#Ernie (power rangers)
augment-techs · 1 year
Ernie absolutely, undoubtedly, 100% knows that the Power Rangers are those kids that are tight as any children that have passed through his youth center, ever--they’re color coded and not at all subtle about making excuses when monsters attack, come on--but will never, ever say a word about it until they tell him themselves. But Bulk and Skull are his favorites. It’s wrong, and he will never not be grateful for every catastrophe that the Rangers have diverted, or class they’ve taught to kids that need the lessons and encouragement and attention, but... If he had to explain it, it would come out incredibly badly, but it was a little like when he went to an animal shelter to provide Trini with volunteers that needed something to do and were willing to learn. The Rangers were a little bit like puppies or kittens that had a history written down, and a pedigree, and all of their shots, and were adorable and easy to train and easy to love and would therefore find Forever Homes almost with absolute certainty. Bulk and Skull were like the animals that were slightly older, had once been housed, had been dropped off at the shelter without an explanation, and that usually had some behavioral issues. Aggression among other animals, bad habits like getting into things they weren’t supposed to or getting out of the yard; or hiding under the house and hissing at the very idea of being touched because of bad experiences. Didn’t have their shots and would have probably been euthanized in shelters that didn’t have a no kill policy. They didn’t need the pity and could (mostly) take care of themselves, but it was hard for Ernie to tamp down on the urge to give them a home. It wasn’t much, but the Juice Bar was the best he could do.
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morninkim · 9 months
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Rise of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Bulk & Skull
Co-founders of the Power Rangers Fan Club and proud owners of a ClikClak account with a whopping 78 followers (and counting!), R4ngerN3T, meet Farkas "Bulk" Bulkmeier and Eugene "Skull" Skullovitch!
Bulk is on the football team with Jason and Zack, and has always wanted to be a superhero since he was a kid. He's a bit abrasive and hard to get along with at first. He's also very loud and outspoken, not afraid to put those he thinks deserve it in their face. Though underneath his obnoxious tough guy exterior is a passionate and driven young man who is determined to uncover the identities of the Power Rangers with the help of his boyfriend, Skull.
Skull's a little more mellow than Bulk, but only barely. He's not the brightest, mostly down to his problems staying focused on schoolwork, and relies on Bulk to help him out with studying (which is about as successful as it sounds). Though the one thing that immediately gets him excited and fixated is a new Ranger sighting, to which he'll pull out his phone and start bugging anyone and everyone with questions about it.
Together they started a ClikClak account to start documenting their search for the Power Rangers' identities, mostly to go viral when they eventually succeed (maybe, but probably not). They keep the page active with blurry photos, conspiracy theories about the Rangers and the monsters they fight, and dubious interviews from people around town. Despite some... precarious sources and stories, it's surprisingly good journalism.
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jnta1234 · 1 year
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Reboot Fancast (Allies)
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jprandamonium · 2 years
Wish if they wanted nostalgia, they just did it 100%.
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clarktooncrossing · 5 months
Giraffe's Eye View: Christmas Specials Special (2023) | I'm Dreaming of a White Ranger
Chestnuts are roasting on an open fire. Jack Frost is nipping at your nose. Mom and dad can hardly wait for school to start again. All the dogs in the neighborhood somehow learned to bark Jingle Bells in sync. Yet retail workers are still more annoyed with Mariah Carey. Snow is getting shoveled, tossed, and formed into sentient beings leading parades without permits. It makes for an excellent distraction as the Krampus abducts children for bad behavior. Fruitcake is exchanged only to find its permanent home in the garbage. Terrorists have hijacked the Holiday office party right before your boss can give you a Jelly of the Month Club membership as your bonus. And of course, the Turducken has returned to wreak its fiery vengeance upon an unsuspecting world! If all this doesn’t put you in the Christmas spirit, perhaps these following Holiday specials will!
Greetings people of today and robots of tomorrow! It is I, Santa Clark, your geeky giraffe friend with a deep love of Christmas! My obsession for the yuletide is rivaled only by Maleficent’s hatred for it, which is saying a lot considering she once teamed up with Mad Madam Mim to kidnap the literal Spirit of Christmas. Yes, that really happened. I know this due to my annual pilgrimage to the Island of Misfit Specials, home to obscure or nerdy festive media ranging from movies, TV episodes, and comics. It’s no easy journey. Constantly I find myself confronted by sinister snowmen, genocidal gingerbread men, and worst of all, crappy commercials. Getting stabbed in the foot by a candy-cane wielding cookie is one thing, but I swear I’ve seen that ad for Wilbur’s White Elephant Gift Emporium more times than I’ve seen Miracle on 34th Street! Sometimes at night I catch myself reciting that jingle. Wilbur’s White Elephant Gift Emporium: Where Christmas meets Convenience! Huh, maybe Maleficent had a point.
Nah, my deep-rooted appreciation for this time of year can weather even the most moronic marketing! It helps that most of the merry media I’ve seen have put me in the perfect Holiday mood! Examples include the time a Ninja Turtle found himself trapped in a truck full of stollen toys, a drunk department store Santa stumbling onto a wish-granting magic bag, Big Bird nearly becoming a popsicle, Gwenpool waking up in a world where Galactus took the place of jolly ol’ Saint Nicholas, a terrifying tree stump trying to slaughter some saps over a stupid ship war, and the year when Death gave the Little Match Girl the greatest gift of all. Needless to say, I thought I had seen it all. That is, until I took my friends on a trip to the Island, tasking them to find me new, strange, seasonal specials to review! Some of them were fair, finding me festive favorites as comforting as coco in front of the fireplace. Others were fiendish, wanting to feed off my misery like Gremlins after midnight. Regardless of how naughty or nice my companions were, I’ve compiled all of their suggestions into a makeshift advent calendar! So stay tuned everyday until Christmas to see how badly my buddies can shred what little sanity I have left.
On the sixth day of Christmas, my buddies gave to me...
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Question: what happens when you combine Saved By The Bell with Shōwa-Era Godzilla? Answer: you get a beloved franchise that’s lasted for three decades. It worked for Power Rangers. This American adaptation of the Japanese series Super Sentai pits a pack of teens with attitude against rubber-suited monsters for the fate of the world, if not the whole universe. This series is a perfect byproduct of the 90s, featuring bright colors, silly special effects, and hoaky acting. It’s resulted in an entire generation of people who wanted to pilot the Dragonzord or suddenly appear in spandex upon shouting out, “IT’S MORPHIN’ TIME!” One of these dorks is Hobo (Mr-Herp-Derp), still as obsessed with this franchise as Rita Repulsa is with conquering Earth. It’s no wonder why my mighty morphin’ buddy wanted me to check out I’m Dreaming of A White Ranger. Well actually he wanted me to watch something else, but that’ll be explained later. For now, what’s happening with our young heroes?
Every Ranger down in Angel Grove liked Christmas a lot. But Lord Zedd (Robert Axelrod), who lived up on the moon, did not. Lord Zedd hated Christmas, the whole Christmas season! Now please don’t ask why, no one quite knows the reason. It could be perhaps that his grill was too tight. It could be because those meddling kids kept foiling his plights. But I think that the most likely reason of all may have been that his heart was two sizes too small. Or the writers were too lazy to think up any other reason. He’s evil, bah humbug! Yet his motivation is still more thought out than the Vizier’s. Unlike that purple punk, Zed had an idea. An awful idea. He had a wonderful, awful idea! I know what to do, the villain growled in his throat. He’d send his top henchmen Rito Revolto (Bob Papenbrook) and Goldar (Kerrigan Mahan) down to the North Pole to force all the elves to make mind-controlling tops.
My, what a lack of vision this menacing meatsack has. For starters, dude has a giant super weapon shaped like a dragon that can destroy planets. If you really hated the Holidays that much, find some batteries for the freak’n thing so it can annihilate the arctic! BOOM! Sandy Claws will be no more! Assuming that doesn’t work though, why tops? Unless you’re Jewish, what kid was asking for such a boring toy back in 1995? If the previous year’s Black Friday is any indication, youngsters are yearning for merch based on this show! Miniaturized Zords, plastic replicas of Sabba the White Tiger Sword, their own personalized Morphers, and action figures so they can force the Pink and Green Rangers to kiss! If the beefy bozo wanted to destroy the yuletide with a sense of irony, those elves would be assembling a batch of brainwashing Blue Ranger helmets!
Speaking of which, we catch up with our generic gaggle of goody two-shoes at Ernie’s Juice Bar, preparing a Holiday pageant for the underprivileged. Y’know, like every teenager totally used to do after school. Totally. Leading the local youth in song is Yellow Ranger Aisha (Karan Ashley) and Pink Ranger Kimberly (Amy Jo Johnson). Now if only they had picked some kids who could actually carry a tune. I guess all the ones who could were beamed over to the Command Center to help decorate. With singing this sour, I’m starting to root for Zed. One kid suffering from a similar mojo is Becky, worrying that her workaholic dad won’t be there to see her perform. Her worries are mirrored by Kim, her own parents parading around Paris presently. Aw, your poor punims. Turns out the one gift I forgot to give you was my empathy. Sorry if that sounds heartless, but I can’t bring myself to care. For starters, who the heck is Becky? At least The Flash used a pre-established player when forcing their festive drama down my throat. Unless this brat became a Ranger later on, her one-off plotline is pointless. Sure, being alone at this time of year is a bummer, but remember what show we’re watching right now. Obviously everything’s gonna be wrapped up with a pretty bow before the credits roll. That’s why when the families do finally arrive at the end, the most I can muster is dull surprise! A sentiment shared by Becky’s uncredited actress judging by her own reaction. Jeez, here’s hoping the action’s more exciting.
I freak'n wish. Having somehow pieced together their enemy’s plan, robot Alpha (Richard Steven Horvitz) and severed wizard head Zordon (David Fielding) beam our heroes to the North Pole, which looks considerably cheap. How much you wanna bet they shot this at some defunct Christian theme park? Regardless of the backdrop, the butt kicking will be a sight to behold! Or not. Due to multimodal reflection sorting, the Rangers can’t morph while at the workshop. Let me repeat that: they can’t morph! No suiting up sequence, Megazord, or Sentai footage. I have yet to discover a word in the English language to describe how lame this is. This is like getting a ride on the Polar Express only for them to take you to a drunken mall Santa! What’s even the point? Now I understand this episode's title, dreaming’s the closest we’re gonna get! Fortunately, Blue Ranger Billy (David Yost) realizes the same magic blocking their powers also affects their enemies. Thus Goldar and Rito are rendered helpless as our protagonists pull the most ingenious maneuver known to man: pelting them with snowballs! You magnificent bastards, I read your book! Said book being the same one Pinkie and Sunset wrote. It’s enough to send the lackies running back to a furious Zed, wondering if Christmas perhaps means a little bit more. Or why he hasn't stuffed these two twits into a space dumpster. At most they managed to screw up Santa’s schedule, but even that’s easily undone with the aid of the Rangers. Doesn’t that break some sort of Elf union laws? Probably explains why Saint Nick pays them with a big sack of toys instead of any actual money. Then again, that’s probably the most these actors ever made working on this show. Keep making it so the cast had to work at Burger King to afford their apartments! In the end the six return to Ernie’s with their bag full of goodies while Rito gives a gift to Goldar. Aw, now that’s nice! And more interesting than Becky’s subplot.
Despite how mighty this franchise normally is, this episode was mediocre. It’s no wonder why they stopped making these seasonal outings after Zeo, only to bring them back with Samurai. The writing was wooden, the sets were second-rate, and the acting was adequate at best. Really the worst aspect was how subdued everything was. Compared to what the Rangers have accomplished before and after, rescuing Kris Kringle feels surprisingly pedestrian. What would’ve helped is if the Rangers had taken on a larger threat or at the very least changed into their costumes. Maybe have Lord Zedd follow Hawkmoth’s example by corrupting Mr. Claus or have the festive fatman reveal his sled can change into a Zord! You'd get a crazy fight scene and a new toy to sell! Remember kids, subtlety is overrated! As it stands, I'm dreaming of something better than this. Luckily, Netflix has just what we need. Let me tell you a story about letters.
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amberbeach · 7 months
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gif belongs to me
Jason searched the school for you while the other Rangers headed to face off against Rita's latest monster. You were heading down the stairs when he found you and you knew instantly from his expression of regret that another date was about to be cancelled. That made it four in a row.
You listened as he claimed to have another emergency, and promising to make it up to you, and as you watched the man you love lie, you felt your anger reach a boiling point and your heart shatter.
"Don't bother." You walked by him and Jason called out to you as you headed down the hallway, sighing when you ignored him. Alpha warned him that the others were struggling without him and he knew he had to choose, and in that split second he chose his friends, hoping he hadn't ruined his chances with you.
Little did he know that you had plans of your own. You followed him out of school to the park where the other Rangers were fighting. Your eyes widened when you saw him help the four Rangers defeat the Putties. You clutched your camera tightly, snapping pictures of the Rangers as they fought to defeat the Putties.
You had supported him during competitions so you knew when his mind was distracted and when two Putties advanced behind him, you called out to him, "Jason, look out!"
He turned, finding you standing with your camera. He took down the Putties and looked at where you stood frozen, "Run, Y/N! Run!"
You hesitated as you watched him take down another Putty and swallowed thickly when he promised to explain later, taking out his morpher. You knew from the look in his eyes that you would only serve as a distraction and the last thing you wanted was for him to get hurt. So you left, looking over your shoulder just in time to catch him morphing into the Red Ranger. You stumbled but kept on running. You had no destination in mind, however, when you realized it was best to stay away from your house, you headed to Ernie's and when he saw how frazzled you were, he brought you a shake on the house.
Almost an hour later Jason entered with his friends and you knew from their expression that they knew, you found out about their secret. Jason approached you, a tentative smile on his lips as he said, "I can explain everything, if you want me too."
You left Ernie's and walked around Angel Grove, having no particular destination in mind as he told you the story about how he and his four friends became Power Rangers and the secret they vowed to keep to Zordon. You listened intently, not asking questions and allowing him to speak freely.
You stopped walking when he took your hands, assuring you that from this moment forth he would always confide in you, never lie about 'emergencies' and you saw the fear in his eyes - his belief that you would reject him and end your relationship.
You closed your eyes, squeezing his hands as you met his gaze, "Just promise me one thing."
"Anything." He agreed instantly.
"Always come back to me."
Jason smiled, a weight lifted from his shoulders, his hands rising to your cheek, "I promise. I love you. And I will never lie to you again. From here on out, complete transparency."
You smiled softly, "I love you too."
He leaned in to kiss you passionately, wrapping his arms around your as he deepened the kiss, and you placed your hands on his cheeks, smiling against his lips.
That day you made an oath to always be truthful, honest, and always stand by one another no matter what the future had in store. Your love will always persevere.
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kimberlyannharts · 3 months
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So I may have been slightly hyped for this book the past few months
For the three of you who haven't heard about this, MMPR: The Return is a story set in the future of an alternate universe of the MMPRs; one where Jason, Zack, and Trini didn't give up their powers upon the eve of the Peace Conference, and thus the team stayed together even after high school. But fast forward twenty-two years later, and the team has broken up due to some sort of tragedy - we know from the Re-Imagine prologue in the 30 Year Anniversary book, Zordon and Alpha were destroyed by Zedd and Rita. But other stuff seems to have happened too. What is that stuff? I guess we're about to find out!
Oh, and I should mention this was written by the original Pink Ranger herself, Amy Jo Johnson. (and her partner, Matt Hotson.) That might be important to know.
It's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return #1!
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= Three pages in and Jason's already getting his ass kicked. You're forty-five years old, man, you should be at the club
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= I know this was debated a bit when the book was announced - how it would line up with Thuy and JDF's passings, especially after coming off the heels of Once and Always, where the focal point was Trini's daughter taking up her powers after Trini's death. (For what it's worth, this book was first conceived pre-pandemic, long before OaA. Making comics takes a long time.) And while Tommy is still a bit up in the air (despite what we'll see in a few pages) Trini does seem to have definitively passed due to illness.
While I definitely get the frustration of Thuy's passing essentially sealing Trini's fate - especially in a comic book, where you don't have to worry about actor restrictions - I'm a little more generous towards it here because Amy and Thuy were close friends and she actually dealt with her death personally compared to how the OaA writers, well......didn't. And this issue is clearly paralleling Kimberly's motivations and feelings to Amy's real-life ones, so this just feels like another part of that.
(Also to contrast OaA's handling of Trini - a) her passing here isn't caused by a graphic onscreen explosion, proving the whole "well they HAD to show it onscreen for more impact!!!" was bullshit b) her friends AND THE WIDER COMMUNITY are actually grieving and talking about her impact on everyone as well as using the non-actor-restriction to SHOW it and c) The book actually gives her a JOB. TWO jobs!!!!!!! Yeah OaA why the fuck did you send ZACK to Congress WHEN IT CLEARLY SHOULD HAVE BEEN TRINI
also I like her middle-aged design. prettyyyyyy)
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= onto lighter topics HEYYYY IT'S THESE GUYS!! Bulk and Skull are married and you just can't see the ring through Bulk's gloves, it's real and true
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= speaking of which this whole flashback is adorable and nostalgic but I want to point out some background details
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= Ernie is just trying to run a fucking business here
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= go white boy go
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= ZACK/KIM HAS FINALLY COME BACK TO ME MY FUCKING BELOVEDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God, when WAS the last time they actually talked one-on-one in the main series
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= FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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= so along with some other stuff I'm definitely taking this as foreshadowing that Trini wasn't cut off from Kim like the boys were. That's the power of WOMEN (and also if we get Aunt Trini flashbacks with Olivia I'll fucking CRYYYYYY)
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= Absolutely obsessed with Billy's face here
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= D:
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= So besides the Trini stuff I want to the keep the Once and Always comparisons to a minimum but it's very funny how both storylines involve Billy using a company as a front for his embezzlement schemes. At least his telecom company PROBABLY isn't war profiteering
= also Alpha's rose <3
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= so anyway Jason's gone rogue and was pretending he's the main character until he suddenly went missing, as shown in the first few pages. And Billy and Zack want to become Rangers again to try and find him.
= but the thing is guys, Kim has won the idgaf war. She's depressed, she's traumatized, she spent twenty-two years raising a child with Tommy's genes all by herself, she's tired. She does NOT want to be wrapped up in Jason's midlife crisis drama
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= Zack getting so mad and wanting to risk it all for Jason hell yeah those are my Jason/Zack crumbs
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= Mysterious shadowy figure watching the old people drama from a distance, you are just like me fr
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= OLIVIA THAT'S FUCKING OLIVIAAAAAAAAAAAA and she already sounds so CUTE. If you go back to the diner scene you can see the phone constantly buzzing until Kim finally puts it away. She's like mom. mom. mom. MOM
= also just because the tragic Tomberly family storyline already makes me want to kms do you think that ring is kind of small and plain because Tommy and Kim were so young when they got married and it's all Tommy could afford. And Kim still wears it to this day. I want to die
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= It's already been confirmed that Selena is indeed referring to Sylvia here, so I won't talk about that. What I DO want to talk about is Kim's casual momwear. Those sweatpants!!!!!!!!!!
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= It would be really funny if Kim just. immediately slammed the door shut
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nerdwatching · 1 year
Watched Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers from episode 1 to the end of the Green With Evil arc with my girlfriend, her seeing it for the first time, me rewatching it for the first time in many years. Some of our thoughts below:
Like in the 2017 movie, Billy is clearly the best ranger and we love him
Kimberly being a valley girl without also being a bully or a bitch is so refreshing
Everyone's fashion sense is great and peak 90s, but we particularly called out Zack for always being on point and Jason for wearing the same outfit of tank top and shorts in nearly every episode
But when Jason does mix it up, it's always in the strangest way possible (tank top, shorts and then a jumper tied over his shoulders??)
Speaking of fashion, that green netting tank top on Tommy whilst evil? Loved it
Amy Jo Johnson played a very good Billy in the body swap episode, but David Yost fucking killed it as valley girl Kimberly in every scene
Jason is clearly Zordon's favourite. He is the only one he ever calls on the communicator. The inside of his tube is the "do t for her" meme but with Jason pictures
Billy is definitely on several government watchlists and was probably let off from being arrested from trying to get plutonium purely because he was 8 at the time
Trini having a massive collection of weird/creepy dolls was an excellent character choice and we love her for it
Jason has the best arse on the team
Jason David Frank was clearly loving hamming it up as the evil ranger and was absolutely chewing the scenery of every shot he was in
The Dragon Dagger controlling the Dragon Zord via playing it like a flute through a closed helmet with the flute making trumpet noises when played? Perfectly logical and we wouldn't have it any other way
Tommy getting put into time out for toying with Jason instead of killing him by Rita was great, he is just in magic space prison beating up the air because "mother, I crave violence!!!"
We need to see more Zack teaching Alpha how to dance. We need to see that little robot bust the sickest moves
Bulk and Skull bring it on themselves so much, but I honestly felt sorry for them given how much they ate shit. And they must owe Ernie hundreds of dollars in lost cakes due to the amount of times Bulk lands face first into them
Also, shout out to Paul Schrier and Jason Narvy for all the physical comedic acting they did as Bulk and Skull, masterful pratfalls from those two
The weird juxtaposition of the Japanese footage being worse quality due to it being older, but the costumes were of way higher budget Vs the American footage being much crisper, but that only showing the lack of budget even more (Tommy's shoulder armour being made out of what looks like quilt spay painted gold in the American footage??)
The Putties sound like Dr. Zoidberg
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Okay, think I've got the list. With apologies to anyone who get cut. I'll start working on grouping everyone tomorrow. In the meantime, if you want to send in infodumps/propaganda about these nonships, by all means do! That will give me something to work with when I build the graphics
James Ironwood and Boyd Drake (RWBY and Ducktales/DTLS)
Isaac "Felix" Gates, David Gates, and Jaune Arc (RvB, Camp Camp, RWBY/Luna Brothers)
Louie Duck and Oscar Pine (Ducktales and RWBY/DTLS)
Knight and Survivor Slugcat (Hollow Knight and Rainworld)
Brett Hand and Susie (Inside Job and Deltarune)
Pizzazz and Roxanne Wolf (Gem and the Holograms and FNAF)
Trunks Briefs and Chibiusa (Dragonball Z and Sailor Moon)
Halloween and Nightcore (Castles of the Calendar and Holiday Spirits)
Mamoru Amami and Steven Universe (GaoGaiGear and Steven Universe)
Penny Polendina and Uran (RWBY and Astro Boy)
Wahuu Matsuri and Adam Ainosuke (Tokyo Ghoul and Sk8 the Infinity)
Jon Sims and Jonny D'ville (TMA and The Mechanisms)
Eddie Munson and Jason Scott (Stranger Things and Power Rangers 2o17)
The Aurora and BEE (The Mechanisms and Archivistbot)
Wakko Warner and Babs Bunny (Animaniacs and Tiny Toons)
Zuko and Todoroki Shouto (A:tLA and BNHA)
Diamonds Droog and Kaz Brekker (Homestuck and Six of Crows)
Tucker Foley and Clawdeen Wolf (Danny Phantom and Monster High)
Team Lit (from White Boy Bracket)
Stanley and Cesare (from White Boy Bracket)
Cody Burns and Penny Proud (Transformers Rescue Bots and The Proud Family)
Leo Walker and Iris (Egyxos and Lolirock)
Tim Stoker, Lup and Taako (TMA and TAZ)
Globine and Webby (Globi and Ducktales)
Rouge the Bat and Meta-Knight (Sonic and Kirby)
Jevil, Marx, and Dimentio (Deltarune, Kirby, and Super Paper Mario)
Ruby and Rarity (Pokespe and MLP:FiM)
Madoka and Sakura (Madoka Magica and Cardcaptor Sakura)
Cody Burns, Marinette, and Mirabel (Rescue Bots, MLB, and Encanto)
Bill Cipher and Ouma (Gravity Falls and Danganronpa)
Church and Kris Dreemur (RvB and Deltarune)
Gregory, Crying Child, and Omori (FNAF and OMORI)
Sonia Nevermind and L (Danganronpa and L)
Cassandra Cain and Soundwave (DC and Transformers)
Dick Grayson and Drift (DC and Transformers)
Tim Drake and Red Alert (DC and Transformers)
Rook Blonko and Prowl (Ben 1o and TFA)
Bruce-Damian Wayne and Tony-Morgan Stark (DC and MCU)
Pit and Sora (Kid Icarus and Kingdom Hearts)
Rosaline and Lucas (Super Mario Galaxy and Mother 3)
Roy and Roy Koopa (Fire Emblem and Super Mario Bros)
Meg Griffin, Bert, and Ernie (Family Guy and Sesame Street)
Riley Freeman and Jack Horner (Boondocks and Puss in Boots)
Stanley Parable and Arthur Dent (Stanley Parable and Hitchhiker's Guide)
Chidaruma and Lord English (Dorohedoro and Homestuck)
Ruby Rose and Fukase (RWBY and Vocaloid)
Yang, Gumi, and IA (RWBY, Vocaloid, and Cevio)
Leonardo, Dewey Duck, and Sonic (Rise:TMNT, Ducktales, and Sonic movies)
Nightcrawler and Nightwing (DC and X-Men)
Alfred, Bucky, and Steve (DC and Marvel)
Yelena Belova and Damian Wayne (Marvel and DC)
Ventus and Hunter (Kingdom Hearts and The Owl House)
Mark Beaks and Tyrian Callows (Ducktales and RWBY/DTLS)
Lancer and Bowser Jr (Deltarune and Super Mario)
Shigeo and Molly McGee (MP1oo and The Ghost and Molly McGee)
Isabelle and Doomslayer (Animal Crossing and Doom)
Mystery Kids (?)
Gentle Heart Lamp and Chris Walker (CareBears and Outlast)
Grumpy Bear and Billy Hope (CareBears and Outlast)
Boyd Drake and Penny Polendina (Ducktales and RWBY/DTLS)
Maya Fey and Doctor- 12 (Ace Attorney and Doctor Who)
Mario and Sonic (Super Mario Bros and Sonic franchise)
Han Solo and Peter Quill (Star Wars and MCU)
Commander Fox and Commissioner Gordon (Star Wars and DC)
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estel-eruantien · 5 months
You did such a great job with my boys! Hope you don't mind if I put in for another. I feel like you just 'get them' lol.
B and K for Drakkon/Coinless Jason or Tommy/Jason. :)
Oh my heart, this is such a lovely compliment!! You made my day <3
B: Body Part + K: Kink
For as long as Drakkon can remember, he has always loved Jason's arms. He would watch them closely when he'd see Jason working out at Ernie's or even when they would spar. The sight of the big muscles, lean but strong, always took his breath away. And it looked even better tied up in knots.
Drakkon loves to restrain Jason, from when they first came together to even under his submission, when Jason only responded to the name "Red." Seeing the once mighty, former red leader of the Power Rangers completely helpless and at his mercy, strung up in wires or tied tight at his feet, would light Drakkon up better than anything else.
Red, or Jason, as he was once called, had an adoration of sorts for Lord Drakkon's hands. The very hands that would strike him, bring pain and fear, had brought so much pleasure and comfort as well. These hands were his only source of contact. And it helped that they were so very pretty, especially when wrapped around his cock, providing him with relief he very infrequently received.
He became so obsessed with these hands touching him that he didn't even care where, even wrapped around his throat, putting him in his place. He needed Drakkon's touch, both the pleasure and the pain. It was all he knew. It was all he needed.
Thank you @ajgrey9647!! Here's round two! ;)
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augment-techs · 10 months
Ernie: People aren’t learning to make their parents’ family recipes anymore. Bulk (looking unimpressed): Sir, my mother only knew how to make nine different versions of cold shrimp in flavorless jello. Her family recipes should be sealed away in the undersea lightning cage they used to contain the Titans in Disney’s Hercules.
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morninkim · 9 months
Season 2 Arc: Rita & Tommy Breakdown
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Most of RotMMPR's second season would focus on the Rangers' struggle against a resurfaced Rita Repulsa, now in possession of Tommy. A big motif, like with the rest of the series, would be Control over others vs. Freedom of Expression, especially in regards to Tommy's past and present contrasted with Rita's, as well as how that shapes their attitudes toward Individuality.
Leaving the full under the cut, but if you wanna take a read, please do! (it is... very long.)
Pre-series Background: Rita
Zedd, and by extension Rita, represent exertion of control over others and bending their wills to suit your own needs. Through manipulation, through coercion, through possession.
Rita's backstory involves her beginning life as a construct created from Zedd's seventh shard of the Zeo Crystal. Throughout the old war era with the Original Rangers, she takes several bodies, accumulating their abilities as time goes on and with each new body, growing stronger. During this time, she goes by the name Atir, an archaic word from the Eltarian language meaning "zero" or "empty". Initially this name is given to her by Zordon as a descriptor when she first appears on a battlefield, taking bodies from both armies and discarding them when they get too damaged, she claims it for herself as an act of spite.
Her longest sustained body was Bandora, a witch from an outer world who by far provided her the most abilities of any of her bodies. Bandora was a sweet older woman, who was able to maintain her consciousness within Atir's possession thanks to her own abilities. Over time, Bandora would wear Atir down, showing the shadow kindness despite her use of her body, exploiting and cultivating a need for self expression in it. Bandora would then exploit this need, using it to exorcise Atir from her body and help Zordon and the Power Rangers trap the shadow in an Eltarian urn. However, Bandora's advanced age and weakened form led to her death immediately following the exorcism.
The urn would be jettisoned and left on what would eventually become Earth's moon, with the crippled Power Rangers' spaceship crash landing in what would be the Mojave desert.
Atir would lay dormant in the urn for 10,000 years, until it is uncovered by one of the last Apollo missions in the early 70s and comes under ownership and study of Dr. Sean Finster, a xenobiologist and linguistics enthusiast. He translates the writing on the urn as "Rita Repulsa", unaware that he has translated it backwards, with the the text reading "Atir Asluper" in old Eltarian. A rough translation to English would be "Empty Vessel", the Eltarian equivalent of Earth's "This is not a place of honor" warnings placed near nuclear waste sites.
Atir, having had no life to latch onto or communicate with for 10,000 years, immediately started to feed off of the good doctor's insecurities, projecting thoughts into his head and manipulating him into eventually releasing her again to destroy the newly emerged Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
She takes possession of Tommy at this point, who had just moved to Angel Grove a few months prior and continued to have trouble fitting in.
Pre-series Background: Tommy
Tommy grew up an orphan, adrift either on the streets or the foster system. She'd not had an easy life and to an extent had grown used to moving around, never staying in one place for too long. When she was eventually adopted by Grace Oliver two years ago, she finally felt like she could stay somewhere and never have to leave again. But that only lasted just over a year before they had to leave Reefside and move to Angel Grove, due to Grace's new job that she could never be super clear or honest about to her daughter.
The dishonesty frustrated Tommy, which made it difficult for her to feel like she could really put down roots, start to make friends and build a life. She became friendly with a few of the other kids at school, like Zack and Curtis Taylor, and Richie Mendoza, even getting a little cozy with Kimberly Hart, but she never felt like she could open up to them, not really.
On the day Rita's shadow takes her body, she'd just been stood up by Kimberly after she finally worked up the courage to ask her out on a date (Kim got called away for Ranger business which would end up resulting in Rita's release, go figure). She feels isolated, bummed out and her anxiety gets to her hard. Which gives the shadow an opening to take hold and enter her mind.
Rita then uses Tommy's body to visit Dr. Finster in secret at his home and coerce him into using his knowledge of xenobiology and study of the Putty Patrollers to create monsters to attack Angel Grove and kill the Power Rangers so she can conquer the Earth unopposed. All this in the name of her Lord, the Dark Specter, Zedd. It's then she takes the name Rita Repulsa, once again claiming a name given to her for herself.
Green with Evil and Tommy's Struggle
Rita doesn't have full control at first, she's been dormant in the urn for 10,000 years and her power isn't at the fullest yet. She soon hears word of the missing Green Power Coin from Dr. Finster, who was present at the Rangers' first meeting with Zordon and Alpha V due to passing out during the devastating Rangers vs. Shadow Rita fight.
Rita decides that the best way to regain her previous strength would be to claim the missing Power Coin and use it to regenerate herself, at the cost of her host over time. Tommy remains unaware of her body being under Rita's control for a time, slowly becoming more and more agitated and unwell, as she gets little sleep while Rita claims her body almost every night. She starts becoming aware of it as Rita slowly takes more of a hold on her, pushing her to sabotage herself and her social life so she'll let go and surrender to Rita's control.
On the flipside, Rita also remains dormant in Tommy's mind as she goes about her day.
She makes up with Kimberly, going on a few dates that are actually successful, despite the Pink Ranger's duties and Tommy's increasing restlessness.
Grace opens up just a little bit, becoming worried for her daughter and not wanting her work to interfere more than it should with being there for her, as Tommy's struggling becomes all the more clear. She starts taking more time off to spend time with Tommy, inspired by Dr. Finster's own increased days off - not aware that he's spending that time creating monsters for the shadow inside her daughter.
Rita sows discord in Tommy's head, but she's able to ignore it for the most part. That is, until Rita claims the Green Power Coin in a battle with the Rangers, and her host's identity is revealed to them.
With Rita at full strength, in bursts, thanks to the Power Coin and her new Dark Green Ranger powers, Tommy now takes a backseat, a prisoner in her own head as Rita goes about her wreaking havoc as much as she is able to, whenever she wants to.
Tommy flip flops between wanting to keep herself afloat and wanting to just give up. She's already so far gone. Rita even attacks her mother, Tommy's face uncovered by her Dark Green helmet, frightening the closest thing she's ever had to family. Grace even manages to discharge a weapon at her assailant, making it hard for Tommy to picture anything else when thinking about her mother for a while.
Dr. Finster, growing weary of the shadow's manipulation and what she's made of him, sees Tommy's disheveled form in Rita's hideout in a rare moment of the shadow's absence and, realising her connection to Grace, appeals to her directly. He tells her of how Grace always wanted to make something of herself, but never truly could until she stopped doing it for other people, for their acceptance, or because they'd told her to. Be and act unapologetically as herself, on her own terms. He urges Tommy not to give up, to keep going for her own sake, anyone telling her different be damned. Including the shadow in her mind.
Rita hears this appeal, taking control for just a moment to push back against his words, but the seed in Tommy's mind had already been planted.
Rita, meanwhile, had found herself thinking about Bandora more and more, how she'd encouraged her individuality, to make decisions on her own terms and not because it was what Zedd had ordered of her. She'd also begun thinking about how she'd been depriving her hosts of that all this time, never considering what they may have wanted to do.
She comes to doubt her place in everything, in the Empire. After all, her master was defeated thousands of years ago, and yet here she is, still carrying out what she thinks would be his will, collecting what remained of him and sending her lackeys to do the same off-planet on the off-chance she could eventually restore his form and his Empire. Still acting on his behalf instead of her own.
The good Doctor's words further stirred these thoughts, perhaps leading to her outburst in opposition. He'd planted a seed in Tommy's head, and that's exactly where Rita lived. Despite these thoughts, she'd think herself too far gone. Nowhere to go now but down. And she'll take everyone and everything she can with her.
Rita launches what she considers her final assault, going all out and drawing all the energy she can from the Green Power Coin to destroy everything, essentially turning herself, and by extension Tommy, into a ticking time bomb. The Dragonzord blasts the city and surrounding areas, only barely fought off by the Rangers' newly formed Megazord, a sight Rita had not seen since her final battle with the previous team.
The Rangers' new Megazord overpowers the Dragonzord, leading to a ground battle where the team wear down the Dark Green Ranger, desperately appealing to their friend, to Tommy, to fight the shadow infecting her. They urge and encourage her self image, tell her to keep going, echoing many of the sentiments Finster had seeded already.
There's a short scene within a liminal space, between Rita and Tommy.
"Your friends seem set on taking you away from me."
"Yeah... They sure do." Tommy stands from her curled up position on the ground.
"Do you truly think you can just stop being mine?" Rita levels her staff at Tommy's throat, preparing to erase her completely.
Tommy shoves the staff away, fire in her eyes. "I've never been yours," she manifests the Dragon Saber in her hands, the weapon taking on a purified, more compact form, the Dragon Dagger. "Now get the hell out of my head!"
With the weapon plunged into Rita's proverbial heart, she is exorcised from Tommy's body, breaking the spell and freeing her.
A weakened, shadowed Rita watches from the rubble as the Rangers comfort their friend and take her back to the Command Center. Rita acts in desperation, mustering what little energy she'd already gathered to take control of Dr. Finster's body and put all the pieces of her Lord back together. She uses her remaining magic to revive what she can of Zedd, hoping for forgiveness for what she perceives as going against his wishes.
The shadow she revives is not whole, but it is enough of the Dark Specter to congratulate her on bringing him back, and in time he'll return to full strength. Now the two of them can continue what they started all those millennia ago-
"The two of us?" The Specter seems puzzled.
"Yes, we'll destroy this world together. Then conquer all that remains in this universe," the shadow responds, an old man's voice obviously unsteady. Whether it's the body she now inhabits, or a sign of her own insecurity, is unclear. "Won't we?"
"My dear, dear shadow. There is no 'we', I will be the one to control all. You will simply listen and follow my command. As you always have."
"No! I deserve to rule! All I've done, I've done for you! I deserve it!"
"Oh? Do you mean to defy me, shadow?"
Rita grits her teeth, glaring into the Specter. "My name is not 'shadow'. My name is Rita Repulsa, and you will listen to me!"
"Ah, so you do," The Specter sighs, "Pity. You were one of my favourites."
Without another word, the newly resurrected Zedd re-consumes the shadow he once created, replenishing his powers with hers and absorbing all the knowledge she'd gathered. Including knowledge of these new Power Rangers and the services Dr. Finster can provide.
While Tommy is rewarded and thrives by striving for her individuality and making her own choices; Rita has never had that and therefore has no clue what to do with it when she has it, which sends her into a panic - only truly coming to terms with it when confronted with having it taken away again, far too late.
That wouldn't be the last of Rita though, she'd make a reappearance in the finale to assist the Rangers by holding Zedd back from the inside, giving them an opening to end him once and for all.
A final act. A final choice that was truly her own, for herself, and for the ultimate good of others. It's not redemption, but she never wanted that.
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geekcavepodcast · 11 months
BOOM! Studios Announces “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 30th Anniversary Comic Special”
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To celebrate the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers’ 30th anniversary, Boom! Studios has announced a special anthology comic featuring five new stories as well as 24 pages of classic material for fans. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 30th Anniversary Comic Special anthology includes stories from writers Ryan Parrott, Mat Groom, Any Jo Johnson and Matt Hotson, Maria Ingrande Mora, and Melissa Flores and artists Hendry Prasetya, Eleonora Carlini, Marco Renna, and Jo Mi-Gyeong.
Content included in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 30th Anniversary Comic Special are:
a spotlight on Ernie in Angel Grove
Alpha 5′s struggle to find his true purpose,
a “What If?” story about Tommy’s powers, which will introduce a new alternate universe
a tale about Tommy and Kat’s marriage
a deeper look as Ranger Academy
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 30th Anniversary Comic Special will go on sale on August 30,2023. The special features a main cover by Dan Mora and variant covers by Rian Gonzales, Jamal Campbell, Bon Bernardo, Miguel Mercado, and Goñi Montes.
(Image via BOOM! Studios - Dan Mora’s Cover of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 30th Anniversary Comic Special)
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theorangerangers · 1 year
Hello! Hope your day is going well. I was wondering if for the Compresses Power Rangers Timeline AU, if you could list the teams, who's on each team, their rough age and what they do(and possibly the town's name-or would it make sense to use Angel Grove?). I really want to make a one shot of a typical day in this town for the AU, but I only know Ninja Steel, Dino Charge, Samaria and MMPR. I want to make this as accurate as possible. Thanks! Have a great day!
It’s organized by season. And yeah it’s angel grove since that town was a mess
Students: Jason, Kim, Billy, Zack, Trini, Tommy,Aisha, Adam, Rocky, Kat and sometimes Tom (the copy of Tommy) all of whom are seniors. Bulk and skull are juniors
Staff: Ernie is a lunch lady
they are in human disguises but are also students at the school and are members of the swimming team. all seniors.
Students: Tommy, Kat, Adam, Rocky, Jason, Tanya, trey (all seniors)
Students: Tommy, Kat, Adam, tanya, Rocky(only in emergency cases where Justin can’t fight though).
Justin:a freshman.
TJ, Ashley, Carlos, Cassie are juniors
In space
Students: TJ, Ashley, Carlos, Cassie
Teaching assistant for math: Andros
Teaching assistant for gym: Zhane
Lost galaxy
Librarians: kendrix, Karone
Music teacher: maya
Calculus teacher: mike
Freshman math teacher: Leo
History teacher: Kai
Shop teacher: Damon
Lightspeed rescue
Head school nurse: Dana
Sophomore gym teacher and gymnastics couch: Kelsey
Freshman science teacher who lets students call them his first name and teaches kids how to safety set things on fire: Carter
Latin teacher and wrestling couch from hell: Ryan
Senior year bio electives teacher and swim couch: Chad
Sex ed and general wellness co teachers: Joel and Dr. Fairweather
One of those military recruiters that talk about joining the military to play for college to high schoolers: captain Mitchell
Time force
custodians at the school: Jen, trip, Katie, Luke, wes
Private security due to the shear number of rich people's kids and celebrities go to this school: Eric
Wild force
Portuguese teacher: Cole
Senior gym and track couch: Taylor
Home Ec teacher: Danny
Gym TA (under Taylor’s guidance of course): Max
American history teacher: Alyssa
Ninja storm
Sophomores: Dustin, Tori, Shane, Blake, Hunter
One of the the office secretaries: Cam
Class pet in the 8am section of sophomore bio: sensei guinea pig (it’s Carter’s class room)
Dino thunder
Freshmen: Connor, Kira, Ethan, Cassidy Devin and Trent
Tommy is still a senior but also their STA for extra credit so he can graduate on time
Haily is a junior
Anton is one of those parents that threatens to sue the school if his kid doesn’t get his way
Elsa is the principal
Definitely older than the typical college students but still in their 20s working school security: bridge, Z, Sky, syd, Jack
Gets shoved in a storage closet in their base so they don’t work at at or go to the school due to time travel shenanigans (also because the time force might arrest him): the omega ranger
Stays in the base due to being alien furries: Crugger and Kat
Janitor: Boom
Mystic force
Juniors: Nick, Vida, Xander, Leelee, Claire, Maddie, Chip
PTA moms: Udonna and Necrolai
Best Latin teacher ever (or at least less terrifying than Ryan): daggeron
Janitor: pheus (or whatever the troll goblin hybrid was called it’s been a while since I’ve seen it)
Operation overdrive
Physic teacher: rose
French teacher: will
Drivers Ed teacher: Ronny
English TA: Mack
School nurse: Tyzon
Drama teacher: Dax
Anyone not listed has their normal jobs
Jungle fury
Lunch ladies: RJ, Casey, Lily, Theo, Fran, Dom
Camille occasionally is disguised as the repair person for the industrial kitchen stuff
Lunch lady: ziggy
Auto shop TA: Dillon and Scott
Senior English teacher: summer
World history teacher: Flynn
Child development: gen and Gemma
Head of science department: Dr. K
Sophomores: Jayden, Emily, Kevin, Mike, Mia, Antonio
Assistant principal: Lauren
Overbearing Parent/guardian who are always at the school to “complain” about something leading to meeting with the assistant principal: Gi
(Due to skull being a high schooler) toddler in the teaching day care program at the school that somehow always manages to find them at inopportune monuments: Spike
As said before bulk is a junior
Super mega force
Freshmen: Troy, Emma, Gia, Noah, Jake, Orion
Stuck being a tiki head in the base: gosei (fun fact the cave Gosei is in shares a wall with the Dino thunder cave in this au!)
Also their weird science teacher is still their weird science teacher IDK his name though
Is often shoved into janitor closets when he shows up at the school to hide him because he doesn’t go there and also the RPM and Zeo rangers tried to fight him once: robo knight
Dino charge
Child development TA: koda
IT guy: Tyler’s dad (I forgot his name)
World history TA: philip
American history TA: shelby
Biology TA: Tyler
Physics TA: Riley
Office secretary who is in charge of making sure everyone is registered for their correct classes : Kendall
Guidance counselor: Heckyl (no one is sure how or why)
Sex ed TA: chase (he likes to joke that Joel and Dr.F are his work parents)
Any non human team members not listed above are shoved into the base and kept there due to the number of rangers that mistake them monsters at random moments
Ninja steel
Sophomores: Brody, Sarah, Hailey, Preston, Calvin
Senior: Levi, Monty, and victor
Vice principal that ends up doing most of the work anyway (due to Elsa and Lauren constantly running off): Ms. Hastings
Beast morphers
Janitors : Ben and Betty
Senior : Nate (Dr.K’s favorite student)
Electric electives teacher: Devin
Special Ed teacher: zoey
Art teacher: Ravi
Former pottery teacher that suddenly vanished: Roxy
Former substitute gym teacher that suddenly vanished: blaze
Devon’s dad is still the mayor and Ravi’s mom is still in charge of grid battle force
Dino fury
Music TA: Javi
Electronic sciences TA: Ollie
Human psychology TA: Amelia
Senior: Izzy, and Fern (fun fact Izzy was the prime suspect for evil green ranger for mmpr before they realized it was Tommy)
Library assistants: Ayon and Zayto (Ollie have them a crash course on the Dewey decimal system and hoped for the best)
Fashion teacher: ms. Garcia
Mr. Garcia keeps his regular job but also gives Javi less of a hard time because music teachers are supposed to be able to play a bunch of different instruments and it looks like he has good chance to take Maya’s place when she leaves the school
Solon remains in the base because she is a dinosaur
Extra notes I came up with on the fly
K is growingly more paranoid due to the number of ranger teams she has evidence have robots in their ranks especially the beast morphers since that’s the team their closest too
Preston was “bullied” out of the magic the gathering club by the mystic rangers due to Vida trying to accuse him of being an evil wizard without blowing their cover. Vida’s exact words were “we don’t don’t want your kind around here”. The ninja steel team now thinks the magic the gathering club is homophobic towards Preston and hates them. Ironically the mystic rangers all love the blue ninja steel ranger and the ninja steel rangers really life the mystic force.
Summer after spending the entire night fighting vengix and exhausted as she walks in the door and Mack the day after he found out he’s a robot. “Summer would you still be my friend if I was a robot?” “Absolutely not” cue Mack having a break down in the janitor closet only to be found by Ben and Betty who assure him they would still be his friends even if he was a robot
Mick is the impromptu medic to most of the robotic rangers
Tyzon is not sure what normal human anatomy should look like so he just copies a lot of what he’s seen Dana do but also does know someone from aquatar when he sees one and treats their injuries accordingly and the aquatar rangers just think he’s a human whose really good with secrets
The teachers are youngish (most haven’t hit 30 yet) and I use TA as a short hand for teachers in training so they’re earlier 20s. And then most of the students besides Justin and Nate are between 14-18 with Justin and Nate both being 12.
Generally everyone else is around the age they are in the show
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azurezfiction · 1 year
Top 5 Power Ranger Side Characters
Top 5 Meme
Former Lt. Stone; he goes through SO much while having Bulk and Skull under him, but even then... he believes in them and honestly thinks they can do good in the world. Even after everything, Stone's still there for them supporting in the background. He's probably the only parental figure they trust completely.
Ernie from MMPR. The original adult that I'm pretty sure figured out the identities of the Rangers straight from the get-go. And no one can convince me otherwise.
Angela Fairweather. Let's be real. She's the only reason Lightspeed is as successful as it is.
Kat Manx. I love how motherly but also stern she is with the Rangers, and with Boom. She's helps them grow into better people and rangers, and her knowledge of ranger technology plus Space interrelations is invaluable.
Hayley from Dino Thunder. Do I really need to say more? It's Hayley. She's Queen and deserves more than just a pay raise and a vacation.
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amberbeach · 7 months
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There were many times when Trini believed she could trust you with her secret. One afternoon during a picnic in the park, when your relationship hit the third month mark, but you had been dating for a little over eight months and her guilt grew with each day that her secret identity as the Yellow Ranger remained hidden from you.
She knew she could trust you to keep her secret, and the identity of the team a secret, but her biggest fear was how you would react. For the entirety of your relationship, she had lied about where she went every time her watch beeped and the only reason you hadn't figured it out yet was because the others always corroborated with her stories.
When you approached her locker that morning she knew then it was time to tell you the truth. She just hoped her lies wouldn't be the end of your relationship. You agreed to meet at Ernie's later but when you were late, Trini knew something was wrong, but she tried not to worry and waited. After twenty minutes she went to use Ernie's telephone to call your house, wanting to believe you had forgotten - something you had never done before - but when her watch beeped Trini predicated what Zordon would tell them.
She stared at the viewing globe as Zordon explained Rita's plans, fiddling with the necklace around her neck that you had gotten her two months ago for your anniversary, saving money from your job for weeks to buy it for her. Her eyes took in the scene. You were forced to sit on a metal chair, putty patrollers tying your hands behind the metal chair, while Goldar barked orders at the foot soldiers.
"Rita captured Y/N knowing how much he means to you. Her goal is to weaken you, and destroy the Power Rangers."
Trini's lips parted when she saw your expression as putty patrollers surrounded you before the viewing globe grew misty. "Oh no,"
"Don't worry, Trini, we'll get him back." Billy assured her, placing a hand on her back.
"Yeah, the three of us," Jason gestured to Billy and Zack, "will distract Goldar while you and Kimberly defeat the putties and get Y/N out of there."
Her eyes darted around the hillside, the gravel crunching beneath her feet as they headed further up the hill. A few miles later they found the cave and morphed before rushing inside.
After nearly an hour in the company of Goldar and the putties, your fears had dwindled as you tried to twist the rope off your wrists. Goldar listed all the things he would do once the Rangers were defeated, unaware that the team had arrived.
The Red Ranger struck first, then the Black Ranger, followed swiftly by Blue, and the three led Goldar further into the cave, and away from you. You looked at a putty that fell to the ground, seeing a blur of Pink briefly before the Yellow Ranger appeared and the two fought off the putties before the Pink Ranger untied your ankles. You looked over your shoulder to find the Yellow Ranger untying your hands and stood up once you were free, rubbing your wrists which were raw from your attempts to break free.
"Thanks." You looked between the two.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"Apart from my pride? No." Your words cause Trini to smile behind her helmet. You noticed Goldar running towards you, the three Rangers scrambling to their feet to follow him, but he reached you first and you ducked down when he swung his sword, looking at the Pink and Yellow Rangers when they pulled you towards the light streaming into the cave.
"Go, run!"
More putties arrived when you got outside and you counted at least fourteen of them. "Oh no!" The Pink Ranger groaned.
You pulled the two Rangers aside when Goldar rushed towards where you were standing, and he struck down several putties, growling as he turned to you. With no other option, the three of you headed inside the cave, and the two Rangers stepped in front of you.
"Stay behind us." The Yellow Ranger said. "When it's clear, get out of here."
You watched the two face off against Goldar, joined by the other Rangers who divided their attention between the putties who were easily defeated. But Goldar was stronger and more skilled. Sparks flew from the Black Ranger's suit as he was struck with the sword and the Pink Ranger was pushed against the wall, falling to the ground. The Blue Ranger landed next to the Black Ranger moments later, all groaning in pain.
You heard a cry come from the Yellow and Red Ranger as they were struck down and rolled a few feet across from you. Their suits disappeared and your eyes widened when you saw Trini groaning in pain.
"Trini? Trini!" You raced forward, sliding next to her, "Trini? Trini?"
You held her to your chest as Goldar laughed, and she met your gaze as she clutched her stomach. "I'm sorry -"
You shook your head, "Don't be sorry." You placed a hand on her cheek, "I knew you were special from the moment I laid eyes on you. I just never realized how special you are."
She smiled softly, gasping when Goldar approached.
"How touching."
"Do you ever stop talking?" Zack spoke up from behind him and Jason jumped to his feet, helping Zack fend off Goldar. Kimberly and Billy moved around, making it harder for Goldar to fend off all four Rangers.
You pulled Trini to her feet and she smiled brightly before going to help the others, morphing as she ran to their aid. You kept to the side lines, watching the group you had become good friends with since you started dating Trini, and were in awe of their strength and dedication that sent Goldar fleeing back to Rita.
The group removed their suits, and your eyebrows raised as they walked towards you. "You're all Power Rangers?"
"Yeah," Zack grinned. "Pretty sweet moves, right?"
"The sweetest." You grinned as you performed a bro-shake with him before looking at Trini with concern. "Are you okay?"
The group moved away as she walked closer to you, smiling over at you both as they gave you privacy to talk.
She nodded, "Are you?"
"I found out my girlfriend is the Yellow Power Ranger." You sent her a bright smile before your expression changed as you spoke, eyebrows furrowing as you tried to find the words to describe how you felt. "I'm worried, but mainly I'm really proud of you."
"I wanted to tell you - I was planning on telling you soon -" She took your hands and you sent her a smile to ease the guilt she was feeling. You could always read her better than anyone. "I'm sorry for lying to you. If I had explained, then maybe Rita wouldn't have brought you here."
"I was Ranger bait." You deduced. "Instead they were sent running. Literally." You smiled, kissing her forehead, placing an arm around her as you headed out of the cave, the other Rangers falling into step behind you. "You look really great in yellow, have I ever told you that?"
Trini smiled, leaning into your chest, and nodding her head. "You may have mentioned it before."
You smiled as you placed a kiss on her head. From the moment you met Trini Kwan, you knew she would be important in your life. She was a special person, and that day you found out that she shared the burden of saving the Earth from Rita who had been wrecking havoc for months now. That day you realized the word 'special' was not enough to describe her. And proved that all her doubts weren't true as you supported her, and understood the importance of her identity remaining a secret, as you always did.
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