#Claudette wyms
vallygirl285 · 1 year
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I haven’t watched The Shield since it originally ended but I think it’s going on my rewatch schedule.
This show was amazing!! It had brilliant writing, acting and directing!!
You couldn’t beat Michael Chiklis as Vic Mackey and CCH Pounder as Claudette Wyms.
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itsdansotherblog · 3 years
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dragon-writer · 5 years
Black Boss Lady & Right Hand Man
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Black Boss Lady:
Too badass to be stopped by workplace discrimination
By the book hardass
Essentially a Respectable Good Person
Right Hand Man:
Goes along with the Lady's plan but has wildly divergent goals/priorities/agendas
Usually categorised as the cowboy, rogue or all-purpose crazy person
Not excellent at decision making when left alone
Is uniquely competent in some special way that compensates for their myriad flaws
Exists in two states at all times - Lady's greatest asset and Lady's riskiest liability
Personal life has gone off the rails in a serious way at least once
Will act out or straight up betray the Black Boss Lady at least once
Will readily admit that he "has issues"
Has a convoluted or mysterious backstory
Very flexible moral code.
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theshieldfx-blog · 5 years
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It is so wrong I want to slap you silly. - Claudette Wyms @fxnetworks
The Shield ‘’ Circles ‘’
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040 - 20th Anniversary of The Shield Season 2!
040 – 20th Anniversary of The Shield Season 2!
In Episode 040 of Studio 2009 join TFG1Mike and Ryan The UnEvenFlow as they celebrate 20 Years of The first FX Networks original shows The Shield!!! They are discussing Season 2 of 7 of this ground breaking television show starring Michael Chiklis, Benito Martinez, CCH Pounder, and more! We are talkin’ TV! This podcast exists because of listeners like you!!!! (more…)
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muskeylover · 7 years
Sometimes I think I’m ok and then I remember what happened to all the characters in the Shield and my tears turn into waterfalls
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deardarkness · 7 years
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What about the team? What about protecting the goddamn team, Vic?
The Shield debuted 15 years ago today (12 March 2002)
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talesfromthecrypts · 4 years
Rules: name your top 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms then tag 10 people 
tagged by @theantman98
Faith Lehane- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Ben Solo- Star Wars
Selina Kyle- Batman
Axel- Kingdom Hearts
Sansa Stark- ASOIAF
Sirius Black- Harry Potter
Claudette Wyms- The Shield
Vanessa Ives- Penny Dreadful
Boyd Crowder- Justified
Lestat de Lioncourt- TVC
tagging: @jeynepoole, @emilyjunk, @jennathearcher, thats enough tagging for today
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trashyeggroll · 5 years
tagged by @autistic-witchlighter
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Don’t cheat. Tag 10 peeps. 
The Shows
Black Lightning (2018)
Xena: Warrior Princess (1995)
The Shield (2008)
West Wing (1999)
Charmed (2018) <- you’re on thin ice
Who is your favorite character in 2? Varia! Varr-ee-ah!!!
Who is your least favorite character in 1? Lady Eve, only because she was lost to us too soon. 
What is your favorite episode of 4? Oh, and it HAD to be the one where I have to go look through eight million eps. Let’s go with Season 3 finale, Posse Comitatus. Mark Harmon is in it. You know the one.
What is your favorite season of 5? Aww, there’s only one...
Who is your favorite couple in 3? Oh THE WORST possible one for this. I guess I can get behind Claudette Wyms and her construction man, but they never really went anywhere.
Who is your favorite couple in 2? Aside from X/G of course... Eve/Varia. They’re technically a ship, not a couple. But I fcks with it. 
What is your favorite episode of 1? I watch 01x03 "Lawanda: The Book of Burial" at least once a week when I’m writing BL fic. The pace, the cinematography, the writing, the THUNDERGRACE. Perfection.
What is your favorite episode of 5? Either the pilot or 01x20 “Ambush”... for reasons. 
What is your favorite season of 2? Five!
How long have you watched 1? Like six months and let me tell you, maybe you’ve noticed, I’m obsessed.
How did you become interested in 3? I sometimes like hyper-violent, problematic shows, okay?
Who is your favorite actor in 4? Claudia Jean Craig as portrayed by the perfection that is Allison Janney
Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? Two is probably the most important of these, but one is my top right now. 
Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3? Three because it has way more seasons. 
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? Josiah Edward "Jed" Bartlet, President of the United States
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? Oh yeah, and the cast of 4 would be busily filing federal charges against the cast of 3. 
Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple. Issa/Jen.
Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? Three. Five needs to prove itself.
Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4? THIS IS ACTUALLY THE MOST DIFFICULT QUESTION BECAUSE BOTH OF THESE OPENINGS ARE ICONIQUE. I have a VISCERAL reaction to XWP’s opening, so I have to go with that. 
I am not sure if there are any specific rules for tagging.
@xiloalcohol @aloeqx @iputthejeningenesis @fvandomtrvsh @merzkydevotchka @sofuton
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empiregalaxy · 6 years
tagged by @spacetravelerdaisyjohnson :) thanks :)
rules: list ten of your favourite female characters in ten different fandoms and then tag ten people
(in no order)
1. Anya Jenkins ~ Buffy The Vampire Slayer
2. Tara Thornton ~ True Blood 
3. Dolores Abernathy ~ Westworld
4. Diana Prince / Wonder Woman ~ DC
5. Clementine Kruczynski ~ Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind
6. Jo March ~ Little Women
7. Claudette Wyms ~ The Shield
8. Katniss Everdeen ~ The Hunger Games
9. Luna Lovegood ~ Harry Potter
10. Sansa Stark ~ A Song Of Ice And Fire
idk who to tag, so I’ll do it later!
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bunchoffaceclaims · 7 years
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CCH Pounder
Gender: Female
DOB: 25 December 1952
Nationality: Guyanese-American
Ethnicity: Afro Guyanese
Gif Hunt tag
Carol Christine Hilaria Pounder is a Guyanese American actress. She has appeared in numerous films, made-for-television films, television miniseries, and plays, and has made guest appearances on notable television shows. She starred as Detective Claudette Wyms in the FX police drama The Shield. In 2009, she appeared as Mo'at in James Cameron's film Avatar. She starred in recurring roles as Mrs. Irene Frederic on the series Warehouse 13 and DA Thyne Patterson on the FX series Sons of Anarchy. Currently she portrays medical examiner Dr. Loretta Wade on NCIS: New Orleans.
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Olivia Murray confie une mission à la Strike Team : retrouver Noelle, la fille de Martin Blez, un trafiquant de drogue qui est sur le point de blanchir son argent sale. Le prendre en flagrant délit lors d'un rendez-vous serait une chance de démanteler son cartel. Mais depuis la disparition de sa fille, l'homme massacre quiconque pourrait la détenir. Vic et ses collègues sont donc chargés de mettre au plus vite la main sur Noelle, sans divulguer le rôle joué par la police dans cette affaire. Claudette Wyms doit à nouveau faire face à Kleaven Gardner, un serial killer arrêté par ses soins : elle accepte une confrontation afin qu'il soit jugé. Voulant à tout prix éviter la peine de mort, le tueur n'hésite pas à défier Claudette et remet en cause la crédibilité de ses preuves, sous prétexte que les effets secondaires du traitement médical qu'elle suit peuvent entraîner des hallucinations. Persuadé que Lloyd est un jeune tueur en série, Dutch poursuit son enquête afin de percer le mystère de l'adolescent. Quant à Vic, il est confronté aux nouvelles frasques de Cassidy. Exclue de l'école, la jeune fille a également organisé une soirée au cours de laquelle elle a fourni des ecstasys et de la marijuana à son entourage .
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rashantitty · 9 years
The Shield
Watched a few episodes on Amazon Prime. Loved it. After my free trial ran up, I bought the complete series for 30 bucks! 
It’s getting really intense and we're only half way through the second season. My feelings are going to be wrecked by the time I finish it, huh? LOL If there’s anyone out there who’s watching or has watched, please inbox me or follow! I already want to talk about characters I like, dislike, development, storylines, scenes, etc. 
I have a feeling this show is going to pop into my top 5 all time when it’s done and over with.
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theshieldfx-blog · 5 years
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Don’t take this the wrong way Claudette , but I don’t need your help. - Vic 
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pointduck · 9 years
Claudette Wyms poll
Gryffindor, Lawful Good.
Claudette Wyms
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talesfromthecrypts · 9 years
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Claudette Wyms- Character Tropes
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