#julien lowe
robodove 5 months
Does anyone remember my goofy pirate/sea creature au.. no? Didn't think so!
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I made actual!!!! Colored pictures!!!
I'm still debating on the yellow on jay but we'll see... All the notes are kinda just. Tacked on to fill space so
+ alternate Cole in a big coat!!
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Low tides au as a placeholder name since it's called "high seas, low tides" or somethinf in the google doc unfinished writings
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andradrawsstuff 7 days
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Memes I made instead of studying for my exam tomorrow
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cyrusbug 7 days
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Shoutout to the only reason I will continue watching ninjago post s7 !!
Morro design by @ataraxixx !!
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Why does rusted copper look moldy.... someone please clean him...
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dark-twist-fairytales 8 months
Low energy day forced high energy, so have headcanons that are projection:
-Kai is the most likely to become burnt out and needs a couple of hours to a day to refuel
-Jay will become more and more restless if not able to do something and/or forced to stay still
-Cole becomes more depressed the more time he spends away from activities he enjoys
-Zane becomes more distant and emotionally blunt than he already is once overstimulated
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microcebusarnholdi 1 month
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orange daughter is the best thing that's ever happened to me
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spooky-circuits 3 months
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Jackie: We figured you would know the most about sleeping around to feel better about getting dumped.
@felsicveins I need you to know Otto lives rent free in my brain at all times
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chillandnormalrambles 2 months
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either way, we鈥檙e not alone
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stiwfssr 3 months
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the high 2day was in the 60s but it鈥檚 january so i can still post these Cold Ass Legos (semi-redraw of this)
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oocmadagascar 5 months
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anxietyonmars 1 year
Boygenius talking about $20 via the Zane Lowe Interview (x)
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robodove 1 year
OKAY I FINALLY HAVE A LITTLE TIME ARRGAGRG I hope this aimless infodump is readable
so! Their designs and junk are a mess rn but I do have some stuff of them!!
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Ignore the little dragon in the last I'm still working on Lloyd's whole... business. And! Don't mind the text in the pink one, I was just tryna think up silly nicknames!
Anyways! They aren't really... Traditional pirates? Y'know.. cause their crew size is like 5 + a child and ancient beast.
Under division is a small ramble
Cole's the "captain" and is a selkie (although I know they're usually seals I accidentally chose a sea lion)! He's the sea lion in the pictures and I'm desperately trying to work his skin into the design. I thought it'd be silly since he was raised in dance and entertainment.. and hey! Sea lions are known for that too!
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(he wasn't meant to look so forsaken here, sorry Cole)
Jay is a mermaid (thing?) When in the water, he has the lower half reminiscent of an electric eel (I saw reminiscent as there are some major differences)! No one really has powers in this but he can still shock like that,, Ed and Edna are still human in this and I'm trying to remember if they still lived at a scrapyard or a shipyard.
Both Kai and Nya are only half mermaid! Nya ended up inheriting way more mermaid traits than her brother, who doesn't even have a tail in water, but still has a lot of human drawbacks. She can only breathe underwater for so long and ironically Kai can last down there longer. He just chooses not to since I thought it'd be funny to still let him be scared of water in this 馃槶 sorry Kai. He still has the recognizable sharper teeth and has bits and flashes of shimmery scales but is overall the most human of the bunch once you count out Cole's unskinned form.
I couldn't resist myself on Zane and ended up making him a siren. Mainly because.. bird! And also if he was going to be organic, I wanted to isolate him from the other sea related creatures. He has the wings and feathers of a gyrfalcon and can't swim as well in the ocean! He ends up bonding with Kai over this Kai originally hadn't liked him too much! Reasonably so since.. y'know.. sirens eat people. And mermaids in this.. although Zane eats human things as he was raised on it by a still very human Dr. Julien (who I guess is more of a bird-oriented wildlife scientist in this? ornithologist?). insert joke about him being a hand raised bird.
I don't have my sketchbook with me right now so I'm scrambling for pictures but ! Like all their designs, he's still a work in progress. Will most likely make his legs longer or something but this is just my ideas LOL
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And anyways! Onto Lloyd! (And the others?)
I was struggling to decide what Lloyd should be,, like? A dragon could still very much work and his normal version is already so cool?? However, I ended up on leviathan.. a baby one. The serpentine aren't decided but Lloyd's still pretty much not taken seriously by the town. Still winds up being taken in by the "ninja!"
Garmadon is still locked up, although now at the bottom of the ocean! The Skulkin are drowned/dead pirates?
Wu is who I've been struggling to decide on as well! For whatever reason I've been contemplating making him like just some statue in the Destiny's Bounty that speaks to them.
There's plenty of other things going on,, Kai and Nya come to them on accident and Jay is over the moon to see other moons and wants to show them their "ways" despite having never even met others before. Cole is desperately trying to keep everyone in one place as they've accidentally made the perfect collection of the world's most valuable pelts.
Kai still raises Nya at the forge (which in this, is beachside), but years later there's a rise in pricing for the scales of mers and the boy decides that they need to leave in effort to protect her. Nya is devastated because this is their home! Where else would they even go?? They barely have any cash! Kai's decision is further inland AND with the money they get from selling the forge. Yadda, yadda, the buyer turns on them and they wind up in the ocean near their home! Kai's knocked cold, which is for the better as Nya swims them further and further into open ocean.
For the first time, Nya meets another mer as she tries to save her brother, and he helps them aboard a ship! The Destiny's Bounty! (Or perhaps a ship before it? It's all still up in air)
I'd expand more but I'm out of time </3 please give any suggestions if you'd like to! I'd always appreciate criticism
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andradrawsstuff 1 month
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Here鈥檚 some memes hehe
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localguy2 8 months
Seeing as how Zane and Episode 17 of DR "The Administration" have been giving me nothing but brain worms, I might make a lengthy character analysis of Zane himself.
While also comparing him to Wildbrain Ninjago era Zane, because you would not believe the amount of things that have changed about him since Crystalized, he's gotten some much deserved love from the Writers this season and it shows throughout the season, but I'll have to see how long this thing is gonna get first before I start it... lmao
(it's gonna involve spoilers obviously, but they'll be tagged)
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yoggybloggy 8 months
julien's "[sigh] god, we just--" from the zane lowe interview is actually the most hilarious thing i've ever seen in my life
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microcebusarnholdi 3 months
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Clover stop being adorable for five seconds challenge: impossible
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