#Anti Lily Potter
fanfic-lover-girl · 2 months
Snape != Harry
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Harry was sorted into the good house.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Harry had two best friends who always came back or never left him even when he treated them like dirt and lashed out at them.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Harry had adults who loved and cared about him. Even Snape who disliked him, was his personal dark guardian angel.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Harry almost always put Draco in his place. You can count on one hand the number of times Draco overpowered him. Harry nearly killed him once.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Harry's fights with Draco were usually even 3vs3. Arguably, Draco was the one outnumbered in the book 4 and 5 group assaults on the train.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Harry came from a wealthy family and his godfather left him even more dough. Harry was set for life.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Harry got to live his adult life in peace and have a wonderful family with the girl he loved.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Hermione/Ron would have hexed Draco to smithereens if Draco sexually assaulted Harry the way James did Snape. Hermione/Ron would not smile either.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Harry did not have to witness Hermione or Ginny get with Draco.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Harry always saw Hogwarts as his home and his happy place. Hogwarts is where Snape had his worst memory.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Harry and Draco ended the series being civil. Unlike Remus and Sirius who still had hate boners for Snape in their thirties.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Snape had to do a profession he was not suited for nor he liked for his mission. Harry was a renowned Auror respected by the wizarding world.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Harry had a surrogate family who loved him dearly and readily accepted him.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Snape was surrounded by pureblood supremacists in school as a disadvantaged mudblood half-blood.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Snape never truly had a safe place where he felt loved. School and home were hell.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse!
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darklinaforever · 5 months
I will never get over the fact that Lily didn't even ask Severus for his side of the story for Sirius' prank / attempted murder through a uncontrollable Lupin transformed into a wolf. Lily doesn't even worry about Severus, telling him outright that he should be grateful for James' intervention, trusting people more than a version of her friend she's known since she was little. Then having the nerve to say that at least the Marauders don't use black magic... Tell me Lily, magic that isn't black magic is free from any danger ? Hanging someone upside down while smothering them with soap and pulling down their underwear in front of everyone, is that less serious just because it's not black magic ? No, but seriously... I have nothing against the fact that Lily wasn't a fountain of virtue, but in reality, she was just downright an asshole. We're talking about a girl who smiled at Severus' humiliation and took the opportunity when he insulted her, clearly without meaning it, after a horrible moment, to verbally humiliate him and give up their friendship.
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batwingsrosa · 7 months
I‘m sorry, but if i saw my best friend surpressing a smile seeing me hanging upside down, my underwaer- possibly even my genitals- being exposed in front of strangers, that friendship would be over.
She would be dead to me from that point onwards.
You certainly wouldn‘t see me begging her on hands and knees to take me back.
That train has left.
The fact that Severus still tried to reconcile with her after this incident shows me how desperate he must have been, how much he must have loved her.
And my heart just breaks a little more for him.
Lily Potter was a horrible friend and Severus Snape deserved so so much better.
I have nothing else to say on that topic.
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expectopatronum81 · 2 months
Why do people get so offended with fics that hv lily copying from Snape in potions instead of having the innate ability to do it herself?(hear me out)
Obvs, its annoying when its used to show lily as satan reincarnate against poor uwu sev, but imo there's nothing inherently wrong with the idea itself. Because we get absolutely no evidence from the source material attributing to her abilities apart from Slughorn's word. For example, we get evidence of james being skilled at transfiguration because he literally turned into an animagus at 15 (smthng Mcgonagall needed Dumbledore's help for) and even helped a fellow student do the same (albeit with Sirius). Ollivander also says in book 1 that his wand was good for transfiguration (actually, he also says that lily's wand was great for charms, but this is either forgotten or massively slept on by both the fandom and the source material itself). We get nothing of this sort about lily's supposed prowess in potions. In fact, Slughorn keeps saying that Harry's inherited his mother's abilities literally every single time he follows the Prince's instructions, which honestly makes me see this as the more plausible option.
Now obvs, there is the possibility that snape could have taken lily's work, but imo this is highly unlikely as we do hv evidence of him being good at the subject (brewing wolfsbane, becoming the potions professor only a few yrs after graduating, theatrics on the subject in his very first class with 11 y/os, etc. Also I don't think someone who names himself 'the halfblood prince' would be very ok with just copying from someone, snape is too proud for that).
This isn't canon ofc. They could have helped each other, had their own individual abilities, or whatever, but i just don't see why this possibility should be frowned upon so much. Maybe he was just helping her as a friend. Or maybe she was profiting off of him ( imo that would be an improvement to the perfect godlike figure we get in canon, and even so she wouldn't be half as flawed as the others in tht generation). Even if she did, it wouldn't mean she's stupid or incompetent overall, she was probably just bad at one subject and got help for it/ conveniently used the most easily available resource. Who knows, the possibilities are endless.
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moonlightdancer26 · 7 months
Can you give your take on this? Because for the life of me I can’t comprehend why lily started dating James right after the worst memory.
Like yeah you’re upset and rightfully fair too, but I feel like she sorta had a liking for James way before the whole thing with sev, like she must’ve thought he’s amusing or something, and I kinda feel like severus might have seen it too, but of course that’s just my thinking.
Correction: She didn’t actually date James right after SWM, she began dating him in 7th year, which was around 2 years after SWM occurred. I don’t think she could be that cruel to date James right after he did something that awful to Snape lol.
I do think she was at least attracted to James during SWM, JKR herself has even confirmed that Lils somewhat fancied James during that period (“You’re a woman, you know what I mean!” no.. no I don’t, JKR 🤨). Her behaviour with James in SWM was concerning as hell, her best friend was legitimately on the ground after just having been choked with soapsuds and her first reaction was to not even glance at him and automatically start bickering with James and talking about his broomstick and his “stupid hair.” 💀 like Lily ily but.. wtf are you doing??
But to be fair to Lils, when she dated James, she genuinely thought he had changed and became a better person. She wouldn’t have dated him if he was still bullying Snape and other people, she would’ve still been attracted to him like she was in SWM, but she wouldn’t have actually gone out with him. However, my issue with that is the fact that she was willing to go out with him AFTER she saw that he SA’d and bullied her (at the time) best friend for YEARS. Lames shippers like to say “oh but she and Snape weren’t friends anymore!! She didn’t ‘owe him anything!’” but like.. at the time, Snape was her best friend of 7 years, and James (knowing that they were friends) had no issue blatantly torturing him and publicly exposing him and then blackmailed Lily (not Snape, but Lily herself) into going out with him. This isn’t an issue about Snape or them not being friends anymore or whatever, it’s the fact that James—at least at one point of his life—had literally zero issue hurting the person Lily cared about and blackmailing her and threatening to hex her. The fact that he was even capable of SA, choking someone with soapsuds, immobilising them, relentlessly bullying them for years, all while knowing that they were someone Lily cared about, should have sent her running for the HILLS. All of that is putting aside that he also had no problem blackmailing Lily and then threatening to hex her when she wanted to defend her friend (“?? wtf girl? How dare you try to help out your friend after I just SA’d them and blackmailed you?? You better not make me hex you too 😠”).
And to make things worse…… what did James even do to change?? Stop bullying people?? Wow so incredible of him! That’s definitely going to reverse the damage of the people he did all that shit to! We should all applaud him for doing the absolute bare minimum!! I should definitely look past him assaulting my now-ex-best-friend-but-who-was-still-someone-I-cared-about-and-respected-at-one-point-in-my-life for 6 whole years, even though he never actually apologised to my now-ex-best-friend… which… would’ve been the proof that he actually changed… Oh who cares? I’m definitely going to date him anyway!
Like, I don’t even care if I wasn’t friends with that person anymore, the fact that YOU had no problem assaulting that person and making their life miserable for YEARS even though you know how much I care about them and then trying to force me into going out with you would be enough for me to not want to go out with you. Simply knowing that you were capable of doing such atrocious things to ANY human being is horrifying. That isn’t even regarding that he showed no hard evidence of changing, merely stopping the bullying does nothing to heal the victim of what you put them through. Like, if I went out and killed a bunch of people, and I suddenly decide to stop killing people, does that mean I’m not guilty of murder?
So, I don’t hate Lily, but I’m definitely not fond of her character. All her scenes show her being pretty unpleasant and she ended up marrying JAMES of all people, so yeah I’m definitely not going to think very highly of her intelligence level…
Anyway, that’s my take. I’m sorry for how long this got, but your ask really triggered something in me that’s been waiting to rant about this 💀
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knight-already · 8 months
Why do we think Severus had no friends other than Lily?
Please tell me... before anyone says he was friends with Mulciber and Avery. That was a recent affair which we learn because lily tells Severus, "I don't like the people you've been hanging out with."
It's recent.
We know, also that the werewolf attack also happens before SWM -- and we learn this particularly in the same conversation.
Did Severus join their friend group out of fear?
I know this has nothing to do with my og point, that being : is any Slytherin a good enough friend, for Severus and is Severus a Slytherin good enough to be friends with any other house?
But wait a second;
Severus has always been an out cast, he's at the bottom of school's social ladder; he's poor, not mainstream attractive, he has poor socialization.
He hardly managed to make friends with Lily only succeeding because he had something she wanted; Knowledge about the wizarding world.
Therefore when he joined Mulciber's group; he would have had to been at the bottom of the friend group, as a : go for/ yes man/ nerd that does their homework ect....in exchange for being in the group and possibly getting protection; IF they bothered too, which I doubt they did seeing as no one in that group came guns a blazing to help him in SWM.
That friend group's power wasn't balanced, and if you've never been in a friend group that wasn't balanced then bless you.
When we talk about balance for the peoples that may not understand:
We have our leader: who may or may not be the glue of the group ei, the one who gathered the friends, or they could also just be the loudest, pushiest or just idk has more swag.
Example: James.
Then we have the second in command, the best friends of the leader, these people are the closest -- best friends, possibly has the ability to kind of influence the leader:
Example: Sirius
Then we have the third, close to the outside eye, best friends with the first two but everyone inside knows they aren't as close, if they were walking and one had to fall behind it would be this friend, if they ever stopped talking for a little, this friend would be first to go.
Example: Remus
And lastly we have the bottom of their social ladder, this friend is a follower, not a lot of say in the group, is lucky to be there and to be considered a friend, usually a yes man, a go for, or someone they exploit for their own personal gain, ie studying or help with assignments, or they could have poor social skills but have a rich background and is easy to manipulate. They are in this group for more protection or power of numbers. They need the group more than the group needs them.
Example: Peter & Severus
Originally I made this post to ponder any friends Severus might have had -- but in a environment that already is hostile to Slytherins, would any Slytherin on the same social standing had been his friend?
I mean he already pissed off the biggest bullies in their year so anyone on a similar social standing might not want to be friends with him out of fear of being more on James and co. raider than they already are, plus this is especially true for maybe another Slytherin -- (Slytherins stick together because of their bad rep. Professor's are no help usually.)
Any other Slytherin would be above him, and most likely not spare him the time of day.
Why would other houses help the weird kid with a huge target on his back?
And if magically he made friends, perfectly find friends who don't let Potter's bullying fly or any house's bulling fly and fight back. If they did manage to be Severus' friends, would Lily approve?
I mean, how do we know someone is a threat?
Don't we either learn through the grape vine or our own eyes?
Well, other houses are side eyeing Slytherin, for being death eaters -- so the muggleborns are sticking close together. Maybe even the houses are protecting their muggleborn friends in whatever way:
"Hey this one's family is a death eater..."
"That one's relative is a supporter..."
"Stay away from them."
I mean we know James and co are on the lights side, so obviously, their actions and pranks are cool because they would never stoop to such a disgusting level.
Does that translate to :
If James and co. Don't approve of this person and are acting out against them ----
They are fight the good fight?
I mean, we do know Mulciber and Avery do become deatheaters.
But -- we don't hear anything about James and co fighting them. We hear Lily being weary of them.
is any Slytherin a good enough friend, for Severus and is Severus a Slytherin good enough to be friends with any other house?
Unimportant to the post:
Looking at Harry 's own friend group with Ron and Hermione. I meant to talk about a balance in friend groups, but I just realized you might think Harry is the leader, which is was at a point since Ron and Hermione didn't get along at the start.
But in truth Ron is the glue, while Harry has the leader status.
That's all, this post is long enough.
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Prompt #2
Warning: James and Lily critical/bashing.
When Harry and Voldemort's wands connect in the graveyard (4th year), instead of showing shadows of Voldemort's pass spells, they reverse the spells. So Cedric comes back to life in his body, and then Lily and James pop out, looking just as they did the minute before they died. Harry brings all of them safely back to hogwarts with the portkey.
At first Harry is ecstatic- he has his parents!! His greatest desire came true!! But it's not the perfect life Harry imagined. Lily and James are 21 years old (painfully young to be parents) and struggling to adjust to the 13 years they missed.
On top of that, they're far from perfect. Lily's temper is fiery, and she's stubborn and dead set on believing what she thinks and not considering anyone else's pov. While Harry loves how protective she gets of him when she finds out about the Dursleys, her resulting fiery temper triggers his trauma from the Dursleys.
James grew up rich, entitled and a bully. While Harry loves some of James's hobbies, like flying/Quidditch, some of his other hobbies arent so fun/innocent. One of the ways he bonded with his friends was by bullying/hexing others. He attempts to bond with Harry the same way sometimes, which makes Harry wildly uncomfortable. He also consistently tries to sneak out with Harry from Dumbledore's protections, which Harry is strongly against considering that Voldemort is up and about.
Meanwhile, there's Snape in the background who's a complete emotional mess because Lily is ALivE, and James (along with Sirius) are trying to resurrect their hogwarts days by hexing him. (The only difference is that after being in Azkaban and dead for over a decade, Snape is far better dueling than them).
Anyway, when hogwarts fifth year starts, Harry ends up talking to Snape. Snape is somewhat desperate for news on Lily, but considering that she wants nothing to do with him he keeps his distance. Harry tells him about Lily, and in return Snape tells Harry about his parents in their hogwarts days and helps him understand them more. Severitus, basically.
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definetlyaddicted · 10 months
How Marauder stans expect us to react when they say shit like "Lily wouldn't have forgiven Snape in the afterlife. In fact she would HATE him"
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yumpotatoe · 2 years
I don’t hate Lily Evans, but it was sooooo fucked up that in SWM, she almost laughs at her best friend, and when he reacts to that, she subtly puts him in his place by saying: 'I'd wash your pants if I were you Snivellous,' as if she doesn't know that he comes from a poor family who probably couldn't afford anything better. Then later, when he comes to apologise to her, out of his own will like she said she wanted, she jibes him with comments like: 'all my friends wonder why I still hangout with you, I do too.’
Not just that but also the comments about her undermining the marauders’ bullying towards him by saying, ‘at least they don’t use dark magic,’ like yeah, whatever they’ve bullied you relentlessly over these past years to the point where you’ve had to start creating new spells to protect yourself, but at least they don’t use dark magic whilst doing it right? Also in the same conversation, she once again undermines his bullying by saying, ‘and you’re being really ungrateful. I heard what happened the other night. You went sneaking down that tunnel by the Whomping Willow and James Potter saved you from whatever's down there.’ Not let me hear your perspective, no, let me believe the rumours, but when you, the person who actually went through it all, someone who wants to protect me, tell me the truth and tell me that you won’t let me believe shit like this, then I get mad?
A lot of anti’s say that Snape didn’t deserve Lily, but IMO Lily didn’t deserve Snape
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thepoetsvortex · 2 years
I understand why Lily ends her friendship with Severus who associates with aspiring DE, people associated with Dark Magic, who are prejudiced against her kind.
But I don’t understand why she would marry James. James, who bullies her best friend from the time they are 11 until the time he DIES. James, who hung him upside down and put soap in his mouth- until he ALMOST CHOKED; who exposed his underwear before the whole school and threatened to take them off. For no reason.
Why- like, why is that okay? Why is she able to take a stand against Dark Magic, etc but marries someone guilty of sexual assault, abuse, and general harassment? Narratively, it makes NO sense for her character. The point of James (And Snape, Dumbles, Remus, etc) is that even the “good” guys are gray.
Why is Lily okay with that? Because quite honestly, the little we see of James in SWM is TEN TIMES WORSE than anything we see Severus do as a child- or, frankly, as a Death Eater. It kinda confuses me why the “morally pure” girl would fall for a jock, a bully, and just generally someone with no principles when her own principles are shown to be so strong.
But this is the same Lily who says “Old Bathilda,” calls her childhood friend Snivellus and doesn’t even ask him if he is okay in the middle of his assault, and has a baby in the middle of the war. So maybe she doesn’t usually have the best judgment.
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I wish there were more fanfics where Severus tells Lily that she is a bad friend, If anyone volunteers please comment.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 18 days
Friendship should mean something
I would hope that if I was being raped or otherwise assaulted, my friend would not stand by and argue with my attacker. But call the police and claw their eyes or shoot him dead. I hope they would not leave me to my attacker's sadistic pleasure if I somehow hurt their feelings in the situation. I would hope my safety would matter to them even if we had already broken up and they would help me because of the friendship we once had.
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darklinaforever · 5 months
I saw someone say that Severus was creepy and possessive towards Lily... We're talking about the guy who always let Lily have her own friends and left her alone as soon as she asked him to, just for information.
Oh, and also that apparently he was bullying Petunia thus probably destroying any chance of the bond between her and Lily returning. WTF ?! He accidentally dropped a branch on her when he was, what ? 10 / 11 years old ? I do not know anymore. Also, I remember that it was actually James who completely ruined Petunia and Lily's slim chances of coexisting.
Also, quite simply, Petunia was basically horrible to Lily because she was jealous. Severus has nothing fucking to do with it.
Then obviously say he linked up with bigoted racists. You know... during a period where he was experiencing misery at home, his friendship with Lily deteriorating and him essentially being a reject at school ? Like... It's pretty obvious that the guy is influenced. Are people aware that we can also join this type of dangerous stupidity through manipulation and not just by choice ? No ? All right. Because I feel like people forget that Severus is actually a half blood.
The person went so far as to say that Severus loving Lily, was like a member of the Klu Klux Klan falling in love with a black woman...
Also, to say that apparently he hoped Lily would come back to him by saving her from Voldemort and leaving James and Harry to die, which... is false ? He just wanted to save her because he loves her ? He didn't expect her to fall into his arms ? Where the fuck does this shit come from !?
Oh, and also, the funniest thing, complaining that he betrayed the Death Eaters... because then that would prove that this guy has no loyalty.
Or maybe that just goes to show that he didn't really know what he was doing in this big mess ? Just an idea like that.
And so obviously complaining that he's only faithful to Lily which is apparently very unhealthy.
Also, apparently, nothing makes him gray, his redemption is bogus. Harry naming his son after him is stupid and Lily would probably hate Severus in the afterlife.
And this all came from someone hating James & Lily as a character and romance.
Like... how can you misunderstand a character so much ? The HP Saga has many flaws for me, but the character of Snape is clearly in the top tier and an excellent gray character.
And I don't understand why a lot of people find it disgusting, twisted and sick that he did good things in honor of Lily's memory, still loves her and has the same patronus as her. Like... I really don't understand. Why do people try to blacken and pervert everything ? Oh I know. They are allergic to complexity.
Yes, Snape wasn't the best teacher in the world. Favored his house and let the Slytherin students annoy the Gryffindors but frankly with his past, we can understand why he became the way he is. Not everyone is lucky enough to be able to mentally move on from the horrible things that have happened to us. Especially since adolescence has a big impact on our future life.
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yumnasfunblog · 2 years
Harry Potter and Repression.
One of Harry's most worrisome and tragic traits is how he represses the fact that those he loves have done some really messed up stuff-and this usually correlates to his desperate wish to be loved and cared for and have friends, and his wish to not think about certain things.
Like he's not mad at Ron for abandoning him and never thinks about it again except once. He never doubts that Ron will stay with him again, even though Ron actually has abandoned him. He never thinks about it even when the same thing happens in Deathly Hallows. The incident is ERASED. He forgives and forgets, or at least represses.
He also never thinks about how Sirius and Remus and Snape all confirmed that Sirius used Remus (who had no way to consent to this) to kill Snape. He's ignoring Sirius's lack of remorse. He's ignoring how Sirius tried to attack the Fat Lady, traumatizing her. He's ignoring how Sirius broke Ron's leg just a few minutes before. I've said this before, but it's because he's so desperate for a father figure he'll ignore the very real signs that Sirius, while innocent, is not a good person nor someone who should be raising a kid.
And then he also never thinks about how the Marauders bullied Snape, how Remus and Sirius and James were complicit in bullying Snape. Like he does think about it, but when Remus and Sirius say "Hey he stopped" Harry's satisfied with that and doesn't think about it more than once. He's so desperate to not think about it-that those he loves have traits that he absolutely hates and thinks of as villainous-that he basically ERASES the whole incident from his mind. I mean it. ERASES. Doesn't exist anymore.
Like, how can you not think about that? Harry is in class with the victim (Snape) of his father (James) and godfather (Sirius) and father's best friend (Remus). He doesn't have to feel sympathetic with Snape (though he does in canon), nor change the way he acts and how he feels about Snape, but surely he must think about it when Snape starts treating Harry differently and sabotaging him and stops Occulemency. Surely he must think about it every time Sirius and or Remus and Snape are in the same room. Surely he must think about how Snape hated Harry because he looked like his father.
Wouldn't finding out the people you love did really bad things affect you? Wouldn't finding out it's not "a schoolboy grudge" affect the way you see your teacher? How can Harry be around Snape and not think about it? About Snape's Worst Memory?
Why didn't Harry at least think about broaching the subject with Snape? He doesn't have to do it, but he should at least think about it long enough to dismiss the idea.
And shouldn't this be enough to shake Harry's view of himself? At least a little? Harry is not responsible for his father's actions, but there usually is a degree of perception changing when you learn that your dad did awful stuff.
And what about Lilly? It's the only real glimpse Harry gets of his Mom. He should be thinking about that too. Even with the whole "she hated James" business supposedly settled, it's his mom that he loves and wants to know better.
Again, Harry completely erasing incidents from his mind is done because he doesn't want to think about certain things. Because he will have to acknowledge how Ron abandoned him, how Sirius and James and Remus had every trait Harry loathed.
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expectopatronum81 · 1 month
I'll never understand why Lily is always just portrayed as a perfect social justice warrior who's some golden standard for the boys to try and reach up to and who's right all the time instead of an actual, flawed person. We hardly have anything about her in canon, so why do ppl insist on sticking to the same trope? I have often seen lily being portrayed as rather complex, in the sense of examining how the society impacts her, but not in the sense of being her being flawed or not immediately (or ever) right about/ good at everything
Prejudice is ingrained in the wizarding world, those fuckers like to hate on literally everyone, so there's a huge chance that their literature is going to be biased as well. Give me a lily who's trying to understand and navigate this completely new world with mythical creatures from scratch and who believes what the society tells her about them (even decent wizards like the Weasleys had certain prejudices, like against werewolves,half giants, and house elves,it's not just the Slytherins and DEs, so how can she tell what's right or wrong immediately?), and who takes a while to understand that it's the same sort of prejudice she's facing (much like ppl in the real world). Give me a lily who doesn't immediately, or ever, completely understand the complications of politics and the upcoming war as well as, say, characters like Sirius because, well, she's still a child who's new to all of this, and it's not the sort of thing she's ever had to concern herself with (unlike Sirius who grew up in a family that placed heavy influence on social standing). Give me a lily who's ready to make excuses for Snape not out of any reason that would make her look sympathetic, but simply because it wasn't affecting her personally until now (before anyone tries to point to that incident of her calling Snape out on his friends hexing Mary McDonald, she only raised concerns about Snape's company coz they performed dark magic, not because of their racist beliefs).
Or if that's too much to handle, we could at least stick to the few flawed things she does in canon. Like when she doesn't care to listen to Snape's version of the werewolf incident and relies on rumours instead, or when she almost smiles when Snape's pants are being exposed in front of a jeering crowd. People try to spin that around too to make Lily's perspective understandable and sympathetic, and sure, everyone has their own takes, but idk, there seems to be this great necessity to make it such that she's not viewed in a negative light for anything
Hot take, but ppl like to go on abt how women in fiction or in the fandom are critiqued too much, how people can't handle complex female characters, and how much they support women's wrongs, but they always end up confining female characters to being Good and Right all the time and characterize any constructive criticism/negative portrayal of the character as being wrong or mysoginistic.
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
how would u fix Lily in the books? 🤔
Askin the hard questions 🫣
I don’t know, to be honest. In order to change her character, we’d have to change a lot in canon (Harry wouldn’t exist 💔).
I think the biggest thing that ruins Lily’s character is her marrying James. Even the whole Mudblood situation didn’t completely ruin her. I can understand why she ended her friendship with Severus, but I will never, ever understand why on Earth she would marry the devil reincarnated.
I don’t care if James changed in her eyes, the fact that he was bad enough to have done everything he did in SWM, not only to Lily’s best friend, but to Lily herself, is enough to make anyone run for the hills.
I don’t care if she and Snape weren’t friends anymore and that “she didn’t owe him anything” (I remember actually seeing some James stan on Quora saying this), he was still her best friend, there was still a point in her life where she loved him. If you’d ever get with someone who abused, sexually assaulted, and actively harassed your now-former best friend, then there’s a chance you never truly cared about said friend in the first place. Otherwise why the fuck would you get with that person after all the shit they pulled on your friend (that’s putting aside the fact that James harassed and blackmailed her too-)??
I don’t care about all that. You do NOT marry your former best friend’s bully, ever. Especially not when said former friend respected your decisions; something the guy who you somehow ended up marrying could never do.
Putting that aside, marrying James seemed to have greatly changed the image Rowling wanted us to see, I talked about this in one of my previous answers (I’ll just copy and paste it here):
She went from badass “feisty” woman with hair that goes 💃🕺 who was popular, hawwwwt, desired by many guys (including James), had her little Gryffindor friends, to some trophy wife with as much personality as an unsalted pretzel whose only friends were sexist guys who used to (🤫) bully her former best friend.
And I stand by what I said. What the hell happened to that strong, badass, popular woman who stood up (well if you wanna call it that) to the Marauders?
I honestly find it funny how Remadora and Romione haters always talk about Tonks and Hermione’s strong badass characters getting ruined because they got settled down with Remus and Ron, when it’s really Lily’s character (if you can even call her that) that got ruined when getting married.
So, I’d definitely have her not marry James, and no, I won’t make her marry Snape (I could never let him do that to himself), so she could either marry literally anyone else or just stay single. And preferably—if her and Snape’s friendship has to end—I’d have him do something more extreme or have done not-so-lovely things before the incident happened, so him calling her a Mudblood would be the final straw for Lily and it would be more understandable as to why she automatically dropped their friendship after that. It would be less of a “girl…” moment and I might actually still (emphasise on the still) have some respect left for her.
Askin the hard questions
Not exactly hard. All she had to do was not marry the abusive stalker and sexual assaulter who treated her and her best friend like shit, but apparently that was too much work for her.
I hope my answer was alright. Could you do me a favour and add to this (basically give your own answer to this question 😅)? I’d really love to hear your thoughts about this topic!
Have a nice day!
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