#Archibald fleet
coelart · 2 months
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Dusting off some old Victoriocity sillies (and not so sillies) now that I’m posting again
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weaverofink · 3 months
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version without the claw marks:
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i-eat-bugs-and-dirt · 1 month
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Soft launching my art by showing you guys some shitty doodles of my favourite (podcast) blorbos that I drew while in class.
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marymjarvis · 2 months
I haven’t fallen in love with fictional characters and the world that they inhabit the way I have with Victoriocity in YEARS. It genuinely makes me feel like a kid again, the way I got when I was reading Harry Potter for the first time and the universe just was slowly unfolding and I wanted to know everything about it outside of the main storyline. And then you have the pitch perfect humor and characters I AM VERY DEEPLY INVESTED IN that are in the most perfect Victorian slow burn of all time where I KNOW SOMETHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN EVENTUALLY BUT ITS GOING TO TAKE YEARS AND ILL BE HANGING ON TO A DARCY HAND FLEX MOMENT FOR DEAR LIFE UNTIL IT DOES, and you got me hook, line and sinker.
But seriously, it’s well written. It engages in some trope but does so in a way that only good writing can where expectation is subverted and then not that that is surprising and delightful, The pacing is excellent. The world they’ve created is completely original but totally familiar which grounds the characters and the plot.
Anyway, I bought three copies of High Vaultage (audio, ebook and special edition hard copy of course), finished it, binged season three and now I need the link to the kickstarter for the next project because I NEED MORE. This is just going to be a fan account until then.
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silvascribble · 3 months
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Some Clara and Fleet I did a few days ago
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hephaestuscrew · 2 months
Thinking about the protective way Clara tells Fleet not to go into DeVries' dangerous-looking training set-up, and about how when Septimus mentions Fleet's friend Fleet's immediate assumption is that he must mean Clara, and about "This is Miss Clara Entwhistle, my partner - in business, my business partner." / "I'm also his friend, but he doesn't like to say it.", and about how Fleet rarely smiles but he smiles to himself at Clara having a good idea (and Clara notices the change in his expression), and about how Clara is trying to work out Fleet's birthday through a process of elimination, and about how Fleet tries twice to shut down the conversation with Frances Byrne that's making Clara uncomfortable, and about how panicked and angry he sounds after realising she's been poisoned...
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hetwoeligeleven · 24 days
Thought my fellow Victoriocity and Wooden Overcoats enjoyers might like this short film, featuring Tom Crowley aka Archibald Fleet/Eric Chapman
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leliesblou · 2 months
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he's so repressed <3
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hyaskus · 2 months
Archibald Fleet and Rudyard Funn would, if not be friends, then have a grudging respect for one another.
Conversely Chapman and Lord Sanger would get along swimmingly.
Aurelia would, of course, fall confusingly in love with Antigone like most people.
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victoriocity truth and claw absolute banger, the sugdens smashed it AGAIN !!!kudos!!!
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Thinking about podcast detectives and how they'd interact. Juno Steel and Richard Hart are this close to shooting each other, Sam Bailey is crying about it, Arthur Lester is talking to himself and not helping and Archibald Fleet is confused and lost and no one will help him either
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People either don't get it, when Fleet is joking or tell him that he's not funny, he even says himself he doesn't think he's funny.
Well, everyone is wrong, he's the most hilarious man ever actually
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weaverofink · 2 months
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some expression practice with inspector fleet!!
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" 'The cruise was magical!' says famous clockwork detective Archibald Fleet"
- Marketing campaign on the Evening Chronicle
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marymjarvis · 2 months
Because I cannot stop thinking about Victoriocity and I don’t belong to any sort of book club, I will be posting my errant thoughts and analysis here until further notice.
Today’s thought: I cannot wait for a deeper examination/exploration of the identities that both Fleet and Clara are struggling with. With Clara it’s very clearly the dichotomy between what is expected from her from society and her mother versus what she wants out of life. That’s definitely explored a little in S3 and I can’t wait to get more of that.
What is only hinted at though both in the book and in S3 and what I am DYING to learn more about is Fleets relationship with automatons post coming back to life. There is clearly so much tension between him and these robots and what happened to him and how he doesn’t fully KNOW what happened to him. Plus the whole determining whether an automaton is dead or merely off etc etc. So interesting and I can’t wait to get more hints of that as time goes on. Also there’s a part in the book about a railing that weirdly moved me and is where this thought comes from. You’ll know it when you see it which is why you should buy and read the book.
I wasn’t kidding when I said this was going to be a Victoriocity fan page until new content comes out. I may have been a bit hyperbolic but I wasn’t KIDDING.
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wakingstarstuff · 3 months
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