#Dialover hell
diagirlsrua · 1 year
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Character : Sakamaki Laito CD : MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.5 SAKAMAKI LAITO Seiyuu: Daisuke Hirakawa May: I prefer Q.E.D. to Bloody Sabbath. For the record: "Q.E.D" stands for quod erat demonstrandum, the Latin equivalent of "what had to be demonstrated"); quantum electrodynamics. This equates to the famous 'checkmate' for scientists in chess. And it serves as an absolute conclusion. So when Laito repeats this acronym, he's sure of what he's saying. Link to the song: here.
Love dies only when growth stops
As time passes, the more it expires, the more it fades
Love dies the moment its growth stops
If everything had to be laid bare, no matter the consequences
Would the warmth of my feelings on this day, diminish?
きっと、命は尽きるだろう だとしても、
この血は 継がれてく そんな淡い希望を抱き、
Though my life would surely come to an end
Entertaining the fine hope given by this blood, will be relayed
The crystalline love that escapes from your body.
"…--- This makes no sense."
嗚呼 時が過ぎれば、
Ah, as time goes by,
Even if it would have been replaced,
There's no proof I ever really loved you,
"………… Because I didn't want to confess it."
今、証(あか)すよ 君との
After all, it's all over, isn't it?
Over time, will it all fade away, no matter what happens?
De facto, without robbing us of our 'present' and tying the memories together,
While the bloodthirsty bite yearns for 'eternity',
If you tell me you want "Immortality."
We'll prove it, together.
Q.E.D……. !!!!!!!!!!!!!
死期が近づき、迫るほど 確信(み)えてくる
there is always light behind
As the hour of death approaches, the nearer it comes, appearing,
There will always be a light behind it,
No matter who, everyone's praying to someone,
There are so few memories of this day, are there?
そっと、願いを捨てたとして だとしても
唇、重ねてる どこか残酷(あま)い時間は過ぎて、
Even as we waited to slowly give up hope,
Your lips on mine again and again, that bittersweet taste fading somewhere,
Crystalline love disappearing beyond my heart.
"………. --- This is worthless."
Hey---……….. Shouldn't we be dreaming?
That we'd get sick, of having to live days we won't live.
If the proof that we're both alive, was tinted red,
"………….. Forgive me."
未来(あす)を、描いた音色 いつも、耳元で割れて
今、証(あか)すよ 君との
The tone expressed by the future tomorrow broke in your ear,
In your siphoned eardrum was left a dangerous carmine wish
As the continual whispers spread through "eternity".
If you pronounce your wish for "immortality",
Then we'll prove it, together,
Q.E.D. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"There's no such thing as "eternity." I want to destroy it…. At least, that's what I would have wished for."
生きた「ぬくもり」 喪失(わす)れ
That lonely feeling,
Forgetting the warmth that would have lived,
Becoming somewhat vague,
It was not the only thing….!
粘着(ネ)ばつく想いで 吸血(す)い続けるのさ
今、証(あか)すよ 君との
After all, it's all over, isn't it?
Over time, will it all fade away, no matter what happens?
De facto, without robbing us of our 'present' and tying the memories together,
While the bloodthirsty bite yearns for 'eternity',
If you tell me you want "Immortality."
We'll prove it to each other, together.
After all, it's all over, isn't it?
In the course of time, will everything fade away, no matter what happens?
De facto, without stealing our 'present' and tying the memories together,
While the bloodthirsty bite yearns for 'eternity',
If you tell me you want "Immortality."
We'll prove it to each other, together.
Q.E.D. ---…………!!!!!
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laitoslittlemacaron · 2 months
a..popular cosplay brand (dokidokicosplay) is bringing out a high quality Yui uniform cosplay.... they just posted it i cant believe that honestly 😂😭 (maybe they will produce our beloved dude bros as well✨ in 2024✨)
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enden-k · 18 days
shuffles in, embarrassed
You mentioned one of your first major fandoms that you made fanart for was Bleach. Do you still have that stuff posted anywhere perchance? I'd really love to see it.
that was before i had any internet access permission (ofc i did in secret tho) or an acc somewhere to post art and theres no way im gonna show my embarrassing childish drawings of ulquigrimm LMAO
the first fanarts i posted to the public (not on this acc) were FFVII (obviously the good old OG bc that was during the time XV was still in the making, its that long ago), and then a few years later MGR (raiden my beloved bbg), owari no seraph (fun fandom) and dialovers (hell on earth)
(dialover fandom was the first toxic fandom i stumbled into and i got harrassed and my art reposted and when i asked for it to be removed ppl yelled at me and told me my art doesnt belong to me but the internet when i post it. it caused me to delete everything and my acc and never share my fanart again with the internet)
(i did some HxH, NGE and overwatch/mchanzo in private tho during that time back when it was all new/before the mccree incident. but yea other than that mostly oc art and less fanart during these years)
anw i refrained from sharing any fanart i made until i made this acc here years later and tried again (with im, magi and FGO) - now here we are 0:
sorry for the ramble and my fanart history LMAO anw i only posted fanarts after my bleach hyperfixation and even those (that i still have somewhere, most are gone bc of that dialover reposting drama) i would not share with yall. i dont wanna pay compensation for destroying ur eyes, its very ugly baby youn art hhdskjvbk sorry to disappoint!! maybe ill draw ulqui or grimmy again some time bc hes still my biggest babygirl (i dropped bleach some time after arrancar arc/when ichigo said his goodbyes to rukia bc i genuinely thought back then it was over and i loved the espada SO MUCHHHH so yea it continued and idk what happened afterwards so...)
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fruit-of-infidelity · 8 months
💜 Diatober 💚
Day Twenty-Eight: Sword
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liannelara-dracula · 2 years
Hello...can you make love aesthetic of Yuma ,ruki and kou
Yuma Mukami Lover Aesthetic + Hcs
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"I never knew a better sound than my name on your lips"
Hi Love,
Sorry for all the wait. I will link the other ones as soon as possible below. I hope you like it and I'm sorry if the others don't come out to be as long as this one.
-> Kou's version
-> Ruki's version
Requests are open
*certain words have been censored for Tumblr guidelines.
He met her in the woods. This was back in the 1800s. She was a slave girl in a European village. She had been sold off by her parents to work for others, and she was beaten and bruised as a kid.
At some point, a wealthy family bought her as a servant, and they also ab*sed her. She was mistreated repeatedly, but she stayed because they provided for her.
She fell in love with the family's son, so they beat her and tossed her out into the woods by the lake, covered in dirt and bruises. Her clothes were tattered and b⸸oodstained too.
Seeing she had nowhere to go, she lived outside in the woods by the lake. The girl had to make the most of it while she was by herself. She took whatever she could find for food and clothes. Most times, she wore thin cotton dresses, and they were filthy and worn out. She used to sleep outside on the grass fields and by the trees. 
Now when Yuma met her he was out in the woods one day in the evening (he was a vamp at this point) and it was by the lake.
And since there was no other way to clean herself the girl always used the lake as a way to clean herself up. So like every other time she stripped from her clothes and swam for a bit.
Now I picture that Yuma was walking by the lake and he heard some splashing noises and so he took a look from afar. He saw a girl swimming in the lake. He eventually got closer to the lake to see but she still hadn’t noticed that someone was watching her.
It wasn’t until she came up to get air that he noticed she was topless in front of him.
Of course, here she’d scream and he'd just be annoyed, mostly cause he just doesn't care if she's n@ked.
"Damn woman, quit screaming!" He'd say, covering his ears.
Yuma saw how this girl only hid behind the boulder that was big enough to cover her n@kedness.
"Here. Put this on." He'd say handing her the dress.
Instead of listening she just watched him seeing that she wasn't sure to trust him.
"Look you can't hide in the lake the whole time. You'll catch a cold."
After changing and slipping on her dress which clung to her wet body she walked away to gather her things.
“Hey, are you lost or something?” Yuma would ask fighting the urge to help or not. “You shouldn’t be out here on your own. These woods ain’t safe at night.” He added on.
Seeing she didn't respond he got annoyed and raised his voice a bit. “Hey, I’m talking to you, the least you could do is answer me?”
She stopped knowing that if she didn’t answer he might not leave her alone. She looked down, her hair in her face a bit as she mumbled, “I’m fine. Don’t need anything.” She shivered from the cold and the possibility of this going all wrong.
It seemed like she was upset after answering him because she ended up walking away from him.
Seeing this, Yuma decided to watch her to see where she was actually going. Something about her just seemed off.
So he watched her and saw that she slept outside beside a tree and he just felt bad for her bc he knows what that is like. The next morning he waited at the lake and she ended up being there, washing some things that she had to wash. 
He startled her and told her to shut up about it.
“You shouldn’t sneak up on someone like that!”
“Ya, well you don’t really notice your surroundings that well.” 
She scoffed, “Why are you following me?” She asked, still not looking at him.
“I brought you something, I know it’s not much but you probably haven’t seen one of these in a while.” He’d say crouching down to her level to give her the apple in his hand.
She was hesitant to take it bc she was worried she’d get in trouble bc she was never allowed to actually eat better food when she was a slave to that previous family.
“Hey, it’s not poisonous. I grew it myself.” His response was honest and so she took the apple and placed it in the pocket of her dress.
“Thank you, sir.” She said, she was trying to show her gratitude by addressing him since she was used to being people’s slave.
Yuma was taken back by it and felt hella awkward. “Look, I’m not your master or anything, so don’t say things like that!”
“But then how’d you grow this? You have to be well off to own a field.”
“I like to garden.” He’d say looking down at her as her beat hands scrubbed the cloth. She nodded at this and understood.
“Do you have a name?” Yuma waited for her to answer.
“A name?”
“Yeah, you a foreigner or somethin’? Cause it sounds like you don’t understand some stuff I’m saying.”
“Ah, I just, I don’t really have a name . . . ” She practically whispered, “I don’t have a birthday either.”
She might have a spring name or something sweet like Juliette or Yulianna. But I think Yuma will give her a name (I’ll talk about it further down).
“Huh, it’s a shame  . . .  I’m Yuma.” 
“Y . . . Yuma?” She’d trail off in thought. “How do you spell that?” She looked at him in utter confusion but also curiosity.
“So you never went to school either ay?”
“I used to go to reform schools but I didn’t stay long enough. But I learned the alphabet thanks to someone I know.” She smiled to herself thinking of the boy she loved and how he helped her with reading on the days his parents weren’t around. 
“Damn, you really are dense.”
There was silence between them, even tho he technically insulted her she just decided to ignore it but Yuma couldn’t settle for less. He took a stick and started writing his name in the dirt.
“Alright, I’m only gonna show ya once. So look here.” He said cutting the silence. She had finished cleaning and put the clothes into a basket. Hearing this she walked over to him to look at what he wrote.
“. . . y-u . . . ?” The girl traced her fingers on the engraved letters, struggling to remember the next letters.
“‘m-a’. Tch, man, that person who taught you surely didn’t do a great job.” He degraded, even tho that’s not what he really wanted to say to her.
This hurt her feelings, causing her to frown. “At least, he was kind to me.”
Yuma focused more on his senses and was able to pick up the scent of b⸸ood from her. And decided to help her seeing he knew that she wasn’t healing. He assumed she had more than just bruises on her body judging by her scent. He could smell b⸸ood and that her flesh wasn’t healing. So he took matters into his own hands and brought her home wherever he and his brothers were staying at.
He was hoping Ruki could help him but he wasn’t there so he just had to put his skills to use in order to help her. Luckily he knew a thing or two and so he got her to shower and he did his best in treating her. 
Considering he needed to know where she was injured he had to have her show him but bc it was all over her body she didn’t want to. And knowing how Yuma is so shameless he just started to unbutton her dress to see where the cuts were but they had a bit of argument. But overall he did his best to help. 
Yuma made her stay because he told her she needs to rest and plus Ruki didn’t care but he did want him to keep an arm's distance because he could get attached. Although rather than getting better she started to feel worse because her wounds were infected. Yuma felt bad for her seeing how much she twitched in pain with the side effects of the healing medicine Ruki had tried to put on her in order to help.
Ruki had to tell Yuma that he had to let her go because she was too weak to live at this point.
“C’mon man there’s gotta be something.”
“Yuma, you and I both know her body is rotting. Her scent has changed since she came here.”
“I know . . . but I don’t want to tell her she’s dy!ng. She's young, man. She could have a life.” 
She’d be lying on his bed barely on the verge of being awake anymore but her persistent coughs stirred her awake constantly. When she saw Yuma come in and sit next to her, she smiled, “Thank you.”
He looked at her with his brows furrowed, “For what? It’s not like I saved you.”
“No, but you tried. That counts, even if I’m going to d!e---” She said stopping due to her having a coughing fit.
“You’re not dy!ng today.” It was the last thing he told her before having her turn.
He only managed to have this happen because he asked Karlheinz to spare her life and he said he would if he agreed to not love her.
She ended up living with Yuma and his brothers seeing she was supposed to.  When she first woke up and realized she didn’t d!e she was confused, Yuma was the first person she saw when she was awake and he tried to explain, but she didn’t accept what he told her.
He taught her how to feed which didn’t go very well seeing that she didn’t want to. Yuma gave up trying to teach her and asked Ruki for help instead seeing he had a more gentle approach it worked.
She didn’t have much of a wardrobe so he took her out so she could buy fabric and sew herself some dresses. He even paid for it bc he felt bad and he wanted to give her something to wear. 
I picture that when she was done making them she tried one on and showed it to him. He thought it looked good and was surprised she could be so handy.
Although she is in the times when girls are neglected Yuma doesn’t do that to her, he treats her as an equal in fact all of his brothers do too. Yuma’s honestly a little too tough on her but considering she was a slave she’s used to it. She doesn’t even complain about it. 
She didn’t get along with him at first bc of what he did but the more she thought about it and got to know him she wasn’t upset.
She had to help out with chores and he typically did them with her unless one of his brothers was already helping. Apart from their plantation they also took care of animals because they are wealthy and back then people used to buy land and make a living off of animals and what they grew so she’d help out with animals. 
And I think she used to feed the pigs and Yuma thought it was cute and I think that’s where he got this “little pig,” (this is not canon it’s just an idea I had).
One time Kou tried giving her all the work because he was being lazy and Yuma was so upset that he got into a fight with him. She tried to stop them and she only got hurt in the process.
He felt so guilty for bruising her, that he apologized and stuck a sugar cube in her mouth. She didn’t know what to say because she felt it was strange.
She’s also never had sugar so she was surprised about the taste.
Yuma made her work in the garden with him sometimes when he needed extra help. And honestly, he gets mad if she makes a mistake. Although she usually knows what to do. 
He likes to watch her work because she’s gentle and even nice to the small animals and doesn’t k!ll the insects.
I could see she doesn’t like to eat tomatoes so when he shoved one in her mouth she made a face before swallowing. And he was upset that she didn’t like them.
Yuma was mean to her for a good while since he’s kind of harsh and so I’m not surprised if he called her stupid/ other insensitive things a bunch of times to the point where he made her cry. It was in the kitchen when she just made a small mistake or something and his brothers saw everything.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to--”
“You know you really are stupid, you ever wondered if that’s why that family threw ya out!? You can be so dense--”
“You’re crying? You gotta be kidding me!”
“D-don’t you ever feel bad for what you say to people? . . . I have feelings t-too you know?” She said between hiccups. “But maybe you forgot what that feels like because you haven’t been human in so long but it really hurts. A-and I just d-don’t understand . . . if you h-hate me so much then why did you turn me!? Am I really that h-horrible?  . . . W-why didn’t you just let me d!e?” She sobbed in her hands uncontrollably leaving him a little shocked and for his brothers to scold him, especially Kou since he took a liking to her and felt bad for her.
Eventually, they made up and were a bit more honest with each other. It’s honestly when he started to be a little weird bc he liked her and she kinda felt strange about it seeing he was nice to her. Well, he did his best.
There was one time they were outside in town and she was cold and he put his rustic sweater on her bc he said it was too hot anyway. So she wore it and smiled secretly finding it kinda funny bc he didn’t know how to be nice.
One time she made a cherry pie and he was watching her in the kitchen until Kou pointed it out.
“You’re watching her?”
“I’m waiting till she messes up.”
“Uh-huh, you know she’s better than Ruki.”
Kou has even pushed you two together because he knows what’s up. And Yuma’s mad at him for it. I think it’s because this is like the first woman he’s ever been serious about.
And tbh she’s kinda clueless about his feelings at first since she feels like it’d be to weird to imagine.
Because fall is harvest season he becomes extra busy in his garden which meant that he wanted her to help. I honestly see that she’d mess with him too.
I think she splashed water on him and it was a never-ending water fight.
He’d chase her around the garden sometimes.
Although when things got really strange he once k!ssed her while showing her how to harvest one of the plants. (depending on how you cut your plant when you need the leaves or flowers you can potentially stop the plant growth so you gotta be careful.)
He caught her completely off guard, so much that she just panicked and turned the other way even tho he just k!ssed her again thinking it was fun to mess with her.
He’d even ask her if she was embarrassed because he sucks.
Although she got him back when they were walking around in town and she k!ssed his cheek in front of his brothers.
It was kind of her way of confirming how she felt with the k!ss he gave her before.
Oh before I forget to mention since she doesn’t have a name she goes by because people always changed it he just called her little pig or you bc he didn’t know what else to call her. However when they were a couple he actually gave her, her name.
“Hey, you ever thought of giving yourself a name? It’s getting tiring just saying ‘you’ all the time.” He’d say looking at the new plants that were sprouting.
She sat on the bench in his garden weaving a basket, “Oh yeah, hmm I was thinking maybe something like Violet?” 
“Violet? You sure, you don’t really look like a Violet?” He disagreed thinking she should find a better name.
“How about ‘Poppy’?”
“You really wanna be named after a plant, little pig?” He chuckled.
“Well, all of the people I have served always asked me for a name and a lot of the times the only words I could get out of my mouth were names of plants or flowers since I work with them a lot and plus my parents never gave me a name because they thought I was never worthy of one and I’ve been to shy to give a real one.  . . . so, I don’t really know what name a girl could have . . . Hey, Yuma, what do you think should be my name?”
“You want me to choose?” He turned to look at her as he tended to his plants, his brows furrowed at this.
She stopped her weaving, holding the straw in her hands, “Yeah, what name do you think suits me?”
He walked over to her, taking a seat next to her, “Hmm, how about piglet?”
“Yuma, I’m being serious. You didn’t like what I suggested so what should my name be? It’s better if you choose.” She insisted, hitting his shoulder playfully.
“Alright, alright . . . how about, Y/n?” He’d ask brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear.
(If you don’t want it to be an x reader or you don’t like your name I really see him suggesting the name Juliette or even Yulianna but I mostly see Juliette).
“I like it.” She smiled at him. 
Since she has low literacy judging by the time this is taking place I think Ruki taught her but Yuma was the one to help her practice and he was a bit of a jerk sometimes. He was kinda hard on her too but if she did really well he’d give her a sugar cube.
Or he’d give her a day of no chores and take her anywhere she’d want to go in town. So it’s like going on a date.
On one of her outings, she saw that boy she used to like and his family. They tried to bother her and Yuma got mad and she kinda ended up telling him about it.
From then on he was kinda protective of her just a little more and slightly worried. He was mad that people did that to her too.
I’m not sure when he started to like her but once he realized it he tried to ignore it.
Here are what the pics mean in their relationship:
Hands--it kinda resembles their relationship in the beginning of how close they are but not close enough.
Hair with soap -- he’d wash her hair cause he likes to pamper her in that way.
He also just wants to join her in showering, so not surprised if they’ve gone skinny dipping in a lake tbh.
Girl and Iips -- In the pic she’s kinda sweaty so this just imagery of when she’s working hard and Yuma thinks she looks attractive with sweat coming down her neck from the sun and all that. This usually happens when she’s doing chores and hard labor. Since this was back in the 1800s and they have a house with a lot of land so it requires maintenance and the animals to take care of too.
Rustic Sweater girl and boy -- It’s his sweater but he gives it to her a lot of the time to stay warm. And he likes it on her. 
At some point, she was just stealing his clothes cause they were big on her.
Girl under a tree (exposed) -- Represents the first time she met him where she was n@ked and how she’s been n@ked in front of him various times. Mostly when she’s showering or changing. Although it's just cause he walks in on her a lot.
Autumn trees -- the season of when they met and their favorite time of year.
I also picture that she loves to jump in leaf piles and he just looks at her like she’s dumb to even tho he loves her.
Hands against the wall / intertwined -- His intimacy, he’s a rough guy, need to say anymore?
Pie -- She likes to bake and he likes watching her. And I think he likes pies because of her.
White linger*e -- He likes to see her in white and cute frilly things that are kinda girly cause he likes it on her.
Apart from this I think their love was pretty peaceful but things changed after a while and it was either because she d!ed or because he left her.
I see it mostly that he left her and it's not cause he didn’t love her he just didn’t want her to be part of Karlheinz’s plans and so he struck a deal with him to let her go.
And she was honestly just upset and hurt by him deciding for her. She was no longer in his life afterward. He actually left her without a word so that hurt because she never heard from him again.
So then she just had to move on and he did too. I don’t think she ever saw him again.
She still has that rustic sweater and never forgot about it.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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sakamaki-richter · 1 year
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; [ fucking freak ( affectionate ) ]
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faerabbit · 4 months
been thinking about what vampire the masquerade the diaboys would fall under
and i don't mean in a like "oh ayato would be [x] clan, kanato would be [y] clan, etc." way (although that could be fun too)
i mean like the entire franchise of diabolik lovers is now operating under the rules of vtm, what happens (either v5 or v20 since i'm most familiar with those, but any versions fine)
so in addition to clans, there's also the question of what generation they'd be, what sect they'd be in (this one would defo be different depending on the diaboy), what things would have to change in order to fit the rules of vtm, etc.
all i know is that, assuming both the sakamakis and the mukamis are childer of karlheinz, that man's been siring like 10 kindred like jesus dude
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bodysntchrs4evr · 1 year
Why am I CRYING over Carla dying in Shin’s DF route???????
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mcverse · 1 year
Can the Sakamaki brothers reaction to a s/o what a deep voice and use it to fluster them or scare them I hope this makes sense and not confuse you.😖
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Pairing: GN! Reader x a Sakamaki Brother
Type: Reaction
Word count: 618
Warning: Slight fluff, biting, talk of punishment, Slightly suggestive, faux feelings
Side bar: You didn’t give me a pronoun or gender so I’m gonna keep it neutral. Also, I’m going to assume you meant when you surprise them with a deep voice suddenly. Hopefully I got it down to the T. There’s no scaring the gang unless they seriously can not afford to loss you.
Another thing: I hc the reader, all readers, in my post have stockholm syndrome. It makes more sense. That’s why reader is comfortable doing things like this.
Dialover M.List
Like always, characters are aged up appropriately!
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Sakamaki Brothers caught slipping
Shu Sakamaki
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What was he going to do with you?
Such a humorous human. His human.
From the moment he knew of your existence to now as you stand over him, it was always a surprise with you.
What were you thinking, popping up on him with a change of tone? Don’t tell him you were expecting an uncharacteristic reaction out of him.
Please. You wish you little minx.
The corner of his lips twitch into a smirk, he hums as his only acknowledgment of you. He was tempted to open his eyes to see the knowing pout on your lips but he wasn’t going to give you the satisfaction of this trick.
Renji Sakamaki
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Oh. You caused a small, barely noticeable rift in his demeanor.
But you noticed—he noticed you noticed—if that sly smirk pulling on your lips didn’t give away.
He sighs, continuing his drink in thought. That was very childish of you. And you should know better than doing that with him.
“What are you trying to accomplish?” He place the cup down and glares at you. You drop your smile when you see that look.
Yes, the look where you knew this little victory is short lived. A punishment was soon to follow.
Laito Sakamaki
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Very good, very good indeed.
This was one of the things Laito enjoyed about you. There was never a dull moment. You were just so exciting and full of surprise.
Every part of you.
It shocks him everytime. Only you do, only you were allowed.
He chuckles lowly, which breaks out into a full on laugh. He stops moments after to look at you with a glint in his eyes, “You never cease to amaze me, little bitch.” He grabs your wrist, pulling you into an embrace.
Ayato Sakamaki
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Did you just..
He’s shocked at first but a laugh escapes him in seconds as he found the whole thing amusing. You were comfortable, maybe too comfortable with him.
Ayato licks his lips, eyes narrowing on your face.
How can someone be cute and delicious at the same time?
So many thought ran through his head on what he can do with you… should he drink from you, or mark you up as his, to claim you like it wasn’t already obvious?
You deserve it after getting a surprise out of him. Not everyone can do that.
“Ore-sama is going to reward you for that stunt.”
Kanato Sakamaki
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You thought the prank was funny, a ploy many would enjoy.. well, anyone but Kanato.
Kanato was kinda surprised. After all that wasn’t the voice he grew accustomed to, the one he grew to love and searched for.
It was was too deep. He didn’t like the sound of it. And it sorta pissed him off that you’ll do this to him. He’s been nothing but nice to you as of lately.
What was your agenda?
Kanato pouts, “How could you trick me like that? Are you playing with me?” He turns to teddy, a creepy smile shaping his lips, “Perhaps they’ll like to play dolls instead, teddy?”
Subaru Sakamaki
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What the hell was wrong with you?
Sure, you shocked him ever so slightly but you left him more annoyed.. and a little bit concerned that you finally lost it living here with him.
He sighs, closing his eyes as he tries to calm himself down. You were just having fun… he tries to remind himself. You were just bored…
Where’d you even learn that from?! You spent most of your time with him.
He opens his eyes to see you staring at him in anticipation. He couldn’t help but scuff at how you cutely waited for a reaction.
“You’re a fucking idiot.” He turns to leave, a small smile spreading to his face.
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diagirlsrua · 1 year
Q.E.D [Sakamaki Laito]
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Character : Sakamaki Laito
Seiyuu: Daisuke Hirakawa
Mai : J'ai une large préférence pour Q.E.D. que Bloody Sabbath. Pour info : "Q.E.D" Signifie quod erat demonstrandum, l'équivalent en latin de « ce qu'il fallait démontrer » (CQFD) ; quantum electrodynamics (« électrodynamique quantique »). Cela égalise le fameux "échec et mat" pour les scientifiques, aux échecs. Et cela sert de conclusion absolue. Donc, quand Laito répète cet acronyme, il est sûr et certain de ses propos.
Lien vers la chanson : ici.
Love dies only when growth stops
Tandis que le temps passe, le plus il expire, il s’efface 
L’amour meurt dès l’instant où sa croissance s’arrête 
Si tout devait être couché à nu, peu importe les conséquences 
Est-ce que la chaleur de mes sentiments en cette journée, diminuerait ? 
きっと、命は尽きるだろう だとしても、
この血は 継がれてく そんな淡い希望を抱き、
Même si ma vie venait sûrement à se terminer 
Divertissant le fin espoir donné par ce sang, sera retransmis 
L’amour cristallin qui s’échappe de ton corps. 
“...――― Cela n’a aucun sens.” 
嗚呼 時が過ぎれば、
Ah, tandis que le temps passe, 
Même si cela aurait été remplacer, 
Il n’y a aucune preuve que je t’ai réellement aimée, 
“............ Car je ne voulais pas le confesser.” 
今、証(あか)すよ 君との
Après tout, tout est terminé, n’est-ce pas ? 
Au fil du temps, est-ce que tout s’effacera, peu importe les évènements ? 
De facto, sans nous voler notre “présent” et liant les souvenirs ensembles, 
Tandis que les morsures sanguinaires aspirent vers “l’éternité”, 
Si tu me dis que tu désires “L’Immortalité.” 
Nous nous le prouverons, ensemble. 
Q.E.D…….  !!!!!!!!!!!!! 
死期が近づき、迫るほど 確信(み)えてくる
there is always light behind
Tandis que l’heure de la mort approche, le plus proche elle s’esquisse, apparaissant, 
Il y aura toujours une lumière derrière, 
Peu importe qui, tout le monde prie quelqu’un, 
Il y a si peu de souvenirs de ce jour, n’est-ce pas ? 
そっと、願いを捨てたとして だとしても
唇、重ねてる どこか残酷(あま)い時間は過ぎて、
Même si nous attentions d’abandonner doucement l’espoir, 
Tes lèvres sur les miennes encore et encore, cette saveur douce-amère qui s’efface quelque part, 
L’amour cristallin disparaissant au-delà de mon cœur. 
“.......... ――― Cela n’a aucune valeur.” 
Hey―――……….. Ne devrions-nous pas rêver ? 
Que nous tomberions malade, de devoir vivre des jours où nous ne vivrons pas. 
Si la preuve que nous sommes tous les deux en vie, était teintée de rouge, 
“.............. Pardonne-moi.” 
未来(あす)を、描いた音色 いつも、耳元で割れて
今、証(あか)すよ 君との
Le ton exprimé par le futur lendemain se brisait à ton oreille, 
Dans ton tympan siphonné, il fut laissé un dangereux souhait carmin 
Tandis que les continuels chuchots s’étendaient au sein de “l’éternité” 
Si tu prononces ton souhait pour “l’immortalité”, 
Alors, nous le prouverons, ensemble, 
Q.E.D. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Il n’y a rien de tel que “l’éternité.” Je veux la détruire…. Enfin, c’est ce que j’aurai souhaité.” 
生きた「ぬくもり」 喪失(わす)れ
Ce sentiment solitaire, 
Oubliant la chaleur qui eût vécu, 
Devenant quelque peu vague, 
Ce ne fut pas la seule chose…. !
粘着(ネ)ばつく想いで 吸血(す)い続けるのさ
今、証(あか)すよ 君との
Après tout, tout est terminé, n’est-ce pas ? 
Au fil du temps, est-ce que tout s’effacera, peu importe les évènements ? 
De facto, sans nous voler notre “présent” et liant les souvenirs ensembles, 
Tandis que les morsures sanguinaires aspirent vers “l’éternité”, 
Si tu me dis que tu désires “L’Immortalité.” 
Nous nous le prouverons, ensemble. 
Après tout, tout est terminé, n’est-ce pas ? 
Au fil du temps, est-ce que tout s’effacera, peu importe les évènements ? 
De facto, sans nous voler notre “présent” et liant les souvenirs ensembles, 
Tandis que les morsures sanguinaires aspirent vers “l’éternité”, 
Si tu me dis que tu désires “L’Immortalité.” 
Nous nous le prouverons, ensemble. 
Q.E.D. ―――…………!!!!!
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diabolikpersonals · 30 days
it is tough to answer the question of whether or not the writing in dialovers is Good. when dialovers is Looking Inward it can create some really heart-wrenching character writing. there’s some ayato self-reflection scenes for example, or some moments about how reiji and shu really feel about each other, that hit super hard and still make me cry when I replay them. because they don’t have an “all our issues need to be fixed by the end of the route” rule, they can put their main characters through some really bittersweet stuff that’ll have you thinking about the implications for a long time. it has a lot to say about healing and growth. I absolutely think it’s good writing
but sometimes they will just miss the most basic story beats and it’ll confuse the hell out of u. they will introduce this big obvious plot point and then just forget about it later. like when they made a big deal out of the vibora being attacked in yuma’s df, introduced us to zweig and gave yuma a reason to care about his safety, and then NEVER MENTIONED THEM AGAIN. like????? how can u be so good at character arcs and so careless about other things
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laitoslittlemacaron · 5 months
My poor Laito plushy had to go on rollercoasters (he was in the bag) and watch the illuminations with me; taking all the cute cafes & macarons into account im taking him on the canon dates he likes🤣💚 ((may my delulus become trululu someday😭✨))
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equinox-86 · 8 months
DiaLovers Hunger Games
I was bored.
Before I reveal the deaths, here are some moments I have to show
This one is very fitting for both.
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I imagine them just being happy and singing. No awkward tension, Just having fun (ㅅ´ ˘ `)
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Mother and son bonding time??😭
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⚰️ On to the graveyard ⚰️
Karl decided to murder Ayato first. That's what you get for always wanting to be No. 1, Ayato 😭
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Azusa 💔
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callmeklair · 5 months
"If you like Yui you shouldn't talk bad about Ayato because she wouldn't like it if you talked bad about her man."
Dude, I can talk bad about Ayato all I want because he's a damn fictional character and I swear Yui won't care either because she's a fictional character too.
And I don't even hate him, but his fans make me can't stand him. I don't even know where the hell all this supposed "hate" and "misinformation" towards Ayato that her fans talk about comes from.
I mean, I might even bet that Ayato stans here on Tumblr use multi-accounts to make it seem like posts about Ayato get more likes and reblogs.
Ayato is an overrated character, he may be the poster boy but he's not even the best written character in DL, let alone the most interesting. There's a reason why Japanese fans (the ones DL games are really aimed at) prefer Shu and Subaru. Japanese Dialovers prefer to draw Yui with Reiji rather than Ayato, so I don't know where this supposed "popularity" of Ayato or AyaYui himself comes from. 🤷🏻‍♀️
yeah whatever you said, exactly my thoughts. where did misinformation come from? like it's opposite, you all push down so many analysis and ayato facts on us like we did something wrong by saying "he is not that perfect to be overhyped so much" :/
and as I said it cannot be compared who had it worse because trauma is something that can't be compared yet these people in their analysis paint it like "ayato literally had it worse because he was treated like this by this character" so were other boys by other characters :/
all we do is just say that we hate the overhype but they interpret it as Ayato hate. I genuinely have neutral feelings for him like he is okay but we never said we hate him.
It's all just their delusional
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komoriyui · 7 months
《 I would like to thank Rejet with my whole heart for all of their unserious Dialovers content, such as the 4-panel manga, and the silly CDs they've released (;﹏;) Because after experiencing the hell that was rereading Laito's HDB route to help me write an analysis, I put on one of those silly CDs, and listening to all the boys commit to helping Azusa find his lost sock felt like the best breath of fresh air I've ever taken... (´ ∀ ` *) 》
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