#Clara Butt
opera-ghosts · 22 days
Clara Butt (contralto) - The Lost Chord (Procter & Sullivan) (1909)
In January, 1877 Sir Arthur Sullivan composed this famous ballad whilst keeping vigil at the bedside of his elder brother Frederic, who lay dying, aged only 39. It is set to words by Adelaide Procter (1825-1864), an author well-known in her own day for her output of sentimental verse. In spite of the circumstances of its composition, The Lost Chord became a great favourite, played and sung in parlours and ballad concerts, the epitome of popular Victorian song. It was dedicated to the memory of Frederic.
One of the first singers to perform it regularly was the beautiful American socialite Mrs Fanny Ronalds (1839-1916), pictured right, who was for many years Sullivan’s close companion. The composer often accompanied her on the piano when she sang the song at fashionable society soirées and her recording of it was one of the earliest phonograph cylinders ever made. King Edward VII remarked on one occasion that he would travel the length of his kingdom to hear her sing The Lost Chord.
He died of heart failure in London on 22 November 1900. In his will, Sullivan left the manuscript of The Lost Chord to Mrs Ronalds. It has been alleged that on her own death the score was buried with her, but the present evidence surely indicates that, if so, that must have been another copy as she, in turn, gave this one to the English contralto Dame Clara Butt (1872-1936) who had received the Musicians’ Company’s Silver Medal while a student at the Royal College of Music in 1894. Miss Butt's nomination for the award (by Sir George Grove, no less), as "...the most distinguished pupil in the College"
Sullivan himself heard Butt singing The Lost Chord early in her career and is quoted as telling her “That is how I always meant it to be sung”. Butt included the song in many recitals and it often featured in her concert performances for Queen Victoria and other European royalty.
She recorded it several times, perhaps most famously on 7 August 1930 in Westminster Central Hall, and for years her richly individual interpretation was the favourite version of her many admirers.
Clara Butt made her first recording - with husband Kennerley Rumford - on 26 January 1899. Ten years were to pass before she recorded again. A session for The Gramophone Company at City Road on 9 July 1909 produced no issued recordings, but her next session a week later (ie on 16 July) resulted in four published discs.
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singledigitsalary · 8 months
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cheriboms · 8 months
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doctober day 13: photo album
'an assortment of mini drawings will be easy,' they said... 'it will be quick,' they said e_e; anyway unlucky 13 means a bit late post ig! heres hoping it was worth the wait :P
bonus, bc i think he would lol:
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anotherpapercut · 7 months
I know several people who like LOVE seasons 5-7 (11th doctors run) and think the storylines and moffats writing are brilliant and I don't get it!!! what am I missing??? why does literally every single episode have the exact same stakes: Rory/Amy/the doctor is dead. forever. so dead. but wait!!! what if they aren't!!! why do so many of the explanations for why they're not actually dead feel so rushed like they were added at the last minute!! why does every single queer character act kind of weird and awkward about being queer!! why does the doctor casually say that women are inferior when no one's around!!! what the fuck!! hello!!!
#why is rory continuously proving himself as the Only Man To Ever Exist only for the characters/narrative to continuously imply hes lesser#amy tries to kiss the doctor?? at her wedding??????#when amy is stuck for 36 years why is she like i forgot how much rory loved me?? GIRL HE WAITED 1000 YEARS FOR YOU???? WHAT????#he is CONSTANTLY the butt of the joke despite being unequivocally without a doubt the best character from this era#what the fuck was up with river being their kid#THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY???? WHAT?? THAT SHIT WAS WEIRD RIGHT???#does anyone else find it annoying that moffat changed the opening theme and the tardis and the sonic and the doctor ALLLL at once#and then retconned the entire storyline the early seasons are based off of??#WHY IS THE DOCTOR SO GODDAMN ANNOYING?? LIKE SO MUCH MORE ANNOYING THAN THE OTHERS#and fucking sexist!!! so sexist!!!#anyone remember the characters who were like 'were the short fat and tall skinny gay men why do we need names' LIKE HUH???????#gay people still have names steven 😭#i feel like im going insane bc i have no one else to talk to abt it until my partner catches up#but you guys still think these seasons kinda suck right? like coming off of martha and DONNA and her AMAZING storyline#these just kinda pale in comparison right??????#the last centurion is probably the last really good plot of that era imo. none of the other plots come close to having an ending that cool#like rivers story couldve been amazing and then it was just uh. kinda weird. a bit confusing IDK#i dont want to be a dick when talking to people and like shit on smth they love but i genuinely have a hard time#finding kind things to say abt a lot of this era#also and this might just be me but i do not like amy and clara v much 😭 theyre so fuckin mean and not even funny#why were martha donna and rose sooooo well written and they all have rich backstories. we know their fuckin families!!#literally its never even fully explained what the fuck happened to amys parents 😩😩 they just move on. the only friend of theirs#ever shown is fucking river??? as a kid??#am i the only one who found all thay confusing
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beatrack92 · 1 year
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Maria Clara  Salgado and Carolina Solberg Salgado 🇧🇷
2006 Warsaw Open
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doc-art · 11 months
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degrees-of-fuck · 2 years
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god i am honestly upset that i might never see mickey/mckay again because i love them
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frogmascquerade · 1 year
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“Look, we made it! Now let’s get you scrubbed down...”
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In the mixed baths, Clara placed one of the wooden washing stools right behind Inosuke’s legs. He’d been injured pretty badly in his latest mission, so walking, very slowly, was one of the few things he could do on his own. She was happy to help with everything else.
Clara would never admit it to him, but the fact that he’d allowed her to see him in this state was rather exciting. Did that mean they were...
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Serious?! Hopefully!
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“Just bend your legs,” she said, bracing herself. “Don’t worry, I’m right here.”
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russellsppttemplates · 2 months
Dad Carlos anything
"Bath time, cariño", Carlos said, picking Clara up and resting her on his hip, "With bubbles, papa? Mama always puts bubbles", she mused shyly, wrapping her little arms around his neck.
"Of course, Clara", he chuckled, kissing her cheek and holding her close to him and they went upstairs, "I bet papa will make better bubbles than mama", he whispered in her ear as if he was telling her a big secret.
She gasped, big brown eyes wide and her mouth in the shape of a little "o" before she giggled, wiggling on his hip in celebration.
Carlos stepped inside the bathroom, sitting down on the floor and quickly undressing his little girl, "cold, cold, cold", Clara jumped from one feet to the other at the sudden feeling before her father lifted her up and put her inside the bath, warm water soothing her.
She squealed happily and sat down on her butt, "Bubbles, papa!", she giggled and splashed the water around.
Carlos chuckled at her reactions, allowing her to have fun in the water. There were towells and mops to soak up the water that went on the floor and the bathroom would be good as. "Let's wash your hair, princesa?" he asked, grabbing the bowl to get some water and pouring it gently over her head, making sure her eyes wouldn't catch any. Clara smiled and looked up at him, "Miel?", she asked, pointing at the yellow bottle with honey scented baby shampoo on the edge of the bath.
He nodded and reached out, putting a small amount into his large hand, lathering it a little before rubbing it on her scalp and hair, her big brown eyes watching his movements.
"Papa needs a wash too," she giggled and knelt up, balancing with the help of her hands on the edge of the bath. She got a little handful of bubbles and water and wiped it on her father's bearded cheeks, giggling as his beard tickled her hands, "are you saying papa is stinky?", Carlos gasped playfully.
"Papa, it tickles", she squealed and earning a big smile on Carlos' lips, "I'm sure it does", he said, blowing a raspberry on her soapy palm just to hear her loud giggles again, "let's take this off now", he urged, Clara throwing her head back slightly so the suds wouldn't get on her eyes, "That's good", Carlos smiled, kissing her forehead.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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opera-ghosts · 1 year
Remembering Dame Clara Butt, born February 1, 1872.
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singledigitsalary · 8 months
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cass-a-rollie · 1 year
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going thru Darcy’s 3 older sisters- first up is Clara who’s the second youngest
She’s the sister who will drag ur butt to Starbucks and talk ur ear off about her last one night stand, but she’ll also help u bury a body hands down
And ya, Darcy is the tallest sister despite being the youngest ✌️💖
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XD @flurraz that's brilliant- clothing montage at the Carmine Compound!!!!
but it’s just Clara and Odette holding various weapons up next to Vaggie while their new adopted little sister scowls at her reflection and repeatedly says “NO” to the even more scowling reflection of their mom behind her
Vaggie: “Yeah no. I’m not wielding that.”
Clara: “It has spikes!”
Odette: “And hand protection.”
Clara: “And SPIKES.”
Vaggie: “Great, I could stab myself while swinging it around.”
Carmilla: “Only if you are terrible at it.”
Vaggie: (glaring) “Well I already know I’m not terrible with my spear, so I’m sticking with that.”
Carmilla: (Glowers) (goes back to pretending to check weapon schematics)
Odette: (ticks off failure on clipboard) “Sticking... or skewering?”
Vaggie: “Ha ha, very funny.”
Odette: (ticks off another point for herself on a little odette vs sisters score board)  
Clara: (rummaging in crate) “This isn’t funny and you guys shouldn’t be laughing.” (holds up new weapon) “Now THIS goes with your hair.”
Vaggie: “You’re kidding.”
Clara: “No kiddo, you’re kidding yourself if you think the long-ass shaft of a spear makes sense with a do that lovely and flowing.”
Vaggie: “What the fuck does that-”
Odette: “She’s right.” (makes new score board clara vs vaggie with one point to clara)
Clara: “No wonder you had trouble sparring with mom. Like, more that you would’ve had normally.”
Vaggie: “I haven’t been in a real fight in years okay!”
Carmilla: “It shows.”
Vaggie: “I’m. Working on it. I was one of that asshole’s best Exorcists once, I can-”
Carmilla: “Be better than that, hopefully.”
Vaggie: “Thanks.” (GLARES)
Clara: “All I’m saying is- no point fighting against yourself too, right? How hard did you have to focus to keep the stupid butt end from tangling in your hair?”
Vaggie: “I’m NOT cutting it.”
Clara: “Who’s asking?” (dangles weapon enticingly) “Look! Your new best friend!”
Vaggie: “A gun.”
Clara: “I know I know- you like sharp things and staby stuff, but look!”
Clara: (twirls gun dramatically)
Clara: “It has a knife on iiiiiit~”
Odette: “It would also not interfere with your hair.”
Vaggie: “I don’t know shit about guns.”
Clara: “What’s to know? Point and shoot. AND it’s got more reach than a spear! Which is good ‘cause you’re hair might be long, but the rest of you?” (rests elbow on vaggie’s shoulder) “Rest of you kinda comes up short.”
Vaggie: (grinding her teeth) “THANKS.”
Odette: (ticks another point for clara)
Clara: “Wait- You’ll take it!?”
Vaggie: “No.”
Odette: (ticks another failure) “Why not.”
Vaggie: "Oh wow I don't know maybe because-"
Vaggie: (ticks off reason on hand) “With a spear I have to choose every skewering I do and it’s a lot harder to miss and stick the wrong person. Even if I throw it it's only gonna go so far or through so many people. A bullet can go anywhere once it’s loose. If your aim is off by a centimeter that little thing goes wide. Maybe don't give the gun to the woman with a missing eye??? Definitely not when there are moving targets and things around she ISN'T supposed to shoot?"
Clara: "Oh riiiiight." (looks from gun to vaggie's eyepatch) "Huh."
Carmilla: (not looking up) "You were very accurate during our little play fight."
Odette: "I confirm. I've watched the security footage. I'm sure you could compensate."
Vaggie: "Well I'm not. I’m trying to protect my girlfriend and our friends and kill angels. I'm not not in this fight to ACCIDENTALLY kill someone.”
Carmilla: (smiles)
Clara: “Uh-huh. You like being close enough to catch all that blood splatter, don’t you.”
Vaggie: “…it’s just a perk.”
Carmilla: (smiles wider)
Clara: “Ew.”
Odette: “Impractical.” (adds ‘deranged’ to list of new sister’s traits, right under ‘gay’) “Mother, tell her she’s being weird.”
Carmilla: “I fight people with ballet, I’m afraid the toe of judgement I’m balanced upon is rather precarious.”
Vaggie: (SMIRKS) “Pretty badass though.”
Carmilla: “I know.”
Clara: “OH-!”
Clara: (disassembles gun) (chucks it) (claps hands) “I GOT IT!”
Vaggie: “What now.”
Odette: “Nothing good, statistically.”
Clara: “MOM! Mom- maybe she needs- You know!” (GRINNING EVILLY) “If the shoe fits….?”
Carmilla: “….Hmm.”
Vaggie: “What.”
Carmilla: (standing up and prowling around vaggie thoughtfully)
Vaggie: “…seriously, what?”
Carmilla: “Would you spin, please.”
Vaggie: (gracefully turns) “You know what I look like, miss Carmine.” (glares at clara) “There’s not much of me to look at anyway.”
Clara: “There’s enough, don’t worry~”
Vaggie: (rolls eye) “Wow. Such praise.”
Carmilla: “Can you stand on one leg without falling, or does the loss of your eye-”
Vaggie: “That’s more distance and depth and stuff.” (tucks one leg) “I’ve figured it out, kinda.”
Odette: “Yes? Constant assessment of changes in size and angle of objects?”
Vaggie: “You got it.”
Odette: “Seems rather strenuous for daily life.”
Clara: “Aww you get headaches or shit?”
Vaggie: “More like just tired. Keeping things in the same place when I can manage it helps a lot. Or it does when no one’s moving the lobby chairs around and then LEAVING them messed up like that anyway, for ME to clean up…”
Clara: “Or stumble into?”
Vaggie: “Whichever comes first.”
Clara: "Ow."
Odette: “So tidiness helps.”
Vaggie: “Yep.”
Odette: “Noted.” (notes it)
Carmilla: “Well you certainly are steady. Excellent posture.”
Carmilla: (leans in)
Vaggie: (leans back to maintain distance) (still on one leg)“Don’t forget confused and slowly losing patience, ma’am.”
Carmilla: “Mm? What? Oh sorry.” (leans back)
Carmilla: “You are a dancer, aren’t you.”
Odette: “...Oh no.”
Clara: “Oh YESSSSS.”
Vaggie: “Yes? Why the- why the fuck is she hiding behind her clip board-”
Odette: “I don’t want to relive my trauma.”
Clara: “I DO!”
Vaggie: “What the fuck does that have to do with me!?”
Clara: “Everything~”
Odette: “It’s about to be YOUR trauma.”
Vaggie: “What does THAT m-”
Clara: “Welcome to the family!”
Vaggie: “I- wh- why’re you making it sound like a THREAT!?”
Carmilla: “Our family is a threat. Now.” (taps heavenly steel ballet slippers together so they chime) “Can you stand en pointe?”
Vaggie: “….”
Vaggie: “….oh HELL no-”
Carmilla: “You already use your training as a dancer in battle. Weaponizing it fully is merely the next step.”
Clara: “Heheh. Step.”
Odette: (marks a point for mom)
Vaggie: “En pointe?” (clutching her spear) “THIS IS THE ONLY POINT I NEED!”
Carmilla: “Clara, fetch the practice slippers.”
Clara: (salutes) “Yes mom!”
Vaggie: “CLARA WAIT!”
Odette: “May mother have mercy on you.” (follows clara towards door)
Vaggie: “NO HEY- pendejo- WHY ARE YOU LEAVING TOO???”
Odette: “I will oversee the rest of the weapon loading. Also, I do not want to witness this, and am escaping.”
Carmilla: (sighs) “Dancing is a passion that is not always passed down from mother to child…”
Odette: “Not willingly anyway. Much like trauma.”
Clara: (out of sight) “I liked my trauma!”
Vaggie: “I’ve already got some, I don’t need more!”
Carmilla: “But you do not have your order of weapons yet. It will take half an hour to finish bringing out stock, checking each weapon for readiness, and crating them up again. Plenty of time for a little… assessment.”
Vaggie: (folds wings around herself) (backs away) “I’ve- dancing’s just a hobby, I’m, not even that good-”
Carmilla: “Your lies are terrible. Your form is perfect.”
Vaggie: “I’ve only danced for FUN!”
Carmilla: “And is not battle fun for you? The rush, the deadly interplay of partners you know so briefly and so intimately, to move in response and shape their own movements with yours?”
Vaggie: “…. I also like stabbing people!”
Carmilla: “Choreography for a spear. An interesting challenge.”
Vaggie: “Is this part of the deal for getting weapons from you, or-”
Carmilla: “Yes.”
Vaggie: “-en la madre…. fiiiiine.”
Carmilla: “You will submit to a small rehearsal?”
Vaggie: “Whatever.”
Carmilla: “Good. Now tuck those wings away.”
Vaggie: “Won’t I do better with-”
Carmilla: “You are more used to moving without them now, they're very nearly throwing off your balance. That, on top of your long hair, we do not have time to contend with.”
Vaggie: “But-”
Carmilla: “Fight without wings and keep them in reserve or cut your hair. Your choice.”
Vaggie: “…I guess.. keeping them as a surprise makes sense…”
Carmilla: “And you like having long hair, I know.”
Vaggie: “It’s whooshy.”
Carmilla: “Regardless, you will also at least be tying it back.”
Vaggie: (glowering) “Yes mom.”
Carmilla: “….”
Vaggie: “…”
Vaggie: “Ma’am I said ma’am.”
Carmilla: “I’m sure you did.” (turning away) (hiding smile) "Now. What always comes first?"
Vaggie: (sighing) (resigned) "Stretches..."
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chrissturniolosbitch · 5 months
Dark Confessions
warnings- SMUTTY SMUT!!!, jerking off, sexual thoughts, swearing. idk what else.
summary- chris and y/n both have feeling for each other, but wont confess, untill y/n catches chris touching himself to the thought of her.
a/n- i wish this was real, i actually think my obsession is getting out of hand...
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Chris and i have always been close. As much as i loved the other two there was something about chris that just gravitated me twards him.
The only bad thing is that i started having feelings for chris the past summer.
His eyes, his hair, the way he sqeezes his eyes shut when he laugh, his lips, his teeth, his hands, and how slender his fingers were.
The way his body looked, and how perfect his smile was. The way he would tease me, but always knew how to comfort me.
I always wonder the things he would do to me if he knew how much i truly loved him.
How his fingers would feel on me, or the way his body would feel touching me skin to skin.
Or how his dick would feel twitching inside of me.
what if he doesnt feel the same?
what if he thinks im weird?
what if he stops being my friend?
fuck it.
I got up from the couch, and started walking downstairs too chris' room, turing the lights, and TV off on my way.
I stopped infront of his door before knocking, "hey chris can i come in?" I wisper, yelled.
no response?
i was about to knock again when suddenly i heard soft wimpers coming from his room.
Is he okay?
Is he hurt, should i help him?
I cracked open the door to see what was wrong when suddenly my body froze in place.
Christopher Sturniolo.
His hand squeezed beautifully over his dick, and his damp hair stuck perfectly on his forehead.
(Chris' POV)
y/n my bestfriend for God knows how long, the most beautiful girl ive ever layed eyes on.
The way her hips swayed when she danced, the way he lipgloss stuck perfectly to her lips, and how plump her butt looked in my favorite shorts of hers.
The thought of her made me hard.
should i think this way of my bestfriend?
is this wrong?
but oh how beautiful she was...
I felt my hands favoring over the waistband of my sweats. I lowered them to my ankles, my boxers following.
I squeezed the head of my dick, pumping my palm up and down.
The thought of y/n roaming my mind. The thought of how good she would feel clenching around me, and how bad i needed her.
The thought of her touching me had me whimpering her name.
(Y/n's POV)
abruptly chris cocked his head twards my direction, looking me dead in my eyes when he threw the covers over his body, "what the fuck are you doing in here? please leave oh my fucking gosh." He said practically yelling at me.
"its okay chris..." i said unaware of my sudden confidence boost, "w-what do you m-mean y/n.. im s-so fucking sorry. I shouldnt have been doing t-that with y-" he was about to finish his sentence when i placed a kiss on his lips.
His eyes went wide as i sat kn the edge of the bed, "Do you think of me everytime you touch yourself?" I said abruptly, "I- y/n please.." Chris said giving me puppy eyes.
"Please what christopher?" i said knowing exactly what he wanted, "please touch me ma"
With a tic of approval i grabbed the covers, and threw them off the bed, looking at chris' throbbing dick that was already leaking loads of precum
I put his tip in my mouth, and immediately started deepthroating him.
He got a fist of my hair, and started moaning my name, "fuck y/n please dont stop" i looked up at chris, his eyes rolled to the back of his head, and his mouth slightly agape.
I hummed over his dick in response which must have set him off because within a instant chris jolted his hips up, twitching in my mouth letting ropes off his cum stream down my throat.
He let go of my hair, and i got up starting to strip naked. Chris groaned at the sight of my body.
(Chris' POV)
The thoughts of y/n, and all my dreams were coming true.
i watched as she stripped naked infront of my face.
The way her boobs sat perfectly on her chest, and he hips.
her. mother. fucking. hips.
She walked over to me, and kissed me, i immediately kissed her back.
She straddled me while we were still kissing. God i never wanted this to end.
I grabbed her hips a lifted them, pulling my lips away from hers, "i need you y/n please" all she did was nod, "use your words baby."
"fuck yes chris, please fuck me."
thats all i needed to hear before i dropped her hips the whole way down, bottoming out.
I started thrusting up into her, as she held my biceps trying to match my pace.
I grabbed her waist, and started helping her bounce up, and down on my dick, "fuck im gonna cu-" i started when i suddenly felt myself twitching inside of her.
(Y/n's POV)
I was determined on finishing, no matter how overwhelming, or overstimulated chris got.
I arched back, and grabbed chris' hand placing it over my clit, motioning him to help me cum.
He started rubbing fast circles over my clit, as i moaned.
I felt a familiar knot form in my stomach, when suddenly it snapped. I came.
Chris looked up at me grinning, i could tell he was overstimulated, but loved it.
I slowly pulled off of chris, and fell beside him, "was that okay? did i do good for you?" i said wanting to know if i made him feel good.
"thats the best sex ive ever had y/n" Chris said giggling, "Good me too" i said leaning in for another kiss.
"You know... well.. ive liked you for a while now y/n/n." chris siad starting to get shy, "me too chrissy, and im sorry i didnt tell you sooner." i looked over at chris face, the way the moonlight shines down his naked body perfectly.
"Well, what does this mean now?" chris said waiting for my response, "I dont know chris you tell me." i said tilting my head at him, starting to smile, "i want you to be mine. I need you y/n" He said sighing.
"I want you to chris, i am yours." I stated placing one last kiss to his nose, then lips before we drifted off to sleep.
anyways, i need chris in me, on me, and with me... like now.
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 5 months
Autistic Anime Boys Prelims - Propaganda Division - Group 5
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Ame -
"Typical autistic childhood – doesn't want to go to school, doesn't talk a lot, his plans for the future are just to go to live as a wolf in the forest… He's basically a werewolf and I think werewolves are often autistic coded. Actually his whole family is autistic coded."
Floyd -
"Has no emotional regulation skills and will make it everyone's problem. Prone to mood swings and can get angry at the drop of a hat, but can also be so goofy, silly, and lovely. Sways side to side for that good good stim, and loves to squeeze others (with violent intent and affectionate intent). Who doesn't love a good pressure stim? His interest in things can be fleeting, and his motivation to do things can change as quickly as his mood. Spontaneous and feral extraordinaire."
Hibiki -
"he is canonically diagnosed with hyperacusis <3 my fav sensory issues guy (he's so relatable). also canonically pulled a bad bitch (uta) by being autistic."
Akira -
"He has a heartbreaking relationship with road racing and the memory of his dead mother, and while he is a major antagonist, he is given a lot of interesting looks into his internal logics that I personally find relatable as an autistic person. I also like how he expresses himself in unpleasant ways, but isn't always treated with disgust, its kind of refreshing."
Sang Woo -
"literally the first results on google is "sangwoo semantic error autistic." he loves routine + is extremely distressed by change in routine (contrasts w his ADHD-coded bf). very blunt/cannot read social clues which leads to some misunderstandings throughout the manhwa. he's very relatable to me as an autistic person but also as a queer man, and it's refreshing to see autistic characters being open with their sexuality/sexual life bc we're often displayed as asexual robots incapable of love (bad for lots of reasons haha). he's super cute generally and really grew on me throughout the series. definitely the best part of semantic error."
Douglas -
"Many other characters try to read into what he does and says, looking for deeper or different meanings but it's always revealed that he means exactly what he says every single time and the butt of the jokes is always the other characters for being dramatic and presumptuous, not Doug for being autistic. Also he's the mean autistic representation we deserve."
Scott -
"look at him. failboy autism. even more so than any previous version!"
Shinra -
"he's just like me forreal."
Soi -
"I mean come on, it’s Purson. He thinks he’s really good at talking to people but most of his conversations (at least at the start) are completely one sided. He just blurts out whatever he’s thinking and completely dominates the conversation (if you can call it that). I love him so much for it, I have a really hard time figuring out when I should just stop talking and let someone else have a turn and only tend to realize after he fact that I didn’t really let anyone else get a word in and feel really bad. But the way Purson communicates is never shown to be a bad thing it’s a bit awkward at times but that just how he is and the rest of the misfit class live him for it. I think I could go on all day about how wonderfully inclusive Iruma-Kun is it’s such a good series, also in my brain Balam, Kalego, Clara and Opera are on the 4 outer points of an x-y graph that represents the autism spectrum. Everyone else fills the blanks in between. His bloodline magic is ‘detection warding’ and for the first several arcs of the manga the rest of the class didn’t even know he was there."
Makoto -
"In one sentence: Katai considers the titular Komi-san a communication master. Katai looks like a brutal thug, but he's actually extremely shy. Shy enough that after missing a couple weeks of class, it takes him months to build up the confidence to go to school. Katai tries to make friends once he does go to school, but he can't hold a conversation and doesn't realize that his mumbled half-sentences and resting bastard face make it look like he's threatening people. He's also pretty bad at reading the room, which is why he interprets Komi's behavior as a communication master trying to guide him from afar rather than a kindred spirit also struggling to hold a conversation."
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