and lots of self-care, just very bad at giving any of it to myself, haha!
And NONNY, please know that there are NO judgements here at all! PLEASE don't feel bad!! Fandom isn't something you magically know overnight! <3 And it's always okay to ask! <3
Before I answer your question, I highly recommend you peruse the Fanlore Wiki; it's a good place for new people to learn about fandom terms and history, so check it out if you need further clarification, as my answers are based on my understanding of each of the things you're asking about from being in TOO many fandoms for TOO many years, LOL.
I'm not going to go into everything, since fandom is SO huge and there's so much about it that I can't cover it all, hence the link to Fanlore, so here are immediate answers to some of your questions:
Drabble: A fic that's exactly 100 words
A 221b Ficlet: A fanfiction exclusive to the multiple variants of Holmesian fandoms that's exactly 221 words long, and the VERY last word of the fic starts with "b".
Ficlet: A short story, usually under 1,000 words but can be a little more.
Oneshot / vignette: A short, single chapter "scene" fic, essentially a story covering a missing scene or an out-of-context situation. In a similar vein, there's Two-Shots, which is basically a oneshot but from two different perspectives (ie. First chapter is situation from character A's POV, and Chapter 2 is from Character B's situation).
Podfic: An audiobook of a fanfiction. If you prefer to listen to stories, rather than read them, there are a tonne of amazing podficcers recording stories in multiple fandoms.
Five and One (and variations of): A story that depicts "Five times that Character [verb] [insert situation here] and one time [insert contradicting situation here]". It's basically 6 one-shots in a single story that has the last "one time" situation be a feel-good FINALLY ending. Some authors split them up into single chapters per situation, and others write the whole story as a single chapter.
Meta / Metafic: An essay or story based on analysing a piece of media. The Fic version expands upon a theory within a given fandom so that the theory fits into the narrative of the show.
WIP: Acronym for "Work In Progress", which is an unfinished published story. Some authors "write as they post" while others finish multiple chapters prior to posting them, but only post chapters one at a time on a scheduled basis, which keeps people coming back to the story until the end. The latter USUALLY guarantees a full-story inevitably being posted, so it is the more preferred type of WIP.
Short Story: a story under about 10,000 words
Novella: a story between 20 and 50K words
Novel: Anything over 50K words. I think past a certain number (100K?) it becomes an Epic, but I'm not 100 on it. Google says it's a story that spans multiple "books" and time periods, so I'm not sure.
Hope that helps a little bit, Nonny, and PLEASE don't hesitate to ask if you come across some other terms you would like to know from a fandom-old's perspective! We love helping y'all out! <3 NEVER feel dumb, please. There's no shame in asking for help. And if someone made you feel dumb because of it, FUCK 'EM.
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cassatine · 1 year
❌What WIP do you find the most challenging? Why?
📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
❌What WIP do you find the most challenging? Why?
the 'everyone be evil' mirrorverse take on on the the SW ST, feat. Padmé/Palpatine/Anakin and lots of murders and reylo i guess. bc i suck as long form and also the levels of metafic framing are insanely ambitious.
📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
During her time at Starfleet Academy, she tries not to make waves; more than once she lets the opportunity to write a paper critical of the Prime Directive or of Starfleet itself pass her by. Her adviser tells her, I know you’ve debated such things with some of your classmates, why don’t you write a paper? Ro says, I’m Bajoran, and does not explain further. Her adviser thinks it’s a cultural thing. It isn’t. What she means is: I’m a refugee. I can’t afford to make waves. But you don’t understand that, do you?
hashtag i have nothing bad to say about star trek (a lie)
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storytellingdreamer · 2 years
Granada Holmes thoughts as I watch
I’ve started watching Granada Holmes. For the uninitiated, this is “a TV series of Sherlock Holmes adaptations produced by the British television company Granada Television, between 1984 and 1994″ (more here). I’m two episodes in and I love it so much already. 
If you want to join me, check out the following links! Link one. Link two. 
I figured I might as well put some thoughts down as I go through the episodes, partly as a way of tracking my progress. There are a LOT of episodes after all. These won’t be big reviews - other people have done that. (For example, check out Plaid Adder’s metafic on ao3 here.) No, I’m just doing to do some bits and pieces... starting with A Scandal in Bohemia and The Dancing Men. 
Note: This is my first true exposure to a Sherlock Holmes story or adaptation, though due to what I call “fandom osmosis” I know bits and pieces about some of the narratives. 
Spoilers ahead! 
A Scandal In Bohemia: 
The set up is intriguing
I LOVE Jeremy Brett’s Holmes. 
David Burke as Watson is fun too. 
The King of Bohemia is an annoying prick and I love how they show that, and the different responses of the characters. 
The whole show felt like a bit of a fun romp with all the disguises and performance stuff
Though I did feel sorry for Irene Adler and glad when she got to have her moment. 
The Dancing Men
I love the scene at the start with the deductions and banter; the way they play off each other... credit to the actors because it really feels like (as said in the first ep) they have been living together for some years. 
Holmes and Watson are the best parts of this episode. 
Another example: the part where Holmes shows Watson how to work the code out by giving two clues - using his own silhouette to demonstrate. (Thank you Brett.) 
And then the part where they crack the code on the last message! The synergy of Holmes writing/ Watson watching then the sudden glance of ‘oh hell’ and then skedaddle!
I enjoyed the set up of The Case, but it became tense very fast and that was hard to watch. 
So much could have been prevented if the Cubitts had just bloody talked to each other drat it! 
So much also depended on timing - if Cubitt’s last letter had made the last post, if Holmes had been able to follow through on his thought to get to Derbyshire that night (instead of the morning). 
Again, thank you Brett for Holmes’s quiet & heartfelt shock/sadness combo... I noticed that sheen of almost tears and the “that can’t be right!” look. 
Anyway I need fix-it fic now. 
I will reblog this post with an addition after watching the next episode in my list. 
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absentlyabbie · 2 years
Hey! Sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you had a master list for your writing? I read your Flommy AU head cannon and I'm actually obsessed.
@becks-things hi! you are not bothering me at all, and i am super flattered you're interested in more <3
i'm notoriously inconsistent with tagging on tumblr, and i've started masterlist posts multiple times only to adhd parkour away from them before finishing every time. but! on the bright side, just about everything i've written for arrow can be found on my ao3, including most of the bigger metafic.
i hope if you check it out that you find something you enjoy!
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thequeenofthewinter · 2 years
I've kidnapped you. You are now in my house. I want to know 3, 17, 28, 35, 38, and 47 and I will let you eat one of my frozen flatbread pizzas--
3. Computer or pen and paper?
Computer. And Microsoft Word.
17. What writing habits or rituals do you have?
I like to write with coffee, and I like to do my writing in the mornings mostly. There is something to be said for starting your day with writing which wakes up my brain cells. I’m a simple woman.
28. Favourite side character
I answered this already and I did say Lydia, but I am also rather fond of writing Brelyna. I think there is something interesting about writing their relationship (which takes place before my main story). I kind of see Brelyna as a bit of a “mom” friend who makes sure Dahlia doesn’t get herself into too much trouble, but at the same time likes to be involved in pranks.
35. What scene/story are you least looking forward to writing?
Uhhhh, ohhhh, spoilers. But, I want to answer the question….uhhh….Alright, pretty soon Dahlia is not going to be having to be having a good time and neither is a certain Jarl. As much as I like to torture my characters, I am not looking forward to actually having them suffer. If that makes sense.
38. Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had
Oh dear. Uh, any crack fic I have written really. Maybe the one metafic I wrote about Dahlia finding smut about herself and Ulfric. That was pretty weird. No idea how or why that came into my head. There was also an idea where I had Dahlia and Ulfric playing beach volleyball, but I never wrote that. (And I do not plan on it.)
47. Best way to procrastinate
Talking to you and @nocturnalswarehouse. ;)
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