#But his personality is like Itto and Childe combined
otomiyaa · 3 months
Lyney's Trick
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A/N: Fic #3 for the 2-part fics! No tickling yet in this part, so the poll results will really have a lot of influence on how the fic will continue🤭
Summary: Lyney is at a birthday party with many of Aether's friends. Because Lynette and Freminet are a little awkward and stiff, he asks them to help him play a trick on someone. It will definitely guarantee some joy and laughter for his siblings, the person tricked, and everyone else.
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It was a fun gathering. Sure it was. They were inside the marvelous Serenitea Pot Realm to celebrate the Traveler's birthday party, and it was rather impressive. Quite many people from all over Teyvat showed up to join the celebration.
The lively Gaming just came off the stage after giving a performance which was soon followed by Furina who was now in the middle of giving a fabulous show of her own. Lyney already had his turn and gave a magic show earlier as well.
"Enjoying yourselves?" he asked Lynette and Freminet. That was the only problem with this gathering. He noticed his siblings were a little shy to socialize with others.
From Fontaine almost all of Aether's friends were here, which was quite surprising. Even Neuvillette, and Wriothesley - but then again, even the Duke of the Fortress of Meropide wouldn't miss a chance to enter the Traveler's infamous Teapot realm and enjoy a cup of the finest tea.
From other nations there were people like the very loud Harbinger Childe, Venti the Bard from Mondstadt, Arataki Itto from Inazuma, Hu Tao from Liyue, just all those personalities combined made it quite lively, loud, chaotic and energetic, so he understood why Freminet and Lynette were a little overwhelmed by it all.
"Maybe we can join them?" Lyney suggested, pointing at the Sumeru table where a few people were playing cards, but Lynette shook her head.
"I'm fine. I drink tea," she said stiffly. Wriothesley, at the same quiet tea-table, nodded proudly.
"It's good tea," he said. Neuvillette merely nodded. Lyney shrugged. He would feel bad to leave them alone so awkwardly, even though he felt a little more tempted to engage with the others, to learn more about their nations, their friendship with Aether, maybe to show them more of his magic tricks and- oh.
A trick. Maybe he could get Freminet and Lynette to open up if they helped him with a trick! Not just a trick. The secret magic trick.
"Guys, do you remember my secret magic trick?" he asked Lynette and Freminet. Freminet shook his head.
"What secret trick?" Lynette asked.
"The one that makes people laugh. Even you, it made you laugh," Lyney said, and he winked. Lynette blushed.
"Oh. That one." She clearly remembered, and Freminet did too since he made a little squeak noise.
"You wouldn't," he said.
"You've got my attention. I am curious now, right Neuvillette?" Wriothesley said. Neuvillette nodded again.
Lyney hummed and gazed around the crowded space. "Well, the secret trick needs a person to try it on. It's a magical trick to make someone laugh, so..." he explained, while he considered the perfect victim. Not anyone from the Fontaine group, the chance was they had seen the trick, heard of it, or witnessed him playing it on people in Fontaine. It was quite popular and effective after all.
His eyes fell on Gaming who was still gathering compliments after his show. He seemed like an easy target, a sweet bubbly and curious person who would definitely want to try it out.
Lyney then stared at Childe, the Eleventh of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers. Very tempting, but being a member of the Fatui as well, he would meet him a little more than others perhaps, and besides, Childe was clever. This scheme could backfire, but at the same time, if he would succeed... Lyney would feel more triumphant than ever.
"NOOOOOOOO!" Lyney almost fell over when a deafening yell could be heard from the Oni, Arataki Itto, who had just lost an Onikabuto battle against the Yashiro Commissioner, Kamisato Ayato. Itto looked like someone who would enjoy a trick like that, and he would most definitely fall for it.
While the Yashiro Commissioner and his sister looked quite elegant in a way that didn't really invite Lyney to trick them, at the same table sat a kind looking guy. Lyney knew he was called Thoma. He looked like he would accept and fall for it... perhaps?
The Mondstadt people were all too busy admiring Furina on stage, and the Sumeru group seemed very invested in their card game, however... Lyney noted the blond guy who seemed a little distracted.
"Kaveh? It's your turn," the fox guy said to him. Kaveh. Hm... Maybe him, but it was a question whether he would accept.
Lastly, Lyney glanced at Aether who was also staring at Furina's show at this moment. He had cute sparkles in his eyes. He was the perfect victim, but honestly, he was also the most dangerous. Lyney would definitely get his ass handed right back to him afterwards, but it could be worth it.
"Well? Who will it be?" Lynette asked, and Lyney smiled when he noticed she actually looked forward to this. Freminet seemed eager too.
With so many people together he was sure they would attract some attention soon, so he had only one chance to perform the prank- er, trick successfully.
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heiayen · 2 years
helping you cheat on an exam - various x reader
tags: short headcanons, more comedic style, implied modern au? characters; kaeya, diluc, childe, zhongli, venti, scaramouche, itto, albedo
summary: would genshin characters help you cheat? or let you cheat from them? and if yes, should you even accept their help?
a/n: i don't know what to say except that this idea happened while talking in a server. and ayato was meant to be here but full offense to this guy i don't know how to write him lol have fun <3
Kaeya, despite all the rumours about him, is actually a great student! Very polite, good grades, it’s hard to not adore this boy. And he would never, ever cheat on an exam, simply because he just knows it all.
But he would let you cheat. Or help if you have different class or can’t sit close to each other. It would come with a price of having to deal with his teasing and other foolery.
Yes, he will tell you the answers. Yes, he will help you make the cheat sheet right before the exam. Yes, he will make fun of you (lovingly) and even give you wrong answers sometimes. Deal with it. 
As the gentleman, Diluc would not help you cheat. It’s bad to cheat on exams and you can get into troubles if you get noticed. It’s just not worth it.
But he would help you study before the exam however! One complain from you in the morning about the tomorrow’s exam and the moment you finish classes, Diluc is right beside you, ready to study with you. And trust me, he really would try to make sure that you understand the material and can easily pass the exam without the use of cheats.
If you fail, however… that’s on you! 
Look, don’t get me wrong, because Childe will gladly help you! But are you sure you want his help out of all people here? Because, really, he’s not the best person to cheat from.
He’s an average student with average grades but those grades are often just a lucky strike. Cheating from his in class is rather risky because, yes, he might just make a very good guess and answer the question right.. or he might pick the worst answer ever and earn not only himself but also you a scolding from the teacher who probably realized that you cheated anyway.
So the best thing you can do is to combine your knowledge and simply prepare some cheat sheets before class– or even better, the day before class so those sheets has actually good answers. 
Zhongli is the class president, he can’t help you cheat. Sorry. Something something about rules and being responsible, about being caught, you know… 
But just like Diluc, he will also help you study. He has all the notes you need, written with perfect handwriting, not a single topic missing. And he also has a very good studying plan! Literally the best person to study with! He will also review the topics with you before the exam, so he can be sure that you will pass. Just make sure you complain earlier than an hour before the exam.
And if you don’t pass… then it’s really on you.
Venti’s a good student unless it comes to exams. He’s just somehow… so bad at taking exams that no matter how many good grades he will get from all the essays and additional work and homework– all of this is shadowed by his exam grades.
But he’s good at distracting people! So while it won’t be wise to cheat from him, he will gladly distract the teacher somehow so you can take your tiny little cheat sheet and write down everything you need. He will even help you prepare it.
As for himself, he doesn’t care about cheating that much… if he manages to cheat, great! If he doesn’t, well, happens. Look, he just wants to pass…  
Yeah, no. Scaramouche is not going to help you cheat. You’re on your own. Have fun!
He’s a good student so he doesn’t himself cheat much and he’s a good person to cheat from because he usually has most of the answers right, but… no, he just wouldn’t really let you. Or he would give you the wrong answer for fun. He can help you study though if you ask nicely… Different thing is how much you will learn from this study session. 
He called the teacher on you once. It wasn’t an important exam– rather, a simple test but still. A tragedy. Really.
Please don’t ask Itto for help. For your own good. He’s… a student for sure and willing to help you cheat but, just, you see…
Most of the time he’s getting caught. The teacher saw him trying to read from behind his pencil case, from a shoe, on his arm… Asking him to help you cheat is like a death wish. Or a failed exam wish! 
A good thing is that you can always use the distraction he created by getting caught to cheat yourself. At least this. 
Albedo is a another very good student who needs no cheats to pass with flying colors. But in comparison to other good students, a bit more willing to help you cheat.
Yes, he will tell you that you shouldn’t cheat. Yes, he will help you study and trust me, studying from his notes is really an amazing experience. And, yes, if you really need the answer to this one question or two then… maybe?
Honestly, if he knows that you studied hard and are trying your hardest, he probably won’t mind much helping you a little. He knows you can do it, after all.
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meili-sheep · 1 year
How do you think Diluc’s harem would react to someone flirting with Diluc?
/nf I don’t even know if your still doing these things 🧍
I am always up for more Diluc Harem! I am sorry this is so late. I've been in the last hour of school, and it's been a weird "stop AND NOW RUN!" I have been nearly forgetting everything. But I put alarms on my phone for a reason!
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See, Albedo is probably one of the more confident people here. And like real confidence. Not prideful, and not faux confidence. Real pure confidence.
So someone flirting with Diluc would be totally unphased. But he might start taking not to see what Diluc is respective to. Because he knows Diluc would not be respected at all and does his best to shut it down. But if there is a slight reaction, Albedo would like to know and then try the line himself because if it managed to break through Diluc's defense with a strange what would happen if he said?
And Albedo loves nothing more than Diluc's reactions.
Ayato is a little more jealous. He does try not to because he trusts Diluc. But he's just a little more possessive. So while his initial reaction is to be annoyed, he sort of likes seeing Diluc get a little aggressive and put people down. He'd probably watch a moment, and then if the person would not give up, he would probably step in and just kiss Diluc in front of everyone. Much to Diluc's great embarrassment, but Diluc's not gonna protest that much. He's just gonna need a moment that Ayato will happily accompany.
So Childe is impuslive. He kind of just does a lot of stuff without thinking. But he's also a little clueless about certain things. So it would take him a minute to realize that someone is flirting with Diluc. It probably would end up with them getting touchy with Diluc.
And well depending on the touch, there might be a lost hand. But that would totally be passed on Diluc's comfort and reaction enough. Because you can't tell me Childe isn't a King of respecting boundaries. Like He just pulls out a knife and diluc just gives him a look that says "No don't kill him, but you can kick him out" and Childe is just a happy puppy he picks up this person and literally drops the kids them out.
So Eula is a little more insecure. And has this thing about not wanting to taint Diluc's image with her name. So she would just sit quietly. And just a little sad. But Diluc would quickly notice and probably ignore whoever was flirting with him and go sit and have a good time with Eula.
Now if Childe is a dumb golden retriever boyfriend Itto is 10x worst. He would totally not realize the person is flirting with Diluc and would actively join in thinking they are just talking bout how great Diluc is. And he would get so super into it and just energetic that I think the person flirting would just give up. Because they just can not match Itto's energy and just pure love.
So we all know Kaveh has a lot of pride. And I think that would extend to his pride in being a good boyfriend. So he combined with his total faith in Diluc as the "sweet person," He would really only feel the end to outdo the person in flirting.
And While I think he's a little awkward and dramatic at times, it's all charming because he's simply so passionate and care so much. Diluc probably liked that best about Kaveh, just how much he can care and keep caring despite how hurt he might get.
So there isn't a lot to say here because Thoma's just a sweet guy, and he and Diluc would just both kind of ignore the person flirting until they got the message.
It might be a little different afterward, with Thoma feeling like he needs to give Diluc more attention and affection because clearly, people haven't noticed that Diluc's in a relationship with him.
Xiao is the kind of person who tolerates other people for Diluc. But he would not tolerate someone flirting or touching Diluc. So the moment it starts the person flirting with Diluc would just feel a murderous aura. And see the Adeptus just glaring at them from probably like a rafter or something and then they leave, letting Xiao take their seat. While Diluc just chuckles to himself.
Now Zhongli has age and confidence on his side. But he'd take an interest in new flirting techniques and, like Albedo would watch a moment before going up to the person flirting with Diluc and asking them questions. Definitely does a "back in my day" line and tries an old pick up line on Diluc. Which to be fair, it is only effective because Zhongli is using it.
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cakers-2000 · 1 year
NCT (OT22) and their Genshin Impact Mains/Favorite Characters
This post is for an exceptionally niche group of people (like myself) who play Genshin Impact and also stan NCT so for that group of people, please enjoy I had so much fun writing this and creating the pictures/aesthetics and really just thinking of the whole thing. (No this did not stem from an absolute want to play Genshin Impact with them shut up.)
Taeyong - Nilou
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Taeyong is a Nilou main and I will die on that hill.
I feel like he'd really like her entire aesthetic, probably doesn't play a lot of video games so I see him going for characters looks and aesthetics more than play style (not to say that Nilou is bad I adore her and the few Nilou mains I've encountered). I think he would see a little bit of himself in her, both very caring, hardworking, and sharing the same passion for dance. And her Ult??? Strong believer that he would use it whenever it's full even when there's no enemies around purely because he thinks it's beautiful (Me too Taeyong).
Taeil - Tighnari
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You know how sometimes you just look at two things and you just know??? That's how I feel about Taeil and Tighnari. I can't really explain why I think Taeil would main Tighnari. I think like Taeyong, he'd like his overall aesthetic. Loves the big ears and the nature like vibe he has going on with the flowers and green shades. I think he would also really like Tighnari's entire personality. The way he's so smart but also so snarky. I could see Taeil trying to incorporate Tighnari's attitude into his own vocabulary if that makes sense at all?
Johnny - Childe/Tartaglia
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Firstly let me just start with the obvious
Johnny 🤝 Childe mains
Being an absolute menace memelord
It was actually a pretty hard tie up about whether he would play Childe or Itto but I ultimately went with Childe as I feel Johnny would definitely like and vibe with both of them but he would like Childe's playstyle more. The double weapon with his skill is definitely a big draw for Johnny. I feel like he'd also really like the double agent kinda vibe Childe has going for him. Being a playable character and friends with the Traveler but also being part of the Fatui??? That's absolutely sick.
Yuta - Kaeya
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Yet another one who I feel would choose more aesthetic over playstyle. But I also feel like once he's got a team made he wouldn't really change it so he's probably been a Kaeya main since the very beginning of the game and now at this point he's just attached. Probably has him c6 and maxed the fuck out with artifacts and weapons. Loves his playful yet serious demeanor and wants to be just like him. Also thinks he's gorgeous (me too Yuta, me too).
Kun - Ganyu
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Please help this man he sees way too much of himself in Ganyu (but as a Ganyu kinnie, felt Kun). Likes her playstyle more than anything. I think he would like a combined team of Ganyu as the main and some type of Hydro character like Mona who can apply Hydro to enemies while off the field so he can freeze them with Ganyu. He 100% enjoys fighting the Oceanid with her for fun. I can not explain why I just feel it in my bones that he just loves freezing everything in the game that he can, finds it very satisfying.
Doyoung - Amber
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No but seriously I think he's a bit like Yuta. Probably got her and then just never changed her from his team and now he's attached. But I can also see him really enjoying her playstyle. It's easy to grasp for beginner players and I can't really see him going out of his way to play competitively or anything like that so I think it's perfect for him. And I 100% see him enjoying bow characters more than any other type in the game so it's a win win.
Also loves the fuck out of Baron Bunny and probably wants a stuffed animal of one.
Ten - Yae Miko
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He reminds me of Miko so much and I know he would think the same way. He loves her character design so much. The colors, the EARS. Not to mention her personality??? Sexy but also sadistic and a bit twisted???? Sign him the fuck up he's going to main her until the day he dies. And her makeup? I know he'd try to recreate it. Maybe even asks the staff to try it for him for a public appearance.
Jaehyun - Ayato
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This one was hard. I had a hard time choosing between Ayato and Ayaka. Ultimately I feel like he'd main both and just have them on a team together but I decided to go for Ayato. I feel like he'd enjoy running around and exploring as Ayato more than Ayaka. I don't think he'd like her sprint all that much (as a former Ayaka main, it can get a bit annoying to control sometimes). Also loves watching Ayato's idles. Probably laughs everytime he pulls Boba out of his sleeve.
WinWin - Kazuha
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Like Taeil this was a match that I just knew you know? I feel like he'd enjoy using Kazuhas skill and watching all of the enemies cluster together and then plunge on them and one shot them. Probably has him built amazingly for the sole purpose of trying to one shot the smaller enemies (like hilichurls or mage hilichurls). I think he'd also like the flowy yet stoic samurai aesthetic Kazuha has going on. I could see him wanting to style his hair like Kazuhas for a comeback (though lets be real SM probably would never let him).
Jungwoo - Klee
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Loves exploding literally everything.
And if he's co-oping he likes to wait for the person to go AFK and then use Klee to set the ground on fire and kill their character cause he think it's funny. Him and Klee are a chaotic match made in heaven. He also just thinks she's super cute! She was probably the first five star he ever got and became really attached to her and now refuses to take her off his team or use anyone else. I could see him definitely having her built pretty well too. His Klee does some massive damage (part of that being just so he can set his friends on fire and kill them even faster).
Mark - Layla
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Probably one of my favorite duos that I thought of. I call them: The overworked and exhausted babies (SM please let Mark rest).
But in all honesty I can definitely see him relating hard to her which was a big reason why he decided to main her (but I could also see the same with Ganyu). I think he would enjoy her playstyle, probably enjoys using shield generating characters such as Layla, Zhongli, Noelle, etc. But he has that personal connection with Layla which is what made him decide on her. I feel like he'd also really like her character design. Likes the witchy, academic look but also how they really encaptured her tired and overworked state in her facial design! I could talk about Mark and Layla all day, like I said it's one of my favorite duos!
Xiaojun - Mona
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Same vibes
That is the best way I can describe it. He likes her sprint, thinks it's super unique! He probably lost his 50/50 in all honesty and decided that he was going to get his use out of her but he ended up really enjoying her play style and character. I think he'd also just really enjoy using Catalyst characters, he thinks the playstyle is fun. Probably quotes her all the time too just for fun. He loves the whimsical things she says.
Hendery - Bennett
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Another duo that I really like.
I can see Hendery being a healer 100% when it comes to doing domains, but also enjoying Bennett's character of always being unlucky, he thinks it's endearing! I could see him having his Bennett built really well, he probably does some massive damage and some good healing without needing all that many buffs. I could see his Bennett being his pride and joy and loves showing off the damage he can do.
Renjun - Albedo
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I am a strong believer in Renjun Albedo supremacy.
I can see him liking Geo characters so he probably had a hard time choosing who to main between all of his options. But he was probably drawn to Albedo both for their shared love of art and the air of mystery that Albedo has about him. I could see Renjun just simply thinking that Albedo is a cool character (strong agree) and he already knows he likes using Geo characters so it's kind of a win win. He gets a geo and he also get a character he just genuinely thinks is neat.
Jeno - Beidou
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Simply thinks she's a badass and a boss bitch. (He's right.)
He enjoys the pirate aesthetic and I can see him enjoying claymore characters. He practiced a lot when he started maining her so he could get the timing for her skill Tidecaller just right and deal maximum damage everytime. I can see him and The Dreamies domaining a lot together so his Beidou is probably pretty stacked in terms of artifacts and can do some damn good damage.
Haechan - Yoimiya
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As an NCTzen whose Ultimate bias is Haechan
Please let me explain
I also could 100% see him being a Hu Tao main. And I think it would be a situation like Jaehyun where he most likely would have both Hu Tao and Yoimiya on a team together. But I can see him gravitating more towards Yoimiya aesthetically. I think he would really like the fireworks she attacks with and thinks her ult is absolutely gorgeous! I could also see him doing her little sparkler spinny dance idle all the time during dance practices or just for fun. Essentially he's the Marge Simpson meme when it comes to Yoimiya. "I just think she's neat 😃"
Please I love this duo so much and I want it to be true so bad.
Jaemin - Diona
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I believe with my whole chest that Jaemin would play as a healer.
And she's a cat.
Oh my god
That's so cute.
He absolutely adores her. He is a proud Diona main and has maxed her out. I'm talking c6, triple crowned glory. She does some massive healing for his teammates (*cough cough* the dreamies *cough cough*) and he loves testing her out against the Oceanid to see how he can change up her artifacts to get even more damage out of her.
Honestly I think he would be a die hard Diona fan, I don't see anyone else having as much passion for her character as he would.
YangYang - Lisa
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Fell in love with her the moment he got her and put her on his team and he's never looked back sense. Like Mark he loves the academic witchy vibe she has but also really likes using a catalyst character and shocking enemies. I can see him also really liking her purple rose aesthetic and wanting to replicate it subtly in his own wardrobe if that makes sense?
Shotaro - Gorou
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No he does not care that the Genshin meta calls him and his kit useless he is going to make the best DPS Gorou or die trying. He loves him. He thinks his ears and tail are super cute and he loves the little dog that joins Gorou when he uses his skill or burst (like Doyoung I could definitely see him wanting a plush of it).
Spends a lot of his free time domaining and grinding so that he can make the #1 DPS Gorou. I could 100% see him streaming it with NCTzens so he isn't bored and alone. I can see him also really enjoying using bow characters.
Sungchan - Noelle
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He has her built like a TANK.
He wears the badge of Noelle main with pride.
I think he would enjoy really everything about her. He likes her character design, the cutesy maid uniform with pieces of armor scattered throughout to show that she's also a knight, the little rose petals in her hair and the fact that she swings around a giant claymore??? She is so badass and he believes that with every bone in his body.
Chenle - Xinyan
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This was the original headcanon that sparked this entire list. I LOVE the duo of Chenle and Xinyan.
I think he would think she's so cool and badass. The rock and roll aesthetic, the flames, he loves everything about her.
I know most people say you can't build Xinyan well for damage but as someone with a Xinyan on my team I think that's bullshit and he has his Xinyan BUILT. When he's doing Domains with the Dreamies he is absolutely carrying and crushing their opponents without much help needed other than for the pure fact of doing elemental reactions.
He grinds the hell out of domains and has her maxed out, triple crowned, the works.
Jisung - Sayu
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By far another one of my all time favorite duos.
I love the idea of Sayu main Jisung. I think when you put him and Chenle together they are unstoppable. Jisung uses Sayus swirl to his full advantage and even the physical damage and healing stats on his Sayu absolutely slap. He probably grinds domains with Chenle and though his Sayu probably isn't triple crowned or maxed yet she's probably pretty damn close (he's working on it).
I can see him being a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to his Sayu and she'll never fully be built. He wants her to be perfect and so his grind for Artifacts will never really end as he always wants the best next artfact for her.
But that's okay, whatever makes him happy, and it'd be a real big testament of his love and appreciation for the character
Holy crap that took forever. But I had a ridiculously good time writing and creating all of this.
If you're reading this, this is your sign to write down and publish those random headcanons you came up with because even if people don't read them, it'll make you feel really happy.
Please please comment or share I wanna hear everyone's thoughts and who you all would personally think the members would main!
Tag list: @kaiyaki-sano
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2-dsimp · 1 year
OKAY! Here we GO! (late to the party but making an entrance)
We should do TEAMS of 4!
I would say TEAM OF 2 BUT there is a HUGE problem with that. 2 people will be left out and we ALREADY have the Scaramouche debuff coming. Making a single enemy is NOT a good idea. Double is WORSE.
Bubble Tea anon is right. We NEED to take Childe and Razor with us.
Reasons: Childe is the club president and jealousy and impulsivity are totally his thing. Razor has been with us since the beginning and I think the whole "Lupercal" thing could come in hand later.
LASTLY we should take either Heizou or Gorou. Heizou has that detective thing going on and Gorou has a big in with Kokomi who we don't want to upset. Itto reads as important, but I think he would be easy to reassure along with Gorou. They both seem like the kind who need a short burst and a promise for shared lunchtime or something.
Heizou, Childe, and Razor would be longer term trust regaining and more overt and time consuming actions. We don't have that time.
I don't think Gorou + Itto searching together will lead to death as fast as literally any other combinations
Personal vote is this: Childe + Razor + Heizou
One more thing. I, personally, think we should use one of the blessings we have from Chongyun right as we pick teams. It'll increase our luck and hopefully keep angry-not-picked from killing us or debuffing us into life 3.
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2broschlininahotub · 2 years
Meet the fairy tail.
They all have a copy of their story on their tails. They were all taught magic by Selene and Rilliona was the one that unlocked their magic. Their magic is all based on stories. There power is tied to the book. They all have powers that are tied to said stories. They all have a specific nation they would love to visit to. They are used to live in a ginormous library but they are now living with the witchcrafters.
Meet Fairy tail Rochka.
Her name comes from Snegurochka or snow maiden. Snegurochka work as the helper for Russian Santa. She is his granddaughter. She is a Sable a type of weasel.
Powers She has the power to magically have a gift in front of someones door. She knocks then places the gift then runs away. The gift usually depends on the person who is the gift for but the contents are anything. It can be a giant sword, a diamond ring, a cure for a disease but she does not have control of what the gift is. She also has the power to freeze or flash freeze anything. In theory she can instantly freeze someone's blood stream.
Personality She is described to be shy to most people. She has a very generous heart. She is known to give gifts to children or people who are in pain. I am talking if your poor or depressed. She would give a gift. She wants to help even though you might not understand what she is saying. Rochka cannot be understood by humans unless they can understand what animal language. Most of the people in the magical Citadel understand her with a translation spell and an illusion spell for subtitles if the person is deaf. She wants to go to snezhnaya to get the feeling of playing in the snow.
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Meet Luna
Luna comes from the tale of the bamboo cutter or the tale of princess Kaguya. Luna is also a fox.
Powers She has a small sash that she can use as a rope and also has the ability to steal memories, The sash has the ability can steal a person's s memory, give someone memories they have lost or force them to say the truth. The length of the sash is as long as the lasso of truth or 150 feet or 45.72 meters long. The sash has the flexibility and weight of silk and the toughness of Damascus steal.
Personality She puts on aa very noble front but is the total opposite when she does not need to put on a respectful act. She is very carefree and relaxed. She is quiet and smart. She is also very observant to the point that people think she can see the future. She does this so that she knows who can she trust. She likes people who are genuine. She would probably like Itto, Ayaka, Thoma, Shinobu or Yoimiya. She likes them cause they are not putting up a front in front of her. She would probably dislike people like Ayato or Yae cause she feels like they are manipulative. The clothes she wears can repair themselves in case they get damaged. Rilliona made them so that it is durable and flexible despite its appearance. She wants to visit inazuma cause she feels at home there.
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Meet Snow
Snow is a squirrel combined with Snow White.
Powers She has the power to send someone to an eternal sleep. Depending on the person It could be something that can only be described as something that came out of silent hill or resident evil or something out of a child's imagination. The only way to wake up said person is a true love's kiss or being splashed on the face with a boiling hot caffeinated drink (Coffee or Caffeinated tea).
Personality She is described to be somewhat prim and proper yet has a habit of pulling pranks that are just tiny inconveniences for most people. She loves apples. She loves them to the point she eats the seeds. Surprisingly, She has an immunity to natural poisons meaning if she can eat deadly nightshade without feeling anything. She also easily bribed by apples or apple flavored items.
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This part will be a part two of the Sumeru stuff.
Meet Vara, Seidhr of the generaider bosses
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Vara itself seems to be a Germanic/Nordic word for ‘heed’ or ‘be aware of’. It could also be a feminized spelling of Var, a goddess of Oaths.
Seidhr itself is a form of pre-Christian Nordic magic associated with both seeing/telling the future as well as shaping the future, and while both men and women practiced it, it has an association with the feminine.
She is also Agrboda Loki or Loptr's first wife and the mother of Hel or Hela, Jormungandr and fenrir.
Vara is described to be as a mysterious hermit that lives alone in the woods. She has a personality of a loyal and motherly kind of woman. She is nine feet and six inches barefoot but she wears heals so she is ten feet and six inches. Vara was kept secret for a long time to the other generaider bosses except Hela. Loptr was worried how would they react to her. She has the power to see the future and has access to a lot of knowledge. She also knows things that should not be known. She can overload someone's brain with so much knowledge that it literally makes their brain shut down. She also has something that Liyue wished they had. She has the ability to make any vow, oath, promise or contract to never be broken. If someone were to intentionally break said promise, they would suffer from a lot of plagues from maggots growing inside their body or coughing up their organs. Loptr genuinely loves her and cares for her. She gets to meet the other generaiders. She met them and told them that She is Loptr's wife. Most of them were shocked on how Loptr got an amazing wife like you. She told that she liked him back and even got married. They liked her back and Loptr came back ready to fight the others but he was shocked from how well liked she was. They asked her one thing is to make sure Loptr does not do anything that could get them in trouble or to make sure to keep Loptr on a leash to make sure that he doesn't do anything to crazy. You know the green gem with blue fluff on a string on well that is her equivalent of an engagement ring with Loptr.
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Meet Jormungandr generaider boss of eternity.
Jormungandr is very long to the point that he can encircle earth. Jormungandr is currently with Vara cause he trusts her and also as protection. She is probably going to be hounded by the akedemiya for knowledge so she threatens them that they will be his dinner if you keep pestering her. Vara rides on her own son as transportation. He doesn't mind as long as he trusts them. He has a poison from his breath that kill most things but the poison is natural. He those spines can retract and shoot out like homing needles. Those spines are also dangerous. Jormungandr currently in a small form but still has the weight.
@nomorefstogive sorry for not posting about this for a while I was just focused on other stuff.
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narcoticwriter · 2 years
What Your Favorite Genshin Impact Ship Says About You: The Narcotic Edition
Also known as: Speed-running my cancelation in 4K and High Definition with the tea, receipts, and screenshots in real-time.
If I missed any of them or you want me to do an extension of this list with your own ideas of ships and pairings, feel free to comment any of them (except the ones with children and siblings, you know the ones).
If you don't know the drill already: For legal reasons, this is a joke.
Note: If you happen to see any ships you don't like in this list for whatever reason, then that's not my problem because I don't really care.
Zhongli x Childe: You have either been around since the heyday of launch for the game or you got into it because you saw them literally everywhere you went. You also love chopsticks and may or may not ship Soukoku.
Xiao x Venti: Your copium of 'Venti saved Xiao' is running dangerously low and as such, you desperately consume the respective character's canon media and make it intertwine with the others as much as possible despite them having no correlation whatsoever.
Kaeya x Albedo: You either looked at their implied lore and said 'yup I ship it' or you took Kaeya's voice line about Albedo to the next level. You can also draw Kaeya with three strokes of a writing instrument.
Yanfei x Yelan: You believe that Yelan definitely has an 'agreement' with Yanfei to keep her off the books. You also think it's dubious for an advocate of the law to know someone who overtly skirts around it for a living.
Lisa x Jean: You think there's nothing better in this world than two hot, smart, and independent women who love each other unconditionally. You are also either a fluff fan or an angst enjoyer.
Xiao x Aether/Lumine: You believe that Xiao's canonical character development of seeing himself as a person as opposed to a weapon of war is 75% attributed to the traveler's direct involvement. You also love the hurt/comfort tag in the sum of its parts, unsavory and all.
Keqing x Ganyu: You love the 'burnt-out workaholic' and the 'live to work workaholic' dynamic more than any sane person would. You also love the idea of taking naps with your significant other after a long day.
Xingqiu x Chongyun: You love the childhood friends to lovers dynamic. You also love the trope of the trickster and their consistent victim that also happens to be their beloved and you never got over the KhunBaam dynamic.
Zhongli x Venti: You have come to the belief that Venti is the only one who can share the memory and as such, you naturally know in your heart of hearts that they are closer to each other than people think.
Kaeya x Diluc: "Alexa, play 'Daddy Issues' by Demi Lovato". You also either enjoy second chances along with a dramatic change in dynamics or you have a step-sibling kink.
Gorou x Sangonomiya Kokomi: You think Gorou is the goodest boi and you think that Kokomi thinks so too. You also get instant serotonin thinking about how cute the both of them are as individuals and then go catatonic upon thinking about them together.
Raiden Ei x Yae Miko: You were neutral on the deity and their devout worshipper dynamic, but the added flavor of being ghosted for a long time combined with shared trauma and an unholy amount of sass made you a staunch believer.
Diluc x Venti: You believe that the bard god has an attachment to his emotional support bloodlines, but that on occasion, that attachment becomes a lot more. You also believe that Venti needed another way to pay for his wine.
Arataki Itto x Gorou: Itto's voice line about Ms. Hina combined with your undying hope of a potential Ms. Hina hangout are the main reasons you dove headfirst with no questions asked. You may also be a monsterfucker, a furry, or incredibly horny.
Eula x Amber: You believe in the sunshine and the protector of sunshine dynamic and have also been on the receiving end of slander by either association or having an unpopular opinion. You are also a RWBY and/or Voltron refugee.
Yanfei x Kuki Shinobu: Not only do you have two sharp and intelligent characters, but they were also in college together in canon? You're genuinely surprised more people haven't jumped on this.
Kaedahara Kazuha x Tomo: You either love angst or you hate it with a blinding passion. You also like the idea of a couple of dudes traveling together, sharing experiences, and just vibing.
Kaeya x Rosaria: Two individuals with questionable backgrounds that just happen to be drinking buddies? You signed the fuck up as soon as it was hinted at in the game. You also think that they can ruin each other.
Albedo x Aether: You are either unbearably soft or such an angst enjoyer that the better fics don't have the hits they deserve because all of the weaker-of-willed readers were chased away by the soul-crushing angst. You may also want Albedo to 'experiment' on you as a self-insert.
Kujou Sara x Kuki Shinobu: You believe that Arataki Itto is an idiot, but you also want him to be used as a plot device to get them together. You also believe that Shinobu and Sara are actual friends and would like a friends-to-lovers scenario for them as well.
Diluc x Jean: You believe that Diluc deserves nothing but happiness and understanding and that Jean can give him both, though you bemoan the lack of genuine Jean-centric introspection in the fanbase as a whole. You are also a sucker for domesticity and the idea of having a large, happy family.
Childe x Lumine: The use of the term 'girlie' still has you by the throat to this day. You may also relish the idea of you beating the shit out of a pronounced battlesexual and renowned warrior with relative ease as a self-insert.
Sangonomiya Kokomi x Kujou Sara: The trope of the sharp and skilled strategist who really just wants to sleep and the tsundere second-in-command who doesn't know how to live on opposite sides of a conflict grabbed you by the throat and hasn't let go since.
Eula x Yanfei: You think that if one character saves another character's life that it's completely acceptable grounds to start shipping them together. You are also a believer in shared trauma.
Kamisato Ayato x Thoma: You took Ayato's line about loyalty and dogs to the next level. You also love yourself a malewife and master of the house dynamic.
Scaramouche x Mona: The one line of 'the stars are a lie' and the true realization of Mona's profession has never left you and will continue to haunt you for as long as you stick around in the fanbase.
Bennett x Razor: You are one of the most wholesome people in this fanbase. You also played that one quest with a religious fervor that concerned your loved ones exponentially with time.
Kamisato Ayaka x Yoimiya: The timeless trope of a sheltered and socially awkward person meeting a firecracker of passion with a zest for life and a lasered focus on the things they love kills you every damn time.
Arataki Itto x Kujou Sara: The dumbass rivals-to-friends-to-lovers trope has you in a tizzy. You have also gone to insane lengths to clear your name through the use of artifacts, weapons, and worldbuilding lore.
Yanfei x Hu Tao: The thought of Hu Tao getting sued by Yanfei's clients and all of the hijinks they would get into are absolutely hilarious to you. You are also a Phoenix Wright enjoyer.
Kamisato Ayaka x Thoma: You want someone to take care of Ayaka and you think that Thoma's the right one for that job. You also want Ayaka to have a suitable husband to continue the Kamisato bloodline.
Kaeya x Childe: You are into the characterization of the both of them being suave foxy individuals that flirt with each in hopes of respective infiltration, only to find that they themselves have been emotionally compromised. You also want Diluc to suffer.
Yun Jin x Xinyan: The thought of two creatives in their own specializations loving each other and cheering each other on despite opposition from either part of their lives is beautiful to you. You may also want the same for yourself.
Shikanoin Heizou x Kaedahara Kazuha: They share national origin and visions, so you put two and two together and shipped them. You also think that their discordant designs per according to other longer-standing vision users of the same element is reason enough.
Shenhe x Yelan: What's better than having a secluded hermit that eats herbs and has a natural inclination for murder and violence? The living personification of movies in 80's Hong Kong and the Persona 5 soundtrack. You also love the trope of a well-known flirt fumbling around a socially stunted person because none of their tactics work.
Albedo x Sucrose: Two nerds in respective fields loving each other in their own special way that may not make sense to outsiders has you by the heartstrings. You have also read 'Unfocused'.
Childe x Diluc: The enemies-to-lovers trope has stayed with you consistently throughout your experiences in media. You may also like hatefucking as a concept.
Eula x Rosaria: You want Eula to commit familicide and you want Rosaria to give her some pointers on how to do it. You also like hot, sexy women.
Shikanoin Heizou x Kuki Shinobu: You relish in the fact that the only positive voice line about Heizou is from Shinobu and is purely transactional in nature. You are also optimistic as to the potential that has to develop in the future.
Diluc x Thoma: Two Mondstadters who don't like alcohol are the only two reasons you need to ship them. You also like the idea of them being childhood best friends and how they traverse their relationship after more than a decade of being apart.
Beidou x Ningguang: You are Hoyoverse.
Requested tag: @sword-dad-fukuzawa
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thedilucharem · 1 year
As One Learns And Remembers . . .
This one's being written in honor of my former scalp, which is gone after seeing his birthday art because his boss really outed him like that. I think I do enough with the characterization here and one of them's new, but I think I got the core elements of them down. Self-indulgent as fuck.
In Yujing Terrace . . .
Zhongli: (wiping his mouth with a handkerchief) Mmm. This was a pleasant meal to be had with you. Thank you for inviting me along.
Diluc: (sets down his chopsticks) The pleasure is all mine. Now, for the bill-
Zhongli: (raises his hand) Allow me to pay for it. It's only fair for me to cover the bill.
Diluc: (raises his eyebrow skeptically)
Zhongli: (pulls out his wallet, politely) Please, I insist. It's only fair for me to cover the bill after you invited me out.
Zhongli sets down the payment, including a decent tip.
Diluc: (genuinely surprised) You didn't have to-
Zhongli: (chuckles, teasing lightly) I do have funds of my own, Diluc. I simply need to get into the habit of remembering to have it on my person.
Diluc: (awkwardly coughs into his fist) Of course. It's just a matter of what to expect. Thank you for paying.
Zhongli: (puts his wallet away) Now that the bill settled, shall we go for a stroll before we go to the theater? It would be my treat to take you as there's a limited show playing.
Diluc: (nods, agreeably) Yes, I would like that very much.
Diluc thought that the show itself was quite good, but to him, the fact that Zhongli actually covered the costs was something else entirely.
Somewhere in the Southern Wharf . . .
Zhongli: (observing a collection of letter openers, holding one) The carved engraving in the hilt is very intricate . . . (holds it up closer) What do you think of it?
Childe: (leans down to look at it, plainly) I really like the blade itself. It's been made well and looks like it'll do its job well. (turns to the display) Wait, I really like this one! (points to one in particular)
Zhongli: Hm? (looks at what he's pointing at) Oh, that is a nice one.
Childe: (thinking on it) You know, I really might get it. It looks durable enough to function as a shank if I need it to.
Zhongli: (unfazed) And it is for a decent price as well.
Childe: (spies something beyond the stall) Hold on, what is that over there . . . (already going towards that area)
Zhongli: (to the merchant, pulling out his wallet) I would like to purchase that letter opener, please.
The letter opener in a display case is a long silvery blade, dark, finished wood carved with what looks to be fish. The carving is filled with blue resin and the blade is engraved with Liyuen script on the edge. When he received it, Childe was very touched to say the least.
At Third-Round Knockout . . .
Zhongli: (waves a waiter over) Another round of drinks and those specialty rice balls for me and my friend, please.
Zhiruo: (nods) Of course, sir. (goes to prepare the food)
Beidou: (still cackling over something he said five minutes ago, fairly buzzed) Archons, that's unbelievable . . .
Zhongli: (turns to her) As unbelievable as it sounds, that is indeed the case. If you had been there to see it yourself, you'd find that it's not as impossible as you'd think to flip a crocodile onto its back.
Beidou: (wipes a tear from her eye) No, not that . . . that's perfectly believable . . .
Zhongli: (confused) Then what's so unbelievable about it? I'm only telling you what happened.
Beidou: (releases a noise akin to a wheeze as she laughs that much harder)
Zhongli: (unable to help but half-heartedly roll his eyes) I know not why you find it so funny, but to each their own, I suppose.
After the refreshments arrive, they chow down and converse some more, their combined energy eventually winding down as the storytelling for the evening starts. Whether Beidou notes that Zhongli paid for the meal this time or not is hardly of any concern at this moment.
At Heyu Tea House . . .
Itto: You know, Gramps, I had absolutely no idea that Ushi was a fan of tea! Ever since you introduced him to it, it's like he can't get enough of the stuff!
Ushi: (sitting on a cushion, lapping at a bowl of tea) Moo, moo.
Itto: (pats Ushi on the head) You're welcome, buddy! And while we're here, maybe Gramps can show you some more teas later.
Ushi: (pointedly) Moo, moo. Moo.
Zhongli: (considering) You'd like something a bit stronger this time?
Ushi: (firmly) Moo. Moo, moo . . . moo.
Zhongli: (nods) Duly noted. Your taste is quite interesting, Ushi. I may try some of your suggestions myself later.
To help with the translation: Ushi is very direct about his likes and dislikes.
Itto: (digs around his pockets and pulls out a few lollipops, opening one and giving it to Ushi) Here you go!
Ushi: (nabs it with his mouth nudging Itto's hand with his head, muffled) Moo.
Itto: (laughs a little) Don't worry about it, man! (hands a lollipop to Zhongli) You like the fruit punch one, right?
Zhongli: (smiles, taking it) Yes. I am quite fond of the flavor. Thank you, Itto.
Itto doesn't blink when Zhongli pays for Ushi's selection of five teas, but for whatever reason, he feels great about it.
At Wangsheng Funeral Parlor . . .
Zhongli: (looking over some documents quietly)
Hu Tao: (suddenly pops up from behind him, clapping her hands on his shoulders, loudly) Boo!
Zhongli: (did not flinch, unfazed) Hello, Director Hu.
Hu Tao: (deflates a little, arms falling away from his shoulders) Aw, I thought I got you for sure that time.
Zhongli: (turns to her) Did you happen to need something from me?
Hu Tao: (perks back up immediately, swinging around to the other side of his desk before rocking on her feet) Only an answer to a question - one question - of mine. (drawn out) So . . . .
Zhongli: (sighs, before asking) What question would you have for me?
Hu Tao: (swiftly goes from bouncy to dead serious) How do you like your gift?
Zhongli: (ponders on it, then says) It is a wonderful gift, Director. (heartfelt) Thank you for seeing it fit to get it for me.
Hu Tao: (eyebrows raised in some surprise, snaps back to her usual self, embellished) You are most certainly welcome, Mr. Zhongli! (bows) As much as I'd love to chat some more, I must leave you to your work. (waves directly in his face) Ta-ta! (dashes out of the room)
Zhongli: (blinks once, then allows himself to laugh a little, fondly) That child . . .
While we're here: 41 followers! Thanks for sticking around during this dry period. I'm trying to get back into it but the years start coming and they haven't stopped coming for a hot second. As such, I'm quite busy, but I felt I could bust this thing out in one go, so here!
An attempt was made to incorporate the five love languages and I don't know if I was successful or now. Have fun guessing them because I'm still guessing myself. Happy birthday, old man.
I shall continue to perpetuate that Ushi is not only sentient but on the thinking level of the Aranara if not Guoba. There's a brain in that head of his, I'm sure of it.
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despairparfait · 1 year
PIGGYBACKS. — itto, heizou, tighnari.
i. PREMISE. itto, heizou, tighnari x child!sibling!reader. (separately)
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If Itto was asked to choose what his favorite sound was, he would pick either one of two options. Number one would be his angelic interpretation of Ms. Hina's beautiful voice in his head every time he reads the advice column, and number two would be your laughter.
The utter joy when he suddenly picks you up, only to place you on his shoulders for a walk, and the way your laughter is just so close to his ear. It fills him to the brim with a feeling that makes him believe that he can do anything. He is the coolest person to you, and it makes him so proud, and makes him want to do nothing but make you happier. Even if it comes at the expense of his pride.
The warning comment from Kuki Shinobu as Itto once again did just that, effortlessly lifting you up and onto his shoulders on a whim, guiding your hands to his horns before he grasped onto your legs to ensure you don't fall. The widest grin creeping onto his face as he shouted a quick, "Up you go!" The squeak of surprise escaping your mouth was just what he wanted to hear.
Shinobu only had mere moments to process what was just about to conspire as Itto looked up to your face, and yelled joyfully, "Hold on tight up there, shortie!" Her eyes visibly widened as she held her hand out to the duo, but before she could open her mouth to speak, she and the rest of the Arataki gang were already left in the dust. Leaving the group only able to watch as the oni sprinted away, the loud combined laughter of you both still audible.
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It was just after the climax of the fireworks display which you watched with awe that you finally succumbed to slumber, mind and dreams destined to be occupied with beautiful displays of colors until morning arises again. As it was getting late and your older brother didn't want to wake you, Heizou decided that carrying you home was the best option.
With your head laid against his shoulder, your light snores could barely be felt against his ear. It was all that he could focus on as he made his way back, trying to keep his body as steady as possible, the cozy feeling inside him sheltering from the outside cold. He couldn't help but allow the dumbest of smiles to grow on his face every time he heard an incomprehensible mumble.
As he felt you shift in your sleep, he turned his head to the side to inspect your sleeping face. Your eyes were shut so lightly, and you looked so blissfully peaceful, he couldn't help but peer at you so affectionately. You looked as if you weren't aware that the stars shine solely for you.
He continued making his way, and at peace was Heizou until you began to mumble yet again. At first it was all unintelligible, muttered nonsense that made no logical sense if he was even able to make it out. It was the cutest thing, he thought. Until you muttered a quiet "m'brother is better than yours," and he was absolutely certain that you are the most adorable thing in the universe with no exceptions.
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「 ✦ TIGHNARI ✦ 」
Utterly exhausted, you lay against a slightly peeved-looking Tighnari's back, his arms hooked securely under your legs as you lay your chin over his shoulder. Eyes barely even able to keep themselves open, eyelids feeling as heavy as the entirety of Sumeru City at once drooping over your sights, only to be snapped open by your sheer willingness to prove that you weren't as tired as you were.
You had reassured your brother over and over again that you would spare the energy for the trip home, yet what did you end up doing? Not that, that's for sure. But it's not like you were going to own up to that. So with the pinnacle of determination and all the resolve you could muster, you tried your very best to both look and sound as awake as possible.
"Look," Tighnari suddenly spoke, snapping you away from potential dreamland once again. He nodded his head in a direction, and you followed with your eyes, noticing a rishboland tiger in the distance. You slowly nodded your head, slowly accepting that you cannot feign being awake anymore. "Which number is that now?"
"Rishboland tiger... What number is it again?" You began to answer, trying so desperately to not sound as tired as you were, but painfully aware of the alerting droopiness of your voice. You swore that you could hear Tighnari chuckle after you spoke, you had completely forgotten the number that you were at as you both counted the number of animals you saw on your way home. "Number... Fifteen?"
Tighnari laughed once again. He wasn't really as mad as you thought he was because you tired yourself out. "Close. That's rishboland tiger number nineteen."
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genshinluvr · 2 years
Overprotective with a Hint of Jealousy
Pairings: Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader
Summary: You knew that the men are protective over you because many things happened to you while you were in Teyvat. Even though you knew they were all protective of you, you couldn't help but have an inkling feeling that a certain someone isn't as nearly as protective of you as they are with someone that no longer exists.
Note: This is just a series of unfortunate events that happens to you in the fic LMAO. I had to throw in some angst and jealousy in this fic because I've been in the mood for some angst lately. Although, this isn't technically considered angst. I have been in the mood for some angst or hurt/comfort kind of fics, so, if you see a lot of them being released, that's why. Also, thank you for over 700 followers! :D I honestly didn't think that many people would follow me or be interested in reading my fics hehe. Seeing you all loving my stories makes me really happy! ^^ To my new and returning readers, I post on AO3 as well, so, if you have an AO3 and see a work similar to this, it’s me (Aaliah_exo on AO3). I don’t post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo).
Warnings: You get hurt a lot in this fic (idk what's up with me and wanting the reader to get hurt. I don't like causing the reader pain, but I do love it when men are in pain (emotionally)). The overprotectiveness is on the men's end while the jealousy is on your end.
Word Count: 6.3k
Part two of Overprotective with a Hint of Jealousy can be found here: Insecurities and Jealousy [Zhongli focused w/ smut].
It’s pretty evident that the men are protective over you. They hover around you like a ruin hunter, ready to strike anyone or anything that poses a danger to your safety. Think of them as a bodyguard who is madly infatuated (perhaps even madly in love) with the person that they’re protecting. You knew how protective they were over you, but not to this extent. Whenever the men are sparring with one another or having a duel, Zhongli and Thoma would put up a shield around you to prevent you from getting hurt by any stray particles (or even weapons) that can come flying your way, which has happened before.
“It’s showtime!” Itto announces, swinging his claymore at Childe. Childe rolled out of the way as Itto barreled towards his direction. Rocks and particles were flying all over the place as Itto swung his claymore at Childe. Itto and Childe were having their daily spar, and everyone was gathered around to watch and see who would win between the two. Since both Childe and Itto are competitive, they have a scoreboard to keep track of who has won the most.
“My Lord, who do you think is going to win this time?” Thoma asks, sitting down beside Ayato as everyone sat idly by to watch the spar between the oni and the 11th Fatui Harbinger.
“I would say Itto, but with the way Childe is flawlessly dodging Itto’s attacks, I believe that it’ll be Childe that will come out as the victor,” Ayato replies, sipping on his boba.
“Ha! You hear that, Itto? Even Lord Ayato says that I’m going to come out as the winner of today’s spar!” Childe boasts, smirking at Itto widely. Itto smirks and launches himself at Childe. Childe dodges Itto once again before turning his bow and arrow into daggers; he twirls it around in his hands before combining them to make a polearm.
“That’s cool and terrifying at the same time,” Venti commented, nervously laughing as he watched Childe twirl the hydro polearm in his hands elegantly. 
“Oh, that’s terrifying.” Itto laughs nervously. “But I’m up for the challenge, Harbinger!” Itto grins widely, getting into position as Childe slowly approaches Itto while calmly and elegantly twirling the hydro polearm.
“Just don’t injure one another.” Baizhu sighs, shaking his head in disapproval. The last time Itto and Childe sparred with each other, one person would be more injured than the other. It’s gotten to the point where Baizhu wasn’t even surprised to see if it was either Childe or Itto walking into the med bay (there’s a med bay at the abode just in case) or Bubu Pharmacy covered in scratches and bruises from head to toe.
“I don’t think that’ll be guaranteed.” Diluc rolls his eyes, leaning against the pillar. 
Zhongli nods his head with a soft exhale, “Knowing Childe, he will push past his limits, and his thirst for blood will blind him.” 
“Why is he always bloodthirsty? I have never seen Scaramouche act like Childe before.” Gorou laughs nervously, twiddling with his thumbs as he watches Childe and Itto try to land a hit on one another.
“He unleashed Osial and almost drowned Liyue. He has always been deranged.” Xiao huffs, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Oh? How interesting. I wonder how a mere mortal like him is able to unseal an ancient god and wreck havoc on the entire region of Liyue.” Kaeya hums, stroking his chin with a raised eyebrow.
“Oh, don’t we all?” Scaramouche asks, looking over at Zhongli from the corner of his eyes before looking over at where Childe and Itto were battling it out.
Kazuha approaches the thirteen men, looking around the abode with confusion on his face. “Have any of you seen [Y/N] today?” He sits down beside Gorou.
“[Y/N]? I didn’t see them today.” Albedo murmurs, gazing down at his sketch pad as he tries to sketch out the scene in front of him— Childe and Itto battling.
“I assume they’ll be out of the abode soon. After all, it is still early in the morning.” Dainsleif spoke up from where he stood.
“Oh, right! I forgot that it’s still early in the morning.” Venti comments, scratching his chin before his lyre appears out of thin air.
“Who spars this early in the morning, though?” Thoma asks, shivering when a cool breeze blows on him and the others.
“The real question is: why is Ayato drinking boba at this time in the morning? It’s a little bit too early for boba, don’t you think?” Diluc raises his eyebrows at the head of the Kamisato Clan. Ayato chuckles in response, sipping on his boba nonchalantly.
“Oh, Diluc! It’s never too early for boba.” A voice spoke up, grabbing the others' attention. You walked over to where they sat and sat between Ayato and Thoma with your own cup of boba in your hands. “I believe it’s the best way to wake yourself up in the morning! Especially since the one I’m drinking right now has a lot of sugar.” You take a sip from your cup.
“Oh? What flavor is it?” Kaeya leans towards you, gazing at you with curiosity.
“Lavender melon milk tea with sakura!” You chimed, taking another sip from the cup. “Although, lavender melon milk tea with sakura boba is not my go-to flavor. I much prefer osmanthus oolong milk tea; it’s frothy and really good.” You added.
“Then why drink something that isn’t your go-to flavor?” Xiao raises his eyebrows at you.
“Because we ran out of the recipe for the osmanthus oolong milk tea.” You sulked, taking another sip of your boba with a small pout on your face. “Don’t get me wrong! I like the lavender melon milk tea with sakura! The only issue that I have with it is that it’s just really sweet. Although, I do need some sugar to wake me up a little, so I might as well drink the lavender melon milk tea with sakura.” You said, stirring the boba with the straw.
“As you can see, Mister Diluc, [Y/N] has refined taste when it comes to beverages. You can drink boba at any time of day.” Ayato says, humming with satisfaction as he takes a long sip of his boba.
“We bond over boba.” You commented, smiling as you continued to take a sip of your boba happily. “Ah, since I missed the first part of the spar, who’s winning so far?” You ask, looking over at the others.
“So far, none of them has landed a hit on one another. Both Childe and Itto kept dodging one another.” Kazuha says, squinting his eyes as he watches Itto and Childe run across the field while trying to hit one another. 
“I didn’t think sparring could be so boring until now,” Scaramouche mutters, rolling his head to the side with a soft sigh.
“Especially when it comes to that bloodthirsty Harbinger.” Dainslief comments, closing his eyes.
“It almost seems like he’s holding back…” Gorou trails off, trying to keep track of the battle between Itto and Childe.
“Childe? Holding back in his battles? How peculiar.” Baizhu chuckles softly, shaking his head with his arms over his chest. Baizhu leans back in his seat, watching the spar between the oni and 11th Fatui Harbinger on the giant field in the abode. While it was early in the morning, Baizhu was surprised to see how energetic both Childe and Itto were.
“Perhaps he is, but his bow and arrow did turn into hydro daggers, which he combined the daggers to make them into hydro polearms,” Albedo mutters, continuing to sketch on his sketch pad.
“And what does that mean exactly?” Thoma asks, tilting his head to the side while his eyebrows furrowed with concentration.
“It means that Childe’s not going to hold back anymore and that things are about to go down.” You commented, shaking your cup around before looking at the clear cup with a small frown. “Aw man, I ran out of boba already.” You muttered, a faint pout appearing on your face.
“Oh? You finished your drink already? You just got here not too long ago with your drink!” Ayato chuckles, raising an eyebrow at you.
You sighed dramatically, “I know, right? I need to stop drinking boba so fast.” 
You got up from your seat and started to walk back to the mansion to throw your empty cup away. As you were walking away from the field, something whizzed past your face, stopping you in your track. You felt a sharp sting on your cheek; blinking in confusion, you reached up and touched your cheek. You looked down at your hands and saw the crimson color of blood. You slowly turned your head, only to see Childe’s hydro polearm stuck to the tree.
“Watch out!”
Before you could react, Dainsleif yanks you back and into his arms. You stumbled and watched Itto’s polearm come flying and stabbing into the ground where you once stood. Your eyes widened in fear, looking over at Childe and Itto like a deer caught in headlights. Zhongli stood in front of you and Dainsleif, his back facing you and the others. Zhongli had his arms over his chest, looking at Itto and Childe with disapproval. 
“What did I tell you two about being careful when sparring?” Zhongli hissed, his amber eyes glowing with anger.
“Yeah! You two could have gotten [Y/N] killed!” Gorou exclaims, rushing over to your side to check and see if you are okay. Childe panics at Gorou’s comment before running over to your side. He pulls you out of Dainsleif’s grasp, cupping your face in his hands as he presses your cheeks together. The look of fear and worry was evident in his eyes.
“[Y/N]! Snookums! I’m so sorry! I didn’t think that my weapon could slip out of my hands like that!” Childe exclaims, wiping the blood off your cheek with the pad of his right thumb. You winced at the stinging sensation before giving Childe a weak smile.
“It’s okay, Childe! It’s not like you did it on purpose or anything like that.” You reply, placing your hand over his.
“How did that claymore slip out of Itto’s hands, though? It doesn’t make sense since he’s wearing gloves.” Diluc gives Itto a disapproving look as Itto pulls his claymore from the ground.
“Listen, man! Sometimes, things just come flying out of our hands no matter how hard we grab hold of something.” Itto says, strapping his claymore to his back.
Dainsleif rolls his eyes, “Well, be careful next time! You could’ve gotten [Y/N] killed.”
“You’re hurt because of me!” Childe frowns, his eyes zeroing in on the cut on your cheek.
“For someone who is so prideful in being the “strongest,” you sure are careless,” Scaramouche commented, smacking Childe upside of his head, causing the ginger Harbinger to scowl at him.
“You’re lucky that the dagger didn’t penetrate [Y/N]’s skull. If it were to do so, I would’ve killed you.” Xiao glares at Childe before pulling you out of Childe’s grasp and handing you over to Baizhu.
“Let's patch up that wound, shall we?” Baizhu gives you a small smile before escorting you to the mansion.
Diluc sighs softly, “We’re just lucky that this will be the only incident where [Y/N] got a minor injury.” 
Kaeya hums in agreement, stroking his chin with his right hand. “Let’s just hope that this will be the only time.” 
Kaeya leaned against the pillar while the others around him murmured in agreement while nodding their heads. To be frank, everyone thought that the whole sparring incident was going to be the only time where you would get injured or be put in harm's way, but they were wrong. And so were you. For some reason, your luck seems to have gotten worse ever since you almost got your head cut off by Itto’s claymore and Childe’s hydro polearm.
You were walking around Liyue with Scaramouche trailing after you. The both of you were supposed to go to the market to buy some ingredients for Thoma, but then something caught your eyes as the two of you were approaching Liyue Harbor. A beautiful glaze lily, all by itself.
“Ooh! Pretty glaze lily!” You gasped, quickly approaching the lone glaze lily. 
As you were just about to pick the glazy lily off the ground, the ground beneath the glaze lily lit up red. Scaramouche grabs you by your shirt collar and pulls you back into his arms; the two of you stumble to the ground as a pyro whopperflower appears in front of you where the glaze lily once stood. 
You and Scaramouche later returned to the abode with the bottom of your clothes singed and burnt. Scaramouche had a deep scowl on his face while you had a small pout on your face while muttering about being betrayed by the appearance of the glaze lily. While Thoma was disappointed that you came back to the abode empty-handed, he didn’t question as to why you didn’t get any ingredients for him after seeing both your and Scaramouche’s appearance. 
There are days when you want to explore all of Teyvat (mainly Mondstadt, Liyue, and Inazuma) with the men! Ever since the whole sparring and whopperflower incident, it has made the men quite protective of you. You weren’t too sure if they were overprotective of you because you almost got killed or if it was because of your bad luck. The men stuck by your side practically 24/7 outside of the abode, regardless of the actual reason. Some choose to stick by your side at all times, whether you’re in the abode or out of the abode (Childe).
“Can we explore this abode? I’ve always wanted to see what an abandoned abode looks like in person.” You said, pointing at the abandoned abode in Liyue.
“I believe that it’s best that we don’t explore an abandoned abode, especially one that was once owned by a god,” Zhongli says, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Once owned by a god?” You muttered, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion before it dawned on you. Guizhong. The abode that you wanted to explore used to be owned by Guizhong before she passed away and turned into dust. Quite fitting for her title. The God of Dust truly became dust herself. “Oh.” Your expression immediately soured.
“Yeah, never mind then.” You rolled your eyes; you turned around and walked away. Zhongli furrows his eyebrows in confusion at your sudden negative attitude, walking away with a dark cloud looming over your head.
“What just happened?” Venti asks, scratching his cheek with a questioning look. 
“Not sure, but [Y/N] doesn’t seem too happy about not being able to explore an abandoned abode that was once owned by Guizhong, the God of Dust,” Albedo says softly, watching you walk away.
“We should go after [Y/N] just in case something happens,” Kazuha says softly. The others nod their heads in agreement before walking after you. You continued to ignore the sounds of their footsteps right behind yours as you looked around the scenery. While you don’t hold any distaste for the deceased God of Dust, you couldn’t help but feel a tinge of jealousy at the thought of her. Guizhong this, Guizhong that. Guizhong is highly intelligent and is a very close friend of the former archon, Zhongli. Very close friend.
“Uh! [Y/N]! I don’t think you should go there!” Childe hollers, watching you walk further and further away from them.
“Yeah, yeah. Stop babying me; I’ll be fine!” You waved off Childe’s warning, continuing to walk to wherever you pleased.
“No, really! You shouldn’t go there! It’s not safe!” Gorou exclaims.
Despite you being a good fifteen yards away from where they stood, they can hear a faint sarcastic scoff coming from you. Again, you continued walking wherever you desired, not heeding their warnings.
“What’s up with them?” Scaramouche scrunches his face up with annoyance, continuing to trail after you with the others around him.
“[Y/N] is clearly upset that Zhongli wouldn’t let them explore Guizhong’s abandoned abode,” Xiao replies, sighing softly.
“Is [Y/N] really upset about that, or are they upset about something else?” Kaeya cocks his eyebrows at Xiao.
“What would [Y/N] be upset about?” Venti asks, looking at the cryo vision holder curiously.
“It’s a little bit obvious as to what they’re upset about,” Diluc says, sighing softly.
“Listen, it may be obvious to most of you, but it’s not obvious for me and a few others!” Itto says, crossing his arms over his bare chest.
“Well, Itto, some of us have brains, and some of us don’t,” Ayato says, looking over at Itto with a faint smile on his face. Before Itto could open his mouth to say something, he was cut off by the sound of your loud yelp.
“Oh, dear archons.” Thoma quickly rushes over to where you once stood moments before you disappeared. Thoma looks over the edge to see you sliding down the cliff. Well, sliding would be an understatement. You were tumbling and rolling down the steep cliffside.
“Where’s [Y/N]!?” Kazuha asks, running over to where Thoma was standing.
“Tumbling down the cliffside!” Thoma states, pointing over to where you landed. You groaned in pain and lay on the ground. While tumbling down the cliff, you were pretty sure that you had a sprained ankle along with possibly being covered in bruises and scratch marks.
“And you didn’t go down there to prevent them from getting any more injuries?” Albedo asks, looking at Thoma in disbelief.
“How was he supposed to go down the cliffside without getting hurt himself?” Baizhu sighs, crossing his arms over his chest with a frown on his face.
While the men bickered with one another, Dainsleif helped you get back to the top of the cliff where the others stood, still arguing with one another. Dainsleif was giving you a piggyback ride. He was holding onto your legs while you had your arms wrapped around his neck.
“Are you alright?” Dainsleif asks softly, glancing at you over his shoulders.
“Yeah, I am.” You sighed, resting your chin on Dainsleif’s shoulders, closing your eyes as he approached closer to where the others were standing.
“[Y/N]! Are you okay!?” Childe asks, running up to where you and Dainsleif are.
“You’re not injured, are you!?” Diluc asks, his eyes scanning you for injuries. Aside from your disheveled look with a tiny pout on your face, which makes you look adorable. You reminded him of a kitten in a way.
“I’m fine.” You muttered, tightening your grip around Dainsleif.
“[Y/N], we told you not to run off and to be careful. What did you do? Ignore our warnings.” Zhongli scolds you, crossing his arms over his chest with a small glare. You huffed and looked away from Zhongli, burying your face into Dainsleif’s back. You weren’t in the mood to talk to Zhongli, let alone hear him scold you as if you were a disobedient child. Granted, you did ignore their warnings and did end up getting hurt in the end with your recklessness. 
All because you found out that the abode you were wanting to explore belonged to the woman that once meant the world to Zhongli. Zhongli would never care about you as much as he cared about Guizhong. Never. Of course, he would care about you, but only to an extent. You feel your heart clench in your chest. Dainsleif felt his back getting damp, only to realize that you were crying. Dainsleif couldn’t decide on whether you were crying because you were in pain or if it was because of Zhongli.
Dainsleif rolls his eyes before huffing, “Enough. Let’s get back to the abode and get [Y/N] some medical attention.” He pushes past Zhongli and the others, tightening his grip around your thighs.
Once everyone had returned to the abode, you received medical treatment immediately by both Baizhu and Albedo. Your eyes were swollen, your cheeks were bright red, and your eyes were bloodshot. It was clear as day that you cried. Even if the men were to try to ask you if you were okay, you would ignore them and limp away with Dainsleif by your side. The person that you were ignoring the most was Zhongli. Every time you see him, you would bury yourself against Dainsleif’s side with your face pressed up against his chest as if you were trying to hide from Zhongli’s gaze.
“I wonder what you did to make them upset, Mister Zhongli,” Childe says nonchalantly, tossing a berry into his mouth before chewing on it.
“Yeah! I’ve never seen [Y/N] ignore Zhongli like this before.” Gorou speaks up, his eyebrows narrowing slightly.
“They’ve never avoided Zhongli, ever,” Xiao murmurs.
“Zhongli isn’t the only person that they’re ignoring,” Kaeya speaks up, sitting down on an empty wooden stool near the bar.
“They’re avoiding all of us.” Diluc sighs, frowning at the thought of you ignoring them after the incident. 
“Could it be because we’re too overprotective of them?” Ayato asks, looking up at your closed bedroom door.
“That can’t be it! [Y/N] likes it whenever we’re protective of them!” Venti shakes his head at Ayato’s question.
“But not when we’re overly protective of them,” Kazuha interjects, a tiny frown appearing on his face.
“It’s quite obvious why [Y/N] is upset.” Baizhu chuckles dryly, shaking his head. It was obvious! Why weren’t the others getting the hint? Specifically Zhongli. Not only did Zhongli make you upset by mentioning Guizhong, but he fueled the fire by scolding you right after you had taken a tumble. The only bright side was that you weren’t terribly injured. You only got scrapes and bruises. You did sprain your ankle, so you ask Dainsleif to help you around the abode while ignoring others around you that had offered to help you. Specifically Zhongli himself.
“Well, they need to tell us what’s wrong. If it’s about the stupid abode, then [Y/N] shouldn’t be getting upset over not being able to explore something as old and vacant.” Scaramouche grumbles.
“Perhaps it’s something that relates to the abode that upsets them,” Albedo says softly, looking over at Zhongli from the corner of his eyes. Zhongli still didn’t get the hint and continued to contemplate what could have caused you to be upset with him, other than scolding you and stopping you from exploring an abode that was once owned by Guizhong.
Days have gone by, and it was like you were testing out how protective they are over you. Or, well, it seems like you were testing out their patience instead. One time, you came back to the abode after leaving to shop for some groceries, only to come back with an arrow stuck on your shoulders.
“What happened?!” Diluc gasps, running over to you, gently grabbing you by your uninjured shoulder.
“Treasure hoarders.” Was what you’ve squeaked out before collapsing into Diluc’s arms, dizzy from the amount of blood you’ve lost. Diluc picked you up bridal style before rushing you to the med bay where Baizhu and Albedo were. Baizhu and Albedo nearly had a heart attack at the sight of you being covered in your own blood, with an arrow sticking out of your shoulders.
“Dear archons, what happened?!” Baizhu asks, immediately rushing to your side with medical supplies in his hands.
“Treasure hoarders.” You breathed, your head resting against the crook of Diluc’s neck, eyelids feeling heavy.
“You didn’t have anyone accompany you in Teyvat?” Albedo asks, pulling on latex gloves.
“Well, Zhongli offered to accompany me, but I declined his offer and left.” You sighed, wincing in pain when Albedo gently tugged on the arrow.
“It’s really stuck in there.” Albedo hums, looking over at Baizhu.
“What do we do? Pull it out or get it surgically removed?” Baizhu glances over at Albedo, who is deep in his thoughts.
“Pull it out!?” You shrieked, jerking up from your spot, looking at Baizhu and Albedo with wide eyes.
“Pull what out?” Thoma asks, walking into the med bay while munching on his Dango. Thoma’s eyes fall on your shoulders; Thoma’s Dango falls out of his hands at the mere sight of blood on your body and an arrow sticking out of your shoulders.
“I’m okay! Just another day in the life of [Y/N].” You squeaked, giving Thoma a strained smile.
Long story short, Albedo and Baizhu ended up yanking the arrow out of your shoulders. You have never screamed so loud in your entire life that you were sure that it shook the whole mansion. Sadly, whenever you let out that loud, agonized scream, it attracted the attention of the others who weren’t there to witness it. Like last time, Zhongli gave you a disapproving look that reminded you of your parents.
“You wouldn’t have gotten hurt if you had allowed me to accompany you.” Zhongli sighs.
“Well, maybe I don’t want you to accompany me and would much rather have someone else protect me instead.” You huffed, crossing your arms across your chest before wincing at the sharp pain that shot up your injured shoulder.
“Yikes,” Venti mutters, his eyes widening at your response to the ex archon.
“Ouch.” Kaeya hissed, watching the quarrel between you and Zhongli unfold.
“If [Y/N] said that to me, I would’ve cried myself to sleep,” Itto commented.
“They didn’t even say that to me, and it hurt my feelings,” Ayato whispers to Itto, Kaeya, and Venti.
“You’re still upset with this old man not allowing you to explore the old crusty, dusty, vacant abode?” Scaramouche asks, cocking his eyebrows at you. You rolled your eyes in response while Zhongli glared at Scaramouche.
“I think we should leave [Y/N] and Zhongli alone for them to talk it out,” Kazuha says, getting up from his seat.
“No! Don’t leave me alone with him!” You exclaimed.
“[Y/N]!” Xiao gives you a look, but you ignore it.
“Hey, if [Y/N] doesn’t want to talk to Zhongli at the moment, then let’s not force them to, alright?” Gorou speaks up, his eyes scanning the room.
“I believe that [Y/N] is just tired, and their injury is causing them to be irritable. They should get some rest.” Dainsleif says, helping you off the bed. You immediately attach yourself to Dainsleif’s side, your uninjured arm linked with Dainsleif’s arm. You failed to see the expression on Zhongli’s face after your protest of being left alone with him. Zhongli felt his heart throb in his chest painfully as he watches you and Dainsleif walk out of the med bay, completely ignoring his presence and stare. 
You have bad luck when it comes to being outside of the mansion. You almost got killed by Childe and Itto’s weapons, you took a tumble down the side of a cliff, and you got shot in the shoulder by a treasure hoarder. If bubble wrap were to exist in the world of Genshin Impact, you were pretty sure that the men would wrap you up in bubble wrap to prevent you from getting hurt. What they didn’t think about was that you could get hurt in the mansion too. You were helping Thoma make dinner for everyone else.
“I’ll cut the onions.” You said, grabbing the purple onion from the vegetable bowl before peeling the skin off the onion.
“Here’s a knife to slice the onions.” Thoma hands you the knife with the handle facing your way. You reached over to grab the knife before placing it down on the wooden counter. After peeling the onion’s skin off, you began cutting the onion. You ended up regretting offering to cut the onions because now your eyes were stinging, and tears were running down your face. Instead of stopping to give your eyes a break from the whole onion ordeal, you persevered. 
“So! What are we having for dinner?” Itto and Gorou walk into the kitchen, sniffing the air.
“Wow! Smells really good!” Gorou exclaims. He peeks over Thoma’s shoulder to see what Thoma is cooking.
You wiped the tears off your face, your eyes squinting as you continued to slice the onions. Your eyes stung so much as the tears that were rolling down your cheeks like an endless stream.
“What’s the matter, [Y/N]? Why are you crying?” Diluc asks, grabbing your attention from the cutting board.
You laughed, “Nothing’s wrong, Diluc! It’s the onions that are stinging my eyes, causing me to shed a tear or two.” You wipe your eyes with the back of your hand. “I hate onions sometimes.” You sighed, tossing the slice of onions into a medium-sized bowl.
“You had me worried for a second. I thought you were injured again.” Kazuha says, gently nudging your side with a teasing smile on his face.
“Oh, Kazuha, I appreciate that you worry for me, but I’m not injured.” You poked him lightly.
“Thankfully, or else the funeral consultant over there will hurt someone if you were injured.” Kaeya comments, tilting his head over to where Zhongli stood.
“We’ve seen Zhongli angry before, but I don’t want to see how angry he can get.” Childe comments, taking a big bite out of the sunsettia in his hand.
“He’ll probably throw boulders like how he did that to me in the past. Isn’t that right, blockhead?” Venti asks, looking over at Zhongli with a teasing smile on his face.
“Throw boulders?” Scaramouche asks, glancing over at Xiao.
“Don’t ask.” Xiao shakes his head, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“You know, I wouldn’t mind witnessing Zhongli throwing boulders at someone.” Ayato comments, biting down on his boba straw with a smile.
“I’ve witnessed it with my own eyes before….” Dainsleif says, giving Zhongli the side-eye. Zhongli looks at Dainsleif; the two held eye contact for a while. You and the others around you can feel the tension between Dainsleif and Zhongli. You pursed your lips before continuing to do your task of helping Thoma cook dinner. The kitchen is quite spacious, but not enough to fit over ten people in the room, with furniture and kitchen appliances in certain areas of the room. For some reason, everyone wanted to stay in the kitchen while you and Thoma tried to make dinner, thus making the kitchen a little bit cramped.
Gorou, Childe, Itto, and Xiao were chasing each other around (well, Xiao was cursing at Itto to not run in the kitchen) the kitchen. Thoma was carrying a pot of boiling water when Itto and Childe bumped into Thoma, causing the pyro vision wielder to jerk forward, spilling almost the entire pot of boiling hot water onto you.
From then on, everything was a blur to you, and you didn’t know what else happened afterward. All you could remember was your arm, your body, one side of your neck, and your face burning. You didn’t remember if you screamed in pain or if you reacted in any particular way because when you came to your consciousness, you were in the arms of Zhongli.
“It hurts, it hurts so much.” You sobbed; your body was shaking from the immense pain you were feeling. Your arm and legs were dark red from the scalding hot water. Diluc, Kaeya, and Dainsleif were scolding— no, yelling, at Childe, Itto, and Gorou while Xiao stood where you and Zhongli lay.
“I’m going to kill them,” Zhongli mutters, looking over at Childe, Gorou, and Itto with a glare.
“Take [Y/N] to the med bay,” Baizhu says.
“Carry them there immediately because I’m afraid that if we don’t get [Y/N] treated right away, their tissue and cells would be destroyed,” Albedo says, examining your reddened skin.
Zhongli didn’t speak to anyone after that incident, and he wouldn’t leave your side, even if you’ve thought about avoiding him. But you couldn’t do that, especially right after you saw the expression on his face while you were getting your burns treated. Now you have bandages wrapped around the areas that were burned by the scalding hot water. You were forbidden from stepping foot into the kitchen if Itto, Childe, and Gorou were present. You were pretty much bedridden until you were able to do everyday tasks without wincing in pain. Doctor Baizhu’s orders and Albedo’s order as well.
“Looks like Zhongli and Thoma will have to put a shield on you at all cost to prevent you from getting hurt,” Venti commented.
“Seems like it.” You sighed, laying down on your bed with a weak sigh.
“How are you feeling?” Kaeya asks, sitting down beside you as he tucks your hair behind your ears.
“It still hurts. I don’t really remember what happened when the water spilled on me.” You muttered, gazing down at the nude color bandages that were wrapped around your legs, arm, neck, and torso (which were covered by your shirt).
“You screamed so loud that glass shattered. You went into shock and nearly collapsed to the ground, hitting your head on the table. You were lucky that Zhongli was immediately at your side the minute he heard your bloodcurdling screams.” Ayato says, his eyes scanning your injuries. How many times were you injured within the span of a week? One was enough, but it seems like your luck seems to have worsened after the whole Itto and Childe sparring incident.
“I’m so sorry for spilling boiling hot water on you, [Y/N]! If I held onto the handles more tightly, it wouldn’t have spilled all over you.” Thoma’s bottom lips quivered as tears began to pool in his eyes.
“No! It’s not your fault at all, Thoma! Please don’t blame yourself!” You squeaked, grabbing onto Thoma’s hand, giving him a comforting squeeze.
“You never gave us a reason as to why you’re upset with Zhongli,” Xiao spoke up from his spot. You sighed and sat back on your bed, scratching the back of your neck, only to end up scratching the bandage.
“I…. got jealous that Zhongli still cares about Guizhong even way after she had passed. I wanted to have someone to care about me as much as Zhongli cares about her long after she’s gone.” You reply, tugging on the loose thread of your shorts.
“I’m sure he cares about you too, just as much as we care about you,” Diluc says.
You shook your head, “I’m talking about if I were to return to my world. No one will care or remember me long after I’m deceased. I don’t have a lover who cares about me as much as Zhongli cared about his deceased lover.” 
“Guizhong isn’t Zhongli’s lover; she was his close friend,” Childe comments, looking at you quizzically.
“Either way, I’m never getting that. Ever. I’ll just be forgotten, as usual….” You trailed off with a sigh. “Speaking of being forgotten, I don’t think anyone in my world noticed that I had mysteriously disappeared.” You muttered, your shoulders slumped at the realization.
“All I’m getting from this is that you’re going to choose Zhongli in the end,” Scaramouche comments, earning a scoff from you. You shook your head and closed your eyes. Ever since you arrived in Teyvat, you’ve already been through so many things. But this week and the previous week were strange. You kept getting bodily injuries that could have killed you, yet you somehow survived all of these strange and dangerous events.
“As if I’ll be choosing any of you in the end.” You said, earning collective gasps from the men. “Oh, wow, I worded it wrong. I didn’t mean it that way!” You smacked your forehead with the palm of your hand.
“I meant that I don’t know if I’ll be returning to my world or if I’ll be stuck here forever. I’m hesitant about “choosing” who I want to be with because what if I end up returning to my world?” You ask.
“Why choose when you can be in a relationship with all of us?” Itto asks.
“I honestly don’t know how that is going to turn out. Some of you are possessive more than the others!” You exclaimed, looking over at Childe and Zhongli, who avoided your gaze with a faint blush on their cheeks.
“I believe that we’re all possessive over you in some kind of way,” Gorou says. 
“Some of us might not show it, but we’re quite possessive. Even if some show it more than the others.” Kaeya looks around the room, making eye contact with certain people in the room.
“I think it’s cute that you guys are protective over me, but maybe dial it back a little?” You ask, giving them a pleading look.
“I don’t think that’ll be possible, dove.” Kazuha chuckles, shaking his head.
“You endured many injuries within a week; I believe that we should keep [Y/N] at the abode at all times.” Ayato declares. Everyone (except for you) immediately agreed to Ayato’s suggestion.
“If it keeps [Y/N] out of harm's way, I’m okay with that,” Zhongli says, sitting down on your bed beside you.
“Are there any objections?” Dainsleif asks, looking around the room for any protests.
“Yes, me! I object!” You whined. “I need to go outside once in a while! You can’t just keep me in the abode for a long period of time!”
“If it’s to keep you safe, we will do it,” Zhongli says.
You groaned and plopped back down on your bed, the top of your head hitting the wooden headboard of your bed, making you cry out in pain.
“Well, it looks like we’ll be getting rid of that headboard.”
Note: It's insane how I kept getting ideas for new fics when I need to make more parts for other fics hahaha. I'm trying to update at least once a week for you all to read and enjoy. I am nearing the end of my second year of college and will be graduating soon, so, I'm hoping that I can start accepting requests once I've graduated! As for my schedule, once my third year of college begins, I'll have to think about that more since the semesters are way shorter at universities. This note will always be at the bottom of my stories: I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
Taglist for "Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader" and my overall taglist: @xxkatsusjinsux, @urcatbf, @plumpkie, @jgydeservedbetter, @crazyrichdaughter, @sucker-for-angst-and-fluff, @patata52, @honeybedo, @thedivinepriestress, @pencil-of-ashes, @samarill, @bakuhve, @skyelightwood, @mikiwylds, @yukima, @chaosinanutshell, @emperatris-rinaka, @stygianoir, @neilify, @dogloveri23, @ksjjkthpjm, @jaisithebird, @ayazaraxia, @hello13576, @mouchie, @emerald-smile, @jixlem, @the-blob-fish, @jiminscarmex, @permanent-antipathy, @xiaosfirstandlastwife, @angryhope, @beepboopisguilty, @margraveth, @the-dendro-archon, @bananazzzen, @goldeneclipsedragon, @ehjane, @hey-comrade-hold-still, @thelost-in-time, @girlvrs, @kryloxen, @ayolk, @tomansimp, @seppyco, @universal-rose, @seymp, @lordbugs, @c-camellias, @chihawari, @who-is-saylynn, @lilliansstuff, @zhongloml
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Your lovers with a remote control vibrator
I had way too much fun with this lol and you can tell who I simp for too much
Characters used:
Scaramouche, Kaedehara Kazuha, Xiao, Tartaglia, Thoma, Arataki Itto, Gorou, Kaeya Alberich, Diluc Ragnvindr, Aether, Beidou, Albedo, Ei, and Yae Miko
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Honestly it could be either of you that suggested this but you’re sure it’s not going to end well because you’re stubborn and love mouthing off, not exactly a good combination when your partner has control of a vibrator in you.
You may have thought this through you may not have but either way it becomes quite fun to fuck with him, just barely getting on his nerves so that he’ll do something and being slightly confused when nothing happens.
It’s when you’re talking with other agents or getting some work done that without warning it zaps to the highest possible setting and you barely have enough time to catch yourself.
It all comes back to you when you see said harbinger in the doorway glaring at you that you realize how screwed you are, electing to pretend like it was nothing and hope that he doesn’t cause a scene.
You’re wrong because now you have a pissed off Scaramouche who’s in control and the consequences of your actions leering over your shoulder.
The tension in the air is thick and only heightens when the toy switches setting every other second, that does get you and clearly your lover is done with your actions as you hear him marching over and harshly tugging you away, muttering insults at you.
༻Kaedehara Kazuha༺
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Your lover was definitely intrigued when you came up to him with this idea and agreed, telling you that you’d probably have to hide that sweet song he liked in public.
Now, personally I’d like to think that Kazuha would start off playful and light, not immediately going to test you but once he hears the soft ‘hmphs’ and noises you’re trying to contain he loses it.
He switches it between the highest setting and the lowest any time he's around you and is a bit bored of whatever is going on around him.
“Beloved, are you alright? You sound uncomfortable, want to leave?” is his subtle way of saying “we’re leaving because you sound way to good to not fuck you so you only scream my name.”
You almost forget what your routine normally is because both of you got so accustomed to the toy in your daily life and might not go back to it any time soon.
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The yaksha doesn’t want any part of it until he realizes it shuts you up real quick and learns to like that aspect of it.
After coming home from a long day of work you whine to your lover that you want cuddles and affection, to which Xiao is very tired and doesn’t want to show that he wants it as well.
Instead, secretly turning on the vibrator and smirking to himself as you went nearly dead quiet.
Of course, he’s going to take responsibility for what he started but he figured it was a better solution to hear your voice begging for his cock than whining about the lack of attention you were getting.
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You all probably already know what I’m going to say… It was all his idea and of course you were a bit hesitant because this is your boyfriend and him having control of a vibrator that would be inside you for a period of time didn’t seem like it would end well.
You should have listened to that inner voice inside of you because here you were doing commissions and delivering certain people things when you felt him turn it on.
Opting to try and ignore it but it just kept getting higher to the point where you had to hide in a quiet alley and try to get yourself together.
Hearing laughter and the familiar voice of your lover fading away, cursing him internally and huffing as you still had more commissions to do.
It didn’t stop there because you could be visiting northland back or just around when Childe is doing fatui work when that fucker will jack it the highest setting before turning to you and asking if you were alright.
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He’s a gentleman but he does have a more mischievous side and this is how you find out, you come home to your boyfriend waiting for you and he jumps off the couch.
You’re a little suspicious because he’s hiding something behind his back and smirking, saying nothing’s wrong, he just had a gift for you.
Needless to say you're excited and settle on some terms, immediately starting and Thoma’s not taking it easy on you, nearly yelping as you talk to some vendors.
You could out swear he somehow always had the remote with him even at work, when you’d be doing commissions and it would slowly turn on.
Swearing he was pulling the boiling frog trick on you, slowly but surely turning up the heat until you could do anything but hope he’d let you finish.
༻Arataki Itto༺
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You're gonna have to explain everything before you give it to him because if he sees a button that can be pressed…he’s gonna press the button.
After you explain what it does and what he’s allowed to do, you give it to him and he immediately turns it to the highest setting, nearly sending you collapsing.
“Did I win?”
This is a secret Itto’s not gonna brag about to anyone because he’s almost high on the expression and pleas you say as he plays with you.
You have to agree with him, the rush of energy, as you try to hide the pleasure he’s giving you, is electric. Eyeing him as you try and talk to other people throughout your day, getting work done as best you can without hinting anything’s off.
༻Gorou ༺
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He is both really excited or really nervous when you or him brings this up, you can see his tail wagging and ears shifting at every expression you make.
When you agree, he’s ecstatic and it’s quite adorable since he tries to hide it, even though he is busy he’ll make time for this because he’s required to see your reactions.
Gorou isn’t especially perverted but there’s something about seeing you struggle to hold down moans while he’s in control of the toy buzzing in you that drives him wild.
The soldiers notice that their general is a lot more on alert than normal and distracted, little do they know it’s because he’s been fiddling with the toy when some soldiers come up.
You felt the setting switch to the highest one and luckily you were out gathering lavender melons and dropped some of them as you knelt down.
This was the reason Gorou was distracted because he could hear you moaning and crying from a while away, oh so eager to find you and fuck you until you couldn’t speak.
༻Kaeya Alberich༺
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This smug bastard uses it non-stop and you have to pay for it, unfortunately, this wasn’t a good idea on your end.
Whether you're in public on commissions or working, he considers anything fair game and proceeds to ruin you.
You have to make up an excuse that you’re not feeling so well due to how red you are all the time, meanwhile, Kaeya is living for your reactions.
You’re not getting out anytime soon.
༻Diluc Ragnvindr༺
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One of the nicest guys on this list and the polar opposite of his brother. You definitely would have to suggest it because he’s way too shy or flustered to suggest it.
At first he only does it when you both are alone but his darker side decides to try something and that leads to some spicy situations.
Diluc won’t admit it but the blush that spreads on your cheeks and small squeaks that you let out are music to his ears.
He may be working in the tavern and you’re chatting at the bar with whoever, when he decides to turn it on.
Unfortunately, it was set to the highest setting and before he knows it, his lover is yelling out in shock and accidentally falls off their stool.
Yeha, you’re gonna have to convince him to use it again because he feels bad and needs convincing from you to use it again.
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The golden-haired boy is a mix of both good and mischievous because he’s probably influenced by several others telling him to mess with you. Whether it’s Mondstadt, Liyue, or Inazuma, someone is always there to egg him on.
He often does it to get your attention or when he’s jealous, attempting to steer whoever you are with away for the moment so he can have you alone.
Never put it on the highest setting unless you give the okay, when you do he’s pretty happy and others can tell he’s pretty happy about something.
Another person who respects your wishes of not turning it on when doing commissions or work.
His guilty pleasure is turning from low to the limit in front of Paimon or another person, how you struggle to keep the surprise down and blush from spreading.
She’s a menace. That’s it.
Beidou show’s little to no mercy and I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into because you’re in trouble if you can’t hide your reactions well.
You can be out getting items at the market or taking a stroll with her in Liyue, doesn’t matter because she will abuse the power you’ve given her.
Beidou’s favorite place to secretly pleasure you in when you’re both on the crux at sea and you’re with her on deck, suddenly gripping the railing a bit harder for “no reason at all”
The captain laughed at the reaction she got and kept turning it up to which you ended up excusing yourself, walking to the back of the boat, and desperately hoping no one caught on to what she was doing.
Poor Kazuha feels sorry for you and gives Beidou this look from where he’s perched, like “really? That was cruel to do to your lover IN PUBLIC”
Giving this man control of your remote vibrator maybe wasn’t the smartest idea and should probably be rethought but too late now. Oops.
Albedo is going to keep it at the highest setting for a bit to see your reaction and how you're taking it, noting what he observes and smirking at your scowl aimed towards him.
Sucrose and Timaeus are oblivious to the entire thing luckily because you’re chatting with her about her recent experiment and suddenly the machine in you spazzes from low to the highest setting.
You yelp and nearly collapse on the ground from the sudden pleasure growing in your lower body, giving an excuse that you were very dehydrated and just got really faint.
The alchemist and observing the whole scene behind you, internally thanking you for the decision you didn’t really think through. He being the “good” boyfriend he is comes over to help you and the death glare he’s getting would be enough to send anyone running.
That. Cheeky. Bastard.
This goes on for as long as he’s curious (which because it’s you and he’s eliciting the reactions won't end soon) and you’re going to have to find a way to take the remote from him.
༻Ei (Raiden Shogun)༺
Let’s be real, she doesn’t exactly get the point of it and has to have Yae explain it to her.
Upon seeing your reaction when she randomly turns it on, she quickly understands and you think you probably shouldn’t have given your lover, the electro archon, control of the vibrator inside you.
Ei at least respects your wishes and doesn’t turn it on when you’re working or fighting but more at home or when you both are walking in public.
You can tell she’s dying to see you break or whisper to her that you wish to go back, that it’s too much, or that you’re embarrassed if you got caught being pleasured in public.
If you manage to keep a straight face and endure what she’s testing you with, she’ll jack it up to the highest setting as a challenge.
༻Yae Miko༺
This woman will not be kind to you if you give her this power over you.
You can expect her to slyly turn it on whenever you’re mid-conversation with someone and snicker from a bit away, enjoying the absolute torment that she’s bringing you.
Miko will no doubt be the one to suggest it and want to test your limits, trying her best to fuck with you whenever she can and then acting totally innocent but still having that sly cheeky smile.
Sometimes you’re just working or doing commissions not even remotely near your girlfriend and suddenly ‘bzzzz’, eyes widening and nearly falling over.
Not exactly helpful when you’re mid-battle with an abyss mage or treasure hoarder, but that has led to some “interesting” talks and horrible excuses as to why you suddenly were bright red and curling in on yourself.
Eventually, you argue your way into a rule that she isn’t allowed to mess with you during commission or fighting because A. it’s dangerous and B. you don’t want to explain your flustered reactions to your enemies mid-fight.
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Hi I have a question,
Who do you think would immediately recognize that the reader is the creator of the world? Would they help?
Also your works are really cool, I've gotten so sucked into the au, and reading your stuff feeds my obsession very nicely
Also could I just randomly ask to be 🌺 Anon?
Well, we have the obvious: the Khaenri'ah squad (Albedo, Kaeya, Dainsleif, the Abyss Order, honorary members: the Travelers)
The rest of these are going to be more spoilerish for my works so uh read at your own digression?
Kazuha! (He was my second rank 10 friendship and my first whale instance (right from f2p lmao)) Man's so connected to nature, Teyvat just straight up tells him like "yooo that's the GOAT right there" and he's like "bet"
Xiao, bc fuck you. Precious birb boy has been through so much. He doesn't realize at first, but it's while he's chasing you down on orders that he realizes: he can't feel his karmic debt in your presence, you soothe an eternity of torment by existing, and breaks down on the spot because god he hurt (or was about to hurt) the most divine existence in Teyvat. of all his unforgivable sins, this was the greatest. He goes to tell Ganyu, because she's also precious and also entirely uninvolved in the situation bc she's so busy all the time. He doesn't tell Zhongli because that BITCH just sent him to kill his creator.
Klee is my longest main, first rank 10 friendship, lil sister of Albedo and daughter of motherfucking ALICE. She immediately recognizes the "stardust person"
Thoma doesn't immediately refer to you as an imposter, but he also doesn't immediately realize. He helps you hide from your unjust persecution until he realizes, just being in your presence is enough to let him know that you're the one they claim you're impostering.
Like Thoma, Beidou offers you shelter. She's seen all sorts, and at least allows you to tell her your story and shit man you've been through the wringer, wanna be a pirate? She'll help you change your appearance before you ever have to touch land again. She realizes quicker than Thoma bc she has the added help of Kazuha.
Diluc! I've always liked the "he's more self aware than most bc of Kaeya" idea (idk where that came from but it's good shit). Though he's against you on principle, he's quick to realize upon actually seeing you or by hearing from Kaeya (as strained as their relationship is, Kaeya would never lie or so much as joke about something like this)
Mona, the stars tell her. She was originally recruited to help track you down, a noble cause for her astrology, she believes. But she figures it out quickly and becomes appalled at the actions of her city.
Razor, the goodest boy. His instincts tell him you're someone important. Someone dear and to be protected and pampered. Bennet and Fischl fall in line, they're familiar with being singled out for something out of control, and if Razor likes you then you must be nice! They realize soon with their collective braincell.
Bastard boi Childe. His time in the abyss is enough to give him more insight than most. and if he uses his foul legacy? that man immediately becomes your puppy. read nicebonescomrade's work on it!!!
Madame Ping knows all. Yanfei finds out from her.
Xiangling finds out from Guoba, Xingqiu and Chongyun combine forces to disprove her and in the process prove her.
Hu Tao figures it out, she's got her sources (ghosts) and she can instinctively tell you're not someone normal. She does a little reconnaissance and lo and behold, you're that bitch
Qiqi. Enough said
Itto doesn't know until someone tells him but he's on your side bc himbo is good. I also feel like Yae would know and try to advise Ei, but she's either too late or ignored.
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meili-sheep · 2 years
It does seem weird that she never really showed an ambition or anything, and my current explanation for Diluc getting a vision early is because he wanted to protect MondStadt and his family, but even then it's still handwaved like they couldn't decide what he wanted
Honestly sometimes when I start thinking about lore I feel like Diluc should've been the most powerful vision user because (a) he has the control (b) he spent years honing his abilities (c) I believe his natural strength is very high
But I never really voiced these thoughts because of the fear of being singled out by everyone else
So following from here.
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I do, honestly. And like I generally like the idea of Klee, but I don't think it makes any sense, honestly. But if you are ever nervous about an opinion, you can feel free to vent it here. I'm more than welcome to it as long as it's not hateful.
And I agree with you. I believe that Diluc did have a strong ambition to protect Monstadt and his people since he was a young kid. For that reason, he was given vision. And again, I agree he should be ranked high in terms of power with his vision. Like I put Venti Zhongli and Ei at the top for obvs reasons. But then I would probably put a toss-up between Childe and Diluc. As they are both vision holders, can wield delusions, Childe has Foul Legacy, which could put him over the top, but the strain it puts on him is a big drawback. While Diluc doesn't have that, he does have a high natural strength A LOT of experience, and the kind of mind to use it all in combination. It's why I think Diluc bets out the other Nonhuman characters. Yes, they are probably stronger and have more experience, but they are more battle winners than war winners. If you catch my drift.
Diluc, I feel, would be able to win in the long run as he can think on his feet and can quickly form plans of attack. He could wear them down and be patient enough for them to show weak points. So that's why I personally rank him about characters like Xiao, Ganyu, and Itto. And He defiantly ranks about Klee.
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merakiui · 3 years
This is my first time sending an ask to anyone and AAAAAA I hope I'm doing this right 🤸🤸🤸
Razor as Ralph, whom you met in an abandoned house, damaged and having a hard time speaking, friendship blooms and now he's not gonna let his only friend leave the place
Dottore as Zlatko, keeping deformed androids in his basement, Childe (could be anyone rlly hecc even Itto? 😳), his assistant turns his back on him and escapes with reader 👀
And what if we combine SAGAU and this AU 👁️👄👁️ Ayaka, who greets us in the menu (Chloe-) gains consciousness that she's an Android from a videogame and falls in love with the player 🤸 her lines starts getting personal when we start up the game. From "I like your room" to "I'd like to hold your hand someday, would you let me?"
Srry if this is very long I just got so excited :')))
Everyone fits so well!!! Dottore as Zlatko and Razor as Ralph... omg... And Ayaka as Chloe!!! 🥺 I love all of these ideas.
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2broschlininahotub · 2 years
Meet the therions. The therions are group of warriors known for a tournament that is active every week. They are all robots using materials from their foes to combine to make new members and to repair themselves. They are all named after the western zodiac and a star in them.
First up The King Regulus
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The image on the left is concept art.
Regulus is very boastful individual. You get the himbo energy of Itto mixed with Childe's I want to fight you energy. He also has another form like childe. He is named after a star in the constellation Leo called Regulus. Regulus has an ability to basically cancel abilities similar to Baal's ability to prevent visions from being used also it has the range of the size of the four wind temple. (Note it's limitation is like that of Aizawa from Mha, He cannot negate the abilities from weapons or change any physical traits.)
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This is his second form called Therion Irregular. This is what happens when Regulus gets combined with a splight. In this form, He has ability to steal someone else's abilities and he can use it for himself. It hurts him and makes him lose control and sanity but multiplies his power to the point he can take on every archon at the same time and win. Regulus at base alone can hold the entire island of Celestia for 24 hours or a day.
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Meet Lily Borea
She is made out of plant material given by Mardel for the therions protecting the her. Borea is named after a star in the constellation Aries called Lili Borea. Borea can make vines appear out of her body that can really hurt and those vines can be infused with the any element thrown at her except fire which hurts her. She is weak to any form of closed range combat. Personality wise she is very much the tactician of the group. She is very loyal to mardel.
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Meet Empress Alasia
She is the second most powerful out of the therions only behind Regulus. She is one of the least likely to fight unless she has to. If she has to, Alasia has an ability known as Empress gaze. When you look into her eyes, she can cause a pain like a migraine that can make your eyes cry blood and make you bleed on the inside. Limitation you must look at her directly in the eyes. Her weakness is similar to that of Medusa's gaze. She is an exception to the 12 zodiac rule. She is named after a star in the constellation called Serpens. Serpens is a constellation of the snake being held by Ophiuchus, the thirteenth constellation. The star is called Alasia. Alasia is the most honest and the most likely to protect against regulus if he goes crazy.
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Meet Bull Ain
Ain is named after a star in the constellation Taurus called Ain. Ain is the fastest out of the therions. Fast enough to the point he can break the sound barrier at with a long startup which is ten seconds.
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I forgot to mention this is their home. The ufo is the home. It can travel anywhere as long as they have a power source be it heat or any sort of power. If abyssal energy is in contact it might make them neon colored.
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thedilucharem · 2 years
A Collection of Headcanons - Sparring Edition! (Part 1 of 2)
Overview of the Win-Lose Ratio
Zhongli - 1:0 (read: one to zero)
Childe - 5:3 (wins more than he loses by a large margin)
Diluc - 8:7 (wins more than he loses by not as much of a margin)
Beidou - 1:1 (wins and loses a proportionally equal amount)
Arataki Itto - 2:3 (loses more than he wins by a large margin)
More under the cut!
There was one incident where the other four did try to fight him all at once, but after they couldn't get up by themselves, Zhongli simply told them that it wasn't fair to begin with.
Not because it was four-to-one, but because it would have to be about fifty-to-one for them to have a chance.
Naturally, that ratio is 1-0.
So Zhongli doesn't spar for the simple reason of the fact that even if he went easy on them, he'd beat them all anyway.
"As much as I would enjoy throwing myself at you all and taking delight in your bodies scattering like chaff in the wind, I am freshly retired. I would much rather enjoy the pleasant calm and peace of mind that comes with drinking a cup of osmanthus tea instead."
Childe treats the spars like a competition as well as opportunities to push himself, and as such he unsurprisingly has the broadest win-lose ratio among everyone else.
A definitive part about his fighting style is that he loves being up close and personal with whoever he's fighting for the thrill of it. Melee most certainly suits him best in that regard.
He enjoys testing himself by using all the weapons he's mastered over the years against his sparring partners.
Sometimes he'll be using just a polearm and on other days, he'll be dual-wielding blades while also throwing projectiles at his opponents.
He treats his wins and losses as improvement and critique so that he can ultimately become better, often implementing them mid-spar to test them out.
Beidou is usually the one asking for spars. She can't afford to lose her edge given her profession and it helps that she finds it fun and refreshing.
While Beidou may not be as specialized as her companions and her (assumed) injured eye is some semblance of a disadvantage, she makes up for it with hardened experience and practical application.
She is the first reason why using Visions is banned because apparently, her full-counter does damage beyond the person on the receiving end doing five seconds of airtime.
I think her fighting style is based on hard and heavy hits that are meant to end the fight quickly, as the disadvantage of being blind on one side would become noticeable after a minute or two.
She uses the spars with them as a way to try and figure out how to properly compensate for her eye, as just swinging a big sword around in a limited radius can only do so much.
Diluc treats these spars as transactional first, but it very quickly becomes one of his favorite things to do with the others as he considers himself fairly good at it.
His fighting style is versatile as he has demonstrated, agility, strength, and adaptability in the past, but the claymore that he wields would serve as cumbersome against some opponents.
As he has seen a lot more in his life than most others and does vigilantism on the side, he would have a healthy amount of training as well as experience, influencing how he fights them specifically.
Dare I say, he gets a little too into it sometimes, which is why he is the second reason why the use of Visions in the spars as he and everyone in the vicinity had a tendency to burst into flame.
Every loss and concession in his mind's eye is a lesson to be learned and then properly executed on whatever vagabond is on his to-hit list on his nights of patrol.
Arataki Itto
When I say that this dude has the potential to match up with them and even excel them in some instances, I am deadly serious; it'll just take him a little while to get there.
His fighting style is very much 'I hit it until it stops moving' with a combination of 'I'll power my way through it until I collapse' and it works about 60% of the time.
When it comes to more experienced, specialized, and disciplined opponents, though, that 60% becomes a 5%.
His strength is a boon when it comes to critical weaknesses and flaws in his approach, but like I stated before, raw and brute force can only do so much.
His goal is relatively simple: beat all of them soundly and without room for any compromise or debate. If he can do that, he'll be the best, and goddamn it, he is the best (in his mind at least).
Part 2
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