#Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate Translations
Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate Vol. 3 Chapter of the Last Quarter — Short Story Translation
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A short, sweet, and comedic tale about the Mukami brothers being supportive siblings… and nearly committing accidental fratricide in the process. Meanwhile, Yui watches with increasing concern as the disaster unfolds.
Please refrain from using or reposting the translation anywhere without my permission.
[Note: The story is written in Yui's POV.]
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"Uh...something's wrong..."
Kou-kun groaned as he stared down at the pot.
"Should I help after all?"
"Eve, you mustn't get involved...okay? Just quietly watch over us."
Even though he said that, an increasingly terrible smell was spreading throughout the kitchen. Despite being told not to interfere, I was starting to get a bit worried.
"Maybe it needs some sugar-chan!?"
Before I could stop him, Yuma-kun dumped several sugar cubes into the pot, filling the room with a foul stench. I felt a sense of despair.
The whole mess had started when Ruki-kun injured his hand.
"Ruki-kun always cooks for us, so let's all pitch in today!"
And so, Kou-kun's plan of making dinner ended up as disastrously as I had feared.
"...This is...?"
"Well... It's supposed to be curry..."
Kou-kun glanced at me as if pleading for help. When I looked at Yuma-kun and Azusa-kun, they averted their eyes. In short, something horrible had been created. Its color was... to put it nicely, pitch black. After tasting it, Yuma-kun commented nonsensically that it was "bittersweetsalty". Dubbed "Mukami Brothers' Style Curry" it had transformed into a mysterious substance resembling anything but curry. Just by looking at it, anyone would instantly recognize it as inedible.
Yet, Ruki-kun was peering at the plates lined up on the table with a happy look on his face.
"Maybe it's better if we don't eat this..."
In spite of Kou-kun's uneasiness, Ruki-kun scooped up the substance with a spoon and brought it to his mouth.
". . ."
"It's disgusting."
We all shared the same fear. That even though he's immortal, Ruki-kun might die from this.
Despite his words, Ruki-kun's expression suddenly relaxed. We stared at him in amazement.
"Ruki...! Damn it! Yer such a...!"
The three brothers, seemingly drained, collapsed to their knees on the spot. Ruki-kun simply watched them in silence as he continued to eat.
And then, afterwards—Ruki-kun was bedridden for three days and nights. Even though Vampires aren't supposed to get sick...
Seeing this, his brothers made a firm vow to themselves. They would never try to cook again.
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otomehonyaku · 7 days
a reader's guide to otomehonyaku ☽ translation masterpost & request guidelines (2024)
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This is a masterpost of all of the translations I have done so far, plus my writing, as well as my request guidelines for your reference!
If you have anything Diabolik Lovers-related you would like me to translate, feel free to reach out through my ask box! Please read the guidelines below before submitting a translation request.
Please do not reuse or post my translations elsewhere, in any form whatsoever, or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
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Visual novels
Mukami Ruki  
ONE ・ TWO ・ THREE ・ FOUR  ・ FIVE ・ SIX  All other chapters were translated by @kyouxa, please refer to her Chaos Lineage masterpost here!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Drama CDs
Mukami Ruki
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Books & short stories
CHAPTER 1 ・ CHAPTER 2 ・ CHAPTER 3 ・ Coming soon...
☽  DIABOLIK LOVERS: VANDEAD CARNIVAL ☽ Genteiban Special Booklet
☽  DIABOLIK LOVERS: LOST EDEN ☽ Stellaworth Tokuten Special Booklet
Short stories: AYATO (by @kyouxa) ・ LAITO (by @kyouxa) ・SHUU・ REIJI・ KANATO・ SUBARU・ RUKI ・ YUMA・ KOU・ AZUSA ・CARLA ・ SHIN ・ KINO
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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Translation request guidelines
I am open to translating any Diabolik Lovers-related materials, including (but not limited to) drama CDs, games, short stories, magazine articles, interviews, comics, (fan) artwork, and such. Any character is welcome!
When requesting a translation, please be aware of the following: ☽ Please provide the source materials which you would like to have translated. I do not have the financial means nor the time to personally buy all of the drama CDs or tokuten for all 13 characters, for example, so if you want something translated: please include a link to the source materials. These could be links to audio files on SoundCloud and BiliBili, or links to Tumblr posts with scans of short stories or interviews and the like. ☽ In all cases, it is your own responsibility to ensure that the source materials—particularly fan-made artwork and scans—have been acquired with full permission from the original poster. If the original poster has NOT given you permission to repost or reuse/translate the materials in question, I will NOT translate them. ☽ This probably goes without saying, but I do these translations for fun—I enjoy doing them, but I am also busy in my daily life. I will try my best to finish and post the translation as soon as possible after your request, but I give no guarantees on how long they will take. I do work relatively quickly given my current language skills in Japanese, but the time I can spend on translating fluctuates a lot per week. ☽ If you would like me to translate Japanese-language materials from other otome franchises or pop culture related things, please consult with me and I’ll see what I can do! ☽ DO NOT REPOST ANY OF MY TRANSLATIONS ELSEWHERE, IN ANY FORM WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING VIDEO), OR TRANSLATE MY WORK TO OTHER LANGUAGES WITHOUT MY PERMISSION.
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callmeklair · 7 months
Hearing Ruki crying, after seeing Yui's simple message "I miss you" in the dark fate ecstasy prologue after she submitted herself to Shin to protect the Mukamis', made me cry along too
His painful cries for Yui because he is oh so deeply in love with her. Yep, Yui made this unpredictable guy who always remains calm and has control over his emotions, cry and an emotional mess.
Reading the translations on the Tumblr already brought me into shambles but finally hearing it, yeah I'm totally broken now. totally.
I swear listening to all dark fate routes and seeing their voice being filled with emotions(compared to their emotionless voices in HDB) towards Yui is such a masterpiece 😭 that's development right there.
thanks to Robert Rogers on YouTube for translating all the routes. They are translating all the routes from HDB. You can go watch your fav characters' routes if you are curious about how your fav character showed emotions.
they upload every 2-3 days and not just one chapter, but three-four chapters together
tagging @afra-blueraz because I want you to cry too after hearing Ruki cry /joking
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Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate Masterpost [FULL ENGLISH TRANSLATION]
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[ プロローグ ・ PROLOGUE ]
[General] [Sakamaki ver.] [Mukami ver.] [Tsukinami ver.]
[ ボーナス ・ BONUS ]
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midnight-glasses · 1 year
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Carla: Shin, vá em frente, vasculhe a casa um pouco mais.
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Shin: Sim, sim, eu sei! Afinal, talvez alguns deles ainda possam estar por perto.
Acho que vou caçar quem restou.
Yui: (... Caçar!?)
Shin: Ah, certo. Você deveria vir comigo. Venha aqui, Yui.
Um deles pode sair e revelar sua posição quando sentir o cheiro do seu sangue.
Vamos lá!
Yui: Eh!
Shin: .... Hum... Eu acho que não tem ninguém aqui afinal, eles realmente não voltaram.
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Yui: (Ele me levou para a Mansão Sakamaki com ele, mas... o lugar está realmente vazio...)
(Quando cheguei aqui, nunca pensei que um dia me sentiria assim...)
Shin: Ei! Por que você parece tão calma? Esta casa não era uma fonte de pesadelos para você?
Yui: Não é isso...
Shin: Hum... Não é verdade, você diz?
Então, eu definitivamente tenho que pôr essas suas ideias abaixo, não se preocupe, eu não vou deixar pedra sobre pedra.
Yui: (Ah! A-a mansão está sendo demolida!)
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なんてことするの!— O que você está fazendo! (✖️)
Yui: Quê? O que você pensa que está fazendo?!
Shin: Oh, cale a boca já!
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もうやめて!— Pare com isso, imediatamente! (❤️)
Yui: Pare com isso, já!
Shin: ... Hehe, quando você diz isso, eu só quero destruí-lo ainda mais, sabe?
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Shin: Eu estou de mau humor. Então cale a boca e assista. Nem pense em tentar alguma gracinha.
Yui: (Aah, ele está destruindo tudo...)
Shin: Esses covardes, eu não acredito que eles fugiram para o mundo demoníaco!
Yui: (O mundo demoníaco)
(Oh! É verdade...)
(Se bem me lembro, há uma porta que leva ao mundo demoníaco localizada no porão desta mansão. Então, se eu puder chegar lá...)
Shin: Hehe. Nesse ritmo, eu acho que poderia muito bem destruir toda a mansão!
Yui: (... Esta é minha chance... Então, se eu correr agora, talvez possa...!)
(Tudo bem, tenho que me mover silenciosamente... Passo por passo... Para que ele não me perceba.)
Yui: Hum...
Yui: Arf, arf, arf...
(De alguma forma, cheguei aqui sem ser percebida pelo Shin...)
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(Tenho quase certeza de que a porta deve estar logo adiante. Devo estar quase lá...)
(Todos eles...)
(... No começo, eu tinha muito medo de todos deles...)
(E até agora, é aterrorizante ter meu sangue sugado. Mas mesmo assim...)
(Quando olho para trás agora, percebo que, pelo menos, não estava sozinha.)
(Mesmo que meu pai tenha ido embora... eu nunca estive sozinha.)
(Eu acho que há algo de errado comigo por ter me acostumado a viver com vampiros.)
( Mas, eu...)
(Talvez, em algum momento...)
Yui: Eh?!
(É aquela porta!)
Yui: É isso! Essa é a porta para o mundo demoníaco.
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(Graças a Deus... Agora devo estar segura... Deus! Eu estou chorando... Eu sinto uma espécie de alívio repentino...)
(Estou... Quase lá!)
Shin: ... Haha...
Yui: !!!
Shin: Eu ficaria muito chateado com você se te pegasse imediatamente, então deixei você correr livre por um tempo.
No entanto... Não me diga que... Você realmente achou que tinha me deixado para trás?
Yui: (Aaah... Eu...)
Shin: Parece que eu achei você. Que pena.
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Parece que eu vou ter que punir essa garotinha travessa!
Yui: A-Ai!
Shin: Ah... Por acaso, eu não te avisei?
Eu te avisei para não tentar nenhuma gracinha, mas parece que meu aviso foi inútil, porque estou de muito mau humor agora!
Yui: (Ah! A porta está desmoronando...)
Shin: Eu ainda não terminei, sabe? Pronto, aqui está!
Yui: Aaaaaah!
Shin: Hehe... Sinceramente, você fica melhor assim, caída no chão desse jeito, completamente miserável.
Que triste... Tenho certeza de que você percebe isso tanto quanto eu, mas, eu gostaria de deixar algo claro: você é realmente patética.
Ainda assim... Será que devo fazer você se sentir ainda mais miserável?
Yui: Ah! N-Não... Pare!
Shin: Continue protestando, esses gritos seus me excitam!
Huum... Haaah... Huum... Ugh...
Yui: (Aah... Eu estava tão perto... Quase consegui...)
Shin: Haah... Você é uma criatura tão lamentável, tendo seu sangue sugado nesse lugar como se fosse apenas um pedaço de lixo.
No entanto, veja bem, nós dois... Só estamos interessados em seu corpo depois que seu sangue for completamente purificado.
É por isso... que estou acelerando o processo... Huum... Haah...
Hehe! Ainda assim, eu fico pensando que tipo de expressão eles fariam se te vissem assim. Ah! que pensamento adorável!
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Enquanto estou aqui, pateticamente tendo meu sangue sugado, um pensamento passa pela minha cabeça.
Eu não posso escapar.
Eu já me senti assim muitas vezes antes.
E agora, mais uma vez, esse mesmo sentimento renasceu.
Eu me pergunto, quantas vezes eu tenho que passar por esse ciclo?
É minha própria culpa por ser tão impotente (無力)?
Ou talvez a existência deles seja simplesmente avassaladora (圧倒的) demais?
… Não, a resposta a essa pergunta não importa mais.
Não importa o que isso seja, não importa o que seja correto.
Eu ainda estaria... à mercê deles.
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Welcome to Blood Bound Chronicles.
Otherwise known as the Diabolik Lovers Chronicles
A blog dedicated towards everything Diabolik Lovers. Ranging from world-building, the large and comprehensive lore, canon facts, routes translated (all games,) and more.
Anything and everything canon.
I'm Iris, you may know me from my ao3 (cryingstars13) or tumblrs (cryingstars13 & fangsforiris).
Antis DNI, let's all be respectful, and enjoy!!
I'm happy to answer any asks, and I hope this will help any ff writers, fanatics, or those simply passing by.
THOSE WHO WANT TO SUBMIT ANYTHING FOR CANON FACTS/LORE/TO HELP— DM me (proper credits will be given, and we can talk about it!!)
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Chapter 1:
Introduction to Diabolik Lovers
A Guide To Playing Each Game
Chapter 2:
Haunted Dark Bridal (HDB)
Chapter 3:
More, Blood (MB)
Chapter 4:
Vandead Carnival (VC)
Chapter 5:
Dark Fate (DF)
Chapter 6:
Lunatic Parade (LP)
Chapter 7:
Lost Eden (LE)
Chapter 8:
Chaos Lineage (CL)
Chapter 9:
Character Master-List
Chapter 10:
World Building Master-List
Chapter 11:
What is the Adam and Eve Plan/Project?
Relationship Chart Explained
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OPEN~ <33
Updated: May 12, 2024
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chestnut-trotter · 26 days
Diabolik Lovers PSVita Emulation
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This is a tutorial on how to emulate and play on your own the following Diabolik Lovers titles:
Diabolik Lovers Haunted Dark Bridal - Limited V Edition (with fan-translated english patch)
Diabolik Lovers More Blood - Limited V Edition (with fan-translated english patch)
Diabolik Lovers Vandead Carnival
Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate
Diabolik Lovers Lunatic Parade
Diabolik Lovers Lost Eden
Before we start, the first thing you'll need is something to emulate these games on. If you have one already, great!! For those who don't, I reccomend you use Vita3k. Download it here: https://vita3k.org
Unzip the vita3k folder you just downloaded (If you don't have a program to do this, I reccommend WinRAR. [just download it, no need to buy it] But I'm sure any will do)
Open the Vita3k.exe file to install it
Follow the installation instructions
When prompted to install firmware and font files please do so, don't skip by pressing next. You can find them here: firmware and font.
Select the install button for each, and then select said files from your downloads when prompted.
Click next when you have installed both. On the next page, click next again after selecting settings and preferences.
Now close Vita3k down and reopen it again.
You are ready to install some Dialover games XD
(if you run into any issues just DM me via either tumblr or discord)
NoPayStation has the PKG for all the above games.
Select the game you wish to download (click the name, it should open a pop-up window)
Then download the PKG file
Keep this pop-up window open, you'll need it for later.
Once done, in Vita3k, click file > install .pkg. Then select it what you just downloaded.
It will ask to verfiy the PKG, so you can select either work.bin OR zRIF.
If you chose work.bin: download the work.bin file from the game's pop-up in NoPayStation. then select it when prompted in Vita3k.
If you chose zRIF: copy the zRIF key from the popup window from before. (make sure you select the whole thing, it's quite long). Paste the key where prompted to in Vita3k.
The game should now install (if it hovers around 60-70% for a while don't stress)
Now, if you're installing either HDB or MB, keep reading, otherwise, you should be good to play the game :)
Here are the english patch links for both games: HDB english patch link MB english patch link
Inside Vita3k, right-click on the game you just installed, press Open folder > Application > data. Now replace the GAME.cpk with the one you just downloaded. (it has the english translation in it)
Close Vita3k again, then reopen it.
You are now ready to play Diabolik Lovers
Gatekeepers of the english fan-translation patch be damned. If Daisuke Iwasaki won't release an offical english version of Diabolik Lovers (and a Chinese one instead apparently 😭) then I'm emulating his damn game. I've bought a bunch of offical merch anyway, not like I haven't supported the company lol.
Happy gaming my fellow vampire enthusiasts :3
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nocturneworld6 · 8 months
How do you define the relationship between Ayato and Yui? Personally, I find it very hard to tell if these two are falling in love or have an obsession with each other. How can I say?! In the first game, things felt more like a sick rush game to me, while in the second, it's obsessive mania on both sides. I've always been curious about this by the way, but I haven't noticed people mentioning anything about it until now, so I'm wondering if I'm the only one who notices it. Ayato in HDB strikes me as a much different character than MB. I do not know how to explain it? In HDB he reminds me more of a sadistic bad boy, while in MB he's like a bloodthirsty maniac who can't figure out what he's feeling until the end.
I'm not a die-hard Diabolik lovers fan so I'm not that into things, but I find the series interesting and enjoy every single one of your stories. I also have you to thank because I discovered DL through a story of yours years ago, namely Infernum ;-)
Aww, such kind words! I have to admit, every single one of you that comments their love for DL and Infernum wins my heart. It's another joy to receive such messages. Although I'm sorry I introduced you to this fandom, I know it can be a little kookie at times. :)
I used to be way more invested in the fandom back in my late teens, so most of my knowledge comes from games prior to lost eden. I remember the game was set to be launched in September 2017 I think. So just weeks before my college started, I started to hold my breath for any news of the game or fan translations, and almost lost hope for the anime adaptation. It's been almost 10+ years, and the anime isn't coming out.
You're right, as you would have noticed in my notes in Infernum, I specifically state that the fic was developed with HDB in mind. It was specifically because I found Ayato in More Blood and Dark Fate too alienated from the first installment. He was almost ruthless in the first game, he routinely left Yui to bleed and die, he almost had no regard for her life until very late in his route.
Even then I think it was more of an obsession than love. Yui was almost dragged along with his all consuming fascination with her blood, and, well, can you blame her? She's a 17 year old, left in a foreign country all alone while her father left her to go for work, and she's stuck with these sadistic vampires. Most of the S choices lead to her being killed or becoming insane. So she had to put her head down and heed every demand the boys asked of her. It's easy to confuse obsession with love at that tender age. How she didn't break even after such intense trauma is beyond me.
I think she mostly avoids facing the question altogether, because she doesn't know what love is yet. She grew up without a mother, was probably a straightforward student that focused on her classes (since we don't see her interact much with her peers in school unless it's absolutely necessary) and has little experience regarding romance. So she picks the closest feeling she can to passion: fear, as her comfort.
I remember the scene in HDB where Ayato sleeps with her for the first time, and in the following scene, she didn't treat it as anything out of the ordinary. Almost as if it was a normal occurrence, prompting me to believe that she had been subdued by the vampires since long, and she just found it futile to fight back. It's extremely evident in Ayato's routes, since he's almost encouraging her to fight back, he enjoys the thrill of the chase. And like this constant back and forth between being submissive and taking charge, she must have broken up a little bit, and developed a flawed idea of love.
Especially in the brute endings, I remember while researching for Infernum I read a brute ending where Yui straight up KILLS AYATO for drinking someone else's blood?? She's almost as crazed and obsessed as Ayato is, and it's almost scary. She keeps his incapacitated body and tells him that he'll be her's forever... Chills. God. She's so scary at times. So I have no doubt, it's a sick obsession in both parts. Ayato desires her for her blood, and Yui desires his attention. It's equally ill.
A large part of Ayato's character comes from his inability to take decisions. Whether to save Yui or leave her to die, whether to hate her or love her, he's always so indecisive, it almost feels like he has to get over this fault to truly love her, but even I believe he can never truly love her. And I'm an AYAYUI shipper.
Vampires don't love in the fashion humans do, their ultimate expression of love is murder for god's sake. Even if he does love her, it'll remain crammed on top of his possessiveness for Yui and her flesh.
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xjulixred45x · 1 year
Yui x Itadori AU!Crossover JJK/DL/¿Gojou or Sukuna?
This is the translation of a question from my inbox, which just talks about the AU Crossover of JUJUTSU KAISEN and Diabolik Lovers, with Yui being saved and having a cute romance with the JJK main character, Itadori :3, right?
I definitely like to think of this Au where Yui's partner is defined by the reader (although my personal favorite is Itadori) so the potential to write about Gojo with an older Yui is a tantalizing prospect (and realistic considering how the clan Gojo acts).
Gojo may or may not have been the one who saved Yui from the vampires in the first place, so from the beginning Yui would hold him in high esteem, not only for saving her but because she would quickly realize how strong he is and be inspired in a certain way. especially after realizing that even though Gojo comes from a strong clan, he's only human, he can die like her and still can with the monsters that terrorized her for years. That helps not to put him on a pedestal but in turn want to learn from him.
We all know that Gojo is not very fond of weak people, but I imagine that he interacts a lot with Yui in order to ensure that no one tries to kidnap her again, which leads to them getting to know each other better and understanding the context of what happened with the diaboys. , which leads to him respecting Yui more and not seeing her as someone "weak" but rather as a victim who did what was necessary to survive.
I imagine Gojo is very supportive of Yui getting over her trauma with the Diaboys, either by trying to warm her up by using her Normally loud and fun personality, but if that doesn't work, I think she could open up to her a bit to Let him see that he understands what it's like to go through something traumatic (this would be the most likely).
Yui has had birthdays in several Games, so I think she's definitely over 18 at the end of Lost Eden, so in Gojo's case, there wouldn't be much of a problem with the age difference. But even so, there is a different maturity difference and in personality, don't even talk about it, but it is partly a strong point.
Does anyone remember that SHIN dialogue in Dark fate?
"you told me this one day
"I am aware of how weak I am"
You're wrong.
You are not weak.
Aren't you stronger than anyone?
That's why I let your presence surround me, and I open myself to you"
It gives me a vibe that it would be something that Satoru would say to Yui, CHANGE MY MIND.
Besides, the dynamic with the boys would be hilarious, they wouldn't even believe that someone as adorable and good as Yui would be with someone like their sensei. I already mentioned it in the original post, but Yui is a mommy friend, so I wouldn't be surprised if Nobara, Meugmi, and Itadori see her as such, and totally ignore Satoru when he wants to be seen as a dad.
Taking a bit from gaming canon, Yui knows how to cook, I'm talking about soups, big plates for the Sakamakis (6 people) and most importantly BAKED GOODS DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW DIFFICULT IT IS TO MAKE BAKED GOODS?? Apart from that they are delicious! Satoru becomes Yui's number one taster and brings her whatever she needs to cook to her liking, he helps from time to time so that it isn't so heavy, but you have to be careful that it doesn't end up in a flour fight.
GojoxYui is definitely something fun to imagine with the perfect amount of fluff and angst, the complete package.
NOW, with Sukuna I have mixed feelings, I really like the "bad REALLY BAD x pure person" trope, other than (in my perspective) Sukuna wouldn't want to kill Yui because of how useful she would be, which is already a good start, BUUUUUUT, I honestly can't imagine this relationship being healthy, don't get me wrong, I like it, but it would be hard to get anything out of Fluff without a Yandere background or something.
As I said in the original post, Sukuna at first would see Yui more as a trophy than as a person, but he wouldn't kill her for how valuable she is, both Sorcerers and Curses would want her, but only HE could have her because he is THE KING of curses. Now, I don't think Sukuna wanted to use Yui to get stronger because of Ego, he thinks he's invincible and for the most part he is. Does anyone assume that he needs a human to be powerful? Instant death.
I think I would only develop a greater interest in Yui if she makes the first move, I mean, Yui has already been around disturbed people (and even interacting with KarlHeinz before) so she wouldn't be as scared as the average person would be, since seen death before, unless Sukuna did something really barbaric in front of her or I tried to kill her(VERY unlikely). That probably catches Sukuna's attention and he wants to know more about her (like the interest she has for Megumi with a plus of constant interaction).
I talked about this a bit with my sister and maybe Yui will be able to get (probably not on purpose) into Sukuna's innate domain when she sleeps (like when she dreamed of Eden in More Blood) and thus interact more with him. I imagine Yui very curious about what Sukuna was doing before being sealed, which would 1. Raise the ego of this mf and 2. The esteem towards Yui increases.
When I say this would be a bit difficult without putting on the Yandere vibes, I really mean it, for a deeper friendship/crush point, Sukuna most likely won't hesitate to kill what he sees as a potential problem for Yui, the bishops who sent her with the sakamakis? Dead Karlheinz? Dead, the Sakamaki? Oh how he would enjoy this, after knowing everything they did to Yui he would be merciful with their deaths and be proud of his work. He may or may not resort to some manipulation to get Yui to turn to the dark side to his side and never be the victim again, he makes sure of that.
If we talk about an AU where Sukuna has his own body or his true form, let's be honest, Yui wouldn't do anything against him as long as she survived, it worked for her before and it will work for him now. After all, she knows that pleasing someone with a sky-high ego is a good way to survive (ask the Diaboys) and Sukuna would be HAPPY about this, not only because it strokes his ego, but because Yui willingly stays by his side as as long as he fulfills certain conditions (leaving Seiji alive, for example, and yes, one day I will talk about him).
Already established, I would say that it would be a dynamic where although Yui does not participate in Sukuna's bad deeds, she does nothing to avoid it either, she accepts his nature and instead lives better compared to other humans. It's his little lamb, adorable and naive, but untouchable. Something too precious to harm, but not just for her blood.
It's like a new version of the White Rose for curses, the White Rose of the King of Curses. Surprisingly protective of Yui, having the context of what happened to her, he is wary of everyone except maybe Uraume, at least Yui has someone else to interact with.
The YuixSukuna is definitely something, he has the old DL undertones, a bit of a dark relationship, with Yandere undertones, but he is surprisingly comforting and ironically much more loving than all the diaboys.
If there was a love triangle between the three of them, I don't think, I'm not good at doing something like that per se, but I would definitely like to see it with someone who knows how to do that kind of thing. stage, but I'll see what the future holds.
Some other day I'll talk more about this AU and its bases, but for now I hope you enjoy it :3
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aquariaries · 2 years
Laito Sakamaki LOST EDEN Dark Prologue
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Translator's note:
Hello! This is my first time ever translating a game from Japanese to English, none the less a Diabolik Lovers game, but I hope to provide you all that read coherent and understandable translations! My native and only fluent language is English, but I have been learning Japanese for over 13 years now and have tons of experience using the language both online and in person. My Japanese is NOT perfect, so don't expect native speaker level translations. I will make mistakes, and I encourage those who catch them to call them out so I may improve! I have decided to translate all of Laito's Lost Eden route (besides the three endings and heaven scenarios as those are translated by other users/blogs) as I could not find any of the Dark through Ecstasy parts of his route translated into English. Feel free to use this as a base for translating into other languages, just please tag and credit me if you do!
Without further ado, the translation resides below the cut! I hope you all enjoy!~ (๑•ᴗ•๑)
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Yui's Monologue:
The one who inherited the great power was none other than Laito-kun.
On that day, at Karlheinz-san's castle, Eden.
Without warning, Laito-kun had inherited the power.
Why was it necessary to hand over the power to Laito-kun ... ...
I still cannot gauge Karlheinz-san's true intentions.
But in any case, the reality is that it has been handed over.
At that time -- , when Karlheinz-san disappeared into the distance between the hours at the end of handing over his power ((I had some difficulty translating this sentence)) the words that Laito-kun groaned still haunt my ears.
*Flashback to Dark Fate*
Place: Eden - Room of Time
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Laito: Ngh ... ... Why ... ... Just why!?
Why ... ... kgh ... ... !
-- Why, was it me?
... ... Tell me ... ... ?
Yui: (... ... Laito-kun ... ...)
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Yui's Monologue:
I was in no position to speak up. The only thing I can do is hold my breath and be by his side.
-- Only that.
Laito-kun was stunned and looked up at the sky, without even smelling* ((couldn't make that word out, 臭)) the conflict in his heart, he just silently fell to his knees.
Place: Sakamaki Living Room
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Yui: (I wonder if Karlheinz-san would have said something to Laito-kun ... ...)
(Without saying a thing, he just handed over the power and disappeared ... ...)
(Karlheinz-san ... ... I don't think you didn't know anything about Laito-kun's anguish until just now.)
(If that's the case ... ... That's just too cruel ... ... I feel sorry for Laito-kun.)
(Even though, Laito-kun hated Karlheinz-san terribly ... ...)
(Moreover, he would never have thought that he would inherit the power ... ...)
(Even as Laito-kun, how should he accept it ... ... It's only natural that he's troubled.)
(Actually ... ... Like this --)
Laito: Bitch-chan~ ♪
*Rustling noise*
Yui: Ah!?
Laito: What happened? You're spacing out. Are you thinking about something? How lewd~
Yui: Lewd!? Wh-why did you come to that conclusion?
Laito: Well, it's been decided that you're thinking about naughty things, right? Nfu~
Yui: Wha- ... ... I'm not thinking those kinds of things at all!
Laito: The fact that you're desperately trying to deny it is making you more and more suspicious you know.
Speaking of which, just what were you thinking of ... ... Tell it to me?
Yui: Th ... .. That's --
(Even if he says that ... ... If I honestly tell him, he'll just be hurt ... ... However, it would be like adding salt to his wounds ... ...)
Laito: Bitch-chaaan~?
Yui: That's ... ... I just thought about how I'm scared. Because that's only natural, isn't it? A stranger might be coming in and out of the house after all ... ...
Laito: Scared, huh ... ...
Yui: Aren't you scared Laito-kun?
Laito: Hmmmm ... ... It's not that I'm scared? But rather, it doesn't matter to me.
To be honest, I'm not too scared or surprised by what happened.
It's boring to be frightened and nervous about such things. Can't we just enjoy our days? Nfu~
Reiji: You're far too optimistic ... ... Now that the demon world is in chaos, no matter how much the human world is --
Subaru: Demons of other races may be after you ya know!?
Laito: -- I don't mind, if they want to come that's fine by me.
Like I said earlier, I don't care what happens.
Reiji: ... ...
Subaru: You bastard ... ... !
Laito: If you two are so worried, why don't you do something about it then?
It has nothing to do with me, so go ahead and do as you please?
I won't stop you.
Reiji: ... ... Is that so.
Subaru: ... ... Tch.
Yui: ... ...
(Laito-kun ... ... It's like he's even more irresponsible than before ... ...)
(He does anything as long as it's fun, and doesn't think about the small or difficult things ... ... No, he doesn't even TRY to think about them.)
(He still can't seem to accept it ... ... His powers, that is ... ...)
(That's why he's thinking about running away and giving up ... ...)
Kanato: Well, I wouldn't worry about it for now.
If Laito isn't worried, then I'm fine with that.
Ayato: -- Right. Then, I have some business to take care of so, I'm off.
Shu: *yawn* ... ... I'm sleepy.
*He walks off*
Laito: Welp. That's how it is~
*He walks off as well*
Subaru: Geez, that guy and the next ... ... ! I don't know what happened! ((Had trouble translating that last line, could be along the lines of "I don't care what happens anymore"))
Reiji: ... ... ... ...
Yui: ... ... ... ...
(I wonder if everyone also understands that ... ... It feels as if they're not even daring to interfere ... ...)
(I'd like to say it's the same as usual however ... ... It feels as if I'm touching on a sensitive topic.)
(I know that talking about the power hurts Laito-kun ... ...)
(Ahh, but it's the same for me ... ... *sigh* ... ...)
(It's difficult ... ... What should I do?)
(What should I do, to make the usual Laito-kun ... ... No, in a way, is the current Laito-kun the usual one?)
(He put a door on his heart and didn't show his true feelings to people ... ... Just like that time ... ...)
(It's kind of sad. I felt like I finally got a little closer to Laito-kun's true feelings.)
( -- Once again, I've taken another step backwards.)
Place: Yui's Bedroom
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Yui: *Sigh* ... ...
(I've been thinking about it all the time lately, and it's kind of depressing. )
(But, Laito-kun must be in much more pain than I am.)
Laito: Bitch-chan ... ... ♪
Yui: Ah!? Y-You surprised me ... ...
Laito: Nfu. I was sure you were probably still looking uneasy, looks like I was right.
Yui: Eh? Is, is that so ... .. Is it showing on my face?
Laito: It is, it is. Clearly, you know?
You know you can't hide anything from me? I know everything about you after all ... .. Nfu.
Yui: ... ... Everything ... ...
Laito: ... ... Hm? Is something wrong?
Yui: No, it's nothing ... ...
(Laito-kun knows everything about me, yet I don't know anything about Laito-kun at all.)
(I just thought that was a little sad ... ...)
(I'm always so lighthearted, but even now it seems like I'm worried.)
Laito: Hmmmm. This seems to be serious.
Yui: Eh? Ah ... ... S-sorry.
Laito: If you're that worried about the intruder, let's do this.
How about we catch the intruder together?
Yui: Eh?
Laito: If we do that, then you won't make that face anymore, right?
Yui: Th-that's ... ...
Laito: Alright! It's been decided, time to set out and search the mansion~!
Yui: Eh!? Wai ... ... Wait a second!
Laito: What is it?
Yui: That's ... ... Um ... ... I was thinking that perhaps we shouldn't do anything to provoke the intruder ... ...
Laito: Ehh-
Yui: We don't know who they are or what their aim is after all ... ...
Laito: If that's the case, isn't it even better to find them as quickly as we can?
Yui: But ... ...
Laito: Nfufufu~ ... ...
Yui: Wh-what?
Laito: You're scared aren't you? That's why you're complaining so much.
Yui: That's --
Laito: That's why, I have to go!
Yui: Why is that!?
Laito: Listen up? Bitch-chan. For humans, fear is what leads to the greatest pleasure.
Think of life threatening life and death situations.
Your heart would be pounding, right? That pounding is similar to the pounding of ecstasy. Nfu~
-- And with that said ... ... Off we go~ ♪
Yui: (I'm just worried about what's going on with Laito-kun ... ... It's not even that I'm all that scared ... ...)
(But rather, I'm worried that Laito-kun will break down someday after he's been doing so well ... ...)
Place: Sakamaki Game Room
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Laito: Hmmm. Doesn't look like they're here either ... ...
Yui: Let's stop now. It's okay to scare me if that's what you want ... ...
Laito: *Sigh* ... ...
Yui: Laito-kun?
Laito: Y'know, I really don't like it.
Yui: Eh ... ... ?
Laito: That attitude of yours. Do you think you'll be saved even if something attacks?
Yui: That's not what I meant ... ...
Laito: Let me tell you then, even if you were attacked or raped, I still won't interfere y'know?
Yui: What ... ... !?
Laito: If you know me, don't you think so as well?
You can't imitate such a delicious situation by yourself right? Mmhahaha ... ...
You're attacked by a guy that you don't even know ... ... And I'll be sitting back watching helplessly.
Just thinking about it ... ... Haaa, it looks like it'd work out somehow ... ...
Yui: ... ...
Laito: At the very least, be prepared to be attacked by someone.
*He walks off*
Yui: (... ... , I have to be careful.)
Place: Sakamaki Dungeon
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Yui: Alright, let's go back over to this side then ... ... ? I haven't really been looking for this much, so I wonder if I ran away* ((*Had trouble translating this line >_<))
Laito: Is that so ... ...
Yui: That's right ... ..
Laito: Hmmmm. Ah, I know! Maybe I shouldn't be here with you!
Yui: Eh?
Laito: That's surely it! If I leave you all alone, they'll be drawn out to you won't they?
Yui: I don't think so though? 'Cus it isn't even decided that the intruder's goal is me in the first place ... ...
Laito: You think so? I have a feeling that the only reason someone would come and go from this mansion is for you?
Yui: Th-, that's not true. Even now, Laito-kun is --
(-- , It was better not to say too much bout the power.)
Laito: I'm what?
Yui: ... ...
Laito: Hey, Bitch-chan seems to think that I may be the intruder's target ... ... Why is that?
Yui: (Ah ... ... Is he ... ... Asking me this on purpose ... ... ?)
... ... That's ... ... Well ... ...
Laito: ... ...
Yui: I know that Laito-kun ... ... Isn't accepting of it. But ... ... To the current Laito-kun --
Laito: Shut up.
Yui: Ah ... ... !
*He locks Yui in the cell*
Yui: Eh!? Wa, wait, Laito-kun!?
Open up!!
*Cell bars clang*
Laito: -- Uncute children have to be punished plenty y'know.
Yui: Laito-kun!?
Laito: Nfu~
Yui: L-Laito-kun!! Open up!
Laito: What ever should I do~?
Yui: Please!
Laito: Hmmm. Don't say it like that. You have to say it more glamorously. Take off your clothes.
If you do, perhaps I'll open it for you.
Yui: Wha! Th-there's no way I can do that!?
Laito: Is that so? That's a shame. I won't open it then.
*He turns off the lights*
Yui: Ah!?
Laito: Well then, enjoy your punishment okay? Bitch-chaan~
*He walks away*
Yui: (He left ... ... *sigh* ... ... Doing something like this, you're terrible Laito-kun ... ...)
(I wonder why Laito-kun wants ... ... Me and everyone else ... ...)
(I'm supposed to be the closest to him, but it feels like I'm so far away ... ...)
(I can't see Laito-kun's feelings, it's so lonely.)
*Footsteps approaching*
Yui: ... ... Hm?
(Did Laito-kun come back? But, it's far too early for that ... ..)
(I thought he wouldn't return for the time being.)
(Could it be, the intruder?)
... ...
(What should I do ... ... !?)
*Lights turn on*
Yui: !!
???: Chichinashi!? What are you doing here?
Yui: Eh? A-Ayato-kun ... ... !?
Ayato: So it's you, I thought I smelled a human ... ... Geez, I'm not surprised.
I mean, what are you doing in a place like this? Playing hide and seek?
Yui: It's not like that ... ...
Ayato: Ahh -- ... ... Well then, did you get thrown in by Laito?
Yui: Ah ... ... Actually, yeah.
Ayato: Well, I can only think so since he'd do this kind of thing.
*Rattling sound*
Ayato: Here. I unlocked it.
*Cell door unlocks and opens*
Yui: Thank you ... ...
Ayato: Geez, the hell is that pervert thinking? After all, he still had the old man's *force right?
((* The word used here was 件根 which means "root of the matter" but I was unsure how to translate this to make sense in English.))
Yui: ... ... I think that's probably the case. Because he was forcibly pushing his power without knowing it.
Ayato: Even so, **** would be bad. He can't help what he has inherited. ((* The word in this spot was "オウジョーギワ" but I could not for the LIFE of me figure out what this means TT_TT))
-- Well, it can't be helped that he can't help but think of that guy ... ...
He must have thought that among all of the brothers, he was the furthest from the position of successor.
Yui: Right ... ...
(After all, Ayato-kun also has some things he's been thinking about. )
Besides that, where have you been? I was surprised to see Ayato-kun in a place like this.
Ayato: Ahh ... .. That's, 'cus it's a little closer to the castle.
Yui: The demon world castle?
Ayato: I heard from my familiar that the demon world is in a disturbing state. I'm going to check it out a little.
Yui: Ayato-kun is?
Ayato: What is it? Is it really that strange that I want to check on the situation?
Yui: N-no. It's nothing like that.
Ayato: ... ... It's because he hasn't done anything.
Yui: Eh?
Ayato: That's why I'm going to go instead of Laito. In the first place. isn't that what the owner should be doing?
At least, I'm his older brother.
Yui: I see ... ...
Ayato: Looking like this, I'm unexpectedly sorry.
Yui: Eh? You're unexpectedly sorry you say?
Ayato: ... ... I let him take over the trouble again.
Yui: Ayato-kun ... ...
Ayato: I think that even Kanato feels a little like that as well.
Yui: Yeah ... ... I agree. I'm sure he does.
(About the past ... ... It seems to be weighing on everyone's minds still.)
(Of course that's right. It's decided that such things can't be wiped out so easily.)
(Even if they are not the direct victims, Ayato-kun and Kanato-kun are also involved in this all.)
Ayato: I wonder why the old man chose that guy over everyone else ... ... Is it because of harassment?
It's only natural that Laito can't accept it.
The reason why that old hag did this to Laito was originally because of the old bastard.
Now that I know that ... ... The power of the old bastard won't be recognized no matter what.
Yui: Yeah, that's right ... ...
Ayato: It looks like you're getting caught up in it too. Really, it's a nuisance.
But even if you run away, nothing will --
???: Aaaaaaahhhhh !!!!
*Footsteps running towards them*
Yui: ... ... !?
Ayato: Hnm? It's ... ... It's just you. Don't startle me like that!!
Laito: Hold on, why is Ayato-kun here!?
Bitch-chan was in the middle of being punished by being left alone and scared! Now it's lost all meaning!
Ayato: Haa ... ... Geez, you're really ... ... Doing something so stupid at a time like this!
Someone who we don't know has infiltrated the mansion and we still don't even know where they are!? Don't you understand that?
Laito: Nfu. Oh no, Ayato-kun. Why have you suddenly gone all serious?
Us brothers have to be silly, make fun out of it, and get through it just because it's a time like this, right?
-- Ayato-kun should be good at pretending not to notice. What happened all of a sudden?
Yui: Laito-kun ... ... ! That way of saying it is ... ...
Ayato: Kgh ... ... You bastard ... ...
*Ayato grabs Laito*
I pretended not to see it, and it made me sick ... ... I can't miss it this time!
Laito: Ugh ... ... Ngh ... ...
Ayato: You don't understand, do you? If we leave things as they are, what will become of the vampires?
You and I might be fine but --
*Laito pushes Ayato away*
Laito: Why?
Ayato: ... ... Ah!?
Laito: Why are you telling me.
Ayato: That's --
Yui: (Oh no, he isn't listening ... ...)
That's because ... ... Laito-kun has more power than anyone else.
You're Karlheinz-san's heir ... ... And the head of the Sakamaki family.
Ayato: Chichinashi ... ... !
Yui: You may want to deny it but ... ...
Laito: -- Ahh, that's enough. I understand.
Yui: ... ... Laito-kun!?
Laito: Just because I have power, doesn't mean I have responsibility. That's a selfish push on your part.
I've said it before right? No matter what happens to the demon world, no matter what happens to the vampires ... ...
No matter what happens to me, I really don't care.
*Laito walks away*
Yui: Laito-kun ... ... !
*Ayato grabs Yui*
Ayato: Hey, stop it.
Yui: But ... ...
Ayato: He's so angry right now that he can't handle it. You know that too, don't you?
Yui: ... ... Yeah ... ...
Ayato: Well, I'm sure he'll return back to normal in no time. Try not to worry too much.
Yui: Yeah. Thanks ... ...
(Ahh, I really went and said too much ... ...)
(I feel like Laito-kun is starting to get farther and farther away ... ...)
(And it's probably all my fault ... ...)
Place: Sakamaki Balcony
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Place: Sakamaki Balcony
Laito: *Sigh* ... ...
Ahh, geez ... ... Everything and anything ... ... It would be great if it all broke ... ...
That's right, the me I am now can do just that.
Should I start breaking everything now?
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diagirlsrua · 1 year
GIN NO BARA (ENG) [Reiji Sakamaki]
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Character: Sakamaki Reiji
CD: DIABOLIK LOVERS Sadistic Song Vol.5 REIJI SAKAMAKI Seiyuu: Katsuyuki Konishi Mai : Gin no Bara is a great Diabolik Lovers classic, without a doubt. However, my favourite version is the one by Reiji, probably with Subaru, Kanato. What's more, this translation was my very first in 2016, so I haven't touched anything up. Link to the song: here.
kurutta SAIRENSU ni hisonda kuro no KUREIDORU kashin ni yurete "moshi, owari ga aru nara, oshiete hoshii" muku na hitomi ni kotaeru imi wa naku
Hidden in the peaceful, disturbing silence, a cradle rocking with too much confidence "If this is the end… I want you to tell me" is the meaningless answer in your pure eyes.
sotto sabitsuita gin no bara nigiritsubusu no sa hidoi itami o wasurereba to, nomikurasedo omoi wa todokazu yami wa, rinne---……
Like gently breaking the tarnished silver rose If we could forget the cruel pain of fate, I could bleed you without caring how lethal it is This darkness… Is an endless cycle~
shizuka ni nemuru, anata no kubi ni nokotta akashi afureta NAMIDA no saki ni aru no ga towa no jubaku da toshite mo ima, kono itooshisa to, setsunasa o mune ni futari nemure
Sleeping quietly, those scars on your neck… To the point where even tears were an eternal curse Now this precious pain sleeps in our hearts
"owaranai nemuri da toshite mo---" yuganda MoonLight, waraeba kono chi, omoidashi gishin ni karareru "hi o, nikumitsudzukenasai, yasuragu kara ne" haha no juso ni sugaritsudzukete iku
"Even if it's a never-ending sleep… " In the distorted moonlight, if only I could laugh… Driven by the doubt of the memory of that blood "Keep hating the sun, because now I can bear it," still clinging to my mother's curse
None will be forgotten… Once I've tasted your delicious bloody scars. Our desires in this labyrinth, our lips entwine. Love is… So distant.
dare mo, yurusanai akai kizu amaku nametoreba futari no negai wa In The Labyrinth karada yosete kuchibiru, kawasu yo ai wa, tooku---… honoka ni kanji, anata no mimi ni sasayaku kibou yumemita omoi no hate ni tsuku no ga kurai shin'en da toshite mo ima, kono itooshisa to setsunasa o mune ni futari nemure
"ano tsumi ni, eien ni shibarareteiru---"
A faint feeling of inspiration, the wish of my whispers in your ears Even as we pass the darkness at the end of these feelings we dreamed of. Now this precious and this pain sleep in our hearts
"We are forever… Bound to this sin."
shizuka ni nemuru, anata no kubi ni nokotta akashi afurete NAMIDA no saki ni aru no ga towa no jubaku da toshite mo ima, kono itooshisa to setsunasa o mune ni honoka ni kanji, anata no mimi ni sasayaku kibou yum
"saa, ikimashou. kono chi no saki e---"
Sleeping peacefully, those scars on your neck… To the point where even tears were an eternal curse Now this precious pain sleeps in our hearts A faint feeling of inspiration, the wish of my whispers in your ears Even as we pass the darkness at the end of these feelings we dreamed of. Now this precious gift and this pain sleep in our hearts
"From now on, I'll wait for this blood."
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Welcome! Have a cupcake 🧁
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※ Hi! I'm Rox (or Sugar, call me whatever). I'm a fandom veteran. I talk to the wall, I translate sometimes, I simp a lot. You'll figure it out.
※ First of all, this is not a serious, super organized blog, it's my personal blog so you might see random stuff more often than not, lol. But sometimes I post something coherent! If that ever happens, I'll add it here.
※ I will use the tag #Sugar Opinions for things such as debates or opinions I'd like to share.
※ I tend to ramble endlessly, so if you don't want that amount of nonsense, block the #;Talking to the wall tag!
※ While this blog is not strictly +18, I am so such content may be present. The tag for it, if you want to block it, will be #;Non-Sugar Free (with the ; ).
※ Even though I mostly reblog stuff, feel free to ask me to add a specific tag.
※ Please be civil, the world is already insufferable enough.
Fandoms and random posts of mine below!
Diabolik Lovers [Games/Manga]
Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler [Anime/Manga]
Higurashi series [Anime/Visual novel]
Kpop [No specific fandom, but ATEEZ, Mamamoo and Taemin by beloveds]
OC/RP Community
I'm mostly active in DL fandom (especially the OC side tbh), but I enjoy the others a lot from the sidelines ♥
Here's a list of the translations I've done in the past and for the future ones to come! I have re-written many of these to fix a lot of misspelling and grammar mistakes in the broken English language. Feel free to let me know if you have any suggestions or requests!
Listed from newest to oldest. It's not much, but it's honest work (?) ♪(´▽`)
—Diabolik Lovers "Meow Meow Vampire" Short Messages [Sakamaki] [Mukami, Tsukinami & Kino]
—Diabolik Lovers "Zero" Floor 7. Kino -Mini drama-
—Diabolik Lovers "Farfalla Lucio" Fragrances -Masterlist-
—Diabolik Lovers "Dark Fate" Mukami Azusa Route [ Ecstasy 8 ] [ Ecstasy 9 ] [ Ecstasy 10 ] [ Ecstasy Epilogue ] [ Vampire End ]
—Diabolik Lovers "Lunatic Parade" ED: VoiD -English Lyrics-
—Diabolik Lovers "Bloody Bouquet" -Story-
—Bad Medicine: Infectious Teachers ED. "Déjà Vu" -English Lyrics-
※ I've deleted the Bad Medicine route translations I've done, I wasn't feeling good about them. Luckily, there are some translations for the game out there now!
🎇Other Posts
—Yui standing up for herself (ft. Yuma)
—Close-ups of DL Stage play actors [Ayato, Shu, Richter] [Laito, Subaru, Reiji]
—DL Characters dodging the question about their age
—DL Shitposts | Subs. | Sakamaki-flavored | Mukami (dis)approved | when kino
—Wtf is Kino [based on canon lore] [theory of mine]
✩. ·͙ *̩̩͙ ˚̩̥̩̥ *̩̩̥͙  ✩ *̩̩̥͙ ˚̩̥̩̥ *̩̩͙ ‧͙ . . ·͙ *̩̩͙ ˚̩̥̩̥ *̩̩̥͙  ✩ *̩̩̥͙ ˚̩̥̩̥ *̩̩͙ ‧͙ . ✩
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cocowoo · 1 year
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midnight-glasses · 1 year
“... Uma vida vazia da luz do amor, não tem sentido.”
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Karlheinz: Xeque-mate!
Sócrates: Hum...
Karlheinz: Meu caro amigo, você agiu de forma precipitada, mais uma vez.
Sócrates: Minha nossa, quantas vezes eu perdi até agora?
Karlheinz: Isso marca a sua centésima octogésima terceira derrota.
Sócrates: ... Por favor, me diga que você está brincando?
Karlheinz: Não, eu não estou brincando, eu tenho certeza, através dessas marcas... Eu tenho anotado nossa pontuação no quadro, dê uma olhada, há exatamente cento e oitenta e três riscos.
Sócrates: Isso é tão irritante!
Karlheinz: Não fique muito chateado, meu amigo, pois, eu acredito que com o passar do tempo, um dia, com certeza você será vitorioso.
Sócrates: Você realmente tem coragem de me dizer isso depois de eu já ter perdido centro e trinta e três vezes? Você está me zombando?
Karlheinz: A saída deve estar à sua vista, lembre-se que você está a apenas um passo de distância.
Sócrates: É exatamente esse o último passo que não posso dar, por isso que eu perco, isso é realmente irritante.
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Karlheinz: Você deveria ao menos adquirir experiência através das suas derrotas consecutivas, lembre-se que a alma nunca se esquece.
Por mais que o mesmo cenário se repita, uma alma ignorante se aventurará em busca da luz mais uma vez.
Sócrates: Pode ser que... Você esteja se referindo ao mundo humano? Como estão as coisas?
Como está a Eve e seu potencial candidato ao cargo de Adão?
Karlheinz: Ambos estão prestes a dar o passo final, o tempo os deixou maduros para a colheita. Está na hora da mudança ocorrer.
A Lua irá atingir o seu ponto mais alto, antes que o eclipse ocorra.
Sócrates: Então, o que exatamente vai acontecer?
Eu presumo que alguns visitantes não solicitados usarão a escuridão do eclipse para emboscar a Eva.
Eu previ tudo isso. Esse é um sinal de alerta indispensável para garantir a realização do projeto da maçã do Éden.
Sócrates: Eu suponho que alguém possa dizer que este é o destino que todos os residentes da escuridão têm que aceitar, a luta é necessária para ter sucesso, não é? Meu amigo.
Karlheinz: Exatamente, as ondas não podem se erguer sem subir nas rochas. Se as ondas não se erguerem, a Roda do Destino não se moverá.
Para Adão e Eva alcançarem o ponto certo, eles devem fazer sacrifícios.
Neste momento, eles devem estar dispostos a aceitar a dor.
Sócrates: Eu posso supor que fim está próximo?
Karlheinz: Sim, entretanto, se eles vão sair vitoriosos no final ou não, isso depende inteiramente de suas almas.
Bom, que tal jogarmos mais uma partida?
Sócrates: Será que eles voltam ao Éden primeiro, ou a vitória brilhará sobre mim antes disso?
Karlheinz: Eu estou igualmente ansioso por ambos.
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Carla: Façamos uma pequena parada por aqui.
Shin: Ei, pessoal! Parem! Parem!
Shin: Ufa, minha nossa... Já faz um tempo desde que eles foram autorizados a correrem soltos, então, os familiares estão ensandecidos.
Mas você sabe, o mundo exterior é realmente bom depois de tudo. Comparado a estar dentro daquela cela apertada...
Hm? … Irmão, o que é este castelo?
Carla: Essa é a residência do Lorde Demônio Burai.
Shin: Então isso é... Isso significa que... Não me diga que as memórias de Menae a conduzem de volta para lá...?
Carla: Sim, amulher provavelmente está lá.
Shin: Por que ela está lá? Aquele traidora! Qual é o plano dela...?
Irmão, vamos emboscar o castelo imediatamente! Vamos derrubar aqueles Viboras, isso deve ser brincadeira de criança para nós dois!
Carla: Não se precipite, nós devemos seguir um pouco mais das memórias dela.
Shin: Eca...
Carla: Eu não quero nunca mais provar o sabor da derrota, você entende isso também, não?
Shin: Quer dizer, eu compreendo, mas...
Carla: ...
Shin: Então, irmão?
Carla: Nós terminamos por aqui.
Shin: Eh?! Como?
Carla: Menae não está aqui.
Shin: Então onde ela está?
Carla: Ela faleceu
Shin: ... Não me diga que... Foi Endzeit!?
Carla: Sim, eu suponho que a doença já tenha se espalhado por toda Banmaden, isso já afetou dez mil demônios dentro do palácio.
Shin: O que nós faremos agora? Até onde sabemos, Menae era a única mulher com sangue fundador...
Então, basicamente nós arriscamos nossas vidas vindo aqui por nada?
Carla: Menae não está mais conosco, entretanto, ela teve uma filha.
Shin: Uma filha? E quem seria?!
Carla: Eu não consigo descobrir isso através das memórias dela, dito isto, se ela tem uma filha, definitivamente ainda há esperança.
Shin: Isso é bastante conveniente, mas também seria ótimo se o pai dessa suposta filha fosse um fundador…
Carla: Primeiro, nós devemos procurar pela filha, vamos.
Shin: Tsk! Eu suponho que nós teremos que deixar para outro dia atormentar aqueles Viboras.
Vou esperar o quanto for possível, eu farei questão de me vingar, apenas refrescar meu ressentimento por este olho.
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Desconhecido: Esperem!
Shin: Hum... Quem é você?!
Carla: ...
Desconhecido: Me parece que vocês dois são Fundadores.
Shin: Aah? E daí? O que você quer?! Você é um vampiro, não é?
Você realmente acha que uma espécie de classe inferior como você tem o direito de iniciar uma conversa casualmente conosco, os primeiros sangues?
Desconhecido: Por favor, guarde sua faca. Eu garanto-lhe que não sou de forma alguma alguém suspeito.
Shin: Ah, claro, porque um residente da escuridão obviamente se apresentaria assim. Você está tirando sarro de mim?
Mertz: Meu nome é Mertz, embora eu seja um vampiro, eu também sou um grande defensor da preservação de uma linhagem pura!
Shin: Um defensor de uma linhagem pura...
Mertz: Sim, eu sou um dos indivíduos que esperou ansiosamente pelo retorno dos fundadores no mundo demoníaco!
Shin: Ai, Minha nossa! Você está parecendo cada vez mais suspeito à medida que fala, um vampiro e um ideologista a favor dos fundadores?
Se você vai mentir para nós, pelo menos se esforce para ser convincente!
Mertz: Por favor, espere um momento!
Shin: Meu irmão e eu estamos com pressa, então, você poderia simplesmente lamentar o fato de ter nos encontrado aqui e morrer?
Mertz: Eu sou um de seus trabalhadores mais fiéis, estou do lado de vocês, acredite em mim, eu imploro!
Carla: Que persistência, entretanto, não confio naqueles que se dizem puristas e também não tenho motivos para acreditar em um ideologista.
Muito provavelmente... Você é um dos lacaios de Karlheinz, você foi mandado a este lugar por ele, certo?
Mertz: Não, eu juro que não.
Shin: Então, quem é você? Isso quer dizer que você entende a situação em que fomos colocados, não é?
Você não acha que seja algo ruim para um vampiro, nos apoiar?
Nós, os fundadores, somos os principais culpados pela desordem gerada nesse mundo repleto de espécies inferiores, nós as destruimos.
Mertz: Sim, eu estou ciente e sei de tudo.
Durante a última rebelião contra essa opressão, vocês foram derrotados por uma união entre o mundo demoníaco e Karlheinz, antes de serem banidos pela eternidade em Banmaden…
Desde então, eu espero ansiosamente por este dia.
Afinal, eu detesto Karlheinz e seu desejo de estar no topo da hegemonia do mundo demoníaco.
Além disso, vocês são os donos legítimos dessa posição, por isso que...
Carla: Shin, dê um fim nele.
Shin: Que pena, parece que você ficou sem tempo.
Mertz: O que... O que eu posso fazer para ganhar a confiança de vocês?!
Carla: Isso é algo impossível, não depositarei minha fé em ninguém, especialmente em alguém que se denomina como um ideologista e um purista.
Mertz: Se este for caso... Acho que eu não tenho outra escolha a não ser recorrer para as medidas drásticas.
Shin: O que você vai fazer com essa faca? Você realmente acredita que pode nos matar assim?
Mertz: Hehehe... Eu vou fazer algo similar.
Mertz: Aaaaaaaaargh!
Shin: Eh?! O-o que você está fazendo!?
Mertz: Bem... Como você pode ver... Ugh… Uh... eu arranquei... um dos meus olhos com uma faca.
Shin: Ah! Você está maluco!?
Mertz: Você entendeu agora? Esta foi a minha... resolução para esse... conflito.
Carla: Há uma coisa que eu gostaria de lhe perguntar.
Mertz: Ah... Qual seria a sua dúvida?
Carla: Eu quero saber o paradeiro da filha de Menae.
Mertz: Menae?
Shin: Você está se fazendo de bobo?! Nós estamos falando da mulher que se juntou às fileiras do clã Vibora.
Mertz: ...?!
Carla: Nós viemos aqui em busca dela. Através de um dos itens que Menae deixou para trás, pudemos ler suas memórias e as seguimos até aqui.
Mertz: Foi assim que você chegou a este castelo?
Carla: Nós descobrimos que Menae faleceu e também estamos cientes que ela deixou uma filha.
Mertz: Uma filha... Oh! Ela realmente poderia ser… Uma conhecida minha.
Shin: Pare de fazer mistério e nos conte tudo o que sabe.
Mertz: Embora eu não tenha certeza de como ela se chamava, eu estou ciente que... O lorde demônio e sua amante favorita... Tiveram uma filha.
Carla: E onde ela se encontra atualmente?
Mertz: Eu estou um tanto receoso em compartilhar tal informação.
Mas... Antes que eu faça isso... Você poderia, por favor, abaixar a faca que está apontada para mim?
Carla: Shin.
Shin: Irmão, você vai realmente confiar nele?
Carla: Se apresse e faça o que estou mandando.
Shin: Che! Tudo bem... Se é isso que você quer, né?
Mertz: Aah, estou tão grato, eu sempre serei leal a vocês...
Carla: Nos poupe de qualquer informação desnecessária, eu não ligo para lealdade dita da boca para fora.
Mertz: Atualmente, a filha do lorde demônio está no mundo humano, vivendo como uma humana depois de ter alterado sua aparência.
Carla: O mundo humano? Shin, nós estamos partindo.
Shin: Entendido.
Mertz: Espere!
Carla: Nós não temos mais negócios a tratar com você, saia da nossa vista.
Mertz: Por favor, deixem-me acompanhá-los... Eu posso ser útil! Vocês podem dizer que eu sou... bastante conhecido no mundo humano.
Carla: ...
Mertz: Afinal, o mundo humano é um lugar vasto, por favor, me deixe cuidar de vocês e escoltá-los!
Shin: Che! Nós temos os nossos familiares para isso, não precisamos de alguém como você cuidando da gente.
Carla: Tudo bem, você pode vir conosco.
Shin: Irmão!? Você está confiando seriamente neste vampiro? O que deu em você!? Você está passando bem?!
Carla: Existe alguma lógica por trás dessas palavras.
Shin: Isso é verdade, mas...
Carla: ...
Shin: Tsk! Acho que eu não tenho escolha se é isso que meu irmão quer.... Ei, você! Nos mostre o caminho.
Mertz: Sim...
Shin: Nii-san, o que diabos você está pensando? Ter aquele cara cuidando de nós é...
Carla: Karlheinz, no que você está pensando? Manter Menae no castelo como uma das amantes do lorde demônio…
Você não pode enganar, você certamente está tramando algo.
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Carla: O que você estava tentando fazer é uma incógnita, o que você planejava fazer com o sangue de um dos fundadores?
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Professor: Bem, de acordo com a teoria ptolomaica, amplamente aceita na antiguidade, o planeta Terra estava localizado no centro enquanto os outros planetas giravam em torno dele.
Entretanto, devido ao fato da teoria do heliocentrismo ser fortemente sustentada por Copérnico através de fatos, a referida teoria — a ptolomaica — foi refutada. Tenho certeza de que todos vocês estão bem cientes disso, certo?
Aah, falando nisso, eclipse lunar está próximo... muito bem, eu acho que essa é uma ótima oportunidade para avaliar o conhecimento de vocês, por favor, senhorita Komori?
Yui: S-sim?!
(Eu me assustei com essa pergunta... Eu não esperava ser escolhida tão abruptamente...)
Professor: O que é um eclipse lunar?
Yui: Bom... A terra se move entre o sol e a lua e devido à sombra lançada sobre a lua pela terra, isso faz com que uma sombra apareça na lua.
Professor: Muito bem, você pode se sentar agora.
Yui: (Ah... Graças a Deus, eu não estava errada...)
Professor: A propósito, se isso ocorrer em uma noite de lua cheia, a lua será totalmente envolta em escuridão, resultando em um eclipse lunar total.
Se a sombra cobre apenas parte da lua, nós chamamos isso de eclipse lunar parcial.
Eu tenho certeza de que isso está em todos os noticiários recentemente, mas esperamos um eclipse lunar total muito em breve.
Yui: (Agora que o professor mencionou isso, nós poderemos testemunhar um eclipse lunar em breve, da última vez que assim aconteceu, estava chovendo, então não pude ver muito bem.)
(Eu estou empolgada.)
(Falando nisso, eu me pergunto o que vai acontecer com os vampiros durante esse eclipse, visto que a lua cheia aumenta seus sentidos? Eu acho...)
Yui: Ah?!
(Eu poderia jurar que acabei de ver uma sombra enorme se movendo lá fora...)
Professor: Senhorita Komori? Há algo de errado?
Yui: Não... Não é nada.
Professor: Oh querida, parece que nós teremos que encerrar nossa aula por sgora, muito bem, todos de pé!
Yui: (Eu tenho quase certeza que estou apenas imaginando coisas.)
Aluno 1: Ei, você já ouviu sobre esse novo boato?
Aluno 2: Não, qual?
Aluno 1: Há um boato sobre um lobo que aparecendo na cidade!
Aluno 2: Eh!? Um lobo?! Isso é impossível, mesmo se houvesse um lobo, definitivamente seria apenas um lobo um que escapou de um zoológico,
Ou talvez... Esse suposto rumor sobre um lobo, seja apenas a história de algum cara que estava andando pela rua à noite, e então ele encontrou um cão de rua que foi, de alguma forma, confundido com um lobo?
Aluno 1: Né!? Eu simplesmente não consigo acreditar nesses rumores.
Yui: ...!!!
Professor: Muito bem, está na hora da chamada!
Yui: (Esse rumor está sendo compartilhado tanto na escola quanto na cidade, então, pode ser que essa sombra seja do...)
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(Do... lobo...?)
Professor: Bem, então, tenham cuidado ao voltarem para suas casas. Ah certo, eu quase me esqueci de contar isso a vocês, na próxima semana, nós daremos as boas vindas a dois alunos transferidos.
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Professor: Sejam gentis com eles se vocês os virem andando por aí! Eles foram transferidos de uma instituição vinda da Grã-Bretanha.
Inicialmente vocês podem não ter muita interação com eles, mas conto com todos vocês para que a estadia deles seja agradável!
Yui: (Esta academia também tem um campus na Grã-Bretanha? Que estranho, eu não fazia a menor ideia.)
(É raro que as pessoas façam tanto esforço para se transferir para uma escola noturna.)
Yui: Ah... Que alívio, as aulas acabaram por hoje, finalmente esta noite acabou.
Yui: ...?
(O que foi isso? Isso parece muito com um lobo uivando.)
(Por que mais ninguém parece preocupado com isso? Sera que eu estou ouvindo coisas…?)
Yui: ...!!!
(No telhado do outro lado do prédio da escola... Será que era o lobo que eu vi antes?)
Isso não é possível, certo?
Aluna 3: Ei, ei, Yui-chan!
Yui: Ah, sim... Sim?
Aluna 3: O que você vai fazer hoje? Você está indo direto para sua casa?
Vamos caminhar de volta juntas! Ah… Mas, eu acho que você vai de carro hoje, não é?
Yui: Bem, hoje eu vou estar...
(E agora, o que faço? Ela está sendo tão gentil em me convidar, eu honestamente não me importaria de irmos juntos para casa...)
(As provas estão chegando, então eu realmente não me importaria de ficar mais um pouco para estudar...)
(O que eu deveria fazer nessa situação?)
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10 notes · View notes
dixbola · 2 years
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Hi! This is my first post in English.
Let's have some fun!
-Me neither. I saw that he is the favourite for lots of people in this fandom and yeah, Shu is good looking and very calm, so looks easier to deal with compared to other characters, but he isn't like the most entertaining or something! If we are talking about games, other Diaboys deserve better that spot.
-We can't discuss this, Mukamis have the best relationship, PERIODT.
-Why not? Specially from Cordelia (I liked her character in Ayato's dark fate route), like how she was before and at the time of meeting Karlheinz (actually, whoever character on this series deserves a route, like all of them are interesting in a way).
-I really appreciate the work that some people are doing with translations, specially here in Tumblr, but an official translation(at least in English) would approach more people to know better the real story behind Diabolik Lovers(and make them more famous worldwide than they currently are).
-Yay! Despite his "Ore-sama attitude" I have always perceived him like he is quite funny and even caring really in the inside. If you get well with him, the rest is a piece of cake(except "some moments" of course haha).
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tournesolia · 6 years
Dark Fate Ayato Vampire Ending Translation
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– Screams echoed inside the castle.
No, it wasn't only inside the castle.
When we went outside, I noticed they
echoed everywhere in the Demon World.
It was what Karl Heinz-san
left behind at the end...
A new world where a new specie will live.
He didn't want demons or humans there.
So, he was exterminating them.
I couldn't stop my body from trembling.
But when I refused to move,
Ayato-kun stayed by my side.
With gentleness, his hand pulled me back
to be swallowed by the darkness of despair--
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Vampire man A : GYAAAAA !
Vampire woman A : No... HIYAAAAAA !!
Place : Forest
Yui : No way... ! That's terrible... !!
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Ayato : Is that... Is that the world that guy wished for ?
For that... !?
What's that new specie ? What's...
Yui : Ayato-kun...
??? : Ayato-kun ! Little Bitch !!
Ayato : … !?
Yui : (That voice is--)
*Laito and Kanato show up
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Ayato : You...
*Reiji, Shu and Subaru show up as well
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Ayato : … What ? The whole crew clang tenaciously to life ?
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Laito : Heh, of course we would survive
Kanato : I agree with Laito for once. I'm not weak enough to die to this extent
Ayato : Heh... Well, that's cool then
Yui : (Thank goodness... I'm so glad that everyone's alive...!)
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Reiji : Anyway... What's the meaning of this ? The meeting place for the evening party is now a sea of flames
Subaru : Tch... There's mountains of corpses everywhere
Yui : (No way...)
Reiji : What is our father doing ? We must report that to him immediately
Ayato : That's... useless
Reiji : … What do you mean ?
Ayato : That guy's dead
Reiji : …
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Shu : … Dead ?
Ayato : Yeah
Reiji : This is not the time to make such jokes...
There's no way that this person would die
Ayato : I'm not joking. That guy's not here anymore
… That was what he wanted
Reiji : …
Ayato : Also... Kanato, Laito
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Kanato : What is it ?
Ayato : Mother's also dead
Kanato : … !
Laito : … Yeah... I see...
??? : This person... died... ?
*The mukamis show up
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Ruki : In that case... Sakamaki Ayato... That means you're Adam, correct ?
Yui : (… Did the Mukamis know about the plan, perhaps...?)
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Azusa : Eve... Your Adam is... Ayato-san, right... ?
Kou : … We...
Yuma : …
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Reiji : Adam ? What the hell is this !? Explain !!
Yui : Well--
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After that, we told them
everything we knew so far.
Everything about the plan that their
father, Karl Heinz, wished to accomplish.
And then--
Place : Forest
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Reiji : … No way... Are you telling me this was what father wished for... ?
Ruki : And this is where Adam and Eve were born...
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Ayato : Adam ? Eve ? Who cares about that ?
Yours Truly is Yours Truly. And Breastless is Breastless. That's just it
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Shu : … That's so Ayato...
So ? What are you guys gonna do now ? You can't be heedless forever
Ruki : I’ll return to the human world. Then I'll think about my own way of life...
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Kou : You mean “we”, right ?
Yuma : Yeah, right. You're talking as if you'd do it alone
Ruki : … You...
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Azusa : … Ruki... They're right. We're brothers... aren't we ?
Ruki : … Yeah, you're right
That's how it is... It's time to depart then
*The Mukamis leave
Yui : (… Everyone...)
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Ayato : They left...
Shu : Aah, indeed... I guess we should do the same. Yawn...
– So, Ayato, what are you going to do ?
Ayato : Well...
Yui : (That's right, even us can't stay here forever)
(We must think about what we should do from now on)
Ayato : …
I'll stay here. With Yui
Yui : Ayato-kun...
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Laito : Ayato-kun has come to say such nice things. I'm deeply moved
Kanato : … Well, I guess this is fine. But Eden is still collapsing
Ayato : Hehe... Hey hey, who do you think you're talking to ?
Don't fool around with the great Ayato !
*Ayato uses his magic
*white flash
Yui : (Ah... ! Is Eden ceasing to collapse...?)
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Reiji : … I see
Are you saying that if father's power was making Eden collapse, it would be stopped by you since you have that power now... ?
Ayato : Haa... Haa... Even if I didn't have his power, I can do something like that !
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Subaru : … I'm not so sure...
Ayato : Aah !? What was that ?
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Reiji : My my... even if such a thing just happened, when it comes with all of you...
Yui : (Reiji-san is saying that, but... I'm happy that everyone met and exchange words like this...)
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Ayato : … ! Hey... ! Breastless !
Yui : Y-Yes !?
Ayato : You're making a dumb face for no reason ! Now that we're decided, hurry up and get ready
Are you the kind of woman who enjoy taking her time at the crucial moment ?
Yui : Eh ?
Ayato : Ah ? You don't get it ?
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Laito : Heheh. ♪ Little Bitch's slow
Even if Eden collapsed a little, if you're saying that you'll live together at this castle...
Is that all there is to it ?
Yui : … Errr...
Ayato : Aah geez ! Well...
– We'll immediately start the preparations for the wedding ceremony, duh !
Yui : … !
Ayato-kun and I will...
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Ayato : Y-Yeah. We're doing it for no reason. Really, for no reason !
Laito : … You're not being honest
Ayato : Aah !? What was that !?
Laito : Nothiiiiing, hehe ♪
Yui : (Ayato-kun and I will...)
(What should I do ? It's as if I was dreaming...)
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Shu : … Well, do whatever you like
Subaru : If you don't make more trouble, I don't mind
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Reiji : You're welcome to, as long as you don't inconvenience me
Aah, however.... Since I'm the only one who has common sense, allow me to say one single word
– Congratulations
Yui : (Reiji-san...)
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Ayato : Say whatever you want !
Ah, that's right. Hereafter, I can promote you as my retainer, how about it ?
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Reiji : I shall decline. Sigh... I should leave soon
Ayato : Aah ? You're going where ?
Reiji : The place doesn't matter
Because... I can go anywhere now
… Father's no longer here. So there's no reason for me to stay in this place
*Reiji leaves
Ayato : Then where--
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Subaru : I'm leaving too
I didn't want to stay with you all in the first place. So long !
*Subaru leaves
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Shu : Well, me too... Yawn... It's finally gonna be quiet...
*Shu leaves
Yui : (The three of them left. The ones left are...)
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Ayato : What will you guys do ?
Laito : Hmm, what should I dooo ? Should I leave ?
It would be fun to see the two newlyweds doing lots of things together. Right, Kanato-kun ?
Kanato : I disagree. I'm leaving as well
*Kanato leaves
Laito : Eeh, how boring. Oh well... There's nothing I can do this time
See you ~ ♪ Ah, and invite me to your ceremony, okaaay ?
*Laito runs after Kanato
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Yui : Ah...
… Everyone left
Ayato : Hmph, they made their decision
At last, it's finally just the two of us
… Well, let's go
Yui : O-Okay... !
*Ayato gets closer
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Ayato : *kisses Yui
Yui : Wha... !
Ayato : But don't you want to kiss before that ?
Yui : … B-Before, you say... ? We already kissed, Ayato-kun...
Ayato : Shaddup !
Well, you know what... That kiss wasn't that bad
Soo, let's go this time
Yui : Yes... !
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Ayato-kun held my hand and
we headed back to Eden.
That place was ruined now.
But in my eyes, it looked
more beautiful than before.
I wondered why.
That question was quickly resolved.
Because the answer was right beside me,
more than anything, more than anyone--
*birds singing
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Ayato : – Hey, are you dozing off ?
Hurry up and come here !
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Yui : (Aah... I wonder why it's so calm today)
(It's the day of our wedding ceremony... I'm so glad)
Ayato : Hey, what are you thinking about ? Even though the great me is in front of you, you're thinking about something else
Geez, there's no place for negligence
Yui : Hehe... Sorry...
Ayato : Hmph...
… Anyway...
Those bros just ate during the ceremony and then quickly disappeared. Same things for those Mukami rascals
I gathered all of them at such a time and I dunno where and what they're doing
Well, now that I'm the great king of this place, it's just normal to gather them
Yui : (Am I the only one who thinks that everyone payed attention to us...?)
Ayato : Hey, I have one thing to say
Yui : What is it ?
Ayato : I'm by your side like that because I acted according to that guy's plan
Yui : Ayato-kun...
Ayato : I don't give a shit about all his “saving the world” talk
The Demon World is already messed up. But...
I have you before my eyes now
So I want to touch you. I want to hug you
I don't want to leave you. I want to stay by your side...
In brief, err... You know, like...
Aah, that's right
– I love you, Yui
… I love you...
No matter what the world will become, let's be together
That's just what I think
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Yui : (… Ayato-kun...)
(I love you too)
(I believe only in you, and always will... I love you)
(We'll always... be together...)
Vampire ending : End
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