#As much as I love sweet gpa figure being your hero and saving you from suffering... I love the opposite more LOL
mothwingwritings · 2 months
Your Yujiro x reader has been on my mind recently, and an interesting idea came into my head - what would happen if the reader somehow stumbled upon Yuichiro? What would he think of the whole situation, particularly because he is of a *very* different temperament than his son? Would he develop some sort of feelings for (reader)? I'm pretty sure Yujiro would be pissed to see his father meddling in things 😭
You're one of my fav writers on here!! Keep it up ❤︎ and make sure to take care of yourself ☺️
… I can’t believe I didn’t think of writing anything for Yuichiro before this ask lol. How could I write so much about the Hanma family’s favorite girl (you) and never mention Yuichiro???  Shame on me tbh, let’s change that now!
(And thank you for your kind words!!! You are very sweet! <3)
WARNINGS: Mentions of sex, noncon, past abuse, and stepcest.
If by some miracle act Yuichiro was able to obtain a corporeal form and once more walk amongst the living, he would be very intrigued by how far his lineage had come and what the Hanma’s were able to accomplish. Being the start of it all, he had a vague idea of how things most likely have progressed. There is no doubt that his unruly son has grown massively strong, and he’s sure that strength has caused countless problems for people near and far.
He was aware that Yujiro had children at this point, taking quite an interest himself in Baki and Jack’s development. Children weren’t always guaranteed to take after their parents, so it was always a delight when at least one of your offspring was able to carry on the family line with the strength and power you and your ancestors worked so tirelessly to cultivate. When Yuichiro found out that of all the children Yujiro had fathered, not just one, but two showed such immense potential? He was as pleased as he was proud, even more so to discover Baki and Jack lacked the level of belligerent arrogance that made their father an unbearably volatile presence to be around.
While he was taking note of his family line he happened upon a surprising outlier- you. He was at first puzzled by the fact that the Ogre, with all his rampant testosterone, was even able to produce a daughter. When he dug a little deeper and realized you were adopted into the family, while that in and of itself made sense, it left him with even more questions. Why would someone like Yujiro go out of his way to adopt someone else’s child, let alone a female, when he barely cared about the children he himself had brought into this world? Based on the limited knowledge he had of you, you didn’t have any kind of superior strength or secret, hidden abilities that may have spurred his son to take you under his wing. So how exactly did you become awarded with the name of Hanma?
The mystery became too intriguing to ignore, thus he sought you out.
The moment he saw you, he instantly began to understand your appeal. He kept his distance at first, not wanting to overwhelm you with his presence as he made his initial observations. From what he could gather, you were a thoughtful girl, kind and affable to your friends and strangers alike. He noted that you seemed a little jumpy, on edge in scenarios you should feel more at ease, and he worried that maybe he wasn’t concealing himself enough and you were catching on to his surveillance. You may not have Hanma blood in your veins, but you’ve been around them enough to recognize the specific aura they exude. He would need to be more careful, maybe conducting his research on you was best done through other means.
Hence, he decided to look into your relationships with his son and grandsons, hoping to get a better picture of who you were as a person and unravel the secret of how you became intertwined in their lives.
However, what he ended up finding out was not anything he ever expected.
As soon as he learned the horrific truth of how his family had handled you, the revolting nature in which not just his son, but his grandchildren, showed their ‘affection’ for you, he was at a loss for words. Yuichiro was beyond disgusted by their actions, particularly due to the fact that their aggressions were against an innocent woman who had no means of defending herself against the brutes that were incessantly at her heels.
Your jittery nature made complete sense now. You weren’t constantly on edge because you were a naturally excitable person- you were on edge as a defense mechanism. You had to be cautious around everyone for your own self-preservation, frightened that you may unwittingly be subjugating yourself and the people around you to extreme danger by being in a public space. The man who was supposed to be your father figure had assaulted you, hurting and scarring you in irreparable ways. The brothers that you loved and looked to for protection ended up having the same perversions as the man who had created them, betraying your trust in their attempts to force themselves upon you.
Disgusted wasn’t a strong enough word for what he had felt upon learning these revelations. His disappointment in his kin was immeasurable.
When he finally introduces himself to you, it’s apprehension that greets him in return. He can see the fear reflected in your eyes as you were faced with the instant realization of his strength the absolute power he held over not just you, but anyone who may step to him. Yuichiro was a complete stranger to you, in fact you probably hadn’t even seen a picture of him to make any sort of connection. But he could tell that within moments of making your acquaintance, you understood who he was. He was a Hanma, and therefore, he was a threat.
Seeing you cower before him, your whole body vibrating in a state of alarm, eyes darting around the vicinity as you tried to map an escape route should this meeting go south… it broke his heart. It wasn’t that he was immune to your charms, Yuichiro could definitely see the appeal of wanting to be close to you in an intimate manner, but to take you by force? To treat you so horribly, handle you so violently? It took all his power not to make his rage over the injustices you had faced show on his features, lest he frighten you further.
It took a while for you to warm up to him, but the relationship that blossomed was well worth the effort. You were a lovely person all around, beautiful in every sense of the word. The more he got to know you, the more he saw your true personality shine through, and the longer he spent with you, the more his affection for you grew.
Yuichiro had made his decision. You would be safe with him-completely and undeniably cared for under his watchful eye. He would be the father Yujiro never could be, the protector your brothers failed to be. He would become your family, a true family, and insure that you will never have to spend another day living in fear ever again.
In short, Yuichiro’s arrival would probably be the ONLY thing that would ultimately protect you from Yujiro and the rest of the Hanma family. This is great for you because he’s a man of his word, the moment you come under his care Yujiro’s entire existence is like a distant nightmare, and that is something you are exceedingly grateful for. However, you feel the absence of Jack and Baki much more profoundly, as you considered them to be your true family and still love them very deeply. Even though you know ultimately this arrangement is for the best, and you feel much safer and happier in Yuichiro’s care than you have ever felt with anyone else in your life, you still find yourself missing Jack and Baki greatly. Even with their betrayal shattering the last of your innocence, causing you deep and lasting scars, life without them still hurt, and you don’t think you’ll ever heal enough to ignore the pain.
… All this being said, it wouldn’t be on brand for me to answer this without fucking it up a little bit, right?
After some time living with Yuichiro, growing dependent on him for basic care and protection, his fondness for you begins to manifest in ways that are… shocking, even to Yuichiro himself. 
Maybe it was the long absence of a lover that began to steer his desires, or perhaps it was the sweet and selfless nature in which you offered your love to him? Who knew it would warm his heart so much to see you standing in the kitchen, sweet little apron tied around your waist as you hummed a little tune, hard at work preparing a new recipe you had picked out specifically to please him? All the little things you did without a second thought made is body and soul ache for you.
You were always cute, but when exactly did you become so irresistible to him?
It caught him off guard to feel a flutter in his stomach when he saw your smile or heard your laugh. At his age he figured he was far past feelings like this, especially with someone so much younger than himself, especially with you.
He didn’t expect the blush that dusted your cheeks when he entered the bath you were currently occupying to excite him as much as it did. He took great pride in the control he had over his body, keeping his emotions and desire in check was one of his strong suits. But seeing you there, bare and bashful, trying desperately to cover yourself while your eyes refused to linger on any part of his exposed body for too long… you were definitely testing his limits here, sweetheart.
Did you know how effortlessly beautiful you were? Did you realize just how tantalizing even the most innocent of your actions were? Would it upset you if he told you how pretty he found your body, as his eyes drank in every inch of skin you were working so hard to hide? Would it scare you if he helped you to understand just how much sway you had over not just his heart, but all of his wants and desires?
He had chided and scorned his family for their mistreatment of you, the sick, twisted feelings they pummeled you with not only threatened your existence, but were also a stain on the illustrious Hanma name. Yuichiro wanted nothing more than your happiness and your security, both were things he took great honor in providing to you, and he found his own joy in knowing you felt contentment with him after so much suffering. But he was starting to get an itch that was growing harder and harder to scratch. An itch he felt his kin was all too familiar with.
Maybe he’s not so different from his son and grandsons after all?
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samwrights · 4 years
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I have a feeling we’re gonna start spiraling real hard into NSFW territory. Everyone here is aged up, and we ain’t afraid of the word cock on this blog. That being said, bust out your holy water and your vibrators and enjoy the semi-lengthy read!
There was nothing better than curling up on Sunday mornings with Toshi.
Even better on the days he felt like making breakfast for the two of you, but those were few and far between.
Not that you were complaining because when he was in the mood to be a doting partner, he was incredible.
Your personal favorite was having your head in lap while he absentmindedly played with your hair.
Today was not one of those days.
Rather than playing with your hair, his hands were gripping a PlayStation controller with zero intention of letting go.
Goddamn Final Fantasy just came out.
“Toshi, I’m hungry.”
“Go make breakfast then?”
Doesn’t even bat an eyelash. Sigh.
You wait patiently before making your move; you weren’t that much of a heathen that you’d interrupt your boyfriend in the midst of battle.
As soon as the screen cuts to dialogue, you’re on his lap and kissing him hard before your lips travel along his jaw just the way he likes it.
Intermittent biting with rough, open mouthed kisses.
All the while, you’re unabashedly grinding your hips into his, thankful to whatever higher power that exists above that he was only wearing boxers.
“Ohoh, so you’re that kind of hungry?”
“Only for you, Toshi.” Your mind goes blank before being filled with a hazy cloud and you’re now resting your head on his shoulder, unmoving.
Oh this fucking asshole just used his quirk on you!
“At least let me save my game first, kitten.” Is all he responds with, propping his chin on your shoulder to continue looking at the screen.
His goddamn hips are still grinding into while he does it too—cheeky mother fucker.
Date nights with Shouto Todokori are every bit of a dream boat as you’d imagine.
Whether they were nights in or nights out, he always somehow managed to make them absolutely perfect.
However, nights in were your absolute favorite, solely based on the fact that you didn’t have to wait to get home before ravaging your boyfriend.
It was date night—the two of you were cuddled up on the couch with now empty boxes of takeout littering on your guys’ coffee table while watching some corny romcom on the television.
Full of food and happiness, you snuggle up to Shouto while he’s sprawled out on the couch, your head resting somewhere between his stomach and his chest.
Todo’s hands are absentmindedly playing with the hair at the nape of your neck and part of you is wondering if he’s doing it solely because he knows that it’s your weakness.
“Shouto...” you simper.
“Yes, baby?” He was definitely doing it because he knew it got to you. Confirmed it with the way you looked up at him, seeing list dripping from his pupils.
Without another exchange of words, you adjust yourself so that you’re in his lap, straddling his waist, arms loosely dangling off his shoulders.
The action is reciprocated, as he is cradling your back with his chin resting on your shoulder.
“Be patient, sweetie.” Is all he says before his eyes pretend to focus on the film.
“Don’t wanna,” you mumble against his collarbone, tentatively giving the skin a lick. Despite the rumble in his chest, Todo protests.
“I’m warning you, princess.” His voice is firm, and so is he, but you never were one for patience. You place open mouth kisses just below his ear, nibbling at the slightly loose skin because you know it’s going to drive him crazy.
“Sweetheart...” your tongue dances along the shell of his ear and he can clearly hear the broken breaths leaving your lips.
“Love you, Sho.” Your words are sweet, despite the salacious drip in them.
“I told you to be patient.” He growls, snapping one hand from your waist to gripping your chin. “Guess I’ll just have to punish you.”
“Baaaabe!” You call out as soon as you enter the threshold of yours and Tamaki’s shared apartment.
“Living room, sweetheart.” He knew what that distressed call was.
Tamaki sets his book down on the coffee table in front of him as he hears your keys jingling while you take your shoes off before you throw your keys on the entryway table.
Immediately, you climb into your boyfriend’s lap, straddling him and wrapping your arms around his neck.
Were you not in a bad mood, Tamaki would be a red-hot, spluttering mess. Low key he still kind of was, but he knew that in this moment, you just wanted comfort.
His arms encircle your waist, pulling you nearly flush against him. “Bad day?” You nod into his neck, letting the steady rhythm of his heart beat calm you down. “Wanna talk about it?”
How in the hell did you get so lucky?
But Tama feels you shake your head no, so he settles for just holding you until you feel better.
“You’re so sweet to me, Tama,” you mumble out into his neck and despite his skin muting the words, the sprig of praise sends goosebumps down his arms. “I don’t know what I did in a past life to deserve you.”
Sweet little Suneater’s grip on your waist tightens, the words of praise going to straight to his cock. Mentally, he’s scolding himself because he should be focusing on comforting you.
But you feel him start to grow harder and your need for comfort is ebbing away, being replaced with the need to just feel him.
“Always so good to me, baby.” A groan rumbles in his throat, the vibrations moving against your tongue as you swipe the muscle slowly along a vein in his neck. “I love you so much, I should thank you for comforting me.”
You emphasize your statement by biting down on his neck before returning to lavish it with your tongue. You always did love leaving hickeys on him. “Thank you for taking care of me, Tama. Want me to return the favor?”
Tamaki’s more than thankful his hero costume hides his neck—it grants you the freedom to bruise every inch of his pale skin. But he can’t fucking take it anymore, and he needs to feel your lips on his.
“Love you,” is all he says before he smashes his lips onto yours, accentuating the statement with the forceful grind of his hardened cock over your clothed apex.
“Babe, pay attention to me.”
Bakugo fucking hated when you were in this mood of feeling needy—needy to the point where you’d interrupt up while he’s doing homework.
“No, woman.”
“Pleeeeeease, Katsuki.”
“No, we have finals that we need to study for!” Yeah, fine. He was right about that.
But the only thing finals was gonna fuck was your GPA.
Knowing that your wonderful, and you say that wholeheartedly, boyfriend was going to stick to his word, you figure that desperate whores call for desperate measures.
That’s how the saying goes, right?
Regardless, you scoot yourself closer to Bakugo on the couch until your shoulders are touching, pestering him just enough to move away from the textbook and notebook was hunched over.
“The fuck did I just say?!” He snarls, looking at you fully.
“You’ve been so tense lately, baby. More than normal.” You say slowly, slithering into his lap so that you could straddle him.
Arms moving like a snake, you rest them on his broad shoulders, your hands gently grasping the cloth of the sofa.
“You need to relax,” the last syllable of your sentence leaves your lips salaciously before latching onto the blonde’s vein in his neck. “Just let me take care of you, babe.”
His crimson eyes shut briefly, forgetting all about organic chemistry for a moment and reeling into the feel of your teeth grazing his skin. “Fuck,” he grits out under his breaking resolve.
His hands grip at your hips, grinding them further into his rapidly hardening cock through his jeans. “That’s what I was trying to do.” You tease, nipping at his earlobe.
Your fingers work their way down the front of his thin muscle tee before they’re met with the tops of jeans—somehow calmly and frantically unbuttoning and unzipping them to give him some breathing room. “Still wanna study for finals?” Your face to face with Bakugo, your lips just out of his reach with your noses still touching.
He’s wearing a very displeased, disgruntled, snarl. “You aren’t even going to make it to the testing room when I’m done with you.”
In hindsight, Denki should have known.
He should have known that, with the way you’d been so damn clingy while the two of you were out with your guys’ friends, you were plotting something.
With the way you refused to let go of him or the way you pressed long, slow, tender kisses along his jaw,
Denki Kaminari should have seen this coming.
Or maybe he did and he was more excited for the impending treatment than he let on.
“Fuck!” He hisses as you bite down on the flesh you have between your teeth at the base of his neck.
Currently, you have him pinned down on the couch with you straddling his waist and your hands gluing his wrists to the fabric.
Your tongue laves at the now swollen flesh in a futile attempt to ease the pain. He was definitely more excited for his punishment.
“Should have been a good boy while we were out, Denki~” your words are damning, thick with lust.
“I was!” He protests and, while this behavior wasn’t exactly left field for you, he knew there was an underlying issue fueling it.
“Uh uh,” you tut, moving from one collarbone to the other to give it the same treatment. He hisses again when your canines sink down—he knows you broke skin. “You told Jiro she was pretty.”
Denki has a love-hate relationship with your fragile ego and your insatiable envy. At the moment, he’s loving it almost as much as the way your plush lips trail kisses up his neck, biting as you go along.
A part of him wonders how he’s going to explain all of the fresh, angry, purple and red bruises at work tomorrow. Another part of him wants more.
“You belong to me, don’t you Denki?” You’re goading him with subtle touches of unbuttoning his shirt in addition to the hard bites and broken capillaries in his throat.
“Of course, baby.” It’s meant to come out as reassuring, but all that leaves his lips is broken whines.
“That doesn’t sound very convincing, sweetheart.” Despite your tone, his shirt is off now, giving you an entirely new canvas to mark up.
“I can show you better than I can tell you.”
Oh, Tenya.
He was such a straight-laced good boy. It made teasing him that much more fun.
You’re sly and subtle that he never notices when you’re in that type of mood.
Or so you think.
You’re both just nonchalantly watching a movie together with his arm draped over the back of the couch over your shoulders.
He’s very textbook.
As the movie continues to play on, you start scooting closer and closer until you’re casually just sitting in his lap.
“What are you doing....” Iida knows something’s up now, but you’re just gonna play coy.
“Nothing,” you say innocently, adjusting yourself so that you’re straddling him with your arms around his neck before nestling your head into his chest. “Making myself comfortable.”
For a short while, it is rather comfortable, but you’ve got a different endgame in mind.
Your fingertips start to brush the back of his neck, fidgeting with his hair before they ghost over his neck and down his chest.
“Honey...” his voice is low and dangerous and rumbling with his rich timbre.
You ignore the literal choke that leaves his throat when your lips travel from the base of his neck to the spot where his jaw meets his earlobe.
“You’re being so good for me, Tenya.”
His hands are on your hips like a vice before he caves, nearly flinging both of you off the couch.
Thankfully, he’s got you cause you actually probably would have been hurt.
But he’s carrying you to your guys’ room now, all the while biting at his collarbones and telling him what a good boy he is. Definitely has a praise kink.
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smallblanketfort · 7 years
do you have tips on taking notes?
yes!! i have many, so i tried to make it easier for you to navigate :)
L O N G post ahead of you, covering lecture notes and readings notes, from a college senior :)
lecture notes:
i suggest using a notebook and pen, physically writing down. it’s easier to study, and since it’s using your body, you have a much higher retention rate on your side than if you use a laptop.
i have used my laptop for taking notes before. it’s easier to take more notes, word for word, but that’s not always helpful. maybe that’s your style, especially if you enjoy rewriting your notes all pretty and more successfully when you get home. i am not that girl. 
more notes does not always equal better! it’s good for you to listen actively, selecting what is important and what is not. i take very thorough notes. i take a lot of notes. if you need notes for a missed class, i. am. your. girl. that doesn’t mean i write out everything word for word. selecting details, clauses, and images really helps me to not only keep up, but also to memorize later. plus, when you’re typing, it’s easier to type all the words out without really processing the whole meaning. remember that dense notes are harder to study
finally, when you write by hand, you can get more creative with your style. occasionally, i’ll web notes out from one, rather than a traditional outline, bc it makes more sense for the topic
it also helps my anxiety! so much! if i force myself to take great in depth notes, then my mind has to dedicate more brain space to the task at hand than to my anxieties.
stick to one of these though. it really sucks to get into a test and realize you didn’t study half of your notes bc you forgot half were on your laptop. it’s awful lol.
if you use a laptop, get used to how it works first. do u know how much i resent trying to switch from a bullet that is under other bullets (like this one, not filled in) to a main point bullet (the ones filled in). it can be so confusing. also make sure you use a program you like. you can take directly into documents, but i find that i really love evernote, as i can make notebooks for classes, stacks of notebooks for my college, and that i can tag notes with specific classes and topics.
if you’re on paper, for fuck’s sake, divide your notebook into sections for classes. keep it all together. those notebooks with handy dandy dividers are so helpful, and they keep you from carrying around 5 notebooks at once.
i wouldn’t worry too much about highlighters and such in class. there’s just so much going on then. save highlighting and color coding for later, and count it as studying.
don’t worry about traditional outlining styles, with roman numerals or whatever. i take notes very simply. bullets/dashes, subnotes under a broad note. 
do it how it makes sense to you! maybe that includes different bullet styles, different places for different types of information (on a simple level, i start writing chapter numbers and titles as far to the left as i can go, over the margins, in bold and capital letters. i also usually go over these later in a certain color marker)
in some classes it is helpful for me to write the topic along the top of the page in a highlighter (color coding is lovely) the main idea/topic for each page. the classes this was most obviously helpful in were astronomy (COMETS or BLACKHOLES etc) and shakespeare (MUCH ADO ACT 2 or ROMEO etc)
it’s easiest to just note page numbers of referenced complex diagrams, as they are usually in your reading or accessible online
your style might look different in each class. whatever works.
note everything (everything) your professor writes on the board. if it’s important enough for your professor to write it, it’s probably important enough for you to write it.
note examples only if it’s helpful for your memory. however, make light note of things like famous people and their science/psych experiments. but in math and such, note! the! examples! and! reasons! will help you so much.
examples that have emotion, imagery, or sound are going to be more helpful. applicable examples are most helpful. good professors will lecture you accordingly. lazy ones will not.
star anything that the professor stresses or hints will be tested. anything that they say is a major theme or whatever.
note main ideas/points/themes, definitions, conclusions, 
use your tests to help you figure out what you need to know. ask questions about the tests too. in every class i’ve taken, i’m totally shocked at how willingly people ask about exam format and how willingly the professor will tell us how it will work. they want you to succeed.
people learn differently! i suggest taking notes in class and later adding touches that help you. count it as study time too. a warm up, if you will. 
if you’re visual, this might include highlighting, color coding, drawing diagrams, etc.
 if you’re an auditory learner, reading the notes out loud and organizing them accordingly, as well as making up rhymes, rhythms and such, might help you. some auditory learners actually like to record lectures and listen to them later. 
if you learn best through movement, rewriting or making flashcards will be great for you.
sometimes professors go really. fuckin. fast. why. idk? but
dont be afraid to ask them to go back a slide bc i guarantee, you will be the class hero for asking
develop a little bit of shorthand. sometimes i end up using initials, arrows, abbreviations… this is where i got “bc” and “thru” and “u” and such. lol. also, list things vertically, rather than using commas and “and/&/+) it’ll be more clear later
some professors you literally cannot take notes on. it sucks. you’re going to need to do the readings and pick their brains on how the test will be to figure out how to prepare. take home tests are your best friend. thank god for them. seriously. get your butt to church and do some worshipping.
if your professor puts powerpoints online, save the powerpoints, ya never know.
look at inspiration if you want, but remember that notes on studyblr are usually copied from class notes. if you’re too focused on how pretty your notes are, good luck to you
finally, the day before an exam, i review my notes that i have (hopefully) been studying. i like to make a one page cheat sheet / study guide on everything i didn’t remember, leaving out everything i understand, memorized, or want to disregard. 
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reading notes:
ima be real and tell you i hardly ever do reading unless i will be tested on it in class in multiple choice. and im an english student. ye i suck, i know. i dont condone shirking the system but u know what, reading shakespeare or 18th century lit literally makes me want to kill myself. so, im a senior in college, and have barely ever done the reading for a class. the thing is, if you do it right, anything is better than just reading the words on the page and not getting the meaning. dont be a reading zombie. read actively, even if it’s not the actual reading. doing this, i have a 3.9 gpa. so. there’s hope for us yet.
first of all, yall need to do your damn reading. idc how. but due to the fact that a test will be multiple choice, essay answer, a presentation, or a paper, you’re going to not love pulling nothing out of your ass. can be done tho. just be fake deep.
that being said, i’m writing a lot below, but the reality is that if it’s lit, your notes dont have to be longer than a sentence. if it’s a textbook, more.
the same formatting question comes into play here, except it’s should you take notes in your book or in a notebook?
listen i’m always going to be pro notebook, pro physically writing it out as it helps me really get the information into my head, rather than more passively highlighting
i tend to do both, if im willing to mark up a book. i underline and highlight things that stick out to me, and i write them down as well. sometimes when reading literature/essays, if i know the contextual/meaning notes will be interesting to me later, i will copy notes both into my notebook and also less in depth onto post it notes (which also make sweet little flashcards btw), which i will stick into the passage. this is so helpful when a) im reading it again later and b) when we are discussing a passage in class
buy used books. it’s cheaper. until it happens to u, u do NOT UNDERSTAND how EXCITING it is to get a book that has highlights and underlines in it ALREADY. DUDE. my work is basically DONE for me. now take that lightly, bc often different ppl will highlight different pieces of information. however, it is helpful.
look up summaries. do not simply rely on cliffsnotes and sparknotes, esp since professors are very aware of these. google “title of book, summary, chapter notes, whatever youre looking for” and use the blog posts, the book reviews, the papers that come up. does this method probably take a bit longer? maybe? but it’s easier on my tired brain.
if you don’t have time to read your textbook one day and really want to, read the introduction and the conclusion to the chapter, or the first and last sentences to the paragraphs. it’s not great, but it’s something.
like your lectures, note definitions, conclusions, and helpful examples, as well as people and dates. if i’m reading literature and i’m deciding to be a smart student i will keep several logs as well. these logs will make it so. easy. to study for your exam:
updated character lists, including name, relationships, and anything defining and important
scene/chapter summaries, just a sentence summarizing what happened where
any quotes or themes that stand out
i highly highly highly recommend getting your hands on a copy of the well educated mind for note taking on a range of genres. this is what i had to use through high school and while it’s involved, it’s incredibly helpful.
if you’re going to have to cite your notes, note the page number in the margin every time you flip the page
the biggest issue i have with reading is when and where to do it. before or after class? always ask your professor if they do not tell you. where in your notebooks? i always do it on the next blank page bc leaving space stresses me the fuck out. make notes on the top of your pages of corresponding lectures/readings. 
for both lectures and readings i really really really suggest either having something to drink or something to snack on (think fruit, loose nuts, m&ms. small loose things rather than things u bite? idk they just last longer?)
okay i hope this was somewhat helpful even tho it’s an incredibly longwinded post. it seems like a lot, but the reality is that while i take a lot of notes, i don’t make them complicated, i don’t have rules, i just do what feels right in the moment. they’re not at all stressful. just take it easy and do whatever works for you :) 
if anyone has other tips, feel free to reply :)
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addhunter · 7 years
your (super) basic guide to arhaus, nevada
May 8, 2017
While reading Heritage, did you find yourself a tad overwhelmed by the amount of characters? There are quite a few of them introduced within the first few chapters, only made worse by the fact that most of them have two names. It’s a lot to keep track of, I get it. So, inspired by a conversation with my mom, (mostly her saying “wait, Kat’s not the blonde one?” and “Ultra can heal, right?”) I’ve decided to make a basic guide to the main characters! These are all the ones (of any importance) that are talked about within the first four chapters of the book. 
Maybe I’ll make a whole page on my blog dedicated to these guys. That’d be fun.
The first character you meet is one of the main characters, but she’s in the future, so don’t worry about what she’s doing just yet. There’s six main characters and six supporting characters that are going to be really important as we go. In order to keep this as spoiler free as possible, I’m gonna keep the descriptions pretty short. If I can find my really bad sketches I did of all these guys, I’ll put their pictures here as well. (You probably don’t want to see those.) ((Also I was thinking about making character cards with stats for their superheroes. That’s be great.))
Julie Novak [Ultra]
Julie’s the first character we meet in the book, along with an unnamed jerk face. The prologue is set several years in the future, so you don’t have to worry about that for now. At the time of the first chapter (2012), she’s 17. She’s funny, loyal, sarcastic, and always down to hang out. Julie spends more time at Dave and Blaise’s than her own house and is very invested in superheroes. She has a father, who she lives with in an apartment.
As Ultra, her power is very unreliable telekinesis. This ability allows her to fly and to throw things at people from across the room while also cutting out on her during important moments.
Katarina Roux [Neon Wing]
Kat moved to Arhaus halfway through their junior year with her father and brother. She’s on the quiet side, though she’s tall and strong. Julie was her first friend, but she clicked instantly with Lizzie, and they’re now very close. Her mother lives in California and Kat and her brother go to visit every school break.
Neon Wing has the ability to heal minor wounds and can produce glowing wings from her back, prompting her name from the town newspaper. She’s very serious about following proper procedure and will not hesitate to correct others on it.
Elizabeth Miller [The Kicker]
Lizzie and Julie have been friends since they were in third grade, and she has consistently been referred to as one of the hottest girls in town. She’s on the school soccer team and is a co-captain along with her best friend Molly. She’s very goal driven and can sometimes be rash in her decisions, and is always striving for the best possible result. She lives in a large house with her mother, father, and younger sister Celeste. Her blonde hair is always well done and at least three boys have written poems about her eyes.
The Kicker is a very assertive hero and confronts villains as quickly and efficiently as possible. While not always the best of approaches, she gets the job done. Kicker has super strength and flight.
Christopher Sing [Psyonic]
Chris is built lanky and has never been very good at sports, but he played soccer for a long time as a kid and loved it. He’s incredibly intelligent, and will be graduating as salutatorian. He’s always been interested in journalism and mystery stories, and plans on marrying his girlfriend of four years, Molly. Currently, his biggest worry is that his mom is going to find out he moonlights as one of the town’s heroes. He lives in a small home with his mother and father.
Psyonic is a talented telepath and is currently working on a way to help his friends guard their minds against other mind readers. Since getting his powers, he hasn’t needed his glasses, but he feels more comfortable with them on.
Blaise Perez [Rage]
With a foul mouth and an aggressive attitude, Blaise was the only one my mom remembered with any success. His inside voice is a low roar and you won’t find a more passionate person anywhere else. He’s fiercely dedicated to being a superhero and made Chris and Dave’s costumes. Despite how he comes off, he’s a very kind person and would do anything for his friends. His mom works as a foster mom, and they’ve recently moved into their new house with his adopted brother and four foster siblings. His older brother is away at college.
As Rage, his volume is more controlled, but he’s still very hardheaded and determined to make a difference. He and Chris are still trying to figure out his power, but so far, it appears to be increased agility and manipulation of glowing red energy that he can either keep around his fists like an added glove of power or send out as blasts.
David Baker [Speedster]
When Dave’s parents first left for their business trip, it was nothing out of the ordinary, but it’s been a few months now and they still aren’t back. Despite his worry, Dave’s the comic relief in the friend group, and paired with Julie, the two are unbeatable in matches of wit. He’s very happy go lucky and carefree and is the most annoyed by the ‘lame names’ the newspaper has come up with. He spends a lot of time practicing martial arts (that he’s been doing since he was young) and arguing with his older brother.
Speedster is ambivalent about most things and never seems to take anything seriously, which sparks a rivalry between his team and the other in town. He has super speed and currently has a campaign going to get his name changed.
Not minor, really, but not the main guys. They’re just as important, and super cool, but they aren’t the main ones. You feel? I love them, though. My sister’s favorite character is Dalia.
Zach Stevens
Zach actually becomes a main character in the second book, but he’s not in this one too much. He’s in the process of being adopted by Blaise’s mom, and spent his entire childhood going from foster home to foster home. He firmly believes that your friends are the family you get to pick, and he’s more than happy to find the friends he does in Arhaus.
Dalia Woods
Dalia is short, spunky, and always moving. She’s on the cheerleading team, student council, welcome committee, has an amazing gpa, and is also running some sort of back room supply empire. No one knows how she does it. She and Lizzie are best friends. She’s 5′2″.
Molly Kinger
Molly’s on the quiet side and is one of the kindest human beings you will ever meet. She and Chris have been dating since they were in eighth grade, and has started on varsity soccer since she was a freshman. 
Anthony Archer
Anthony is an absolute genius, able to do wonders with technology. He and Dave met at bible camp in elementary school and have been best friends ever since. He’s been taking college classes since he was 15 and is the valedictorian of their graduating class. He’s also super bitter about not having powers.
Quinton Baker
As Dave’s older brother, the two really have nothing in common other than their lanky limbs and dry humor. Quinton never speaks unless he feels like it’s important, but he looks out for his younger brother and feels an intense responsibility for him and his friends. He’s terrible at cooking.
Ben Guinness
Ben writes for the crime section of the Arhaus Herald (slowly becoming the superhero section) and has been dating Quinton since they were in high school. He’s a sweet dude but on the dumber side, and is enthusiastic and supportive of everything. Like a puppy, if puppies could write for newspapers.
The kids usually hang out at Dave or Blaise’s house, but the girls have been known to gather at Kat’s as well. When not at school or on the job, they’re all usually with each other.
Blue’s is a bar in the older part of town. It’s owned by a man named Blue and is where Quinton works. A good place for finding information, since 80% of the regulars are gossping townspeople.
Buckner Warehouses are a giant complex of warehouse suites on the edge of town closest to the desert. They’re empty, save for a few that are being rented by Lizzie’s father’s company, and strange things have been happening there lately.
Ricky’s Gym is a boxing gym with only a few kinds of workout equipment. A lot of people tend to use the fancier gyms in the nicer part of town, but Ricky’s is where the kids spend a lot of time as well. Julie’s here on a lot of nights practicing her powers, and treats Ricky like an uncle. There’s three rings, a lot of punching bags, some dummies, and mats. 
Superheroes are very much a thing in this universe, although because of the public opinion, nearly all of them don masks to hide their identities. There used to be a lot more of them, but for the past twenty-ish years, the numbers dwindled drastically. In areas with higher populations, the number is much more prevalent. Julie keeps lists of big heroes for inspiration.
The Hauswatch Group is a group of three male heroes (Psyonic, Rage, and Speedster) that popped up around September of 2012. Due to handling crimes closer to the main parts of town, they appear in the newspaper quite often and have almost a fanclub. There’s three girl heroes (Ultra, Neon Wing, and the Kicker) who tend to work together, but they aren’t seen as often and pictures of them are pretty rare. The Crimson Ninja is a hero that’s been appearing on and off since the 80′s and is rarely seen.
Molly has the best hair.
These kids have a long way to go before they can even begin to think they know everything they’re dealing with.
So there you have it! Your basic guide to Arhaus, Nevada! As always, anyone is more than welcome to ask questions, and I’m happy to clarify anything. The response to the book has been good so far and I’m really excited! I’m about a third of the way done writing the second book and working hard to make it even better than the first. :)
Thanks to anyone who’s read it! Here’s a dumb pic as thanks:
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[you can get the book here]
[other posts that have info about the characters]
[go look at the twitter if you wanna find some real bad early sketches]
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