#But this is my side of it cause y'all make no sense lmao
meowbert-whiskers · 7 months
I guess I'm gonna get involved with the "Luis Serra is a white man" allegations because absolutely not.
He's from a remote island in Spain, right? An island no one has really heard of before in the Resident Evil universe, right? And if that we're so, that would also mean that there's little to no tourists or people moving there, right? And if all of the people there are natives, how the fuck is Luis white? (With a capital 'hwa')
Make it make sense please for the love of god.
Besides, there are thousands of different cultures just in Spain alone, so there's little doubt in my kind that Luis can't be mixed. He could be Hispanic and African. He could be partially Indigenous partially Hispanic. He could he fully Indigenous for all we know.
So why do you want to make him white so bad? It's so frustrating.
There are barely any true POC main characters in a lot of medias, including Resident Evil, so why can't you just be happy that people are getting representation?
"B-B-BUT1!1!1! SPAIN IS EUROPEAN AND EUROPEAN IS WHITE! 1!1" Erm..! Not all the time, buddy.
There are hundreds of dark skin Europeans, mixed Europeans, and even native people's from all of the different and vast countries in Europe. And guess what? You'd still consider them European.
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lillysilvermoon · 1 year
What your Future Spouse will admire about you?
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Pile 1
Your reading is SO BEAUTIFUL Pile 1, really😭😭
First of all: you have a very feminine energy (high priestess) which is like kryptonite for man🤣😁. You see, the hight priestess have a profound connection with God/Goddess. She believes everyone has their own inner guidance to lead them to their true potential. And you do this! You trust your intuition, follow your heart and your instincts and this makes your s.p just go crazy, I feel like he is very logical and he admires your away of leadership, in your own away (doesn't matter if you realize this or not) you are a leader, you inspire people without even realizing it. With you, he feels healed, you just bring so much peace, calmness and joy to him. And talking about joy: you have a childlike personality, you inner child is very happy and free, you know when it's time to be silly (happy dance) and he admires this in you, you bring his child side and makes he feels comfortable to play and just be silly with you. I feel like my heart will explode of joy right now so I think that's how he feels with you, and this makes he admire you a lot because at the same time you are a very elegant, femine and wise, very responsible you ALSO are fun to be with, you know how to play and you have this magic to him. (He loves you so very much I just can't 😭💗).
And you are confident, I feel you have the mindset of "what is mine will find me" so if something goes wrong you just drive to overcome the obstacle in a positive way. When you have a goals, you work with very fierce energy to bring them to fruition (but the thing is: you do all fo this in a very feminine, gentle and fun way, and he just admires you incredible for this).
Signs: jupiters placements, Gemini, cancer and aries and number's 6,9,5 and 8 (I think cancer's placements are important because cancer's symbol looks like a 69 and you had this two numbers. Cam also be dates or months), books, library, education, parks, lakes and flowers. (And music!!!!!! Omg I think it's important to youu or them, maybe he'll communicate his feelings by songs)
P.S: I was going to pile two but I just heard this: you help them to heal his inner child in some way, and this is something very very important to them and by extension to y'all relationship.
P.S²: I was again going to Pile two- but here it is: he admires you for that because, I feel like this problem with his inner child maybe has affected in a negative way his others relationships and you, somehow, handle this really easy, you don't even realize actually (and I just saw he looking to any place in particular think about this and feeling genuinely happy)
Blonde and redhead for some feel here.
Pile 2
Finally I'm here, hello pile 2♡ let's get into your reading shall we?
Calmness. You are so calm, even in the worst situations, you maintain a sense of peace (or try your best to!). I see here that you have multiple interests and you try to balance all of them and other areas of your life, but you don't stress yourself with this. It's like, if doesn't work it's fine, cause you are adaptable and flexible (and he REALLY admires this because I feel like your future Spouse has a tiny-bit-tittie problem with control (wink nod) and you are kind of the opposite lmao, he see you having all this interests and priorities but... it's not a obligation like "omg I HAVE to do ALL" no. You want to do all, but it's okay if don't work some days, he admires you organization and the way you management your time and schedule. I feel your s.p like calm and stable people, he doesn't like unnecessary drama in his life and you just have this flow, if something doesn't work you just be flexible and this is important too: you think before make decisions! 100% not reactive, you think and go inwards before choosing anything. And you have a introspective side that he just loves too much.
I feel like you are someone who brings them peace love and very good advices when needed (after all no one likes be with someone who just complains, fight for every minimal thing, always need to be right to feel "respected" etc, he admires the peace bring with you.) I feel he deals with a lot of stress in his work place and when he sees you... it's too good, like a oasis.
Signs: poems, tea, wind place, scorpio, leo, sagittarius, venus, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune placements are important, numbers 7, 11 and 12 (can be days, months or house in astrology; 7 represents love and commercial partnerships and our relation with public, 11 it's ruled by Saturn and Uranus (definitely a lot of air sign) and talks about flow, strong thinking and important of expansion and 12 it's the house of our unconscious, fears, dreams and spirituality)
Pile 3
I feel like you give a lot of importance to material possessions, you don't act like "Oh money isn't important blablabla" you know money is important, you work to have a good life, to you things like good education, good house in a great neighborhood, travel to have fun but to also acquire culture and knowledge, good clothes with quality. This are important too you (is giving me old money mindset vibes and if you don't know about it, and I'm NOT talking about the "old money" from Tiktok - I highly recommend the "The Old Money Book: Living better while spending less" to you, it's very short has 158 pages) but you don't live FOR money, the money is your servant not your master!
He admires how you always seem to have a behavior like "this is only temporary and shall pass soon" when something bad or uncomfortable happens, and he really admires this. You have a very outgoing personality, full of energy and optimism (and you have some kind of sex appeal but in a elegant way), you are not afraid to work to have the things you desire, your energy is very positive and uplifting (I feel like your future Spouse enjoys SO MUCH talk to you, he loves to see you so determined to get the things you want and he has this feeling that you two will evolve and grow together.
Also: you are a generous soul, with money and with your time, love and affection and wisdom. Maybe you are into some charity, you are very loving and loyal and this... big turn on to them, I think it's honestly the thing he admires most about you, your personality, your values. You like a rare jewel to them.
Signs: VERY strong water placements, pisces, scorpio and cancer, moon, sun and Mars placements (makes so much sense because mars rules goals) numbers 6, 5, 4 and 8 (can be days, months or house. 6 its concrete and practical knowledge, it's also associated to cleanse, maintenance, work capacity and routine service's (again: makes so much sense, you guys value quality and take care of what you have so last longer, don't have need to buy new things), 5 it's you creative side, what gives you pleasure, 4 it's what we have most profound in us and 8 transition of life and things, ending of cycles).
Hope y'all like this reading, it's my first reading related to love and I'm so happy, I had so much fun doing this and hope you guys too. See you in the next reading.
- Lia
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kekeke32 · 3 months
TOUCHSTARVED trailer theme theory??
Hi guys, hi everyone. Hope we’re doing well!
SO the full version of the trailer theme is finally out on YouTube and holy shit??? It goes so HARD!!! Give it a listen here.
After rewatching it over and over again, I noticed something so I’ll map out which lyrics appear with which character for y’all to see:
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Wish I could’ve added more ss but I’m on the mobile app 🥲 Anyways, I really don’t think the dev team added the characters photos randomly ‘cause check this out:
In Ais’s part, the lyrics are about a certain weakness (ik the lyrics “my weakness” refer to a person but I chose to ignore that jskdksk) and survival. This may be a reach BUT doesn’t this reminds you of Ais’s official character description? Specifically of this part: “Ais seems capable of curing you...but a sick sense of dread surrounds him. He's beginning to suspect that he may not be as in control of his powers as he thought. Can you save each other, or will he drag you down to the abyss with him?" This so-called “weakness” could be his very own powers and he’ll need the player to help him, to “survive”.
Now, about Vere’s part, I don’t have much to say tbh other than the fact that the lyrics “Cause everytime we touch” appear for the first time in his part and I guess you could say it’s related to his frequenting at the brothel? (iykwim 😏) Oh! And you could also see him being touched by a lot of different hands in the trailer. Besides that, his part ends with the lyrics “need you by my side” sung softly by the singer hmm…
Kuras’s part on the other hand, starts strongly (I suck balls at describing music so pls listen 4 urselves, you’ll know what I mean😭) and at 1:59 mins the lyrics are “Cause everytime we touch” then his face darkens a little and it stars an instrumental interlude. I don’t know what that really means but he’s sus
Mhin’s part is sung very softly as well and the lyrics “We’ve been through them all. You make me rise when I fall” are so sweet more so because I think in their route they’ll open up more to the player after going together through incomprehensible horrors and we’ll learn how to support each other <33
Finally, Leander’s part!! Now, LISTEN. His part is the reason why I even made this post in the first place lmao This mf is way too sus but first of all, the building synth progression at 2:58???? oh my god I got CHILLS. literal chills. *ahem* Moving on, his part, starts strongly the same as Kuras’s part did. Their parts are the only ones sung like that… Weird, huh? Anyway, after the lyrics “I can’t let you go. Want you in my life” at 3:49, the song gets SUPER intense and starts sounding very desperate ig?? (kudos to Dan! love his voice frfr) and Leander’s part ends with “Need you by my side”. Okayy y'all… Y'ALL. THIS IS CRAZY. In his part we have both the lyrics "I can't let you go. Want you in my life" AND "I want this to last. Need you by my side". AHHHH Leander you obsessed little bitch (affectionate)
In conclusion, there’s no fucking way the red spring team didn’t assign the certain parts of the lyrics very and I mean VERY purposefully to each LI. The parts suit them specifically well so I highly doubt it’s random but it could also just be me reading too much into this
Whatever!!! Good morning/Good night to this fandom only ^_^
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chiffiorra · 9 months
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╰┈➤ Come Here a Little Closer
➜ Synopsis: When you decided to shop for some cute sundresses, you never anticipated him to react this way. He, however, couldn't wait any longer.
➜ Pairings: Boyfriend!Keiji Akaashi x fem!reader
➜ This Fic Contains the Following: Established relationship, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, Akaashi is a sweet but impatient boyfriend, reader is a lil hesitant but gives in after like a couple seconds lmao, breeding, creampie, allusions to almost getting caught, no beta i'm going in by myself y'all, word vomit part 100 (jkjk)
➜ WC: 1,805
➜ Note: it's funny how i was randomly listening to a fave song and the title came to me this way lmao. but anywaaays this was part of the sundress season collab by the amazing @saintshiba! i'm so sorry this took so long my love, forgive me? 🥺💚 but yeah stan akaashi and i think i put my whole cotton candussy into this but hey- can you blame me?
➜ Song as Inspiration: Hella Good - No Doubt
➜ Taglist: @enchantedforest-network
➜ Also Posted on Ao3: here
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“Well, what do you think?” Was what he heard at first, and he saw you step out of the fitting room. 
All day he had accompanied you on your shopping trip without complaint. He had none whatsoever as the two of you went from store to store, checking out new outfits that were brand new or on sale for the warm season. 
Looking at the dress you wore, Akaashi remembered you musing to him once that you needed more sundresses for when the weather was lovely. And this one? Well, something about this one dress didn't help this rising feeling inside him. 
The one you were currently showing off to him was… wow. That was the one best word he could describe it. The floral-patterned sundress in question was one in your favorite color. It was a long spaghetti strap dress, just brushing against your ankles. It also revealed a bit of your cleavage, making it hard for him to avert his eyes away. The cherry on top was the dress also having a slit on the side, revealing your leg whenever you playfully posed for him.
"Love?" Your voice snaps him out of his staring, "What do you think?" 
He hummed in response as he reached for one of the straps of your dress and began fiddling with it, making goosebumps arise on your skin. It was amazing how the littlest things he does can have such an effect on you. 
"It looks good, it really suits you," he added, his fingers now deciding to trail from your shoulder down to your wrist, causing more goosebumps to appear on your skin. To anyone else, this scene may look innocent from a distance. But to you, you knew your boyfriend well. And when he locked eyes with you, you knew that look very well: he wanted to devour you. 
All day he carried your bags without you even asking him, and even paid for some of your items despite your protests. But trying on clothes and modeling just for him, including the racier ones? It was getting harder to fight back the urge deep inside as time went on.
You didn't resist when he gently pushed you back into the fitting room, but this made you worried: right here and now? In a clothing store?
Sensing your hesitation, Akaashi gently stroked your cheek and leaned in to brush his lips against your ear so no one else from outside the room would hear what he would say. “I just can’t help myself… but say the word and I’ll stop,” he murmured, causing your heart to skip a beat.
“I want this,” you would quietly say back to him, pulling him closer to you. Your hands would go under his shirt and rub at his back, lightly dragging your nails along. This time it was his turn to have goosebumps form on his skin. 
Without warning, he crashed his lips onto yours and his hands would roam along your body. One hand taking hold of both of your wrists and the other lifting up your dress to reveal your panties to him. As he pulled away from the kiss, he would then let go of your wrists so he could kneel down and reveal more of you to him. Knowing what he was going to do, you held up your dress so he could pull your panties down your legs to reveal your core to him, which was already starting to glisten.
It made him smirk, “Already? Does being in here where anyone can hear us get you so excited?” He said, running a finger up and down your slit. You could only whimper in response.
Akaashi then glanced up at you, “Try not to make too much noise, yeah? You really don’t want us to get banned from your favorite store, do you?” He then gave a tiny kitten lick to your clit, prompting a small gasp to escape from your lips. 
To keep any employee or nosy customer hearing what was going on, you immediately covered your mouth with your hand as he kept going; his licks at your clit turning into sucking and inserting a finger into you, thrusting in and out slowly. 
Maybe he was right, the thought of getting caught was exciting. The thought of someone possibly hearing what your boyfriend was doing to you sent shivers down your spine in the best way possible. And to think that it was a sundress you planned on buying that was the final push for him. 
Akaashi continued pleasuring you, one finger now turned into two and slow thrusting now turning into fast and rough. It felt like you were on fire, and you closed your eyes as you did your best to hide your pants and moans from the outside. While you felt like you were in complete bliss, you couldn’t forget that you were still in the dressing room. You didn’t want to do the walk of shame after being so noisy after all. It especially didn’t help that you heard someone walking by the dressing room you were given. Were they able to hear what was going on as they went on their way? 
You tightened around his fingers, signaling that you were so close to giving in to release. He was pushing you closer and closer to the edge and it was getting harder to fight against it. 
Until he stopped and pulled his fingers out.
Looking down at him angrily, you were greeted by Akaashi’s smirking face and a glint in his eye. Noting the expression on your face, he responded, “Poor baby, do you wanna cum on my tongue or would you rather it be on my cock instead?”
The angered expression on your face soon disappeared at the question as well as the hand covering your mouth. “I… I want to cum on your cock,” you said. The ache from being denied your orgasm almost hurts as you clenched around nothing.
“Good girl,” you heard him whisper as he stood up to his full height and began to strip you of your dress. The dress that caused it all. 
Feeling the cool air hit your now bare body, you shivered. But Akaashi’s body draping over yours warmed you up immediately. Pushing his pants and underwear down at the same time to reveal his cock, it made your mouth water, but that part was going to have to wait for another time. You needed him now and you knew he felt the same.
Rubbing his length under your slit made you bite back a moan and him shuddering out a quiet sigh as he used your slick to lube him up. In no time, you felt him push into you slowly. “Fuck…” you felt him sigh out as he began filling you up to the brim. 
‘Finally,’ you thought to yourself, eyes fluttering closed.
After waiting for you to get used to him, Akaashi wasted no time pumping into you. With such a move being unexpected, you gasped. He quickly placed a hand over your mouth to keep any noises from spilling out and risk someone hearing you. 
A moan that would’ve escaped your lips ended up muffled against his hand as he fucked you. You felt like you were already on cloud nine as you felt your climax slowly begin to rise up again after being wrongfully denied before. 
Raising your leg up with his free arm so he could fuck you deeper, he picked up the pace, removing his hand from your mouth so he could kiss you deeply. Moaning and panting into his mouth; you wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing his still clothed body against yours.
As the two of you kept going, all you could think was ‘more’. All you wanted was more. You wanted more of him, more of his body warmth against yours, more of his kisses, more of everything from him. You simply couldn’t get enough of him, and you couldn’t stop. He was all yours. 
You felt the knot inside you ready to snap soon, so you chose to grind back into his thrusts, ready to give into the bliss awaiting you at the end. “Kei-... Keiji-! I’m so close… please,” you breathed against his lips as you both pulled away, “let me-” you couldn’t even finish your sentence as you bit your lip, trying your best to hold back a moan. Even more so as you felt him lick and bite at your neck as he leaned in, you were still in public after all. This made him smirk against your neck in response, sensing you ready to let go.
You felt yourself clench and unclench on him, closer and closer to the end. With that coming, you covered your mouth, knowing that you were definitely not going to be silent for this one. 
It especially didn’t help that you heard chatting in the fitting room next door, one sound from you and it would be all over. Too bad Akaashi wasn’t going to make it any easier on you as you felt his thumb rub against your clit, guiding you to your release. “Cum for me, baby… cum for me,” he panted in your ear. 
You felt your eyes roll back slightly as you felt yourself cream all over him, keeping any noise muffled lest anyone caught on along with your free hand tightly gripping onto his shirt. It was a miracle no one came knocking on the door to ask what was going on. You could already imagine the stares you were gonna deal with once you stepped out.
Your thoughts were interrupted by him biting down on your neck to muffle a groan as you felt him cum inside and fill you up. You sighed as you felt him rock against you to ride your orgasms out and the kisses he would leave against your neck.
“I love you,” you whispered to him, holding him close to you again as you felt him slowly pull out, feeling his cum leak out of you. He would press a kiss on your lips before speaking.
“I love you too,” he replied. You jolted and let out a gasp as he once again rubbed your clit despite you already finishing. 
You pushed his hand away, playfully glaring. “No more, we’d be really pushing it at this point!” you said, all the while he gave you a mischievous smile in return.
“So, I take it you like the dress, right?” You teasingly added, giggling as you saw his cheeks begin to burn. But he never looked away from your gaze as his hands ran up and down your bare sides.
“I do, you should take that one. It might be my favorite out of everything you brought.”
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mybiasisexo · 8 months
Entangled - Part 8
Pairing: Chanyeol x f.Reader Chapter Warnings: Language   Word Count: 5k Author Notes: okay, I feel like this is lowkey a filler chapter 😭. but I like it so idk lmao. so much has happened since I last updated. I quit my old job, got a new one (that's kicking my ass. pray for me) had my bday and saw Beyonce 3 times!! but yeah as always sorry for the delay, hope you like the chapter and feel free to lmk what you thought!!! I loooove feedback and y'alls commentary!!! makes my damn day!! have fuuuuuun~!
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You come to the following morning from what is possibly the best sleep you’ve gotten in years. A yawn escapes you as you stretch your tender body.
The action has you aware of something not moving around you, and you glance down to see a heavy arm thrown over your waist. As if the owner of the limb can sense your attention, it constricts, pulling you closer to a heat behind you.
Startled, you tense up, not even daring to breathe as you carefully roll onto your back and then turn your head the rest of the way until you’re knocking your nose gently against Chanyeol’s.
He’s in a deep slumber. Gentle snores leave his slightly parted lips, and his features are relaxed. He looks so peaceful, so serene, so…content. It melts your heart. You can’t help but stare at him, noticing the way his silky tawny hair falls across his pillow and the stubble poking out of his chin that grew in from the night before.
The night before….
Your eyes widen at the reminder and you’re sitting straight up, causing Chanyeol’s arm to fall limply on your lap.
Oh, you’ve really done it now.
Chanyeol stirs, and you think you’ve woken him, but he just rolls onto his other side, revealing his naked back to you.
Harsh rows of red raised skin catch your attention–the proof of how good a lover he is. Even though you know to some men, Chanyeol included, the scratches are a badge of honor, you only feel remorse from causing him pain.
His lack of clothing has you aware of your current state of undress and you quickly pull the thin sheet over your chest. It’s a silly action. Chanyeol’s sleeping, but even if he was awake, he’s seen your breasts plenty of times, had them in his goddamn mouth last night for christ’s sake.
Still, you must at least try to preserve some dignity.
You dare another glance at the man beside you, as if he’s a figment of your imagination that will vanish once you’re in your right mind. He doesn’t go away, so you must be really out of it.
Groaning, you drop your head, hitting your forehead repeatedly with the palm of your hand.
Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.
Fucking your ex fiance was the last thing you had planned to do on this trip. Getting closure? Sure. Making peace? The least you could have done. Now? Things have become even more complicated. Which is pretty impressive given everything that has transpired over the last couple days. And Yerim…. God, Yerim. She hasn’t even been gone twenty-four hours and you’ve already jumped her man’s bones. Sure, he was yours first, but it’s the principle of the thing.
Shit, maybe you are the problem.
As if you aren’t already about to dive in a pool of panic, a memory from the night before decides to reveal itself. The knowledge has you gasping, staring unseeingly ahead of you in terror.
Did you tell Chanyeol you loved him?
Oh, god. Oh, fuck.
Yeah, you gotta get out of here.
Feeling nauseous, you stumble out of the bed, crumbling to the ground the minute you put weight on your legs. Your bambi legs are a byproduct of Chanyeol’s pleasurable menstrations, having you literally weak in the knees. You shake your head and push through the slight throbbing of your core, standing carefully on shaky legs. Chanyeol chooses this moment to toss back around so that he’s facing you again. The arm that was around you earlier flops forward to reclaim its position, but lands on egyptian cotton instead. His eyebrows scrunch together as his hand idly runs over the empty space–searching for you. Feeling bad, you pull down a pillow. His fingers find it and yank it towards him, curling into it like a toddler with his favorite teddy bear. Your name leaves his mouth in a content breath, and all the turmoil in you dissipates for a moment. Maybe you’re overreacting? Yerim won’t be too mad, right? And Chanyeol still wants you, right? Last night meant something to him?
Did it mean something to you?
You can’t even think about that right now. Truth is you have no idea where you stand, and are even more confused than before the wedding. You’ve blurred the lines and anything can mean anything.
What you do know is that you need to leave, and you need to do it before Chanyeol wakes up. You can’t face him right now, not before you understand your emotions and actions.
“Focus,” you order yourself. You scan the floor that is now a mess of discarded garments, and a shimmer of gold catches your eye. You snatch it up, only to find it’s Chanyeol’s tie. You stare at it, remembering the way he demanded you to undress him, and drop it like it shocked you, shivering from the memory. That is definitely not what you’re looking for. 
There. A little further you find your dress and underwear. You slide them on quickly, not bothering to zip up your dress. You’re only going a few doors down, so you only hold it against your chest.
Despite telling yourself to focus, you can’t stop thinking about your confession. Obviously it was the lust speaking, the nostalgia. Yeah, that’s all that was.
Chanyeol never said it back.
The epiphany straightens your back, and you startle as you lock eyes with yourself in the floor length mirror directly in front of you. The woman before you is tragic, her hair poofy and stiff, eyes rimmed black, face puffy and nose still red from crying. You look like the clown you are.
You shudder, truly haunted, and head out. You pause by the door to slip into your shoes and grab your purse. Your heels have a buckle, but you can’t risk wasting any more time, so you don’t bother securing them. 
You open the door and a choir of angels begin to sing.
Their joyous voices die with a record scratch at the sight of Byun Baekhyun standing on the opposite end, fist up as though he’s about to knock.
You can’t catch a break.
He takes you in, visibly shocked. He says your name in a dramatic loaded question and you wince at his volume, bouncing off the walls. Damn, this is not good.
“What are you doing here?” He asks accusingly.
You quickly peek over your shoulder, checking to see if your new visitor is loud enough to wake Chanyeol. He doesn’t stir, and you can’t fight the pride that blooms in you. You wore that man out!
Shaking the emotion off, you turn back to Mr. Loud Mouth in front of you.
“Hush,” you hiss, shoving him back with the arm not currently holding both your dress, and what little you have left of your sanity, together. You make sure the door closes with a gentle ‘click’ before grabbing Baekhyun’s arm, dragging him the couple doors down to your suite. He yelps and asks where you’re ‘kidnapping’ him. It’s easy to ignore his helpless cries with the obnoxious sound of your heels slapping against your feet. 
Once in front of your door, you dig through your purse for your key, forgetting you didn’t secure your dress. The top half flutters down, titties basking in the breeze.
You freeze, eyes closing tightly as you bite your bottom lip so hard you think you’re going to bite it off. Your only saving grace is that Baekhyun is behind you, obscuring his view of your private bits.
You hear him huff in annoyance before he’s brushing your hair out of the way, gathering your dress, zipping it up as far as it can go with your arms not in the sleeves.
“Thank you,” you whisper, face burning in shame. Dejectedly, you find the key and get you both in. You kick your clacky shoes off, not wanting to draw unwanted attention, and lead Baekhyun to your room. You rest your forehead against the door as you close it, giving yourself a moment to just breathe.
Once you’ve deluded yourself into thinking you’re good, you turn around and face your friend. He’s taken residence in your vanity chair, searching your frazzled figure with worry. You can only imagine what you must look like from his point of view.
Finally, he musters the courage to speak. “You look….”
“I don’t want to hear it.”
“Okay…. Would you care to explain why you were running out of Chanyeol’s room like you robbed him? In your wedding clothes, no less, first thing this morning?”
You rub your eyes. To be honest, no, you didn’t want to have this conversation. Especially with Baekhyun. No offense to the guy, you adore him, but he’s not really known for taking things seriously. Except… right now it does appear he’s taking this situation very seriously. Although there is a hint of playfulness in his tone, you can’t see any of it on his face, only genuine concern.
Defeated, you sigh and march to your bed, plopping down onto the edge to bury your face in your hands.
“We had sex.”
“Really? I couldn’t tell,” he answers sarcastically. You glare at him through your fingers. He grins in reply, but it’s soft, reassuring, letting you know that everything will be okay.
It slips from his face as a thought occurs to him. “You weren’t drunk, were you?”
You shake your head and he lets out a relieved breath.
“Quite the opposite. It was probably the most sober decision I’ve made this whole trip.”
“So, what went wrong?”
“I just….” You recall your confession and wince, stomach flipping with embarrassment. “We ended up running into each other in the elevator and went to his room. We were only supposed to talk. But, I don’t know. You know the wedding was a lot for us both. And this trip has been very stressful and tense and we haven’t been alone since we got here and maybe that was for good reason because obviously we couldn’t handle that if–”
“You’re rambling,” he interrupts.
You take a deep breath. 
“I told him I loved him,” you push out before you can regret admitting it. It sounds even worse spoken out loud.
“And?” He asks, skeptically.
You blink in surprise at his reply. “And he, well, he didn’t say it back.”
You avoid his gaze and bring your knees to your chest and nibble on your thumbnail anxiously, waiting for Baekhyun’s response to the new detail. You must have rendered him speechless, because he remains silent. Either that, or he’s trying to figure out the best way to let you down on Chanyeol’s behalf. That makes you stiffen your shoulders, bracing yourself for the cold dose of reality. It never comes, and his lack of response drags until you think you’re going to explode.
Finally, you whip your head up to him exasperatedly just to see him looking at you like you’re the dumbest bitch he’s ever seen.
“What?” You snap, hating how condescending his expression is.
He rolls his eyes at your tone and lets out a laugh coated in disbelief, rubbing his forehead. “I love you, but you’re stupid.”
“I know,” you sulk, pouting as you rest your chin on your knees. “I wasn’t thinking straight, obviously. I got too caught up in the moment. Being with him like that, it brought me back to the good ol’ days, when we were falling in love. But, we’re not in college anymore. We’re not the same people we were when we were together.”
You furrow your brows, really trying to untangle your thoughts. It’s a lot easier to do with someone to look at.
“That’s what it is. I mean, how can I still love a man I don’t know? I can still have lingering feelings for the man I used to know, though. Maybe having sex was a good thing? All that leftover tension between us can finally rest. Yeah, that’s what last night was–left over tension. Now that we’ve done the deed, we should be good now. Sure, we still need to have a talk, there’s still some things we need to address to fully move on, but I think the hardest part has passed.”
You search your friend’s face for the right answer. “Right?”
His lips thin and then he’s sighing. “Do you want to know what I think?”
You nod miserably, thoughts too chaotic to decipher any logic.
Baekhyun stands up and walks over to you, reaching out to rub your arms comfortingly. In a gentle murmur he says, “I think you need some breakfast.”
A surprised chuckle leaves you as you lean forward, resting your forehead against his stomach. “You’re probably right.”
You relax under his touch, and you both stay like that. His hands go from your shoulders to your back, rubbing soothing circles onto your skin. The repetitive trail makes you drowsy.
The door swings open.
“I thought I heard you co–OH MY GOD!”
Seulgi stands dumbfounded at the door, the hand not frozen on your door knob covers her hanging jaw. Shock coloring her face as she takes in the compromising sight before her.
Baekhyun stumbles quickly away from you, tripping over his feet in his haste.
“It's not what it looks like!” You defend. That’s literally the worst line you can possibly say to her.
“What the hell!” She squeaks. “What the fuck is happening right now!?”
“We were just about to get something to eat!” Baekhyun says, as if that explains anything.
“HUH?!” Seulgi starts fanning her reddening face. She turns to you, not even going to humor him. “Look, I know this weekend has been rough for you. I understand you wanting to distract yourself by getting underneath someone. But, to sleep with Baekhyun of all people–”
“Hey!” The man in question barks. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Seulgi, please,” you beg. Crawling off the bed, you stumble over to her. “That’s not what happened at all!”
Your words go through one ear and out the other as she glares at Baekhyun, who’s shivering in his metaphorical boots under her judging stare. “I can’t believe you would do this! Chanyeol is your best friend! Do you not care how this will affect him when he finds out?”
“We didn’t do anything,” you plead.
“Then explain what I just walked into! Explain why you look a damn mess! And are those–are those hickeys?”
“I HAD SEX WITH CHANYEOL!” You yell in her face.
“I–wait, what?” You can see the internal conversation she’s having with herself as she tries to comprehend what you just confessed to her. When your words have meaning, a look of sheer horror contorts her lovely features.
“You didn’t.” Her voice is low, threateningly so.
You gnaw at your bottom lip, even more anxious than when Baekhyun was questioning you. 
Your silence is an admission and she yells your name accusingly.
“I know!” You agree. “Please, I know!”
“I don’t understand. How? Why? I thought you were over him, or at least trying to be. I–”
“Hey,” Baekhyun cuts her off, joining your little party. He rests a hand on her shoulder. “Let’s let her take a shower and get into some clothes that don’t have cum stains on them. Then we can get breakfast. She can explain everything then.”
“There’s no cum on my dress,” you mumble with a frown.
“I know Chanyeol’s kinks,” Baekhyun says. You huff in defeat.
Seulgi’s cat shaped eyes bounce back and forth between you both skeptically. You can see all the questions she has running through her pretty head.
“Alright,” she reluctantly agrees. “Hurry and get ready. I’m starving.”
You have a feeling it’s not food she’s hungry for.
Baekhyun leads her out of your room, throwing you an apologetic look, and you wonder how many more times he’s going to look at you like that.
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Nearly an hour later, you find yourself in a little unassuming mom and pop restaurant. Baekhyun’s grandmother lives on the island, so he knows all the local hot spots. The ajumma serving you is absolutely thrilled to see him, promising to put a bit more love in your food, which you can definitely taste upon your first bite. It is exactly what you need after the active night you’ve had.
“Yerim made it home safely,” Seulgi informs, not glancing up from her plate as she does.
Your lips thin at the mention of her sister, knowing she’s bringing her up on purpose.
You didn’t need her reminder. Yerim has been on your mind all morning.
“Yeah?” You finally answer. “Glad to hear. I’m sure she’ll hate me for good once she finds out what I did right after she left.”
“She’ll get over it,” Baekhyun is quick to dismiss.
“She’ll forgive you,” Seulgi allows. “But she’ll never forget.”
Leaning back, she finally gives you a sharp look. “What happened last night anyway?”
Luckily, you just so happen to scoop some food into your mouth when she asks that, so you take advantage and slow down your chewing. Aiming to enjoy every last bit, because you know it’s going to be the last time you’ll be able to. You swallow it down with some water, for good measure, taking your time chugging it empty. 
Seulgi watches in amusement, knowing what game you’re playing.
“Well,” you start, scratching behind your ear. “As you both already know, Chanyeol and I hooked up last night.”
“Hooked up?” Seulgi clarifies incredulously. It’s an interesting choice of words to describe what the two of you did.
Beside her, Baekhyun shakes his head, but keeps his opinions to himself, allowing you the floor.
“Yeah. And I want to say, for the record, that it was spontaneous. We just so happened to bump into each other when I was on my way back to the room. He asked me if I wanted to go to his room instead and I said yes–innocently! We were planning on just talking. And I mean, we did talk a bit?”
“Did you talk about Yerim?” Seulgi asks.
“No….” You avoid her stare and sink into your chair.
“Did you talk about your breakup?”
Her eyes narrow. “So, what did you talk about?”
“About the wedding,” you answer like it’s obvious.
“And now it all makes sense.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You pout.
“The two of you have been tiptoeing around each other all weekend. I thought it was just the awkwardness of seeing an ex–in your case, an ex dating your friend. But I misread it. Now it’s pretty obvious that if it weren’t for Yerim, you would’ve probably slept with him sooner. It wasn’t awkwardness I felt, it was tension…the sexual kind.”
Your frown deepens. Were you seriously that weak? You thought you did a pretty damn good job resisting Chanyeol, but it only took three days to fall into his sheets. That wasn’t very strong of you at all. Seulgi is right. Yerim was the main reason for you keeping your distance, not your pride or your past. She had only been gone a few hours before you gave into him.
“Does that make me a terrible person?” You quietly ask.
“I don’t think so,” Baekhyun answers simply, shrugging when you lock eyes.
“It doesn’t,” Seulgi agrees, although she lets out a tired sigh right after. “But I still don’t understand why? It’s been years, girl, and you’ve never mentioned him once in that time. It’s been a while since you got laid, and even longer since it was with Chanyeol. Old habits die hard, and you didn’t get the closure you wanted, but sleeping with your ex seems so out of character for you.”
“He’s not just some ex, Seulgi,” Baekhyun intervenes. “He’s her ex fiance, and they didn’t break up on bad terms, necessarily. There’s still love there.”
“I wouldn’t go that far,” you interject, shifting in your seat uncomfortably. 
“So, it was just an old attraction? Old habits and all that?” Seulgi asks.
“I think so,” you say and she seems to melt in relief. “I think it was just left over sexual tension, and now that we’ve got it out of our system, we can be normal. We can move on.”
Baekhyun doesn’t seem convinced. “And you’re sure Chanyeol will agree with you?”
You shrug. “I don’t see why not. It was just sex.”
“It’s never ‘just sex’ with Chanyeol, and you know that. Especially when it comes to you.”
“You’d be surprised,” you mutter, mood dampening at the memory.
He doesn’t hear you. “And I know you’re lying. Didn’t you tell him you loved him last night?”
You glare at Baekhyun and he answers it with a smug smile, knowing he just set you up.
“You did what now?” Seulgi asks deadpan.
Internally you wince. “I might have told him I loved him while in the throes of passion.”
She says your name disapprovingly. 
“And you know what? He didn’t say it back. So, you see? It was nothing more than physical for him as well.”
Seulgi looks as though she has some words for you, but Baekhyun beats her to the punch.
“You both drive me insane,” he groans. “It’s obvious you both still care about each other, what’s the point of trying to talk yourself out of it? It’s never too late to try again, and trust me when I say Chanyeol wants to more than anything. He’s already asked you for a second chance. He wants this! He wants you!”
“He said all that when he was drunk off his mind, Baekhyun.”
“Doesn’t make it any less true!”
You groan and lean your head back against your chair, feeling the pressure of the world falling onto your shoulders. It hits you then, the weight of Chanyeol’s affection, and for a moment you’re back on that sidewalk, drowning in it. You remember why you left, remember the moment your love for him twisted into something dark. Chanyeol said you told him you hate him. Truth is, you had. With him back in your life, you forgot about that, forgot that there was another reason why you were trying to avoid him. Again, everything is even more confusing, and you find yourself at a total loss of what to do next.
“It’s okay to feel overwhelmed by that,” Seulgi reassures. She knows you way more than you give her credit far. “Everything is happening so fast. You don’t have to make a decision right now, and honestly, I don’t think it’s wise for you to.”
You lift your head back up and take in your concerned friends. With the way they’re both sitting on either side of each other before you, it’s almost like they’re the angel and devil on your shoulders. One speaks for your heart, while the other speaks for your mind. Holding onto each of your hands and yanking you back and forth like a rope in tug-o-war. 
“I don’t know the right answer,” you whisper, feeling your eyes water in frustration.
“Whatever’s going to make you happy,” Baekhyun answers simply.
You cough a laugh and a tear escapes, but you’re quick to wipe it away.
“I think,” Seulgi begins, reaching over and grabbing your hand. “You should give each other space, and wait until you’re back in Seoul. It’s only a couple days, and it’ll give both of you time to figure out what exactly it is you want from each other. Do you have an idea of what that is? Is it a relationship? Closure? Or just physical connection?”
“I’m not sure,” you admit.
She tilts her head and raises her eyebrows. You understand. She’s right.
“That’s probably the best idea,” you relent.
Baekhyun grunts in disgust. “Doesn’t Chanyeol deserve a say in this?”
“Of course he does,” you say.
“But that’s a conversation for later,” Seulgi intrudes. “Preferably with others around.”
You lift your hands up in defeat. 
Now that your problem has been solved for now, you all go back to eating in a comfortable silence. Everything still tastes amazing, thank fuck.
Suddenly, Baekhyun straightens and turns to Seulgi. “What did you mean earlier anyways? When you said me of all people?”
She scoffs. “Besides the fact that you’re a weirdo? You’re Chanyeol’s best friend. If you had slept together, it would be the deepest betrayal to him. But, if she had slept with any of you, my reaction would be the same. The only other person I could possibly see her with is Sehun, and even then….”
“Ew,” you both finish.
“I love all of you,” you say. “But not like that.”
“It’s the same for me too!” Baekhyun admits. “I would never do that to Chanyeol, because I would never do that, period. Don’t ever put that disgusting idea in anyone’s head again!”
“No problem!” Seulgi says, resolute.
You finish breakfast soon after that and leave for the hotel. Today is the first day of your little             reunion tour. Sehun figured that everyone would be too hungover to do anything that required movement, so you’re all just going to hang out at the beach and watch the sunset. Sounds like the perfect Sunday to you.
You all left your phones in the car, so the first thing you do once buckled up is check your notifications, reading the texts in the groupchat confirming some of the others were heading out to the beach and the location they chose. Baekhyun winces as he scans his device, catching your attention. When you lock eyes, he gives you that pitiful smile, almost like a warning, before turning his screen for you to read. It’s filled with texts and missed calls from Chanyeol.
“Oh boy,” is all you can muster, trying not to linger too much on the only message you can read: ‘please. I’m begging’.
“What’s up?” Seulgi asks from the backseat. Baekhyun proceeds to show her his phone and she shakes her head in dismay.
“Should I call him?” He asks.
“No,” you’re quick to reply. Avoiding his gaze, you settle into your seat, staring blindly out the windshield. You feel him watching you for a moment before sighing and starting the car, pulling out to drive you back to the hotel.
The elevator ride is long. You wonder if Chanyeol will be in the hallway when it opens. Baekhyun leans against the wall, rapidly firing off texts the whole way up. It takes everything in you not to ask him what he’s telling Chanyeol to calm him down. 
The doors open, and you’re both relieved and crushed to enter an empty hall. Baekhyun walks you both to your room, which is polite, but you all know is a front. His room isn’t on this floor, and you don’t need him to walk you back.
“Where are you going?” You can’t help but to ask.
He grins guiltily and nudges his head towards Chanyeol’s room. “I’m going to check on him. That’s why I came up here in the first place.”
He pats your shoulder. “Get ready and head down to the beach. I’m sure you got Jongdae’s text in the groupchat. Both him and Jongin are already setting up camp.”
“Don’t take too long,” Seulgi says in farewell before pulling you into the suite.
As soon as the door closes, she’s holding you by the shoulders, staring deep into your eyes. “You can’t go back on your word now.”
“I’m not,” you say, cringing as the way it sounds like a lie.
Her grip on you tightens. “It’s all going to work out. Don’t get all sulky.”
“I’m not.”
She smiles. “You’re such a terrible liar. It’s kind of cute.”
“Stop flirting with me,” you sigh, grabbing her hands to hold them instead. “I’m going to take your advice. We need space.”
“Space,” she repeats approvingly, rubbing your knuckles with her thumbs.
Banging on your door causes you both to jump.
“Yeol, stop it! I already told you they’re not there!”
“I need to know for sure.”
You swallow thickly at the sound of Chanyeol’s voice.
You hear Baekhyun sigh and then Chanyeol call your name, which jerks you closer to the door. Seulgi grips your hands harder, holding you back. You lock eyes. She shakes her head in warning.
“Are you in there?” He pauses briefly, waiting for you to reply. You hold your breath, afraid in the silence he can hear your heart’s rapid beating. “Please, open the door, Mel. I just… I just need to see you.”
His voice is calm, but alarmed, as if he’s trying not to sound as desperate as he feels. He knocks again, the reps urgent, giving away the worry he’s trying to disguise.
“I just need you to tell me everything’s okay.” Now his voice cracks.
Fuck it. You can’t avoid him forever. You go to open the door, but Seulgi’s hold is surprisingly strong and you can’t break it.
“Space, remember?” She whispers.
You didn’t know that started now. 
Reluctantly, you relax, leaning your head on Seulgi’s shoulder. She wraps her arms around you, rubbing your back as you wait for Baekhyun to do his job in getting Chanyeol away.
“I can’t do this again, man,” Chanyeol’s broken voice comes through the door. “I can’t lose her again. Not like this.”
“I know, Dude.” Baekhyun sounds just as helpless, and a wave of guilt washes over you from putting him in this position. “But, she’s not in there. Let’s go to my room so I can change. It won’t take long, so don’t even think of ditching me!”
A silence drags on for so long you’re sure they’ve left. 
“Chanyeol?” Baekhyun urges.
“I–okay. Let’s go.”
You hear them retreat and let out a breath.
Seulgi whistles. “Quite the mess you’ve made.”
You swallow the lump in your throat. “You can say that again.”
“Hey,” She rubs your arm. “He’s going to be fine. Let’s change. I’m sure you’re now very eager to get down there.”
You let her lead you to your room. The whole time you can’t get over the pain in Chanyeol’s voice, a pain that you caused.
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Self-Loathing and other wrong doings
Okay! This was requested by an Anon, and it is a modern twist on things with a chubby reader. Arthur's gonna help the reader with those nasty thoughts of hers, and he's gonna make things all better, as he typically does.
I'll have this linked on my modern masterlist once I'm done! and I hope you guys can enjoy this!
You'll have to excuse me, I have to find out where I put my tags list before I can actually tag y'all- just be patient with me if you can! I'll get back into the swing of it!
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(Here's one of my Arthur Images from one of my playthroughs lmao)
Warnings: Smut, so 18+, self hate and similar themes, meaning negative thoughts, chubby reader, and female reader, modern AU. Fuck it I'm making arthur chubby too cause I can. I think that should be all!
let's get started!
You stare yourself down in the mirror, your hands placed against your stomach, looking at the way it pudged out, pushed out further than the rest of your body.
It wasn't flat, like it should have been. Perhaps if it was you'd hate yourself less. You had nice hips, and your upper half wasn't bad, but that stomach. It's what makes you upset. What makes you wonder why your amazing boyfriend was even with you in the first place.
Every time you saw yourself in the mirror you couldn't ever manage to feel anything but distain for yourself. You always felt so massive.
You had no idea how Arthur could stand to look at you.
You'd planned on taking a shower, that's why you were in here in the first place, but you no longer had an interest in doing so. Your mind felt dark, your head heavy. You just felt...wrong. Uncomfortable in your own skin.
You quietly redress yourself and then leave the bathroom, shutting off the light and pulling the door shut as you head into the hallway of your home.
You make a beeline for your bedroom, thankful that your breakdown has come on a day off, rather than when you'd been at work.
Crawling into the bed feels better than standing, you pull the covers up to your chin, and lie on your side, curled into yourself, as the tears begin to fall.
Your head screams obscenities at you, talking poorly about yourself to you.
Calling you names that you'd already heard throughout your entire life.
"Lard on legs"
You weren't the ideal girl, not to anyone. Not even to yourself. Maybe Arthur was gonna text you one of these days and tell you how disgusting you were, and finally leave you, like you deserved.
The tears get heavier, falling down your face faster as the thought enters your mind.
Arthur was your everything, he meant the world to you. If he left you, what would become of you? You'd spiral without him. You know you would. Hell you were spiraling now, and he hadn't even said anything to you.
You're in the middle of wiping the tears on your face when your phone rings, vibrating on the mattress beside you. As if he knew you were thinking about him, his name flashes on the screen, Arthur, with a little heart next to it.
You sniffle and hope you won't sound too bad when you answer, and pick up the phone, turning on speaker phone.
"Hey darlin'! I jus' got outta work, I'm headed your way, figured since you were off I'd just swing by and stay the night with ya, so long as you don't mind."
"That's fine, Love." You answer, swallowing at the thought of him joining you. You'd have to pull yourself together.
"You alright? You sound like you've been cryin' Princess..."
"'M fine Art, just...thinkin'."
"Well, I'll be there in....fifteen minutes at the most, and we'll talk about whatever's botherin' you, I can't have ya cryin' on me now."
He chuckles, and it warms your chest, even over the phone he eases your senses, what would you do when he finally opened his eyes and realized what you looked like?
"Okay, I'll see you then Art."
"I love ya Sweetheart."
"I love you too."
He seems hesitant to hang up, but after a moment he does and leaves you in silence once again.
Your tears continue to come, no matter how much you try to get them to stop, they just keep coming.
Before you realize it, you hear the door open and the sound of Arthur's footsteps as he makes his way down the hall to your room.
He stands in the doorway, and looks at you, and when you turn your head to look at him the look on his face only makes your heart pang worse.
"Oh...Darlin' what are you cryin' for? What's goin' on?"
He wastes no time moving to the bed, kicking off his work boots before he climbs in and cradles you into his chest, and you expected it to comfort you, which, it did, however, you didn't expect to start crying harder.
"Hey now..."
He hushes you and you feel his hand come to your hair, gently petting your head, trying to make you feel more comfortable.
"Talk to me Princess...what's goin' on?"
You swallow and look up at him as your tears fall down your face.
"How can you love someone like me Arthur? Someone who looks like me, who...who's disgusting?"
Arthur looks back at you with a facial expression that you can only describe as...offended.
"The hell are you talkin' about woman?"
"How can you love me, when I look like this?"
"Y/N, what on earth do you mean?"
You huff and stand, grabbing his wrist and pulling him out of the bed. You drag him down the hall and into the bathroom. You flip the light switch on and look directly into the mirror.
"Look at me."
You mumble.
"Look at the way I'm shaped, the way my body looks. I'm not skinny, I'm not flat. I'm uneven, lumpy...disgusting. Why are you still here? Why haven't you left me and found someone who deserves you? Why are you still with me, when I'm nothing?"
Arthur's brow furrows and a frown covers his face as he looks in the mirror at your form. He turns and grabs your shoulders, forcing you too look at him.
"Y/N, what the fuck did you just say to me?"
"Why are you still here?"
"Because I wanna be! Cause I love ya damnit! I never wanna hear you talk about yourself like that ever again. Never."
"I'm telling the truth!"
"The hell if you are."
His expression goes soft and he cups your face in his large palm.
"Y/N, you're absolutely beautiful. Gorgeous, a god damn treasure for me to behold everytime I see ya...I don't give a damn about the TV shows and the movies, or the magazines, flat stomachs ain't all that. I couldn't give two shits about whether or not someone has a flat stomach. In fact I PREFER, that you're bigger."
You look to the ground, avoiding his gaze.
"Darlin' look at me, I'm not small neither, ain't fit, I got a gut on me myself, but you're still around, why would I be any different?"
He was right. He's a large man, wide shouldered, barrel chested, and a bit of the stomach that hangs over his belt, but it suited him. Fit him well. He was strong too, as much as he would deny it, he was. His biceps were about the size of your head.
"Because...you look...normal."
You mumble.
"You look good, it fits good, you're big and strong, and I'm...just big. Fat, and flabby."
"No. Don't you dare call yourself fat."
You frown as you look at him, and then he slides his arms around your waist, turns you towards the mirror and stands behind you.
"I want you to see what I see in this mirror."
He pauses.
"I see my beautiful girlfriend, who, even with tears in her eyes manages to blow me away. She's soft, and welcoming, and absolutely adorable, I ain't never once looked at her and thought she was ugly, or unlovable, in fact the first time I laid eyes on her I felt like I was in love."
You swallow, looking at his face in the reflection.
"I see my girlfriend, who's got the sexiest hips I've ever seen anywhere. I see my beautiful woman, who's the sweetest, kindest, and most lovely person I've ever come across."
"I see the person I love, and the person I want to come home to everyday. The woman I'm HOPING, to marry someday, hoping to spend the rest of my life with, if she lets me."
You stay silent and tears seem to only get worse.
"Darlin' I love you. With all my heart."
He states, his voice quiet in your ear.
"I love how you look, how you sound, who ya are, everythin' about you makes me happy. I like that you're a bigger girl. I don't want you to be skinny. There's more for me to hold the way you are now, and I ain't gotta be gentle with you, I don't have to worry I'm gonna hurt you."
He leans in and kisses your shoulder, then your neck.
"Ain't never once cared about you bein' skinny, and I don't want you to be. I kiss that stomach o' yours everytime we're intimate. You know that. I love it, and I love you."
"I just...Arthur I...I hate me. I hate the way I look, I hate-"
"Darlin' you're breakin' my heart."
You turn and face him, looking up at him.
His eyes seem tired, almost broken as he looks back at you, sad.
"I love you."
He murmurs, bringing a hand to your chin to tilt your head up.
"I ain't goin' nowhere, even if you think I should, I ain't. I'm stickin' by you. What kinda man would I be if I let the best woman I've ever met slip outta my fingers?"
You simply hug him tightly, feeling his arms wrap around you as your head hits his chest.
"I love you Princess."
"I love you Arthur."
He sighs and rests his chin on your head.
"What started all this anyhow?"
"I wanted to take a shower and...I...you know I saw myself naked."
"Sweetheart, I promise you, seein' you naked is my favorite part of anyday if I'm given the chance to see it."
You can't help but laugh a little, and wipe your eyes.
"You still need a shower?"
You give a nod.
"I'll join you, if you want. I need one myself, covered in oil and grease, and god knows what else."
"Will you please? I think I'll feel better with you there. I won't focus on how I look so much."
"Anythin' for ya Princess." He kisses your forehead, pushing some of your hair out of the way. "Stay here, I'll go back to your room and get you some pj's. You finally got all my stuff put into whatever drawer it is you wanted it in right?"
"Yeah, left side, the top two drawers."
"Alright, I'll grab our clothes and I'll be right back. Why don't you start the shower and grab the towels for us, okay?"
He leaves and heads back to your room, and you feel a bit better, more hopeful. Your chest is lighter, so is your head, and you even smile as you turn the shower on.
He was a wonderful man. He deserved the world, and you'd gladly give it to him, given the chance.
You find two towels easily and place them on the counter before you strip down and get into the shower, pulling the curtain shut.
The water is hot, but not hot enough to burn, and you again smile as the water hits your skin.
You hear the sound of the door opening and Arthur drops off the clothes on the counter. You listen as he shimmies out of his clothes and then you hear the curtain open from the other end.
He comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, pressing his body to yours, offering a kiss to your bare shoulder.
"See...this ain't so bad."
"It's not bad when you're here."
He chuckles and it rumbles through you, just as it rumbles through him.
"You are beautiful, inside and out."
He whispers, kissing your cheek.
"I'm gonna have you admitting it, I will. I ain't gonna let you sit here and hate yourself. I can't do that."
"Good luck on that Hon."
"I will get you to say it."
He states, this time it's firm, less playful.
"I ain't gonna let you sit here and say all these awful things about yourself anymore."
He kisses your neck again, this time there's a difference in the way his lips feel against your skin.
It's more...possessive, marking.
"If ya won't believe my words maybe I can prove it to ya...if you're alright with that..."
You think for a moment, but it doesn't take long for you to decide.
You nod, and twist your head to kiss him on the cheek.
"You sure?"
You nod again.
"Yes Arthur. I'm sure. I want this."
He nods and again kisses your neck, again it's bruising, you know the skin there will be a purple hue.
His hands travel over the skin of your stomach, gentle, loving. His thumbs move back and forth against the skin there, hoping to reassure you.
His hands travel lower, caressing your thighs as he kisses your shoulders, mumbling under his breath about how much he loves you.
His right hand finds it's way towards your heat, he's gentle, two fingers slipping past your folds as he murmurs in your ear.
Your heart speeds as you feel the familiar stretch of his fingers.
"You deserve to feel good Princess..."
He kisses your cheek again, fingers curling within you. You feel his hardness against your rear, it's obvious it doesn't take much when he's with you.
The showerhead rains down on the two of you, adding to the sensation.
Arthur's fingers never stop moving, moving gently, slowly. He's in no rush. In fact he's doing his utmost to take all the time in the world with you.
He rocks his hips against you, just barely. Trying to help himself as he helps you.
It's sweet, in a way.
It's a long while before his hand even dares reach for your clit, and when it does, he seems to know exactly what to do, exactly how fast or slow to move, what direction to move.
He's been with you long enough to know.
That too is sweet.
You can't help but mumble his name over and over again as he continues with his way, a smile on his face as he moves his hips against you, his hand in tandem.
It feels like forever passes before you finally come upon your climax, quietly moaning out his name as you lean your head back against his shoulder.
It's slow, but it's just as good as it would have been otherwise.
He never stops kissing you, or telling you how he loves you.
He's more than what you could have asked for,
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aromaticpetals · 1 year
I was gonna send this without being an anon but then i thought about it and realized there is absolutely no way im letting anybody see my depravity when i dont even have a side account lmao
How are you doing on this fine day? I hope you are well. I saw the request thing and decided to submit a little something.
If you do afab!reader×male character, may I reuqest a size difference+wedding night/breeding kink hc with itto, ayato and thoma (seperately)? I tried to write it myself before but it ended horribly 💅
- 💫 anon
To answer your question, I'm doing okay! My cat has been a bit chaotic tho..
I'll be honest, I've never considered doing reader x male char. cause Idk what I'm doing half the time if it has nothing to do with women😭 But I can at least try! (I did get the headers done so I might as well at this point and Idek if it can be considered a hc..) Btw, I was laughing my ass off while making this cause it don't rlly make sense
𝙒𝘼𝙍𝙉𝙄𝙉𝙂𝙎! Size diff and breeding 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘀.. 𝗔𝗙𝗔𝗕!𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗗𝗘𝗥 too! IT'S JS 𝙉𝙎𝙁𝙒😭 (Possibly not suitable for those under the legal age!)
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𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙊 was proud to have caught such a beaut' like you, let alone marry ya! Of course, Shinobu gave you an entire book on how to care for Itto, she called it the "Boss's baby rules" since, well.. He did act like a man-child from time to time... But let's put that fact aside! The whole gang was happy that their boss got married to someone like you! (Without you by Itto's side, he probably would have gotten into 𝘸𝘢𝘺 more trouble with Kujou Sara..)
It was the night of y'all getting married and you couldn't lie, you were as happy as the Archons would let you be, although Itto had been acting a little.. Off? Fortunately, your now husband had managed to snap you out of your thoughts by bringing you his signature dish and announcing it with his loud vocals. "𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙖 𝙜𝙤, 𝙗𝙖𝙗𝙚! 𝘼𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙞 𝙉𝙪𝙢𝙚𝙧𝙤 𝙐𝙣𝙤 𝙄𝙩𝙩𝙤'𝙨 𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙝, 𝙒𝙖𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙜!" he proudly stated, handing you the plate before taking a seat next to you on your shared futon. You immediately pushed all second thoughts away as the savory scent of the dish filled your nostrils, trying to decide whether you should've scarfed it down or not. As he watched you eat, you could've sworn you saw a certain glint in his eyes! Unfortunately for you, you should've known that on the night of getting married to him, he'd want to do some rather.. Energy draining activities!
Just a few moments later: you laid there on the futon, stripped of both your dignity and clothing, he stared down at your small form with a.. lustful glint in his eyes. Before you knew it, you were seated in his naked lap, feeling his hardened member press against your rear as he whispered sweet words into your ear, his large hands almost touching when he wrapped them around your waist! You couldn't help the feeling that darted downwards to the area between your legs as he continued with his sweet words and light touches, making it seem as though he was afraid you'd break if he were to tighten his grip.. You could feel yourself getting wetter bit by bit, his words making you feel as though you were going to turn into a flustered and worked-up mess! Just as you were about to shift to get comfy, he quietly growled in your ear, saying "Don't move, babe, let me do all the work..". Of course, you hadn't expected him to lift you up and hover you over his member after he had said that, making you realize that it had spikes on it.. (You had completely forgotten that you were dating an Oni, not some douchebag that paid you to sleep with him-) Now, of course, in public he was the coolest dude you had ever dated! But behind closed doors, he was actually such a pure sweetheart.. As you got stuck in your thoughts, you were unaware that he forced you onto the tip of his member, the stretch tossing your thoughts into the gutter once more as you let out a small squeak, shifting in his lap to try and adjust. Your welcoming walls and small size didn't help, encouraging him to push you down until you took in half of his girth, all while staring at you with a predatorial look in his eyes. Said look reminded you of something, he was capable of feeling like he had to breed his lovers- Of course, you didn't mind having a child or two with him despite the fact that they would've been influenced by his pranks. You heard him growl again, this time a bit louder as he pushed you down until your walls reached their stretching limit, the soft spikes on his member giving friction with each little move you made! It made you think of how you somehow took the entire thing on several occasions without bursting into tears at the painful stretch.. He immediately flipped you onto your back and started slowly moving his hips back and fourth once he felt that you had adjusted enough for him to move, the spikes on his member dragging along your walls with each agonizingly slow thrust. "Itto, go faster.." you managed to speak out with a quiet tone. "Just a moment, babe, gotta make sure you're well prepared for the night of a lifetime I'm about to give ya.." he replied, quietly grunting as your walls clamped down on his member over and over again, causing him to speed up a bit. As he dug his freshly manicured nails into your waist (YES I GAVE HIM BLACK MANICURED NAILS SHHH) while thrusting into you at a steady pace, you whined and moved yours hips to meet his halfway, tired of him not getting rough like he would on any other occasion. As if he read your mind, he went a whole lot faster, making your brain spin and soft moans spill out of your mouth with each thrust. You couldn't help that it felt so good you kept clamping down on him, pushing him closer and closer to the edge as his grunts and growls got louder and louder, prompting you to stare at him with wide eyes and a lip wedged between your teeth. (You had no clue he could get that loud and not be ashamed of it, y'all were lucky that y'all didn't live near other people otherwise they would've had to suffer through the noise-) When you noticed the twitching within you and the small "gonna cum.."s that slipped from his lips, he moved your limbs so he could have you in a mating press before he came in you, thick ropes of cum painting your insides. After, he slowly pulled out, flopping onto the futon next to you and immediately falling asleep. You were happy, but Archons did you not know that this would happen every night from that point on. (I HAVE TO FINISH THE REST OF IT IN A DIFF POST, IM SO SRRY 💫 ANON 😭)
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easterartist · 8 months
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-Twin Sense-
I'm back! (With a new au no less!)
This au is a crossover between sonic the hedgehog and Rottmnt! (It's also a reincarnation au! (I have plans to turn it into a fanfic-))
Below 'Keep reading' is the au's premise!
Essentially, Leo died in the prison dimension. He ended up being reincarnated due to 'it not being his time to be with the ancestors yet' and ended up being reborn as Sonic!
15 years pass from the events of the movie, and Mikey finally figures out how to communicate with the Hamato ancestors! (The scroll vanished lmao. They couldn't find it due to the krang situation having caused everything to become a wreck. They eventually got it back tho (which is how he figured out how to communicate with them-))
Only, he comes to discover that Leo isn't with them and is currently ' needing and waiting for his brothers to find him' (Karai's words). So he and the other mad dogs come up with a plan to go find him (not realizing that he's in a completely different world at that time).
Shenanigans and such occur , all while leo/sonic is looking for something he doesn't remember (the drawback of being reincarnated is that he forgot everything about his past life and only is aware that he's missing something). Eventually, our blue boy ends up getting sent to New York and more shenanigans happen!
That's pretty much the premise without hopefully too much spoilers. This has been something that's been turning in my mind, and I had to make something for it! I'm excited to get this fanfic rolling X3
For now, I hope the art I made for this helps! (The twins' twin sense got reignited and they both were confused. Donnie, because he wasn't aware that Sonic was the reincarnation they were looking for, and Sonic because he's never in his current life had the twin sense active (even tho it felt vaguely familiar). The sense reigniting was very noticable to both of them (due to how it was severed for a bit).
Anywho, hope y'all enjoyed my au rant! See you on the flip side! :D
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cancerian-woman · 10 months
in one of the panels JM was asked how klaus would single parent hope (i think Hayley was cursed) and both him and DG agreed that freya would do the lion's share of the childcare like why did y'all ever introduce this damn baby if you never intended for him to actually be a father like...
thank you! this is exactly what I meant. This is long for a warning lol. I thought my two lined comment was understood but lmao but okay!
I’m not naive I was never expecting the Mikaelson’s raising a child to be easy or not drama-filled. I was expecting plenty of issues. A family that has lived for a thousand years and accumulated plenty of enemies was never going to have it easy with a helpless baby around! The last time that family had someone young around them was their brother. Who they rarely mentioned in TO.
I get Freya and Hayley were new compared to Klaus/Elijah/Rebekah & later Kol. They had to build foundations for them and this is no way I’m blaming Freya/Hayley but the writing(cause I know how some of y’all think lmao.) In return Hayley is the best mom-werewolf queen and fighter ever! Freya is the selfless witch for her family! Now, again I DO believe the Mikaelson’s would’ve fucked up at points. Plenty of times actually because who can say they were “perfect” at being family…nobody lol. But, question proposes again why introduce the magical baby that we can all agree doesn’t make sense. If Klaus or any of the Mikaelsons that was propped up into this plot prior to Hayley or Freya etc etc if only timeline wise was going to give them 2-3 years with Hope in total span of 5 seasons that stretched over 15 years of Hope’s life.
Klaus reason for creating hybrids was because he didn’t want to feel alone. Rebekah at that time of TVD was the only one who caught on. Hope would’ve finally been his chance at not feeling alone and yet Hayley spends more time parenting than Klaus ever does. Now, who was expecting perfection? Nobody, but why is he NEVER with Hope vice-versa. Hayley had more time as a parent and even a werewolf. TO completely ignored Klaus’ werewolf side and only showed us his biological father for one episode? They didn’t so shit but allow Hayley to suck up all the development and storylines in that regard. Then have characters such as Freya or Declan/Hayley’s boyfriend throw in Klaus’ face repeatedly throughout s5 of TO how Klaus is never around as that’s his fault. Yeah, Klaus could’ve contacted Hope for sure but physically being there would’ve went against the whole point of separating the Hallow. Even then if the writers wanted to break the rule for Klaus and Elijah then they could’ve done so for Hope. Instead, Hayley’s constantly held as the better parent/option. Mind you Hayley herself continued to bounce back and forth with her thoughts on the Mikaelsons..
Now despite all of this we could’ve been praising Marcel and the Mikaelsons as a family but the plot constantly is racist towards Marcel.(often inflicted by Elijah…) Typically his feelings towards the Mikaelsons become ignored due to his relationship with Rebekah.
I have zero issues with Hope but most fans that do have problems with her. ONLY find issues with DRR!Hope they never have animosity towards the baby-child Hope. Yes some fans hate the baby plot and that’s okay! I’m not referring to those fans I’m talking about the ones who suddenly go on this tangent that Hope has always been the issue in her family. She’s spoiled, bratty, entitled etc etc all because she dared to have feelings about how her family treated her and went drastic measures to see her dad. It shouldn’t have taken Hayley’s death for Hope to finally say she feels apart of the family. She spent most of her years alone with Hayley and clearly while she’s love Hayley, it simply wasn’t enough. Period. I do think Hayley shouldn’t have had to die for this be understood by her family but atp oh well. I don’t see an issue in fans wanting to see the Mikaelson outside of Freya & Hayley spend time with Hope or watch her grow up lol. The narrative that LGCS ruined all of the Mikaelson’s characters is false. Hope called it out that no one would care for her if Klaus died. Which is very true. The Mikaelson’s literally sent her back to school and moved on with their lives. TO knew how to “function” with the impressionable baby-child but did nothing to prepare for the teenager-woman.
TO could’ve centered on their past lives since they never let Hope stay around her family.
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butch-reidentified · 8 months
> gets gender affirming surgery
> hates trans women
make it make sense
normally I try to be polite but I've had an absolutely shit day and honestly, you're fucking vacuous beyond what I previously thought possible, so fuck that.
BOTH of those are factually incorrect assertions I have extensively addressed with great detail on this blog on multiple occasions, but you sent this ask without doing even the slightest bit of informing yourself about me or my views. you could have answered your own question lmfao. again, absolutely brainless.
my bio says "got top surgery as a proud woman." y'all believe woman is a gender (I don't, for the record). so if woman is a gender, and I call myself a woman, and "top surgery" is considered gender affirming for "non-women," then what someone needs to make sense of is how on earth you think that my elective mastectomy served a "gender affirming" purpose. this is a tier of irrational stupidity that earnestly causes me to feel a deep dread for the future of the species.
I don't hate trans-identified males, and I have broken down why that narrative is straight up BS propaganda nonsense many times, and I have dived onto the nuance about this and about my feelings toward trans-identified males many times. I hate many trans-identified males I have interacted with or read the misogynistic ramblings of, but I hate them for their misogyny in exactly the same way I hate any other misogynist. I do not start out by hating them for being trans-identified. I start out giving everyone a fair chance to be a decent person (unlike y'all lmao). If it seems like I hate trans-identified males just off rip BECAUSE they're trans, either you're misinformed by your own propaganda/making assumptions OR there might be a bit of a misogyny problem in the modern trans community that causes me and many women to wind up hating a large number of trans-identified males for being misogynists, but instead of perceiving that that's what's happening, y'all will just point and screech at the evil witches bc doing the former requires a modicum of critical thinking. it's just so much easier to shout "feminazi bitch!" and call it a day, isn't it?
If you really think that there's just no possible way that other people could simply not subscribe to gender identity ideology without it coming from a place of hate, you've crossed into religion. "Atheists are inherently on Satan's side" type mindset fr. I don't subscribe to Judaism as a religion, and actually have outright criticisms of patriarchal religion, but I've never heard anyone claim that not being religiously Jewish (or even having criticisms of Judaism) makes one antisemitic. In fact, I'm pretty sure we all know that you can do that and still be actively opposed to antisemitism and fight against it. I mean, my wife is Jewish (by blood, not practicing) and shares those exact same criticisms of the religion itself. Yet the narrative we're all supposed to believe without question is that you either fully subscribe to gender identity ideology - which is inherently faith-based* - or you must hate trans people; you must literally want trans people dead.
*It is inherently faith-based because the foundation of gender identity ideology is how people feel. We are required to accept a male's "I feel like a woman" as proof that he literally is a woman, and that his motives are pure must never, ever, ever be questioned - even if this male does nothing to "transition," is wildly misogynistic, openly fetishizes his perceived womanhood, and/or blatantly takes advantage of being welcomed into women's spaces.
We are required to reject material reality and the actual definition of "woman" in favor of the materially meaningless circular definition "a woman is anyone who identifies as a woman." We are not allowed to ask for clarification as to what exactly he is identifying with that indicates womanhood.
We are expected to fully accept and preach the Gospel of Gender Identity: Every person has an innate Gender Identity. If one claims not to have an innate sense of Gender Identity, that person is either a liar or simply wrong about their own internal experience (note that this is the ONLY time it is okay to question someone else's internal identity!), and we are encouraged to "correct" the individual in question. Everyone can be accurately categorized as either Cis or Trans. Not only does everyone have an innate Gender Identity, but we are born with these - but also, your gender identity can change over time or be fluid! Everyone has an innate Gender Identity, but also, gender is inherently fluid. And above all else, one's Gender Identity must absolutely NEVER be questioned no matter the circumstances.
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75th-hero · 7 months
I'm not gonna let this QSMP/Soul Eater au die yet. I have PLOT now, but no motivation to write the full story so y'all get the summary.
Just like actual soul eater the story follows multiple pairs but mostly Phil and Missa. Phil is a death scythe at Lady Death's side (Kristin). But he hasn't had a meister partner since Techno's passing.
Many top meisters have tried to wield Phil, but no one can resonate with him. Until Missa that is.
Missa is just a 2 star meister, he's somewhat skilled but never broke into 3 star and necer had a permanent partner. Missa can't necessarily wield Phil, but he can lift him which is more than anyone else can do.
Phil sensed and emotional maturity in Missa while being wielded that he's been looking for. Other meisters have boasted their strength and skills to him (Forever) but didn’t cut it. Sensing potential in Missa, Phil requests time away from Kristin's side to train him. Phil doesn't necessarily need a meister outside of Death, but chooses to.
Phil gets temporarily replaced by Etoiles, a solo death sword who reached death status on his own. He can be wielded, but often chooses not to be.
Forever deals with a jealousy arc where he goes to find Excalibur to try and have a better weapon than Phil and of course regrets his decision.
The other main team focused on is Fit, Pac and Mike.
Pac and Mike are a weapon duo that make it to 3 star on their own, usually wielding each other. But in a time of rising chaos, Kristin assigns a death status meister, Fit, to wield them instead.
They have a surprisingly not too hard start resonating, but as Fit and Pac get closer, Mike starts to feel left out. It's not until a mission where Mike recklessly runs out on his own during a witch fight that things go south.
Fit gets injured and Pac doesn't know where Mike has gone so he has to prioritize Fit's safety and get him out. Mike gets captured by the witch and goes missing for over a month.
While Fit is recovering they can't go find Mike so another pair is sent to search (possibly Bad and Baghera or Vegetta and Foolish). All the while Fit and Pac get closer to each other and Mike loses a little more of his sanity with each passing day.
Mike gets found and brought back to them, but after Fit is recovered the 3 of them can't resonate anymore. Mike threatens Fit whenever Pac isn't around and Pac knows his best friend isn't the same anymore. Fit and Pac can resonate just fine, but it will take a long time before Mike's soul stabilizes enough to work with them again.
Where do the eggs play a part in this?
I think during a mission for either Phil and Missa or Wilbur and Quackity (or maybe all 4) they find and kill a which that was housing young witchlings.
Feeling guilty, they take the witch children back to the DWMA and explain to Kristin what happened. She assigns different pairs a young witch to take care of.
Phil and Missa: Chayanne
Wilbur and Quackity: Tallulah
Luzu and El Quackity: Tilin
Fit, Pac and Mike: Ramon
Vegetta and Foolish: Leonarda
Bad and Baghera: Dapper
Roier and Cellbit: Richarlyson
Jaiden and Ironmouse: Bobby
Mariana and Charlie: Juanaflippa
(I'm not sure yet what to do with Pomme or Trump)
(And yes I understand witches are usually women in Soul Eater but this is my au/my rules lmao)
I haven't assigned animals to the kids yet cause all the witches have an animal theme, but I know I want Tallulah to be the turtle witch.
And for this I've made Quackity and El Quackity twins that don't really like each other.
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totally-not-deacon · 8 months
It's WIP Wednesday, my dudes!
Tagged by @throughtrialbyfire! Thanks a bunch!!
In turn, I'll bug @miraakulous-cloud-district @kookaburra1701 and @rogueshadeaux if ya wanna!
Sooo, I haven't had as much time to write as I usually would, thanks to condensed courses kicking in. Thankfully it's only for the next two months. And most of the writing I have been doing isn't directly part of AR, but a future may-not-ever-be-published-cause-it's-just-that-self-indulgent sappy epilogue lmao. That one started out as getting a scene out of my head, and then it just... exploded. I'll give y'all some of the main fic I've chipped away at, and as a treat, a little bit of epilogue that won't spoil TOO much of what's going down under the cut.
Arenthia Red:
“When this is all over with, I’m moving somewhere flat.” Marasa shivered so hard she felt she’d fall over. Maybe there was a shout out there that would teach her to fly. Wouldn’t that be nice? “I don’t even want to see an anthill after this.” “And yet you’re the one that dragged us up here.” Nebarra grumbled. “And once again, left me to haul all the firewood.” “Oh, you’ll live.” “The day’s not over yet.” “Guys, can we please go inside now? I’m not even sure I still have toes.” No, if any of them was looking worse for wear, it was Lucien. The fact that he was still upright and not lying frozen halfway back down the path was a shock to them all. She wasn’t sure he’d ever acclimate to the cold or altitude. “Alright, alright, we’re going.” Marasa bumped his shoulder playfully before dragging the massive door open, the frozen metal scraping against the stone making their ears ring. Their footfalls echoed across the hall, just as they had the first time they’d stepped through. In fact, it looked like nothing had changed at all. Maybe it had always been like this, even at its founding. “Hello? Arngeir, you home?” she called out, wincing at how loud her little joke was compared to the relative silence of the monastary. “I’m sure he just ran down to the market for some bread and eggs.” Nebarra deadpanned next to her. “Shut it, skeever brain.” she rapped her knuckles against his breastplate. “Rich coming from the goblin wearing an elf suit.” “Are you children done?” Xelzaz shook his head. The gods must have a strange sense of humor when it came to picking their champions.
Self-Indulgence ahead! (set four-ish years post-game in 4E205)
“What’s the name of the ship again?”
“The… Sword of Alinor, I think.”
“Huh, weird name for a passenger ship.” she mumbled, letting her feet dangle over the side of the dock, toes just barely skimming the water’s surface. Must have been repurposed after the war. Marasa’s fingers twisted in the hem of her tunic. She tried to focus on the sound of the waves crashing against the docks, trying to keep the urge to run at bay. She zeroed in on it. This had to be a mistake, just what was she thinking?
“Shouldn’t I be the nervous one?”
“You’ve been pacing for the last hour.”
“I get sea sick.” he said, simply.
“No you don’t.” Nebarra grumbled to himself before taking a seat next to her, putting an arm around her shoulders. She pressed herself into him, sighing. It was uncommon for either of them to show much affection in public – rarely did they let their guard down enough to do so. The change of pace was… nice. Maybe it would last. “Besides, they’ll like you. Probably.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence.” he said flatly, feeling her laugh quietly against him. “And you’re sure they won’t mind me…”
“Being an Altmer?” she asked, shaking her head. “Not at all. I mean, my first partner was Khajiit, after all.”
“Wait, really?” Had she not told him that? Must have slipped her mind. “He wasn’t one of those… really big ones, right? ‘Cause I’ll fight your ex if I have to, but –”
Marasa snorted. “No, and you don’t have to fight anyone. Last I heard, Ja’zan’s married and been living in Riverhold for decades now.”
“But seriously, what’s got you nervous?” That was his job, anyway. This was more terrifying than any dragon they’d faced together – including Alduin – as far as he was concerned.
“ Besides the obvious? It’s just… Last time, I didn’t even tell them I left, or why. Just… hopped on the first ship out at dawn, didn’t matter where it was going. And now,” she chewed her lip. “It’s been almost fifteen years. What if they don’t want to see –”
“Then they wouldn’t have sounded so excited in their letter.” He rested his hand on the back of her neck, thumb rubbing soothing circles against it. Marasa leaned into the touch. “Besides, at least you’re better at writing home than I am.”
“I’m glad you did, though.”
Only to get you to quit harassing me about it.” he teased.
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goofyjelly · 8 months
I'm about to watch Star Trek TAS , Yesteryear, Ive heard vague things about this, I'll post thoughts here :
EDIT B4 I POST THIS : // omfg this post turned out so much longer than anticipated, so I'm putting it under the cut lmao //
~ ~ ~
Sjdkjskd omfg it's off-putting how soft their voiceovers are; it sounds like they're recording in a closet and they don't want their parents to hear 😭
That's not even a complaint cus I'm eating this show up regardless
Spock's "Teddy Bear" 🥺
I don't even want to get into how weird the Time Travel mechanics are in this show- if I get into it I'll never stop so it's best just to ignore it lmao
Spock really just went Ah yes. I am your cousin. I will never see you again.
Friendly reminder: this was shown on Saturday morning cartoons ✨✨✨. So children witnessed Kid Spock choosing to mercy kill his pet.
along with Grown Up Spock having Father Issues™
Sarek telling his SON that if he fails him , he isnt a true Vulcan at all, prompting Spock (AT SEVEN YEARS OLD) to go on a POINTLESS SUICIDE MISSION to the top of a giant mountain. A MISSION THAT WOULD HAVE AND SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN HIM KILLED! the only reason he doesn't die is because Time Travel Spock saves himself!!!!!
Spock has to know that asking Sarek to try and ' better understand his son ' is pointless. Like, he has to know, but he still asks him to anyways! Because he's standing in front of his child self KNOWING that he almost died trying to both fit into society and prove himself worthy to his father.
Okay now I'm going down a mental Spock rabbit hole that ultimately has me thinking of Spock choosing to attend Starfleet rather than the VSA.
Like, I dont think Spock ever really had any problems with standing against his father, but THAT DECISION was DIFFERENT!!!! IT CAUSED, LIKE, A TWENTY YEAR RIFT BETWEEN THEM!!!!
So Spock just wants his father to UNDERSTAND.
Because Sarek is a very intelligent individual, like, this is known. And he is known to be extremely stubborn , but it doesn't seem like he is willing to emphasize with his son.
HE SAYS IT HIMSELF IN THIS EPISODE!!! it's either the human way, or the Vulcan way. No cuts no buts no coconuts!!! But in a very physiological way, Spock will always have both ways!
It seems to me here that Sarek and most of Vulcan don't know what to make of Spock. Even the Vulcan healer recognizes Spock likely because he's OneOfAKind in a sense- like, Oh it's the half breed kid.
He will always be "too emotional" for Vulcans and "not emotional enough" for Humans, even though THATS NOT TRUE!!! All Vulcans have emotions , but because Spock's human heritage is public knowledge, everyone pays close attention to any even perceived portrayal of feeling; even if that portrayal is normal Vulcan behavior.
Oop the rabbit hole in my brain is going DEEPER , GUYS STAY WITH ME
thinking about how Spock:
went from Vulcan, where they treated him differently cus he was too human and had human blood
TO STARFLEET. Of course there is likely prejudice against non-humans, but he is a Vulcan to everyone there.
Like, on TOS he's teased for his human side, but surely he's perceived as nothing less than a Vulcan to his human co-workers. If someone is referring to him , (I can't think of any natural scenario y'all bear w me) they'd say 'oh , this is Spock, he's Vulcan' (unless it's like a medical emergency type thing).
I am so normal about this I swear-
Pfff, anyways... Moving on from That.
This was a really great episode to watch. It gave more info on Spock's upbringing and different Vulcan traditions and how Spock was treated as a kid. 8.5/10 on the scale that I just made up just now.
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
Listen, I know that y'all are here for my TMR content, but at least one of you has asked me for an OBX piece and I'm going through a phase, so I thought I'd say my piece on this.
A think a main point of tension in the fan base atm the moment is Jiara (Kiara x JJ).
Now- I would like to clarify that I love the show, and I really like Kie as a character, and even though JJ is my favourite character, I'm not a delusional fangirl who dislikes their relationship because of that.
I, at the end of season 2, actually really liked them and thought they would make a cute couple.
But, as of season 3, I do not like them together.
Hear me out.
I, personally (as in this is my opinion pls dont shout at me), do not like them in season 3.
My main problem with the show and the relationships in the group is that it is incredibly heteronormative - which also increased with Cleo joining the group (I absolutely love Cleo she is an icon I have no problems with her). But like, a friend group with the same amount of boys and girls does not mean that everyone has to pair up. People can just be mates. And while the cast is obviously very diverse, which is brilliant we love to see it, there is not one slightly queer character in the show.
And, Madison Bailey, who plays Kiara, literally has a girlfriend in real life. Idk maybe I will just die on the headcanon hill that Kie is a lesbian because she is an interesting character and I do not care about the whole relationship drama between her and the boys.
Another point people keep arguing over is that Kie and JJ was forced.
And like, no, it wasn't- we've been seeing them subtly flirt for 2 seasons. It's been made obvious that JJ obviously has feelings for Kie; literally in the first episode. And, after season 2, it's clear Kie likes him too.
But, it does feel forced.
Like, it's established they like each other, but they've always liked each other and have gotten into the most horrendous situations without saying anything. So why now?
JJ feels normal - but Kie feels kinda out of character. Like, maybe she just had enough and couldn't hold back anymore, like, girl, I get you. But they used to have good, flirty but friendly energy, and it feels like the writers were forcing tension between them. Which is extra annoying cause it's at the expense of my boy Pope.
Also, just throwing it out there, the whole "I love you, dude" scene didn't even process as a love confession to me - it was only JJ's reaction that made me realise. I think it's because me and my mates say we love each other all the time and the "dude" made it feel like her just trying to convince him she cares over having genuinely strong feelings for him.
Though the Kitty Hawk rescue was peak from JJ and absolutely that I expected their romantic relationship to be- it's just everything before that.
And don't get me started on the time skip.
It's some really bizarre writing. Like, they make sense, but the way it all went down just doesn't make sense to me for some strange reason.
Idk how to explain it. It feels rushed, like whilst they've been friends for years, we didn't really see any progress or realisation from Kiara's side. Like, maybe a scene where she talks to Sarah about it and says she doesn't know what to do and she thinks she's starting to fall for JJ could've made it feel less... off. Something as simple of that could've really added to it in my opinion. Like, we didn't see Kie's feelings for JJ outside of their interactions with each other.
If that makes sense, I'm struggling to explain here.
I hope yall get me here lmao.
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isekai-crow · 4 months
Doctor Elise Ep. 5
| Ep 1 | Ep 2 | Ep 3-4 |
Nuuuuuu I'm finally caught up with Doctor Elise.... My potato chips....
This was a very fun (Mary Sue (positive)) Girl Boss episode, with Elise taking proud ownership of what she did despite being disbelieved, and keeping things professional between her and her patient.
This Prince y'all. He don't know shit about romance. He's never had the inclination to even bother with romance before, and watching his little baby-deer-leg-like attempts is very very cute. It's very fun to be watching this and the BL/yaoi Cherry Magic at the same time because man they are two sides of the same coin in playing with tropes and dealing with power imbalance in romance.
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THIS show could be a yaoi if it WASN'T A COWARD.
I am enjoying this show SO MUCH because I (am old) enjoyed watching Dr. House, Scrubs, Grey's Anatomy, and the autopsy/sciencey bits in CSI:LV and NCIS (with Abby!)
Capybara is enjoying this because he is a connoisseur of well researched fanfiction, with Sick Fic being one of his main staples. He has learned to recognize certain illnesses because some of his favorite authors do a shit ton of research on what to do to their whumpees darlings, and those well researched stories don't go with boring reasons for why certain symptoms are appearing, but more realistic diagnostics.
He was very excited at guessing what was wrong with each patient in these episode and it was fun to watch him get excited about it.
Spoilers Under the Cut
Elise defending and explaining her report about the Splenectomy was funny because... her hand writing was such an issue, but despite all the little hearts and the poor writing that is OBVIOUSLY not Dr. Graham, they still have trouble believing it's hers until she can walk them through the report.
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MORE HAND WAVING WITH THE "I turned this surgery over and over in my head" (more like she already did a successful one with the Dead Mom Hair lady) Its just barely believable, but it marks her as a literal genius, and actually makes for a good story if she WAS an actual medical genius.
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HMM I WONDER WHY THE TEST IS GOING TO BE HARDER THIS YEAR??? Fuck all the other students, we wanna make this lady fail so she can be queen! But she has 3 doctor reccs to be able to take the medical exam!
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And another doctor immediately tries to steal her with NO consideration for the Head of the Hospital and Head of Surgery being RIGHT THERE IN THE ROOM WITH THEM. No subtly this man, which makes sense if he CANT EVEN RECOGNIZE ONE OF HIS REGULAR PATIENTS!!!! FAILURE.
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This No-Thoughts-Head-Empty Just Having A Good Time face is so funny to me.
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Then we get some more reminiscent of the backstory, and I'm okay with this being a little Mary Sue -ish type tragic backstory cause she kinda deserved it, admits she deserved it, and is trying to make amends (because she wasn't THAT evil of a villainess, just an ignorant and spoiled rich kid).
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But the Prince finally admitted something was wrong with himself and goes to the clinic to get himself checked out by Elise/Rose while he is in his Ron disguise. He finds her pulling ivy off the buildings, and MAN the initial angle on this made it look like she was two stories up (so I started chanting fall, fall, fall so that you can get caught).
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but no, she's on a fucking step stool lmao.
We DO get a classic "Staring at each other from across the way as the wind blows and their eyes meet and they have Thoughts."
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She then proceeds to diagnose him and Capybara started chanting "Hyper thyroidism? Hyperthyroidism." as each symptom and question is answered
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and dammit he was RIGHT!!!
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And he keeps coming back for more lmao. And is SO UPSET when the two months are up. But is probably like HELL YES I GET TO MARRY THIS LADY. maybe. the thought probably hasn't occured to him actually now that I think about it...
Until he goes to her BROTHER for advice on what to get her, and despite being the grumpy big bro IS SO ACCURATE IN HIS ADVICE. But the Prince thinks he knows best (with ZERO experience, like, what did you even ask him for then?) and gets her a shiny thing instead and fails.
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It's all worth it though cause Babygirlboy prince smiles in the end!
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I want more potato chips. Please let next week come soon so I can have more potato chips anime. Please.
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sally-mun · 1 year
sorry i keep putting stuff in here but I thought of an interesting question this morning about the guardians. (and I don't mind if this takes you ages to do it's really fine lmao)
Where would you place your Guardians (to make it easier you can do the more 'younger' half of the family) in a ranking of... morally questionable or worse to actually morally good.
My money is on Locke or Sojo being at the bottom maybe unless we're counting Rex aka Tobor
Honestly tho this is a very interesting question, which is why I didn't want to answer it too quickly. The thing about the Guardians that's easy to lose sight of (as a whole, including those in BH:O we haven't gotten to address yet) is that, for the most part, most of them aren't exactly bad people, they just tend to have really shitty personalities -- or at a MINIMUM, some shitty character traits. On some level I guess I get it because it's a very isolated group that gets more and more repressed and toxic the longer it goes on, but that said I can appreciate the work someone does without wanting to grab a coffee with them.
Anyway, let me see what I can come up with here. I'll do my best.
Athair: I think it's kind of funny that I'm putting Athair at the topic when he's largely considered a disgrace among the BH itself. But honestly, I think a lot of them know deep down inside that what Athair didn't isn't actually bad, it's just not something that directly benefited them. This is a guy that gave up EVERYTHING in his life, from a pretty young age even, to help others that were desperately in need. Athair did way more than just give up his duties as a Guardian; he gave up his relationships, his home, his reputation (especially for breaking Nemo out of prison) and even just basic comfort. The life he leads with the Lost Tribe is orders of magnitude harder than the life he has on Angel Island, but he willingly chose it because it was the right thing to do.
Sabre: Okay, I think we can all agree that Sabre can be a real tool, but the main reason he was so obnoxious was because he was so frustrated by the sheer volumes of injustice that he couldn't do anything about. He's the sort of person that doesn't let the little things go because he kind of doesn't see anything as a little thing. His sense of justice is one of his main motivations in life. The main reason why I'm ranking him behind Athair is because, while he does do a lot to enact change and also has to risk/give up things that are important to him for his morals, there's not much he can do that could ever really top the incredible sacrifices that Athair had to make for his cause.
Janelle-Li: I would say that she also has a very strong sense of justice, but that's also kind of a natural side effect when you're directly facing discrimination for most of your life. A lot of people, way more than just the Brotherhood, treated her differently simply because she was a woman, so she had plenty of drive to promote change in her world. Janelle did a ton of good for Echidnaopolis and the Brotherhood, but she took a more subtle approach to do so, mostly in the form of leading by example. There's nothing wrong with that, to be sure, but it also results in changes coming at a much slower pace overall, and sometimes it doesn't always drive home why bad behaviors are bad, so there are going to be people that never learn the lesson. I'd like to think that, had she lived longer, maybe she also would've made some bigger, bolder moves as well.
Thunderhawk: There's probably not much I can say here about Thundy that y'all don't already know, because I'm pretty sure he's almost universally everyone's favorite (living) BH member. He has pretty much the same morals as Janelle, and also shares insights into what discrimination and abuse can look like. The main reason he's ranking below her instead of equal with her is that he DOES have a bad habit of drawing lines in the sand once he's come to the conclusion that someone is bad; we saw this both in how he treated Nemo and how he reacted to Locke's treatment of Elias. All of his kind words and empathy go out the window at that point, and it can take quite a lot for him to change his mind again.
Spectre: In an interesting way, I see Spectre in much the same way I see Janelle, but the key difference between them is that he doesn't have nearly as much courage. Janelle was very vocal about her thoughts and feelings and used that as a persuasive tool when fighting adversity, whereas Spectre learned very early on that it was not safe to speak his mind. As a result, he has a strong sense of morality and why things are right or wrong, but he does very little about it. If it's something he can solve with an action, he will absolutely do so, but if it requires a discussion? Spectre is borderline useless in that situation. Unfortunately, strong morals are almost meaningless if you're unable to put them into action.
Sojourner: We all know Sojo's not a pleasant person to be around, and that he can verge into abusive territories when uninterested in holding back. He IS aware that he shouldn't do things like that, but there are two problems there: 1) He may or may not actually feel bad afterwards, depending on how justified he feels to act out, and 2) even when he doesn't feel justified, he still comes up with excuses for why things are fine and he doesn't need to change. It wasn't that bad, they'll be over it soon, it's just the way I am, life isn't fair... etc etc etc, I'm sure we've all heard these excuses before. I mean yeah, it is good that he DOES occasionally call himself out for being shitty, but if he doesn't then adjust his behavior or outlook to reduce and eliminate that quality, then it's functionally the same as not calling himself out at all.
Locke: Pretty sure you guys don't need me to go into detail here, because we all know all too well how many times Locke has crossed the line without looking back. He unfortunately has the perfect mental recipe of 1) recognizing that the things he does hurts others, but 2) convincing himself that doing so is necessary. I won't even tangle this up with the fact that he feels like his actions will be a net positive in the end, because he is DIRECTLY presented with evidence, OVER AND OVER, from lots of different people, that his information is inaccurate, that there exist far less harmful ways to achieve his goals, and that he lacks the consent of those he's affecting. Even with his belief that he's had a vision, even with the fact that he undoubtedly has mental illnesses affecting how he thinks and behaves, he actively chooses the methods that necessarily and irreparably cause others harm, purely to satisfy himself and his needs. I can't even cut him a break from the fact that his illnesses are tainting how he perceives and processes information, because he DID have that period where he was in the hospital and received some of the help he desperately needed and showed a marked improvement even in that short time -- and then chose to return to methods he knew were harmful purely for his own benefit. And unfortunately, there was no more reaching him after that.
I kinda wanted to address Moritori separately from everyone else, and not necessarily because he's not "really" part of the Brotherhood. An argument could be made that he -functionally- is a part of them and therefore counts, but to me that issue is kind of a red herring. The thing to remember about Moritori is that he's playing a very different game, and on a VERY different scale. He doesn't do the horrible things he does simply for shits and giggles, he does them because he's DEEP under cover in enemy territory and trying to systematically weaken his enemies enough so that his side can be victorious. That's not really uncommon or unexpected for someone in his position; he's basically the equivalent of a CIA operative. If he intends to gain any ground for HIS side of the war between the Brotherhood and the Legion, then yeah, he's going to have to get his hands dirty.
So as far as his morality is concerned, I feel like it's kind of not fair to judge him because we're necessarily looking at him as the bad guy, because our POV is implicitly aligned with the Brotherhood's. From a BH perspective, yeah, it's very easy to say that Moritori is a despicable person that does unconscionable things -- but from the Legion's perspective, this guy has made OUTRAGEOUS sacrifices purely for their benefit. He, like Athair, literally had to give up everything in his life in the hopes of helping a people desperately in need -- and he doesn't even get the benefit of BEING with those people like Athair does. Everything he does is motivated by the idea that the Brotherhood needs to be stopped, that the Legion is relying on him, that his family needs him to do these things. If it was someone on our side doing these same things in a Nazi regime during WWII, would we judge our spy for the individual things they had to do, or would we hail them as a war hero for taking down the enemy and saving our people? And if we were to do that, does that mean that the individual acts they had to commit against the other side are now fine? They're still horrible things, but we forgive them for those things in that context. But they still did them, and people suffered for it -- just not our people, so we don't tend to extend that compassion.
Anyway, this is just a very long way to say that Moritori's morals are complicated. He does a LOT of horrible things that hurt a ton of people, but I also think that context is key, and the fact that he's under cover in the middle of a war adds at least some mud to the water. The Brotherhood would consider him less than scum, but the Legion would hail him as one of the greatest heroes of all time for single-handedly taking on the entire Brotherhood to save them. Who's right and who's wrong depends deeply on your point of view.
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