#Debt Collection Agency
batwynn · 4 months
Extra big shout out to my selfish aunt today for still not managing any of my dead grandfather’s affairs—even when she was given power of attorney and access to his account info specifically to do that for him—so that I’m getting debt collectors calling for all his overdue accounts almost two fucking years later. And I’m the lucky winner for this prize because my number happened to be on file from when I helped him set all his accounts up when I was living and taking care of him fulltime and being abused and treated like shit by him. 👍
Yes, I know she only agreed to it so she could slurp up any money she could from him while he was dying. No, I had no real expectations for her to do anything that benefits anyone else. I still thought maybe this time the work needed for this (like two phone calls and maybe an email of his death certificate) were simple and easy enough for her to manage for her own father, who she loves to go on and on about caring about and for when she did exactly jack shit for him. But I guess now that he’s gone, she can only trot out his corpse when she needs a show of sympathy when her attention meter gets too low. Why put in any effort now, when she couldn’t be bothered while he was alive, I guess.
Love being haunted by my shitty family in weird, ridiculous ways.
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the-level-up-diaries · 6 months
The goals I set this year vs what I actually accomplished.
Enroll in WGU and complete a degree in 6 months
-I enrolled and switched my degree a few times. I am now enrolled in the master's program with WGU and I want to land a system admin job in the year year after I graduate that pay $90k-$120k. I am also getting Cisco and RedHat certified, so *fingers crossed* .
Pay off my student loan debt
-On December 22nd of 2023 I will officially be DEBT FREE!!! I struggled, worked 2 jobs, burned out a couple of times and made many sacrifices. I can honestly say I am very, very proud of myself. I questioned many days could I get debt free and even thought about waiting on relief, but I finally did thank God!
Get a job paying over $65k
-I took a course and landed an SDR role within a company and my job with OTE pays $72k. It's a hard job, but I am learning everyday and I hope that I can continue with the company as long as possible.
Get my credit above the 700s
-This is a yes and a no! I won't officially get my new score until the new year, but since all my debt will be gone, it should be past THE 700S.
Lose 50 lbs.
-I really struggled with my weight this year as well as my eating. What I learned is I needed to simplify my routine. I start turning on anime and watching that while I walk at a speed of 3.0-3.5 on the treadmill. I walk an hour everyday, but Sunday. I will lay out the plan on how and when I'll lose this weight in a later post.
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daywalking-king · 3 months
Honestly, I really appreciate the bits of advice that came through on my other post about food and now I have an even bigger question for tumblr: what do I do when I have no job or money, but have debt collectors clawing at me from all sides? I apparently owe an emergency room $700 (should’ve been charged to insurance, instead it got sent to me, can’t charge insurance anymore either), but my last paycheck from any job wasn’t even that, and I had used part of it to pay it at that time already ($50, all I could even spare (and the only other job I’ve had since 2022 provided mostly in cash with tips so can’t pay a debt with that)) and now that debt collector is literally taking money directly from my checking account and I was fired (for no reason) from that job. I haven’t been able to even find work for more than a month at a time since before 2023 and I literally have cents in my checking account that they’re taking putting me in the negative. Any ideas? I have not even a dollar to my name anymore and I can’t because if I put it in my checking account it’ll be taken, so I can’t pay for gas, food for myself- anything. It really fucking sucks and I don’t know how to stay sane anymore.
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nando161mando · 3 months
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"Debt is a form of social control" (EN: English)
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Recovery Solution in Netherlands
We combine a people-oriented approach with the latest tech-driven solutions to drive results and provide better contact management. This comprehensive method gets the results you need while preserving customer relationships.
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williamsrush · 4 days
Critical Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Debt Collection Agency
Getting customers to your business can be difficult, but getting them to pay can be even more complicated. If you cannot collect from your customers on time, you might not have enough funds to stay in business.
Suppose you want to collect default debts from your customers but don't want it to affect your relationship with them. In that case, we suggest you consider working with a professional credit collection service in Dallas.
Debt collection agencies are for-profit organizations that specialize in collecting unpaid debts for small businesses. While these companies know all the best practices and laws surrounding debt collection, it's important you do thorough research before hiring a professional for the job. Below are a few critical questions you need to ask before hiring a collection agency for your business.
Do You Have Relevant Experience?
A lot of debt collection agencies specialize in a particular niche or industry. Therefore, you must ask your agency what industry or business they primarily serve. It's also good to ask them what types of debtors they generally deal with.
If your chosen agency works in your field or has a similar business model, it will help increase your chances of getting paid. If the agency says that all business debts are the same, look for someone else because its not true.
Do You Have Insurance?
There is a good chance that the debtor might feel like they're being mistreated and decide to sue the collection agency. So, you need to hire someone who carries professional liability insurance. Even if it's not required for agencies to have this, it will help offer coverage in case your agency gets sued when working on your accounts.
Never assume they have third-party insurance; always ask! Remember, if a judge believes you failed to deliver as promised, they will hold your business liable, not your collection agency.
How Much Will Your Services Cost Me?
Once asked about their experience and insurance, you must determine what their services will cost your business. Don't be surprised when you discover that every Houston collection agency has a different fee structure.
While some agencies charge you a percentage of the debt they collect, others come with a fixed rate depending on the size of your debt. Asking about their fee structure and getting a rough figure from the start is a great way to filter out your options.
As long as you have answers to these questions, you can quickly filter out viable options from your list and make an informed decision about the debt collection agency you hire.
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collectionsagency · 11 days
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mnscredit · 2 months
The debt collection firm makes every attempt to recover past-due sums in a moral and legal way. • No legal proceedings are initiated without Client’s written authorization. • All payments are generally collected through banking channels in favor of the Client only.
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hetrosjistin · 3 months
Hey, hey, you got student loans? Or really, any loans at all?
Have you gotten notices about your loan provider changing? How many times? If it's been like, 3 or so times? You definitely should call up your new loan provider and tell them to send you, by certified mail, proof that they retain the complete original loan documentation.
If they don't? You don't owe them shit. And given that the way loan sales is that generally companies are buying tens of thousands, even millions, of these physical contracts from one another and physically shipping them between warehouses, often without any kind of actual proper electronic sorting or documentation of the process?
Chances are good that after the third swap you owe exactly nothing.
Works less well on mortgages though I believe, but for practically any other kind of debt?
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Feelings dump regarding non-physical defense, below the cut:
If I do not defend myself, no one else will.
If I do defend myself, sometimes somebody else will join in.
Nonetheless: the first requirement is that I stand up for myself. That I say "I am not available for whatever that is," even if I follow up (immediately or later) with "would this alternative work on your end?"
I have understood this for decades.
It has been true since the 1980s; it took me a long while to figure out that it was the ongoing norm, not a cluster of aberrations.
Sometimes, the people in my life will step up to join me. It won't ever be "hey, that bothered me enough that I too am shutting the door on a relationship with you", but it has often been "hey, what you chose was to wrong OPC, there's no reset button where we just pretend you chose right, and I for sure am not offering you attaboys or sympathetic noises." In fact, it has even been "we're not having a single happy conversation until you accept that I don't support what you chose."
Sometimes the people in my life won't follow my wake in standing up for me, but they'll hold my flower.
It all requires me to decide I'm worth defending, and the other party's presumption upon me is not tolerable.
Today my eye doctor's office called with a week's notice to cancel my appointment because one doctor among a trio will be off that day, and then tell me that -- because some debt collector thinks maybe I'm the Mx Commonname Slightly-less-common-name who might owe them an undisclosed quantity -- that means EyeCare Associates refuses to do future business with me. Despite any theoretical debt not being related to optometry. I dunno what it is related to; I suspect that EyeCare Associates is in violation of certain FTC rules here, in collusion with the debt collector in question. I am going to go find out.
This is the most recent in a compact cluster of unexpected Near Stranger Mucks With My Finances, and I am tired of stopping people from stepping on my autonomy.
But if I don't protect myself, no one will.
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youngstrangergiver · 4 months
Commercial Debt Collection
Commercial debt collection refers to the process of recovering unpaid debts owed by businesses to other businesses. When one business fails to pay its debts, it can disrupt cash flow and create financial challenges for the creditor business.
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Don't struggle alone with Debt. Reach out and ask for help. It will be the hardest thing you do, but will change your circumstances.
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cedarfinancial · 4 months
Cedar Financial is your ally in debt recovery
📣 Attention businesses! Cedar Financial is your ally in debt recovery.
Let's secure your financial well-being. 💼
For more details, Visit us!
#BusinessAlly #FinancialWellness
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Debt Collection Agency Netherlands
Debt recovery is simpler when you use a collection agency fluent in the laws and customs of the country where the debtor resides. Cedar Financial offers on-the-ground representatives in Netherlands who understand the debt collection practices that work to support full recovery of your funds.
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williamsrush · 1 month
How to Deal with Unresponsive Debtors?
Dealing with unresponsive debtors can strain the financial health of your small business. Therefore, it's essential to approach this issue with effective strategies. Here's how you can ensure recovery while maintaining professional integrity.
Initial Steps to Take
Silent debtors can be frustrating and impact the bottom line of a business. Stay calm and communicate courteously. Often, many debtors are not in the situation of having an open dialogue. Take these steps to start with:
Begin with a straightforward and concise communication approach detailing the debt owed and the expected steps.
Implement a consistent follow-up strategy if initial attempts go unanswered.
Document all interactions, as these records can be vital for later stages.
Offer alternative payment arrangements to overcome financial barriers debtors might face.
You can also send a formal notice to elevate the urgency of the matter.
When to Escalate Efforts
Often, despite your best efforts, some debtors stay unresponsive. This can affect your cash flow and hinder business operations. So, if you encounter the following, do what the situation demands:
Multiple unanswered calls
Elapsed due date 
Large or increasing debt
Broken promises
Change of contact details
Once you identify that escalation is necessary, proceed legally and professionally. Here are some steps to consider:
Introduce legal consequences notifying that escalation is imminent.
Report the debt to a credit bureau, as it can impact the debtor's credit score, and encourage a response from them.  
Involve a collection agency in Dallas, changing the debtor's willingness to settle.
Tweak the aggressiveness of the collection efforts according to the size of the debt.
Ensure your escalation tactics are within legal limitations to avoid liabilities.
Role of a Professional Collection Agency
When things start to go out of your hands, it's time for expert intervention. But why call in professionals? Wouldn't that be too intimidating? Will it affect your business? These are some common concerns among small businesses but fret not.
Several companies lack the in-house resources needed to recover debt from silent debtors. A reputable debt collection agency for small businesses likeWilliams Rush & Associates can offer seasoned expertise in debt recovery. They operate under strict ethical guidelines, keeping your business's reputation intact. This way, you can redirect your focus to core operations, optimizing productivity and financial stability.
Enhance Your Financial Security Today!
Navigating the intricacies of debt collection with unresponsive debtors requires a well-thought-out strategy and professional assistance. You can trust the Williams Rush & Associates team for unmatched expertise. We can help you secureyour financial interests without compromising your business relationships. Get started today.
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