jaimendonsa · 2 years
Grátis Áudio-book: O ESPELHO E, Machado de Assis #audiobook
O ESPELHO é um conto de Machado de Assis, publicado originalmente em 8 de setembro de 1882 no jornal Gazeta de Notícias, e recolhido no livro PAPÉIS AVULSOS, do mesmo ano.
No conto, é patente a exímia habilidade do escritor de desenvolver uma trama com pretensões filosóficas de profunda reflexão. Assim como anuncia o subtítulo do conto, este se pautará em anunciar uma nova teoria, naturalmente metafísica, sobre a alma humana nos moldes de um texto literário tradicionalmente machadiano.
O conto "O Espelho" está carregado de simbolismo e significados que vão da filosofia à mitologia, o espelho é um antigo tema ligado à alma e, neste conto, representa a alma exterior de Jacobina, personagem principal da narração.
O conto expõe a nossa “alma externa”, ligada ao status e prestígio social, à imagem que os outros fazem de nós, é muito mais importante do que a nossa “alma interna”, ou seja, a nossa real personalidade.
Para ouvir gratuitamente mais textos de MACHADO DE ASSIS, acesse os links abaixo:
 TEORÍA DEL SABELOTODO (TEORIA DO MEDALHÃO) de Machado de Assis, publicada en la Gazeta de Notícias, en 1881, fue integrada al libro “Papéis Avulsos”. El autor, a través de un discurso bivocal, presenta los consejos sin escrúpulos de un padre a un hijo para conseguir prestigio en una sociedad de apariencias. Construida sobre la base de la ironía, apunta a la valorización de la apariencia por encima del ser, analizando el comportamiento mediocre a través del cual se puede ascender socialmente sin grandes esfuerzos.
Para ouvir: https://youtu.be/4ImNZvMJw0I
Published in Gazeta de Notícias, in 1881, was integrated into the book “Papéis Avulsos”. The author, through a bi-vocal speech, presents unscrupulous advice from a father to a son in order to achieve prestige in a society of appearances. Built on the basis of irony, it points to the valorization of appearance above being, analyzing the mediocre behavior through which one can ascend socially without great efforts.
Para ouvir: https://youtu.be/OIz_Aj8gFkI
The short story "Pai Contra Mãe" by Machado de Assis is part of the Machado's so-called realistic phase, being published in 1906 in the book 'Relíquias da Casa Velha'. The tale, narrated in third person, takes place in Rio de Janeiro, in the times of the Empire. It has as a backdrop the Brazilian 19th century slave scenario, although it was written by the author in the post-abolition historical context.The tale describes the story of Cândido Neves, who, because he does not fit into any occupation, becomes a hunter of escaped slaves. The occupation doesn't earn her much money and the situation worsens when her first child is born.
Para ouvir: https://youtu.be/kpAbAfhJN1g
 EL ALIENISTA, Machado de Assis
O Alienista es una obra literaria humorística del escritor brasileño Machado de Assis. Muchos la consideran un cuento, pero la mayoría de los críticos y expertos la consideran una novela por su estructura narrativa.***
Para ouvir: https://youtu.be/9iR7YNG7HNI
THE ALIENIST, Machado de Assis
Published a year after Machado's first major novel, Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas, "The Alienist" follows the scientific efforts of Dr. Simon Bacamarte (Simão Bacamarte in the original – "bacarmarte" being Portuguese for "blunderbuss", an old scattershot gun). Bacamarte, a Brazil-born Portuguese (when Brazil was a colony), is a prominent physician whose sincere obsession for discovering a universal method to cure pathological disorders drives inhabitants of the small Brazilian town of Itaguaí to fear, conspiracy, and revolutionary attempts.
Para ouvir: https://youtu.be/zLWfn_JRhKA
LA CAUSA SECRETA, Machado de Assis
Publicado originalmente en 1885 en Gazeta de Notícias y agrupado en 1896 en su obra titulada "Várias Histórias" como parte de la quinta colección de cuentos que fue llevada al público. Es considerado como uno de sus clásicos más oscuros, y también uno que caracteriza el extremo del mal en la naturaleza y la sociedad. Aborda el placer que puede tener un ser con la desgracia y el dolor de otro.
Para ouvir:  https://youtu.be/kUhAD2RnOJ4
THE DEVIL'S CHURCH by Machado de Assis
The Devil decides to found his own religion, in which people would be free to practice impiety, but the human tendency to contradiction leads his adherents to do good. The short story: THE DEVIL'S CHURCH, published in the book HISTÓRIAS SEM DATA, in 1884, addresses the theme of the duality of human beings; comically treats the relationship between religion and human nature.
Para ouvir:  https://youtu.be/J6yjsz7jw9k
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pasonactress-blog · 7 years
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2oyjb2p1-blog · 6 years
Psycho-Cybernetics (Updated and Revised) Download An Audiobook
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Get now >> Psycho-Cybernetics (Updated and Revised) Download An Audiobook
Psycho-Cybernetics (Updated and Revised) Download An Audiobook
o Develop self-confidence o Overcome procrastination and indecisiveness o Improve your health o Make more money Dr. Maxwell Maltz was a renowned pioneer in plastic surgery when he noticed that while the outward changes to his patients were a success, an inner healing and transformation was necessary for them to achieve the life changes they were seeking. Psycho-Cybernetics is a masterful synthesis of proven psychological and physiological processes, which took Dr. Maltz 29 years of research and testing to develop. His groundbreaking work, Psycho-Cybernetics, has become an all-time classic in the field of self-image psychology. Since its first publication, this book has inspired and helped millions to achieve ambitious and life-changing goals. Recently revised and updated, this unabridged audio edition of Psycho-Cybernetics remains true to Dr. Maltz's visionary approach and proven groundbreaking techniques. These techniques that will lead to a dynamic new self-image, greater self-esteem, and the means to achieve a lifetime of success and happiness. Psycho-Cybernetics (Updated and Revised) Download An Audiobook
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