#Anti Bughead
lecoindecachou · 11 months
Do I hate that ship or do I just hate the shippers, a novel by me
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doctorcurdlejr · 9 months
What can you tell me about Bughead and why is it so popular despite being a plot they dropped seasons and seasons ago that was lavender marriage as heck?
Was never a fan of bughead and I believe a number of bugheaders blocked me a couple years ago after I said jughead "is a little bit fundamentally unlikeable" as a joke so I can't even explore their minds for science (healthy). Beyond the lavendar marriage thing, which I do think is fun, I got nothing. The boring woman's Tate and Violet maybe
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In honor of a new riverdale season (actually, when did that even happen?? Guys, im so confused)
It’s that time once again
Here’s you not so friendly reminder that Jughead Jones is not gay, he is not straight, he is not bi, he is AROACE
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azzybarjabi · 1 year
The trailer is out. I repeat the trailer is out. And not a single bit of bhvs is in sight. Life is good.
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hydesjackiespuddinpop · 4 months
Since you're always up for asks and I'm too Covid-ridden to go anywhere lol - tell us why you love Barchie more than you like Bughead and Varchie! I bailed on the show in season two so can't contribute anything to this discussion but am always so interested in why all of us do or don't ship certain pairings!
With Varchie, I was never a huge fan. Felt more like friends to me and I preferred Valarchie (you can imagine my shock when my cousin told me Varchie would get together lol). But I don’t mind them being endgame simply because my ship was.
Bughead, I thought was cute at first but looking at metas and idk…it’s meh. I wish Falice was endgame (they’re my Rufly lol.)
As for Barchie, there are so many reasons why I love them. For starters, their chemistry was AMAZING. KJ and Lili were AWESOME at their roles. Plug the next door neighbor element along with childhood friends to lovers is the CUTEST thing. I love how much Archie cherishes Betty. And I love how strong Betty’s love and belief in him was there. She didn’t seem to make jokes about Grundy taking advantage of him (I love V, but those were not her finest moments, but she was young too so I can maybe give her pass. Idk it’s just fucked up to me lol.)
I really want to watch the later seasons for these cuties, but I’ll have to skip the ch*ni parts lmao
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queen-of-the-queers · 2 years
So. I received an anonymous message today with a link to a post made by a Bughead shipper (who I won't be naming), which listed all of the reasons they hate Tabitha. I thought we could all have a read, shall we? I don't usually do posts like this but this just makes my blood boil.
Number one.
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Firstly, Pop's is her diner. Her grandpa put her in charge and she legally owns it, so she had every right to say that! Also, I think it's a perfectly reasonable request of hers to ask him to not use up valuable space in her establishment to just sit, use the free wifi and order coffee without paying for it. Aside from that she didn't know him. She didn't know his history with the diner, who he was or what his deal could be. I seriously wonder, what would you do if you owned a restaurant and a random, sad looking guy walked in and sat there all day, not buying anything?
Tabitha also didn't treat him badly. She made a few very fair requests, then ended up covering for him with debt collectors and offering him a job, simply because she sensed he needed it. If that doesn't scream "good person" I don't know what does.
Number two.
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Need I remind you that Tabitha said no initially regarding the shrooms, and was very kind about setting boundaries with Jughead? She communicated in a mature, adult way and I think she should be commended for that.
Furthermore, the only reason she agreed to watch him while tripping was because he already went ahead and bought the mushrooms, and she likely figured he'd be safer doing them with her watching over him than alone. And if you think for a second that his pretending to date him in the Jessica situation was weird or creepy, you clearly haven't watched the same scene I have. Jughead's face screams discomfort. Think of it as the Riverdale equivalent of pretending to be in a relationship with your friend at a bar, so a persistent person they aren't interested in stops asking for a hookup?
Number three:
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This wasn't Tabitha's fault, or a reason to hate her?
Betty was the one who handed over the manuscript, and while it wasn't her fault either (both of them had been drugged, give them a break), to demonise Tabitha for explaining this to Jughead is ridiculous!
Number four.
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Ok, firstly, to imply that Tabitha somehow coerced Jughead into wanting to become sober is absolutely ridiculous? I won't talk too deeply about alcoholism here because as somebody who has never experienced it/known someone who has, that really isn't my place. But I will say, it is clear that Jughead deeply wanted to become sober. He was miserable, and really not living his best life. And as with most mental health issues, it's very hard to recover alone. He is so lucky to have somebody like Tabitha there for him, who can encourage him to attend his meetings, let him know that she cares and be a confidant. You said it yourself- she helped him in the end.
As for the thing about Tabitha calling him out for having alcohol on his breath... She did it in such a kind and understanding way, a way that encouraged him to open up to her and agree to take further steps in his recovery. I think he really needed that little push. I say this from personal experience, having someone close to you gently call you out on something going on in your life can really help you to understand it better yourself.
Also, how is putting your hand on somebody else's immediately flirting? I do that to my friends all the time, as a gesture of comfort, to show that I'm there for them and feel that we have a strong relationship. Although we now know how Jabitha have progressed, this was something that could very much have been interpreted platonically.
Finally, that night Tabitha went to Betty's house to check on her, for both Betty's and Jughead's sakes, and walked around a dangerous highway with her all night, in order to keep her safe. If that isn't immensely kind of her, I don't know what is.
Number five.
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Do you understand how a relationship/friendship works? Both people actually have to support and be there for each other.
I'm so glad we got this moment, of Jughead showing up for Tabitha in a way that emphasised how mutual the trust between them is. He can be vulnerable with her, and her with him.
Being an alcoholic wasn't and will never be Jughead's whole personality. Are you saying, that because he has an addiction, he can't go out for dinner with somebody who has been incredibly kind to him, for one night? Sure, that makes a lot of sense. What's so different about him supporting her through this one, hard meal, to her being there for him for weeks on end? Huh?
Let's also not forget the fact that it was Jughead who asked Tabitha out. And since it was his garage, he was probably the one who invited her there too. You know what? I don't think the issue here has anything to do with Tabitha, or Jughead's wellbeing. I just think that maybe you can't stand the idea of seeing Jughead with anyone but Betty. Did I get it right?
Number six.
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I'm so confused, I can't see whether this person does or doesn't like/care about Jughead. One minute it's all "why would you ask an alcoholic to move in with you, that's doomed" and then next it's "he needs to heal, my poor little friend".
Anybody who really cares about Jughead's wellbeing would understand how loving, supportive and kind Tabitha has been to him, and see the trust that has formed between them.
As for the point about them having only had one date, keep in mind that they have known each other for a year now, and have shared regular shifts at Pop's. Despite not having had many formal dates, the bond is there. Though this isn't about Jabitha as a ship, it's about Tabitha as a person.
Closing statement.
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You know what? I'm tired. The only part of this statement I'm going to talk directly about is the section where it says "again... we know NOTHING about you. What are you really running from Ms Tate?"
Maybe instead of judging the fact that we know very little about Tabitha as a character, we could all take a moment to consider why that is. And maybe to think about other characters, for example, Toni, also don't get much backstory either. I'm not going to make this about race (because as a white person, I really don't think I'm educated enough to make intelligent comments about this), but it certainly seems as though this issue comes into play with the Riverdale writing. Just a thought.
So there you guys have it. Six, nonsensical reasons for hating Tabitha Tate.
And you know what I think? I don't think this is specifically about Tabitha at all. No, I think that this OP can't stand the idea of their lovely Jughead being with anybody apart from a certain blonde- we've seen it already with Toni- whoever the character is, if they get in the way of Bughead, they're hated (and the fact that both of these occasions feature love interests who are women of colour adds a whole other layer to this problem that I won't be going into right now).
Overall I'm so happy we have Tabitha on this show and that Erinn is a member of the cast. They are both beloved by me, and so many others throughout the fandom. I encourage everyone who sees this post to show both the character and actor some love. Erinn's really earned it, having to deal with nonsense like this.
And OP.. keep my wife's name out of your f*****g mouth.
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girloffire5 · 2 years
People seem surprised at the idea that Betty may have fallen out of love with Jughead and been less than honest about it.
But Betty has a BIG problem with being honest, especially with Jughead, she lied about kissing Archie in season 2.
She only told him about the affair in season 4 because Archie backed her into a corner by saying he was going to tell him himself, and even then she only told him about the kiss and not the emotional affair it was.
Re-watching the show without shipper goggles it's pretty clear Jughead loved Betty more than she loved him, her feelings for Archie were always there, I think she loved how much Jughead loved her more than she actually loved him.
So yeah I could easily believe the possibility that she stopped 'loving' him and wasn't honest about it.
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siltor67 · 2 years
Bugheads: Betty isn't herself with archie. Archie doesn't care about her & she hides who she is. She wants jughead! 🤡🤡🤡🤡
Betty: I'm afraid that u won't want to be with me anymore, because of who I am..
Archie: that won't happen, I trust you with my life.. You ran into the house, made a nest out of newspaper. We took turns. Made a nest until he was strong enough to fly. All you see is the darkness, all i see is someone who despite everything that's happened to her fought, and you're still fighting. the fact that you're even worried about hurting me, hurting anyone else, that shows what is in your heart. Do you believe that? Do you believe me?
Betty literally opened up to Archie and he still wants to be with her, every step of the way. Archie didnt even fight for veronica yet he fights to stay with betty but bugheads remains dumb. There is something called angst, they are giving obstacles to surpass together, it's not laland and their conversation feels very adult and real. Betty wonders if she wants kid and stuff and that's a real thing. Barchie are building their relationship up. Its okay to be sad for bughead. Its okay, stage of grief is a process.
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scorpionwins · 2 years
hi, I just wanted to ask something. This has been bugging me for a while, but how come you're not as mad as Archie as you are at Betty? it takes TWO people to kiss...
Why hello!! I'm more than happy to rant about this because it's been on my BRAIN, just sitting there, so thanks for giving me an opportunity :D
So, I'm going to assume you're asking why I don't hold Betty and Archie to the same standard when it comes to bringing up the b*ghead break up/the infamous double judas kiss that started it all. To be as frank as possible; It's very much favoritism. But the justified kind, so lower your pitchforks.
Just by a quick scroll to my blog, I think it's unmistakably evident I like Archie over Betty; Like a red dot in a white room. You can't miss it. It's there. And as third party viewers, our individual feelings, opinion, and attachments we form towards these characters motivate the moral standards we set for them.
Take a generous majority of Betty stans, for example; Despite being united by the same romantic relationship in the show, they have a direct connection in strongly disliking the male half of said relationship; Jughead.
Betty is very much the golden child of B*gheads, so I figured it was fair game. Arguably, you can say some of them maintain some objectivism, but not enough for me to consider it valuable.
Now, am I saying Archie's a perfect angel who could do no wrong? That because he's the fandom's ' haha, big himbo Boi golden retriever stupid wholesome jock' means all guilt and responsibility should be absorbed from his part? No! Absolutely not.
I don't think there's anyone in this fandom who hates the " Archie is a perfect angel and our annoying but beloved protagonist " narrative more than I do;
Fuck. No. Archie is a violent, careless, emotionally inept douchebag, who wouldn't know what a non-dysfunctional relationship was if it spit in his eye. But here's a thing, Archie isn't the protagonist; He's the antagonist.
Arguably speaking, Archie's the most morally ambiguous/morally grey character on the show, in my opinion. Not because he struggles with separating dark from light, but because he chooses both.
I can't really look at a kiss and all that other shit he's done and be like ' oh YEA, kissing was definetly worse!' the same logic can apply to Betty, but here's ANOTHER thing; Archie didn't owe Jughead loyalty.
Archie wasn't his boyfriend; Archie wasn't the one promising he won't do it again; Archie wasn't the one who went behind his back. He's the mistress in this scenario, and mistresses aren't morally indebted to anyone.
Betty was. She was Jughead's girlfriend. She was the one who sang " you're the only man for me" and yet does the opposite, on quite clear multiple times. (There's accounts of consecutive emotional cheating as well) and she's the one who's actions hurt Jughead the most because SHE was dating him.
Hell, Archie and Jughead were barely even friends; I'll even argue to say a constant theme in the show is the constant construction and reconstruction of Jarchie's friendship. How they fail to be friends but still choose eachother, over and over again, because they're held together by memories and nostalgia.
Of course I can't hold the same bitterness for Archie when his involvement and presence in Jughead's life doesn't hold the same impact as Betty's. Archie never promised him anything. Betty did.
At best, Archie owes Jughead an apology, but his real target of compensation should be his actual partner. Veronica. Archie owes her remorse.
I'll even go ahead and say it - the varchie break up hurt more because their relationship was build on actual meaningful, mature grounds.
b*ughead is a middle schooler's relationship goals. Which is to be expected because they were 16, teenagers, yet! Archie and Veronica happen to be characters with more experience in romance, both by direct and indirect contact. (From multiple partners to their own parents separating respectively)
I don't necessarily like comparing emotional damage; I do my best not to cherry pick. However, I don't think I owe cheaters the courtesy of fair thinking.
There's no good reason to cheat. It's a destructive, cruel, abusive act of disrespect towards your partner, and I'm not at all moved by Betty's performative remorse, especially because she clearly doesn't feel it as much as the fandom pushes it.
But I'll say it once and I'll say it for as long as I can; If anti Barchies dislike barchie because they like Betty, I dislike b*ghead because I love Jughead.
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riverdale-retread · 2 years
Another update🎉🎆 and damn was that Betty/Polly crap hard to sit through and swallow. Betty would have first needed to love Jughead to fall out of love with him. Jug was correct she was just hiding her time w/him until Archie stepped up, she just loved that Jug loved her, gave her attention,validated her feelings. I think Betty is the worst because while they've all done bad things she always finds a way to moralize her actions(until she was barred from heaven, the harlot)she's learned nothing
hi!!! oh man we're getting INTO IT.
this is my former bughead self speaking but bear with me - i do think Betty did love jughead, in a puppy's first love way, where you say FOREVER without really knowing what that entails. Overly long answer incoming.
for betty, romantic love is supposed to be this perfect haven, a total refuge from her nightmare family of origin and the dramatic difficulties of her childhood in riverdale in general. jughead aspired to be that for her but ultimately turned out to be just a kid with a big heart and huge burdens of his own. bughead was definitely crafted and maintained by the force of jughead's love for betty rather than being a mutual effort of equal affection. which is why when she broke his heart one too many times it became an irreparable breach.
i think in trying to grapple with the harlot designation betty was TRYING to get there - to reframe things and re-evaluate herself. but picking another highly dysfunctional Cooper woman to be her confidant ruined that chance in ep 6.20 and hence my paragraphs of annoyance.
archie is a very blank, non reactive person when it comes to women so betty might actually find it more peaceful to be with him. he likes to show pretty ladies who like him a good time and he rarely asks for or accepts their help for his issues. a closed off man who never asks for your help may be a good enough substitute for an idealistic boy who tried to model impossible perfect love but in return demanded the same commitment.
i am often lowkey rooting for betty outside of bughead, though. she's so brave and resourceful and sexy and earnest. but in the same way the show takes good things away from jughead all the time, they also never let betty learn the necessary, painful lessons of humility and self awareness.
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spyanotherday · 1 year
i LOVE kevin n betty breaking up but i can see the chance of them bringing bugheadtogethOH MY GDOD KEVIN AND CLAY!!!!!!!!
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jabitha-endgame · 2 years
Sigh another day, another racist post, why are so many (I know not all) BH stans like this? I block and unfollow and they come out of the woodwork. I swear they're like hydra. The things the accuse Tabitha of, thier wishes, headcannons and desires... And I have to ask, did everyone honestly think that all the OG couples would be endgame, all the HIGH SCHOOL couples would stay together? No one would move past those relationships clouded by thier traumas of the time? Outgrow thier SO? Really?
They seem to really get rowdy when big Jabitha episodes come around 👀
They take out their anger about their ship not happening on Tabitha/Jabitha. We've seen this kind of behavior ever since Tabitha's obvious introduction as Jughead's romantic partner. They don't take her seriously as a viable leading lady or love interest for Jughead, and that's on them. The way they view Tabitha and her character tells you everything you need to know.
Honestly, I don't know how you sit through season 4, watch Bughead (and Varchie) implode like they did and have the audacity confidence to think those ships are coming back, much less be endgame. The timejump didn't break up those pairings and those couples, Betty and Archie did (long before the timejump ever came to be). Betty and Archie and their feelings for each other have been teased every single season of the show, they were inevitable. It doesn't mean the old ships weren't good or don't have good moments, of course they do. But the ships were never locked in and set in stone, especially pre-timejump.
The only show I can think of where the OG couples stayed til the end is PLL and one of those couples included a literal groomer so... sometimes what's best for the characters is to let them grow and mature, not lock them in to the choices they made as teenagers.
I love adult Jughead, I think he is the best version of the character. I think Tabitha is his perfect match and I think he is the perfect partner for her. Jughead and Tabitha fit together seamlessly and they are so healthy as a couple. They are adorable and inspirational.
Some people can't handle seeing Jughead with a beautiful, confident, intelligent, driven, and compassionate black woman and it shows...
I've said it once and I'll say it again, the racist takes that pop up when Jabitha get content are best left ignored, they can argue with the wall. Tabitha is fantastic and Jughead Jones loves her with all his heart.
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wp-blaze · 10 hours
Financial Fumbles: Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail – Avoid Debt, Budget Smart, and Secure Your Retirement!
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Let’s dive into the ocean of financial challenges. Yep, we’re talking about managing debt, budgeting like a boss, saving for retirement (hello, golden years!), and handling those sneaky unexpected expenses that seem to pop up when you least expect them. First off, let’s tackle the beast known as debt. It’s like that stubborn stain on […]
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jabithajates · 2 years
I think they've shown VERY CLEARLY Betty has zero romantic feelings for Jughead, hell she barely cares for him as a friend (didn't want to help Tabi look for him and only uses him, help investigating, reading her mind...) As for Jug I think they've tried to show 1)Jug wasn't over the betrayal and 2) getting over his IDEALIZED version of Betty, understanding he didn't know her like he thought and learning to trust himself and others again. I think the problem comes in when BH moments now are 1/2
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Sorry I’m a little late responding to this!
So I’ve seen some similar thoughts going around about Bunker!Jughead and I do agree with them to an extent. He does love Tabitha too, said it to her over the busted typewriter. I believe him when he says it to her.
And I think it further served as reflection of the hot mess he was during a part of season 5. He wants to move out of the bunker and be up top with her, clearly envious of his counterpart, be present, but he’s still hung up on the past, or at least tangled up in how it still affects him. I don’t think he’s genuinely in love with Betty anymore or wants to get back with her, it’s just the ideal and trauma of it all. Betty’s apart of the spiral but she isn’t the spiral, it’s all of these detrimental choices he clings onto that are. Or were, since he’s worked to get past them. Idk, it’s just cool to see how much he’s progressed beyond that dark part of his life already.
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jtexplorer · 1 year
Archie’s Weird Mysteries Reboot Fancast
A purely hypothetical voice cast list for a reboot of the animated series “Archie’s Weird Mysteries”. Something I’m doing strictly for fun that if it were to actually be made, would be much more faithful to the original Archie comics than Riverdale. For example, Jughead would not have any romantic in anybody. Bughead fans, I’m not the least bit sorry.
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Adam Pally as Archie Andrews
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Ashly Burch as Betty Cooper
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Alanna Ubach as Veronica Lodge
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Matthew Moy as Reggie Mantle
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Seth Green as Jughead Jones
What are your thoughts? Should I build on this? Please, let me know!
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azzybarjabi · 2 years
19 Reasons not to ship Bughead
  1.     They share a sibling (its wired)
2.       They have broken up multiple times
3.       Betty cheated on jughead
4.       Betty kissed Archie more than once
5.       Jughead was Betty’s second choice
6.       They haven’t dated in like 8 years
7.       Barchie and Jabitha have more chemistry and are endgame
8.      Their parents were together in high school and even dated when bughead was dating (Like awkward much)
9.     Bughead have a toxic side
10.   They compare themselves to Romeo and Juliet (not a love story and honestly worst “relationship” to compare yourself too)
11.   Red flag if they get back together
12.   Betty is dating Archie now. The man she cheated with
13.   Their kinks are just too much. (Like that black wig)
14.   Betty asked Archie to marry her (Barchie endgame)
15.   Jugheads phone message to betty really explains it all.
16.   Jughead ended up in a dark place for years because of betty
17.   Jughead’s book has negatives about betty
18.   Betty and Archie are best friends to lovers
19.  FP and alice need to come back in se 7. like they are endgame and should be together.   
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godheadjones · 2 years
bugheads were literally like “no one noticed tabitha was time travelling? not even her boyfriend? hmmm” and I’m rewatching some 6x11 and I’m like “she can pick when she time travels back to like the whole her getting shot thing never happened to her but it happened in a timeline then time reset when she came back to the present whos to say it’s not the same the other 1384 times she timetravelled?”
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wp-blaze · 10 hours
Why You Should Give Up!
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Stuck trying to change the world? This post says focus on yourself instead. Inner peace is the real win. Prioritize what brings you calm, ditch negativity, and set goals. Let go of the past and chase what matters. This “ruthless focus” is freedom to be you. Fight for your dreams and find fulfillment.
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