#Ernest greeves
4ragon · 7 months
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Layton characters ranked by how much I think they need therapy.
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teenytinyapprentice · 6 months
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Millionaires' Conspiracy...
for the twitter layton gift exchange 2023 event - my piece for Kyo @tanggalipet - I thought it might be fun to share here as well! ^^
the pose was inspired by this 1941 palm beach suit ad, something about the silly conspiratorial whispering made me think of the overall tone of LMJ hehe
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wormeyeballs · 19 days
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commission for jonalongnose!! ernest my beloved
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bitchfendi · 2 months
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i found some p stupid looking ernests
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mobaino2 · 10 months
something else!
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👆this one came from Yia i really liked♥
and next are mine
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ovent0 · 4 months
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For a long time I had wanted to make a drawing with a reduced color palette.
And completely randomly this one appeared on my feed:
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It's called Ever green Ever bleed ( From @/color-palettes)
And my brain acted quickly on Ernest(my precious child).
So also have the SpeedPaint ✨
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solstere · 4 months
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Wouldn’t be a very good assistant if you weren’t decent at solving puzzles!
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kirbro · 1 year
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wanted to do that color wheel challenge but with professor layton
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101flavoursofweird · 7 days
The parallels between Kat and Ernest…
Baby Kat comes screaming into the world during a shipwreck. Her mother dies after giving birth to her, leaving Kat with nothing but the kindness of a fifteen-year-old Luke Triton to depend on. Luke takes Kat to Professor Layton, who adopts her as his own after a few years. Layton vanishes when Kat’s eleven, leaving her with a family (Rosa, Flora, Alfendi etc) who no doubt loves her but she experiences loneliness nonetheless. Perhaps she feels overlooked next to her siblings and her other extraordinary relatives…
Despite her father’s disappearance, Kat makes no secret of her last name. She adopts her own noble-sounding title to match her father’s: ‘Lady Layton’. She follows in Layton’s footsteps as a detective and she names her detective agency after him. When clients mistakenly request the help of the Professor Layton, Kat’s reactions range from self-aggrandising to outright offended. Kat wants to be famous in her own right. She wants attention— partly to extend the search for her father, partly to boost her own prestige— and she wants to help people. She wants to be respected as a true gentle-person and a puzzle-solver, just like her father. She also wants money and material items (clothes, decor, sweet treats etc)… not so much like her father, but Kat is still valid for this. If Randall can crave shiny things then so can Kat
On the other hand, we have Miles Richmond. Miles is born into wealth—  to one of the richest, most influential families in London. Miles’ grandfather poured his wealth into redeveloping London (maybe after Clive’s mobile fortress attack?). His family lived in a freaking castle, containing portraits of them.
Then, Grandpa Richmond dies, followed by Miles’ unnamed mother when Miles is twelve (I think)? Miles’ mama encourages him to grow up to be someone big, strong and powerful— a ‘great man’. She did this to rally Miles’ spirits, but Miles misinterpreted this as meaning that he needed to become more powerful than the Seven Dragons if he wanted to make them pay. I think he resented the Dragons more for the death of his mother rather than the loss of his family’s wealth… but then, I’m sure the money would have helped if his mother needed to see a doctor… 
Anyway when his mother dies, Miles is left destitute and orphaned. He changes his name to Ernest Greeves— hiding his identity and his past— and he eventually makes it to Gressenheller, where he meets Katrielle Layton.
Kat proves Ernest’s innocence in a crime— partly out of kindness, yes, but she also wanted to stick it to the police and she just wanted to solve the case and she was going to Gressenheller anyway, so… 
While Kat does have her gentle moments, such as when she comforts a lonely Liza and a weeping Ernest, I think we can all agree Kat isn’t the reserved, sometimes demure lady Flora is or a gentle-person in the same way Layton is. Kat is often brash, boastful, impatient, pushy, greedy, bratty, selfisheven… 
Kat isn’t your typical gentle-person, but she does have a good heart and a strong mind. Even after learning about her birth mother and her past for the first time, Kat is still adamant that Hershel Layton is her father, and that she is Katrielle Layton. She knows who she is, who her family are and she’s proud of it.
Ernest possesses more traits commonly associated with a gentle-person. Ernest seems diligent, studious, polite, optimistic, amiable, loyal to those he cares about— a lot like Professor Layton in many ways! 
However, underneath all that, Ernest does have a dark side. He can be vengeful, sneaky and manipulative… rather like a certain Clive Dove.
The problem for Ernest is that he is a gentle person at heart, and Kat knows this. When Kat reveals his plan and his true identity, Ernest doesn’t sneer at Kat, grab a hostage or unleash a giant robot from under the castle. He still sees Kat as a friend, and he stays with Kat after everything is cleared up with the Dragons.
Kat reassures Ernest that his mother did love him, no matter what. From Kat, Ernest learns that he doesn’t need to be a ‘great man’, with riches and influence and power to overcome people who stand in his way. He just needs to be himself— a young gentleman and Katrielle Layton’s assistant.
And maybe, in turn, maybe Ernest allows Kat to demonstrate that gentle, considerate side to her that was always there. Kat is great and Ernest is always there to remind her of that, but it’s okay if she’s gentle— vulnerable— sometimes too.
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sallufix · 1 year
//TW drawn blood, gun/gunshot
Ayye i made an animatic!! Thing!! Idk its a trend on Instagram rn and not only did the vocals remind me of Ernest, but i think the concept also fit Alfendi sooo i birthed this out😔 I feel like no one has thought of them as a duo before so im here to take the stage and create the most goofy shit as usual
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juuyeah · 6 months
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I am currently playing some Layton games again and idk i love these two… (i will motivate myself to color it)
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pentacle-artist · 7 months
Various Professor Layton Headcanons (Including Mystery Room and Mystery Journey)
Luke prefers holding sleeves or wrists over actually holding hands
Flora can successfully make toast
When Layton is tired enough, he can only focus on one thing at a time and becomes oblivious to his surroundings. Randall and Clark have some funny stories.
Potty Prof is surprisingly good at hugs, Placid Prof is very bad at them. It doesn't come up.
Potty Prof is the best cook between him, Placid Katrielle, and Flora, this doesn't mean he does it often
Luke bonded with Alfendi by sharing disturbing animal facts he knew
Ernest is very self-taught when it comes to cooking and sticks to some basic recipes he's good at because, let's be honest, he's too busy to experiment often
Kat, on the other hand, either doesn't cook or goes all out trying a random recipe she found (to mixed success). She has definitely caused a couple of kitchen fires.
Ernest has a small nick on his ear after the fishing hook getting caught on it in episode 8 of the anime
Layton has listened to Luke infodump about various animals and book series on multiple occasions
Flora knows how to pick locks but considers it something to do only when necessary (she doesn't want to be a criminal, after all)
Lucy is stronger than she looks
Katrielle has a self-defense knife Alfendi gave her. It's in her coat pocket, and she forgets it's there half the time
Layton has a former guest room that was kind of Luke's room until he adopted Flora, and it became her room. Luke was chill about this and helped decorate. Now, when he stays over, he sleeps on the couch.
Layton helped the Tritons move from Misthallery to London
Ernest has seen enough horror movies that they don't easily scare him but he still finds them fun
Flora is a pretty good singer and has sung along to songs Luke plays on his violin (I love thinking about these two being friends)
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laytontreasures · 9 months
Layton Mystery Detective Agency Books
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I recently discovered these Layton Mystery Detective Agency Books that I had never heard of before.
Since I'm an obsessed Layton fan, I immediately bought the entire set, ten books in total.
I looked it up and the books were made by @Layton_Creative.
(Go check out their Twitter they have loads of cute art!)
I have no idea how "official" these books are, but they are ready cute and I really enjoyed them!
Each book is based on a single episode of the anime.
The artstyle is really cute and funny at times.
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And this is a Layton book, so there are naturally puzzles to solve!
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One thing I really like is there are a few changes and extra scenes that aren't in the anime.
For example, in the final case, Hastings and Brittanias must work together to solve the puzzles to rescue the Dragons.
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And by the end of it, they actually become friends!
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Also, Clover Pryce doesn't die in this version! A great day for women!
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My favorite part however is the end of the final case, where Katrielle walks through town and sees all the people she's helped. I'm glad to see Pastel smiling, he definitely had the most tragic episode.
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There's also a cute illustration at the end.
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Wait.... who do you see those two men in the window??
I bought my books from here if anybody is interested in adding them to their collection.
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wormeyeballs · 1 month
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trying to get the katnest brainrot out of my system
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harmonypon · 4 months
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I have no impulse control
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mobaino2 · 1 year
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Because some original memes are not in English, I have made a translation.
Hope they're not too stiff= ̄ω ̄=
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