#Derek: 😳 ...no
Derek: Mietek, can we buy some- Stiles: No Derek:... Please? Stiles: No. We need to hurry to prepare for pack night and I still have to cook us lunch, dinner and dessert. Derek:... Please? 🥺 Stiles: When did Scott teach you the puppy eyes? Derek: Mietek? 🥺💕 Stiles: No. This thing only works as a wolf. And I'm not falling for it this time. Derek: 🥺💕🥺💕🥺 Stiles:... Stiles: Argh, FINE! Derek: *yips* Derek: *kisses Stiles' cheek* Derek: *runs down the aisle to where the scented candles are* Stiles: You can buy 3 at most! Stiles: *sighs* Werewolves...
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duusheen · 7 months
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Here comes Sirena. She lives in Del Sol Valley, in her quite "modest" house with a pool and her quite "modest" husband with a juicy bank account. Andrew is now a renowned lawyer and spends his money on expensive gifts for his wife and the best preschool education for their son. She works from home on her social media and has hundreds of followers. Everyone knows Sirena Pollock 💅🏽
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only-one-brain-cell · 10 months
Imagine if there was a episode of Criminal Minds where models are getting killed so the BAU goes to a fashion show and starts talking to the models and one of them has to go undercover to catch the UnSub. Naturally Hotch would ask JJ or Emily to go but the person who’s in charge of the girls asks Spencer if he’s ever modeled before and all the girls start crowding around him. Hotch leaves him with them thinking never mind they found their model. Derek of course gives him shit for eternity and is on the phone with Penelope “hey babygirl pretty boy is a model now.”
“Derek Morgan if you don’t send me pictures-
“Oh don’t worry you’ll get pictures all right.”
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faded-florals · 10 months
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This woman is my destiny She said 'Shut up and dance with me'
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diavorchid · 2 years
okay OKAY I'm now in love with you too
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jenny-from-the-bau · 2 months
Emily saying, "That's a good girl," when Derek opens a door for her 😮‍💨😩
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iishmael · 9 months
just read like two lines from Derek Walcott. Holy shit he is amazing
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Thanks to my friend @eviltothecore13 for sending me this...
Vincent Price on filming "The Ten Commandments"...
"There was a scene where I had to whip John Derek to death,” laughed Vincent. “Well, he deserved to die; Anybody that pretty should be whipped. I took lessons on how to use the whip for about two months. I really had a man who came everyday and I took on the whip to the point I could do anything with it. Like whipping a cigarette out of people’s mouths.”
😳 🥵
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ddejavvu · 9 months
idea! mutual pining bau!fem!reader and hotch where they’re at a holiday fbi gala thing, all dressed up pretty & fancy. but, oh no! her shoe slipped off under the table and she can’t get it! so hotch does and goes to put it back on her foot all gentlemanly and notices her stockings 😳
the stockings in question: tumblr com/7eyrani/726521459458097152
Morgan is asking for the kick that you deliver to his shin, you think. Sometimes he needs to be humbled, and the toe of your pointed high heel is exactly what he deserves.
"Ow!" He hisses, playing up his dramatics as he rubs the sore spot through his dress pants, "Y/L/N, you don't need to carry a gun on the job, just nail someone with one of those shoes."
You want to triumphantly celebrate your victory, but you can't. Upon contact with Derek's calf, too muscled and stiff - seriously, what did he need all of that definition for? - your shoe had come loose from your heel, and it clatters to the ground somewhere beneath the table.
"Shit," You grumble, "Does anyone feel my shoe on the floor?"
Derek snickers, "Karma's a bitch."
"So am I." You narrow your eyes at him, "Just wait until I get it back, Morgan, I'll aim for the jugular."
"Okay! Okay," He holds his hands up in surrender, reaching for his glass moments later to fill his mouth with water instead of playful banter that you can't handle right now.
"It's here," Aaron calls from two seats left of Derek, "Y/L/N, stay in your seat, your dress is cut too low for you to bend down."
He's right. If you take the shoe from him and hunch over to fit it back over your foot, you might just spill out of the neckline of the gown you're wearing. It's with warm cheeks and a sheepish nod that you let Aaron duck beneath the table, reaching across Prentiss to take your stocking-clad foot into his hands.
He's astoundingly gentle as he grips your ankle, angling the shoe over your foot and securing it tightly against your heel. It's a delicate touch and he's nothing but gentlemanly, that is, until you set your foot back down on the floor, and your dress rides up your thigh, revealing the rather raunchy pattern of the hem on your stockings.
The silverware jumps on the table as Aaron's head collides harshly with the underside. Alarm paints itself over your colleagues' faces, and yours only gets warmer as Aaron emerges from the table, mind fresh with the scene of two people intertwined in a passionate embrace.
His eyes meet yours immediately, and you wish you could look away to save yourself the embarrassment. But you can't, and his eyes bore into your own, dark and slightly wider than usual. You're being ogled by every member of your team and you're barely able to muster a mumbled, 'Thank you.'
He's probably speaking about your shoe mishap, but when he says 'anytime' in that deep, smooth voice of his, you hope he's talking about your stockings.
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hotchs-big-hands · 3 months
Ada my love you know that boyfriend ‘test’ of handing them your purse/handbag/bag when you go to the bathroom to see how they hold it? Yeah I need your take on our BAU men x that trend pls. Would they hold your purse?
gosh I LOVE this trend thing, it's cute. I'll ummmm do smth I've never done before and do some hcs for more than just ayayron, as requested 😳😳😳😳😳 gahdayum
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What the different BAU men would do if asked to hold your bag/purse for you when you go the bathroom.
Aaron Hotchner
Okay so this man is like. The biggest gentleman ever of course. So when you approach him during a team night out with your bag he takes it without hesitation to your question.
"Of course, it's safe with me."
He is very protective of it, gripping onto it to his chest with one arm and hand whilst the other holds onto his drink as he sips periodically. He doesn't pay any mind when the others eye him curiously, and when you return he smiles slightly and holds out your bag to you.
"Here you go. Don't hesitate to ask me again as well, sweetheart."
He has to admit, he adores the delighted grin you offer in return when you thank him for holding your bag. And he's able to drown out the chuckles of the other members of the team because he's certain he probably looks like a lovesick puppy.
Derek Morgan
Derek raises his brow with a teasing grin as you ask him to hold your bag for you.
"Mind if I take a lil peek?" He jokes, chuckling when you babble at him not to look, panic flashing in your eyes. "Relax, sweets. I'm not gonna look."
Holds it under his muscular arm and stares down anyone who gives him a funny look. He's shameless, plus he's happy you trust him to take care of your stuff.
You return momentarily and look relieved to see him holding it protectively. He smiles and holds it out to you when you're close enough.
"There you go, sweets. Don't worry, I didn't look inside." He winks at you and you lightly shove him, pouting playfully. He loves teasing you.
Spencer Reid
Man's shook when you ask him of all people to hold your bag for a moment.
"Me? I-I mean of course I'll hold it!" He hates that his voice cracked but you don't seem to mind though, smiling sweetly and thanking him before you turn away and disappear to find the restroom.
He is holding onto the bag straps so tightly that his knuckles are turning white. No-one is getting hold of this bag, if it's the last thing he'll ever be sure of. Derek saunters over with a grin and chuckles as he points out how tight his grip is. But even as he feels heat rush to his cheeks, he dutifully holds on tight to your bag.
Your return makes him smile with relief, but he holds on tight to the bag even as you now come to stand face-to-face with him. You hold your hand out and ask for your bag back and he flushes. "R-right yeah, here!" He said quickly and holds the bag out, grip still strong until you take hold of it.
You giggle softly and thank him, and he grins awkwardly as he watches you turn away and head off elsewhere. It's only when he feels Derek's hand lightly land on his shoulder that he refocuses and embarrassment floods his senses. Hopefully, he'll be more confident in himself next time you ask him to hold your bag.
David Rossi
When you timidly approach Dave at the table he's seated at with Aaron and hold out your bag to him, he raises a brow at you when you ask him to hold your bag for you for a moment.
"Hm? You want me to take care of it for you? Of course, tesoro."
He places it on the table in front of him, not without smoothing his hands over the surface slightly because well, he is fond of you after all. Aaron huffs out a quiet snort, raising his brow with a grin at him. Dave shakes his head and waves him off.
You're quick to return with a shy smile, thanking him sweetly for keeping an eye on your bag. He picks up the bag and holds it out to you, making sure you've secured it before he drops his arm. "Anytime, tesoro. I'll look after it for you."
He winks at you and delights in your flustered movements, meeting his eye and as Aaron stands and gives him a pointed look, Dave pulls out a chair next to him and invites you to join him for the evening.
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Lmao this was probably shit but I'm not too confident writing for other characters 😭😭 I hope people enjoyed tho regardless KSSKSK
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The Gomez Addams -ification of Derek hale, and the Morticia Addams -ification of stiles Stilinski.
The only thing that different is stiles dress is deep red rather than black.
Like the “oh Cara Mia” heavily sterek coded.
Stiles: poisons and black mails someone
Derek: 😍😍
Derek: rips someone throat out
Stiles: 😳 yum
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freak-accident419 · 5 months
thinking about derek danforth doing coke off of reader’s body 😳
update: I WROTE THE FIC —> High On You
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asterias-record-shop · 11 months
oohhh maybe spencer reid for bingo with a sugar mommy with number 9 i feel like that’s fitting for him👀😳
—𓆩[six months]𓆪—
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𓆩[main masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[request/ask me something!]𓆪 𓆩[updated bingo card!]𓆪 𓆩[bingo masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[join the bingo taglist!]𓆪
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𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - Sugar Baby! Spencer Reid x Sugar Mommy! Fem! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - fluff, smut
𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT - 3.8K
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - Spencer truly didn’t know he was a sugar baby until Derek told him. At first, he just thought your love language was gift giving, but then Derek made an extremely good point, and that made him think. Was he just a sugar baby to you, or was it something more, like he wanted it to be?
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - cursing & foul language || Spencer is adorably oblivious || Morgan and Garcia are literally goals, i love them so much- || you have texture issues because I have texture issues || set during season 11 before Morgan leaves but I’m imagining Spence in his prison look because it’s fine as fuck || kind of dom spencer and sub reader || oral || cum eating || 69 || subspace || begging || slight degradation || lots of praise!! || creampie || 
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“Ah, pretty boy’s got that smile on his face!” Derek grinned as he passed by Spencer’s desk, the younger male quickly turning off his phone and setting it face down on the desk. “Is it her?”
“It actually-”
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“Her? Who’s her?!” Emily was running over, Garcia right on her heels.
“Beautiful!” Garcia filled in, peaking over Spencer’s shoulder. “Oh my god, she is so pretty!”
“Who is?” JJ walked over, sliding her phone into her back pocket as Spencer blushed, looking away. “Oh my god, does Spencer Reid have a girlfriend?”
“Hell yeah he does,” Derek laughed, leaning back in his chair. “What did you say her name was again, pretty boy?”
“Her name is Y/N, we’re planning on having a movie marathon tonight. Her pick was the How to Train Your Dragon movies, so we’re going to go to her house and watch them. Did you Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois weren’t the original directors? The-”
Garcia giggled. “Does she sit through your little fact rants too?”
Spencer smiled, nodding. “I think she likes them, actually. A few nights ago, we went out to eat and Monte Cristos and-”
“Monte Cristos?” Rossi walked down the stairs, groaning. “Their pasta is to die for from there. I haven’t had the chance to meet the owner quite yet, but I’ve heard she’s a very kind and beautiful young lady.”
“Oh, yeah, Y/N is amazing!” Spencer smiled widely, Rossi smiling widely.
“Well I’ll be damned, our boy is dating a millionaire!” Rossi is laughing, walking over as Derek sits up.
“What do you mean, a millionaire?” 
“Guys, I have someone I want you to meet,” Hotch announces, clenching his hand out at them. “Now, please.”
“We’re getting back to your millionaire girlfriend in a minute, pretty boy.” JJ ruffled his hair making him basically pout, quickly sending you a text.
Spencer 11:43am
I need to go, the team and I have to meet someone. Can’t wait until tonight, I love you.
He slid his phone back into his pocket, humming as he stood and Garcia hooked arms with him. “Why did I not know you had a girlfriend, Spencer Reid?!”
“I mean, we’ve been together for a while, but we’ve just… kept it on the downlow.” He shrugged, fixing the sweater you had gotten him.
He knew how dangerous his job was, and with the amount you were in the media, it would be easy to make you a target. As much as he didn’t want to think about it, you were the perfect target, even though you were a high-level risk person to do anything to.
“Well, I want to meet her! Does she like coffee? We can go get coffee, or, or! We can go get drinks.” She’s grinning, wiggling her brows up at him making Emily laugh.
“Oh, come on, Spence! Why would you keep this from us?!” She’s smiling widely, clapping her hands. “How long have you guys been together?”
“One year, two months and twenty-seven days.”
“That long and you didn’t tell us?!” JJ basically yelled, covering her mouth. “Spencer!”
“You never asked!”
“Guys, this is Y/N L/N,” Hotch introduces you, gesturing toward where you stood in front of the main TV. “She has just made a… very generous donation to the BAU.”
There you stood, dressed fucking beautiful as always, wearing a black pencil skirt and a pretty mauve button down that you tucked into the pencil skirt. You were at the head of the table with no surprise, your heels giving you a few extra inches of height.
“I never knew that the BAU could receive donations…” Garcia spoke, letting go of Spencer as you smiled at her.
“You normally don’t,” you respond, giggling. “But I pulled some strings. I was able to give your jet some new upgrades, got all of your computers up to date with the best, all of your FBI equipment such as vests, guns that are suited to each of you, such as a new SIG-Sauer P226R - of course fitted with a Streamlight attachment - for SSA Morgan, two Glock 19s of course for SSAs Prentiss and Jareau, along with Glock 26s for backups, a Springfield Custom for SSA Rossi and of course, a Smith & Wesson revolver for Dr. Reid. I’m aware that Agent Garcia isn’t a gun girl, but,” you giggled as you bent down and grabbed a small box, walking over. “This job is dangerous and you should be protected.”
Garcia gasps, staring down at the box. “Oh I love gifts, and it’s a pink box, can I open the pink bedazzled box?”
“Yes, please open the pink bedazzled box.” You giggled, Spencer inhaling deeply as Garcia opened the box. “My friend owns a company that makes sure people stay safe while being pretty.”
“It’s a taser!” She gasped, grabbing the bejeweled protection device. “Oh my gosh, and it has diamonds- are they real diamonds?!”
“They’re actually pink amethyst, someone… persuaded me from getting real diamonds, as they said amethyst fit you more,” you answer, eyes flickering over to Spencer who blushed slightly. “And I have to agree.”
“Oh I like her.” She says making everyone laugh, Hotch’s eyes flickering between you and Spencer.
“I think we should leave Reid and Y/N alone for a few minutes,” Hotch spoke, his lips firmly pressed together to hide a smile as you grab the boxes and start handing them out. “Thank you, Y/N. I really do appreciate the gift.”
“It’s nothing, really,” you giggled, watching as they slowly started walking out and Spencer slowly stepped forward. “And this is for you, Dr. Reid.”
“I uhm… thank you, Y/N,” he whispers as Derek was the last to leave, closing the door with a quick wink at the younger man. “Thank you, really.”
“I thought you would need a new one,” you whisper, slowly opening the box and pulling his hand to the grip and smiling. “I got it engraved for you.”
He smiled when he saw the longitude and latitude lines of where you both first met, fingers slowly trailing over the wood. “It’s beautiful,” he whispered, slowly setting it down to press a soft kiss to your lips. “You’re beautiful. Did you… did you mean to not tell me you were coming?”
“It was a surprise,” you whisper back, smiling before your phone starts to ring. “Oh, I’m so sorry honey, I need to go. I’ll see you tonight?”
“Y-Yeah, that sounds good,” he whispered, slowly putting down the case and humming. “Can I uhm… hold your hands?”
You giggle. “There’s no reason to ask me that anymore, Spencer. We’ve been dating for over a year now, you don’t have to ask.”
“But I like to.” He responded, slipping his hands into yours and pressing a firm kiss to your lips. “Except when it’s like that… I love to kiss you, sweetheart, I love you.”
“I love it when you kiss me, my darling,” you whisper back, your hands pushing into his hair as you pull him down. “I love you.”
“I… I love you too.” He finally whispers back, pressing another soft kiss to your lips. “I’ll see you tonight?”
“You will,” you respond, giggling. “I have to go cut the ribbon at the new restaurant. We can go eat there tomorrow?”
“Sure, that sounds good.” He squeezed your hands again, smiling. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Spence. I love you.” You pressed another kiss to his cheek, squeezing his hand. “I’ll see you tonight! Text me when you’re done with work, I’ll pick you up.”
“Sounds good.” He smiled as you pressed a quick kiss to his cheek and walked out, waving at everyone and saying a quick goodbye to the profilers who pretended they were doing something outside of the conference room. “So… you’ve met Y/N… what do you think?”
“About the fact you’re a sugar baby?” Derek grinned, crossing his arm as Penelope pressed the button on the side of the taser to turn it on, the tall man jumping. “Fuck, baby girl, you scared the shit out of me.”
“I didn’t know my chocolate thunder could get scared.” She giggled, getting it closer to his chest and pressing the button making Derek back up.
“Hey, that’s a weapon! Don’t play with those-” he yelped when she got closer, giggling. “Y/N never should’ve given you that!”
“I like it,” she says, smiling. “And her. We should go out for drinks.”
“Yeah, we should but uhm… Morgan, what do you mean by a uhm… ‘sugar baby’?”
“Oh my goodness, Spence has a sugar mommy! I want a sugar mommy, damn.” Emily mumbled, crossing her arms.
“What is that?”
“It’s basically when woman who is very financially well off gets a person who is most often younger and gives them expensive gifts or cash in return for companionship,” JJ explains, shrugging before everyone actually looked at Spencer, his head tucked low and his hair falling into his face as he stared down at the engraved revolver. “B-But uhm… maybe her love language is just gift giving, right guys?”
“Right!” Emily agreed, nodding. “Sh-She probably just… y’know, uhm… likes to give you gifts.”
Spencer wasn’t really paying attention to their attempts to salvage their words, his lips pursed. Was that all he was to you? A sugar baby? Were you just giving him this stuff in return for his companionship? You both had sex often, not that it was something Reid particularly gloated about, but it was definitely more than a regular couple, especially after you gave him a gift. You wouldn’t do that though, right?
All of the ‘I love you’s you both shared that weren’t able to be left unsaid after he said it first, the longing touches, the embraces after making love? What you both did wasn’t even sex, it was the literal form of how in love you both were. It wasn’t fake, right?
“Hey, Reid.” Derek stepped forward, waving a hand in front of his face. “It was just a joke, man. Don’t think too much about it, she seems really sweet, and super in love with you. Remember it’s just a joke, okay?”
Spencer nodded slightly, sending him a tight lipped smile toward him before raising his hand. “I uhm… is there anything else for me to do here? If not, I think I’m going to go home for the rest of the day.”
“N-No, I think we’ve got it, Spence,” JJ cleared her throat, inhaling deeply as Spencer nodded. “Are you okay?”
“Y-Yeah, I’m fine, just want to go home. See you tomorrow.” He smiled, offering a wave as they watched him go down the stairs and walk out.
“I think we might’ve ruined something.”
That night, Spencer didn’t go to your house like you wanted him to for your How to Train your Dragon movie marathon. You both were going to watch it exactly in order, series included besides the ones that came to the future, but it was just not something he wanted to do right now.
He wrapped himself in the blanket you had gotten him, the fabric one that reminded him of your home, where you had texture issues and only had a few choice fabrics allowed in your home. Being buried under the mountains of blankets was nice and safe, the only thing on his mind was all of your gifts that he had on display that he loved, collectors editions of his favorite books and such.
Was that all he was to you? What Morgan called him - a sugar baby that returned gifts with pleasure?
His thoughts blurred, a soft groan leaving his mouth as he squeezed his eyes shut – there were too many thoughts going through his head that he didn’t even hear the door open and close.
“Spence? Spencer, are you okay? Baby, what’s wrong?” Your hands pushed back his hair, a sharp inhale making your eyes meet his.
“Am I just a sugar baby to you?”
You paused, tilting your head. “You want to be my sugar baby?”
“What? No- what did you hear?” He asked, flinching as you pushed back the blanket and leaned forward to press a soft kiss to his nose.
“That you want to be my sugar baby? Why would you want that, I give you gifts because I like to…” you pause, shaking your head. “Do you uhm… want more gifts? I can do that.”
“What? No, no! I just uhm… Morgan said that you were my ‘sugar mommy’.”
“Well, that’s how it started out, remember?” You say, smiling as you stroked back his hair. “That contract you signed at the beginning?”
He paused, tilting his head slightly, nodding. “Yes, but I thought that… it was because of how your lifestyle was-” he was mumbling, going through his mind whenever he read through it, gasping. “I signed a sugar mommy contract.”
“That had to be renewed every six months,” you whisper, hands rubbing his thighs. “How many times have you signed that same contract, darling?”
“So are you my sugar baby or my boyfriend?”
“Are you going to stay my boyfriend?”
You smiled, stroking his face. “Did that make you uncomfortable? Thinking of yourself as a sugar baby?”
“What made me uncomfortable was the fact that we have sex a lot,” he mumbles, looking up to see your fall. “N-No, not like that, I love having sex with you, a lot, but it’s always after gifts and JJ said sugar babies give companionship in response to gifts so I-”
“Thought that I wanted sex in return for gifts?” You filled in, your hands continuing to rub his thighs making his stomach twist, sparks running up his spine. “I’m sorry I made you think that. Do you not want gifts anymore, I just-”
“No,” Spencer whispered, his cock already twitching as you stared up at him, eyes wide and looking so innocent - he just had to do something. “I want to have sex without giving gifts. Sex is my gift to you, would you like that?”
“N-Not if it makes you uncomfortable-”
“You think sex with you makes me uncomfortable?” He was already unzipping his pants, lifting himself up as he pushed off the blankets, his body way too hot now. “Sweetheart, I could never stop thinking about having sex with you.”
“Wh-What do you want me to do?” It was stupid, asking that whenever he was already pumping his cock in front of you, cum already dribbling from his tip down his shaft.
“You’ve always known how to use that pretty mouth, sweetheart, can you do it for me-?” He couldn’t even finish before you pulled his cock into your mouth, a loud groan falling from his mouth as your mouth enveloped his cock. One of your hands pumped his cock as the other cupped and squeezed his balls, your mouth bobbing on his shaft as you hollowed out your cheeks.
You could feel your eyes roll back as his cock pushed down the back of your throat, soft gags falling from your mouth as his hand held the back of your head, threading through your hair to guide you up and down his cock. Your mouth was hot and wet, covering his cock in your saliva as you continued to gag on his length, attempting to relax your throat as he pushed you down so your nose was against his pelvis.
His cock was always kept neat and groomed, a small bush of hair pressed against the tip of your nose, your tongue attempting to swirl around his length as you choked slightly, inhaling through your nose. He smelt like peppermint and sage, a special body wash that was expensive that was suited for his sensitive skin, the smell something you often connected to him.
You gasped as he pulled you off his cock, watching his length bob before he pushed back your hair, his hand settling on your cheek as his thumb pulled down your swollen, shiny lips. “Keep going.”
It wasn’t something up for discussion, nodding as you grabbed the rubber band around your wrist, pulling your hair back into a ponytail until he held your chin. “Come up here.”
You looked at him confused, starting to stand before he lifted you up, gasping as he walked with you toward his room, easily opening the door and setting you on the bed. He watched you bounce on his mattress as he stripped himself, your hands immediately moving to take off your own clothes before he pushed you onto your back, holding your hips as his mouth pressed firm kisses to your lips, his mouth hot as his tongue pushed into your mouth.
Your hands push back his hair, the slight stubble on his face rubbing against your own as he moves to pull you closer. It made your mind blur in confusion when he pulled away, eyes dark as he scanned your face, a grin finding its way to his lips. “Get on top of me.”
It made you confused before he laid onto his back, softly patting his mouth. “Right on here, sweetheart.”
You gulp, slowly crawling over his face before he hummed.
“Other way.”
“Y-Yes,” you whisper, slowly turning around on top of him as he bucked his hips up so his cock tapped against your mouth. “Fuck, Spence.”
“Language,” he gives your cunt a soft slap, a squelch making your eyes roll back as you slowly pull his cock into your mouth, the slight arch making it slide perfectly down your throat. His cock was longer than it was thick, but it still made you choke as you bobbed up and down on his cock, pushing out your tongue as you swirl it around his tip. “Fuck yes, baby, fuck.”
You groan around his length as his lips start to press firmly against your cunt, his nimble fingers pushing into your soaked cunt easily. It makes you groan loudly, eyes rolling back as you purposely pull off of his cock enough to spit on his tip, his hips bucking as you relax your jaw and bob your head, watching the globs of spit run down his shaft.
His fingers were already knuckle deep into you, pushing and pulling as he scissored his fingers inside of you, your hips rolling into his mouth as his cock twitched in your mouth. His fingers were getting rougher, open mouth sucking and licking with a bit more force as his loud groans were muffled by your cunt against his mouth.
He was always talented with his mouth, his tongue trailing over your folds as he pushed another finger into you, rolling his fingers knuckle by knuckle as you suckle on his tip, pulling away to hear that loud pop as you pump his cock, watching as more cum dribbles from his tip. It makes you smile, your tongue flattening against his tip as you continue to pump his cock, watching it twitch in your hand as you licked up his cum.
He smiled against your cunt, his hips bucking as you held back loud moans, broken whines leaving your lips as you flatten your tongue along his shaft from the base to the tip before opening your mouth wide when his tip flushed red and he let out a loud groan against your cunt. The vibrations make your hips rut against his face, his fingers pushing into a new place inside of you that makes your eyes roll back and your stomach tighten, mind blurring as you pull his cock into your mouth.
It didn’t take him very long to follow in cumming after you, hips bucking into your mouth and filling your mouth with cum as you sucked his tip as though to get every last drop out. Your mind was still slightly hazy as you languidly hump against his face, continuing to lick his cock as though it was a melting popsicle before he blew softly into your stretched cunt, a whine leaving your mouth as he lifted you up and laid you back.
“Sp-Spence, please, please I need you.”
“Need me? Does your slutty little hole need my cock?” He raised a brow as you whimpered, squirming underneath him.
“N-No, don’t be mean please, I need you.” You whisper, your hands holding his shoulders as he smiles, immediately registering the input of your subspace. “Please? Please, Spence?”
“You need me, baby? Is your mind all floaty and hazy, darling?” He teased you, his hand holding the shaft of his cock as he slid his head up and down your slit.
A loud whine fell from your lips, hips bucking. "No, no, don't do that! I'll be good, I promise!"
He laughs, shaking his head. “You’ll be good, baby? You’re always good, always good for me. You want me to fuck this slutty little hole and fill you with cum, don’t you?”
“N-No, not slutty, j-just please…” you mumbled, eyes rolling back as he pushed into you, watching his cock slowly disappearing inside of your cunt and feeling it inside of you, your walls clamping down on his shaft as he slowly pushed into you. Your eyes rolled back, stomach twisting and turning as he held your thighs, pulling your knees over his shoulder and leaning forward. “F-Fuck!”
It was a new angle, his balls slapping against your ass as he pulled your lips to his, one hand still on your knee while the other cupped your face. “Y-Yes darling, you’re doing so good, so so good.”
“Don’t stop, please don’t stop, you feel so good inside of me.” You whined, choking as he slammed into you, your mind blurring as your stomach tightens again, mouth opening wide as his fingers delicately trail your sensitive tummy that clenched as soon as they graze your skin. “C-Cumming, cumming!”
“Cum baby, cum.”
Your eyes roll back, a rough thrust making your eyes squeeze shut just as they rolled back, a broken moan leaving your mouth as he panted above you. “W-We’re not done, darling, not done yet.”
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omg, I love fulfilling requests ♡
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Bingo tag 𓆩[@ennycutie]𓆪   𓆩[@yoongiwife23]𓆪 𓆩[@urlocalbum12-blog]𓆪 𓆩[@theonetheonly-mee]𓆪
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© asterias-record-shop
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poetrylesbian · 9 months
my dealer: got some straight gas 🔥😛 this strain is called “teen wolf fanon” 😳 you’ll be zonked out of your gourd💯
me: yeah whatever. I don’t feel shit.
5 minutes later: dude, I think stiles is the pack mom. and derek has social skills.
my buddy TeenWolfFanficWriter98 pacing: deaton is lying to the pack
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differenteagletragedy · 6 months
mc boys being w a famous mc tho 😳 like being their normal ass husband getting taken to red carpet event. baxter even pales to their star power bc mc became a "household name". can we get some hcs? if you wanna ofc!
This was fun, thank you!!!
-- Baxter is LIVING for the opportunity to do red carpets with you. He needs to go shopping for more suits immediately, and if you don't have a stylist, just saying, he's right there.
Baxter: *texts you a photo of formalwear before a big event* How would you feel about something like this?
You: Don't you have a job?
-- Cove is showing up on that red carpet with half the buttons on his shirt undone. That's his style. Why? I don't know. Let him live.
-- Derek gets one nice suit to wear to events. That's his fancy suit, he only needs one, he doesn't want to be TOO fancy when you're the star of the show.
-- If you're at some awards show and you win, then Cove is too shy to give you a kiss but if you thank him in your speech then he will cry and the video will go viral because it's that sweet.
-- Derek is your hype man. The first time he goes to an event, he might stand up and scream like he's at a sports game whenever you perform/go on stage. That's just instinct.
-- Baxter will kiss you anywhere. If you win an award, he'll quickly make sure your outfit is in place properly before sending you off.
-- If you're a singer, Cove has all your albums. If you're an actress, he has everything you've ever been in. He is your biggest fan.
-- Derek is also your biggest fan. He wears your merch to the gym and if someone asks him about it, well, why don't they pull up a chair so he can brag for hours.
-- Baxter -- surprise! -- also your biggest fan. He may or may not have some alt accounts online so he can destroy anyone who says anything negative about you. If you're in the film industry, he's going to be editing your personal details on your imdb page.
-- He might be a little jerk about it but he'll change it back if you get genuinely upset.
-- You'll have to travel from time to time, either for music tours or press tours. Cove wants to come with you so bad and he might rearrange his life so he can.
-- Derek is going to be checking in on you constantly, making sure you're taking care of yourself. He'll come visit, especially if you tell him you miss him too much.
-- Baxter loves planning weddings, but he would also make a good business manager. I don't think he would, I'd think he'd stick with weddings, but he does have a business background and so he's going to be in your business.
-- If you have to kiss someone in a music video or in a movie or something, Cove isn't gonna love it. He's not going to say anything and it's not like he thinks there's anything behind it at all, he just doesn't like it. He'll even try not to pout because he doesn't want you to feel bad. It's ok, he can just call Cliff and complain about it.
-- Derek doesn't care, you're just working! Do your best, it's ok! Go team!
-- Baxter will tease you about it, but depending on how soon after your reunion it happens he'll be a little sad and insecure on the inside. He will never ever show it though.
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gb-patch · 2 years
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Baby Baxter 😳?! What *are* you doing there? 
Anyways, yeah, we added one scene with Step 3 Derek and content with Step 2 Baxter. We've got it all now, haha.
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