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“Baumgartner keeps his eyes fixed on the robin as it goes about its business of catching and devouring worms, for there are many of those little creatures embedded under the surface of the backyard, far more than he ever imagined there were, and by and by, as the robin goes on pulling them out of the ground, Baumgartner begins to wonder what worms taste like and how it would feel to put a writhing, living worm in your mouth and swallow it.“
Paul Auster, from The Worm, April 2022
[R.I.P. Paul Auster]
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subtilitas · 1 year
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Brandenberger Kloter - Renovation the Gutschick school, originally designed by Baumgartner in 1967, Winterthur 2013. Photos (C) Arnold Kohler.
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rossodimarte · 1 year
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Martyrdom of the Saints Marcus and Marcellinus, etching by Sigmund Röschnach after I.W. Baumgartner, ca. 1750.
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1801669 · 4 months
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today i finished this book
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dk-thrive · 7 months
It is still enough. Not more than enough, but enough.
Both he and Anna had wanted to make a child together, perhaps even more than one, but when the two of them got down to it in earnest about six years into their marriage, nothing happened. With no luck after hundreds of nights and mornings and afternoons of unprotected sex from every angle and contorted position they could think of, they began consulting doctors, both separately and together, first one set, then another set, and finally a third set, all of whom concurred that neither he nor Anna was genetically equipped to make babies, an implausible but thrice-proven medical fact that would have meant childless marriages for both of them no matter what partners they had found. It was a rough blow, without question the hardest thing they ever had to face together, but at least their disappointment could be shared, since they were equally responsible for the bad hand they had been dealt, which eliminated all possible resentments or silent recriminations and allowed them to go on loving each other as before, if not more deeply than before. They talked about adoption for an hour or two one morning, but neither of them had been terribly enthusiastic. They didn’t want a stranger’s baby, they decided, they wanted their own baby or none at all, and if fate had declared that it should be none at all, then what choice did they have but to accept it? Time passed, and as the years went by they turned into one of those perpetually young couples, a pair of slowly aging kids unburdened by the responsibilities and worries of most other married people, the often pitied and sometimes envied Baumgartner and Blume, the barren ones who had no children and therefore lived solely for each other and their work. It had been enough for Baumgartner, more than enough through all the years he spent with Anna, and even now, when he thinks about how different life would have been for them if they had managed to produce children, it is still enough. Not more than enough, but enough.
— Paul Auster, Baumgartner (Atlantic Monthly Press, November 7, 2023)
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Michèle Baumgartner et Gérard Depardieu dans “La Femme d'à Côté” de François Truffaut (1981), mai 2023.
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emvidal · 9 months
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conniesschreibblogg · 1 month
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downtobaker · 1 month
Paul Auster, la Trilogia di New York
di Maria Luisa Mozzi Trilogia di New York è uscito negli Stati Uniti fra il 1985 e il 1987. La traduzione in italiano e la pubblicazione in Italia risalgono alla metà degli Anni Novanta. Il libro contiene tre racconti, Città di vetro, Fantasmi e La stanza chiusa. Sembrano all’inizio tre noir, ne hanno i temi e la tensione; ma i detective non arrivano alla soluzione dei casi, e i finali lasciano…
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ereri-week · 3 months
Felix Baumgartner space jump cupcakes
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12esima: P. Auster, Baumgartner, Einaudi
Da Silvestra Sbarbaro riceviamo la recensione di P. Auster, Baumgartner. Paul Auster: ritorno o addio? In una vecchia intervista Auster diceva che «quando si arriva a cinquant’anni si è circondati dai fantasmi. Vivono dentro di noi e passiamo così tanto tempo a parlare con i morti quanto ne passiamo con i vivi. Anche i giovani sanno che moriranno, ma per gli anziani è la perdita degli altri che…
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soprabito · 6 months
Paul Auster/Baumgatner o il dolore della memoria
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gonzabasta · 6 months
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semnebune · 7 months
Despre rolul moral al literaturii, o recenzie critică a noului roman al lui Paul Auster și alte știri din presa literară a lumii
Scriitoarea sud-coreeană Han Kang, autoarea cunoscutelor romane Vegetariana și Disecție, este finalistă în competiția pentru două prestigioase premii literare franceze, despre rolul moral al literaturii, o impresionantă bibliotecă din Seul, devenită adevărată atracție turistică, despre fragmentarea atenției și social media și o cronică nu tocmai laudativă a celui mai recent roman al lui Paul…
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April N°2
In der Melancholie verhüllt der Nebel das Sonnenlicht.Otto Baumgartner-Amstad(1924 – 2022)
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“La Femme d'à Côté” de François Truffaut (1981) avec Fanny Ardant, Gérard Depardieu, Michèle Baumgartner, Henri Garcin, Véronique Silver et Roger Van Hool, mai 2023.
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