9franklin3 · 2 months
If I try, could I win you over?
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knightcorqueen · 6 months
Today's Song Recommendation:
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iz-radio · 8 months
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bearring · 11 months
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Happy Pride to you guys I guess. Anyways I finally went ahead and finished the beach boy bear band because I think they’re funny and as the .001 Beach Boys listener on Spotify I think I deserve it /lh
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‘ Carl isn’t Blonde’ “Where’s Mike Love” ‘Why is Bruce on keys’ it’s called creative freedom bitch . They’re fictional animatronic bears
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maggicktouched · 10 months
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icanseethefuture333 · 8 months
PAC: Urgent messages from your shadow self 🕷🕸🖤
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Please leave a tip if you can $$$
Trigger warning: These tarot cards contain graphic content (gore, syringes, etc.) and in this pac there is mentions of trauma, substance abuse, inner child wounds, etc. The tone of the words will also sound blunt because the shadow self is brutally honest. Viewer discretion is advised.
Pile 1:
Beautiful Liar by Beyoncé & Shakira
Special by Ashnikko
Black Swan by BTS
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Four of Fire, Two of Air, & Daughter of Air.
(Clarified by Adjustment)
Your shadow self wants to urge you to find balance within yourself and your life. Perhaps you are someone who is constantly juggling with tasks, hobbies, or responsibilities. You are being a "jack of all trades, but a master of none". You don't know how to multitask and yet you are still trying to do it - why? You are overwhelming yourself. Take smaller steps vs trying to finish everything all at once. You are making yourself sink into this hole of frustation on your own. In the future, you will just make things more difficult if you persist in this charade of yours. Your shadow self is giving you a kick in the butt because you rely too much on charm when you mess up or to get away shit. Also your "white lies" could turn into big lies. If you needed a job per say, this behavior could have you looked down and be seen as unprofessional. There's a lot of visuals regarding the circus. Such as the acrobats or fire tamers. You are talented and witty. Use your wits to find ways to accomplish your goals. I am also being reminded of the scene from Mulan where she unsheaths her swords and you can see her reflection. Perhaps you have a duality to yourself that you are unaware of. You need to look into the lightness and darkness of your soul. What are your light or shadow attributes? Your strengths or weaknesses? Think of what they are and write it down, then create a plan. Once you have decided what to do or how you can make better decisions. You will start to make progress in your journey. The girl is walking on a tightrope with a stick and bowls(?) on her head. This could mean you literally need to "tighten up" which is an expression of handling your business basically. There is birds flying behind her. Your spirit guides and higher self are supporting you as you walk towards your destiny. Be patient and grounded. You will feel proud of yourself in the end and feel grateful you learned this lesson. (Clarifying song: Libra by The Deli) You could be someone with Libra placements or you need to surround yourself with people that are this sign. This could also mean embodying the traits of Libra. They are known for their balance, diplomacy, fairness, friendliness, & charm.
Pile 2:
Assassin by Au/Ra
Cellophane by FKA Twigs
Go To Sleep by Bearson ft. Kailee Morgue
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Five of Water (reversed), Seven of Air, & Son of Earth
(Clarified by The Magus (reversed).)
Tsk tsk. You're self sabotaging. What's going on, pile 2? I feel like you're trying to get over past disappointments but things keep crumbling and falling apart in your very eyes. You could be dealing with depression right now or you're avoiding the world because of this fear of yours. You could be laying in bed a lot or sleeping more than usual to cope. Some of you could have gotten rejected by someone you really liked and are thinking the worse as if it's the end of your love life. There's over 8 billion people in the world, it's not the end unless you act like it is. There could be so much abundance ahead of you if you would just stopped being so inconsistent and indecisive. Reflect as to why you're afraid, why are you self sabotaging, why are letting your life past you by when there's a whole world out there ready to be explored? (Clairifying song: NO PROBLEM by Nayeon ft Felix of Stray Kids) Whatever you dealt with is not happening to you right now. You survived baby. Sometimes it's good to be single because you can focus on putting that love towards your own heart. Try to focus on having fun vs finding the "one". You'd be surprised by how many people will be knocking at your door when you realize how much of a catch you are. Also stop comparing yourself to people on social media. Learn to see past people's illusions and understand they only post the positives of what's going on their life because they're scared of being vulnerable or seen as a failure. You are gonna do just fine if you focus on your own happiness.
Pile 3:
Dëserve It by Yeat
I'm Not Sorry by imagine Dragons
Element. by Kendrick Lamar
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Three of Earth, Eight of Water, & The Universe
(Clarified by The Fool)
You usin' work and self achievements to cope huh? You're always working so hard to accomplish things, but have you ever took a minute to realize that you are already accomplished even if you don't succeed? (Clarifying song: No L's by Smino) Why do you always need to win? What's so bad about losing? Loss can be scary, but it can teach us valuable lessons in life as well. You fear of being seen unsuccessful, a failure. You don't want to be the gossip in your town, at your job, or family functions. Everything you do, you just work and work. You not addressing the problems in your life. What are you working for? You have money, you have trophies, you have awards, you have a long list of achievements, you have your own place, but that is not healing you. Your valuables are just things. They are not fulfilling you emotionally or mentally. For some of you, you need to stop being a doormat just for the sake of a paycheck or being provided for. This could be someone at your job, school, etc, who is stressing you. Your shadow self wants to tell you to not let anyone make you act out of character but it also gives you permission to put a bitch in check and in their place if needed to. Start setting boundaries. You need to start treating yourself with love and care as if you were a baby. You deserve to be taken care of. Nurture your soul. Nurture your heart. Nurture your mind. If you're not protecting yourself then what is the point? Don't fall into the system of being a worker bee or give into hustling and grinding culture, to the point it's gonna harm your health.
Pile 4:
Team by Iggy Azalea
Player by Tinashe
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Ace of Water, Mother of Water, & Eight of Earth
(Clarified by The Star)
Okay so I had to reshuffle for this pile because I didn't take a picture of the first cards I got so I had to redo this, so this is the last spread I finished out of all the other piles. What's interesting is that since it's getting dark I had to turn on my led mirror and use it as a lamp. It was illuminating a light onto The Star card, which I find interesting. A wish fulfillment is on its way. You guys could be manifesting something or reciting affirmations in the mirror. In the song, Stunna Girl keeps saying "I'm a stunner girl" repeatedly, stunner means to be "a strikingly beautiful or impressive person or thing". Stunna Girl has also went viral and become more popular after appearing on the show "Baddies West". You could be growing into your confidence soon and learning to love yourself unconditionally and unapologetically. You could even become more popular or go viral on social media. For some of you, you are healing generational trauma for your female ancestors. They are so proud of you! Or you could come from a family with a lot of powerful, strong, independent women. In a patriarchal society, a woman who is outspoken, knows her worth, and is self assured, is looked down upon because they are less easy to humble and manipulate. Insecure men could paint you as a "bitch" or that you look "mid", to try to humble you when that is just lies. You need to know that you're a bad bitch and that you deserve the best. Your shadow self wants you to stand tf UP! Stop giving a fuck about what other people want you to do or think of you. Make them uncomfortable with your glow up. The women in your family worked and yourself as well have worked too god damn hard for you to sit on your ass and wallow in your tears. You are smart enough, you are strong enough, you are pretty enough, you are ENOUGH. Straighten up your spine and fix your posture. Walk into the room as if you own it. I don't care if you just rolled out of bed with a pair of stained sweatpants and dirty Chuck Taylor's on, you better rock it as if it's designer. Your shadow self will back hand your ass harder than Maddy slapped Cassie from Euphoria if you keep getting in your head and overthinking about shit that's not even that serious. Also, you can have anybody you want, if somebody is stressing you out - Drop their ass and move on. You deserve to be treated like royalty. Stop settling for dust! For some of you, this message could be specific, but your mother is very proud of you or you will be set free from a mother wound. You need to read a book (48 Laws of Power and The Art of Seduction for example) or head to the books if you are a student. Also in your love life, you will not be getting played anymore, but you will be the player (not talking about breaking people's hearts or cheating, calm down Karen 😮‍💨). You will stop chasing love interests and they will be chasing you. Secure attachment for the win 💪🏽. (Clarifying song: Eat It Up by Kaliii ft. BIA). Eat this shit up, pile 4. All this is yours. You are gonna be living your best life soon. NSFW message but some of you will also feel more pleasure in your sex life and will feel more confident about demanding what you want in the bedroom. People will live to please you. There is a lot of fertility here, so be careful if you are able to get pregnant.
Pile 5:
For The Record by Sophiya
Up All Night by Drake ft. Nicki Minaj
Energy by Beyoncé ft. BEAM
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Father of Fire, Four of Air (reversed), & Nine of Water (reversed)
(Clarified by Seven of Fire)
You have a lot of passion, pile 5, but you seem to get burnt out easily when it comes to trying to achieve your desires. There is a goal that you are reaching towards that you so desperately wish to achieve to the point its keeping you up at night and causing you to feel restless. Some of you could smoke, you need to cut that down or quit all togerher because it is making your nerves really bad or making you even more anxious (could cause you to age physically faster as well). Some of you could have been ghosted by someone you fell in love with pretty quickly. Possible love bombing? There is a lot of highs and lows in this relationship. Is this a friends with benefits situation? You could have a crush on someone but you are too afraid to state your feelings, so you use your sex appeal to keep them around. You need to voice what you are wanting out of this relationship because this flame will only last so long if you keep going this way. (Clarifying song: My Strange Addiction by Billie Ellish) there is so much about "fire", "lighters", "matches", "fuses", and "smoke" being mentioned in this pile. Are you guys pyromaniacs 😂? I would hope not, if you are please seek help for that lol. If not, you guys could be drawn to the "fire" as in things that intentionally just burn you in the end. It's almost as if you get off to this toxic behavior but then when it ends, you act unstable. You need to find the courage to stop engaging in behaviors that are bad for your mental, emotional, or physical health. Also be brave when expressing your needs in a relationship, if they agree then maybe you can work it out, if not, then it's time to leave. Some of you also could have an anxious attachment or have a fear of abandonment due to a absent father. You need to do shadow work or talk with a therapist to heal that. Learn to find emotional fulfillment and security within yourself.
Pile 6:
Skinnydipped by Banks
Don't Recall by KARD
Sober by Mahalia
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Are you overcoming an addiction, Pile 6? Or wanting to go sober? Either way, I commend you for the strength in wanting to do so, since I know that isn't easy. This could also mean your shadow self wants you to quit doing drugs or drinking alcohol because it is making you act manic. I feel like you were treated harshly growing up or you were left with the "vultures". You could have been neglected growing up and had to learn to survive. You could of used maldaptive daydreaming to cope. Your fantasies gave you comfort in a time of stress and turmoil. I'm so sorry for that, pile 6, but you have to understand you no one is out to get to you. You can choose a new story for yourself. You dont have to be a victim anymore. You are free to start a new life for yourself. Some of you came from abusive households or were put in the system at a young age (either you were adopted or was in foster care). You could have lived in multiple places or went from house to house as a child. Did you run away as a kid? Why were you running, sweetheart? You can stop running now, take a new route. Just peacefully go towards your new journey. There is no need to rush. (Clarifying song by Come Down by Anderson .Paak & They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y) by Pete Rock & C.L Smooth) October is significant for some of you. There is going to be growth and prosperity in your life. You need to take time to nurture yourself and practice some self care. I heard "sprout" so you need to look inwards and have a conversation with your inner child. Can you remember your childhood? Do your memories seem blurry or you can't recall anything that happened? Be kind to yourself and be patient. I know it can seem nerve wracking at first but overtime you will be grateful you did it. Think of your younger self as this seed, if no one watered the plant, gave it sunlight or natural light, or fed it with fertilizer, then you can be the first to make that seed grow. Tend to your garden. This will help you build character and gain optimism. You will start to think "Hey, you know what? Maybe life isn't so bad. Maybe I can be a somebody!" And you will :) ♡ You could also be feeling very nostalgic or reminisce your youth. People could also see your growth and remember as a kid, they are going to be surprised how successful you've become to overcome your hardships. Also try to seek the professional help of a therapist or counselor if you try to unpack childhood trauma, or if you can't remember your past, it can be a sign your brain is possibly blocking you out from remembering something traumatic. Be safe and take care, pile 6 🙏🏽
Pile 7:
Run by SAAY
Monster by EXO
Just A Girl by No Doubt
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Nine of Fire, Five of Air, & The Empress (reversed).
(Clarifidd by Son of Water)
Oh my 😃! Wow pile 7, do you hold a grudge against the entire male population or a masculine in mind, it seems? You are acting mad bitter. I feel you have the tendecy to be a misandrist out of the trauma from your past. You feel angry that men can get away with their wrong doings while women are forced to suffer. Ironically, you are still attracted to them. You could be struggling with your divine feminine energy. You are also resenting what it means to be a "feminine". You wish to create this on your own terms. Are you apart of the LGBTQ? or consider yourself a feminist? Maybe even both? If you are someone who is a man or identifies with masculine energy, it could mean you behave feminine in a negative way (as in you "nag" or are too "sensitive"). This also reminds me of Jules in season 2 of Euphoria when she cut her hair, started wearing black, and began to feel comfortable in her androgynous style. Some of you guys are really mixed up emotionally and mentally. Like no offense, I take that back, your shadow self wants to say "full offense" - you are acting crazy. Slow down, take a deep breath, and let it go. You are valid in your pain and your emotions, but you cannot let this world make you bitter. You can't inflict pain onto other people just because you were hurt. You are not a monster, you are not the person who hurt you. Do better and be better than them. (Clarifying song: Close Your Eyes by Kim Petras & The Hills (remix) by The Weeknd ft. Nicki Minaj) I am being reminded of the scene from Doja Cat's Streets music video when she was like this spider crawling on it's web, catching their "prey" (the love interest). You are like a black widow. Beautiful to admire from afar, but dangerous to interact with up close. There is someone who is head over heels for you. You could like this person or are pushing them away out of fear. You could be the type of person who warns people before they fall in love with you (Watch the movie "It's A Thin Line Beyween Love & Hate"). You could have even sworn to never love again (Your shadow self: "bffr" 💀). You need to harness this hatred, anger, and darkness for a better cause. Use your pain as a passion to transform yourself and become someone magnificent. Like a spider, you are resourceful. Use your sources and use your intelligence to begin this new transformation. You're lashing out of fear. You're pushing people away because of your trauma. You deserve to be treated tenderly, you're not some scary creature. You are actually so empathetic, intuitive, creative, sensual, and enticing. A mystery that people want to unravel. You are a going to be a femme fatale in it's purest form.
Pile 8:
By Any Means by Jorja Smith
Feelings by Tinashe
Human by Sevdaliza
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Five of Fire, Nine of Air, & The Moon
(Clarified by The Hierophant)
Pile 8, why are you ripping yourself apart to fit into society's pressures and demands? When will you realize that you are beautiful in your own way? I remember when Kendrick Lamar said: "If a flower bloomed in a dark room would you trust it?". Not every flower grows in the sunlight or the spring or the summer. Some grow during the harsh, cold weather of the winters or when everything falls in autumn. You are in competition with no one but yourself and you are not going to win this game if you treat yourself like shit. If you wanna be a winner, then you need to start acting like one vs acting like a sore loser. When things go wrong, you are so unnecessarily rude and hard on yourself. Why is that? Ask yourself these things next time you catch yourself thinking that way. You're not anything of the mean things you say about yourself or what people have said to you. You struggle with your insecurities and cling to what gives you comfort even though you know you want better than this, you want better than what you are currently doing. Why do you stick to the same routine everyday even though you know you want change? Sometimes you have to be uncomfortable so you can be comfortable. You may compare your beauty to other people but you need to realize no one is perfect. You are human, as the song goes. A human with "flaws, veins, scars". Embrace your imperfections. You don't want to look back at your past and regret you never took action on anything because you weren't "pretty" enough. Look past your appearance and look inside. (Life Goes On by BTS) What are you are clinging to, pile 8? Are you holding onto something? You're holding sanding at this point and it's slipping through your fingers, you are stuck in this hour glass, wishing to be released. Time keeps ticking and life passes you by. Break free from the perceptions of time and start living your life to the fullest without limitations, doubts, and fears. Life has its up and downs but you have to learn to find hope in dark times. Seek help from your shadow self or the universe when you are in need of faith. Trust the divine that things will always work out for you, no matter what.
Pile 9:
Let It Out by Rico Nasty
UCKERS by Shygirl
Ghetto Gatsby by Brent Faiyaz ft. Alicia Keys
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Two of Love, Three of Air, & Eight of Water
(Clairifed by Ace of Air)
Time to end it with a bang 🤬🥊💥! Did you just go through a break up, pile 9? Whether it was with a friend or partner. You are internalizing a lot that happened from this relationship, honestly, you interalize everything. Your shadow self wants you to let out whatever you're feeling. Scream, shout, yell, etc. It is time to stop turning the other cheek and speak up. You also need to confront something or someone who hurt you. (Clarifying song: Fingers by Zayn & Roman's Revenge by Nicki Minaj ft. Eminem) Ugh this person is so LAMEEE 😒🙄 Once you finally get over this connection, they will want to come back and talk to you about what happened. You or this person could have been writing text messages but never sending them. This conversation will be your chance to gain clarity and communicate about how you felt in your relationship. This will help you move on and also allow you to learn to stand up for yourself.
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s1ug0at · 4 months
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been listening to this song over and over grr, this is a gift for my friend:)
(win you over - whethan, bearson, SOAK)
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thorns-and-rosewings · 6 months
Time to post some Seraphim AU🔥 Character Information!
(Like I have mentioned, I have a bit of brainrot from this idea sooo... I guess it's time to give the characters in this AU bit more of a proper introduction. Warning this is quite long because I always overdo my writing.)
Let's start with Canon Eclipse, after getting his dumb ass stuck in Seraphim Eclipse's Universe...
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-The satellite blast didn't kill him, as Nice Eclipse (Solar) told Moon, he built the satellite in a month... Something could go wrong. Which it did, rather than just blasting Canon Eclipse to dust, it punched him clean into another dimension. Severely damaging both him and the Newton Star.
-An energy blast punched right through Seraphim Eclipse's roof and deposited the damaged remains of Canon Eclipse into the ballpit. Scaring the absolute bejesus out of both Seraphim Eclipse and all the kids in the daycare.
-Upon realizing that there looked like another version of himself, albeit much smaller and without wings, Seraphim Eclipse took him to his workshop in order to investigate what this was all about.
-To clarify his damages, Canon Eclipse's legs and right arm had been blown clean off and his torso and rays were damaged. Thankfully all his pieces made the trip and could be re-attached.
-His remains were strapped to a table and Seraphim Eclipse proceeded to hook him up to his computer and go through his mind...
-That wasn't fun.
-He woke up three-quarters of the way through the process. Only to meet his alternate self looking through his memories and additional files... And got a very unamused look from the larger animatronic.
-He got put back into unconsciousness pretty quickly.
-When he wakes up again he finds his body repaired and meets his alternate more properly. Which... Honestly doesn't go all that well.
-Pretty much Seraphim Eclipse explains that he's in his universe and he has no way to get back to his own... Which to be frank is probably a good thing, given how he acts.
-Canon Eclipse unfortunately is... Well, Canon Eclipse and starts being the asshole that he is and stupidly starts threatening the bigger version of himself. Which results in Seraphim Eclipse attaching a collar of sorts to his neck that can both shock and freeze up his body to prevent him from doing things. As he doesn't want this jerk sabotaging his life and work.
-Canon Eclipse is forced to to become a janitor and boy does he hate it.
-Things get worse when he realizes that Seraphim Eclipse took his designs for Bloodmoon and Lunar and begins constructing his own versions.
-He has one hell of a tantrum because of this, which Seraphim Eclipse refers to him as a brat for it.
-Gets even more frustrated when this Bloodmoon DOESN'T turn out like his did.
-...he tries very hard to avoid the new version of Lunar outright...
-Overall he's angry. He's angry at the situation he's in. Angry that he's powerless and likely not going to be able to return to his home universe... But the thing that enrages him the most is how Seraphim Eclipse gets to have all the things that Canon Eclipse secretly wanted. Things that he WOULDN'T have without having STOLEN it all from him.
-He's just... In a very bad place.
Next up is Seraphim Eclipse!🔥
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-Once he aquires the Pizzaplex and implements the changes he desires, it should be noted that everything runs far more smoothly and efficiently. For both the human and animatronics that work there.
-Far less health and safety code violations.
-His skills for hacking and creating false identities and establishing various contacts is put to good use and he creates a fictional persona of 'Fredrick Bearson' for Freddy. So that he can essentially become Gregorys adoptive father. And even sets up a comfortable apartment for them in another section of the Pizzaplex.
-This undoubtedly comes from his programing in regards to taking care of children; in this case a very roundabout way and recognizing that the boy was in better hands with Freddy than he was living on the street homeless.
-When dealing with the children in the daycare, he's extremely patient and takes everything very easy. He can be firm if he needs to be, such as putting some children in time-out, but his calm easy-going demeanor makes him very good with his job.
-He is EXTREMELY claustrophobic. Due to his trauma of being locked away and trapped within his body, he has severe issues with enclosed spaces to the point that he will have panic attacks and could even become violent in his attempts to free himself from any sort of 'confinement.'
-That being said, he refuses to acknowledge he has a problem and just tries to shrug the past and its pain off. Like it's over and not going to affect the future.
-He's in denial he needs help.
-He also fully realizes how dangerous it is to keep Canon Eclipse around . But... He cannot help but feel immense pity for him and even sees the sickening possibility that he could have ended up just like him. Bitter and hateful. So in a way he hopes that he might somehow find a way to actually help him.
-He has good intentions but not always the best execution...
-In that regards, his more negative aspects are that he is known to carry grudges and he has a LONG memory. Pissing him off is a very bad idea because he can also be vengeful and in some instances... Capable of excessive cruelty.
-His more negative qualities mercifully don't surface often.
-His most treasured possession is his sword, which is a Nodaichi. One crafted by an expert craftsman from Feudal Japan. It was given to him by Twila, Cassie's aunt.
-She obtained the sword from someone who was throwing out all of his grandfather's possessions and unaware of exactly what he was disposing of... and once thrown out, Twila scavenged it and prepared to list it on eBay.
-Seraphim Eclipse is fully aware of how valuable such an item is, as genuine 'Real' swords can be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. He was reluctant to accept it, but Twila pointed out she would rather have her niece safe than money. He eventually accepted and has treasured it since.
-Nodaichi swords are typically two handed weapons, but Seraphim Eclipse is strong enough to wield it with one hand. He has a fighting style that varies between one handed and two handed. Often if one hand is free he will use that hands flamethrower.
-He fully acknowledges he is modeled after an angel and now owns a sword that he knows how to wield. He is the embodiment of the meme 'I have the power of God and Anime on my side!' and he gets a good laugh out of it.
-Unlike Canon Eclipse, he builds his Bloodmoon and Lunar not to be tools, but to be his brothers and he adores them both. But occasionally he butts heads with Bloodmoon due to his rash behavior and at some of his Lunar's more mischievous antics.
-"I love you both to the moon and back... But damnit if there aren't some days I want to leave you up there..."
-That being said, picking a fight with them is a great way to get on his bad side very quickly.
-When his Lunar's magic begins to affect him, the first thing that happens is his wings are reconstructed and become far more 'Bio-Mechanical' in nature. He gains the ability to fly and with six wings he is not only fast, but can turn on a dime.
-He also becomes fireproof, and his flamethrowers no longer seem to need to be refilled. Rather function in a more magical means. The way he wields his fire powers is similar in motions to a firebender from Avatar.
Now for Arc Bloodmoon
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-As soon as Seraphim Eclipse activated him, Canon Eclipse dove for cover behind a table, expecting the worst... And this Bloodmoon immediately shot straight up and raced outta the workshop. But it was because he was created with a high amount of excess energy. And he just starts parkouring around the daycare.
-He initially appears to be harmless. Just extremely high energy with the equivalent of ADHD.
-Like Seraphim Eclipse, he works in the daycare and his high energy and playful nature make him a huge hit with the kids. Often wearing them down so they are ready for naptime. Which he himself might join them on. As he tends to fall asleep in random places when his energy gives out.
-He only has two wings, but his wings were built to be functional in flight. When he doesn't need them he can drape them over his shoulders to make it look like he's wearing a cloak. He also has the same type of 'tail' that Seraphim Eclipse has.
-However... Things don't really remain quite so simple in this instance.
-It becomes obvious that he definitely is more aggressive than Eclipse is. Get him to the point he wants to fight and it's very difficult to get him to stop.
-His playful antics go over well with virtually everyone he knows... But then he started trying to tease Canon Eclipse, but it ended with Canon Eclipse snapping that he's going to turn into a murderous double personality freak and he's going to laugh when he starts killing innocents for fun.
-That froze him down to his core...
-He proceeded to look through the data on his brothers computer and saw what Canon Eclipse meant... What he was modeled after... And it deeply disturbed him.
-Worse yet he had started to develop a deep bloodlust and craving for blood.
-...he has to restrain himself all the time...
- Eventually he finds that Strawberry Jam acts as a decent substitute for his blood cravings. Maybe it's just a mental trick, or just internal desperation, but he consumes A LOT of it. He will however hunt down rats and rip them apart for their blood on the occasion that the jam doesn't quell the craving.
-When they start having interdimensional adventures he is able to channel his aggression much better in fighting enemies and Eclipse realized he would fight better with a weapon or two.
-Seraphim Eclipse takes him to Twila, who not only owns the scrapyard, but also does custom forging swords/daggers as a side job. To order him custom swords.
-When Bloodmoon sees her... He immediately becomes smitten.
-His wings flutter around her a lot...
-He grows to visit Twila quite often and they become a good friends. Which is beneficial because there are idiots who break into her scrapyard. And he has FUN scaring them off.
-He does bite people...
-He also develops a sort of friendship with the displaced Sun/Moon/Eclipse that live at the scrapyard.
-Being at the scrapyard lessens his secret bloodlust.
-Twila eventually gets him his scarf, which he never takes off... Accept when his brothers fight to get it off him on laundry day. And even then he doesn't leave the laundry room.
-When he gets his katanas, his style of fighting is that he will just slice his opponents apart. He gets joy and satisfaction from spilling his enemies blood and will feed on it.
-Internally though, he's stressed. As he is deeply afraid that he might lose control of himself and kill and maim people like Canon Eclipse's Bloodmoon.
-He DOES have a second personality that had just been napping a lot during his initial awakening. When it had just started to be active is when Canon Eclipse snapped at him and when they both learned about their... counterpart...
-The second personality... chose... To just stay hidden. In an effort to prevent their combined fear of turning into a monster from coming true.
-But he is so alone...
-When the primary personality goes to sleep the secondary personality occasionally takes control and might eat more strawberry jam on toast rather than just straight bread. Or... Might pick up and hug their Lunar for seemingly no reason. Or randomly go to where Seraphim Eclipse is sleeping and wrap one of his wings around himself.
-There is a way to tell which personality is active though. Their heterochromia... When the secondary personality takes control, their eye colors flip. This and their fighting style seems to become more feral if possible.
-Finally when Lunar's magic starts affecting their lives, Bloodmoon is unaffected. He doesn't develop any sort of magical powers.
-The irony of this is that he does have a desire to create or find a star to use for his own personal reasons.
And finally, Cherubim Lunar
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-When Seraphim Eclipse is constructing his version of Lunar he is also looking over the damaged Newton Star that, through the memories of Canon Eclipse, he learned this... Star... Is extremely powerful, but useless in this universe. However... He begins to try and modify it. But ends up fragmenting it to pieces which mostly fizzle out. Still somewhat curious if any effect at all could be had, he collects the fragments and uses them as he builds a custom heavy duty battery. Which he uses for Lunar.
-The immediate effect is that all of his internal wiring begins to glow the color of soft blue moonlight.
-And his Lunar awakens with a cute yawn and stretch.
-Seraphim Eclipse just shrugs. No longer caring if it actually did anything. Just hugs his new little brother.
-This Lunar is built to be like a Cherubim, which are actually angels of Mercy. Playing further into this, Lunar has an incredible amount of sympathy for people. Even the individuals who Seraphim Eclipse would have given up on. He can see if there is even a tiny light left inside of a person.
-He has, almost from the moment of his creation, had access to vast amounts of magic. Also seemingly just knowing how to use it without training.
-His powers appear to primarily be 'Healing' even to mechanical beings. In fact this ability is so potent that it can also trigger mutations, such as making machines more 'Bio-Mechanical' such as his mutating Seraphim Eclipse's wings to the point they function and allow him to actually fly. The feathers actually growing and shedding (And the sheddings having magical residue within them.) And in some instances, he can even revive a completely destroyed animatronic. But the catch is that it will not be to their original design, but instead to whatever mental image Lunar has for the new body.
-Here's looking at you Killcode...
-While his magic is potent in his own dimension, but in other dimensions he is much more limited and can completely drain himself if not careful. How much energy he expends can truly wreck his systems if he overdoes it. Eerily similar to star power...
-The glowing star on his tail can separate from him and will randomly float around him until he wants it to reattach. No explanation is ever given about this.
-Also jokes that he regularly converses with stars. And that he likes most of them. (Might not be a joke...)
-Seems to have a desire to help Canon Eclipse even more than Seraphim Eclipse does. Though Canon Eclipse goes out of his way to avoid him.
-His desire to help him doesn't mean that he won't confront him with some very hard truths. Which usually gets Canon Eclipse even more upset.
-Canon Eclipse has chased him away once with a broom...
-BAD DECISION; as Seraphim Eclipse was immediately upon him and was snarling at him while his sword was ready to behead his alternate in defense of his sibling.
-It scared the hell out of Canon Eclipse. Seeing Seraphim flip on a dime and become borderline manic. Given how large Seraphim is, that's a pretty horrifying image.
-Fortunately Lunar and Bloodmoon were able to pull Seraphim off of Canon. Bloodmoon commenting that Canon isn't even worth the energy for the kill.
-This was the first time that Lunar and Bloodmoon started to realize that their older brother... Wasn't completely alright.
-Life is frickin complicated no matter what universe your in appearently.
(Aaaand that's it. Holy hell that was a lot to write... In any case I hope this was interesting to read. 😅)
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evil-lizard-wizard · 9 months
I've done it! My very first monstrous creation with a life of its very own! The Bearson! Half bison, half bear, all threat! And just for the spice, I even gave it the temperament and bloodlust of a honey badger! Some may call me mad, but in truth, I am simply... Evil.
The horns, the teeth, the claws! The thick ramming skull! The strength of two great megafauna combined as one! I have had to imprison it in a pocket dimension, for my little lizard grabby things couldn't build an adequate cage.
I know not if it counts as a bear spell, but given that bear spells are illegal, I hope my plan to teleport it into the nearest city counts!
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bathroomgirl0024 · 2 months
Hii if u wanna talk ab anything feel free and/ or to keep ur mind off things fav Kuma sprite / art ^_^
Hiii sors for the late reply.
Ok so monokuma. Theres a lot of images I like of him (all of them) so theres likw be a lot of images but to heres a few that I find special lol. (Under the cut cause I theres is many I will aalao talk abt why I like them to for some lol so yeah) also I might miss stuff cause I still have yet to rewatch the games lol (I will prob in the future tho) so yeah more under the cut !
Ok so first off, sprites
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These too are probably my most favourite sprites of him him imo. Theyre both from V3 and are very nicely polished. I really like how cute he looks, especially in the first one even though that sprite appears only once in the whole game which I think makes it more special methinks. The other is also super adorable. I also like these ones from dr1 (especially the one with hes showing his black side more) and the bonus ones sdr2 too but these are my most fave bearsonally (tbh its actually all of them lol)
Oh yeah and his pixel arts are cute too :3 !!!
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Anyways now for art !!
There is many:
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He is looks very very cool in all of his splash arts. Love him. Love he has one for every game too lol (I also like how the v3 one falls down onto the throne in the opening)
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These close up shots of monokuma are amazing. Like the part where gets serious and menacing and you can see the inside of the red eye is asdffgghjjbbgyvvdt ygjju btuytdverc yeah. (I also really like the “despair, that’s all.” Line he says in the dr1 one)
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AND the ending scene In dr1 specifically like this art lol
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And also in the executions in v3 (specifically kaedes cuz that’s like the only one hes mostly in). Hes drawn so well in the executions compared to the rest of the game for some reason idk why??? But yea
(Speaking of kaede’s execution did you know theres a vine boom sfx when the ceiling or the trial grounds shuts)
Yea that’s kinda mostly stuff from the main games. Its not a lot cause its mostly just sprites of him shown in game (also cause I find all his art great but theres are specifically special 2 me) so yeah
I will also post more monokuma in the reblog cause Tumblr won't let me put imgs lmao
And yeah that’s all the art that that I like of monokuma, I love him very much ^_^ also thank you for the ask this was fun to do and also feel free 2 tell me you fave monokuma sprites/art of him !!!! That’s alls.
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I am Clinically insane with how much I love the “Animatronic Ariel who can’t walk x Dennis Bearson” ship with @animatronathon
#Ariel #DennisBearson #Im Sorry to any Ariel fans clicking on this wondering who the fuck that bear is
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spoodnyk · 7 months
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Introducing Björn Bearson
My Starfield oc, my Space Cowboy.
Born and raised on Akila, he ended up serving the UC Marines to explore the galaxy, finally returning to his home planet after a colorful career. He became a Ranger at 32 to serve and protect his home. He was shining star in the Western world. He was sent to Vectera to protect the Argos Extractors when he found a peculiar artifact buried deep under the moons' surface.
And so his story begins.
I, GrohiikNik, am the sole owner of Björn Bearson.
Picture: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/619843
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narancias-headband · 2 years
POV ur in a toxic relationship w/ Illuso playlist
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Spotify | YouTube
Runtime: 56 mins
When you fell for your cocky teammate that you thought you hated, you could never have foreseen the fiery on-again, off-again relationship that would eventually break your heart...
Choke - I Don't Know How But They Found Me
Don't Stop - Foster the People
Want You - Bearson
Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood
Powerful - Major Lazer
Why'd You Only Call me When You're High? - Arctic Monkeys
When Doves Cry - Prince
Guilt Trip - PUP
...Fuck - Johnny Rain
Judas - Lady Gaga
Who's Crying Now - Journey
Just Like a Pill - P!nk
My Life is Over and I Couldn't Be Happier - PUP
Heartbeat - Childish Gambino
Black Dahlia - Hollywood Undead
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Meet the Governmental Body of Beauland!
Hellow Citizens of Beauland! Today, we, the Governing Body of Beauland, would like to introduce ourselves and volunteer some information to you that will help you get to know us better!
As of July 1st, 2022, there are three members of the Governing Body of Beauland. These members are:
"His Royal Fuzziness, President-King Theodore Beauland Bearson the Third, Head of the White Branch of the Governing Body of Beauland", a white teddy-bear who wears a black top hat and bowtie. He prefers to be called "Teddy B. Bearson". He enjoys ice cream, snow days, tea parties, and reading history books. As the head of the White Branch of the Governing Body of Beauland, Theodore is the leader of our great nation. He works with the Pink and Blue Branch Heads to carry out and enforce new laws. He is elected by democratic vote, and works to govern our people with fairness and kindness.
"His Royal Softness, Prince Nathaniel Cherubim Igneus-Valentine, Head of the Pink Branch of the Governing Body of Beauland", a young human man who embodies our great nation. He enjoys baking, watching cartoons, drawing, and being outside in the rain. As the head of the Pink Branch of the Governing Body of Beauland, he drafts and proposes laws to be decided on by the Heads of the White and Blue Branches. He is also responsible for declaring war, regulating national and foreign commerce, controlling taxes, and drafting spending policies. No project is drafted or decided on without the say of the Head of the Pink Branch! As the body of our great nation, the Head of the Pink Branch carries our nation with him wherever he goes. He can be addressed as Nathan, Nate (for short), Nathaniel (for long), Beauland, or Beau. He is also responsible for the transportation of our President and the Head of the Blue Branch. He sure does a lot for our nation!
"Her Royal Sweetness, Princess Vanillabean Lapinstitch, Head of the Blue Branch of the Governing Body of Beauland", a white rabbit who wears a blue sash and ribbon. She enjoys carrot cupcakes, taking baths, writing poetry, and gardening. As head of the Blue Branch of the Governing Body of Beauland, she is responsible for deciding the constitutionality of federal laws and resolves other disputes about federal laws. She helps to appoint fair judges to trials, who are elected via democratic vote. She takes her job very seriously (even though she hates doing paperwork). When she was sworn into office, she promised to lead with sound mind, fairness, and a love of justice.
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bearring · 11 months
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Which Bearson brother would you buy from the shop. I would’ve bought Brian sorry guys
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slowdancingtorock · 10 months
Ireland-Day 2
Today was a chill day. I had to supervise the students after the meals and do the roll-calls during lessons. The students are getting used to listening to me, which is a blessing for my voice and the flow of the classes.
I was also tasked with preparing the social activity of today's evening, a quiz about the contents of last week's classes; country flags, famous people and general knowledge questions. The quiz itself was great fun, the kids were all put into groups of 4 and us supervisors rarely had to get them to speak English. The students were excited about the prizes and many groups scored over 90% on the quizzes (though obviously everyone got some prizes and the quiz was ungraded).
Other than that there was very little that happened today. I'll do the nighttime rollcalls after I post this and go straight to bed afterwards. Tomorrow will be exciting as I will be hosting another elective activity in the evening, most likely the board games. However, there is also and Irish dancing class scheduled, would be fun if I got to join that.
Other than that there is little to write about, so I'll just wrap it up with my song of the day; Go To Sleep by Bearson and Kailee Morgue. It was a slow day and other than during the supervision and the meals I did very little with other people, I think it fits the vibe quite well.
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