#Can someone put me down like a rabid dog.
grimxark · 1 year
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If megatron had looked at me like this after I extended my help to him I would not have acted as sanely as rodimus. He’s so much stronger than me
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transurgender · 6 months
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sorry march. but you must understand I Am Unwell About The Men In My Puter.
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barrel-crow-n · 11 days
Something that makes me crazy is the difference in how Kanej deals with their issues.
Kaz was hurt so he hurt others. He got scammed so he became the scammer. He was beaten up so he became the one beating people up. He found a way to thrive in the toxic cycle of violence in the Barrel. This keeps him alive, but makes him a bad person. Kaz doesn't care. Kaz left decency behind the second that was what was necessary to survive. He shrugged it off like a cheap coat. Don't like touch? Simple. Break anybodies wrist that dares touch you; break their arm. Give them a reason to keep away. Make them scared because that keeps you safe (and as a result will keep them safer from you).
Inej was hurt so she prevents others from being hurt. She hunts down slavers so children won't have the same fate as her. She can't just leave decency behind, her values and beliefs won't allow it. She does penance after every kill, she cried after killing the first time, she isn't keen on violence and only does it when completely necessary (at odds with Kaz that attacks at the slightest provocation to the point of everyone giving him a wide berth). The violence committed on her makes her angry (and righteously) but she doesn't lash out at everyone like Kaz does, she holds that back for a select few, to make them pay for the suffering they've caused.
Kaz felt like he died and became someone new so he leaned into it. He change his name from Rietveld to Brekker, he became someone new, a stranger. Nobody knew who he was, or where he came from. Kaz Rietveld was dead, and a monster had taken his place.
Inej also says that she feels like she died. She says that the girl she had been died in the belly of a slavers ship. However, unlike Kaz, she refuses to change her name. And dehumanisation links to this!
Kaz was dehumanised so he dehumanised himself further. Dirtyhands. Per Haskell's rabid dog. Demjin. Kaz thrives in this, because it makes him feel safe, it makes him feel untouchable. Kaz Rietveld was weak, so was replaced by Kaz Brekker. When that isn't enough, Dirtyhands is there to get the rough work done.
Inej was dehumanised so she humanised herself. She is not a lynx or a spider or a wraith. She is Inej Ghafa. She is a pirate vigilante, rescuer of slaves. And the interesting thing is that Kaz offered this to her too! He asks her "Is that what you prefer to be called?" (referring to her name, Inej Ghafa) when buying her indenture at the Menagerie. He is offering her the same thing he did. A change of name, a clean slate. But she declines. She is a Ghafa and no matter what happens to her, she always will be.
Kaz was traumatised so he isolated himself. He holds people at arms length because he sees them as weaknesses, or as obstacles between him and his revenge. He put his gloves on and doesn't take them off, he failed once with Imogen and decided to never try again. He yearns for connection but it only serves to isolate him further. Because they have no idea what it's like to watch friends hug, knowing you can never have the same. Kaz builds up armour (the gloves) but he doesn't tackle the root problem that is his fear of touch. He tried once and failed and quit (which is actually out of character for him, in contrast with him learning magic ceaselessly until he has mastered it - and shows how terrified he is and how disgusted he is at himself) and this serves to make him feel like he just can't. Like the dream of friends is hopeless.
Inej was traumatised so she seeks human connection. She has Jesper and Nina. She has the other Crows. She tries to heal, to open herself up. She might still flinch at touch occasionally but her friends are helping her and she wants to try and heal. She knows how to ask for help.
In all, Inej's ways of coping are a lot healthier. Kaz is stuck in a toxic cycle, and has been for years, but Inej is giving him a way out of it. Finally, he can make the step towards proper healing. He won't change his name back. He won't stop being a gangster. But he can feel more comfortable in himself and with his friends. And that's what Inej wants to give him, because she knows how important that is.
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multi-fandom-imagine · 6 months
« Under The Mistletoe || Mizu ||
A/n: Got enough notes! So I am writing it! I apologize of this sucks
Warnings: Fingering, Tribbing, biting, exhibition, Mizu being possessive as fuck, semi-Public sex, oral
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A party, she was never invited to a party before and Mizu's first reaction was a blank stare, she had to bite her tongue from flat out rejecting the idea but you just have to give her those damn doe eyes.
She could never say no when you batty those pretty little lashes and sent her that cute little pout and with a reluctant and maybe a too harsh fine she agreed to go.
She really had no choice, someone had to keep an eye on you and the bastard's that dared to step foot close to your vicinity.
Closing her eyes she lent back into your embrace, she loved how gentle you were. How soft your touch was, she wanted more. She was tempted to just pull the sheets away from your body just so she could take you again but she knew she couldn't this was important to your parent's, important to you so with a sigh she pushed off the bed letting the sheets fall from her frame.
A small whine tore from your lips as you watched your lover leave. "Come back to bed Mizu! I lied, I don't want to go anymore."
Mizu couldn't help but let out a snort, know matter how tempting you look she wasn't about to break this promise. Letting her eyes rank over your naked frame, she knelt on the edge of the bed as her hand grasped your chin.
"Just a few hours and then we can go. You can show off that pretty new dress of yours."
Still pouting, a sigh escaped your lips as you meet her steely blue gaze. "Fine....but I'm not going to be happy about it." You grumbled.
"I'm not asking you to be." Mizu lent in closer letting her lips brush yours before she pulled away. "Get dressed."
Mizu was starting to regret not staying in that bed with you, especially since you looked so tempting in that red dress so well. The cut was just low enough to show your cleavage off still elegant, it pissed her off by the amount of men that held their gaze where it shouldn't be.
But what really set her off was that bastard trying to kiss you. Mizu recognized the jackass off course, he's been sniffing around you before. Nearly slamming the drink's down on the table she made her way over to you both.
You hadn't meant for this to happen, you were standing under the mistletoe waiting for Mizu to come back hoping to surprise her with a kiss. So why did he of all people have to be the one to approach you? He knew you were taken, his family knew you were taken.
"What do you want Henry."
Your body tensed watching him lean in, his hand grasping your chin. You can practically smell the alcohol on his breath.
"I cannot help your lovely self is all alone, underneath the mistletoe...I came to rectify this issue."
Gritting your teeth you did your best to push down the urge to gag, you could smell the alcohol on his breath. "I am fine! Now please leave me alone."
Narrowing his eyes, the man grabbed your chin forcing you to look at him. "No one say's no to me." He growled out.
"I did....now get your filthy hand's off of me." You stated slapping the man across his cheek though your body shrunk from seeing the anger flash in his eyes you waited for the slap only for it to come, instead the moment you opened your eyes you came to see Mizu's back. One of her hand tightly wrapped around the man's wrist.
"Do you go around assaulting woman? Or just the one's that have no interest in you." Mizu narrowed her eyes. Her grip tightened around his wrist as her other hand pressed her small blade against his groin.Before he had the chance to answer, Mizu bent his wrist backwards as the man yelped. "Come near her again, and I will not hesitate to put you down like the rabid dog you are." She whispered.
The man let out a yelp then cradled his wrist to his chest once Mizu let go as he quickly vanished into the crowd of people.
Nearly squealing, you wrapped your arms around Mizu's neck pulling them down to plant a kiss on her cheek. You felt giddy seeing her defend you, happy. "I do love seeing you get possessive."
Mizu let out a snort though her gaze was still searching for that bastard. Shaking her head she then wove her arm around your waist as she started to tug you off to a random room of the house you were in.
"Where are we going Mizu?"
Giving a quick look around, she pulled you into a random room where she then locked the door. "I'm going to make sure every one of these people know who you belong to."
Letting out an airy laugh, you gave Mizu a teasing grin as you fell back onto the bed. "I do like the sound of that."
"Of course you do, because you're spoiled." Mizu tugged off her hat as she placed it down on the bedside table. "I'm not very sure I should give you what you crave." She crawled onto the bed as she pinned your arms above your head as her other hand slipped under your dress, her fingers slowly pushed aside the cloth covering your core as she let her fingers tease your slit. "I want to hear you sing."
Biting your lip, your hips lift off the bed only for them to be pushed down. "Mizu!" You mewled out her name, a chuckle escaping her lips as she continued to let her fingers dip between the folds of your sex, feeling the wetness that awaited her. She teased and explored, her touch alternating between featherlight strokes and firmer pressure. The sounds of your moans mingled in the air, a symphony of pleasure and need.
"Such a pretty little voice you have." Mizu whispered against your neck as she with drew her fingers from your folds. Her eyes roamed your body she pressed her lips against yours once again.The taste of passion lingering on their tongues. Mizu's kisses were both fervent and tender, a reflection of her desire to both consume and cherish. Her mouth trailed along your jawline, nipping and sucking lightly, relishing in the soft gasps and moans that escaped your lips. Her hands slipped beneath the fabric of your dress tugging it away , the texture of her warm, bare skin sending a jolt of electricity through Mizu's veins. Her touch was electric, her fingers tracing delicate patterns, teasing and caressing every inch of exposed flesh.
Mizu's mouth roamed with a hunger that matched your own, leaving a trail of heated kisses along your neck, collarbone, and chest. Her tongue flicked against sensitive skin, her teeth grazing lightly, drawing forth an intoxicating mix of pleasure and pain.
Her hand now roaming your body, tracing the contours of your curves, her touch both gentle and possessive. Her fingers brushed along the swell of your breasts, feeling the softness beneath her fingertips. She couldn't help but marvel at the sight before her, the way your body responded to her every touch, the way your lips parted in ecstasy. It was a sight that she would never tire of.
With a gradual, deliberate motion, Mizu positioned herself between your legs, her own desire driving her forward. She could feel the slickness of your arousal against her skin, guiding her with an intoxicating scent that filled her senses. Mizu's tongue traced a path along the length of your sex, relishing in the taste of you, your musky sweetness mingling with the sweat that coated your bodies. As Mizu's lips and tongue danced across your most intimate parts, she reveled in the soft moans that escaped from her lover's lips. Each flick of her tongue, each gentle suck, sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body. Mizu was wholly focused on you, her attentions honed to bring her lover to the brink of ecstasy. "Mizu! Mizu!" Your face turning to press into the pillow as you held back a cry as you felt her tongue glide across your clit.
Pulling back before you could reach your climax, Mizu's blue gaze darkened seeing your body still flushed. A smirk formed on her lips as she tugged away the suit she wore, freeing her hair she hovered about you grabbing your hips letting your heat press against hers. "So beautiful."
Mizu's breath hitched at the sound of your whimpers as her own desire surging through her veins like a wildfire. The sensation of you rubbing against her, the heat and urgency in your movements, sent a jolt of pleasure coursing through Mizu's body. She allowed herself to be consumed by the raw intensity of their connection, her own nails digging into your flesh in response to the overwhelming sensations. "Mmm," Mizu groaned, her voice a mixture of need and longing. Her hips instinctively moved in rhythm with your own, your bodies creating a symphony of pleasure. The friction between you both became more fervent, the heat building to a crescendo that threatened to consume you two. Mizu's lips found their way to your neck, her teeth grazing against the sensitive skin, leaving a trail of marks in her wake. Her tongue flicked out to soothe the sting, before she whispered in a husky voice, "You feel so good, my love. Let go, surrender to the pleasure." She continued to grind against your pussy, your body moving in harmony with Mizu's, driven by an insatiable hunger for one another. The room was filled with the sounds of your moans and gasps, the symphony of your shared desire echoing off the walls.
With a firm grip, Mizu then grasped your hips, guiding your movements, your bodies moving in sync, your desires merging into a symphony of need. The friction between you two intensified, your combined heat building to a crescendo that threatened to consume you both. Her heart hammering in her chest as she felt her clit brushing against your own. Lost in the waves of pleasure, Mizu's grip on control began to slip, her movements becoming more desperate, more urgent. She could feel her climax building, a tidal wave of ecstasy threatening to crash over her. With a final surge of passion, Mizu's body arched, her release crashing through her like a tempest, her voice mingling with yours in a chorus of pleasure.
She could feel your release mixed with her own, she did not care of she just made a mess in some strangers bed. As the aftershocks of your pleasure coursed through your bodies, Mizu held you close, your hearts pounding in unison. As you both lay intertwined, your breaths mingling, your bodies basking in the aftermath of your connection.
A soft smile formed on Mizu's lips, she could feel your fingers tracing the scars until you grasped her wrist. Kissing the tattoo you smiled giving her a soft kiss. "Next time I am making you feel good."
Shaking her head, Mizu pulled your naked body close. "I would love that." She stated. "I love you."
Kissing her once last time, you held back a yawn as you did your best to not fall asleep. "I love you too, My Mizu."
Talking to a few of his friends, your father paused for a moment as he spotted Mizu carrying you out of a bedroom. From his spot he could see you were sleeping your body wrapped in a large blanket. The one he started to see has his own daughter did not seem to mind the gaze on you both.
Tapping out his cigar, deep chuckle escaped his lips as you both vanished from view his attention now on the man still cradling his hand. "I see you had a run in with my future son-in law."
While the man may not understand Mizu hid her identity he would not be the one to revel her secret, she was keeping you safe.
"Well it will teach you to harass my daughter...now shall we drink to celebrate a wonderful year."
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catboygretzky · 2 months
Exyblr Dashboard Simulator based on what I personally see on sportsblr:
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📜 realexyblog
haiku because exy is back:
GOD, why are my teams
SO fucking bad at exy?
FUCK this FUCKING sport.
#and i watch sports for why? entertainment? no way
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♛ queen-of-exy
💃fox-me-up follow
queen on the court, pillow princess on the mattress amiright
♛ queen-of-exy
ive never felt more understood, I am kissing you w tongue
#marry me tumblr user fox me up
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🌞 blonde-jeremy-knox
i'm just gonna say it. i know we're all thinking it. jeremy knox eats ass like it's his JOB.
👁 jean-mor-uhoh
babe literally no one was thinking that but i'm proud of you for speaking your truth
#we're friends but what cost. when all u talk about is jeremy knox eating ass.
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🧚 goalie-stan
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#dan wilds #psu
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🌄 softkevinday follow
He lived. He served cunt. He died. He was Resurrected. Served more cunt.
#kevin day
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👸🏻 kevindazed follow
absolutely busted a fucking nut watching kevin day switch hands like that oh my god my nut was so forceful it created a new dimension.
🏳️‍🌈 gay4stickball follow
hey can i join you in that dimension
👸🏻 kevindazed follow
Sure, just bring some snacks or something
🏳️‍🌈 gay4stickball follow
hell yeah!!!!!!
#thanks youre the best do you like doritos?
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😎 foxyknoxy
the best exy team in the nation is a LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGE how many of those students even go to the games when your school is full of artists and theater kids. your student section must be wACK
😎 foxyknoxy
*sorry, 2nd best exy team in the nation
#fuck you theater kids!!!!!!!! can't even appreciate a good sport !!!!! anyway go trojans
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🙈 ittybittyminny follow
Andrew Minyard should get a little bite and chew. As a reward. Maybe a small gnaw. nomnomnom Maaaaaybe as a treat he can rip a throat out, but only if he's really really good
#only if he's REALLY GOOD and maybe tests negative for rabies but whatever you can't win em all
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🏳️‍🌈 gay4stickball follow
favourite exy rarepair????
☀️ usctrojanny
ACTUALLY !!!!! was thinking about this earlier and while ive never seen anyone talk about it.......aaron minyard and neil josten would be 👀 kinda cute???
🏳️‍🌈 gay4stickball follow
omg wait why have I never thought about guys before!!!!!!!! noooo why did you say this, i can totally see it!!!!!! Neil would probably have to lean down to kiss aaron 🥺 do u think he has ever had to lean down to kiss someone 😭
☀️ usctrojanny
And obviously, u know me, im always here for a striker/backliner matchup
🏳️‍🌈 gay4stickball follow
this is all i'm going to think about for the rest of my life now, thanks, fuck you
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👅 nastyneiljosten
I want to put neil josten in a jar and shake the jar so violently he turns into sludge and then pour a drop of that sludge on to a petri dish so I can see what kind of bacteria he produces.
🦩 exyonmymind follow
what happens to the rest of the sludge?
👅 nastyneiljosten
*sluuuuuuurp* *swallowing sounds* *sluuuurp* *gargle gargle* *more swallowing sounds* yummy yummy in my tummy
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🐋 sexyexy
headcannon that neil josten is so feral bc andrew bit him and gave him rabies so now he's a literal rabid dog
👢exyinaphonebooth follow
You can't make headcannons about real people don't be freaks
🐋 sexyexy
exy players aren't real they're my little dolls that I can put into any situations I want and you can't stop me
#thanks anyway did u know andrew minyard gave neil josten rabies
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🧸 mreow-bearcats-mreow
#exy lb
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👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻 talk-exy-to-me
Kiss cams are only acceptable during sporting events if they zoom in on two players
🗣️ jeremyknoxes follow
ok but what if they're wearing a face mask
👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻 talk-exy-to-me
smash your cages together obviously, don't be a pussy #love wins
🗣️ jeremyknoxes follow
fair enough
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🌸 softexy
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Andrew and Aaron Minyard
#exy #andrew minyard #aaron minyard #palmetto foxes #psu #web weave #poetry
2,040 notes
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r0-boat · 2 months
hiii can i request for more neuvwrio x reader pls!! :DD thank youuu
Yes you may!!! I'm going to throw head cannons in your face now!
Wriolette x Reader Omegaverse! Poly headcannons
Omega!Neuvillette x Omega!reader x Alpha!Wriothesley
NSFW mixed with SFW so mdni
Sovereign Dragon Omega is not the same thing as human omega. Nuevillette for one is strong enough to hold back the urge to mate during his heat or when an alpha is in rut or not submit to when a mouthy alpha tries to snarl at him to intimidate him. However, that could only last for so long, struggling to keep his composure to the point he stammering to your and Wriothesley's bed.
The Poor Hydro Dragon is far too busy to make a nest, so he hijacks yours. He can't help himself! It smells of everything you, with a hint of Wriothesley, because you made him scent some pillows. If you try to kick him out, he'll give you the puppy dog face you'll ever see. Could you say no to that face?
Wriothesley is the "pack alpha" but really Nuevillette is the true leader. Wriothesley submit so sweetly when Nuevillette decides to be done playing nice. Wriothesley thinks being in charge is hot. But wouldn't want to actually demand his two lovers to do anything they don't want to do. He's just here for the sexy punishments, or the sexy rewards.
Nuevillette is the voice of reason. When Nuevillette tells you do something, you do it without question. There will be consequences if not
Sandwiched between two overworked partners, it is up to you to make sure these guys eat, sleep, and drink (Wriothesley) properly. And you rewarded with scary dog privileges. Your heart melts the way Nuevillette's eyes light up when he sees you coming into his office. Delicious soup in your hand, you place it on his desk, kissing him on his forehead before turning to leave, but he can't bear depart from you just yet. His hand reaches for your shirt, and he asks, "Stay with me, mate? Just for a little while."
Or when you give Wriothesley some water with his 4th cup of tea He grabs you and moves you into his lap wrapping his arms around you holding you gently. You could feel and hear him groaning against your shoulder. After a while you think it's cute until you noticed he becomes slack and extremely heavy.
Nuevillette in heat is more insatiable than Wriothesley on his first rut after being off suppressants. It's a good thing that dragon heats, and ruts only come about once a year rather than every month. Nuevillette will drain Wriothesley's balls before hunting you down when the poor Duke can't give him anymore. Sometimes, you already be being held hostage by him. The Dragon demands both of his mates.
Wriothesley is a provider; if you want one thing, he will get you five of those things. The guy doesn't really know how to do communication and talking and stuff. He doesn't know how to put his feelings into words, so like a happy puppy, he will bring you some flowers and hope you reward him with pets and kisses. That puppy will turn into a rabid dog when he sees so much as a scratch on your cheek. Can you imagine that you got into an altercation with someone, and you tried to hide the bruise on your cheek only for him to grab your chin gently yet firmly, forcing your head to the side so you can get a better look at yourself? His voice was low and threatening. "Who did this to you?"
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doggoboigaugau · 1 year
Stray dog (Part 7)
Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Pairings: Ghost x Soap x Male Reader
Summary: Male Reader apologizes to Ghost after the incident. The two men confess.
Word count: 1516
Warning: Slight description of violent thoughts.
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And here he is. Without the skull mask. The face of the man that has appeared so many times in your dream. Blond hair, long and perfectly curling eyelashes that slightly shadow his brown eyes. A long scar that starts at the corner of his left eyebrow, pretty near to his piercing, and runs down to the corner of his mouth. He looks even prettier than you could ever imagine. But you would never wish that you’ll see his real face for the first time in such a scenario like this. You gulp, trying not to stare at the three red scratches on his right cheek.
“I– I’m sorry…” Finally, you muster enough courage to say the words. Your mind thought of what had brought you here, into this embarrassing situation. You and the first man you’ve ever had a real crush on, Fyodor, met again after years of no contact. You lost yourself and found a place to fall into your old habit of burning your arm with cigarettes. Ghost found out, people started to surround you, and you got mad and attacked him like a rabid dog before running away. Then, Soap showed up in front of your door, and stayed with you in your room for a while, helping you to mentally prepare for this difficult ‘speech’ of apology.
Ghost looks at you, his brown eyes narrow, probably to gauge how sincere you are with your apology. The three scratches on his cheek that no one but you caused during the motion glow so bright to your eyes that it makes you feel even more guilty and horrible than you already were. 
“Y/n, did you know you strip my mask off during that little act of yours? In front of everyone?” Ghost hisses, obviously very angry and disappointed.
You widen your eyes, feeling a lump in your throat as you try to say something. Anything. But you know nothing can fix what you caused. It’s because of you that everyone there has seen Ghost’s face, the thing that he has put effort into to hide from people. 
Soap says, “Look, I’m not trying to underestimate the severity of this situation, but I just wanna say that I did step up and help Ghost to hide his face in time before anyone can have a good look at its prettiness.”
Now Ghost’s burning eyes turn to Soap and the Scottish man chuckles nervously, rubbing the back of his neck, “Sorry… You two continue, I won’t butt in.”
Again, the man of your dream turns his attention back to you, and you have to embarrassingly admit to yourself that he still looks so hot being angry like this. You turn your head slightly to the side with the hope that none of the two men will notice how blushingly red your cheeks and neck have gotten. 
“Look straight in my eyes, Y/n.” The man roars.
Tremblingly, you turn your head back to look him in the eyes as he demands.
“Why did you do that to yourself?” Ghost asks, as he grabs your left arm and lifts it up to emphasize his point. His fingers squeeze around your flesh so tightly that you unknowingly grimace.
“I– I don’t really know…” You stutter. The Brit is furious, his aura is powerful and intimidating, and you can do nothing but shrink in his raged presence. 
“You don’t know? YOU DON’T KNOW??” Simon grits each word through his teeth.
Tears brim in your eyes again, “I don’t know! Alright? It’s just… I just felt this burning anger inside my body, my stomach, and I wanted to… do something… to hurt someone! I wanted to punch someone really hard in the face multiple times! And then when they fell to their knees, I’d kick them really hard in the face. Then– then I’d peel their skin off! But I cannot hurt anyone but myself, so I did it! I burnt my arm and it made me feel better!”
Simon stares blankly at you, saying nothing but breathing heavily. Soap observes you two carefully, his eyes move between you and Simon.
You expect Simon to scream back at you, calling you ugly names, like a failure, a monster, a psychopath, a liability, or just a crazy, unloveable dog. But all his reaction is a surprisingly soft, trembling voice, “This is the first time you’ve ever opened up to us…”
Your big puppy eyes widen again at the man, as never in your dream would anyone respond this way to such bloody, concerning words.
“I said, this is the first time you’ve ever opened up to us.” The man ‘kindly’ repeats the sentence for you, and Soap almost bursts out laughing. The Scot is notorious for laughing in unfitting circumstances.
“Well, actually he opened up to me just a few minutes ago.” Soap jokes.
“Shut up, Soap.” Simon rolls his eyes annoyedly. 
“Sorry, sorry…” Soap giggles and then does the ‘zipping’ motion across the line of his mouth to indicate that he won’t butt in again and he’s serious this time.
“Y/n, why is it so hard for you to open up? To trust us?” Simon proceeds, his brown eyes glittering in the dim sunlight that manages to pass through many layers of blinds into his own dark room as if he’s crying. But he is not, because there is no tear. 
Seeing that you’re not replying, he pries further, “Why??”
It’s quite ridiculous to think that it turns out Simon is the one who has this kind of talk with you. About ‘Why don't you just open up?’. Admittedly, no one will expect this seemingly emotionless man under that legendary skull mask and with the thickest shell ever to be forcing this conversation onto you. You thought he must’ve known why. You thought you two are somewhat similar, and he’ll understand why you do the things you do. Two wounded children who have to spend a lifetime trying to find ways to ease the pain engraved so deeply in their souls. He should’ve known…and helped you to avoid opening up about it. Instead, unfortunately, he’s here, making you pour your heart out.
“Alright! I’ll tell you why!” You shout, and the mountain of a man flinches, obviously not expecting you to be so harsh, “I’m just– not really good at maintaining relationships, OK?” Your brain starts playing tricks on you again, as Fyodor’s face pops so vividly inside your mind, along with the memories between you and him, and between you and some other people whom you wish things could’ve been different… 
“I don’t understand how relationships work. I don’t understand how other people do it so easily. I don’t know, they just… they send each other stupid messages, stupid little jokes and memes, and then they hang out with each other,... I try to do the exact same things as them, but still I can’t. Everything that has me in it is just meant to end sooner or later. No matter how much effort I put into a relationship, it still ends in one way or another. It’s just– I’m just– different.” You stop to catch your breath. It feels like your heart can jump out of your ribs at any moment now and it’s hard to breathe. Then, you realize your vision is blurry, and that you’ve been crying this whole time.
Simon is silent for a while, before speaking again, “So… you don’t believe any relationship will work for you, so you just don’t open up to avoid…”
“Attachment.” You say. Breathlessly. “I will never be who I want to be.”
“What do you mean?” Simon is right in front of you. You two are so close now that you can feel the heat of his body radiating around you, as if it’s wrapping you up in the warm cloth of a blanket. He lifts his hand and wipes your tears rolling down on your rosy cheek with his rough thumb.
“I want to be…a happy, humorous, and likable person. Someone who can crack funny jokes. Someone with a positive and attractive aura. Someone who can make people immediately like them and want to be around them. Someone who has a lot of friends, knows a lot of people,... Someone is able to give love in return…”
“I’m pretty sure you’re already such a person.” Simon speaks gently, his voice is soft and warm.
“No. It’s just a facade. A mask. The truth is I’m a despicable person filled with ugly thoughts and jealousy.” You shake your head.
“What’s so fun wishing to be someone else?” Soap suddenly speaks up after being silent and observing you two for so long. He moves closer to you too, and now you realize you’re being cornered by both of the men. As you instinctively take a few steps back to maintain a ‘safe’ distance, the Scot smirks dangerously, amused at how scared you appear to be and how your adorable puppy eyes nervously dart between him and Simon.
“We love you for who you really are.”
To be continued... (Our men finally confess...)
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Taglist:@justdawn @killmeprettypleasee @livelaugh-light @therealppboy @arthurmorgansballsack @redjeanjacket @gay-as-hell-blog @b0g-b0y @somothegraffitiartist @kodasstar @teippirulla @aphroditeslovr @peter-the-pan @wvandahoe@c0nny3917@talia-the-gemini
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semisgroupie · 1 year
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shidou ryusei x fem. reader
wc: 1.8k
warnings: public sex, lots of teasing from shidou, creampie, unprotected sex, exhibitionism, there’s a huge risk of getting caught, guest appearance at the end (I’m sure y’all can guess who), degradation, filthy dirty talk, mention of pet play (VERY BRIEF)
synopsis: your boyfriend can never control himself when you wear sundresses
a/n: this is for the lovely @saintshiba’s sundress szn collab!!! thank you for letting me join and check out all the other amazing pieces!!
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Shidou loved this time of the year. It was warm out, there were more things to do that were fun but there was something that outweighed it all.
Seeing you in a pretty sundress he bought for you.
He felt like a rabid dog whenever he saw you in a sundress, it brought out this overwhelming desire that he couldn’t quell until he got his hands on you.
Today was one of the days where one of the sundresses he bought you would come in handy. He planned a picnic date in the park and since it was going to be warm, a thin sundress was just the perfect attire.
You could almost applaud your boyfriend’s efforts of remaining calm and not succumbing to the temptation for most of the date. You two were able to get through most of your food before his loving glances turned into hunger filled looks, his gentle grazes of his fingers turned into teasing touches. His fingers traveled under the hem of your dress and slowly lifted the skirt up but you quickly moved to swat his hand away.
“Oh come on, can’t I see what color panties my sexy girlfriend is wearing?” He batted his long eyelashes at you and went back to what he was doing. You swatted his hand away again and glared at him. “Ryu, we’re in the middle of the park where there’s people walking around. I’m not letting you lift my dress so you can look at my panties.” As if you summoned them on cue, an elderly couple walked past on the walkway near where you two were and glanced over at you two with soft smiles.
“But why not? I’ve been good this whole time so let me get what I want. I know you love the risk just as much as I do. Plus it’s not like I’m fucking you in the middle of the park, if we move a few feet back, we’ll practically be invisible to any passerby. Remember the dressing room a few weeks ago or the ferris wheel last week? We didn’t get caught then.”
Heat rose to your cheeks and bloomed between your legs as you thought about both past events. He wasn’t wrong, you two didn’t get caught surprisingly. But now there was just more of a risk. You didn’t want to get arrested for public indecency but now that he put the thought in your head, you couldn’t deny yourself.
It was as if he could see the gears turning in your head. He helped you to your feet and messily collected all the picnic gear and brought it to the area he was talking about. You followed quickly behind and sat down on the checkered blanket once he set it out again. “So what do you say? I promise we won’t get caught and I won’t be loud at all.” He waited for your response and once you nodded he took your hand in his and pulled you down to sit with him. “But Ryu, if we get caught I will kill you.” He chuckled at your warning and pulled you close to him, “I love when you give me those empty threats. But if you kill me then you’ll just find another guy in the future and you’ll just have boring sex, that’s not exhilarating at all.”
You rolled your eyes and climbed onto his lap, he wrapped an arm around your middle while his free hand traveled up your legs and his fingers grazed your covered slit. “You know, for someone who doesn’t want to get caught you’re fucking soaked.” He chuckled and pressed two of his fingers against your covered clit when you opened your mouth to reply to his comment. Instead of the words of a sentence, what left you was a gasp of his name. “Sorry baby I just want you even wetter for me.” He rubbed your clit over your panties a few times and chuckled when you bucked your hips. “Ryu, stop teasing me.” You whined and looked back at him with a pout, he always did this both in public and in the privacy of your shared home. He would always drag everything out as much as possible whenever it came to him fucking you. He always said that he couldn’t help it, he just loved seeing you get so desperate and needy for him.
His cock was throbbing in his shorts as he continued to toy with your pussy. His fingers moved up and down your cotton covered slit. Just teasing you as he pressed his fingertips against your hungry entrance, just feeling you gush and soak your panties more with your juices. After a few more motions he pulled your panties to the side and slipped just one finger inside you and your greedy walls practically sucked it inside. “Oh poor thing, your poor needy pussy was just calling for more attention. Oh don’t worry, I’ll fill her up with what she really needs.” He cooed in your ear as he slowly started pumping his finger. You whined and bucked your hips up into his hand, trying to get more friction from him. You leaned back against him and your pretty lips formed another pout. “Ryu, please give me your cock. I need it so badly. Please Ryu, please give it to me.”
You knew you sounded pathetic at this point but you could care less. The ache that was burning between your legs was just too much and you needed something to soothe it. “Shh shh, you’re whining so much. I told you I’m getting you ready for my cock but you’re just a needy little bitch in heat aren’t you? Just yapping and whining away until you get what you need. I should get you a pretty collar to wrap around your neck and a cute leash if you want to be my puppy.” He licked up the side of your neck and gently bit your earlobe before he pulled away from you and released his cock from the confines of his shorts.
It was throbbing and a thick bead of precum dribbled from the head and traveled down his cock. He dropped his head and spit on his cock then he quickly lifted you and helped you sink down on his cock. He had to bite down on his bottom lip to suppress the guttural groan that was threatening to escape. “Shit, Ryu!” You gasped as you sank down completely and he clamped his hand over your mouth. You felt his breath on your ear as you started grinding against him, too impatient to wait any longer. “Didn’t you just complain about the risk of getting caught? And you’re here moaning and whimpering like a fucking pornstar. You’re making think that you want to get caught, that you want this entire park to watch me fuck this messy cunt. Is that what you want? You want the entire park to see me slut you out?”
You shook your head and your words were muffled by his hand. “Hm? What’s that? I can’t really hear you.” He teased and wrapped his free arm around you and started bouncing you on his cock. Any protests to his earlier statement were silenced and turned into cries and moans of pleasure. He groaned and grunted in your ear as your pussy clenched and coiled around his cock. “My dirty little slut, just fucking clenching my cock like you need it to survive. Is that it? Do you need my cock more than air baby?” You just gave a nod as you continued to bounce on his cock, letting your body take over and coherent thoughts. He sloppily kissed and licked along your neck and he kept his hand clamped over your mouth. The hand that was wrapped around your middle went up and groped your tits through your dress, he quickly found your perky nipples and pulled on them. You clenched around him tighter and brought one of your hands down to rub your clit, the action added to the tightening coil in the pit of your stomach.
“Oh my little slut is gonna cum, you’re just getting tighter around me fuck. Don’t worry baby, just let go for me and I’ll fill you up with cum. I’ll fill this needy cunt with cum right here in this park.” You started rubbing your clit faster and your legs started trembling as he started thrusting up into you. You threw your head back against his shoulder and let out a muffled cry against his hand as you came undone. He groaned as your pussy tightened around his cock and all it took was a few more thrusts before he started filling you with cum. He dropped his hand from your mouth and both of his hands gripped your hips to grind you against his cock and once his cock stopped twitching he lifted you off his cock.
He quickly moved to cover your pussy with your panties then pushed his cock back in his shorts. “Fuck baby, that was fun wasn’t it? Don’t you feel the adrenaline rush?” You leaned back against him and shook your head. “You’re gonna be the death of me you heathen. Now come on, let’s go back home.” He nodded and you both packed up everything and made your way back to the parking lot. Just as you two were just mere feet away from your car there was a familiar redhead.
“Mr. Child Prodigy! You’ve been ignoring my texts to hang out and now you’re here when we’re leaving. You’re making me think that you’re avoiding us.” And by the deadpan stare on Sae’s face you knew he was partially right.
“I’m not avoiding you both, Ryusei. I’m only avoiding you.” His teal eyes traveled from your boyfriend to you and they scanned your body. They traveled down your body and stopped at your legs, specifically your thighs that weren’t covered by your dress. “But maybe we should schedule something soon, looks like you two have plenty of fun.” Sae’s eyes went back up your body and met your boyfriend’s gaze. It was like the two shared a silent exchange of words and finally Ryusei spoke up. “Sounds good, you have my number. Now I need to take this one home, I hope to hear from you soon.”
With that, Ryusei led you back to the car while Sae continued on his run and you looked up to see a wide smirk on your boyfriend’s face. You furrowed your eyebrows and opened your mouth to question him but he beat you to the punch, “I packed some extra napkins in the glove box, I’ll clean you up before we get in the car.” You furrowed your eyebrows more and looked down, you didn’t have anything on your dress and you know you didn’t have anything on your face but as you looked lower you saw a trail of his cum make its way down your thighs.
Your eyes widened at the sight and all your boyfriend could do was laugh. “It’s okay, this little ‘accident’ will lead to something exhilarating, I just know it.”
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taglist: @litepowee @satmitsuplanet @benkeibear & join here
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sugar-omi · 7 months
jfc it's finally here... definitely didn't rewrite this twice. nope. not me :,)
we're gonna have to come back to omegaverse bc my little horny brain demons we're tell me too much abt this au!!!
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*kinktober masterlist | *ao3
tags : NSFW, step 3, *fem/afab + masc/amab + gn/intersex reader, alpha cove firstz omega cove 2nd, alpha/omega reader, creampies/raw sex, mind break, somnophilia, breeding kink, (m)preg mention
*readers gender isn't specified. I wrote w intersex reader (& cove) in mind but scenario 1 could be fem/afab reader and scenario 2 masc/amab reader w intersex cove, or whatever you imagine.
synopsis : you and cove go into heat at the same time, and accidents happen, especially when you finally have your lover in your bed...
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alpha!cove fucks like a dog.
i hope you're not wearing your favorite outfit or an expensive piece, because it doesn't make it outta your shared heat without a scratch.
it's even worse if you tease him. please don't do that to yourself..
he tries to be considerate, especially if the outfit is important or new. but when you're down to your underwear, well let's just say he's taking you to the store once your heat is over.
jfc he's so strong… don't matter what position you're in, his back is against you and he's growling and moaning in your ear and mumbling things to you, telling you how pretty you are and that you look best shaking on his knot.
wraps his arms around your waist and his hips are never far away before they're slamming against your tender ass, the clapping of skin loud and echoing in your ears until you're stuck on his knot and now you can finally hear him going, "pups… need to breed, mate.."
well it's not a far away dream, especially with how much he cums inside you.
when he finally pulls out your hole is gaping, your insides convulsing and clenching around nothing, forcing out all his cum… well now look what you've done, he has to put it all back…
unfortunately he's soft, a miracle really, but that just means he can finally taste you! first he fingers all that cum back into you and shoves his fingers down your throat. if you can't keep it in your cunt, then hold it in your mouth will you?
cove's already a beast when eating you out. but something about his rut makes him devour you.
his lips smacking loudly and you can fucking hear him lapping up all the slick and cum, his tongue scooping out your insides and you can't even move because he has his arms wrapped around your legs, keeping you there..
you come out marred like you got attacked by a rabid animal. which you did honestly, because cove kept nuzzling against your neck and mumbling about "mate" and "bond" and sometimes he even begged or fantasized in between rounds about biting your scent gland, claiming you as his..
it's a miracle you don't come out bonded, but you can thank your poor shoulder and the surrounding skin of your neck for that.
it's okay, he'll be pampering you for weeks, or at least until you can stand up straight and you can stop scooping cum out of your cunt… (don't complain about that unless youre ready for the consequences... the first time you did, he came over and fucked you again! as if you didn't just tell him your cunt is stupidly sensitive!)
but don't be mean to him! he gave you apology head for your sore pussy, didn't he?
(although he'll need to deliver a bigger apology if you come out pregnant.. you have permission to kick his ass to pluto this time </3)
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you think alpha!cove is horny, but omega!cove is someone totally different…
for some reason he has no restraint, begs you to bite him and knot him, absolutely needs you to get him fuck him full of your cum, maybe even give him your pups?
fucks wildly like this is what he's been waiting for his whole life and is a total slut while doing it. if you wanted to get content for your camshow, this is the perfect time.
he pins you down and if he didn't need you to touch his chest for him, he'd tie you up. although, if you try to pull him off your dick one more time he will.
"alpha, alpha, alpha!" he whines and chants, his mind totally empty save for thoughts of you and sex. he doesn't waste energy on much else, anything besides filling up his womb with your cum is a distraction.
oh but if you're tired, please go to sleep! he'll take care of everything… i mean, you'll wake up with a sore dick and shooting blanks, but at least your omega is happy <3
even though you're tired, sore, and hungry, it's so worth it to wait until cove finishes.
his ass slapping against your thighs, his cunt leaking slick so bad it's running down your balls…
omega!cove begging you to bite him.. babbling loudly about how he wants to be one with you, how he needs you and your cock and he needs more.
and as much as you try to keep cool heads, you come out bonded.
he can't wait, and you're laying there, your glands exposing, just waiting for him to-
and that's how he wakes you up from your nap. and like any sane alpha, you bite him back.
at first he was crying because he didn't mean to bite you like that! please don't be mad…
but now he's crying because you've flipped him on his back, your knot tugging at his hole and your tip slamming perfectly into his cervix..
then he feels so much relief when you bite him back, your canines piercing the skin and he immediately pulls you into a kiss, ignoring the blood you're swapping with each other.
your parents are probably definitely mad that you came out bonded, but cove has been purring for days at the sight of his bond mark alone, so you can't complain.
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felikatze · 2 months
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FE brainrot continues. Based on base Keaton's battle artwork in FEH, which made me realize what a babygirl pose that truly is. Okuma Yugo drew both base Keaton and Halloween Dogboy Grima, which automatically makes him my hero forever.
Anyway. Wolfskin Isabeau.
This is where I hit you with my FE crossover headcanons.
The two wolfskin characters that exist are, to put it mildly, fucking morons. Both Keaton and his daughter Velouria (the only playable Wolfskin) are well and truly Dogs in personality. They like smelling things and collecting cool looking rocks and bones.
They are both named after fabrics.
I think, beastfolk have it better in a place like Vaugarde. Their ability to shift shapes at will is seen as a boon from the Change God themself. They're admired, nearly holy.
And yet. And yet.
Why do they change shape into... this? Into animals? Are they humans who change into animals, or animals who change into humans? Their abilities are praised in theory, but in practice, anybody's bound to freak out when someone turns into a huge wolf creature in front of them.
There's no real stigma against being beastfolk, but, well, don't show it, will you?
I think, Isabeau keeps his nails short, even though they always grow far too quickly. He smiles with a closed mouth to hide his teeth. His ears are weighed down by earrings, so they wiggle less. There's nothing he can really do about the tail, but people at least find that charming.
He plays into the stereotypes on purpose. Acts like a dog for jokes, to make others laugh. Because a dumb wolfskin is expected. Because a dumb wolfskin is less threatening. Someone with intelligence and cunning, who can also tear you to shreds with their bare hands?
....People don't like that very much.
But Isabeau didn't like being shy and demure, didn't like dancing around what he is. What he's always been. When he Changed, he wanted to be bolder, wanted to be someone who others look up to, confide in - not just something like a cute pet.
It's about confidence, and gender, and all of that, yes. It is also about being honest to the monster inside of you. As the journey progresses, he lets it trickle out, bit by bit. Using claws instead of closed fists. Hitting harder, faster, using his senses to warn others of danger.
Here, this is useful. Once the journey ends, and it stops being useful... Well, he better reign it in, right? But it's exhilirating to be honest to his own capabilities. He doesn't know if he can go back. He doesn't know if he wants to.
Also thinks about. Wolfskin Isabeau within the context of Manakete Siffrin.
Siffrin, who, at first, doesn't even realize he's not human either.
For the first time, there's someone who just... isn't fazed by beastkin at all. Sure, Odile wasn't scared, but she'd never met a wolfskin before and Isabeau had still been a curiosity, comparing to the kitsune Odile knew. Yet Siffrin didn't even seem to know what a beastkin is.
Just utterly at ease, with whatever Isabeau shows them. Of course he'd fall in love.
Of course he'd accept every single monstrous part of Siffrin, too. Whenever Siffrin is just a little too quick, a little too strong, when their long ears flick or his eyes reflect the light oddly - when Isabeau sees that Siffrin could be just like him - yeah, of course he'd fall even harder.
I have more thoughts on how Siffrin would feel on their end (how they feel feral compared to Isabeau, who controls himself with perfect precision, how they feel rabid after being restrained for so long), but this is honestly long enough.
Hi to everyone who clicked that readmore, I hope the length of this jumpscared you. Ask me about my isat/fe AUs. Any of them. Please.
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tainted-heartz · 1 year
The Jessica Rabbit!Reader asks have me in such a chokehold, but it got me thinking how did Wally bag a baddie like reader? I personally like to believe that reader came to a play Sally was putting on, looked as wally on stage, and just told themselves: “that one, I want that one. Im gonna make that little man my husband” and asked out Wally afterwords. You can make up something else but the Rodger/Jessica rabbit dynamic is so *rabid dog noises*
| plz I love them sm you don't UNDERSTAND |
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- you had went to one of sally's plays , they were silly but always made you giggle. this time it was just simple singing of a song sally made and worked on. you felt your heart flutter as you saw wally , hair done so nicely and a fancy outfit that made him stand out in just the way you liked. how couldn't you go and talk to him after the show?
- as wally stepped off stage he almost jumped seeing you. “ oh.. y/n was it? nice to finally meet you after all the talking sally did. ” he was a respectful type as well , that just made you smile. you bent down to his height and gently held his face with one of your hands. “ and you're wally darling. a darling you are. ” you said , watching wally turn red. “ w-well you're nice.. ” wally said with a small monotoned laugh. “ I was wondering if I could take you out tonight , dinner at my place and just talk. how about it? ” you asked as you let him go and stood up right. “ o-oh of course! I'd love to spend with someone as pretty- nice as you. ” “ great! come whenever darling. ” he swore his heart was thumping out of his chest , he hadn't been so lovestruck but hell it wasn't a bad feeling.
- after that single date you two were official and by god wally was a lovesick puppy around you , giving you gifts and being a gentleman in any situation. he was devoted to you and you were devoted to him , it wasn't just one sided! you loved him dearly and couldn't help but be so sweet.
- oh and little nicknames... he calls you dearest mostly but when you call him hunny bunny he is over the MOON. it makes him red and giggly , hearing your sweet voice call him something like that is so nice to his ears. he calls you something romantic but THAT couldn't beat anything else.
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sibylsleaves · 2 months
i really liked your take on the buddie apology and it not being shown on screen.
ive also been thinking about how even though the basketball game may be upsetting to watch from an audience perspective, its perfectly in character for eddie to not be upset about it. this is a man who once joined an illeagle fight ring and nearly killed a man rather then deal with his emotions asdfgjhk. if ANYONE understands processing your feelings through physical violence, its eddie.
is this a healthy way to handle jealousy? god no. does buck need to do some self work on this? yeah probably. but a Fictional Character in FICTION forgiving someone is not the same as giving a stamp of approval on the behavior in real life.
I mean, I also think there's a world of difference between "knocked someone a little too hard at the pick-up game" and like. if Buck had walked over to Eddie and just shoved him to the ground for no reason.
Sports get rough sometimes, even if it's supposed to be a friendly pick-up game, once the adrenaline starts going and people get competitive, yeah a bad foul like that can happen. Idk if it's just because I watch a lot of basketball (where fouling like that is commonplace) but I honestly didn't think it was this huge deal everyone was making it out to be. Like yeah, they're not playing in the NBA and it's a dick move to get THAT worked up at a pick-up game (and if I was the guy organizing it I might hesitate to invite him back or at least give him a talking to about sportsmanship 😂) but it's the kind of thing that can happen sometimes. And we as the audience obviously know why Buck's worked up and feeling competitive.
I do understand people getting more upset about it once Buck tells Maddie he "doesn't know" if he meant to hurt Eddie, but I think we also have to take into account that Buck is not necessarily a reliable narrator about his own motives. I don't think he ever on ANY level meant to hurt Eddie/cause him pain, but he certainly recognized something had gotten him worked up to the point where he fouled him like that. He registered that he was taking out some of his frustration on Eddie, and in typical Buck fashion he's guilt-spiraling about it and thinking like oh my god did I hurt Eddie ON PURPOSE am I a terrible person do I need to be put down like a rabid dog??? We've seen this from Buck before (ie in s5 when he decides to quit the team because it's "his fault" Chimney left, telling Eddie in s3 that maybe his fight club stuff was because of Buck, etc.)
I honestly was pretty surprised to come to tumblr and see people freaking out in all directions (either saying it was OOC for Buck or that he should like, go grovel on his knees to Eddie for 40 days and 40 nights).
Idk typing this out makes me feel like maybe it IS just people not understanding the sport of basketball--in a lot of sports, shoving someone like that would be totally out of pocket. But if you ever watch an NBA game, you'll see dudes getting slammed in the paint like that all the time and sometimes it won't even get called as a foul. It's certainly bad behavior in a fun little friendly game, but it's not like. Completely outside the bounds of how the sport is played. And does not, in MY opinion, rise to the level of intentional physical violence.
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storiesbyrhi · 6 months
🧚 🧚🏽‍♀️ 🧚‍♂️
i would love to hear about this fairy fic 🖤
It's only 700 words or so. I had this idea that Eddie, after everything that happened, moved to the city. But his time in the Upside Down left him magically marked. This gets the attention of the secret fairy living in his apartment block.
It's part magic realism (you know me) and part some weird size kink bullshit hehe.
I have a lot of thoughts and ideas, but haven't really decided how thw story is going to go. However, I am happy to share what I have! Unedited and very likely to change.
Love youuuuuuuuuuu.
Eddie Munson tried to not think of leaving Hawkins as running away. He had sworn to himself, standing against a tornado of demobats, that he was never going to do that again. No, Eddie would be brave in the face of danger. There was no battle he couldn’t fight. No enemy to send him cowering in the corner. But Hawkins… Hawkins wasn’t just any monster.
Hawkins had thousands of eyes, all peering at Eddie whenever he ventured further than the trailer. Her mouth could speak in an endless number of different voices, all whispering about cults and murder and Chrissy Cunningham’s body. She had power too, Hawkins, power enough to stop Eddie from getting work after he graduated from his hospital bed. She had him frozen in time and place.
Eddie didn’t know how many more days of fight he had in him, but a kind twist of fate offered Eddie an escape plan in the form of his sweet friend Jeff. A plan in which Eddie could play the hero, rather than the deserter.
“I don’t know what I’m gonna do, man!” Jeff paced back in forth in front of Eddie. “Everything was all set up but I can’t pay rent on my own. My dad says to put a notice in the paper but even that costs money… And I don’t want to live with a stranger! What if they’re like… an axe murderer!”
It was refreshing to hear about someone’s normal problems. It seemed a lot easier than working out how to communicate cross-dimensionally or where the hell Nancy Wheeler’s missing guns went.
“I’m sorry, dude,” Jeff apologised. “I shouldn’t complain to you,”
“Why?” Eddie fished.
Jeff hesitated. “Well… You know…”
“Because I was accused of murder, attacked by wild dogs, and almost killed in an earthquake?” Eddie was obviously being sarcastic, but it still made Jeff wince.
Eddie laughed, shocked that people had really bought ‘attacked by wild dogs’ … but they needed some sort of cover story for the bite marks. Despite his best efforts, Eddie couldn’t even make himself the hero of that adventure. Goddamn Steve Harrington had saved him from the rabid pack, earning himself some matching battle wounds.
“It’s cool,” Eddie reassured his friend.
The pair sat and watched whatever shit was on television for a little while longer. When the idea popped into Eddie’s head, he sat up straight from his lounging position, moving quickly enough to startle Jeff.
“I have an idea,” Eddie announced. “What if I come with you? Take the room? Nobody knows me there. I can get a job. Actually leave the fucking house. You don’t have to live with stranger. We can still jam… It’s a good idea, right?”
“You really want to move to Chicago?”
“I mean… S’not like I have grand plans in Hawkins. This town fucking hates me… I’d miss Wayne but… Yeah… Yeah, I wanna move to Chicago… If you’ll have me.” Eddie grinned at his friend, the wide smile full of fun that Jeff hadn’t really seen since before everything went down.
“Eddie Munson. My hero.”
It was a dark magic. It was cold. Lonely. And there was only a whisper of it, thankfully, but it was there. From your window, you watched him unload a U-Haul onto the sidewalk. A group of people were moving boxes and furniture into the building; the noise followed them to the second floor, to the vacant apartment across from yours.
The magic was only coming from him. All his friends were unremarkable, just a mismatched crew of boisterous boys. None were scarred like him either. Even from your window, you could see the pink ripples of scar tissue on his face, neck, and arms. The war must have been recent, you decided, the pink fresh and his movements stunted by discomfort and pain.
“Eddie, dude, you’re not meant to be lifting the heavy ones,” his friend yelled, coming to take the box away from him.
“I’m fine,”
“Whatever. I don’t wanna scoop ya guts up when you pop a fuckin’ stitch, man.” The imagery was strong and it forced a smile on your lips. He was loved, the boy with the scars, despite the dark magic.
 It only took Eddie a week to realise something was happening.
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kerubimcrepin · 4 months
Episode 52 - Goodbye. [FINALE]
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Kerubim is so scandalized that he forgot about being sad for a second, while Joris is just... too lost in the sauce.
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In the end, what made Kerubim take Simone's advice to heart, is Joris's sad face.
He loves him a lot.
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He really doesn't want Joris to go through The Horrors.
It must be so awful, being a parent, — knowing you can't protect someone forever, knowing that you've probably hurt that someone yourself.
...I'm insane about them. I should be put down like a rabid dog.
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I think a lot about the two years they probably spent travelling the world, before settling down in Bonta. Perhaps, before what happened with Julith, living there was supposed to be a temporary thing too.
Kerubim is so giddy about teaching Joris the family business. He has been the whole series, but it never gets old, y'know?
They love each other a lot.
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Crazy? I was crazy once. I watched this show. And this show makes me crazy.
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He hasn't allowed himself to think of this being possible since settling down. He really tried not to.
But if they're moving on from this bubble of safety, where everything is always familiar, then anything is possible, isn't it?
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They took the time to draw Julie's hair salon being closed down...
Even if I will rewatch it yet again, many times in the future, I will miss liveblogging this show a lot.
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Yet again, I am thinking about the fact that they were connected to the canalization and water systems of the city. I wonder how much damage they caused by leaving like this. dfjgsfhgsfd.
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This is going to be true for their whole lives, y'know?
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No matter the distance or time, they have enough love for their friends to last for centuries.
And when their friends are long gone, they'll live on through their stories, — that's a type of immortality, too.
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And what a long, fantastic adventure it will be.
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It's time to stop pretending like Kerubim's adventures ever really ended, and start moving forward again, — towards the future.
Even if it is a future their friends can follow them into, — even if they'll outlive them, because life is just a bit cruel, — it will be worth it.
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Fly safe, Kerubim and Joris!
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
Wednesday Addams, with a Male!Reader that is like Goro Majima
Just wanna know how much of pure wackiness it can get at Nevermore especially with our main characters bc of Y/N.
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I’m doing this in a headcannon format cuz I’ve got some ideas on the chaos Majima!Reader would get into. Most of these are pranks but some (like maybe 2/3) are references to the shit he’s done in the games. (1. dressed up as a girl. 2.hide in a trash can for Kiriyu and 3. driving a vehicle into a building.)
Also warning: quite fucking long cuz I went away with the fairies a little bit.
I feel like when you first met Wednesday you were laying down in a makeshift grave you’ve dug yourself on school grounds. Why? It doesn’t really matter as for the reasoning behind the action since you did things purely by impulse. many people have decided to give up in trying to figure you out because your personality often changed on a dime; making you quite the dangerous enigma.
Also some rules were set in place because of you. What an icon. We love to see it.
“What is your purpose?”
“I dunno.” You shrug, beaming up at her with a crazed grin.
“Seems like a waste of a grave.” She said, watching as you dug yourself out with a grunt, uncaring of the dirt that clung to your clothes nor how it got under your nails from your climb out. She the noticed you kneeling down next to the grave and pulling out your signature metal bat. Her dark eyes brightened with intrigue.
“Were you planning on burying someone alive?” Wednesday questions with slight interest. You shrug again before looking down at the grave that you suddenly grown bored of and sighed, hauling your bat so that it rested against your shoulder as you walked off. “It’s all yours, I’ve grown bored and besides Weems says I should reconsider the type of pranks I pull but,” you turned to look at Wednesday over your shoulder, “where’s the fun in that.” You flashed another crazed grin before walking off to who knows where, “See ya new kid.”
“It’s Wednesday-.” She goes to tell you but you seemed to have disappeared without much of a trace. Xavier, who was passing by, notes her confusion and the empty 6ft plot of dug up soil next to her and immediately knew you were behind such an expression.
“You met y/n. Didn’t you?” He asked her.
“Is that his name, he’s quite the character.” Wednesday mused, your unpredictable nature and aloof personality made you stand out even in a school for outcasts. Your mental state must be quite the minefield for Kinbott to navigate if digging up plots of land for a prank was your rendition of fun.
Xavier scoffs, “you could say that again, he once put an eyesore of a canvas in my art studio one day and when I got a loser look at it. Y/n opened his eyes, scaring me shitless, before jumped away from the canvas, his whole body was caked from head to toe in paint, and pushed me over my stool with the end of his metal bat.” Xavier subconsciously rubbed the small of his back. “Bastard then ran out of the shed, laughing hysterically…fucking psycho.”
“Interesting, maybe this school won’t be so dull as I first interpreted.” Wednesday said, uncaring of the story Xavier was telling her before walking off, leaving him befuddled. Afterwards Wednesday would asked Enid, Ajax, Eugene, hell evenTyler about you to which they were all quick to look in every direction incase you were somehow nearby before speaking their peace about you.
Enid said that you were a loose cannon, an unstoppable force of pure chaos. Yet you had a charm that would swoon boys, girls and others alike and make everyone forget that your mind was the equivalent of a bagful of rabid raccoons; You protected those who needed to be protected even though your methods were quite…extreme, seeing as your weapons of choice was a metal bat that didn’t bend after a couple of bludgeoning blows and a collection of knives. This earned you the monicure of ‘the mad dog of Nevermore.’
You scared the poor daylights out of her and Yoko one day by dressing yourself up in a white wedding gown you somehow obtained, splashed large quantities of red food dye across it to make it look like bloodstains; you even went as far as to buy a reduced Halloween makeup kit to replicate slash marks across your neck and face whilst also putting in milky white eye contacts. You had a story made up and everything about being a poor innocent normie who got stood up at the alter by her husband and then was later killed by something beastly. (It was a bear but you liked to keep it anonymous for more authenticity.)
Before this however, you told this story to the girls one night at a campfire and with the help of some of your friends in making bushes rustle, twigs snapping and other various noises. You then ventured into the woods to ‘investigate’ much to Yoko and Enid’s dismay before quickly changing and hastily putting on a wig ontop of your head and rushing back out towards the campfire, screaming. Sending the poor girls running to their shared tent. When they found that it was just you, they gave you the silent treatment for such a cruel prank.
Ajax would find you chill for the most part but once you frightened him so badly by sneaking into the shower room late one night and stuffing yourself into a cramp bin where you stayed hidden until he got out of the shower, jumping out screaming ‘boo!’ Ajax was taken off guard that badly that he accidentally stoned not just you but himself by looking directly in the mirror. Oops.
Eugene actually had nothing but good things to say about you, funnily enough to Wednesday’s surprise. At this point she found out that you were quite the trickster and an advent fan for the morbid and the macabre. However Eugene’s tales concerning you were times where you brutally beaten up normies and bullies alike for picking on him. You even suggested that he helped you in getting even by setting up a bucket load of pollen/honey that once it’s contents were dumped upon their intended victims, Eugene would them send out a small swarm of bees to chase the off.
You treated Eugene like a little brother and so whoever messed with him, messes with you also; Eugene couldn’t help but view you as the brother he always wanted. While that didn’t mean he was exempt from your shenanigans but you tended to hold yourself back when it came to Eugene. Everyone left Eugene alone because of you and in payment, Eugene would often gift you a bottle of honey as a thank you for standing by him no matter what.
Tyler doesn’t like you.
You don’t like Tyler and you made that evidently clear by doing things like breaking into Weathervane and badly busting up the coffee machine or stealing sums of money out of the area where the bottom drawer of the registers were kept, so that when he opens up in the morning he’d be in big shit with his shift manager. Did you potentially get put into jail for this? Maybe but that nor Principle Weems’ warnings of your potential expulsion did nothing to deter you from fucking shit up for Jericho and it’s residence.
We don’t talk about the time you drove a forklift into Crackstone’s statue one Outreach day, toppling it over and cracking the head away from it’s body before using said head with the forklift and sending it crashing into the city hall. You got into some BIG trouble for that stunt.
No one knew how you became the person that you were but not many dared to ask in fear that it may bring up old wounds that you’d rather left alone. So when Wednesday decided that instead of deciding whether or not she should get close to you based solely on potentially fabled stories, she would go out of her way and join you in a joint effort of making the citizens of Jericho’s life absolute hell.
But there are days where she saw the softer side of you where you weren’t all crazy eyed or trigger happy. You were smart and willing aided her in her investigation about the Hyde and Laurel Gates; Even after nearly dying in the Gates’ family home. “Why are you still helping me? You nearly died.” She’d ask not long after Enid rightfully scolded her for being so careless with human life.
You shrugged, only to wince when you moved your clawed arm from protecting Wednesday. “I don’t mind getting a little hurt if it means bringing us closer to the truth and besides,” you pulled something out from your backpack, it was a small airtight sealed bag containing a clump of the Hydes fur, “I got you some more physical evidence.” Wednesday didn’t know whether to punch you for getting hurt in getting her more evidence or kiss you for getting hurt for her in getting more evidence.
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
hey i have a request for lockwood x reader! where maybe the reader hasn’t ever learned how to dance, and lockwood ends up teaching her for a case or just randomly??
a/n: oh how i love this idea. thank you for requesting, i hope you enjoy!!!
warnings: none gn reader
"I don't understand why it's at all relevant that I'm able to dance."
Lockwood laughs from his armchair, momentarily looking away from his magazine. "We've been invited to a party in the building we're stealing something from. We have to look somewhat natural. Besides, you're going to stay back and be a distraction. What better way to distract than to dance with someone?"
"I can list a few ways," you grumble, beginning to count them off on your fingers. "Activate salt sprinklers, release rabid dogs from the shelter, go streaking, arson -"
"And yet I don't think you'd like to do any of those." He pauses. "I also don't want you doing any of those. Especially streaking."
"I for one would be happy to commit arson."
"No time for joking, (name), we've a heist to plan."
He grins at you and, despite the sly glint in his eyes, you smile, too. It fades as soon as he puts his magazine down and stands, reaching out a hand.
"Oh, no, no, I can dance just fine. I don't need practice."
"You are hopeless at dancing."
"Then get Lucy to be the distraction!"
All of a sudden, you're pulled onto your feet. Lockwood's hand holds yours tightly, not enough to hurt, and no matter how many times you try to pull it away, he doesn't let go.
"Lucy would scare everyone off - she's not the friendliest of people."
"I'll have you know that I'm not the friendliest either."
He eyes the hand you're about to shove him with, gently grabs it to prevent the action, and laughs. "That I can see, but more people like you. Lucy agrees."
"I hate you both."
"Come on. Just a little practice."
It's not like you have much choice. He switches on an old speaker, already set up with a CD of some sort, and quiet music flows from it as he turns back to you. His smile is softer now, more private, as he places your arms over his shoulders The moment he touches your waist, sparks shoot up your body, and your skin feels hot.
"How do you even know how to dance?" you ask as he begins to sway, taking you with him.
"Well, this is literally just moving from foot to foot. A three-year-old could do this." His laugh makes your blood feel like it's been ignited. "My mum used to dance with me when I was little. Nothing advanced, barely anything more than what we're doing now."
The answer takes you by shock a little. Lockwood tries to avoid talking about his family as much as possible, so even this little insight into his family is a big step for him - for you both. You feel honoured that he's even decided to tell you.
He's right, though, it's not a complicated dance at all. Slowly, you both turn, still swaying from foot to foot, and he even throws in a spin, twirling you under his arm. You find yourself laughing despite your hesitance to practice.
With cases flooding in, and most nights spent actually completing them, you don't get much time to really spend time with Lockwood, so you're grateful for it now.
You try not to focus on how it feels to have his hands holding you close, or the feeling of his breaths ruffling your hair slightly. His smile is dazzling and it has butterflies swarming in your stomach, and, even through your woollen jumper, you can feel the heat of his hands.
Maybe it's the feeling of being so comfortable with him that lets you rest your head on his shoulder. Breathing in the scent of him, you smile happily.
"I wouldn't recommend doing that with any other dance partners," Lockwood says. His voice sounds breathy.
"Why not?" you murmur playfully.
His fingers twitch on your waist. You can feel his breath tickling your ear. "I think I'd get a little jealous."
"Anthony Lockwood? Jealous? Never!"
He laughs, pulling you closer.
It's not like your feelings for each other are unknown. Both of you know how the other feels, but nothing has come of it yet. You've both been too busy with cases and trying to get an acceptable amount of sleep to be able to function, but the feelings have always been there, waiting patiently to go that small step forward.
Now, with your chests pressed together as you sway softly, it feels like you might implode, desperate for that step.
When the music ends, neither of you moves. Your arms stay looped around his neck, and his hands are still firmly planted on your waist. You can feel his heartbeat pounding against your own.
Pulling your head from his shoulder, you smile. "I think I'll be a great distraction tonight."
His eyes flicker across your face. "Well, you've been a great one many times before."
"I'll take that as a compliment."
Your faces are impossibly close. A hair barely separates the two of you. You don't miss the way his gaze lingers on your lips.
"Kiss me, won't you?"
He doesn't even hesitate. He barely has to move before his lips are on yours, and his soul encompasses yours. It's exhilarating, relieving, and you can't get enough of it. Now, finally being able to feel his kiss, it's like there's an insatiable hunger within you. You never want to stop.
But you do, breathing heavily as you look up at him.
"We should have dance practice more often," he says, grinning.
"Perhaps we should."
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