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You've probably noticed it: flying on commercial airlines has gotten a lot worse. Covid didn't help, but if we're being honest it wasn't great before covid either. In fact, didn't flying used to be really fun back in the 60's and '70's? What happened to piano bars in planes, good food, and decent legroom? In this episode we will get into how airlines got so bad, and how what we see of the airline industry is the tip of an iceberg of rot and deregulation.
Edited by Noah
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archibaldtuttle · 9 months
As many of you might know, I am the editor for the Desperate Acts of Capitalism podcast - and have been since the Quibi episode... but you may not know that I also created the thumbnails for each episode, starting with Whole Foods.
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carfuckerlynch · 7 months
listening to @desperate-acts-of-capitalism e-scooters episode and suddenly being struck with a memory of the time i was in the car with my mom and my sister and we got off i405 in portland. i think it was the glisan exit. and someone had dumped their scooter in the middle of the freeway exit. like my sister had to get out of the car on the 405 exit to move the scooter out of the road
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emsysham · 2 years
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Dark Age of Camelot is old enough to drink! 🍾 (but i think the only one drinking is me cause theres no wayyy im winning this anniversaries Solo tournament lmao 🤣) 
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moonbeamdagger · 2 years
dtc’s: *fail*
ct and evan:
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elb4ckfl1po · 10 months
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teamahwol · 10 months
I’ve missed DAOC so much dude
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chazzaroo47 · 10 months
Yeeees new Desperate Acts of Capitalism! Woop woop
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dwyur · 2 years
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mortalswatchtheday · 22 days
So while playing through Dark Souls for the first time, I've realized that grinding out souls is probably a good idea, but I haven't gotten anywhere that I felt like was good enough to grind out until I got to Anor Londo. The Silver Knights all around are very easy to parry, and once I got to the blacksmith, I'm like alright I should work on upgrading gear and getting levels. A bonfire nearby with 4 knights that give 1k souls per kill, takes maybe like a minute and a half per 4k souls, that felt pretty solid at this point. I upgraded: The Elite Knight set from scratch to +5 The Black Iron set (including shield) from scratch to +5 The Silver Knight Straight Sword from scratch to +5 The Jagged Ghost Blade from scratch to +5 Astora's Straight Sword from scratch to +5 Composite Bow from +2 to +5 And I also got myself about 10-12 more levels. This was all before I attempted Ornstein and Smough. Just killed them both on my second attempt, which was the first *real* attempt at me trying. I may have gone overboard on the grinding.
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milfmisspiggy · 1 year
accidentally triggered the worst possible 24 hours for my hawke. fenris comes over to, uh. consummate the relationship (win!) and breaks iarlaith's heart in the morning (not a win.) just for hawke to immediately go downstairs to find that their mother is missing and as if that wasn't already awful, while on route to look for said kidnapped mother, isabela (iarlaith's best friend) flirts with fenris right in front of them. and then iarlaith demands the accused murderer guy do a blood magic ritual to find their mother and fenris doesnt even say anything about it, which has oodles of implications. and then leandra DIES HORRIBLY and fenris shows back up at the hawke estate to comfort iarlaith. and they dont discuss a thing. sorry hawke, my bad babe
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Have you heard? They're thinking of forgetting about trees...
Join DAOC's patreon today at our Bumbling Executive tier and witness the tireless efforts of the Department of Telluric Oblivescence to figure out what needs to be remembered. Hosted by CT Kelly and Armaan Maharaj, edited by Noah, this project is guaranteed to be disturbingly informative and grimly humorous.
Already three episodes up, with one more each month, on top of all the benefits of our Patreon!
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Join our Patreon at the 10$ Bumbling Executive tier and find out everything you should know about Trees, Hats and Bones!
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artdepleurer · 4 months
Domesticity (and Other Cults)
Ch. 14 - Vide et Credere Sneak Peek
A symphony of anguished screams slices through the air, freezing Hermione in place. The realization dawns quickly that the tortured cries belong to Narcissa, the source echoing from behind her. Turning swiftly toward the front door, she moves with an urgency that outpaces her thoughts, swinging it open with a desperate grace. Racing down the corridor, she arrives breathless in front of Lucius' study, the door slightly ajar.
She steps into a scene painted in shades of red. Narcissa's eyes, widened with terror, meet her own. Blood-soaked hands feverishly tend to Lucius' mortal wounds. Dread pulses insistently in Hermione's chest.
They were too late.
Tom and Harry enter the room, but Hermione's focus is unwaveringly on Narcissa. She coaxes her up from the floor, bloodied hands grasping onto her white blouse. Hermione holds firmly onto Narcissa, even as her own palms are stained.
Could they have avoided this? If only they had arrived earlier. Hermione glances down at Lucius’ pale eyes, opened in eternal disbelief. So vain, so arrogant, so prideful—he never saw it coming, not until it was too late. Hermione’s heart aches for Narcissa, but she can’t help the simultaneous feeling that a weight has been lifting from her shoulders. Narcissa’s husband will never hit her again. Draco’s father will never berate and demean him again.
Draco can go forward with his marriage, unburdened by his father’s expectations. One life traded for generations.
A dark pool expands beneath Lucius, and Hermione feels a tangible pang of regret. She glances at her bloodied hands, acknowledging her complicity in orchestrating his demise through Karkaroff. She wielded his greed like a knife, as effectively as the blade laying abandoned on the rug by her feet.
Harry clears his throat, pulling her from her thoughts.
“I need to speak with Lady Malfoy in the other room.”
“Yes, of course.”
Narcissa glances at her one last time before following Harry through the door. Tom steps forward, moving silently. He scans her body, pausing to take in the various data points he requires before speaking. There is a lot she does not yet know about Tom, but she knows the way he looks at her. In adoration, in fascination, in horror.
His eyes land on her red hands. He licks his lips before meeting her wide eyed stare. Hermione intently holds his gaze, silently conveying that the blood is not hers; she is unharmed.
Tom hands her a dampened towel, and she cleans herself, leaving only the stubborn blood beneath her nails and the stain on her blouse. It suffices for now.
She watches as Tom inspects Lucius’ body, careful not to interfere with any possible evidence. There’s a clinical precision in his movements. She wonders for a brief moment why he never became a doctor. She could picture him working alongside Blaise, performing autopsies or severing limbs, at once brutal and methodical.
Hermione's attention shifts to the weapon laying forgotten on the floor—she recognizes it almost immediately from books that Viktor had gifted her long ago. Its ornate hilt, curved blade, and rounded tip tell a story of lethal elegance.
"This is a shashka," she breathes. "A Cossack's blade."
“It belonged to Lucius,” Tom nods, pointing overhead to a display on the wall. One hook is empty. “A weapon of convenience.”
She looks at the other weapons on the wall. She bites her bottom lip in thought.
"There's a katana, a Japanese sword. Using that would have been sharper, facilitating an easier kill."
“Karkaroff chose the shashka for a reason. It wasn’t just convenient. It was personal.”
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carfuckerlynch · 10 months
new episode of @desperate-acts-of-capitalism fucking rules btw. in case u were wondering.
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narutomaki · 7 months
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Repostober: god my old ideas .... dragon age SI and 2018 were some of my PEAK fucking art dude.
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moonbeamdagger · 2 days
listen. fuck the french. but they do have the right idea when it comes to labor negotiations
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