larzuen · 3 months
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He's feeling very stylish! ✨
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i think i need a lobotomy
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ch1zzie · 2 months
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The original in the bottom
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Plus the picture I mainly drew but decided to draw the rest for funny
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#thats not my neighbor#milk man#just tried to draw something in my mind to post along with saying some updates#monday the people are gonna give my grandma the keys to the house! while i have to stay at my aunts place for wifi for school#(online school)#my moms gonna be moving things out of storage into the house! AAAA I CANT WAIT#also little welcome home update#im not sure if i said here? wait nevermind i just remembered while typing (it was that i got barnaby and the pins) AAA silly me#also im making a little julie out of clay (if i wake up and their messed up i am NOT redoing that😭)#the legs are a little messed up because julie was gonna be the size of an hatsune miku figure on accident so i chose to shorten her a bit#only because im not sure if im gonna make the others too AND because theres no way hes gonna be THAT tall😭#also! im making easter art#yes its barnaby and wally again just for fun! but a few changes like keeping their regular outfits because i cant think of anything else!!!#why not the ones in the old easter drawing? welllll a follower said that wallys outfit looked a bit familiar to another not so good thing#it wasnt on purpose just an accident because i hadn't notice BUT im glad i know now so i can be more careful!#im not sureeee if im gonna finish the easter art OR the julie clay thingy but I'd love too! and honestly HOPE to#high chance i will (well maybe the easter art could be late or not)#maaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAA trying to think if theres anything else but cant! ill try posting this hoping my wifi wont hate me...#also i know i said this account was for welcome home posting but i didnt have any cool welcome homey things to put here gahhhhh#ehehehhe once i get my new room and its allllll just me#imma post like crazy (wellll that IS the plan so i hope)#even if its little dumb posts#by the way this post was gonna say on top “i know i said this account is for welcome home posting but TAKE THIS FOR LITTLE UPDATES”#just removed it because i dunnooooo just didded#hehe didded
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indecisive-dizzy · 2 days
I feel like I'm slowly being dragged back into my (dreamworks) Trolls era,,,
it won't last long knowing me and wh but I feel an intermission coming lol
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unowneyenon · 11 months
EDIT: i made this list only a little while ago and ever since then SO MANY FINDINGS ARE OUT!!!! OMG EVERYONE IS SO SMART!!! this list is VERY VERY SMALL ANS A LITTLE OUTDATED!!! for the more updated version, go to my profile and it’s the pinned post!!!!!
🏡 The Welcome Home Update Discovery List!🏡
DISCLAIMER🏡 this edit is a HUGE WIP right now and i edit this post very frequently! VERY. i can find new material very fast, which makes it hard to publish it all fast!
hello neighbors! the new welcome home update just released and i hopped on in immediately—i made a post about it literally 10 minutes ago. since then, i’ve already found MORE and MORE content!! thus, to share this information with the fandom and also help others find how to access some of this information (of which nobody else has really posted about yet AT THE MOMENT I AM TYPING THIS) i’ve decided to create a big update masterlist of everything me and others have found it this update it will be updated regularly and will be pinned on my acc! happy findings! (ps: please boost this if u can i want to solve mysteries with this hellsite!!)
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side note—it appears all the main glitchy videos with the voice actors can be found by clicking on the numerous bugs around the site! SIDE side notes—i don’t use a computer to access welcome home, so maybe there is a way to do this on a computer. on the front page wayyyyy at the bottom near the count of how many people have visited the site, there’s a beetle i cant click on that just SCREAMS “click me!” PLEASE someone click it because it will not be me
the spider — found on the top right of the “stickers” page, this video goes through a conversation between barnaby & julie, with julie saying really bad jokes in attempt to be funny (she’s is but she isn’t at the same time! i love corny jokes so she’s funny in my eyes). also, something i’ve noticed throughout these videos appears to be that wally is in many, if not all of them. he’s just nonverbal and does not speak. at ALL. but he is in them. barnaby actively talks to a person beside from julie, and at the end, julie says a sentence that ends with “… wasn’t it wally?” asking for his opinion. BUT BUT BUT the video cuts and glitches off as soon as she says wally! it’s very similar to how all these videos end!!
the praying mantis — found at the bottom of the “about us” page, clicking on a little preying mantis will lead you to a video of sally and julie rehearsing for a play! idk if it has any deep meaning yet (besides the random deep voice at the end) but it’s so silly!!!! like julie is so silly i love her!!!! (TW minor glitching and weird deep voice at end which is sorta a pattern in the vids)
the fly — found on the page titled “welcome home” and can be accessed by clicking on a fly that appears on screen. this video depicts frank and barnaby’s voices, discussing frank’s flowers in his garden. the video itself shows what appears to be a smashed orange/pumpkin thing in a woodsy area, as (what i think looks like) a face looms in the background (TW sorta loud noises and glitching!
both of these audios are of wally speaking directly to the listener, and can be found on the “welcome home” titled page (at least that’s where i found them) by clicking on crayon-drawn flowers shown here:
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yellow flower — depicts wally asking the listener “what are you waiting for? to hear from me again? hahaha! that means you can hear me.” , as a heartbeat noise is heard in the background (it’s not as creepy as it sounds i promise)
red and blue flowers — wally saying; “that’s what an eye looks like. my eyes are black. what color are yours?” as a heartbeat noise plays in the background
house scribble — found DIRECTLY on the front page like as soon as you enter the site. wally says; “there you are! welcome home! hahaha” he’s so silly imo
the star — found on the stickers page by clicking the star scribble. this one kinda scared me a LITTLE with what was happening on screen but wally says: “do you like to draw? i do. do you know how to draw an eye? first, you draw a circle. then, you draw a smaller circle inside. then, you color it in.” this one’s really cool go watch it and you’ll see!
🏡other stuff i noticed (WIP)!!🏡
in the “spider” video, julie says to barnaby that her joke will “knock your [barnaby’s] head off!” which is funny, but not the haha way. because there is art made by clown illustrations of barnaby, who’s head is rolled on the floor
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Hi again Ghast °^°, I have a request that be either drabble or hc---you know I dont really care--- for a GN! Reader that struggles with sleep, a very much a "multiple all nighters" type of struggle. Sleeping isn't the hard part however, its the process of actually getting into bed and staying with only them and their thoughts, or be stuck in suffocating slience that leaved them too paranoid to sleep without feeling like they are being watched by someone, or something.
Wally would probably be the first to suggest having a sleep over, out a normal level of concern--or reliability--and he packs for the nines, face care, movies, coloring, painting, board games, books, man probably brought matching pajamas for the both of them. So even if the reader can't manage any sleep, they wont grow bored. Ofc kept it semi-vauge for your personal take on the idea, i cant wait to see what you may produce
OHOHO.. MORE SLEEPOVER DRABBLES, YOU SAY..? I am feasting, flower anon- BWAHA /lhj /pos !!
I’m happy to see you again, though!! Hello again to you, too!! :] hehe!!!
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Snoozing Soundly
Wally Darling x GN!Reader who struggles with Sleep
Drabbles Format, Relationship can be interpreted by Reader!
CW//There are descriptions of paranoia in this! I will put a red divider between the sections with it, so you can skip it if wished!! Stay safe, lovelies!
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It had been days, at this point, since you had last properly slept.
The neighbours had noticed, of course they had— how could they not? From the eyebags painted messily under your eyes; to your staggering, lethargic movements; to your odd times of being out, or being inside your home.. It was pretty easy to piece together. They were worried, of course they were, but none of them were actually—? Very sure what to do about it.. You had begun to struggle even holding a conversation, at certain points— when your energy was especially bad, so asking if you were okay was a bit.. futile.
The first to come up with an idea was Barnaby, actually. He had been helping Wally brainstorm ideas on just what to do to help.
“Why not do a sleepover, or somethin’?” He chirped, idly fiddling with a stick between his paws, “Might help. We dunno why they can’t sleep, aft’r all.”
Wally’s eyes would light up a bit, before his smile grew— ever so slightly.
“That.. is a good idea, Barnaby. Thank you.”
With that, he’d slide over his untouched hot dog, an unspoken ritual between the two, and waved him off.
That following evening, your phone would ring— snapping you out of the half-asleep lull you were in. Your limbs felt achey and burnt, and your head held an ongoing pressure, but you dragged yourself to your feet despite this. Soon, you had grabbed your phone and placed it to your ear— Wally’s voice soon bleeding through it.
“Hello..!! I didn’t.. know if you’d pick up, ha ha ha!” He spoke softly, voice laced with concern. “Are you.. up to anything, tonight?”
You tell him no, but try to express the fact you were too tired to really do anything, if that’s where this was going..
“Oh— no, no..! I wanted to.. maybe propose a sleepover?” Beside him, on his end, he.. may have already packed a bag. Obviously, it’s a bag that can wait, but— he may have gotten a bit excited. “It’s.. okay if not, though, I understand you are tired, friend.”
His voice, albeit still somewhat flat, held genuine understanding— and you mulled over your options; soon agreeing. What’s the worst that could happen? Besides, the company might.. help.. with the constant nagging feeling you had.
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What had started out as just a few sleepless nights soon quickly spun itself into suffocating paranoia. Each time you laid down, alone with your thoughts, the ebbing feeling you had throughout the day would run over you like a train. Your thoughts would quickly begin to spin out of control, until you felt stamped to your bedsheets. It felt like if you moved you were in danger, and if you stayed? Even more so. Nothing felt safe anymore— not safe from your thoughts, and you weren’t safe from it. It was exhausting, to never feel safe, to always feel watched. Maybe some company, or— hell, even just a distraction at this point, might help.. Your body longed for sleep, but your mind had been snapped into some sort of need for “protection” when there was no call to be protected.
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In just about thirty minutes, Wally had arrived with a little bag at his side. When you opened up the door, he stared up at you with a smile, one seemingly filled with relief.
“Hello, neighbour..!” He spoke with a smile, but to be fair— when didn’t he? “Can I come in?”
Your mind caught up to you, and you buffered. You kind of assumed it’d be at your house, but that hadn’t dawned on you until now. You hadn’t cleaned, you had been too tired to, and now you didn’t really have.. uhm, a chance.
Nervously, you told him yes and stepped aside so he could come in— immediately starting to babble apologies about the mess. Instead, he shook his head, and lightly put a hand on your arm.
“Would.. you like help, to clean? I don’t mind.” His smile softened. “I understand.. that you haven’t, yet.. You’ve been tired, it’s okay.”
No matter how the conversation went from there— you soon found him helping you to tidy up your home. You were on organization duty, and he was on mess/trash duty— which.. these “duties” weren’t directly specified, but it’s just sort of how you two fell into operation. Once finished, he’d just seem to contently place himself in your living room, legs crossed as he waited for you to join him— as he.. stared. Albeit that wasn’t uncommon for him, truly. When you did join him, he’d seem to be idly wiggling his head side to side.
“So..” As he spoke, he was— “discretely”— reaching for the bag he had brought. “I.. might’ve brought.. some stuff..”
From there, he began to rattle off exactly what he had brought— ranging from movies, to some of his art supplies, books, face masks (because of course he, Wally Darling, has face masks— have you seen him??), Monopoly (???), and.. and a set of matching pyjamas.
He had, earlier in the day, rung up Barnaby for suggestions on what to bring for entertainment at a sleepover! Barnaby, from afar, helped him pack— including the matching pyjamas. However, he had meant those as a joke— but Wally did not pick up on this, and instead genuinely brought matching pyjamas. They’re even in your size!!.. where did he get these??-
Very soon, after maybe some pleading from Wally, you were changed into the pyjamas and he was changed into his. He looked very content. From there, you two began to do a range of activities— albeit at a slow pace. Wally never rushed you to move faster or be more energetic, and instead encouraged taking breaks if you needed them!!
By the end of the night, you two had put on some random movie to giggle at on the old television. Wally was sat up, back against the couch as he crossed his legs, idly scribbling in a colouring book he had brought along. You were laid out on the couch, struggling to stay conscious. You felt.. okay. It was pleasant, relaxing even. Though some part of your body still held an ebb of worry— maybe even panic, it felt like it couldn’t reach you here, reach you now. You continued to struggle to keep your eyes open, the movie flipping by in the slow frames of your blinks, until you.. gave up. It was the middle of the night, the sun would rise soon, but you had no clue or care for that, now. You let yourself slip into sleep, ignoring the ebb of poorly-placed panic in your stomach as you did— it couldn’t reach you. You were safe.
Wally watched as you fell asleep, his hand slowing on his messy colouring book scribbling. He smiled a bit, soon sliding the book off his lap and onto the floor— and he stood. Grabbing a blanket nearby, he’d soon drape it over you, murmuring a soft “Goodnight, friend.. sleep well..” as he did. He then sat back down and nabbed the colouring book again. It’s impolite to leave when someone’s sleeping! So he’d be by your side, all the way until you woke up.
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Gwgwgegegegg I HOPE YOU ENJOYED READING THIS!!! It was fun to write >:] I’m a sucker for sleepover prompts BWAHAHA
Have a lovely day!!
EDIT: Ignore that I forgot a title I’m SILLY
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skyepixels · 11 months
The Welcome Home Website!!!!! She is Beautiful~! And She Leaves Us With So Many Questions!
First off, I am absolutely astonished at how beautiful she is!!! Clown, Puzz, and everyone else has worked so hard and they've exceeded everyone's expectations with the site!!! What a wonderful little Home they've made, and I'm excited to experience it as a fan!!!
I know that everyone's combing through the new website update with a fine toothed comb so I won't be sharing anything we've already found. I don't think I've found anything new in the site that others haven't already found, but oh boy!!!! Does everything there only raise more questions!
What I do love is how all the audio files we've been given through the "bugs" has really shown what everyone's personality is like! I love every one of them, and the voice actors captured them perfectly! Oh and the little tidbits of history with the merchandise, the telephone calls, the little skits! Be still my beating heart~!!!
AND THE WALLY LIVE INTERVIEW. I CANT! It's sooo darn cute!! And Nick Nocturne (I know it's him, that interdimentional cat demon) as the interviewer was such a lovely touch! I cannot wait to hear about that from his YT channel!!! And Wally was so coy with the romance question~ and I think that's the perfect way to answer it for everyone who loves him! Keep it vague, let everyone make their own conclusions and be happy! (I know I certainly will for the time being, and will love him no matter what!) I am so curious about the underlying story here: there's so much to think about it's driving me crazy! They gave so much and answered so little! We can only theorize from here! So here's my little thoughts! None of it's cohesive in any way, nor does it really have all the details or tell full story yet, so just take it in sections if you decide to read it! ______
I think that Wally, Home (And maybe everyone else, not sure) are trapped somewhere. Where exactly isn't certain, but very trapped indeed. My first indication of this from this response in the guestbook for Tayla (Page 8):
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"eu não sei onde estamos" - I don't know where we are (A bonus for the multi-lingual side of things there, it makes me really happy to see it!)
I have no concept of what happened to everyone else, but from the little drawings he's made on the guestbook, he's constantly telling people things like "Oh, I'll tell Eddie." or "I'll tell Frank." these messages, but we never get a direct response from any other neighbor! It's always him talking! Just him. He tells people their responses, but we never hear anything direct from the other neighbors! The quick reference I can bring up is the hearts PNG in the guestbook for Kazoo:
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itoldhim_hesaidhesflattered_idontknowwhatanyoneistalkingabout_.png I feel like those collections of audio clips with all the neighbors (1-14 to 14-14) are a recount of events throughout an entire day that previously happened that may give insight into what happened to Wally. I think this is the case based on the last audio in the list, 14-14 bh audio, when Barnaby notices Wally acting strange:
BARNABY: Yeah, yeah, real funny! A poor little guy like me deserves some sympathy! A clown without a kazoo is like… Like an artist without his paintbrush! Go on kid, tell ‘em! …Hello? Buddy? Pal? …Hey, you stopped paintin’. Everything alright, Wally?
Well, something happened there. Maybe a change in his psyche, how he perceives things - some strange realization that terrified him. Maybe he got angry at something. What it was? I have no clue.
Another addition that I think is interesting! Frank wrote to Wally describing the unusual bug he found. In the beginning of that letter, Frank says this:
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"I know you would ask if you are here." Where is he?
The nature of how Wally and everyone communicates is so vague and weird! I think the telephones, the mail, the TVs - all these things are means of communicating, but there's no direct connection to us! Any time a phone call is made, they can't hear us. This I have inferred from the "It's for you!" Talking telephone toy! They can talk to us and we can hear them, but they can't hear us! What's causing this disturbance? That's the real bug here, and I'm clueless on what that means or how to break through the surface!
Most importantly! I think that Wally specifically trying to communicate with that one person on the WHRP team. That person... is experiencing a lot of heavy sh*t, because I think they remember Wally and the show. They're the closest person right now that's able to help him (either willingly or not!)
I also believe he's specifically working with that WHRP member because in the phone audio (the one you click on when interacting with the toy telephone on the merchandise page), he says:
"You have to go too. You have work to do."
From what I can interpret from the live interview, I think that it implies some semblance of back story! Wally did interact with people and the outside world during his prime in the 70s, when the show was really starting to pick up speed. He was calmer, more in tune with his character and fame. He was in character most of all, and I think being in character was a sense of identity for him that he could rely on!
But those secret audio files we hear from him now? He sounds desperate, like he can't breathe. He's practically breaking from his usual character. What did he realize? What does he know? All of those things boil down to this sentence:
"I will help you understand. I will find a way soon, Neighbor."
Wally (and Home?) are working away at a solution wherever they can I think that WHRP member is the key to that! (Although the methods of how they're doing it, i.e the black paint that apparently you shouldn't touch with bare hands, the mind-boggling phone ringing in that person's ears, the complete distortion of reality - definetely implies a few things.)
I also think that the highlighted in invisible ink is Wally's words throughout the email compilations and other documents! The one where he says "Im so sorry." - I feel like that's him showing some remorse for his actions there, but it's like a sorry that says "I'm sorry, I have to do this." kind of deal (which is... oof)
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Also - quick note! Wally keep insisting on being let in, rather than being let out. "Let me in." - Let you in to where? Our world? Reality? Oh so many questions!!!
I also am curious about the WHRP staff too, and their interactions with the Question-Answerer, the Marlo company, the Playfellow Workshop! There's two sides to this story; the human side and the puppet one, and it's so multilayered here that at this point, I'm inclined to distrust what anyone on that website says until we know what's going on!
Lastly, I'm not certain how much we as viewers of this story are involved. While I believe that he's working to get that WHRP member to let him in, he does acknowledge us through the guestbook. Although, I don't think truly aware of how much we see him. i.e "idontknowwhatanyoneistalkingabout" line from the heart PNG.
While I want to believe that Wally can see us through our art, specifically when we draw or recreate his eyes, for engagement's sake (audio from this link), I also am inclined to believe he's refering to the eyes that the WHRP team member keeps drawing on those sticky notes and other places throughout the restoration site:
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And and and!!! I think that there's got to be something upcoming with this link: https://www.clownillustration.com/error404
You find this link on the staff-only page at the bottom with the text "It's in here." And I think that with any future updates, the next section of the story will be coming from here.
AHH~! I rambled on too long! Hope you enjoyed it!
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arienrambles · 2 months
C&S characters as things my friends have said, pt. 8
Barnaby: wait when even IS valentine's day again
Ariana: february 14th, same date every year
Barnaby: i thought it was the 15th this year
Mila: I think I just swallowed sellotape
Rowan: what was sellotape doing in your mouth
Mila: I got hungry 😔
Mila: oh
Ariana: ah yes send the kink 😍
Ariana: he can look good and be concerning— they can co-exist
Mila: the red flags can be ignored if I only focus on his face 😔
Barnaby: what's a mosh pit
Ariana: at a concert like near the front of the stage
Barnaby: ohhhh
Barnaby: i was imagining a hole in the ground filled with whatever mosh could be
Mila: you were meant to laugh
Mila: i was funny
Mila: fine ill be my own fan
Rowan: getting heat from an external source like a lizard is underrated
Ariana: love being a lizard for several months a year
Penny: we're entering our lizard era
Mila: lizerad 😍
Ariana: it's way easier to do something quickly if you have a sense of impending doom
Mila: i love cocaine ice cream
Barnaby: do you ever forget bears are real
Rowan: no???
Rowan: do you???
Barnaby: sometimes
Barnaby: and I just saw a bear tiktok
Barnaby: and was like oh right they're not mythical
Rowan: in what context are bears mythical
Barnaby: like i wanna pet them
Barnaby: but i cant
Barnaby: therefore not real
Mila: what would you guys do if I told you I wws noning the mafia
Ariana: i would support you
Rowan: since I don't know what noning is I wouldn't really care
Mila: joining
Mila: it's slang
Mila: i love noning groups
Rowan: for you I'd fight the duolingo bird 😩
Mila: things are naturally funny when I say them
Mila: I'm like a get out of jail free card but for jokes
Ariana: thesaurus sounds like it should be a dinosaur
Barnaby: i used to think it was
Mila: you're overthinking this
Rowan: I overthink everything
Rowan: this is always how my thought process goes I just usually keep it to myself 😭
Mila: should spend the time studying but ive been responsible enough today
Mila: (I skipped 3 classes)
Rowan: maybe the brownie effect hasn't kicked in yet
Ariana: come on brownie give me thoughts
Mila: you'd think we were talking about pot brownies but no
Mila: regular, chocolate only brownies
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thegongoozlerreacts · 11 months
Welcome Home Website (Part 1)
spoilers(??) under the cut !!
OK SO first off im just on the first page and already the little animation of someone (Wally?) drawing Home is new
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A LOT OF NEW THINGS SO EXCITING !!! love the little Wally sitting on the website updates !!
as you can see, i've highlighted that little section underneath the artwork of Wally sitting on a rock
and thats because i noticed that the text is blocked after 'about the' and wanted to highlight it and copy paste it to get the text behind the gif (bc im p sure its the gif of the spinning home thats blocking it)
"learn about the vibrant world around them and take part in nonsensical fun!"
i have no idea if that was on purpose or if thats what it said originally (its been a while since ive seen the website ok?) but thats interesting OH I KNOW HOW TO CHECK
ok so i went to Night Mind's video on Welcome Home because it was about an old version of the site, and yep nothing about that has changed besides the fact that 'vibrant world' is now covered
is this important or could it just be a glitch? no idea but i'll let it go for now
onto the more obvious new changes
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alright so i read through the website update, and the 'y' on 'You' in the first sentence of the second paragraph is capitalized AND in a different font last time we had to look out for letters that were out of place, so im taking note of this
though it may just to highlight 'you' as in us, the viewers/audience/people interacting with the site
also!! a little ladybug thing is coming from behind that counter (which i assume is counting how many people have visited the site) and its cute! and new and i wonder if its important to anything?
is it just me or is the background different (i dont think it is but it feels more saturated to me (maybe its just been a while since ive seen the site tho LOL))
the telephone is interesting too but i think we'll find out more of it in the exhibition page
i'll be going through the different pages from left to right
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well now im afraid
i will save that for later i will finish looking through the rest of this page um
so. the W on 'Wally' is still messed up as you can see but not sure if thats still relevant since that was a clue for last time yk
so the restored art pieces are the same, nothing's changed
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this is new though
i can click on the tulips and after the bug im a little afraid
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by clicking on the yellow tulip
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by clicking on the blue and red tulips
audio !! neat
the names of the tabs are interesting, i wonder if u put them in a certain order it will make a sentence? like 'will you help me' or something?? will have to find more secrets i guess
ok so now i will watch 'answer' (im afraid)
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also !! omg they have voices now thats so cool !!
i have no idea what it is im looking at, but it must be somewhere in Frank's garden right?
now the end of the video has my interests peaked, because when Frank asks (who i assume is) us and the audio just glitches out? first a deep voice replies to Frank but i cant make out what its saying
also then the glitch at the end, i think its supposed to loop with the glitch at the beginning
like it sounds connected
oh also some amendment to the figures there's actually 9 of them one is just at the edge of the camera and u cant see it
ok next for the audios
so 'Help' is Wally, which is interesting
nothing too helpful(aha) but just him realizing that we can hear him i guess? 'What are you waiting for?' the answers obv/j
Wally's laugh is so cute
'will' huh he talks about eyes, he said thats what an eye looks like, his are black and asks what color is mine/ours
it might just be me but the middle of the record kinda looks like an eye? or maybe im just crazy LOL
ok now onto 'The Neighborhood' page
so first off, i can click the gif of Home surrounded by flowers at the top
oh wait it just brings u back to the first/home page LMAOAOAOOA
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another bug
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clicked it and another video called 'answer' and its probably another video in Frank's garden
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also interesting thing to note! the colored part of the records are different for each character, Julie's is pink and Sally's orange
i point this out because there were records for the 'Help' and 'will' audio, they were broken but the color was red
and red is associated with Wally (and Home too) so yeah thats all
anyways Sally's voice fits her so well too!! i love it, actually kinda reminds me of a character from Star Darlings LOL
Poppy's voice is cute! has old lady vibes
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another bug, surprisingly on Eddie's character page, which is interesting
LOVE HIS VOICE IT FITS SO WELL TOO 'When it comes to friendship, I always deliver!' ur so cute Eddie
HELP ME HOWDY'S VOICE????? IT FITS SO WELL TOO????? so old-timey announcer voice
ofc Barnaby's voice sample is him making a joke. ofc it is. also his voice reminds me a LOT of Sans from Undertale so
actually now that i think abt it Frank's voice reminds me of Papyrus from Undertale,, n the fight they had has similar vibes to Sans and Papyrus,,, well anyways
tbh in my head he always had more of a Squidward voice, like more nasally(?) but his voice fits really well too!
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everyone already knows what Wally sounds like, but wow hearing it in a not-creepy environment is always cool
anyways. the flower is a gif and i can click on it so more creepy stuff now
hm called 'will' again which is interesting but the W is capitalized
the so below page is the same so time to check out the new stuff!
starting with the bug from the bottom of The Neighborhood page
so i was wrong its actually Frank and Poppy baking which is cute! love their friendship BUT Frank's voice got glitched out at the end when Frank said 'Wally' which makes me wanna re-listen to the first one
so all these videos are from Wally's perspective???
yep so the bug from Eddie's page leads to a video of Frank and Eddie talking about a bug that's in the post office!! made me especially giddy because i ship Frank x Eddie LOL
they are so cute!! so cute !!!!!
also, i've only seen 3 but it's interesting how all these videos are of Frank interacting with the other neighbors, then the video ending with his voice glitching out on 'Wally'
i think that there's more bugs and videos for the rest of the neighbors, but i'll go looking for them later! im gonna eat now and i wanna take a break to absorb all this stuff
i have no idea but i'll ponder on it more later bye bye!
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Welcome home: a picnic welcome (TK and fluff storyline) pt.3
If you want scenes in here, request!
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“ITS A HOUSE THATS ALIVE!!??” I say, “yep” violet responds nonchalantly “we have about 5”she says “five wha-“ “3..2..” “VI Y/N THE PICNIC IS READY!!!!” HOW DOES SHE KNOW?!? Violet gives me a proud look. “Well lead us there” i say wanting to see meet my new neighbors, “THEY CANT WAIT TO MEET YOU!” that’s good to know. Oh wait is that the picnic area it looks very welcoming. The people there look very interesting to say the least. A big blue dog a man who looks like he likes to stare at people, a gray guy look very cranky a caterpillar human thing and an orange guy who looks way too energetic a big bird woman and a girl with a sun for a head, I already love it here. “Y/N LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO YOUR NEW FRIENDS!!” Julie says as she grabs my arm and starts running for them. “Woooah!” She’s going fast, I see violet running next to us with a dorky grin. “HEY GUY HERES THE NEW NEIGHBOR, Y/N!” Julie yells, “hello zseCveveryone I am y/n it is nice to meet you all!” I say. enthusiastically. The first person to introduce themselves to me is the orange man, “hello, im Eddie it’s wonderful to meet you!” He grabs my hand and shakes it with a even dorkier grin than violet “hello Eddie.” he’s just a bit taller then me. Now that I notice a couple people are. The dog, the grey man, violet, the bird woman, and the caterpillar. Hmm interesting. “Hello neighbor im Wally” he’s short… “hello wally” I don’t crouch but I do lean a bit to shake his hand. Then the blue dog walks over… I have to look up to make proper eye contact… he reaches his hand out for me to shake “havent even told ‘ya m’name and you’re already looking up to me?” He lets out a hearty chuckle I also hear one from violet “😐😒” “okay okay I’m barnaby! Nice to meet cha!” “Nice to meet you as well barnaby.” The girl with the sun for a head came up “Hello! I’m sally! It’s wonderful to meet you new friend!” “Wonderful to meet you aswell sally” then the big bird lady approached me looking nervous “hello I’m poppy” she offers a… wing? Talon? For me to shake, and this time I was the one shaking energetically I wanted her to know he didn’t have to be shy around me, and I think she got the message because she looked surprised that first but then looked greatful. I looked behind me to see Julie and Eddie trying to push the gray guy over to me to try and get him to introduce himself. “Hello my name is y/n” I say as I walk over to him and offer him a handshake and he takes it “my names frank” in a grouchy tone, but I think he was relieved I wasn’t super energetic “OK LETS EAT!”
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unlimitedhorsepower · 2 years
ryan cinematic death scene like kotetsus fake death or smth is that a villain has him semi-captured or so but hes still able to do something to benefit his buddy hero and to signal this he can call out KARINA!!!! instead of using the nickname hes given her, just like how in the rising he calls out to barnaby using his actual name instead of junior when he really needs help
karina and ryan can save the day like so, with the power of buddy heroes ryan: heh... looks like i was the damsel in distress this time karina, relieved ryan is ok: see, i could hold my own! ryan: yeah, i was pretty awesome, right?.. karina: oh come on, we have to go! ryan: [coughing up blood] and if ryan couldnt stand, hes just way too large and heavy especially in his hero suit for karina to move him at all. and karinas just looking at the huge icicle stuck in-between the plating of ryans hero suit where she couldnt see it before karina: ryan?! ryan: mm, im sorry... i dont think we can be the number one buddy hero duo after all karina: w-what are you talking about? were definitely- definitely going to be the number one buddy hero duo!.. ryan: im a bit scared molly is gonna forget me, you know, karina... karina: dont say things like that, nobody is able to forget you since youll always be the way you are... who could imagine you not being so... loud and... just wait, ill go get.. ill go get someone?
but ryan just smiled and never answered. he passed away on the spot. he will leave behind one buddy hero partner and one green iguana
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karina is about to permafreeze this earth and cause the next ice age because ryan died for feminism but it was too much. one moment her beastly hero partner is insufferable and the next moment hes fucking DEAD. agnes is like good lord what should we do, director. we cant air this. yuri is that meme pic of a comic screencap thats like “i dont know... thats scary...”
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man. the deep Affection and Tenderness in your heart when you look at your best friend - am i right fellas
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twizzlyworm · 2 years
Idk how to do the thing where it hides the text unless you click a button that says “show more” so this’ll do
[ if you are for some reason reading this I apologize for the onslaught of typos I have butter fingers and brain fog 🦭 and don’t reread what I say ]
Sitting with my thoughts and feelings and also looking at what everyone else has to say the season was a bummer and a very very obvious change from season 1. S1 was driving by the characters there actions led the story not the story leading them when they messed up It drove the plot forward. They were interconnected to the villain. The villain and the hero’s story’s were connected but now not really just ouroboros but even then Barnaby has no care for that word anymore I guess that’s how he acts at least he’s healed not or less and they had ample opportunity to give kotetsu more of a connection with the villain but that didn’t happen either..
also going with that the show is called Tiger & Bunny yet we don’t really see anything new about them on screen we’re just kinda told that they hang out and have gotten to know each other more not actually shown it. And WHEN are we ever going to get a understanding of kotetsus past?? What’s with that we are just meant to accept that we are only ever told he is / was afraid of his powers never get to see anything Barnaby never gets to learn all that much about kotetsus past when Ko knows just about everything about bani so we really could’ve had a kotetsu focused season with his powers and stuff leading up to the climax where he gets over thrown by the power or something like that ahhhh I love this show I really do and I wouldn’t have been able to have such interactions with people is the 2 season came out a bit after 1 (I was 5 when 1 came out lol) so it’s a very special situation but for the people who have waited 11 whole years for this and are just left more confused and more concerned than if this came out a couple years after the first even I’m worried will we ever get another season ? Idk no one knows last time they said yes and it wasn’t till 11 years later something came of that. That can’t happen again it’s just no possible I don’t think fans could stick it out that long again not with this seasons story it doesn’t hold as much promise as it’s first.
I will genuinely be nervous up until they announce if they’re gonna do a movie or anything after this the amount of things not tied up cant be just bad writing I don’t think the writers are THAT incompetent no way so I feel they want another season coming closely after this one I will be hopping and manafesting or whatever to have another that can really tell a good story this time.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk idk I still feel so strongly about this show nothing has ever made me care this much so that is exciting tho I don’t think a new season is meant to make you want to watch the one before it because you want to see better story telling lol anyway I need to shut up I keep repeating myself. So if this is where it really ends a very mediocre season one that would probably finally calm the fandom down to let it die if we get another season then this was pretty good you can tell the writers just weren’t doing the same good job as last time but it’s not horrible I still love it AND if we get another season that’s the same or worse writing with the same lack of character importance then it will just make everything sadder and not worth the wait .
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spookyowlman · 6 months
💌 (( I know we don't interact much but-- ))
What I like about your blog - the aesthetic! I mean... idk I just think your blog looks really neat :} plus your pfp is really cute
What I like about your muses - I don't really know many of your muses, but I've had Barnaby interact with them a couple times and both have been fun :D I genuinely cant WAIT to rp with you more!
What I like about YOU - i don't know why but. You just seem really kind and nice <3 if u ever want to chat with me ooc feel free to hit me up :D
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philleegirl · 3 years
First line meme:
I was tagged by the lovely @greenapricot . I have recently just gotten back into writing, so after the first four be prepared for some blasts from the past… Seriously, I had to figure out my LiveJournal login!
1. heavy heart dreaming with the light on - Shetland - Jimmy/Duncan
"What ye doing," Jimmy asked as he rounded the sofa and looked down at Duncan.
2. Strangely Warm Hearts - Shetland - Jimmy/Duncan
Duncan was in the middle of the lunch rush when the distinctive ping that he had set as the text alert for both Mary and James Perez sounded from his back pocket.
3. Sleepless Heart - Shetland - Jimmy/Duncan
The sleet hitting the roof and Jimmy’s deep steady breaths were the only sounds keeping Duncan’s insomnia company as the night wore on to day.
4. Starving Hearts - Shetland - Jimmy/Duncan
An empty pizza box sat on the table in front of them.
Now we rewind to 2011
5. Surfboard Shopping - Hawaii 5-0 - Danny/Steve
Holding out his hand for her to take before crossing the road, Steve smiled down at the little girl beside him, “Okay, Miss Grace, do you remember the rules?”
6. Capital Health Stroke and Cerebrovascular Center - Hawaii 5-0 - vague Danny/Steve
James Williams steps into the ICU waiting room; the fifteen minutes he’s allotted hourly to be by his wife’s side up much too
7. Freeman, Beautiful Skin Avocado & Oatmeal Purifying Clay Masque - Midsomer Murders - Tom and Joyce Barnaby
DCI Tom Barnaby stares with open abandonment at the green muck covering his wife’s face
8. Revelation - Lewis - Lewis/Hobson
"I wonder what they talk about over breakfast?"
9. Supper and Sympathy - Lewis - pre Lewis/Hobson
“Didn’t Morse teach you anything?”
10. The Sound of His Voice - Lewis - gen with hints of Lewis/Hobson and Lewis/Morse
Detective Sergeant James Hathaway had been standing by the pub window for nearly half an hour, debating about going outside into the rain.
11. Nom De Plume - Law and Order: SVU - Elliot and Olivia
It was just a slip.
12. Freeman, Beautiful Skin Avocado & Oatmeal Purifying Clay Masque - Midsomer Murders - Tom and Joyce Barnaby
DCI Tom Barnaby stares with open abandonment at the green muck covering his wife’s face.
13. Afternoon Light Through the Glass of a City Diner - Law and Order: Criminal Intent - Bobby Goren, Alex Eames, with a fleeting pinch of Mike Logan
They watched the leather coat swirl as the man wearing it slipped out into the dwindling afternoon light.
14. Daddy(s) - Numb3rs - Don Eppes/Billy Copper/Melinda Reeves (OC)
When Melinda Reeves-Eppes entered her home and heard the gentle Jazz music coming from the master bedroom she sighed in annoyance.
15. Fishnets In Water - Criminal Minds - Derek Morgan/Penelope Garcia
He’s not really sure that the gartered stockings are strictly acceptable according to FBI dress code.
16. A Beer Shared with Friends - The West Wing - Josh Lyman and Donna Moss
Josh Lyman paused in the doorway; his hyperactive, buzzing body stilling for a rare moment.
17. Fairy Lights - Midsomer Murders - Cully Barnaby/Gavin Troy
The fairy lights twinkling above his head had to have been Cully’s idea.
18. Fermata - NCIS - Jethro Gibbs/Abby Sciuto
19. Pioggia a Firenze - NCIS - Tony DiNozzo/Maddie Tyler
The Hotel Brunelleschi is a rare gem tucked away in a small courtyard only accessible by a smaller alley in the shadow of Florence’s Il Duomo.
20. Moments Swirling Through the Air - Midsomer Murders - Cully Barnaby/Gavin Troy (but not really)
You find it hard to believe that you agreed to be in part of her wedding.
21. (Cause apparently I cant count) Love’s Prism - Numb3rs - Megan Reeves/Larry Fleinhart
“Did you know that reflective prisms were left on the moon by astronauts from the Apollo 11, 14, and 15 missions as well as the Soviet Luna 21 robot mission?”
That was a fun exercise and reminded me that I really need to move some of my old fics to AO3. Also, wow! I used to be prolific.
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night-rhea · 3 years
*beginning of second year, at Hogwarts Express*
“-was a lot fun but im really happy to finally return Hogwarts. There is still way too much books i should read this year and i can’t wait to finally start!”
While her friend was still busy with finding -trying to finding- her tie, Rowan continued to talk excitedly. “Penny sent me soooo many letters! Just like how she also sent you- by the way she said she loved the tea you sent her from Turkey but i dont think she loved as much as me- or my mum! Well at first we were shocked because we didn’t know Turks uses hawks to deliver letters and not owls, but then i immediately remembered it can be only you because you told me about it before- anyway, tea. My dad says he is in trouble now because he has to find that tea for mum, again and again, whenever we ran out off- What about Ben? Did he told you about his 'plane' trip? I bet it was so much fun but also scary- OH i almost forgot, did you see Cordell’s new broom? Not that he write anything to me, i learned from Barnaby’s letter -dont you think they are so lucky? I mean they lives so near to each other, while i wasn’t even in same country with you-“
“How could i know about Mr. ‘i-see-you-as-waste-of-time’ Rhea.” Night interrupted her with sharp voice. Blue haired kid was finally holding her tie, started to tie it around her neck as she sat in front of Rowan again. “He never writes me. I learn everything about him from Barny’s letters.”
She might have tied her tie little to tight, but its not her fault that they are talking about something makes her angrier. “Jonathan says- i mean, his father says we-“
“You mean your uncle?”
“His father.” Night insisted. “Says that Cordell is the one who is my true sibling, unlike Ya-Jacob who left me. Well at least Yakup cared about me! All Cordell did was making sure im ‘not troubling our surname’. His surname can kiss my as-“
“He was worried about you…”Khanna smiled like she wanted to soften the mood. “And mad at you. Because you didn’t listen his warning and got in troubl-“
Night’s voice echoed in compartmant, left a heavy silence behind it for minutes. As girls sit in silence, young Rhea sighed and look at outside from window. This time, her voice was a lot softer. “He wants me to abandon my brother. The only one who ever cared about me in this fucking family. I won’t. I can’t, not when no one else besides me can help him.”
Its not like Night believes Cordell was just being bad person and tries to harm his cousin. No, he is not a person like that, at least if he is still how Night remembers him. Its just, Night wishes he could understand why she had to do this. Why its her who had to do this. Because even if young Rhea doesnt want to admit, she needs her cousins help, or in more accurate way, his support.
“Aren’t you being so hard on him Night? Maybe he was actually just-“
“I don’t wanna keep talking about him Ro.”
Rowan know she cant make Night believe that whatever Cordell did was to only protect her. She wasn’t even sure herself either. But still, Rowan remembers his face very well, when Night returned in torn up robes from Devil’s Snare. She remembers how he rushed to her with Barnaby behind him, not asking what happened but ‘who’ did it. Even if Night thinks it was because he just cared about how could someone dared to attack a Rhea, Rowan thought- felt like it wasnt true. But if you ask Night, Rowan is too emotional to understand Rhea’s.
“Anyway.” Night broke the silence. “ We are not first years anymore. Not everyone will pay attention to us hopefully. Merula will be also busy with bullying first years too, so i think we will be more comfortable this year. Do you think Barnaby will leave Cordell’s side and actually spend time with us? We are his friend, not enemy.”
‘Its not an entirelly different subject but will work, i guess’ Rowan smiled at her own thoughts. “Its actually hard to believe when you and Cordell avoid each other too, angrily. Mostly you.”
“Shut up Ro.”
“Well at least he won’t be there to tease you when you stare at Felix-“
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I just had a little scene in my mind and wanted to see if i can writw it or not kdkdjfkkf Everything between Cordell and Night was so tense in first three year, i cant wait to tell more about it~
(she/her pronouns used for Night)
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