#Bc i literally gave her permission a few months ago bc I know she's really unhappy
thatbpdgirl ยท 4 years
๐ŸŽถCrying on a Wednesday night after I was supposed to be in bed ๐ŸŽถ
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peaceisadirtyword ยท 4 years
Rumors (Modern!Ivar/Reader)
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A/N: I got this request some months ago and I loved it๐Ÿ’œ I wrote it a few times, and I should have posted it on Monday, but when I was finishing it... I didnโ€™t like the ending at all, so I had to postpone it until @ivaraviโ€‹ helped me๐Ÿ’• so thank her bc I really didnโ€™t know how to continue๐Ÿ˜…ย 
I hope you like it! Thank you anon for the request๐Ÿ˜˜
Warnings: Ivar...๐Ÿ‘€ mentions of sex and... I think thatโ€™s all
Words: 3381
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gif belongs to @honestsycretsโ€‹
Was it him or you looked even more beautiful that day?. When you entered the classroom with a couple of friends next to you, laughing at something one of them said, Ivar could swear you moved in slow motion. Like in movies, when the pretty girl is introduced.ย 
Ivar tried to look away from you, try not to look like a total creep by watching you. It was nearly impossible, to be honest.ย 
You said goodbye to your friends as they sat down on their usual seats and asked them to wait for you after the end of the class so you could grab lunch together. And, as always, you walked over to the seat next to him.ย 
Ivar remembered the first day of class. You were completely alone, being new in town, and sat next to him, asking for permission with a soft blush and a nervous smile. He was so surprised you actually wanted to sit down next to him that he just stared at you for like a minute.ย 
Since then, and though you had made a few more friends around university, you always sat down next to him in Scandinavian History.ย 
"Hi" you left your bag on the seat next to yours, sitting down and smiling brightly at him "How are you?"
"Hi" he cleared his throat "I'm... Fine, you?"
"I'm glad" you didn't stop smiling. Ivar hated the fact that he had the urge to smile whenever you did it "I'm fine too, but stressed with exams" you sighed.
"Don't be" he frowned "Just study as much as you can and do them" he shrugged "If you pass, nice, if you fail... Well, you have another chance"
You looked at him with an eyebrow raised.ย 
"Yeah, that's easy to say for you, you're the smartest here" you rolled your eyes smiling playfully "Anyway, I'm not worried about Scandinavian History, I know your notes will be more than enough" you giggled.ย 
Ivar never gave his notes to anyone. In fact, he barely had notes. Only the subjects he was more interested in. But you could ask him with that smile and, though he'd protest a bit, he'd give them to you.ย 
You winked at him when he glared at you, annoyed, and turned around to look at the teacher, who was already writing dates on the blackboard.ย 
Ivar bit his lip and looked at you again, nervously. He had decided to ask you as soon as the class ended. It would be better for when you said no, and he wouldn't have to sit next to you after you rejected him.ย 
Damn you, Ubbe, he thought taking a deep breath. His brother had been insisting he should ask you out, ever since you came to say hello to him one morning as he was smoking next to his brother's car with Ubbe and Hvitserk. They didn't stop teasing him about it since then, and he had to agree to ask you out so Hvitserk would stop threatening to slide into your DMs.ย 
"Just tell her you'd like to invite her to dinner or something like that, to talk to her, relax a bit..." Ubbe had said, shrugging.
"Or to the cinema" Hvitserk added, chuckling "If you sit on the back row, you can..."
Ubbe and Ivar had interrupted him then, groaning and rolling their eyes at the same time. Only Sigurd found that funny.ย 
"Yeah, you should take her to the cinema, Ivar, if you actually talk to her during the date she might realize you're an asshole"
Ubbe had to intervene then.ย 
The lecture was over too soon. He hadn't paid any attention, but he had already read the book twice, so he didn't really mind. His heart was beating so fast he was scared you'd heard it, and he hated himself for not being able to control his own emotions.ย 
You were already standing, collecting your things and muttering how long the day was and how you needed a two-year holiday.ย 
You turned around to look at him again, an excited smile -probably because it was lunch time- on your face.
Ivar took a deep breath, and trying to hide his blush, he looked at you in the eyes.ย 
"Would you like to go out?" He said quickly, clearing his throat "You know... With me"ย 
You blinked a couple of times, surprised. Then you had to held back a huge smile.ย 
"I... Like a date?
Ivar frowned. He felt stupid for asking you, of course you would say no, what the hell was he thinking? And... Were you holding back a laugh?
"I... Don't know, do you want it to be a date? It can be a friendly date, if you prefer..."ย 
"No, I mean... I'm fine with a normal date" you blushed, trying to hide your excitement. Your fucking crush was asking you out, and you needed to sit down and have a glass of water.ย 
"Really?" Ivar widened his eyes.
"Yeah, it could be fun" you smiled at him "So... Where do you want to go?"ย 
"I... Know a place, it's near my apartment" he shrugged "We could go there and have a pizza or..."
"Yeah, okay, I'll be there tomorrow" you nodded, the beautiful smile on your lips made Ivar gulp again "Text me the address, okay?"ย 
Your friends didn't seem as excited as you.ย 
They listened to you as you told them excitedly that Ivar had asked you on a date. In fact, you barely ate lunch, too excited and already worried about what the hell you were going to wear.ย 
"Wait" your friend interrupted you "You're not actually thinking about going to that date, are you?"ย 
You raised an eyebrow, looking at her confused.ย 
"We're talking about Ivar" she shrugged "Maybe he will fuck you after the date, but you won't hear from him again"ย 
"What are you talking about?" You chuckled in disbelief.
She sighed, leaving her fork next to her salad and looking at you again.ย 
"I know you're new here, Y/N, but you heard the rumors, right?"ย 
"What rumors?" You bit your lip "Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about"ย 
"Ivar is not so good with women" she shook her head "He treats them really bad"ย 
You blinked a few times, with your lips parted and your lunch already forgotten.ย 
"What do you mean? I mean, Ivar is not the nicest person in the world, I know that but..." You shook your head "He has never treated me like that, and I have never seen him..."
"Remember Margrethe?" She raised an eyebrow.
"The blonde girl that dated his brother? Yes, what about her?"ย 
"His brothers" she emphasized with a small smile "She hooked up with Ivar too, she told Sigurd he couldn't... Get it up"ย 
You pressed your lips together when she coughed to hold back a laugh, glaring at her.ย 
"It's not funny, that happens to a lot of people, and what does that have to do with anything, anyway?"ย 
"After that" she had the decency to stop laughing, at least "He started sleeping with lots of girls, God, he was even worse than Hvitserk... They always said the same: that after fucking them, he would literally kick them out of his house and ignore them forever" she rolled her eyes "Others said he couldn't even perform, you know"ย 
You widened your eyes, pushing your plate away. You weren't hungry anymore.ย 
"Wow" you muttered "I could never imagine he would do something like that..."
"And he's rude, he treats people like trash, Y/N"ย 
You looked away, frowning a bit with a pout on your lips.ย 
"But... Who told you all of this?"ย 
"People" she shrugged "I can't assure you it's completely true, but... I think it is, you can judge by yourself"
You stood just outside the lovely little restaurant. You could see him sitting on one of the tables, talking on the phone, and you felt awful. You nearly didn't come to the date, thinking about calling him and telling him you were sick, scared of what your friend had told you about him. What if it was true? The mere thought of him being such an asshole with girls -girls like you- made your stomach turn, but at the same time... It was pure gossip, and it might not be true, he deserved the chance to explain himself.
You took a deep breath before entering the restaurant. Ivar's eyes looked up when he heard the door, and he muttered something on the phone and hung up quickly, clearing his throat and giving you a small smile.ย 
"Hi" you smiled back at him "Sorry I interrupted your call"ย 
"No, it's fine" he shook his head, blushing a bit "It was my mother, don't worry"ย 
Your smile widened. It was truly hard to believe those gossips when he blushed and looked away in that way.ย 
"God, this place is amazing" you groaned taking another bite of your pizza.ย 
Ivar smiled, raising an eyebrow at you. It amused him how fast you could eat a pizza bigger than you. It reminded him to Hvitserk and he immediately knew the two of you would get along very well.ย 
"Yeah, it's good" he nodded "In the morning they serve breakfast too, the best pancakes in town"ย 
He remembered you telling him how much you loved pancakes.ย 
"Really?" your eyes widened.ย 
"Yes" he chuckled "I'll invite you for breakfast one day if you want to"ย 
"Oh, I can invite you" you smiled shrugging "But yeah, sounds nice"
Then, you both stayed in silence again.ย 
Ivar shifted on his seat uncomfortably. His plan was to talk to you about his feelings, as Ubbe advised him. Hey, Y/N, you know, I have like this huge crush on you since I met you and I would love to keep going out with you and see if we can be more than... Friends? Classmates? Whatever the fuck we are now.
Well, maybe for Ubbe that things worked, but for him... Not so much.ย 
He was terrified that you would reject him, and in front of everyone... He already noticed the stares he got since you sat down with him, and the whispers. There was a group sitting on a table at the end of the room that didn't even try to hide their giggles and their whispers.ย 
Gods, if you rejected him he wouldn't ever go out of his bedroom, ever.ย 
You finished your pizza without any effort, drinking a bit of water afterwards while fixing your eyes on him.ย 
"So..." You cleared your throat "How's everything going? I feel like we never talk about anything that isn't university and classes" you pouted.
"It's... Going well, I think" he felt shy again. Ivar hated that feeling, to be vulnerable and shy in front of people.ย 
"Everything good with your brothers?" You asked casually, remembering he often came to class annoyed at them "Do you still fight every day?"
"The day we don't fight, I'll stop acknowledging them as my brothers" he raised an eyebrow and you chuckled "But today I only fought with Sigurd"ย 
"Well, that's a step" you shrugged with a smile on your lips "Hvitserk followed me on Instagram this morning, by the way, he liked all my pics... Is that normal?"
Ivar sighed, rubbing his eyes. He had been teasing him with it during breakfast, but he had ignored him.ย 
"Yeah, block him" he scoffed, and you laughed. The group on the table at the end of the restaurant looked at you, startled.
"Nah, it was fun" you smiled "Hey, I'm going to pay and then we can go for a walk or something... Are you okay with it, or do you prefer to do something else?"ย 
He blinked twice, confused, and then shook his head.ย 
"What? No, no, I'm paying"ย 
"Ivar, come on" you whined, pouting "You showed me this place and sent me your notes for Scandinavian History, it's the least I can do"ย 
"But I invited you" he frowned.ย 
"Then, invite me again" you winked at him before getting up, with your wallet on your hand and walking over to the counter. He sighed, holding back a small smile as he looked out to the window.ย 
It was raining.ย 
You entered the Lothbrok's apartment with your hair wet but a big smile on your lips. Even though a walk around the park sounded nice, you were very curious to enter that mysterious apartment that a lot of girls (and boys) on campus wanted to visit so bad. Besides, you were in the mood for a blanket and a good talk, and you were nearly sure that, if the Lothbroks had blankets, you would have both.ย 
"Sigurd is out" Ivar announced as you took off your coat and your shoes "He left this morning after we fought, and he usually doesn't come home until two in the morning, and Ubbe is working" he shrugged "The only one who could be here is..."
"Hey, Ivar, how was the date, did you fu...?" Hvitserk entered the living room, stopping when he saw you "Oh, you brought her here" he bit his lip and smirked "Hello"
Behind you, Ivar glared at his older brother with his jaw clenched. He'd love to be an only child sometimes.ย 
"Hi" you cleared your throat, holding back a laugh "I'm Y/N, nice to meet you"
"I know, I stalked your profile this morning" he winked at you and you raised an eyebrow "I had to see if you're good enough for my little brother" he chuckled.
"Hvitserk, weren't you leaving?" Ivar hissed, and you giggled. His older brother rolled his eyes with a big smirk and shook his head as he put his shoes on.ย 
"Have fun, but don't do anything I wouldn't do" he patted Ivar's shoulder "I left condoms on your bed"
You turned around and pretended you hadn't heard anything, blushing and with your heart racing. Ivar hadn't insinuated he wanted to do anything with you but... What if he actually expected you to have sex with him? It wasn't that you didn't want to but... You were still thinking about what your friend told you, and you'd like to have maybe a couple more of dates with him before getting into bed, right?ย 
"Ivar, can I ask you something?"ย 
You knew you had ruined the mood. You were having so much fun playing video games with him on his living room that you had forgotten everything about that stupid rumor. Until then.
"Sure, tell me" he shrugged, taking a sip of his beer. He was much more relaxed than he was in the restaurant. You supposed it was easier for him to relax when there was no one around.ย 
"I heard... Something yesterday" you bit your lip, your hands playing with the PS4 controller "About you"
Ivar turned his head to look at you. You could see how he got defensive as soon as you pronounced those last words.ย 
You cleared your throat, looking anywhere but him, not sure of how to ask the question.ย 
"I really like you, Ivar" you started, chuckling nervously "I mean, you're that kind of mysterious guy that no one talks to in class because he looks dangerous, so I liked you since the first day" you muttered, shrugging and blushing "I never thought you could like me back, so I was fine with being your friend, and when you asked me out... I freaked out a bit, to be honest"
Ivar was left speechless. He had gotten nervous and maybe a bit defensive when you said you had heard something about him. He definitely didn't expect you to be so... Direct. He nearly expected you to start laughing and say it was all a joke. Because all of that had to be a joke.ย 
"But yesterday, when I was all excited about today... My friends told me you have quite a bad reputation with women"
He scoffed, looking away from you with his jaw clenched. Of course you had heard that. He nearly screamed at you, full of a sudden rage that surprised him.ย 
"And you believed them, didn't you?"ย 
You frowned, startled by his harsh tone. You expected him to maybe roll his eyes and say it was just a rumor, or explain himself calmly and not giving it too much importance.ย 
"No, I figured I would talk to you about it first... I thought it was just gossip, but I wanted to ask you"ย 
"What did you hear?"ย 
"Just that... You have sex with a lot of girls and then ignore them" you muttered, blushing "And that sometimes you can't... You know" you cleared your throat.ย 
Ivar glared at you, scoffing before shaking his head.ย 
"Do you think Hvitserk would give me condoms if I couldn't use them?" He spat, rolling his eyes.ย 
You looked at him in shock, a bit taken aback by his reply.ย 
"I... Uh..." You frowned, not really knowing what to say.ย 
"Look, Y/N" he sighed, rubbing his face "I'm not proud of that, okay? And it's not like I fucked the whole city" he rolled his eyes again.ย 
"Okay, sorry" you muttered "I shouldn't have said anything... Do you want me to leave?"ย 
He glared at you again, but held himself back from snapping at you again and took a deep breath to calm down.ย 
"I don't want you to leave" he softened his tone "Look, you're the first..." He growled "Fuck, you're the first person I really like, Y/N, I've never felt something like this for anyone before you..." He narrowed his eyes, looking at his feet and blushing "Everything started when I tried to have sex with Margrethe... And yes, I couldn't get it up" he pressed his lips together "I told her to shut her mouth, but she told Sigurd, and Sigurd told everyone... Poor Ivar, useless legs and useless cock" he scoffed again, shaking his head softly.ย 
You listened to him, holding yourself back from hugging him and kissing his cheek.
"So I started sleeping with any girl that would sleep with me" he shrugged "To prove everyone they were wrong, that I could have sex... It was stupid, okay? I know that, and maybe I should have been nicer to them but... How can I be nice to someone that literally was disgusted by my body? I saw their faces when they looked at my legs, that's why I stopped taking off my pants, because they looked at me with pity, with disgust"ย 
His voice broke a bit, and you bit your lip with teary eyes.ย 
"They didn't like me" he shrugged "None of them would have wanted a real date with me, they didn't even talk to me afterwards... So yeah, I was an asshole, but I prefer that than being nice to someone who literally hates me"ย 
"Ivar..." You said softly, a small smile on your lips "Did you ask them?"ย 
"Did you ask them if they wanted a real date with you?"
"No" he frowned "I just knew they didn't"
Your smile widened.ย 
"Maybe one of those girls was crazy for you" you chuckled "But you were too busy being a dick to even realize"
This time Ivar was the one blinking in confusion.ย 
"I understand you" you shrugged "I get it, I was just worried I was just another fuck for you, you know, I was scared you brought me here to have sex and then wouldn't talk to me anymore"
"No, I wouldn't... I wouldn't do that to you" he muttered "I like you"ย 
"I like you too" you tilted your head with an excited smile on your lips.
He smiled a bit, and you giggled before leaning in to kiss him softly. He looked surprised, and his eyes widened as you broke the kiss, blushing and chuckling. Then his hands cupped your face and he kissed you again, smiling against your lips. His arms sneaked around your waist and pulled you closer, making you straddle him as you deepened the kiss.ย 
"So... do you believe me or do I have to show you I can use those condoms?"
Tags: ย @mblaqgiโ€‹ @alicedopeyโ€‹ @lol-haha-jokeโ€‹ @hallowed-heathenโ€‹ @naaladareiaโ€‹ @tephi101โ€‹ @captstefanbrandtโ€‹ @love-hate-loveโ€‹ @titty-teeteeโ€‹ @readsalot73โ€‹ @moondustmemoriesโ€‹ @thevikingsheauxโ€‹ @therealcalicaliโ€‹ @chimera4plumsโ€‹ @blushingskywalkerโ€‹ @awkwardfangirl02โ€‹ @gruffle1โ€‹ @justacrippleโ€‹ @love-driaโ€‹ @heartbeats-wildlyโ€‹ @letsrunawaytotomorrowโ€‹ @inforapoundโ€‹ @sallydelysโ€‹ @hellogabysblogโ€‹ @winchesterwife27โ€‹ @hecohansen31โ€‹ @youbloodymadgeniusโ€‹ @xinyourdreamsxโ€‹ @funmadnessandbadassvikingsโ€‹ @eteramfoolsโ€‹ @tgrroseโ€‹ @flokidottirsstuffโ€‹ @scuzmunkieโ€‹ @didiintheblogโ€‹
I hope I didnโ€™t forget anyone!๐Ÿ˜… thanks for reading๐Ÿ˜˜
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rogertaylcr ยท 5 years
its alright if its long! i asked bc i was curious, id love a long answer
OKAY HERE IS THE SUPER LONG ANSWER, itโ€™s self indulgent and,ย dare I say,ย Boring as shit --ย but itโ€™s the full answer to how/when/why I started drumming -- it is also 1.5k words long so itโ€™s under a read more
so I started like drumming in a serious way i would say like a year and a halfish ago which isnโ€™t a super long time I know but theres a tediously long story behind it which you asked for so donโ€™t blame me for how long this is cause dude i know itโ€™s long
The why of it is actually pretty short though. So my house is a music house, my mom plays a bunch of instruments and sings and my dad listens to a bunch of music so theres a lot of musical passion (even when theres no talent necessarily). As a kid, like 3-4 like EARLY memory, I remember listening to bohemian rhapsody and hearing the drums specifically, which idk if this is universal but for a lot of songs for awhile i just didnโ€™t hear the drums as like part of the song really, and with bohemian rhapsody they were just so clear, like i could hear the heartbeat of the song. (this was the first song I felt that with but definitely not the only one, baba oreilly was another one that i made me realise the life of the song comes from the drums) When I was .... like 6-7, a beatles doc came on MTV and I saw Ringo drumming during the early beatles years and he was standing and stomping the hi hat and bass and there was just so much movement and power behind it and so much more fun in my opinion than the other instruments and i was like โ€œi wanna be the one giving songs their heartbeatsโ€. The more i got into a bunch of other, new and old, bands the more i was like This Has To Be Me. I had always been a fidegty person who was drumming to shit anyway but like the idea that that could translate into like something palatable and musical and entertaining and LOUD was Newsโ„ข to me and I wanted to do that, but at the time I only knew a bit of piano and like a single chord on guitar and, like a lot of peopleโ€™s parents, my parents saw creative fields as really unstable/unrealistic so I was like โ€œwell obvious it would be nice to be a loud drummer but Iโ€™m going to be a business personโ€ (this is how cynical i was as a child).
the WHEN of it is a longer story, like it isnโ€™t actually cause the actual answer is that iโ€™ve been seriously drumming for about 1.5 years but theres like more to it imo
When i was in the third grade, instruments were compulsory at school so we all had to choose and buy one to learn on as well as basic piano lessons. I wanted to play the drums as โ€œmy instrumentโ€ at that time BUT my school didnโ€™t have the budget or the space really to accommodate that (i would've had to buy my own kit and haul it to and from the school which didnโ€™t make sense for me to do for someone who hadnโ€™t ever touched drums) AND they didnโ€™t have a teacher that could really teach drums, our percussion section was just a xylophone and some cymbals it was a school of like 2000 kids so :/
So I learned clarinet and then when i was 10, in the fifth grade, my older sisterโ€™s friend stopped playing saxophone and got permission to bring her drums in. We only had an orchestra so our teacher had to write her music for/with her which was cool but anyway. She left her drums at school and i knew her and so while i was supposed to be in the practice room playing clarinet i was trying semi-fruitlessly to drum. I knew i wanted to drum by any means necessary but like I was 10 and since i had no guidance (and no proper sticks i was using xylophone mallets) I didnโ€™t think I was โ€œgoodโ€ at it and when we moved away I took that as a sign that it wasnโ€™t meant to be.
When we got to america I joined school bands (as in orchestra/concert band) as a clarinet player once again, I still wanted to be drumming and i was in a public school by then so i had access to like โ€œschool drumsโ€ but I was so far behind the not-self-taught drummers in the actual band that I just like decided I had to focus on what I was already good at which was my art and dove into the upper level art program which like GOOD cause that made life worth living but it also meant the only time I could drum was when I was at this one friends house or had access to the band hall and like I just couldnโ€™t keep the improvements iโ€™d made, like iโ€™d perfect a song and then have zero access for a couple weeks (except to like stand alone snares but :/ ) and iโ€™d have to start over essentially and it was SUPER discouraging and it made me feel like I wasnโ€™t making any progress
In the meantime I was trying to get my musical fix by learning guitar/piano and piano came back to me pretty quickly (its gone again now) but guitar like.....you canโ€™t hit it lmao, piano i could slam the keys how i wanted to and get that really great loud resonating sound and i could stand to play and get more movement out of it but guitar is tedious in a way that other instruments arenโ€™t imo, like the sound is loud but the movement is very precise and i never had the patience for that
when I got to college I really had to focus on my art especially the first two years, I literally lived in the studio (im not exaggerating, the students in my major and I had a janitorial bathroom set aside for showering) so pretty much all of my hobbies got tossed aside those two years it was grueling, fun but also hell
Junior year came and i had like 30% of my time back and i was like considering switching majors. I knew i didnโ€™t want to do animation but also you canโ€™t just switch into music at a university, you have to be pretty accomplished already and percussion at my school is HUGE like i wouldโ€™ve had to be roger himself to have a chance of switching in. On top of that the degree isnโ€™t super useful so I now have my Bachelors of Science. But by junior year i KNEW i didnโ€™t wanna do that, I knew i wanted/i want to drum so I.... licherally................went to the library and printed like 50 pieces of paper each with three flyers on them and cut them up and put them up ALL over campus essentially begging for access to a drum kit. I could only afford like a couple hours on this one guys kit every few weeks for one semester (and then the following semester i did a semester away, they had drums at the school there but i only got access like a total of 5 times) so when i came back to america I did the exact same thing, I put up flyers in the music building and eventually i found a girl who let me use her drums for free all year, she gave me access like last august? I think? and just now has packed them away in the last month or so, and i would literally go into this tiny stuffy unairconditioned room (that had an automatic light timer so iโ€™d be in the dark halfway through a song ahsdkhajkda and a couple times the heat got to me and i had to go outside and sit in my car w/ the AC before coming back in ahdjkahdjkasdjka) and drum for about 6-8 hours MWF and maybe like 3-4 hours T/TR which i know isnโ€™t as much as some people but like I had school work still so I couldnโ€™t do too much more. (it worked out great cuase i only took 7 hours my last two semesters so it was like something i could do while all my friends were in class and they werenโ€™t open on weekends so my social life didnโ€™t get fucked up) and like i know i havenโ€™t been drumming drumming that long comparatively to like normal people who start at age -2 and are born with a snare in their laps but you spend that much time each week doing something and youโ€™ll get good you just likeโ€ฆ have to and I like where Iโ€™m at right now, I think Iโ€™ll always have super severe imposter syndrome abt my skill level b/c of how long it took me to get here and being an overcritical perfectionist doesnt help but yeah
i really dont think its a coincidence that my coming out (to myself) coincided with when I said โ€œfuck it im gonna play drums come hell or high waterโ€ but SUPER LONG AND OVERLY DETAILED story short, I heard roger drum and said โ€œif i dont do that ill dieโ€ and then when i finally had the resources i drummed myself into multiple heat strokes and i recently saw roger live so the universe rewarded me for all that shit
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prydon ยท 6 years
a ( VERY LONG) long island geek rundown
aka me just rambling on about paul for paragraphs upon paragraphs, complete with pictures.
so i went to the con with the lovely @haiileyrutledge aka maggie who drove me all the way there from the philly bus station (god bless), it was our first time meeting in person and i still canโ€™t really believe we did this just a few months after we were just kinda joking about going together on twitter when we hardly knew each other
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literally the first second we walked into the con, before weโ€™d even gotten our badges, paul mcgann was sitting RIGHT THERE at his autograph table and i may or may not have started aggressively hitting maggie in the shoulder and freaking out and hissingย โ€œheโ€™s there, HEโ€™S THEREโ€ and she had to drag me past him so we could get our badges
then we sat in on the panel before his to make sure we got good seats for his. it was a panel with wendy padbury and frazer hines and they were adorable!! by the end of their panel we were literally buzzing tho bc we knew what was next
when paul came in the first thing he did was squint up at the ceiling and complain about the brightness of the lights, likeย โ€œoh this is quite harsh isnโ€™t itโ€ so they turned them down for him, much to maggieโ€™s chagrin bc sheโ€™s a photographer and it made it very hard to take nice photos (look forward to her uploading her photos btw, she got some GREAT shots regardless of lighting)
then we all sang happy birthday to paul, per the interviewerโ€™s instructions! it was v cute. someone uploaded a video of it on youtube. (i took one too, but it was much worse quality)
first question the interviewer asked was what the secret to paulโ€™s eternal youth was, which paul took a SUSPICIOUSLY long time thinking about before finally just claiming it was his insomnia. how not sleeping is supposed to make you look better i have no idea, but itโ€™s clearly not hurting paulโ€™s appearance, despite himย โ€œnot having slept since the ninetiesโ€ (his words)
and so on went the panel. it was quite fun, and though iโ€™d heard almost all the anecdotes paul told before, they werenโ€™t ones heโ€™d told a million times and the interviewer asked interesting questions about his brothers and some of his earlier roles.
he also asked him about holby- the most recent episode, even- which i was not expecting lol. he asked paul if gaskell was really dead, and paul was just likeย โ€œlol itโ€™s a soap, who knows what could happenโ€ and joked about another soap character whose death had turned out to be a dream.ย 
also of note is that paul never called gaskell by name once and exclusively referred to him asย โ€œdoctor deathโ€ lmaooo.ย i actually know why this is- he mentioned on a radio show a week or so ago that a holby city fan yelledย โ€œdoctor death!โ€ at him in the street once- but he didnโ€™t....explain this background to the panel audience, so iโ€™m sure many were baffled by it :โ€D the interviewer was likeย โ€œso your most recent role, professor john gaskell-โ€ and paul was literally likeย โ€œah, yes. doctor death!โ€ asoifjsaij what a dork
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^ this pic is actually from the sunday panel but god, actual dork with a heart of gold paul mcgann being juxtaposed next to menacing shots ofย โ€œdoctor deathโ€ was never not hilariousย 
speaking of holby, I GOT TO ASK HIM A QUESTION DURING THE Q & A, and i asked him what it was like working with guy henry! he said working with old friends is tough bc they know all your acting tricks lol. he went on gently roast guy and say heโ€™s looked like he was 40 since they were at rada and that one of their professors told guy that he was the kind of person who wouldnโ€™t find real success until he WAS like 40 bc he just had one of those faces, and lo and behold, that was case. notably, paul said all of this while holding eye contact with me since it was my question, and i was literally trembling by the end of his response bc i can barely hold eye contact with my family members let along PAUL JOHN MCGANN
he also saidย โ€œfuckโ€ at one point. at another he pulled the cap off his water bottle with his teeth and maggie and i were both like...*sweating*
after that we got our photo ops! then managed to get some food in us, and then i went to get paulโ€™s autograph and give him his bday gift, which i already detailed here [x] so i wonโ€™t get into that. notably he also called maggie photogenic and said their photo op looked like a housewarming photo of a couple just moving in. we were both dying afterwards.
theeeen that evening i attended a dinner party for fans with vip passes that the stars also attended! the food was v yummy. there was ice cream too.
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unfortunately i didnโ€™t end up at paulโ€™s table, but i was at the table next to him so i may have eavesdropped. my table had jon davey, who plays cybermen and daleks and ood etc, and who was very funny and decidedly attractive, and who at one point pulled out his phone and showed me this video while nearly dying of laughter over it
paul was actually late to the dinner because he crashed a painting panel!!
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^ hereโ€™s him painting his tardis picture with his dorky ass reading glasses on. what an old man. i love him
he did show up eventually, and ended up drinking a decent amount of red wine and iโ€™m pretty sure got tipsy and at one point misheard the person next to him as sayingย โ€œpenis handsโ€ and was likeย โ€œpenis hands???? PENIS HANDS???โ€
all my table ended up leaving early but paulโ€™s all stayed hanging on his every word bc thatโ€™s the effect he has on people :โ€™)) so i ended up scooting over there just to listen. at one point his assistant came over and whispered to me that paul HAD gotten the letter i gave him with his gift and he WOULD read it tonight and i was likeย โ€œomg no itโ€™s ok, i didnโ€™t need him to reply asap or anything, i just wanted him to have it!!โ€
i left the dinner when paul left- his table were the last ones out- and maggie was outside the dinner waiting for me and may have collapsed into a fit of giggles when she saw paul. then we went to our airbnb and fuckin CRASHED because we were so damn exhausted
on to SUNDAY
i started placing bets on what paul would be wearing that day on sunday morning, since i know he only has like three different con outfits that he wears. lo and behold we get to the con and heโ€™s wearing THE EXACT SAME CLOTHES AS SATURDAY. like, down to the scarf and shoes. they were 100% the same.
idk why he was, but he must have washed them, or he must be an ethereal being incapable of sweating because he was just as nice and fresh as the previous day [shrug]
we wandered around the dealerโ€™s room for a bit, maggie bought a vinyl from a charity sale booth and i bought a couple dwms with bb eight on them bc why not
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my lovely internet friends and fellow paul superfans @savageinkspillage and @paulmcgannlesbian both paid me to buy them autographs, and i was happy to oblige because it meant i got to talk to paul again
i went up to his booth and he saidย โ€œgood to see you again!!โ€ and told me he was so touched by the birthday card :โ€0 and thanked me again for the drawing!
i told him what names to sign to for the autographs and there was an incredible moment where i told him to address one toย โ€œbrittanyโ€ and his brain like. short-circuited and he tried to spell it out to me except he spelled it some ridiculous white mom way likeย โ€œB-R-I-T-N-I-Yโ€ or something and i just stared at him for a moment not sure if he was fucking with me before being likeย โ€œ.....no?โ€
once i told himย โ€œtwo tโ€™sโ€ he got it and saidย โ€œlike the place!!โ€ and asked me if i knew where brittany was in a stern teacher voice and i was p sure it was france but not 100% so i was just likeย โ€œd-donโ€™t quiz meโ€
he also let me take pictures of him holding the autographs that i could send to my friends, which was very sweet!! hereโ€™s him with @savageinkspillageโ€˜s.
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he was very determined that we let them dry before taking them because he didnโ€™t want them to be smudged, and blew gently on them himself like a dork.
before we could go, he also fully just was likeย โ€œgive me a hugโ€ and got up and hugged me AGAIN. THREE PAUL MCGANN HUGS IN ONE WEEKEND. T H R E E.
then after he hugged me he noticed the bowie vinyl that maggie had just bought in the dealerโ€™s room and was likeย โ€œ!!!!!! is that a vinyl!!!! can i see!!!โ€
maggie was likeย โ€œof courseโ€ and handed it over and he was FAWNING over the thing and promptly informed us that it was definitely an original print bc it was made of a special sort of material only used to make records in the 70s, and that it had never been played. maggie said she got it for $10 and he was likeย โ€œTEN BUCKS??โ€
he also sniffed it because apparentlyย โ€œthatโ€™s what you did with vinylsโ€ and took it out of its sleeve (with maggieโ€™s permission) and freakinโ€™ messed with it to show us how bendy the materal was before giving it back to maggie and emphatically telling her toย โ€œtreasure thatโ€.
he asked us where we got it and i said it was at a table in the dealerโ€™s room, next to where they were keeping his painting from the night before. upon hearing about the painting he was immediately likeย โ€œnoooo donโ€™t remind me of that!! iโ€™m so ashamed!!โ€ and i was likeย โ€œWTH PAUL NO IT WAS SO GOODโ€
hereโ€™s paulโ€™s painting!! itโ€™s lovely!!
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also at one point maggieโ€™s hoop earring fell out and full on, like, made a break for paul mcgann and rolled behind his chair. she was embarrassed but he just picked it up and messed with it, feigning putting it on his ear and saying he wished he was a girl so he could wear earrings like that and i was likeย โ€œyou should get your ears pierced!โ€ because he SHOULD. he just laughed.
we literally had a whole, like, probably 10 minute conversation with him and he was just so lovely and funny and warm and thanked me one last time for the drawing before we walked away soasifjsaoifjย 
THEN it was time for his sunday panel!! it was a great change of pace from usual panels, it was called โ€œdoctorโ€™s ordersโ€ and run by a podcaster whoโ€™d based it on advice columns- basically, he asks paul a bunch of questions looking for advice that heโ€™d gathered from fans and paul had to impart his wisdom.
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here are just a few choice tidbits from the panel:
q: what do i do if my boyfriend never puts the toilet seat down? paul: get rid of him
q: there are beehives in my house, what do i do?? paul: donโ€™t kill them!! bees are our friends. move out. let the bees have the house instead
q: boxers or briefs? paul: briefs. *pointed look at audience* some of us need the support.
he was asked the trolley problem and said without hesitation that he would move the trolley to kill the one instead of the five. he also endorsed stealing from businesses to feed the hungry (unsurprising because *cough* heโ€™s a socialist). he revealed that he shoplifted all the time as a kid as a right of passage in working class liverpool and asked the audience to raise their hands if theyโ€™d ever shoplifted. when a decent amount did, he called it a sign of a healthy society. he doted on his sons quite a bit which was adorable, and said he was theย โ€œsoft touchโ€ when they were growing up while mum was bad cop.
at one point he said if liverpool won the premiere league heโ€™dย โ€œsit naked here in front of youโ€ and then immediately was likeย โ€œ...i donโ€™t know why i said that.โ€ the audience was roaring with laughter the entire time. it was legitimately the funnest panel iโ€™ve ever been too :โ€™0 and we had front row seats!!
at the end, the host opened the panel up to the audience to ask their advice questions, and maggie asked one about how to survive while studying abroad in london next year. paul gently ribbed her at first being likeย โ€œwell, remember to sleep and eatโ€ but then reassured herย โ€œyouโ€™ll be fineโ€ and i could physically feel her melting beside me.
after the panel he chatted a bit with the women next to us, who i know to be old guards of paul mcgann fandom. i didnโ€™t hear much but i did hear paul refer toย โ€œthat brexit shitโ€ lol.
the last time maggie and i saw paul, he seemed to be leaving the con and nearly tripped over a remote control cybermat on the way out, which was cute.
all in all...i really donโ€™t have words for how amazing this was. i couldnโ€™t have asked for a better environment to meet my favorite actor in, and i have gained so many wonderful memories that i canโ€™t even keep track of them all,ย and i canโ€™t wait to do it again.
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40 notes ยท View notes
insporaelynn ยท 3 years
๐Ÿ“ฒ raelynn & cillian
WHEN: february 16th
DESCRIPTION:ย rae and cil talk about heavy shit and then make plans to go to a literal painting class with jude in tow.ย 
TRIGGER WARNINGS: sex mention, drug mention, honestly if cil is involved thereโ€™s some warnings. TW: KILLAIN KELLY
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Claudia reached out to me. To apologize, and well, I don't know if she's spoken to you but she let me know that she's a week clean. Hope it sticks.
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i've talked to her, yeah...
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I didn't like. Outright give her my forgiveness, but I told her she can earn it. So. That's a step in the right direction?
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you're more open to the idea than jude is.
he wants to cut her out entirely this time.
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I mean, if that's what's going to be healthy for him, I support it.
For me, idk, I feel bad about not taking into account that she has a disease. She didn't choose this.
And I guess. I don't know. I want to give her a chance to do good for herself. If she fucks up again though...I'm bowing out. You can't help someone who doesn't want it.
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i feel the same. i mean, she's my friend you know? but it's... it's complicated.
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You have to do what's going to be safe and healthy for you.
Whatever that looks like.
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it's not really about me. it's jude.
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Yeah, but she kind of wreaked havoc on both of your lives, you know? It affected you, too.
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it did, i know... but i mean... i want to support her, okay? she asked me to come to an NA meeting with her and i agreed. but me being involved with claudia at all... it bothers him.
we're not talking about it right now. he said he was going to therapy this week and maybe we could talk through it then.
it's just complicated.
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That sounds like the right way to handle it. For him to, you know, talk to someone completely outside of it first.
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yeah. and i mean the whole therapy thing... if it works for him then that's great. i just... it sucks. this whole situation.
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I know. I feel for you both. I'd talk to him about it, but I don't want him to get upset about it all over again. Sometimes I feel like some shit is better left to his therapist.
He gave me the number of his therapist so that I can call and get referred to someone in my network...because I know I need some fucking help. But I haven't called yet. Idk.
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that's probably a good idea. i wouldn't mention claudia to him at all right now.
i still don't really know how i feel about the whole therapy thing. i want to believe that maybe it works but i don't know. i tried it once and that fucking failed so.
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All I know is that when I'm having sex, I'm not thinking about whatever's bugging me. So maybe I don't need it, maybe I just need to keep going out at night.
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i mean that sounds better than therapy to me
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Yeah like??? Whatever it's coping and I'm good at it.
Fuck report is gonna look dope this week.
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i need an outlet. other than smashing things. though that it a helluva lot of fun
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i mean there are those places where you can literally go there for the purpose of smashing things.
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but what's the fun in that?
controlled smashing?
fuck that
it defeats the purpose
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i think it's only controlled in the sense that you have goggles on.
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i don't want someone to give me permission to smash things, rae.
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maybe if you pay extra they'll yell at you to stop
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that's another thing
why would i pay for something i can do for free?
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decent point.
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i feel like maybe if i could make something. that would be... something. but what?
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Like something artsy?
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it's stupid, right?
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no i don't think so at all. i actually have a few ideas i think?
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like what?
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I know that they sometimes have these cool events where they get a group of people together to do a painting. You bring a friend and your own wine and just chill and paint, and when you're done you have art to take home with you.
I walked by one awhile ago, they were painting the building from the office.
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i dunno rae...
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It can be fun, I mean, I haven't done it in forever, but art class was always really chill? Plus, a lot of these people are amateurs and just there to drink and hang out, so our pictures won't look that bad, and even if they do, i'll give you mine to hang in your place and you can give me yours lmao
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the drinking part doesn't sound bad. does it have to be wine? can i bring fireball instead?
also i'm only going if you can somehow convince jude to go.
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I have no idea actually? I guess you could probably fill one of my empty wine bottles with fireball. No one would notice.
omg, but you know he'd never.
not unless you really really wanted to.
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awwwwww bummer. guess that idea's shot, then.
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hey it's either that or color me mine
or pottery making without any alcohol
or adult coloring books at rae's house
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at least with pottery i'd have something to break afterwards.
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cill NO
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what?? it's my pot, i can do what i want with it.
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you fucking chaos human
i'll talk to J.
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even if he says yes, i'm STILL a maybe
cause we're gay, but we're not that gay.
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i'm doing you a favor!!!
how did this become about me!!
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when you suggested PAINTING raelynn.
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i will continue to do what i WANT, thank you
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idk who u think ur talking to i am still the big sister here
๐œ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐š๐ง ๐ค๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ
your pottery is next on the smashing block.
๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘’๐‘™๐‘ฆ๐‘›๐‘› ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ
We're not doing pottery!!!!
๐œ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐š๐ง ๐ค๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ
fine, then your painting is next on the BONFIRE, how do you like that?
๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘’๐‘™๐‘ฆ๐‘›๐‘› ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ
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i said i wanted to MAKE something that could be ANYTHING
๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘’๐‘™๐‘ฆ๐‘›๐‘› ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ
oh my GOD
๐œ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐š๐ง ๐ค๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ
i could be making a damn SMOOTHIE
๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘’๐‘™๐‘ฆ๐‘›๐‘› ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ
also Jude said he'll try anything twice.
๐œ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐š๐ง ๐ค๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ
wait he actually said yes?
to the painting thing?????
๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘’๐‘™๐‘ฆ๐‘›๐‘› ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ
I think so, I'm getting confirmation
I checked to see what events they have this week and apparently on Friday there's a glow in the dark type of thing?
๐œ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐š๐ง ๐ค๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒBOT02/17/2021
oh my god.
i can't believe this.
๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘’๐‘™๐‘ฆ๐‘›๐‘› ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ
we're not bringing fireball because a little birdy told me it makes you horny.
๐œ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐š๐ง ๐ค๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ
๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘’๐‘™๐‘ฆ๐‘›๐‘› ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ
this will be cool though!!
๐œ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐š๐ง ๐ค๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ
will it, raemond? will it?
๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘’๐‘™๐‘ฆ๐‘›๐‘› ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ
That's Mr. Raemond to you
๐œ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐š๐ง ๐ค๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ
fine, SIR.
๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘’๐‘™๐‘ฆ๐‘›๐‘› ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ
that's better.
๐œ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐š๐ง ๐ค๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ
i still canโ€™t believe you talked jude into this. what did you say to him?
๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘’๐‘™๐‘ฆ๐‘›๐‘› ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ
All I said was that I think it'd be good for you, and probably for all of us bc it's been a shit storm couple of weeks. months. years.
And he knows that you'd only go if he wanted to go, too.
The kid will do anything for you. Can't wait to officiate your wedding aka the only valid wedding that will ever happen.
๐œ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐š๐ง ๐ค๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ
oh my god. youโ€™re the second person to say something about us getting married.
can you honestly see either of us getting married? like ever?
๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘’๐‘™๐‘ฆ๐‘›๐‘› ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ
i never used to think that jude would. but like, idk, i've never seen two people more right than you guys.
even when i still was like....the kind of person who fell in love, like even at my MOST in love, I was never as in love as Jude is with you.
I think maybe he always did even if he didn't know.
๐œ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐š๐ง ๐ค๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ
donโ€™t go all mushy on me rae, i will vomit.
๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘’๐‘™๐‘ฆ๐‘›๐‘› ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ
I'm not mushy I have no heart
๐œ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐š๐ง ๐ค๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ
fine then, donโ€™t make ME get all mushy.
๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘’๐‘™๐‘ฆ๐‘›๐‘› ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ
basically love outside of the familial and platonic is a chemical con job and the validity is questionable at best, but i have never questioned the two of you, and coming from me, that's like, a certificate of authenticity.
i should make one and print it out and frame it for your anniversary
๐œ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐š๐ง ๐ค๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ
iโ€™ll be sure to hang it up.
๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘’๐‘™๐‘ฆ๐‘›๐‘› ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ
it might be more valid than a marriage license.
๐œ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐š๐ง ๐ค๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ
i do love him. more than i ever thought i could love anyone. heโ€™s the only thing that makes sense to me, you know?
๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘’๐‘™๐‘ฆ๐‘›๐‘› ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ
i don't know if i know what it's like in the romantic sense, i mean, not anymore.
but in other senses, i mean, yeah.
๐œ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐š๐ง ๐ค๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ
i donโ€™t know what i would have done without you guys. jude especially but you too. and gran.
okay thatโ€™s enough of that. no more sap.
๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘’๐‘™๐‘ฆ๐‘›๐‘› ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ
i was literally about to tell you to shut up bc i'm literally out in public rn
๐œ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐š๐ง ๐ค๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ
oh? you are?
๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘’๐‘™๐‘ฆ๐‘›๐‘› ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ
just got done work, grabbing some water before I go get my stuff
okay water and a shot.
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in that case i LOVE you raemond, i donโ€™t know what iโ€™d do WITHOUT you, i donโ€™t want to imagine a world that doesnโ€™t have YOU in it, my heart is so FULL of love for YOU.
๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘’๐‘™๐‘ฆ๐‘›๐‘› ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ
I hat eyou and I'm going to kill you and eat you for lunch
๐œ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐š๐ง ๐ค๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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I'm getting picked up in a car so I can go get piped by three dudes.
So this is everything
๐œ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐š๐ง ๐ค๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ
three dudes?
damn, rae.
๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘’๐‘™๐‘ฆ๐‘›๐‘› ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ
Living THE BEST life
๐œ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐š๐ง ๐ค๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ
have fun. i expect a full review later.
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If it's newsworthy I'll let ya know
0 notes
definitelythis ยท 6 years
yooo i kinda got into kpop near the same time? i started listening to bts in mid/late 2015 then got into more groups in early 2016!! AND I KNOW ITS A DAMN CRIME THERE ARE SO FEW HE'S SUCH A SOFT PUPPER but it's okay i'll just love him enough for everyone:D i got into day6 arounddd may of 2016?? it was during their hiatus but my sister's friend was rlly into them and got her into them and she played congratulations on repeat literally every day for for WEEKS so i was like nah man
bc i was literally so tired of it lol but then i heard blood and i was a goner! i almost biased sungjin bc of his voice in that song itโ€™s my favorite from then:) ALSO YEAH GIRL/DUDE LINK ME THE HECK UP W MVS OR SMTH Iโ€™M ALWAYS HERE FOR MORE GROUPS EVEN THO I SHOULD PROBABLY STOP????-mdss(โœฟโ— โ€ฟโ— ) (itโ€™s so dang hard not to talk forever and the stupid ask limit iโ€™m pressedddd)
Blood used to be my favourite day6 song before everyday6 happened and made impossible to choose a favourite song askdkhasjhdgak
โ€˜Iโ€™m always here for more groups even tho I should probably stopโ€™ is my forever mood haha okay you gave me permission to shamelessly promote my faves so here you go
well Laboum arenโ€™t going through their best moment, cause 3 members are participating on the unit and one member our dear maknae left the group a month ago :(( buuuuut theyโ€™re so amazing you should check them out !!! My favourite song from them isย โ€˜Fresh Adventureโ€™ , I also deeply love โ€˜Aalow Aalowโ€™ย and their most popular song is probablyย โ€˜Hwi hwiโ€™!
And MAP6 released a new song two weeks ago calledย โ€˜Love is goneโ€™ and not to be biased or anything but itโ€™s truly amazing !!!! They havenโ€™t had many comebacks cause their company doesnโ€™t know how to promote their groups :)) their last official comeback was withย โ€˜Iโ€™m Readyโ€™ in May! But the song that got me into them and Iโ€™ll forever love isย โ€˜Swagger Timeโ€™! Also if you like them and want to really get into them I made these posts: here you have a bit of info about them (I havenโ€™t updated in awhile but the basic is there) and here is a masterlist with all their videos + eng subs!
if you check them out let me know what you think !! ^^
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