#And that that! I must go to bed too!
laurents-secret-diary · 6 months
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oh damen we're really in it now.mp4
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On Tim's Boat
*Tim and Bernard are laying in bed sleeping, limbs entangled as Bernard sleeps on Tim's chest*
*at 3:47am Bernard is awoken*
Bernard, swatting Tim as he is squinting in the dark: Hey grasshopper? Is that a sleep paralysis demon-
Tim, shifting slightly, eyes still shut, basically sleepy mumbling: you wouldn't be hitting me, you'd be paralyzed
Bernard: then I think someone is stealing clothes from our closet
Tim, running his hand through Bernard's hair so Bernard knows he is listening: don't know why, we are the pits of fashion, they should be stealing from Sophie and Louie's closet, or even Tammy and Lauren's closet
Bernard: is that... Robin?
Tim, wide awake now, swiveling his head towards the closet: WHAT?
Damian, standing there in a Robin outfit looking through their clothes in the closet, gathering a pile on his arm: Your father wants you to call him, Drake
Bernard: Robin works for Bruce? Actually, that's not surprising.
Robin, walking out with a pile of clothes on his arm: I am confiscating these *walks out the door*
Bernard: Guess you could say he was... Robin us.
Tim: You're lucky I love you
Edit: Part 2
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hawnks · 8 months
Enough dancing around it.
I need a loverboy. One who is insane though. Plans out in excruciating detail all the firsts (firsts dates first kisses first oral fem receiving), loves to gift roses and champagne, says I love you every ten minutes and always means it sincerely and with his whole heart. Takes everything incredibly seriously, cherishes every moment with his lover, would literally kill someone for hurting his little puppy and probably already has.
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makenna-made-this · 3 months
Average protagonist in an isekai: yeah i miss my family i guess but i just have to make the most of my new life in this strange world Me in an isekai: *beating the Lvl 100 Mage Who Summoned Me with my bare hands* I will stop at NoTHing until i get back to my chickens
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Had a doctor tell me quite sincerely this morning that my "life seems miserable" because of my health problems and it immediately made me think of the damn bitch you live like this meme
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newvegasceo · 1 month
i realize how little i have in common with my peers simply because im not constantly on tik tok/instagram/facebook 👴
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heartsburst · 2 months
#frankie yells#like fucking. sure any ship can be made sad if you try harder enough but also. fucking. why must it always be tragic little gays#im not complaining but also i keep fucking doing this to myself man why do i keep making myself sad over fictional gays 😭😭#like do i just only interact with the shit that makes me sad??? do i only really get engaged with sad fics etc. for them????#is this a me problem????#like. um. griddlehark. destiel. hannigram (sort of). ash/eiji. satosugu. aziracrow. zukka (in certain directions). shory. aaronneil.#most of my ao3 bookmarks are me sobbing my eyes out...#OH WAIT ALSO FUCKING. REDDIE 😭😭😭😭😭 I KNEW I WAS FORGETTING SOME BUT OMG REDDIEEEE#me like what if none of the mfs had a happy ending together? what then?#like babygirl are you okay??? why do you always want to be so sad??#oh god also fucking [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]... both of which i had to stop reading fics for bc i was making myself too sad#like genuinely there is a certain very long fic that i had to put down bc i was making myself depressed#OHMYGOD I FORGOT WANGXIAN AND BINGQIU.... honestly mdzs and svsss in general... kicking my feet 1 moment and sobbing the next#there are sooo many ships in both of those that make me so very sad... too many to remember or list atm tbh#i should go to bed 💀 lmao#it's too late for this nonsense ans i shouldn't have been watching destiel and hannigram compilations in the first place... of course im#just making myself sad...
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wishmemel · 1 month
chat safi painted her nails pink tonight so it is a good night !
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spnintheyearofourlord · 9 months
Okay Dean “You know I am not much for prayin’ ‘cause in my book it’s the same as beggin’” and “I prayed to you, Cas, every night” Winchester, I see you.
#destiel#deancas#dean winchester#supernatural#just thinking my little thoughts#don’t look at me I’m having a moment#something something no greater devotion than that to his brother who he’s praying for in the former yet this implies#the same love and desperation fueling that must apply to Cas too#do y'all see what I'm saying? does the connection make sense?#especially s8 going forward Dean often takes the cake for toxicity I’m sorry it’s just true. HOWEVER. we need to talk about the softness#that man shows to Cas in this season specifically.#for ex: after Cas sternly shuts him down in 8x08 he doesn't get defensive and snap back like Dean often does#he goes over and sits on the bed across from cas and softly says 'talk to me.' like i'm sorry? has dean ever said that??#not that i recall. usually it's smthg like 'are you ok? no? that's rough buddy. shove it down.' bc that's what he was taught#and mid-end of the prior season though his ‘don’t tell Cas the truth’ plan was not great it was pretty clear imo how deeply happy he was#just to have cas back. broken or not he’d rather have him. .#I don't know exactly what I'm trying to say that's why we're in the tags but it's just something about how Cas deeply betrayed them and we#know how intensely Dean can hold a grudge yet when they get Cas back Dean's softer with him than he ever was before.#and then searches monster land high and low for him even after Cas abandons him#and connecting the former and latter quotes up there it's pretty clear how deep that devotion runs#(platonically or romantically. to each their own reading. and not always healthily.)#because he's as well as admitted he begged for Cas in purgatory. every. night.#Dean 'I don't pray bc i don't beg and I'm not weak'#Dean 'I would do anything for sam so i'll beg for help'#Dean 'I prayed to you. I killed my way to you. did you hear my prayers?'#it's just really somethin'.#I have to wonder if Cas knows how big that is. He must right?#(for my own tags)#dean#spn s8
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crowcryptid · 4 months
only watched the first 2 hrs of the ultrakill dev stream and
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Ferryman. rhe fermn why are you me. wtf. Government assigned kin
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akuma-tenshi · 5 days
i made my idv news sideblog victor-themed bc i thought it'd be cute and silly, oh haha look it's victor delivering the mail
but then one of my mutuals referred to me as victor when talking about the sideblog and made me realise i might(?????) kin him. gonna need 3 - 5 business days to figure this out please hold
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istherewifiinhell · 9 months
well im still allowed to do whatever i want...
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ID: Transformers 84 screencap of Mirage, a white and blue autobot, and Cliffjumper a slightly smaller red and grey one. 1. Mirage sitting on a repair table, as Cliffjumper lays over him, legs dangling off the table. Mirage, props Cliffjumper up with one knee and hand behind his head. 2. Cliffjumper sitting upright now, still ontop of Mirage. He faces Mirage and hads a hand on his shoulder. Mirage reaches a hand up to Cliffjumper and smiles up at him. END ID]
they silly.
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ereborne · 5 months
Song of the Day: January 17
"Stage Fright" by The Band
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theloveinc · 2 years
Bro but fr tho. You and short king bakugou could be sound asleep in bed and you’ve always babyed your son more than everyone cause out of your 7-8 kids he’s your only son so when he comes sneaking in there early in the mornings to come bother y’all you aren’t phased by it but bakugou is already glaring at him. Your son is always up to no good cause he’s literally a spit image of bakugou- literally you tell people he didn’t come out of you he just fell out of bakugous ass cause he acts just like him.
“Son don’t start no shit now, it’s 8 in the morning” bakugou would growl at him and glare knowing what that smile mean on his sons face and you whip around to face bakugou like-
“Bakugou katsuki DONT talk to my baby like that he ain’t done nothing wrong. What you need baby. You hungry? I can make you some breakfast” AND UOUR BAD ASS SON WILL PULL THAY LITTLE PUPPY DOG EYES AND BE LIKE “uh huh” acting like he ain’t almost about to go off to college and can’t do nothing without his mama JUST TO MAKE HIS DADDY ANGRY. Your son has always stole your attention away from bakugou, it’s like a little fight between them two cause they are both so damn clingy.
And on that last post about them having a few kids that aren’t their own IS EXACTLY WHAY I WAS THINKING. They already have a house full it ain’t gonna hurt to have a few more. They’ve definitely fostered a few of their friends kids or just taken care of them. They usually have 3-4 extra kids in their house which is insane because I’m the beginning of y’all’s relationship you two didn’t want kids. Like a t a l l. Bakugou was too busy with hero work and was a bit nervous he would treat his kids the way his parents treated him and he still didn’t have as much control on his anger as he does now BUT LOOK AT YALL NOW.
going out in public is crazy fr. Bakugou has to still be in a huge stuffy uncomfortable clothes so he can hide from paparazzi and his kids think it’s so funny. He also has to keep his triplets on those kids leashes cause if not they will literally fuck shit up. One has a biting problem, another like to grab and put everything in her fucking month, and another trust strangers too much and will go home with anyone because she’s too damn friendly.
The eldest which are the twins have to push a extra cart cause they have to buy so much food and they are always sneaking shit in their cart without their dad knowing cause they know he CAN NOT say not to the AT ALL. They’re his little babies no matter what anyone says. They’re his first borns, his little princesses ❤️. He’s never been good at saying no to any of them and truly meaning no but with them- it’s a wrap. They will be sneaking all types of shit- SHIT THEY DONT EVEN EAT. Like??? Y’all’s son is literally side by side with your husband both pushing the cart which looks so awkward because your son is so fucking tall and more chunky than his dad while bakugou is short and a little more lean and has a bit of a chub now to him from just getting older. Literally shoulder to shoulder ass to ass and it’s just normal. Bakugou and him keep bickering about one of them stepping on the others shoe or bumping into each other. Y’all middle girl is LITERALY the only sane one. She is the only kid that takes after you. She’s level headed, keeps up with everything, is extremely smart (both sassy and educational wise) and keeps everything in check when you’re not around. She’s very quiet compared to her dad and sibling. Even when she as a little baby she was just real quiet which theres nothing wrong with that but of course YALL kids will try to push her buttons but quickly realize how much she is like their mama.
Getting into the car is literally a fight cause everyone wants to sit by the windows and the eldest want to sit up front and your twins want to drive cause they got their drivers licenses (they’re horrible drivers by the way. Y’all’s daughter are a bit ditzy and can never pay attention to the road and are always trying to get on their phones while driving) and the son wants to drive cause he is about to get his licenses, the triplets don’t want to be in the car seat, and the middle child doesn’t want to get stuck in between her brother again because he’s so “fat” he takes up too much space in the back. It’s a whole thing that makes bakugou wish he kept his word and stopped raw dogging it when he was young cAUSE WHY ARE HIS KIDS LOTERALLY JUST LIKE HIM?? WHY COUKDNT THEY TAKE AFTE THEIR MAMA? she’s so beautiful and smart and patient and all the kids just act so loud and sassy like him. He should have listened to everyone when they said he needs to start wearing condoms nd just because y’all are married DOESNT mean you two have to nor need to stop wearing protection. DAMN- he thought it was funny y’all kept popping out kIDS BUT ITS NOT FUNNY ANYMORE-
this is KILLLLLLING ME, LMFOAOOOOO, the detail here is just 😭😭😭 and the last line too. WHY DID HE EVER THINK IT WAS FUNNY ASDFKJAHDFK but here you all are, ig!!!
it's so backward in your household, too, i know, cuz all your kids are gremlins basically but specifically only to YOU GUYS. when it comes to anything like school, sports, hero stuff, etc. they're at the top of their class, just like bakugo was. it's like... the only thing he doesn't have to worry about, cuz despite the bad behavior, at least he knows they're successful when and where it matters. even the ditzy two (noooo), they're smart so they just don't have to try.
(you guys at the parent teacher conference, nervous that you're gonna be told all about the ruckus your kids make... only to be told they're great, nice students and always on task. middle girl esp<333
you and bakugo looking at each other surprised: 🤔🤨)
it's really just a shame you had a set of twins because they def fight over about who's better in school + who has the better marks. it's gonna be even more intense when the triplets get older and start fighting about it too, cuz three bakugos in one class is even more of a crowd, but that's a whole nother story. aside from all the playground fighting they do w/ their rude classmates
anyway LOL @ your son trying to get all your attention in the morning. either by wanting breakfast (which no, he doesn't want dad's cooking, dad always cooks) or by getting into bed with you so he can cuddle with you guys, right in the middle😭
truly, it's nice for about 5 minutes, after bakugo and son's fighting stops and they agree to get along to make you happy... but it gets wild again really quickly when another kid finds out you're in there and wants to get in, too.... then before you know it all your kids are trying to squeeze in you also.
no, bakugo didn't buy an extra large mattress to make room for everyone😳... but by darn he's glad to have it in these situations sajldfhajksd.
and YEAHHHH shopping is such a hassel. he really tries to do it by himself, but... again, if one kid is going, they're ALL going. he can't even keep up with what's put in the cart, and that's saying A LOT cuz otherwise he's so on top of things. he asks one daughter what she wants for dinner one night, and by the time that's figured out, two whole other meals are assembled in the cart.
And there's your son is trying to act all big about it, too, coming up to dad saying that his sister isn't even gonna eat the rainbow pastry she picked out... and bakugo is just 🤦🏼‍♂️ cuz one second this boy is acting too grown to talk to him and arguing abt the toe steps, then the next he wants to be like him and snitch (even tho he probs wants the pastry too).
the day bakugo finally buys a 2 seater car just for him and you, he's honestly glad he's finally got an excuse to go places by himself (even if someone does end up sneaking into the trunk at some point and interrupts a date).
sorry i couldn't get to all the little details anon, but i'm loving this family u developed sm!!! hopefully my other short king deaf dad (so many LOL)!anon likes the additions too!
thank u so much for sending hehehe❤️ even tho i'm not babysitting for u
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deathxproof · 13 days
Starter Call !!! Susan Foreman (5)
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Like/Etc and get a starter with Susan 5 of varying degrees of length and quality. (<- or otherwise I’ll hop in your DMs to plot if need be.) Pleasepleaseplease probably specify muse if you’re a multi.
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