hackernewsrobot · 1 month
The Financial Times and OpenAI strike content licensing deal
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tetcny · 6 months
Don the rapist fraudster's lawyer flips
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alisfineart · 1 year
BA3b intentions
in my project proposal I established that the subject of ‘texture’ was a key element of my practice that i intended to explore further in the upcoming unit. having thought on this more since we handed in, i have come to understand what is so important about that to my work.
the forest for me is a place of peace, quiet, healing and connection with the earth and nature. for the past 6 years i have lived within a forest on the Isle of Wight and over the course of this time i have discovered the beauty and magic of the natural world, and it is a feeling i wish to share with others through my work.
in the upcoming unit it is my intention to book out a project space and install my work there, so i can understand and document the impact of it in a larger format. so far many of my experiments have been quite small, partially due to the length of time it has taken for things to grow, and some of these experiments have turned out to be unsuccessful which is really irritating when you’re waiting such a long time to see if they work. it is crucial that moving forward my work becomes larger so as to be more accessible to an audience and to expand the artistic possibilities of what i am able to create.
i want my work to be interactive; it needs to engage the senses in as many dimensions as i can make it and i want to encourage people to touch and experience the various textures, shapes and colours that will be exhibited.
the use of both organic and synthetic materials to create work has been a constant in trying to recreate my forest so far, and i think that while both have resulted in effective outcomes they both speak to the spectator in quite separate and often conflicting ways, which i don’t think is particularly helpful to me. going forward i will need to find a way to manage this, and continue to evaluate whether my work is illustrating an idea or creating an experience, the latter being the ultimate goal.
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embassy-m · 1 year
Денеска тимот на Прва детска амбасада Меѓаши / First Children's Embassy Megjashi заедно со Дедо Мраз испрати 100 пакетчиња за социјално ранливи деца кои со нетрпение ги очекуваат подароците. Затоа огромно БЛАГОДАРИМЕ на сите кои ја поддржавте акцијата Донирај пакетче https://ecrowd.mk/.../8caac2b9-ba3b-4024-abc5-9beac1b9bb03 . Покрај средствата од Донирај пакетче Детската амбасада МЕЃАШИ имаше обезбедено и неколку донации од анонимни донатори. Сите вас нека ве греат оваа Нова година 100 детски насмевки и радости ❤
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megjashi · 1 year
Денеска тимот на Прва детс��а амбасада Меѓаши / First Children's Embassy Megjashi заедно со Дедо Мраз испрати 100 пакетчиња за социјално ранливи деца кои со нетрпение ги очекуваат подароците. Затоа огромно БЛАГОДАРИМЕ на сите кои ја поддржавте акцијата Донирај пакетче https://ecrowd.mk/.../8caac2b9-ba3b-4024-abc5-9beac1b9bb03 . Покрај средствата од Донирај пакетче Детската амбасада МЕЃАШИ имаше обезбедено и неколку донации од анонимни донатори. Сите вас нека ве греат оваа Нова година 100 детски насмевки и радости ❤
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rushysart · 2 years
BA3b SHOWREEL from Rushys_Art on Vimeo.
This is a showreel of all the animation work I created during my final project at University. Music composed by Ash Rushton.
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ruthann-animation · 3 years
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Looking at colour.
The idea was to avoid bright colours, keep things muted but maintain an atmosphere and appropriate tone. These were schemes I found that may apply to what we could include.
I have also included colour sheets of testing the copic library on different bases, reducing these to colours that could be used. This was a good way to see how bright colours could be before they completely changed the tone. Putting these on the different colour bases also makes the colours appear different. This is partially so I could see tonal effect but also because we’re not necessarily planning on having stark white backgrounds.
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nessietessimalnua · 5 years
I added a real basic background, so it wasn’t so empty! 
I’m still probably going to do a version of this with little Saoirse in the middle, but I’m happy with this, for now!
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Today I was able to complete three out of six turn around this had taken a lot longer then I would have liked but it will be worth it when they are finished and I have them in my showreel. I will finished the last three next week so I will have them all done in time.  
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kinga-fineart · 5 years
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victoriasinko-blog · 5 years
Week 6:
-Vertex colour
Getting ready for prototype
-uv mapping
-finishing studio
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ORB Reoccuring
Using the Endless Loop Reverb to get the concussive sound. To accomplish this I had to lower the volume as the concussive levels came along to limit clipping
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catandfishnua3 · 5 years
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patsportfolios · 5 years
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First initial character design I was intending to use for some exceraices, although a lil complex in its figure as I find smaller frames harder to draw
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ruthann-animation · 3 years
Initial experimentation with cutouts.
I cut out the shapes, photographed them and transferred this to digital 2D, adding inbetweens and testing what I could do with brushes and texture to make this appear more traditional.
The timing for this was a little hard to work out and fix but it’s given me a better idea of how I can go on to approach further animation in this style. Using the eraser instead of white lines means that it can be placed on any background and these areas will still show up clearly.
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nessietessimalnua · 5 years
Rendering Error
I didn’t realise we still had so much to render, and Uni computers were being reeeally slow, so whilst Isa and Cat are at Annecy this week I’m left to look after the renders on Isa’s computer and put them together for the film. 
Maya has already crashed on me twice, meaning we lost the first render and I had to have Isa walk me through re-creating half of the save file, but I managed to re-do the second scene, so we have that rendered - I just need to figure out how to sort it through after effects, because that didn’t work for me yesterday. 
The computer seems to have bugged out, so I’m hoping it sorts itself out soon so I don’t have to restart and set maya up again. I don’t want to have to take it into uni to sort out, because I wasn’t aware I would be having to babysit the renders this week (or have to put the renders through after effects and edit them too, for that matter) and have a lot of stuff to do myself, but beings as everything that could go wrong IS going wrong, we’ll have to see.
In all honesty I only came back from my holiday because it was agreed that I needed to do more textures, only to find out that plans had been changed last minute and I had to animate and help edit instead because apparently the texturing was all done; it isn’t, and at least two textures I spent a good amount of time painting (for the Drone and Robot) haven’t even been applied because of it not being sorted soon enough to be able to deal with any issues, so that’s a good few days worth of my work that isn’t even being shown. 
But hey, at least I know how to something to render, now. 
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