#soi purson
weeb-polls-with-pip · 4 months
Autistic Anime Boys Prelims - Propaganda Division - Group 5
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Ame -
"Typical autistic childhood – doesn't want to go to school, doesn't talk a lot, his plans for the future are just to go to live as a wolf in the forest… He's basically a werewolf and I think werewolves are often autistic coded. Actually his whole family is autistic coded."
Floyd -
"Has no emotional regulation skills and will make it everyone's problem. Prone to mood swings and can get angry at the drop of a hat, but can also be so goofy, silly, and lovely. Sways side to side for that good good stim, and loves to squeeze others (with violent intent and affectionate intent). Who doesn't love a good pressure stim? His interest in things can be fleeting, and his motivation to do things can change as quickly as his mood. Spontaneous and feral extraordinaire."
Hibiki -
"he is canonically diagnosed with hyperacusis <3 my fav sensory issues guy (he's so relatable). also canonically pulled a bad bitch (uta) by being autistic."
Akira -
"He has a heartbreaking relationship with road racing and the memory of his dead mother, and while he is a major antagonist, he is given a lot of interesting looks into his internal logics that I personally find relatable as an autistic person. I also like how he expresses himself in unpleasant ways, but isn't always treated with disgust, its kind of refreshing."
Sang Woo -
"literally the first results on google is "sangwoo semantic error autistic." he loves routine + is extremely distressed by change in routine (contrasts w his ADHD-coded bf). very blunt/cannot read social clues which leads to some misunderstandings throughout the manhwa. he's very relatable to me as an autistic person but also as a queer man, and it's refreshing to see autistic characters being open with their sexuality/sexual life bc we're often displayed as asexual robots incapable of love (bad for lots of reasons haha). he's super cute generally and really grew on me throughout the series. definitely the best part of semantic error."
Douglas -
"Many other characters try to read into what he does and says, looking for deeper or different meanings but it's always revealed that he means exactly what he says every single time and the butt of the jokes is always the other characters for being dramatic and presumptuous, not Doug for being autistic. Also he's the mean autistic representation we deserve."
Scott -
"look at him. failboy autism. even more so than any previous version!"
Shinra -
"he's just like me forreal."
Soi -
"I mean come on, it’s Purson. He thinks he’s really good at talking to people but most of his conversations (at least at the start) are completely one sided. He just blurts out whatever he’s thinking and completely dominates the conversation (if you can call it that). I love him so much for it, I have a really hard time figuring out when I should just stop talking and let someone else have a turn and only tend to realize after he fact that I didn’t really let anyone else get a word in and feel really bad. But the way Purson communicates is never shown to be a bad thing it’s a bit awkward at times but that just how he is and the rest of the misfit class live him for it. I think I could go on all day about how wonderfully inclusive Iruma-Kun is it’s such a good series, also in my brain Balam, Kalego, Clara and Opera are on the 4 outer points of an x-y graph that represents the autism spectrum. Everyone else fills the blanks in between. His bloodline magic is ‘detection warding’ and for the first several arcs of the manga the rest of the class didn’t even know he was there."
Makoto -
"In one sentence: Katai considers the titular Komi-san a communication master. Katai looks like a brutal thug, but he's actually extremely shy. Shy enough that after missing a couple weeks of class, it takes him months to build up the confidence to go to school. Katai tries to make friends once he does go to school, but he can't hold a conversation and doesn't realize that his mumbled half-sentences and resting bastard face make it look like he's threatening people. He's also pretty bad at reading the room, which is why he interprets Komi's behavior as a communication master trying to guide him from afar rather than a kindred spirit also struggling to hold a conversation."
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 8 months
The pebble
.... so you've somehow, someway have done the equivalent of a marriage proposal without realizing it. To Balam of all demons. Who accepted it.
One part of your brain was still in the wait, what just happened phase. But another part was running around hands in the air and screaming. "YES, YES, YES!" And course your greedy side was singing. "Mine, mine, mine, he's all mine!"
Overall, no regrets. You could live with this. In fact, he accepted, so no take backs, no returns. To think is all started with a shiny rock you found.
*earlier that day*
You had just been wandering the gardens, nothing really on your mind. That's when you spotted something glittery from the corner of your eye. There, by the edge of one of the ponds, was a pebble. You knelt down and carefully picked it up. How pretty!
It was maybe half the size of your palm and somewhat smooth except for the rough edging on its left side. The color was deep blue. With specks of purple, and was that silver along the jard edge? It reminded you of something.
You stood up and lifted it to the light, getting an even better view of the reflective surface. It was so colorful and so soothing to fiddle with in your hand. Releasing a pleased hum, you pocketed your find and walked back inside.
Zipping down the hall, you made your way to the den where the children were currently doing their homework. You laughed when Clara and Lied tackled you whining about the piles of work they still had. You cooed and petted both their heads before nudging them off you.
"Okay. Tell me what you don't understand and we'll go from there." Soon, all the kids were huddled tail and limbs around you as you helped with homework and talked about upcoming projects. How comfy this place felt now that it was full of life just about every day.
"Is Balam-sensei coming over later?" Iruma asked egarly as he tenderly held one of the books his teacher had gifted to him. You beamed and reached out to pinch his cheek. "Course he is how can he not want to spend time with such cute students!" Making several of the kids laugh.
"You two have been getting along well, haven't you?" Giggled Elizabetta, her tail swinging playfully back and forth. You narrowed your eyes at her for a moment before flicking her forehead. "Ow." You watched her pout for a minute before smiling.
"You're getting cheeky, aren't you. That's what you get for taking after your mentor." Playfully wagging a finger at her. "But it's no surprise that Balam-sensei is head over heels for you. He practically has hearts in his eyes whenever he sees you." Lied piped up, and you ruffled his hair as you tried to hide your embarrassment.
Of course, more of your kids chimed in, ganging up on you. "Yeah, yeah, super lovey dovey." Pops up an excited, Clara. "You two do make a lovely couple." Alice nodding happily. "I wouldn't mind another parent. Balam-sensei is cool and very nice to us." Jazz says casually, leaning against your shoulders, preventing any escape.
You spotted opera and Sullivan peering into the room mischief in their eyes. You knew exactly where the kids got the idea now. You mouthed 'traitors', and they quickly disappeared.
So this is how you would die. Out of pure embarrassment. There was a knock on the door. Oh, thank devi. You scrambled up and out of the pile. "I've got it! I've got it! Nobody else gets up!" Dashing to the front door. Yanking the door open, you saw the Demon in question.
He reached out and cupped your face gently so that he didn't hurt you. "Are you alright? Your face is red? You didn't have to run. I could have waited." Carefully turning your face before lifting you up for a closer look.
"No, no, I'm fine, just embarrassed is all," you laugh nervously as you attempt to wave off his concern. Looking at him face to face, you couldn't help but recall the conversation from before, causing a darker blush to spread.
"The kids will be happy to see you." You quickly changed the subject. "Their in the den." He cradled you to his chest, and you relaxed. It was your favorite spot, after all. Making his way inside, you avoided the kids' gazes and just listened to them interact with Balam-San.
You couldn't help but stare at him as your thoughts roamed freely. He was so sweet. A calming presence in the wild hellish world you now lived in. He had helped you and all your kids more than once. He was strong, an unyielding shield that protected all he stood before.
Honestly, you doubted you could have survived long without his assistance. Thankfully, Opera had the foresight to introduce the two of you. You smiled at the memory.
*flashback to adoration your pov*
You hadn't known much, well actually you knew nothing about the world you found yourself now living in. But that moment when you turned around and saw him staring at you kneeling in the entryway. Well, the way he looked at you made you feel special. You felt like you were some kind of artwork in his eyes, a long-lost mater piece brought to light.
His size alone should have intimidated you. Kneeling, he was still a little taller than you. But maybe it was the fact that he was so lost in thought that made you approach carefully. One step then two. Till you stood before him in the light waiting for him to realize your flaws.
That moment never seemed to come. In fact, it was harder to tell with his wild hair and the mask that covered half his face, but you could have sworn he was crying. He was crying! What a silly demon. You couldn't help but laugh.
You remember what Opera had briefly mentioned to you before meeting him. "He's been wanting to meet a human his entire life. He'll probably overwhelm you with questions and constant touches, but it's doubtful He'll ever harm you." The words brining comfort to you in that moment.
"I hear you've been waiting a long time for me. Is that true?" You prompted, watching as his head bobbed rapidly. 'So pretty.' You remember thinking in that moment seeing the bright colored eyes reflecting your image. "You know something?" You teased out, watching him as he subconsciously leaned forward.
You brought yourself closer, too, and it felt safe. Surprisingly safe and warm as you made sure he was making eye contact. "I think you and I are going to get along just fine. Please take good care of me." You giggled. Reminded of him stuttering out his reply. "O-of course."
*end flashback*
The happiness in those eyes radiant like starlight. You shake yourself out of the memory to realize you had been left alone with Balam. How he was still holding you as he read a book. Seeming content. His heartbeat is slow and calm.
"Mmmh, so they all left us, huh?" You teased. He chuckled. "It seems so." You shifted only to feel the weight in your pocket. Oh! The pebble. That gave you an idea.
"Hold out your hand." You instructed as you sat up straighter and pulled out your shiny treasure. That's what it reminded you of, Balam himself. He held out his hand curiosity in his eyes.
Carefully, you placed it in his palm and smiled. "It reminded me of you. It's so pretty. I'm sure you'll like it!" The gargoyle could only stare at it with wide eyes as you smiled confidently. "A-are you sure?" He seemed to stumble.
"Of course, I'm sure! It's almost the exact same shade as your eyes! I'll show you wait there while I get a mirror!" You jumped off of him and rushed to the bathroom where you recalled setting down a hand mirror this morning.
**Balams pov**
... his brain was not functioning correctly. In his palm, he held a saints tear. One of the rarest minerals in the netherworld. And to top it all off, you just handed it to him. Saying that, he resembled it! A bright red blush covered his face, thankfully contained by his mask.
How did you know this was how gargoyles courted?!?! Presenting a simple pebble was usually how it went, but you were giving him a priceless gift! The darker the color, the more expensive they were. Hesitantly, he rubbed the near smooth surface. A courting gift.
What was his human thinking??? They needed to make a nest with plenty of room for the kids and to ask Sullivan for his blessing. Wait! Did humans even build nests? He'd have to ask iruma! He sped up the stairs and opened the door to said boys' room. "Iruma!"
Big blue eyes stared up at him innocently, unaware of the large demons' internal crisis. "Yes, Balam-sensei?" He asked. "H-how do hu-humans court? Do you build nests? What should be given in return?" The teenagers' eyes bulged in shock at the overwhelming amount of questions.
"Well, I mean, I thought you were already courting Balam-sensei. That is well. You two are always cuddling and playing with each other's hair. You always eat together. And you help them with all of us even though you don't have to, and they never once asked you. Umm, humans don't really build nests, but we like comfort, and they always seem to be comfortable with you or in your vines, so I don't think it's a problem. As for gifts, um, most do jewelry, but Grandpa gives them lost of jewelry, so o don't think that will work. Maybe something handmade?"
He found himself listening with rapid attention nodding egarly for more information, but before he could ask anything else he heard. "Balam? Shichirou? Where did you go?" Panic entered his mind he hadn't said yes yet! What if they thought he ran off!??!
Zooming back down the stairs, he barely stopped behind you. "Oh, there you are! Look at you. You have your poor feathers all ruffled up. Such a shame they're so lovely, too." As they reached out and attempted to settle zome of his neck fluff, an idea came to mind.
**you currently**
You were momentarily startled when balam lifted you up and set you down on the couch. He knelt down so that both of you were of closer height. He seemed nervous, and you weren't sure why. Taking a deep breath, he took hold of both your hands.
"I-I never thought that there wo-would be an-anyone that wanted me. I'm not ex-exactly a catch by demon standards." You reared up about to fight anyone who had ever said anything, but he squeezed your hands, getting you to focus again.
"But I am so glad. Extatic that you would gift me something so precious." You blinked... was he talking about the rock? "I promise I will always cherish it, and I accept your offer in courting." Oh my devi, he was talking about the rock. How did he think this was a courting gift???
"I ca-can't offer you much in return, but I -I hope these will do for now." He pulled out a few of his own feathers and slowly weaved them into your hair. Tears began to swell in your eyes. Oh! "Perfect." You whispered in awe.
Throwing your arms around him tightly. "It's perfect! Don't get me anything else! I'll be so mad if you even try." You croaked out on the verge of sobbing. A pleasant rumble escaped the demons large chest as he held you against him.
You snickered for a moment. "What is it?" He asked you. "Ah, I just thought that this means Kalego-San will have to come over more if he wants to see you." More laughter spilled out, and the gargoyle also tried to muffle his own laughs at the looks of horror and distain his colleague was sure to have when given the news.
He watched as you pleasantly played with the feathers now decorating your hair. ☆one perfect pebble, just one humble stone. But oh, what a stone can do~ it means that I have one love forever and one love alone. A now and forever with you~☆ You kissed his temple as he stared at you in amazement.
"Does this mean we get to call Balam-sensei dad now?" Both of you jumped startled by Soi's question. Sneaky child. You could see the others on the stairs looking hopeful. You returned your gaze to shichirou, who appeared to be swelling with pride and embarrassment.
"Were kinda a package deal. You want one of us, you gotta take all of us." The playful smile on your lips as you nudge him to answer. "I'd be honored." The words coming out with reverence and joy. Leading to a large 'family' cuddle pile.
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enby-opera · 9 days
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madmarchhare · 1 year
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He's so fucking happy to gush about his friends.
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Azz love and admire all the misfits so much I'm going to cry—
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jlandersen01 · 28 days
I watched all 3 available seasons of "Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-Kun!" and my sister and I throughout season 2 and 3 just keep saying that Purson isn't shown is because he's already Demon King so everyone can f off lmao (I know not really, but we like to joke)
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olaylien · 9 months
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soi purson holding an egg
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mantizimus · 11 months
Carrie White!S/O
Lied Shax
Fascinated by your beauty.
At the very beginning, he'll turn into a blushing and stuttering mess next to you.
Gets you addicted to video games, helping you find the genre that you like the most.
When he finds out that you are a human, he'll ask if you had any favorite games in the human world.
When you confessed to him that you had never played something like this before, he was shocked, and then immediately asked why.
This led to you telling him about what happened to you then. And let's just say that Lied wasn't amused by this.
Helps you train your telekinesis by studying theoretical material and attempting to put it into practice.
If you allow, he'll steal one of your five senses to make it harder for you.
Picero Agares
He's okay with your quiet nature. He loves to sleep very much, and you actually doesn't bother him.
Although the fact that you are a human came as a real surprise to him, his opinion of you has not changed.
It's worth noting that even when you get louder, Picero doesn't get too mad at you.
Noticing that you don't seem confident when it comes to romantic relationships, concludes that you've already had a bad experience in the past.
When he learns the details of your experience, as well as the rest of his life, he tries to remain calm, but inside boils with rage.
Uses his abilities as a model for your telekinesis.
Create the most convenient training schedule so that you do not have problems.
Elizabetta Ix
Thinks you are the sweetest and kindest girl that has ever existed. And don't care that you're human.
Noticing that you're quite confused due to differences in her nature and attitude, Elizabetta will only laugh and explain that nature shouldn't determine the style of life.
Shares some cute little secrets with you.
Helps to socialize and make more friends.
When you told her about your past, she cried like crazy, trying to understand how humans can be so monstrous.
Every time she has the opportunity, she hugs you, whispering sweet and pleasant words in your ear, making it clear that she cares about you and that you also deserve happiness.
During training, she will monitor your emotional and mental state, because she believes that this also matters.
Kamui Caim
Please don't ask how you started dating.
Given your religious upbringing that sex in any form is a sin, and Kamui's perverted behavior, even you two can't help but wondering how on earth you become a couple.
However, it is worth noting that you have a positive influence on each other: he helps you become more confident in yourself and understand that sex is not always bad, and you keep his perversy under control.
When you told him about your nature, he unobtrusively asked you about human female body, but, realizing that you don’t know too well, decided to close this topic.
After learning about your past, Kamui was ready to burst from anger. How dare these pigs do this to you!?
Often uses his abilities to bring animals to you to keep you company while he is busy.
Being a gentleman, he does his best to become perfect boyfriend to you.
Brings books from the library so you can learn telekinesis better.
Kerori Crocell
Due to the fact that you both have low self-esteem and are rather kind, it was no surprise to anyone that you first became friends and then started dating.
During each of her concerts, she looks for you in the crowd and rejoices when finds you.
Helps to understand that music that differs from church hymns is not bad.
Interested in your telekinesis and wonder how you got it. After all, according myths, people do not have abilities.
Teaches to perceive it not as a curse, but as a gift.
After finding out about your past, Kerori feels nothing but anger and hatred for those who bullied you.
Proud of you when you told her what you did in return.
Bring you any source of telekinesis information you ask for.
Goemon Gaap
Your relationship was a little troublesome at first due to your shyness and his problems understanding personal space.
After you confessed to him that you are human, he was surprised, but that didn't stoped him from spending time with you.
Helps you make new friends, in hope that you will not be as lonely as in the human world.
Speaking of human world. Goemon is usually sweet and benevolent, but that didn't stop him from getting angry over what happened to you back then, so much so that he almost fell into an wicked phase.
After calming down, he apologizes for his reaction and makes it clear that he is not angry with you.
Jokingly remarks that if any of the two of you are creepy, it's him. You will have to convince him that you still love him, even if he has a rather scary face.
Like Kerori, he will get everything that can help you in mastering telekinesis.
Soi Purson
He will teach you how to hide if you still wanna be as aloof as possible.
When Soi has free time, he loves to talk to you.
Can play the trumpet to cheer you up.
Found out that you're human a long time ago, because he accidentally overheard you talking to yourself.
One day you told him about your life in the human world. It was the first time he had felt pure, distilate anger.
Tries to choose a secluded place for training so that no one disturbs you.
Alternates between all known methods of training telekinesis in order to select the most effective one and focus on it.
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marcus-vice · 1 year
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Two things we learned from this chapter:
1. A dancer is a character, and the music is their world. 
2. Kalego Naberius has a foot fetish, no kink shaming
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naehja · 1 year
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So Allocer has REALLY a girlfriend? XD
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mimigoey · 2 years
I TERRIBLY MISS SOI SOI. I really want those days back. I don't know why I miss him but he somehow made my days better during the music festival. I can't believe I'm saying this! Want those days back? Like I've actually been there. I miss you so much. come back. Don't you all agree that he's an integral part of our false student life at Babyls?
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I also want Iruma and Soi soi to do that talk thing again 🥺
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 4 months
Love problems
Everyone loved Iruma. It was just a fact. An unwavering truth. The real question, however, was this... who did Iruma love?
There was no lack of romantic partners. It seems like everyone was ready to offer themselves to the blue-haired boy. Only one small problem. It seemed like Iruma wasn't interested in anyone.
But how could that be? Even with all the attempts to woo him, nothing worked. He was unaware of such affections directed towards him.
Kamui tried endless flattery and flowers when the boy was dressed as pretty Irumi. Supposedly, trying to appeal to the teenagers' feminine side.
Sabro attempts with shows of strength. Indicating he can protect his rival if needed. Well... not that the boy needed protection, seeing how he had the most powerful demons at his beck and call.
Allocer was less extreme. He tutored Iruma and helped him with homework. Small gifts of books on subjects he was most interested in.
Elizabetta she gave soft touches and spoke sweet words. Flirting with the oblivious Iruma. He just didn't seem to think much of it other than friendly behavior.
Soi played soft music. Loving melodies filling the air as he played with Iruma. Only getting innocent carefree smiles in return.
Kerori would often sing love ballads when performing with Irumi on stage. Trying to get the evidol to blush. But Iruma just thinks it's part of her act and sings along unaware.
Picero was rather generous. Giving up his soft cloud so Iruma could rest on it. Sleepy cuddles and warm blankets. He didn't do that with everyone you know.
Goemon, well, of course, it would be endless pampering. Unwavering support. Piles of food. Really, what did you expect from such a cheerful demon?
Lied always letting Iruma go first for games. Sharing his snacks. Wrapping his tail around the other boy constantly.
Jazz would often give knickknacks and random sweets. Shiny objects he's swiped from others. Really, his sticky fingers often found little gifts for those big innocent eyes.
Alice has probably made his feelings well known from the start. With his firey passion and clingy attitude towards Iruma shining like a well lite neon sign.
Clara was the same with her endless offerings. The toys, the games. Making sure to pick each one with Iruma in mind. Lovingly monopolizing him together with Alice.
So... why didn't Iruma realize this? He couldn't be that blind right? Well, to put it simply... Iruma loved all of them.
But he just didn't love them in the physical way they were expecting. Nor in the romantic sense. Iruma's love was just ure love.
No expectations or want of more. No demands of physical needs being met. He was just happy with how things were. Happily accepting and giving love in his own way.
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harumiura · 10 months
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color wheel challenge ~
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th3-l4w · 2 years
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sillygh0st · 1 year
Purson is autistic he actually told me guys
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Hi Purson!
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