#first line meme
hearthouses · 3 months
writing patterns tag game!
Tagged by @buddyaldridge!
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
1. There’s a downpour outside.
2. In Hell, Sam is King.
3. When Dean is sure his dad has fallen into a deep sleep, he slips out from under his arm and walks on tiptoes toward the bathroom.
4. Dean leaves California and crosses the border into Nevada, driving fast, leaving disappointment in their wake—it was another bust, another wasted trip, another one of Sam’s bad ideas.
5. Dean bought the large hand-held mirror at the local dollar store.
6. Sam wakes up sore, limbs aching, his body twisted up and folded, made to fit in the narrow backseat with Dean sacked out on top of him, numbing parts of Sam with the pressure of his body weight.
7. The basement was black when Eddie cracks open the door, not a sliver of light that even his eyes can pick up, just neverending blackness, silent except for the rumble of the furnace and the creaking of the house as it settled.
8. Richie knows Eddie isn’t caught in the deadlights—he isn’t dazed or hypnotized or even fucking asleep; Richie knows this well enough from the hot pour of blood rushing through his fingers, through his jacket, sliding off the leather.
9. His stomach dropped when Eddie first brought it up, curled against his side in their bed, no clothes between them. Eddie’s cheek was resting on his shoulder and his eyes cast down, voice low, when he said, “do you ever think about grabbing me and, uh, taking me—you know, without asking? Just because you feel like it?”  10. It’s the last night of the Canal Day carnival and Eddie could feel it in the air, a cool breeze sweeping through the thick humidity as summer starts its slow descent into autumn. The end of the carnival had brought the citizens of Derry out after dark, crowd thick as he and Richie follow the other losers through the throng of bodies.
I chose to do first paragraph break because I consider that to be "the hook". My pattern seems to be that I like in medias res, and I will alternate between basic lines, or descriptive atmospheric sentences. I rarely will open a fic with dialogue, and if I do, it's usually at the end of a description, setting the scene.
tagging: @augustmourn, @meduseld, @theirwolfbicanthrope, @lovetheirloves, @nameslikeguns, @saltbind, @redmyeyes, and anyone who wants to do it and needs an excuse.
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rosyjuly · 1 year
"Lewis slings an arm over Mick's shoulder, shoots Seb a cheeky smile, and says, 'don't worry, man, I've been taking great care of him.'"
Lewis slings an arm over Mick's shoulder, shoots Seb a cheeky smile, and says, “Don't worry, man, I've been taking great care of him.”
Mick laughs, quiet and pleased, but the apples of his cheeks are heating up with a pink flush. Seb forces himself to grin back, says, “Rubbed him all shiny and sweet, did you?” and exhales when they both laugh. 
They look good together; broad shouldered and soft in a way Seb has always been weak for. Mick’s bulked up since he’s last seen him, his shirt now straining around his bicep. He’s been training with Lewis, he’s told Seb – it hasn’t even bothered Seb, not until now. But with the back of Lewis’s hand brushing against Mick’s chest, the little smile they share…
He clears his throat and turns away, ignoring the hot, acidy clench in his stomach. It was his decision, anyway, to leave all of it behind, including whatever this was.
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greenapricot · 7 months
first line meme
Someone liked one of these I did back in 2020 recently and I thought, I haven't done this meme in a while so: the first line of the last ten fics I've posted.
The Names of All the Winds (Lewis, James/Robbie, magical realism au, wip, 3815w (of eventual 18k)) “You’re allowed to take a holiday too, you know,” Laura says.
The Most Remarkable Thing (OFMD, Ed/Stede, post-s1, retirement and gardening, 6230w) After Stede comes back, after a lot of shouting and some near-stabbing, and some actual stabbing, and more than a bit of uncontrolled sobbing.
Nothing like poetry (Endeavour, Ronnie Box angst, 1257w) Ronnie’s in a pub.
Patterns Unfamiliar (Lewis, James/Robbie, hurt/comfort, 4939w) Between one step and the next everything goes dark.
One thing at a time (Lewis, James/Robbie, allergies, 1052w) James is at his desk when Robbie gets into the office, bright and early despite the late hour he left Robbie’s flat last night.
Riches and Wonders (OFMD, Ed/Stede, modern au, Blackbeard's bar and grill, 56474w) By the time the main course arrives, Stede has all but tuned out the man sitting across the table from him.
Never quite like this (Shetland, Jimmy/Duncan, 753w) “Hey,” Jimmy says, as if he hasn’t said just that to Duncan a thousand times over the years in a thousand ways; exhausted, exasperated, teasing, content, relieved, fond even.
A tunnel to crawl through (OFMD, Ed/Stede, post-s1 reunion, 2361w) Blackbeard swings down from the rigging onto the deck, slashes, parries, meets each piece of steel that flashes toward him with his own.
It's misery loves you (OFMD, Izzy pov, Ed/Stede post-s1 reunion, 1908w) Blackbeard is himself again.
The time it takes to get from here to there (Lewis, James/Robbie, The Soul of Genius coda, mutual pining, 6445w) “All these lonely people pouring their lives into puzzles that can’t be solved.”
Just to spread it around I'm tagging: @mr-iskender, @thankyouforbeingsowrong, @mcgstarroar, @bryndeavour, @vita-s-west, @ronniebox, @lemonistas But don't feel obligated (only do it if it's fun)
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kittlesandbugs · 1 year
First lines meme
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven't written ten fics, share as many first-sentences as you have.
Tagged by @thevikingwoman, gonna tag @sidestepping @gingerbreton @catastrofriend @ardellian @marshalortega @askweisswolf @the-rebel-archivist
Only FHR because I have one brand of brainrot hard enough for fic sbdjdjdkdkd. The last ten fics posted are not in the order written bc I had to sit on stuff for months for Retri spoiler LOL.
"That's a little unusual these days, isn't it?"   Ortega gestures to the weekly stack of police reports on the conference table, twice as thick as it normally is. "It's been quiet."
The return - Riley returns to Los Diablos (past Chargestep, Steel POV)
The scent of iron hits like a sledgehammer as you enter the derelict water treatment plant. The shiver that follows rattles bone and nerves and guts and them. A feeling, a longing, welling up inside from your stomach to your throat. They can't drool but if you could they would.
Blood on the floor - Argent finds a gruesome scene at Riley's base (Argentstep, Argent POV)
“No offense, but you look like shit.”
No rest for the wicked - Ortega tries to get to the bottom of why Riley isn't sleeping well (Chargestep, Riley POV)
“How does it feel?"
Empty graves - Argent and Riley pay a visit to Sidestep's grave (Argentstep, Riley POV)
Your breath hitches in your throat, pinched tight and sore. Eyes flick to Ortega, no longer struggling, just staring at you with fiery accusation and betrayal. To Argent, arms crossed and rigid, face unreadable in the reflected dancing candlelight as her gaze goes back and forth between you and Hollow Ground. To Hollow Ground, smug and superior in her upper hand, lips quirked in a too-similar smirk as she watches and waits for your answer.
Whose side? - Riley gets caught in the web of her own machinations between Argent and Ortega and Hollow Ground (Chargentstep, Riley POV)
“She’s not breathing!”
Breathe dammit - Ortega revives Riley after the wreck at the end of Retri (Chargestep, Ortega POV)
You’re both giggling as Argent leads you by the hand through the dark halls of the Rangers HQ, no trace of resistance at breaking and entering. Is it really breaking in though, if the security system lets you in like old friends at her whim? Legality in the eye of the beholder, as with most things in Los Diablos. 
Friendly sparring - Argent and Riley take advantage of HQ being empty at night to do a little sparring (Argentstep, Riley POV)
She looks ten years younger when she sleeps.
Unnamed ficlet - Ortega ruminates while Riley sleeps (Chargentstep, Ortega POV)
“Hey.  Riley?”
Naptime - Ortega really wants Riley to take a nap (Chargestep, Ortega POV)
She rests her forehead against yours as you lie facing each other on her bed. She’s unusually quiet today, both inside and out. Not looking at you, not really. More through you. You’ve gotten better at telling where her focus is with those pupil-less silver eyes. A stiff breath across your nose smells like chocolate eclairs. You feel her steeling herself for something. What though?
Soft kisses - Argent is a little insecure about her skin, Riley reassures (Argentstep, Riley POV)
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sga-owns-my-soul · 10 months
First Line Meme
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns! (thanks @trainofcommand for the tag!!)
i did not realize how often i start fics with John doing an Action until i did this!! i knew i leaned towards action sentences but i didn't realize how often i started with an action, and i especially didn't realize how often i started fics with john specifically doing Something. this was actually really cool!!
Rodney Hears A Rumour- John's hand shook as he swiped the chime.
Remnants- John was at the campsite for 4 hours before a rescue jumper came.
We're Coming With You- John had just met up with Ronon outside the control room when Chucks voice rang out, announcing an unscheduled off-world activation.
Rodney McKay Has Worth (and not just for his brain)- John stared up at the ceiling, trying to make out the details of the Atlantean architect in the dark.
Names Have Power- Rodney hadn’t been to see John since he moved from the infirmary into his quarters.
Bone???- Sheppard had been irritated for weeks.
John Teaches Rodney- Rodney barged into John’s room late, which wasn’t the most unusual thing in the world for them, but he made a beeline for John’s bed and shoved his legs to the side as he sat down with a thump.
Ronon Gets Mad at Sheppard- John slipped out of bed as quietly as he could, careful not to wake the sleeping scientist beside him.
Expressions of Love and Trust- The mission was supposed to be simple.
Sheppard Always Finds McKay- John ran the cold water over his face, desperately trying to stay calm.
idk who has been tagged already so i'm just giving an open blanket tag to anyone and everyone who wants to do this!
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hollyethecurious · 1 year
First Lines Meme
Rules: share the first lines of your ten most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway ❤️
Tagged by the lovely @iamstartraveller776 and @kmomof4. I'm taking a page out of @iamstartraveller776's book and sharing the first lines from my current, unposted wips instead of my recently posted... since I haven't posted much recently 😆
A Necessary Evil - serial killer AU:
Killian Jones was attractive, charming, and absolutely insane.
Ghosts AU for @cssns2023:
“I’m sorry. Could you repeat that? I thought I heard you say, I’m the heiress to an old, abandoned estate in Maine, wish is… crazy.”
Land Run AU:
Stars exploded behind Killian’s eyes as the force of the punch knocked his head back.
Shipwreck AU:
Frigid water crashed over the men who worked frantically to ready the lifeboats.
The Law of Surprise:
Smoke billowed from the hull, choking the air as steel clanged around them.
Under the Tuscan Sun AU:
"Emma… Emma?"
Wips I don't have a first line for, but are in the works:
In the Company of Demons sequel
Pan Says... Chapter 6
EF Werewolves/Soulmates AU
Tagging: @winterbaby89 @artistic-writer @caught-in-the-filter @cocohook38 @wyntereyez @killian-whump and anyone else who might want to play!
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lordnochybaty · 1 month
First Line Meme
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I got tagged by @sidhelives and it sounded so interesting I'm doing it right away instead of promising myself to get to it and forgetting XD (Also finally a writing meme that doesn't remind me how badly my WIPs are going XD)
Rules: List the First Line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
make your good love known to me - Anders/Oghren (Dragon Age)
The Deep Roads were terrifying.
Five Arguments Dorian managed to get into with Anders before they reached Skyhold (and one they had at the gates) - Anders/Dorian (Dragon Age)
They found the mage in Redcliffe of all the places. 
a simple show of compassion - Cole/Loghain, Loghain/Marric (Dragon Age)
When he first arrived at Gwaren he kept getting lost.
Just Cause - Justice/Fenris (Dragon Age)
Blood was soaking through his leggings, the cut on his thigh seeping through with every painful step.
a shared cause is the best aphrodisiac - Anders/Carver, Anders/Bethany (Dragon Age)
"They think she has a lover!"
Five Times Varric Kept Hawke Safe and One Time He Couldn't - Varric/Female!Hawke (Dragon Age)
„I know you’re up to something.”
Breathless - Cullen/Krem (Dragon Age)
Krem ignored his back pain with years of practice when he went to sleep but it was becoming more of an issue when it refused to go away in the morning.
Failed Confession - Cullen & Samson (Dragon Age)
The good part about the dungeons as far as Samson was concerned was that he never had to go there. 
the deed as power's creed - Solas/Gaspard (Dragon Age)
 The whole evening turned into a farse.
A Tale of One City - Jim Kirk/Blackwall (Star Trek/Dragon Age)
There were raised voices coming through the woods long before he was able to see anyone. 
stars fading but I linger - Trapper&Hawkeye (MASH)
„That's ridiculous!"
don't kiss the messenger - Trapper/Hawkeye (MASH)
„And he didn't leave anything?"
Okay, yeah, I did 12 but I wanted to see if change of fandom somehow affected the results. XD Apparently I start stories with shortest sentences ever - especially if title is long apparently, if it's short there's a chance for a longer sentence (which is hilarious if you think about it because I almost never have a title until right before I post the fic XD) Also lots of dialogue openings but not really mid-action sentences otherwise. Let me know if you notice anything else :D
Tagging: @meganmoonlight and anyone else who wants to do it - it'a great fun, highly recommend :D
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tiredassmage · 1 year
Writer’s First Line
Got another tag for this from @sarenraegalpaladin! Thank you!!
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven’t written ten fics, share as many first-sentences as you have. 
I have, alas, not written quite ten new pieces since last week’s post of this, lol, but hopefully I’ll get to work through more of the touch prompts I’ve got in my inbox soon. <3 Soooo, this time I will try to weed out all of the ahhh... things masquerading as works in “progress” instead of just the completed stuff, lmaooo.
And again, I might fudge a few of these and give a few lines bc... chewing noises, I love context. I’m pretty sure most, if not all, of these are going to be SWTOR though, lol, so instead we’ll go by characters.
Yes. You’ve seen parts of most of these. No, I haven’t made like... any progress on them at all since you have. x,D
Annndd since I just did this one lately I willllll... leave the tag open. Feast if you wish, dear writers, upon mine open tag to share your works upon creation.
1. in dreams, hopes to die (Tyr, the KOTFE 5 year gap - dream/hellscape)
“They want someone to blame for their defeat. They choose you.”
Despite the exhaustion that has him on his knees, a dry chuckle slips out of Cipher Nine. “So be it then,” he growls. “It wouldn’t be the first time…”
2. exit strategy (I lied, no context for this one because I’m evil and idk if I’ll ever finish it kdfnladsf. There’s a plot, but the purpose of this was to silence the Voices, y’know?)
“Sir, if you don’t mind… Why, exactly, are we going through all of this effort for… y’know..? I know the Republic-”
3. one night in the rain (Tyr x Shara, base game)
Nine’s still humming to the fading band as they move down the dim-lit hall glowing faintly in the strip of red lights lining the base of the walls and mixing with a roll of thunder outside over the city.
4. if i told you to run, run, run (Cee x Oli, KOTFE Chapter 1: The Hunt)
“Oli, try it again!” Her voice crackled through the static of the failing comms.
5. together (Rhyst & Savosta, also the KOTFE hellscape xD I need to finish one of these at least... [roblox oof])
None of this is real. Rhystyl struggled to pull in a steady breath and closed his eyes tighter. There is no emotion. There is peace.
6. requiem for the father, for who i might have been (Tyr & the Minister of Intelligence, Rishi Imperial Agent class mission)
“I do believe that concludes our business.” The old man’s voice shook Tyr out of a daze of distant nights in the rains of Dromund Kaas interwoven with a fog - settled both as only the other week and far too many decades beyond him in the past all at once.
7. a goodbye melody, my apology (we don’t talk about this one either, this is another one that just shhhh. I’m writing it not to finish it but to get the Voices to shut up and leave Tyr alone for 5 minutes.)
“Tyr, where are you?”
The holo flickers as blaster fire rages in the distance. Tyr hisses through his teeth, blaster rifle lax against splayed legs. The Commander only allows the distortion across his features for a moment, but Theron’s heart jolts in his chest.
8. on the business of war (Tyr & Savosta, the Makeb mission. Arguably a complete enough stand-alone piece, but I want to do... more with it.)
“Commander.” Tyr straightened a bit further in salute as the holo flickered back into focus. “I understand there have been… complications on your mission.”
9. the rise and fall of empires (Rhyst & Savosta’s first collaboration on Ilum)
“Do as you will with the survivors, Jedi. But Malgus’s stealth fighter is ours.”
10. “disturbia looping in my head” (I never gave this a proper title, oops; Savosta, Rhyst & [eventually, if I ever remember to finish this] Tyr on Ziost]
“He’s never leaving… I’m going to hear him forever!” Master Surro was quieter than both arguing parties, but her words almost burned, far more than Beniko’s icy anger or the troubled storm of Shan’s guilt - an eclectic brew growing and churning around them in the Force, all agitated by Vititate’s unnatural influence.
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sapphire-writes · 1 year
First Lines Meme
Thank you my loves @ewanmitchellcrumbs & @st-eve-barnes for the tags! 💖 I love this omg "share the first line of everything you're currently working on:
Elyse’s thighs ached from the journey; Her mouth was dry, fingers cracking from holding the leather reigns of her horse. (A Song of Flames & Fury, Ch. 18, Aemond x Baratheon!OC)
You’re in a panic running through the hospital, the fluorescent lights blinding you, nearly slipping on the shiny floors, as you hurry to the nurses' station. (Down in Flames, part 9, modern!Aemond x Reader)
“You’re sure it's not an inconvenience?” you ask Helaena, for probably the millionth time. “You’re saving me from a summer of boredom,” Helaena tells you, turning to glance at you from the passenger side of her brother’s car. (untitled series, modern!Aegon x Reader).
You had been a small child when your father died; when your elder brother Cregan was named Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North. Though he was just a boy of three and ten at the time. You remembered the funeral of your father, the way Cregan held your small hand in his own. (Aemond x Stark!Reader, request)
The journey to King’s Landing was a pleasant one. It was always a treat, to fly across the bay of the Blackwater atop your dragon. Watching as her wings dipped to skim the waters, sending salty spray flying and laughter pouring from your lips. (Aemond x Velaryon(Strong)! Reader, request)
Are you free tonight, the text read, sending your heart racing. You hadn't heard from Daemon Targaryen in nearly a year since you'd left for university. (modern!Daemon x Reader)
I'm (no pressure) tagging @arcielee, @aemondsdaemons, @rottingviserys
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marbled-polecat · 1 year
Ao3 First Lines Meme
Rule: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to Ao3. If you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics. Thanks for the tag @lizardberries !!!
Looks like I need to add in the ficlets to make it to 10. This was kinda fun to go back through what I've written.
1. Never having been one for idle chatter, Crosshair mostly keeps quiet, but walking and- mostly dragging Mayday along with him has made him realize a few things.
2. “First team to unseat the other team’s nuna wins. Aaaand, GO!”
3. Fighting to subdue the last of the Corrie Guard whose chips have been activated has been the worst part of this entire thing, in Bev's humble opinion.
4. After a week-long mission, on a planet that no one has ever heard of- but was somehow important to the war effort, Fives and Echo finally get a chance for some downtime.
5. For years Hondo had always greeted Obi-wan Kenobi with wide open arms and an obnoxious bellow of his name.
6. Kriff!
7. Standing over the screaming and writhing Tact, Wooley places a hand on his chest and faces the retreating backs of the Trandoshan hunters.
8. Howzer has been on Ryloth for almost the entirety of the war.
9. They planned, they plotted, now they need to put their credits where their mouths are.
10. They’ve been on Ryloth now for a few days.
Oops, forgot to tag people. Anyone who wants to play!!!
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theoriginalladya · 2 years
First Line Meme
Since I was tagged by @mtreebeardiles who changed theirs to First Line Meme (and I have another tag for Last Line), I decided to go with the first line here!
Welp, Kristofer Shepard, of all people, woke up this morning and sang like a bird for a Fictober prompt (which I'm using to write his game background stories), so have the first line from post-Virmire... *hands out boxes of tissue*
“I chose you.”
Kris pushed his way around Kaidan, a sigh heavy on his lips, and moved across the room.  At least they were having this conversation in private.  That was better than in front of the rest of the crew…wasn't it?
Tagging anyone who wants to participate! (I honestly can't keep track of who has or hasn't, but consider yourself tagged if you want to share!)
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rosyjuly · 1 year
for the first line fic game: Sebastian frowns at Mick, saying, “You wanted to do Le Mans with me?”
Sebastian frowns at Mick. “You wanted to do Le Mans with me?”
“I– are you for real right now? Is that what you’re focusing on?” Mick asks, incredulous, his previous yelling still echoing in his ear. Sebastian’s shoulders creep upwards, then– it’s like his sheepish expression is wiped away by a single stroke, defiance taking over. 
“What do you want me to say, Mick?” He crosses his arms on his chest. 
Mick looks at him some more: his jutted out chin, the lines between his eyebrows, how his fingers dig into his biceps. 
“Nothing,” he says. The lump in his throat is closing up, choking him slowly. “You don’t have to say anything, you can just– keep ignoring it. Whatever.” He rubs the pads of his fingers against his forehead, trying to shove the mess of emotions back into the box he shouldn’t have opened in the first place. “You can just– fucking forget that I have feelings for you, it’s my problem anyway– Do Le Mans with Lewis for all I care.”
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greenapricot · 1 year
first lines meme
Thanks for tagging me @ripplesofaqua
Rules: post the first lines of your 10 most recent fanfics
Riches and Wonders - (OFMD, Ed/Stede, modern au) By the time the main course arrives, Stede has all but tuned out the man sitting across the table from him. He’s an old hand at this sort of thing, but he hadn’t expected to need to do it tonight.
Never quite like this - (Shetland, Jimmy/Duncan) “Hey,” Jimmy says, as if he hasn’t said just that to Duncan a thousand times over the years in a thousand ways; exhausted, exasperated, teasing, content, relieved, fond even.
A tunnel to crawl through - (OFMD, Ed/Stede) Blackbeard swings down from the rigging onto the deck, slashes, parries, meets each piece of steel that flashes toward him with his own. Meets flesh with steel too.
It's misery loves you - (OFMD, Ed/Stede, Izzy POV) Blackbeard is himself again. He is more than himself. More ruthless, more vicious, more magnificent. Not a trace of that namby-pamby fucker in the pink gown.
The time it takes to get from here to there - (Lewis, James/Robbie) “All these lonely people pouring their lives into puzzles that can’t be solved.” James takes a sip of his pint then puts the glass down on the table, the scent of dry rot still lingering in his nostrils.
Here Comes Your Man - (Lewis, James/Robbie) The shoebox is battered; cardboard squashed in at the edges and coming apart at the corners.
Don't go dark on me - (Shetland, Jimmy/Duncan) “What are you doing?” Jimmy asks from the doorway. Duncan looks up from the two suitcases he has open on the bed in front of him. “Thought I’d sort this while you sorted the flights.”
The calm before the aftermath - (Shetland, Jimmy/Duncan) When Jimmy catches him up, Duncan is in the kitchen standing at the island with a bottle of whisky in his hand and two glasses in front of him on the worktop.
Forgot to bend - (Shetland, Jimmy/Duncan) Everything, including his own body, feels far away; as if he’s no longer fully tethered to the earth.
A fist-full of sand - (Shetland, Jimmy/Duncan) The house is empty when Jimmy finally gets home, silent, but not quite dark; the long twilight filtering through the window shades as the season marches on toward summer.
I tag (including people who have already been tagged) @mcgstarroar @vita-s-west @bryndeavour @ronniebox @mr-iskender @thankyouforbeingsowrong @swimmingfoxsticks @desperately-human and anyone else who wants to play.
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clarisse-doodles · 4 months
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inspired by this post, in which Damian does not know what Vine is
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harmorii · 10 months
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lilia vanrouge commits murder (ft. grim and my mc)
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deadscell · 29 days
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