#Blackthorn is a cute toddler
pushing500 · 2 months
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Remember how Buckeye and Magic Man had a baby? Well, she's a toddler now. Very cute, very cute. Hopefully her little sister arrives soon and then the family will be nicely rounded out!
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hehehe crosshatched
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The Buckeye family is adorable, I'm glad that baby Bluegum arrived healthy. I'm not sure why it says her father is unknown, but it was definitely Magic Man. Buckeye's too asexual to have a baby with anyone else.
Now we only need to wait for Duchess to have her baby, and we can leave to get to the crashed ship! so I can finally get Anomaly and update to 1.5 for my mechanitor run
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Well, would you look at that. Thank you for your excellent timing, Duchess.
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Millie, Marty, and Mark Mossler. The three "M" siblings. Of course, we can't let the littlest Mossler get by without a suitably badass nickname, so he gets to be "Revenant" now.
Night Stalker doesn't look thrilled about being a middle child, but he gets what he gets. Next time, we'll have a colony tour of Loyalty's Meander and then try to make the last 12-and-a-bit-day journey to the crashed ship! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it all goes well.
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the Kierarktina headcannon prompts: Kierarktina going through the Blackthorn old family albums and Home Videos( I know they're not supposed to have home video cameras and stuff but I definitely think Eleanor who was into photography and art and stuff would have!)
It starts when Cristina and Helen have a little too much wine and are perhaps a little tipsy. Cristina makes a comment about how Mark must have been a cute lil' baby and Helen takes one look at her brother going "he was. Angel knows what went wrong". The look on Mark's face is obvious betrayal. Kieran's just confused because as far as he's concerned there is nothing wrong with Mark.
The next time Mark, Cristina and Kieran are at the LA institute, their in the library and find a large box next to the small tv in there (Ty had it installed for when he wanted to watch documentaries in peace) with a note from Helen saying "Mark was a very cute baby. See for yourself".
Inside is albums documenting the early lives of the Blackthorn's, as well as some family footage, all thanks to Eleanor and the Blackthorn family attitude to the law. Mark gives a sad smile at the memory of his step-mother before picking up one of the album.
Kieran's fascinated as faeries don't have photos, and he's delighted that his first experience is of Mark, who, as promised was very cute. The first photo was of toddler Helen lying next to baby Mark, giving her brother a cuddle.
Mark's formative years with his family flash before their eyes; a chubby toddle with a big teethy grin with a baby Julian, Mark and Helen holding Livvy's hands as she's learning to walk, Mark looking at an animal picture book with Ty, a tickle fight with Dru and building sandcastles with Tavvy.
They then watched the family footage which further delights and fascinates Kieran and just makes Cristina a little bit emotional. The Blackthorn's she'd come to know and love weren't the care free and innocent children in the film. They had all grown up and been dragged through hell and back several times. Perhaps that had been the answer to Helen's question of "what went wrong"
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
I would LOVE to hear about your version of jacob - lottelight
@lottelight Thou wouldst like to know more about my book-smart, people-dumb spaceman? *giggles like an idiot*
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1) Being an absolute disaster bi, poor Jacob Cromwell has never been very good at expressing his feelings to any subject of his affection, largely because it takes him a while to even acknowledge his feelings are romantic to begin with. (I pity his boy best friend Duncan Ashe SO much, I truly do.) He’ll frequently try to do stupid things or show off around people he finds attractive like a child acting out to get attention, sometimes consciously and sometimes not. One such example was when Jacob tried to impress a cute server at an Indian restaurant by ordering the hottest curry on the menu and then dousing it with the hottest red sauce they had available. All that, and the girl still didn’t give Jacob her number. D’oh!
2) Jacob may be an eccentric, daredevil scholar with a sloppy, “slacker” sense of dress, but contrary to his rebellious, devil-may-care image, his music taste is decidedly bubblegum. His favorite band and ultimate guilty pleasure is ABBA (sure-fire way to make this guy smile, sing, and/or dance: put on “Mamma Mia!” “Take a Chance on Me,” or “Dancing Queen”), but he also enjoys artists like Barbara Streisand, Don McLean, and the Osmonds.
3) If Jacob was confronted with his worst memories the way MC is in the Sunken Vault in-game (which, FYI, is very different to how I see the Sunken Vault), one memory would be his father, Evan Bach, losing his temper and saying that all Jacob ever does is cause everyone else trouble. Jacob was very, very shaped by that particular exchange, as well as what led up to it, more than he’d likely ever admit. As a kid, because of his temperamental childhood magic that was labeled as active misbehavior and Jacob plugging out from his classes and teachers in response to their unjust punishments, Jacob was seen as a no-good punk by just about everyone. When he received his letter and learned the truth about his magic, Jacob finally understood why he was so different from everyone else and was excited about the prospect of learning more about what he could do and reinventing himself into someone who could be a “winner” instead of the screw-up he’d been before. One of Jacob’s greatest insecurities is how much of a failure he feels he’s always been -- it makes it very difficult for him to acknowledge he’s unable to do something or put aside his own pride for the sake of the greater good.
4) Speaking of Evan, Jacob raised his younger sister Carewyn more than he ever did, since Evan dropped out of Carewyn’s life from an emotional standpoint when she was born and then abandoned his family when Carewyn was a toddler. When Carewyn was first learning how to talk, Jacob greatly enjoyed having passionate, spirited debates with her completely in baby talk.
5) Jacob has a long list of enemies, but one of the people who irritates him the most on that list is his old dormmate, Gilderoy Lockhart. Lockhart was always the most popular with the ladies out of the Ravenclaws in their year, and his arrogance, laziness, and vanity drove Jacob up the wall, particularly when Jacob easily ran intellectual circles around Lockhart in just about ever subject and yet Lockhart still acted like he was the most talented wizard in their year and in the whole school. Add on top of that that Lockhart was several inches taller than Jacob, who is akin to Edward Elric about his modest height of 5′7″...and yeaaaaah, one can imagine that Jacob loathed old Gilderoy. He never finds out that Lockhart modified Carewyn’s memory once, but rest assured if he ever did, there’d likely be an attempted murder. When Lockhart ends up in St. Mungo’s, devoid of any memory of who he is, Jacob takes vindictive pleasure in making fun of his old dormmate behind his back, referring to any time where someone forgets something important as them having a “Lockhart moment.”
6) After the Cursed Vaults and R are dealt with, Jacob becomes something of a vagabond wizard, traveling the world as a magical researcher and part-time Cursebreaker. His travels result in him crossing paths with Ellie Hopper’s grandfather Lugh @that-ravenpuff-witch, who ends up becoming something of a surrogate father figure for Jacob. As an ex-Gryffindor with a bold, adventurous spirit himself, Lugh takes great amusement from Jacob’s “daredevil scholar” attitude and frequently lets Jacob trip all the traps he can in whatever tombs they work on together, as he knows full well the younger man will probably get super excited studying how all of them work. Lugh and Jacob also both end up fighting in the Battle of Hogwarts at the end of the Second Wizarding War. When Lugh dies while fighting four Death Eaters at once, Jacob Cromwell takes violent revenge, blasting Dark curses at all of the Death Eaters in the vicinity with his two wands. It takes Jacob a long while to calm down afterwards so that he can properly grieve Lugh’s loss.
7) Jacob Cromwell is close friends with Sarahi Silvers’s brother, also named Jacob @dat-silvers-girl. Dynamic-wise Akemi and I have compared their relationship to that of Captain Jack Sparrow and Will Turner, with Jacob Cromwell being the more eccentric free spirit and Jacob Silvers being more down-to-earth and loyal. Jacob Cromwell is always the person to encourage and help out with Jacob Silvers’s more, er...“interesting” inventions.
8) After the Cursed Vaults are dealt with and Duncan is finally able to rest in peace, Jacob remains good friends with Olivia Green. He writes to her almost as much as he does his sister Carewyn.
9) Jacob is BIG on the King Arthur mythos. One of his favorite book series is The Once and Future King by T.H. White, and his favorite Disney movie is The Sword in the Stone.
10) Jacob’s wand is Aspen and dragon heartstring, 13 inches, pliable. Dragon heartstring as a core tends to learn new magics quickly, create powerful, flamboyant spells, and be somewhat more susceptible to the Dark Arts than unicorn hair or phoenix feather, all of which perfectly suits intellectual, but aggressive Jacob. Aspen wands have a reputation of belonging to talented magical duelists, and Jacob fits that image perfectly as well. As an adult, Jacob even studies under a Navajo wizard in America who teaches him how to duel with two wands simultaneously. From that point on, Jacob duels with both his Aspen wand and a second wand made of Blackthorn and Wampus cat hair.
10 Facts!
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dru-and-ash · 5 years
Blackstairs Headcanons
Emma and Julian decides to move to their own place around the time they were going to turn 20 thinking they should start their own private life
Aline was a little reliefed coz they just adopted a little girl and she doesn't consider youngsters making out in every corner of the Institute as a good example for a toddler
Off course she's also sad coz they like spending family time together and help each other in every Institute business as well as taking care of their huge home
Helen is emotional about it even though she knows Julian grow up so fast she still sees him as her twelve years old brother she had to stop from eating wax
Emma and Julian are busy trying to find a place they'll be comfy and that'd fit everything they have
It's hard to find a house big enough to have a training room and dressing room for Emma and art studio for Julian
Emma wants to live in Venice Beach where she was raised by her parents
Then Tavvy makes one 9 years old boy size of stand against the idea putting out all the negative effects moving out may bring on their family Ty and Dru may or may not help him in preparation of this speech
Both Julian and Emma are like "Oh no what were we thinking it already took us years to meet under the same roof!"
However carefree new Julian may be he's still a home boy and can't argue with his youngest siblings very well planned points such as *How do you plan to fit all your paintings in one place Jules and Emma's clothes?!*
On top of all during Tavvy's speech Haline's little girl comes and sits on Julian's shoulders very determined not to let them leave
They're both super soft with the wave of love coming from small cute kids and they start laughing together
A few days later on the weekend when Dru and Ty come to visit the family youngest three of the Blackthorns (plus Ghost Livvy) make a siblings council and congratulate Tavvy on his victory
Even though Ty and Dru don't live at the Institute any more they didn't like the idea of not having whole family when they return for brief visits (Mark and Tina already moved out to NY but Dru can see them from time to time)
In the end Livvy's Ghost says "Thank you for thinking this scheme Drusilla, I'm sure under different circumstances Julian would be proud of you."
Dru feels her words for a brief moment like leafs whispering with wind and replys "I wish I could see you and make you proud too, I missed you Livvy."
I know this ended up not a Blackstairs thing but it's still Blackthorn Family fluff, right?!
Requested by @mademoisellemurders for Follower Celebration
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feelingsinthedark · 5 years
Jem & Lunar New Year part 2
there are qoaad spoilers and it’s long so under the cut :3 hope yall likeee
Chinese New Year of 2013...
...they have a new addition to the family
Kit lol
And also their unborn children
Tessa’s like a little over 6 months pregnant so in the third trimester and it’s going pretty well
They just do some simple things at home and take it easy
Tessa and Jem give Kit 红包 even though he doesn’t really need money because they insist on buying everything for him
They teach him some phrases like 过年好 and give him the 红包 when he masters it
(But like that’s kind of a thing I feel like my parents are training us like this year my mom walks into my room with a red envelope and she’s like “what do you say” and I said 过年好 and she gave me the red envelope lol)
And they watch the 春节晚会 together
Kit doesn’t understand anything but he just likes spending time with them
And he’s able to appreciate the production bc damn its fucking fancy af and like there must be like soooooo much rehearsal beforehand it’s crazyyy
Tessa catches the bit where they talk about spending Chinese New Year in your hometown bc that’s a big thing with the holiday
She asks Jem about it and if he wants to go to his hometown even though the main point is to be with your family
He just says “you are my home now, always and forever”
Kit pretends to gag but secretly he loves it and is #1 Jessa stan
No wait he’s #2 Will is #1
Chinese New Year of 2014 they spend with friends
Alec is busy with Clave-in-exile stuff that Magnus isn’t involved in so Magnus just decides to Portal to Devon with his kids bc why not
And Tessa and Jem have a new addition to their family too
Charlotte Sophie Carstairs
This is the best baby Carstairs name fight me
She’s about 10 months old
Tessa’s feeding Charlotte when Magnus appears but she isn’t surprised
This happened a few months ago too
And a few days after Charlie was born
She just calmly greets Magnus and the kids and asks Kit to go find Jem
They weren’t really planning on doing anything bc they were so busy with Charlotte
But since they’re here Jem decides to have them help make dumplings
Out of the two of them Tessa is the better cook but Jem is okay too
And they had some more practice with dumplings in the years before so it’s not like their first try
Tessa mostly sits it out and watches over the kids
Charlie loves her older cousins Max and Rafe
They also try making some
Max makes a squashed little lump of dough that has a tiny bit of filling inside
Rafe’s is a little better and sort of resembles a dumpling but also doesn’t have much inside
Alec Portals in a few hours later (he got Clary to make him a Portal idk)
He finished the Clave stuff earlier than he expected
So he just joins them and they eat dumplings
They put on the 春节晚会 after
No one’s really paying attention to it
The kids aren’t bc they don’t understand it so they’re kinda running around and so the parents are occupied
So it’s just kinda on in the background
At one point there’s a magician guy who… does some magic
Like just suuuuper complex sleight of hand kinda tricks
Max sees it and is like “he does magic! My papa can do magic! Auntie Tessa does magic too!”
So then it turns into a magic show from papa Magnus and Auntie Tessa
Charlotte loves seeing magic and it calms her down so eventually she’s asleep on Jem’s chest
Magnus and Alec and their kids leave
Tessa and Jem put Charlie in her crib and Will’s ghost keeps her asleep
Jem is kinda feeling things about how he didn’t think he would live long enough to have a family or wouldn’t be able to bc of Silent Brotherhood but he just had an amazing Chinese New Year with his wife and children and his nephews and some of his best friends
Chinese New Year of 2015 they decide to spend in Shanghai
Jem hasn’t been there since his parents’ death
But Tessa’s there for him and even Kit knows his story too
And he wants to show them and his daughter how they celebrate in China
They stay in a hotel bc they’re not technically part of the Clave anymore so they can’t go back to the Institute
And besides there’s a lot of memories there for Jem
Charlie’s almost two and she has picked up some Mandarin from Jem (which is like wildly different from “Shanghai-nese” but whatever)
She’s a really outgoing toddler and everyone who meets her falls in love with her
She talks to a lot of people just on the street and says 过年好 to everyone in her adorable baby voice with her adorable baby face
Kit is highkey proud of his little sister and carries her around on his shoulders
He knows how to say like two things in Chinese and not well but Tessa and Jem let him take Charlotte out to just walk around sometimes
Jem takes them to some outdoor markets and stuff and they buy some cute stuff
They also buy some firecrackers and set them off on Chinese New Year morning
Charlie loves loud noises so she loves that the whole day and night there are firecrackers going off and it makes her really excited and happy
Kit stays up with Charlie that night when she’s all excited by the firecrackers so Jem and Tessa can try to sleep a little bit
Chinese New Year of 2016 and onward are variations of these last few
Jem and Tessa spend many Chinese New Years with just the two of them and their children
Sometimes they join or are joined by friends
They go to China a couple more times but for Jem just being with Tessa and his family is more than enough
One year they spend it with all the Blackthorns after Kit and Ty get married what
It’s pretty unconventional and more of just a gathering but they’re all one super happy and big family
And the Blackthorns are technically related to Tessa if they actually descended from Lucie and Jesse
Eventually Kit leaves to live with Ty but he tries to spend most years with Jem and Tessa
He loves his family and he wants to spend time with them especially this holiday with its emphasis on being with family
Eventually their kids move out too
They have a few quiet relaxing Chinese New Years when their kids are busy and can’t make it
And of course
The hands wrapping the dumplings start to get wrinkled
The hair that Tessa cuts every year starts to go grey
She’s reminded of Jem when they first met and he was dependent on the yin fen
His eyes stay dark though, and full of joy and health
Chinese New Year of 2088-
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Ok sorry back to your regularly scheduled sadnessheadcanons
Chinese New Year of 2088 is Jem’s last
Just getting straight to the point skskskskskssksk
He’s obviously lived a very long and satisfying life
He stayed healthy so he’s able to do stuff still even at almost 230 years old
(Yeah idk if the timeline is realistic I don’t think it is but whateverrrrr)
That morning Tessa wakes up and Jem’s already out of bed
His side of the bed is cold and for a second Tessa thinks her nightmares have come true and Jem was ripped from her in the middle of the night
But she hears violin music coming from down the hall
She follows it after getting dressed
Not unlike her first night in the London Institute
She stops in the doorway and watches Jem
He plays a hauntingly sweet and sad melody
She stands there for a while until he finishes
He turns and says quietly “I wrote it for you, my love”
There are tears on both their cheeks from the song
He’s written many songs for Tessa over the years but this one is different
Jem poured all his happiness from previous Chinese New Years, his love for Tessa and their children, his regret for having to leave her soon, probably this year
He cups her face and wipes her tears
“Let’s have one more Chinese New Year together”
Tessa kisses him and even after so many years every kiss between them is the same
“We won’t think about that today, love,” she says
“We won’t think about that today,” he agrees, grasping her hands in his
Their kids Charlotte and Will join them with their families
Kit and Ty and their kids come too
Over the years Jem and Tessa have developed their own traditions for Chinese New Year and they also do stuff like dumplings and they give 红包 to their kids and grandkids
That night Tessa and Jem watch the 春节晚会 by themselves in bed
Their kids and their families have left with the promise that they’ll all see each other again soon
Tessa’s head is on Jem’s shoulder
He holds her tightly to his side
When they finish they sit in silence for a while
Tessa’s half-asleep when she breathes “stay”
Jem brushes her arm and whispers “I’m not going anywhere”
Chinese New Year of 2089 Jem has finally reunited with hisparabatai
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Shadowhunter’s Short Story #29.
The year was 2016 and all of The Blackthorns were gathered together to celebrate an extremely important event, the birth of the newest member.
 Back in 2012, Helen and Aline had decided they wanted to have a baby. Just a few months after becoming Consul, Alec passed a law that allowed Shadowhunters to seek mundane medical treatment for certain things such as transitioning and fertility treatment, provided they had help from someone who could hide their angel blood and other things that marked them as Nephilim. 
At first, Helen and Aline tried to adopt but even after waiting two years, they were never matched with a baby or expectant mother, so they turned to fertility treatment. Helen wanted to be the one to carry their child, and Aline was more than happy with that, she had no desire to be pregnant, she wanted a child very much, but she didn’t want to carry a child.
 Catarina helped them cover up their angel blood and such, as she had helped Jocelyn and Diana before. 
Their first cycle of IVF failed, it was heartbreaking and disheartening for them, but they decided to try another round, they just about had enough money. They tried desperately not to get their hopes up, but it was very difficult not to
A few weeks after the second round, after a blood test at the fertility clinic, Helen found out she was pregnant. She didn’t think she’d ever been so happy and neither had Aline, they were excited beyond words to be parents and simply couldn’t wait to meet their baby. Their families were thrilled for them, Jia and Patrick were very excited to become grandparents and Helen’s bothers and sisters were extremely excited to become aunts and uncles, especially Mark, who was extremely protective of his sister while she was pregnant, he and Aline were constantly at her beck and call and very protective of her the whole time. 
Helen was very grateful to have a smooth, uncomplicated pregnancy, she suffered some back pain, sickness and fatigue, but nothing extreme. She and Aline had decided not to find out the sex of the baby, but they had chosen names. If they had a girl they would name her Eleanor Livia Blackthorn-Pennhallow. If they had a boy they would name him Andrew Patrick Blackthorn-Pennhallow. 
Just a few hours ago, Helen had woke up in the early hours of the morning with moderate pains in her stomach, which only continued to get stronger, she knew without a doubt she was in labor. She woke Aline, who then summoned The Clave Medic and a Silent Brother, sent her parents a fire message to let them know that the baby was coming, and woke everyone else in The Institute. 
Helen’s labor was long and painful and she thought it would never end, but now that she was listening to her baby crying, Helen knew that every second of that pain was worth it. 
“Helen you did it! Oh I’m so proud of you, I love you so much.”Aline says in a tone of disbelief and joy, stroking Helen’s damp hair back from her face. She had never been so proud of her wife, she had no idea how she had managed to do it, she was the strongest person she had ever met. 
“Aline, do we have a girl or a boy?” Helen breathlessly asks, straining to glimpse what was happening at the end of the bed. She was so tried and sore but she was also beyond excited, she wanted nothing more than to hold her baby and snuggle up with Aline and their baby, she had waited year and years for this moment, and she could not wait anymore. 
Aline turns her focus to the bottom of the bed where The Clave Medic and Brother Enoch were cleaning the baby off. Looking back to her wife, with tears in her eyes, Aline softly says 
“It’s a girl Helen, we have a daughter.” Helen sobs in delight and pushes herself up in the bed. 
“Is she okay?” Helen asks in a breathless, excited tone. 
She is perfect, as healthy as can be. Brother Enoch tells Helen, as he gently gathers the baby up and lowers her into Helen’s arms. Helen’s breath hitches in her throat as she lays her eyes on her daughter, she was so small and so perfect. She had a few, thin wisps of light blond hair, just like Helen, she had Helen’s eye shape, pallor and mouth shape. 
“Eleanor, hello baby girl, hi, I love you so much baby girl.” Helen softly says, softly tracing Eleanor’s little face,with the tips of her fingers. Little Eleanor snuggles closer to her mother, her cries dying down to soft whimpers and soon ceasing altogether. 
“Helen, she’s perfect, and she looks just like you.” Aline softly says, tentatively reaching out and stroking the baby’s cheek.  Eleanor reaches a hand out of the blankets and grips onto Aline’s finger. 
“I can’t believe she’s here.” Helen says in a tight tone of voice, pressing a kiss to Eleanor’s forehead. She had waited years and years to hold her baby in her arms, and now that she was, she had absolutely no doubt that it was all worth it, she would go through all that hardship and pain again to have Eleanor .
After Helen and Aline have bonded with Eleanor for a few hours and Helen has had a chance to rest a bit, they feel ready to introduce Eleanor to her family. In order not to crowd Helen and the baby, Aline ordered that they all come up two or three at a time, first to meet little Eleanor are Julian and Emma. 
“Helen you did so well, she’s amazing.” Julian softly says, gazing down at his niece, peacefully sleeping in his arms. He is unbelievably proud of his sister, she went through so much to become mother, but never gave up, and now she had a beautiful little girl, he knew she and Aline would be fantastic mothers and he was so excited to be an uncle. 
“She really is, she looks just like you.” Emma quietly says, gently stroking Eleanor’s soft, flushed cheek. Ever since Jem and Tessa’s daughter Cordelia had been born, just a few years ago, Emma had really begun to enjoy spending time around babies and toddlers, she adored spending time with her little cousin and now she was thrilled to have a beautiful little niece.
“Thank you, I’m just so happy she’s here.” Helen says in a tired, hoarse voice. 
“I can’t imagine how happy you are, you went through so much to have her, it must feel unbelievable to finally have her here.” Julian quietly says. He had no idea how Helen and Aline had done it, if it were him and Emma who were struggling to have a baby, he would’ve given up hope a long time ago, but Helen and Aline never did and now they had their perfect baby. 
Once Emma and Jules have spent some time with Eleanor, Dru, Ty and Kit come up to meet her. Kit had come from Devon to meet the newest addition, since Eleanor would be like a niece to him, considering he and Ty had been dating for a few years now and he and Dru were the absolute best of friends. Kit was extremely protective of Dru, almost as protective as he was of Cordelia, who he considered his sister.
“She is just so sweet! You’re going to grow up to be just like your aunty, aren’t you sweet girl? I’m going to teach you how to pick locks and all the others things your moms won’t approve of!” Dru coos to her niece, who she has cradled in her arms. She was thrilled to be an aunt, and she knew Helen and Aline would be fantastic mothers, little Eleanor was very lucky to have them as parents. 
“Dru! Don’t you dare!” Aline firmly says. 
“I was kidding!” Dru defensively says. “No I wasn’t.” She then whispers to Eleanor. Aline rolls her eyes, having heard Dru whispering to the baby, but deciding to let it go. 
“She’s cute, but not as cute as Cordelia.” Kit non-nonchalantly says, leaning over to peer into the bundle of blankets in Dru’s arms. In his eyes, there was no child cuter than his sister, it just wan’t possible. 
“Kit! You can’t say that!” Dru says in an exasperated tone.
“Why not? That’s what he thinks.” Ty calmly asks from Dru’s other side, leaning toward his sister to get a closer look at his niece. 
“It’s rude, that’s why!” Dru exclaims. 
“It’s alright Dru, to us there’s no sweeter, cuter baby than Eleanor, but that’s how Kit feels about his sister, I felt like that about you and all the others when you were born.” Helen softly tells her sister. She knew Kit meant no harm. 
“She looks like Livvy.” Ty softly says, running his hand over Eleanor’s wispy hair. “Her eyes, they’re the same shape as Livvy’s.” He softly adds. 
“You’re right, she does.” Helen says. She had noticed that herself, and was delighted to see some of her sister in her daughter, but she knew it could be painful for Ty. 
“I wish she was still here, she would have loved Eleanor.” Ty says in a tight tone. Kit gets up and sits next to his boyfriend, putting an arm around his shoulder and leaning his head against his. Ty was still in a lot of pain over loosing Livvy, he always would be, but Kit made things so much easier for him, being with someone he loved so much and who loved him that much, made Ty feel so much better, he just wished Livvy could be here to meet her niece and see how happy Ty was now. 
After Dru, Kit and Ty leave, Tavvy comes up on his own to meet the baby. 
Tavvy was extremely excited to become an uncle, he was mostly excited not to be the baby anymore, as at 11 he saw himself as extremely grown up. Helen and Aline knew he would be a wonderful help with little Eleanor, just as Dru and Ty would be, the youngest three children are the only ones still living in The Institute, Emma and Julian have a place of their own, as do Mark and Cristina (and of course they have the cottage between the mortal world and Faerie, where they meet with Kieran as often as they can).
“What do you think Tavvy, are you so happy not to be the baby anymore?” Helen softly asks her little brother, as he peers at his niece laid in his arms. He lifts his head and smiles brightly at his sister and nods. 
“Yes I am! She’s really cute, she looks just like you.” He says. 
“Yeah she sure does, we’re going to need your help over the next few weeks, while I recover and we get use to having a baby.” Helen says. She had no plans to leave her bed for the next week or so, she needed to rest and recover and bond with Eleanor. 
“I don’t mind, I want to help with her, but I won’t change any dirty diapers!” Tavvy says. He was willing to do anything else, but he wouldn’t go near a dirty diaper, though no one really blamed him, Helen hated changing her sibling’s diapers when they were younger, but she got use to it over time, still it’s not her favorite task.
Helen softly kisses his forehead and gently says
“Thank you, Tavs, I really don’t know what I would do without you.” 
Last to meet Eleanor were Mark, Cristina and Kieran. Mark and Kieran were so excited to become uncles, Mark had been a huge support to his sister through the whole pregnancy, he was always at her beck and call and would do anything she wanted, no matter what. He was possibly the most excited out of the whole family. He had been a rock for Helen through the process of trying to have a child, every time they got bad news from the adoption agency, and when that first round of IVF failed, Mark had been there to comfort her and support her, he didn’t force her to talk, but Helen knew she could talk to him if she wanted to. She really appreciated how wonderful he was to her and was thrilled to see him with Eleanor. He and Kieran were absolutely infatuated with her, Helen, Aline and Cristina were happy to just sit back and watch them fuss over the baby. 
“Ellie, you love your Uncle Mark the most don’t you?” Mark coos to his niece. 
“No, you love your Uncle Kieran the most, little bright one, don’t you?” Kieran softly says, smiling smugly when Eleanor grips his finger in her tiny hand. 
“That doesn’t mean she likes you more, it was just a reflex!” Mark defensively says. 
“You’re just jealous, isn’t he sweet Eleanor?” Kieran lightly says, bending to kiss Eleanor’s little hand, wrapped tightly around his finger. 
“You’re such big children, come to aunty Cristina Ellie, your uncles are so silly.” Cristina says a in joyful tone, approaching Mark and holding her arms out for the baby. If anyone else had asked to hold the baby, Mark would have said no, but he could not say no to his beautiful Cristina.
Cristina holds the baby close to her chest and kisses her little head full of fuzzy blonde hair. She was the sweetest little thing she had ever seen, and she adored seeing Mark and Kieran with her, they were absolutely wonderful and naturals, she couldn’t wait to have children of her own with them, some day. 
“Oh! I think someone needs a diaper change.” Cristina says, a few minutes later, wrinkling her nose as she gets whiff of the terrible smell coming from Eleanor. 
“I’ll change her!” Mark says, jumping up from his spot by his sister’s bed and rushing to his girlfriend’s side.
 “No I will!” Kieran exclaims, following Mark to Cristina’s side. 
“I don’t trust just one of you with her, both of you change her.” Helen lightly says. Mark gathers little Eleanor into his arms and takes her next door to the nursery, to change her diaper. 
The minute Mark opens Eleanor’s onsie, and the cold air hits her skin, she begins wailing loudly. 
“Oh Ellie, don’t cry, it’s alright.” Mark gently says, hurrying to get her diaper changed. 
“Don’t worry bright, shinning one, it’s alright, almost done.” Kieran softly coos to Eleanor, trying to calm his niece down. Eleanor simply continues to wail and wail as Mark fumbles with the straps on her diaper. 
“It’s okay Ellie, I know this isn’t nice but we have to change you.” Mark coos. Just as he takes her diaper off and is about to put a fresh one on her, he is hit with a stream of pee, right in the middle of his chest. For a moment, he just stands there totally in shock, while Kieran tries to refrain his laughter. 
“Ellie... that wasn’t very nice.” Mark says in a tone of surprise, looking from the stain on his shirt, to his niece. 
“You go change your shirt, I will finish changing this little one.” Kieran says in an amused tone. Mark sighs and leans in to kiss Kieran in appreciation, but Kieran lightly pushes him away. “Mark I love you, but I am not kissing you when you smell like pee.” He says. 
When Mark leaves and Kieran puts a fresh diaper on Eleanor, he grins at her and quietly says
“You did that to show Uncle Mark that I’m your favorite Uncle, didn’t you?” 
Little Eleanor, just like her namesakes, was one of the most loved babies in the world, both her mothers adored her beyond words, all her aunts and uncles loved her more than anything, her grandparents were infatuated with her, Jia and Patrick adored their granddaughter and were extremely proud of her and her mothers.
Helen had never been happier than she is now she is a mother at long last, everything felt perfect for the first time in a long time, she just wished her parents and sister could be around to meet the daughter she longed for and fought for. Secretly, she liked to think Eleanor was a gift from her parents and sister. 
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Embarrassing Childhood stories Head cannon
Created with the wonderful Emily @readwriteswim. We were actually planning a different set of Head Cannons but got carried away with a different idea, so I hope you enjoy!
Jia is definitely the sort of mum who shows baby photos of Aline to Helen because “look at her she used to be so cute” (Helen later assures Aline she’s still very much cute).
It happens the first time Aline bring Helen home to meet her parents. She goes to the toilet and when she comes back, Jia and Helen are sitting on the sofa with a photo album out.
Ever so often Jia will point to various photos and tell the story of that particular photo, all of which Helen finds very amusing.
Aline finds this all very embarrassing, so Helen tells them embarrassing stories about Mark to make Aline feel better. There is also a lot of cuddling between the pair, and soft kisses to the temple.
It becomes a tradition. Every time Helen goes to Aline’s house, Jia picks another photo album for them to go through.
This tradition stops when Helen gets exiled to Wrangle Island, and Aline goes to join her.
Jia of course still goes to visit when she is able to because y’know, she’s the consul.
When the pair of them return for their wedding, they make time for them to sit down for “photos and stories”. This time, Helen asks Jules to bring a few old photos of her when she was younger to show them. Aline just gushes as how cute lil’ toddler Helen was.
During her visits to Wrangle Island, Jia makes a point to spoil her daughter, and daughter in law absolutely rotten.
They’ll sit on the sofa talking and laughing over the silliest of things, and Jia occasionally asking “did I ever tell you the time Aline....?” and Aline’s just “Mum please stop talking”.
But Helen will always give them some privacy and alone time, just as Aline does when Helen skypes her siblings.
She’s always there to cuddle Aline when her Mum has to go back to Idris. Aline cries every single time.
When their exile is over and they are able to return to L.A. Helen delights in telling embarrassing stories of her younger siblings. Emma thinks she’s immune as she’s not a Blackthorn, but Helen makes it clear that this is not the case.
Jules and Emma on the other hand tell stories of Tavvy, which have Helen crying with laughter.
Although Helen put’s up a front of “I’m so lucky no one can remember the embarrassing things I did when I was little” it upsets her no one can, as well...we don’t talk about what happened to her parents.
Mark is able to remember a few things about lil’ baby Helen, but being two years younger, her can’t remember much.
Aline notices Helen’s hurt at not having humiliating stories about her, she delights in telling everyone some of the stuff she’s walked in on Helen doing when she thinks Aline isn’t looking.
But later that night she makes sure to hold Helen extra tight, knowing how much she’s hurting.
Mark asks Helen is it’s “Older sister privileges” which makes her enjoy “tormenting them with her stories” she nods going “of course it is”.
Tavvy then scowls at Jules saying “Jules told stories and he’s not a sister!” which makes everyone laugh. Jules simply shrugs going “I have Dad privileges” to which no one even questions.
Later that night, Emma just holds Jules extra tight, knowing how difficult it is for him to be a Dad to his younger siblings, rather than their brother.
She asks him if he’d like to be a Dad, and well that’s a story for another time.
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