#Dream x Ccino
iamsofuckinggay · 3 months
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The dreamtale brothers and their boyfriends
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sunnymainecoonx · 1 month
If you are still taking request can i have ccino x dream?
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Dream is hella wonky but yaaaa here u go.. :>
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keanublob · 5 months
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Ccino and Dream cuddling because I ship them.
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karineverse · 4 months
ccino and dream?,,, 🥺
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Aughgh they're so cute 🥺
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ask-the-cat-cafe · 3 months
Have you met nightmare yet? Whats your status with him?
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Nightmare comes in sometimes
Nightmare is made by @jokublog
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sandeewithtwoe · 3 months
requests still open? then can you draw fluffynight plss 🙏
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This ship gives me “I’ve only known Ccino for a day and a half but if anything happens to him I will kill everyone in this room and then myself” vibes
Ccino belongs to Black-Nyanko
Nightmare belongs to Jokublog
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cancanmiau · 27 days
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Displays of affection (Couples) + Epic
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coolingrosa · 10 months
My fav ships ehehe
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anfie-in-the-box · 5 months
X-tra Dark Cream third anniversary
I never mentioned it, never even payed it any attention, but the universe decided to remind me that one of my beloved works turns three on the twenty third of December. I don't celebrate any holidays at all, but sometimes I like to use them as a deadline that's not really strict and write something for my followers, and this time especially for @orange-dreamzer. Hope you enjoy!
It's fun to decorate the coffee shop for some local festivities, especially with a good company. There's five of them — Nightmare, Killer, Dream, Cross, and Ccino himself. They work faster together, even with the cats getting in the way and all of Ccino's helpers having no clue where to put what. He ends up directing them more than actually decorating, but he doesn't mind; it's new, but not a bad kind of new. He used to be the one helping… But the past is in the past. He has a family now — something he'd never dreamed of, not since his hopeless, dangerous love for still corrupted Nightmare bloomed. That's also in the past. Ccino's better now. All of them are. 
“Cross, I need you to put these lanterns above the door outside and a few inside as well. Do you mind me using blue magic on you?” Ccino says, getting the lanterns from yet another box. When Cross takes the lanterns and nods in confirmation, Ccino closes his sockets for a second, deeply breathes in and out, and then pulls. It's been a while since he had to use blue magic. Cross’ soul feels weird, part-human and part… something else, something more than soul traits, something that allows Cross to alter reality. Ccino doesn't understand that power, not even grasping the basics, but he thinks that's okay. 
While lifting Cross higher, Ccino calls, “Dream, please place the origami I prepared on the tables. Be careful not to wrinkle them, alright?”
Dream asks anxiously from behind, “Are you sure I should be doing this? I'm not used to handling delicate things…” 
Ccino can't help but soften. The curse has done a lot of harm to both twins, and it's crucial to remember that they don't realise just how loveable and reliable they are. If only they learned to love and trust themselves… But Ccino will support his family all the way. So he smiles, even though Dream can't see it — he can feel it, though, — and says with all the warmth and attentiveness in the world, “I have every confidence in you, Dream. Just try and put a few in their places, and then, if it doesn't work, I'll ask Nightmare. Okay?”
Dream hums an insecure “Okay,” and there's that. Ccino smiles and redirects Cross closer to the middle of the room. 
“There are hooks everywhere,” Cross notices. “Are they for the lanterns?” 
Am I doing this right? He doesn't ask, but Ccino understands nonetheless. He replies, “Well, yes. And for Christmas lights and tinsel, for example. All sorts of decorations.”
“How'd you do all this before?” Nightmare asks curiously. “Without someone to use magic on to put everything on the ceiling? I know you love this place, both Dream and I can feel it. But how?”
“I have a ladder,” Ccino admits. “But it's much easier and safer to use magic now that you're all here. Cats don't get in the way at all. Do they, Cross?” 
“They certainly can try,” Cross laughs. “Your blue magic is so gentle, you know? I was trained to be precise and effective, as a Royal Guard. To feel how different it can be… It's eye-opening.”
“Thanks for trusting me,” Ccino says. Dream adds from behind, “Thank you for your care.”
“Hey! Can someone come see this?” Killer calls suddenly from behind the counter; some time ago, he asked several questions about the festivities and hid with his favourite knife. 
“What have you got?” Nightmare responds, and then Ccino replies at the exact same moment, “A few more lanterns!” They don't apologise for interrupting each other, laughing instead. Barely a few seconds later Ccino hears Nightmare gasp in awe. 
“Didn't you see what I was doing? It's just a look over my shoulder, and you'd see it!”
Yeah, Nightmare and Killer are both behind the counter, but while Nightmare uses his impeccable penmanship to write well wishes on sticky notes and put them on the cups, Killer has promised a surprise.
“Well,” Nightmare replies in a patient tone, “You asked for privacy, so I gave that to you. Besides, I have my own task to do.”
Killer makes a noise in half-embarrassment half-gratitude. “It's ready. Now you can see.” 
Cross calls, “Hey Ccino, all done.” He puts him on the floor instantly, though carefully as usual, and together with Dream they all go to see what Killer has for them. 
It's wooden figures of different animals, so small they'd fit in the palm, yet finely detailed, so beautiful it takes Ccino's breath away. “How long have you been working on these?..” he whispers, afraid to ruin the moment — or the miniature figures. Killer shrugs and waves his hand, “Since you explained to us how this whole festivities thing works.”
Ccino's eye-sockets begin watering. He feels… happy. So very happy, and so very loved. He hugs Killer, murmuring, “Thank you.” 
“I didn't know you could carve,” Nightmare admits.
Petting Ccino's head, Killer explains, “Didn't really come up. It's a hobby for the times my LV acts up. Turned out to be useful now.” 
“I'm so proud and so grateful. This is amazing. You are amazing, Killer!”
“I agree with Ccino. Very clever,” Nightmare adds, just a little bit stiffly, and for once Ccino doesn't hear any guilt in his voice. Only serenity and love.
“So we did it, right?” Dream asks. “How about a small celebration?”
“Excellent suggestion!” Ccino exclaims, reluctantly letting Killer go. “You go sit, I'll handle the rest!” 
“Tea? Coffee? Or a dance?” Ccino offers half-jokingly. 
“Can I have more than one option?” Killer perks. Ccino nods seriously, “I don't see why not.” His hands tremble slightly, and he feels the heat of extra magic under his cheek bones. What's this impossible skeleton up to this time? 
“Well then, I'd like to order a dance and a cup of my favourite herbal tea right after.”
Oh. Ccino's never danced in his life; maybe as a kid, but he barely remembers his childhood, so there's that. There's also not that much space between tables and chairs. Yet he can't refuse, and takes Killer's hand, lowering another on Killer's shoulder as if they are waltzing. He quickly realises they're doing exactly that, just in one place, not moving around. 
“Shall we also give it a try?” Cross suggests. 
Dream hesitates, “But Nightmare would be left alone…” 
“That's not true,” Nightmare interrupts. “I'm still here with you, all of you, peaceful and content for once.” 
Ccino can't help but agree. And then Cross and Dream join Killer and him, waltzing between a different set of tables. 
Tomorrow's festivities have nothing on this lovely, so very lovely night. 
Ccino © black-nyanko
Nightmare and Dream © jokublog
Shattered Dream © galacii-gallery
Cross © jakei95
Killer © rahafwabas
Dark Cream © @zu-is-here
X-tra Dark Cream © me (anfie / anfie-in-the-box)
Is this canon in the actual Turns, twists, and paradoxes? Is the curse finally lifted? Is Fluffynightkiller a thing already? So many questions, so little answers!.. I would love to hear your thoughts.
Also, this piece started from Ccino's phrase "Tea? Coffee? Or a dance?" and then grew both backwards and forwards. In Russian it's "Чай? Кофе? Потанцуем?", which my relatives and I use rather often.
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lifelyne · 4 months
A little bit of Cream and Fluffynight
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*Angry Staremare noises*
Staremare and Dream belong to jokublog
Cross belong to Jakei
Ccino belong to Black-nyanko
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wickjump · 28 days
haii wick what do you think about ccino x dream x classic and outer x classic x error (both polys)
i wanna know since they’re both my fav sanscest polys in the whole wide world
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poly relationships fix all and i’ll stand by that forever. are you a multishipper who can’t choose? bam. poly. want multiple ship kids with different parents to be siblings without divorce, such as palette and pj/gradient? bam. hypersomnia poly. anyway, to the ship reviews!!
dream x ccino x classic. i adore dream x ccino on their own already, nightmare i’m so sorry you’re kind of terrible and ccino deserves better sorry 🙏, and ccino x classic is very nice, though i haven’t thought about dream x classic much. i don’t think dream and classic would work well on their own, but adding ccino in the mix would absolutely balance things out. they’d be very comfy. they make me think of pastel colors. very sweet, very nice, very calm, at least in my opinion. i wouldn’t be huge on it personally (as in i wouldn’t actively search around for content of them), but it’s super cool and i love the concept and especially the vibe of them so very much. ccino would add items on the menu based off them both !!
outer x classic x error is so goddamn cool. space lovers poly. “i would destroy every universe expect for yours ❤️” “t-thanks?” “you’ll get used to it he means well” poly. i’d call them starstrikers but idk if they have a ship name. i wouldn’t actively seek content of them, same with the ship above, but i’d still rate them on my inner shipping scale as “oh this is nice!!!!” bc they are. i’ve got no reason they couldn’t be together outside of my personal mildly one-sided obsessive classicerror hc, though i feel error would mellow out more in a poly, even if he’s still a bit error-style strange. i feel they’d all be very content to sit and watch the stars together which is neat
once again i’m so tired so this may not be legible whoops
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koibutcalledapollo · 9 months
Random doodles I did in a hour!!
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keanublob · 4 months
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Chibi Dream and Ccino
Wish I drew some bits of this better
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idiototheinternet · 5 months
Infodump about the ideas for the highschool idol au
So. Character info.
Cross: His dad is the principal (but they aren't on such bad terms, they just don't get along the best), he lives on campus with Ink (this is kinda a private school situation, you live in the dorms, but the uniform isn't really enforced by anyone but the actual principal, and it's usually just a stern warning.) and he may have some gender dysphoria, because I enjoy jumping on the bandwagon of using Cross as a punching bag. He wears the uniform pretty consistently, with a gold locket under the tie. He does always insist on wearing red Chuck Taylors all the time, which is the only pop of color on him other than the red scar on his cheek he got from falling down a hill as a kid. He was forcibly added to the band as secondary vocals and drums
Killer: Chaotic, loud, and possessing some godforsaken mix between a Cockney and a Boston accent that sounds surprisingly good when used to sing, he's the epitome of everything Cross isn't. He enjoys ghibli movies, my melody, and cats, but also feels like a bolt of lightning. When he actually wears the uniform, it's usually with a signature studded leather jacket with pins in it. he never takes the jacket off. if he isn't wearing the school uniform, it's usually a shirt with Kel holding an orange joe or a cat hoodie under the jacket. His voice and outgoing nature got him the spot as the lead vocals and guitar.
Horror: He doesn't speak much, but when he does, it's slow, and full of thought. He likes to make food for people, and one of the first things he said to Dust was "Do you like pie." (much slower, but you get my point.) He never really wears the uniform, and everyone is fine with that, i don't think he's even met the principal. The best bear hugs in the school come from him. He plays bass.
Dust: He speaks snarkily to combat Killer, or to help Nightmare talk him out of a terrible plan to get that one guy finger drumming and mouthing the words to Fine to come and play. He wears the uniform sometimes, but always finds something to make it different, never removing his scarf.
Nightmare: He writes the lyrics to all the songs they sing, and drills everyone on the lyrics matching the beat exactly. EMO B- He always insists on visiting this one coffee shop, and always either wears casual wear or a full suit like
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And high heels. He's hot and he knows it.
Error: Works on audio editing, and seems to be getting gradually more interested in theater. if you think he wears anything but his pajamas, you're wrong. Bro learned how to code a free no download version of FL studio, but won't do his math homework.
Ink: Ultimate art and theater kid, does everything, always covered in paint. how does he manage this. Pretty good grades, and he can sing well, but he usually keeps his singing to himself and this one guy who used to go to school with him.
Dream: Writes scripts, and plays smaller character parts, very gay for blue. That's all I can really say without having a whole ass essay.
Blue: Builds the sets for plays, and finds ways to get the school budget large enough to get all the materials for the plays.
Ccino(I'm just gonna refer to him as coffee guy until nightmare actually learns his name): works at the only good campus food store/cafe, and makes, and I quote "The only black coffee that you can actually enjoy"-Noot noot joku, 2023(/24, Idk when he'll say that.)
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ask-the-cat-cafe · 23 days
Nightmare and ccino ever made out👀
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absolute-weirdo-inc · 6 months
UltraVerse Lore
-Nightmare is the main character
-Nightmare was found as a child (post-apple incident) and adopted him
-Nightmare is a genuinely good guy
-Dream basically abandoned him for the love of the villagers
-He is the same person as passive but was controlled ages 6-8 by an evil spirit (basically canon nightmare but a kid) so is now viewed as a villain since the spirit took his body on a joyride throughout the multiverse destroying 7 separate universes along the way
-Nightmare has bad trauma bcus of the villagers abuse
-Basically act as one person since they are #codependentasfuck
-Chaos incarnate
-Nightmares precious babys (though NM wont admit it to anyone)
-The fight constantly
-Same lore as canon (No fanon horror ty bbg) ((We stan canon horror))
-Non canon ages (same with everyone else (ages shown further down))
-A bad guy
-Same canon as usual (obviously underverse isnt a thing but the events of Xtale still happened (this is important for his and ink’s relationship))
-Little brother vibes
-Hates annoying NM but it sometimes happens regardless
-Nightmares favourite child nonetheless
-The most idiotic of the bad guys but trys to act like hes a genius
-Sometimes works with NM bug mainly on game night in the castle not on actual Multiverse shit (bcus ill be dambed if the baddies don’t get to kick each others asses in dumb games of charades (Nightmare kicks the most ass in scrabble bcus hes a fucking nerd and dust is surprisingly good at draw and killer guessing in picturnary))
-BBFs with Swap regardless
-Canon error all the way 0 exceptions (unless its for feather boas)
-Makes dolls for an orphanage in the omega timeline and donates the anonymously 😭
-Hates ink because he thinks he thinks hes a freak (no one on one rivalry bcus he prefers to put his time to good use and not use it on “a dumb looking, emo wannabe who sucks at everything and has the brain of a fucking sloth”… his words not mine bbg”
-A bit of an ass
-Truly believes he the hero (has no clue he’s fucking up the multiverse with all the positivity he spreads
-His anthem is literally SUI
-Overworks Swap without realising
-Was convinced by the village that NM is evil
-Drinks wine like everyone’s favourite english teacher who has had it up to here because of their incompetent husband (by incompetent husband i mean ink)
-I Stan him fr
-… underverse except hes dumb and is a dream simp lol
-hes just a combo of canon and fanon ink with a sprinkle of 💅
-Left his home because he found out Alphys never planned on letting him join the royal guard and not only felt betrayed bcus everyone in his universe who matters knew but he also wanted to prove himself (in his words “WHATS BETTER THEN PROTECTING ONE UNDERGROUND” Error-“wH4T?”
“ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!” Error- “…’5uCS M3 wh4t?!”)
-Has met his fanon version… blueberry became jam
-Made some official armour
-Lost a bunch of weight after joining, he went from chubby to too skinny even for a skeleton
-Also has insomnia and nothing will help (not me projecting.. not at all
Ccino (yes Ccino is part of this multiverse)
-Basically the same as usual
-Him and Nightmare are best friends (no toxic shit bcus this ISNT FLUFFYMARE
-Would literally drop everything to have a conversation with one of his cats
-Is close with all the baddies and something joins them for game night (⚠️WARNING⚠️- Dont let this man play Monopoly, he is so cold hearted and will make you go bankrupt IRL, yes he is so good he made Horror cough up 100 gold after Horror landed on two of his maxed out properties in a row (he owns the whole fucking board))
-His brother is still alive and His name is Spresso (IDK where i found this idea for his name but ill hunt it down)
-Spresso is glad Ccino made lots of friends even if they are insane murders
I dont want to add a bunch of ships but like…
-Minor Drink
and maybe more later. Im sorry my pubescent teenage brain wont let me write shit thats not gay as fuck.
Other shit
-There will be other characters like Lust and Reaper (obviously bcus of NMs lore) but i haven’t finished all my lore on their characters
-There is mentioned toxic swadmare bcus i can’t resist the angst
-Like mentioned Nightmare is the main character and since i tend to project he may not act canon (neither will anyone else tbh BUT I WILL TRY)
-this whole thing will be cringe because im a depressed teen who is still doing her GCSEs
-Also the updates will mostly be on my tumblr but i’ll post most of the writing on my ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/52174081
-Please dont hate me :3
[Love you all besties, thanks for your time]
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