gsometimes you go and try to write either meta or poetry (its both. honestly) and you end up just bapping the shit out of a character because they are soooooo self-destructive it makes you mad at them IWISH YOU WERENT FUCKED IN THE HEAD. YOU COULD HAVE CHOSEN TO BE CALM AND TRY SOMETHING ELSE ACTUALLY INSTEAD OF. RUINING LIKE FOUR PEOPLES LIVES . tihs is about beast
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triedntrueluckheart · 4 months
//got a fiesty 5 + ceroba au to share with yall
tw for death and angst so heavy it could kill a herd of wildebeest
also its kinda long
so. what if whenever the feisty five leave, he gets violent instead of just saying " fine ". this is the idea this is based on
so starlo attacks mooch once the five walk off, and as the others try to help her he ends up actually killing her (keep in mind, clover doesnt see- all they see is starlo running off before they go to the jail to try and free martlet)
but hes in a mindset where THEY are the ones that are wrong, and that HE didnt do anything. so thay cant leave him. unless he chooses to let them leave.
but he decides killing them is much better than making them stay since they dont wanna stay with him
the others and ceroba run off and try to hide, to no avail as starlo picks them off one by one, day by day
BUT, moray, who cared about everyone WAAAAAY too much to let this shit slide, is finna square up
so when they get jumped they fight back and do really good- but they do get pinned at some point which makes them go Primal Strength Mode and they yeet this fucker as he tries to bite their face off
he ends up just biting off some hair in front of their eye, which pisses them off more (this is the only thing that changes about moray's design, only one eye is covered now)
they let him charge and end up slicing my boi in half like we playin fruit ninja monster edition
realizing what they did they angry cry bc they arent supposed to be GUILTY dammit
but then here comes clover.
and now that moray sees them, they realize this whole thing started when clover showed up. so they attack them (if this was a mod they would be the boss instead of starlo here)
but in the end they end up defeated and BEGGING for clover to kill them
but they dont. they hug them and reassure them that the others would want them to stay alive. and they cry.
so martlet gets let out of jail by the fishey, and clover is happy
but martlet sees how sad moray is and clover decides theyre not gonna try to leave the underground bc they can infer what happened to the other five humans
they decide they wanna live with moray instead
so martlet leaves to fix her mistakes and clover helps moray move and clean stuff in the fiesty fives old house
once thats all settled moray buys them stuff and they get used to living with clover and essentially being a big sibling
now if this was a mod, you could also choose to kill moray which will uh. let you go to the steamworks using methods you use in genocide- but it ends up being more of a neutral route really by then
anyways moray has Depression™️ now and clover is kinda helping the best they can
and yes prison yuri real. clover calls martlet mom and helps with her puzzles
I DREW THE FIGHT SCENE TOO well. just morays pov but yk
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
This Life Chapter 13
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Title: This Life Chapter 13
Summary: Dean Winchester is the Vice President of the motorcycle club The Hunters. After almost 7 years in prison, he's free. But things have changed and Dean has to figure out how to put things back together.
Warnings: Language, violence, character death
AN: Thank you to the lovely @sams-serialkiller-fetish ! The song for this chapter is You Could Be Mine by Guns n’ Roses. And I know Dagon is one of the princes of hell and not Alastair, but the Horsemen are an old fashion group and don’t let women into the club.
“Fuck!” Ramiel called out as Abbadon dapped at his wounds with peroxide.
“Quit your whining.” She said, blowing a red curl out of her face. “The less you wiggle around, the faster I can get this done.”
“Those fuckers are dead!” Ramiel called out to the others sitting away from him. “They made me scratch up my bike.”
“Do you think there’s a new relationship brewing between those asshole hunters and that club that shot out Ramiel’s tires?” Alastair asked, taking a beer from Dagon. “Thanks love.”
“I say yes.” Asmodeus said, his feet up on the table as he polished an old pocket watch. His good luck charm. “Why the fuck else would those two be out here?”
“Looking for Sammy.” Azazel said. “And, if they’ve found him, we can find him.”
“And get back at the Hunters.” Lilith added as she rubbed Azazel’s shoulder.
“I don’t care what we do,” Ramiel sucked down the whiskey that was offered to him. “Those fucking Hunters are going to die. All of them. Starting with Dean Winchester.” That’s when the door opened and someone walked in.
“Am I late?” A voice asked.
“Gordon. So good of you to finally join us.” Asmodeus said, looking at his watch before snapping it shut.
“I had to lay low for a little bit. Things are getting a little heated over in Texas.” Gordon explained taking a seat. “I have information that little Sammy is in fact in that new club in California. I’ve heard some whispers.”
“Whispers aren’t good enough.” Azazel said. “We need proof.”
“I can get you proof.” Gordon said. “But I have this that you might be interested in.” He handed over a slightly blurry image that had been printed off at a library. Gordon had been doing some recon on the new club.
And his findings really did interest the princes.
“He’s alive.” Azazel said, passing around the image to everyone. “That bastard is still alive.”
“You know what they say. It’s hard to kill a cockroach.” Abbadon said, seeing the image of John Winchester.
“Then I guess we need to squish him properly.” Ramiel said. “Gather the other members. I think we need to head to California.”
Dean was passed out on the couch, drool drying on his cheek. Benny had made himself comfy on the floor. The two Hunters didn’t want to go back to their room for the night. They had stayed up talking with John most of the night. Andy had come home early in the morning to John, Dean, and Benny laughing. He didn’t stay to talk to them. Instead, he went upstairs to talk to Sam about the night at the bar and how Meg broke some guy’s nose.
But when Dean woke up in the morning, Sam wasn’t there. Andy was snoring away and John was in the kitchen making coffee. Dean shuffled into the kitchen, stepping over Benny and rubbing his eyes.
“Morning.” John said, pouring some coffee into a cup. “Want some?” Dean nodded. John slid him the cup he had just poured and made himself a new cup.
“When does Sam get up?” Dean asked. John looked at the clock on the stove.
“He should’ve actually already left by now.” John said. Dean choked a little on his coffee. “You okay?”
“Where’s he going?” Dean asked.
“Business.” John said. “He’s really good at this. I wish we could’ve convinced him to stay in the Hunters instead of going to college.” Dean just nodded and sipped on his coffee. “If you’re not going back to Texas right away, I thought that maybe Andy could show you guys around. Maybe you’d like to hang out at the bar.”
“I’ve always wanted to be a bartender.” Dean laughed.
“I’m taking the day off. Damn back is acting up.” John groaned. “But Andy would be happy to have you and Benny around. Especially if we’re going to make a partnership.” Dean nodded. They had talked about it the night before. Dean and Benny were going to have to go back to Texas, and they were going to have to tell the others that John was still alive. But John wanted to stay where he was with the Wayward Sons. He didn’t want to take the reins of the Hunters again.
Benny and Andy came in a little bit later as John and Dean were talking. John nodded at the two of them.
“Morning.” Benny grumbled, going to the coffee pot that still had a little bit left in it.
“Andy, I want you to take Dean and Benny with you to the bar today.” John said. “My back is acting up, so I’m staying home. But I want you to show off to them.”
“Yeah, sure.” Andy said. “I bet Ruby and Meg will love having them around.” John chuckled some.
“We gotta go back to our motel room and change.” Benny said. “I ain’t going near them girls again with the same clothes on.”
“Doesn’t matter. They still have to look at your face.” Dean joked, rinsing out his cup. “Drink up and we’ll head out. I’ve gotta take a piss.” Benny nodded as Dean left.
Fifteen minutes later, Dean and Benny headed back to their motel to clean up and change before they headed to the bar to meet Andy. A bar, Dean’s happy place. Someday he would leave the club and start his own bar. He sometimes wished that’s what John and Bobby had started instead of an auto shop.
John enjoyed the house to himself for a couple hours before Sam came home. He had been working a deal for John. He was learning how to be a great negotiator. John was really proud of him, even if he never said anything.
“Hey dad.” Sam said. “Things went good.”
“Fantastic.” John said.
“Where’s Dean?” Sam asked, going to the fridge looking for something to eat.
“Benny and him went to the bar with Andy.” John explained. Sam let the fridge door slam and he flopped down in the living room.
“As good as it is to see him, can he go back already?” Sam asked. John sighed.
“They’ll get bored and head back soon.” John said, looking at the magazine he grabbed off the floor. Sam nodded and let his eyes close.
That’s when the front door burst open and three guys ran in. John and Sam barely had time to react before bullets were flying. Sam cried out as a bullet hit his arm. John grabbed his gun that was laying on the coffee table and fired, hitting one of the guys. But someone came in through the backdoor and pointed his gun right at John’s head.
“Howdy Johnny boy.” Azazel laughed. “God, I didn’t think you’d be going into Heaven, but to still be here on earth? That’s mind blowing.”
“Azazel.” John growled. He didn’t lower his gun.
“Easy.” Azazel said. He motioned for one of the guys to switch places with him. Sam was on the couch, holding his bleeding arm as Azazel walked over and sat down by him. “Hey there Sammy.”
“Leave him alone.” John said. “This argument is between us.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.” Azazel hissed. “Now, why don’t you lower the gun so we can have a nice little discussion?” Azazel pointed his gun at Sam’s stomach then. One gut shot along with the arm wound and Sam would be dead. John looked between his bleeding son and the man with the gun before he clicked the safety on and lowered his.
“What do you want?” John asked.
“I want to know how you survived the fire.” Azazel said. “My informant told me how you were hiding out in California. It wasn’t that hard to find you once I knew that. You should cover your tracks better.”
“I’ll remember that.” John said. He started to get up, but Azazel clicked the hammer on his gun.
“Sit.” Azazel growled. John sat down again. “It’s rude to get up while we’re having a pleasant conversation.” John glared at him. “Now, tell me. How did you survive?”
“I got out before it caught.” John said. Azazel nodded his head.
“So that other charred body was one of my guys?” He asked. John nodded. “Well, that justifies this then.” He pointed his gun at John and shot, hitting him square in the chest. Sam screamed.
“Dad! No!” He made to get up, but Azazel quickly wrapped his arms around his neck, putting a perfect chokehold on him. Sam struggled to get away.
“Shh, shh. Relax.” Azazel said. “It’s okay. Naptime Sammy.” Sam’s struggles became weaker until he passed out, slumping against Azazel. “Shh, it’s okay.” He petted his hair, smiling some.
“Crowley.” Azazel said, getting on of his goons attention. “Go bring the van around so we can put Sam here in it. And that body.” He pointed over at the dead goon laying on the ground.
“What about him?” Crowley asked, motioning to John.
“Leave him. I don’t care what happens to him now.” Azazel said. “I got what I was after.” Crowley nodded and left to get the van. Things went quickly, even though it took three guys to load Sam in. Azazel and the others got on their bikes, ready to leave. Crowley was the last one out. He looked around at the broken in door, the blood, the chaos.
“I...I guess that’s what we do.” He mumbled to himself. He looked over at John and saw a little bit of chest movement as he sucked in shaky, shallow breaths. He knew he wasn’t going to survive unless something drastic happened. But he doubted that anyone was going to show up in the next twenty minutes or so to save him.
Crowley always carried markers and pens with him in his vest pocket. A lot of times, they would have to write something and he had seen one of the princes stab some poor kids fingers to get blood to write with. So he took to carrying writing utensils to save not only himself, but some of the others from being stabbed. He took one of those makers and wrote Horsemen in big letters on the wall. Because killing John was one thing, but kidnapping Sam was something else entirely.
Crowley ran out of the house then and headed back to Arizona, leaving John there to die.
It was later that afternoon when Benny and Dean returned to the house. Dean wanted to have lunch with Sam, and Benny was willing to tag along. They parked their bikes by the porch and Dean saw Sam’s sitting there.
“Good, he’s home.” Dean laughed. Benny smiled and they made their way up the porch when they noticed that the front door was wide open. Reacting, they grabbed their guns from their waistbands and made their way inside. They could smell the metallic tinge of blood. That’s when Dean’s eyes locked on the chair that held his dad’s body.
“Dad!” Dean yelled, running over to him. His head was slumped forward and his shirt was soaked in blood. “Dad!” He shook him, his head just rolling to the side. “Oh god.” He looked around and saw blood on the couch and blood on the carpet. “Sammy?!” Dean called out, but the house was silent.
“Dean.” Benny said, pointing at the wall Crowley had wrote on.
“I’m going to kill them.” Dean growled. “I’m going to kill them all.”
“We need backup on this one.” Benny said. “I’m going to make a couple calls but we will fix this.” Dean nodded and looked back at his dad. He was really dead this time. No smoke and mirrors this time.
But now, Dean was free from prison, and the Horsemen needed to be dealt with, once and for all.
Forever Tags: @anathewierdo @i-would-die-for-woodland-demars @dekahg @nanie5 @feelmyroarrrr @marvel-af @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogaruke @xxwarhawk
Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles Tags: @luciathewinchestergirl @sheris532 @bobasheebaby @flamencodiva @bella-ca
This Life Tags: @soulslaststand @jamielea81 @caplansteverogers @becs-bunker @supernaturalwincestsblog @colie87
Supernatural Tags: @bandobsession98 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @fangirlsencyclopaediaofweirdness @ilovetardis @missihart23
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i-sveikata · 7 years
Teen Wolf S06E12 liveblog
because of reasons 
what the hell its so bright. teen wolf legit cant get a handle on their lighting for this damn show its either impossible to see or blinding.
ugh theo really? are we supposed to feel sad for this guy because he’s homeless now the fuck. why do they only bring back the boring white guy characters? where’s danny?? where’s kira? where’s literally anyone else but him.
cool man time for spider murder
dude this is clearly a recurring issue. why is nobody calling his parents?? hes literally an underage kid they keep catching sleeping in a car the fuck??? deputies aint doing shit
omg bruh you have clearly never been to australia. why the fuck you let that spider crawl up your arm? thats on you boo
and of course nobody locks the clinic and we need that obligatory shirtless scene to pull the spider out of his body. not creepy at all
ah yes spiders disappear in a puff of smoke all the time. this is natural spider behaviour.
lol why do people think that if they call scott he will answer? when has he ever actually picked up his phone when ppl need him?? boy keeps it on silent i swear.
ahh yes that getting shot up by a bunch of hunters feeling. but guess who isnt going to die? this seemingly immortal white guy, the shock.
oh no scott flashbacks boy, get out, protect yourself
are they trying to imply that scott ran all that way and malia and lydia just caught up with him? was the running part of the flashback? questions
“do you hear that” its death. lets assume its death.
“hunters. run” wow. those hunters sure are convenient showing up when the show needs a new plot device and literally never appearing otherwise. did chris argent frighten them all away?
what scott bby no, thats your besties dad. put down the sheriff friend
oh what do you know they were flashlights all along and not the red laser things for shooting ppl. much joy.
did scott just come out as a werewolf to the rest of the deputies? i support him.
“Whats wrong with his eyes” lol thats the only thing theyre stuck on, not the transformed face or the growling or the body hair? ok.
“Stand down” ye parrish protect scott. is he part of the pack? did we ever have that confirmed or do we just assume.
oh the deputies lowered their weapons and lydia and malia give scott some vaguely ambiguous looks. 
why do they always have such intense music when literally nothing happens?
if theyre about to do a ptsd storyline for scott (which straight up would make so much sense tbh) i stg they better not make fun
scott awkwardly like “You dont think they saw anything do you” “No more than theyre used to” lol beacon hills u have problems.
scott? why you hiding shit from stilinski? tell him about the bullet. 
why does lydia just stand there for that entire scene and say literally nothing like wtf. dazzling banshee statue.
okay they all decided not to tell the sheriff about chris but like why? sheriff isnt the shoot first type. whats the point?
mason getting distracted talking about bretts 8pack is life.
liam picked mason up and literally carried him out of the locker room im screaming.
dodgy counsellor murderer lady is back
sun tzu quotes. art of war and an ominous knife in the table just another day in the college counsellor ladies office.
oh no poor kid murdered by spiders noooooooooooooooooo in his mouth why
eichen house- gross let that place die already. 
parrish “Im not letting you in that place” wtf let her? nah man. hard pass.
trying to hack into chris laptop- is the password gonna be allison dont do this to us you assholes.
you fuckers didnt even let scott write out allisons name before panning away from the laptop jesus
parrish in the bowels of creepy eichen house what the fuck is even going on in this place honestly
dear god quiet girls voice asking for help fuck that shit right off. nope. parrish gotta flash the eyes for that access because apparently everybody knows about the supernatural in beacon hills now. not a far stretch tbh.
lol doctor locked him in. solidarity.
oh hey i think i saw corey for two seconds. not sure. is theo playing lacrosse with them??? idk. does he even attend school anymore?
is that meant to be brett who body checked him? legit cant even see ppl behind the lacrosse helmets.
i swear they just trying to establish a story line for liam in case they can come back with another show. but like he aint that interesting sorry.
why is it just destroy goalie corey now? hes doing his best. trying to stay visible.
counsellor lady looking at brett. newest victim?? brett trying to help liam get control ayeee werewolf pals.
the fuck parrish. how is the population of beacon hills not constantly dropping with all these body piles that keep showing up everywhere.
haha nurse dude who locked him in was evil, were they trying to surprise us with that?
yet another liam rage moment. somebody help this kid chill out for five seconds.
chris making deals, finding out ppl buying guns from him are fake army dudes what a ride. wheres his backup? 
“I had a guy on the inside” “who” “youre standing on him” lol malia and scott arrive to fuck it up again.
huh a massive shoot out where nobody got shot and the bad guy got away. nice.
“You dont have a cell in here that can hold me” damn parrish sounding tough and shit before he becomes a popsicle.
did they honestly just bring brett back so the new counsellor lady could kill him. harsh
lydia up to her banshee shit again. save parrish.
“I havent stamped a bullet since allison died” dear god rip my heart out.
how did it take them literally that long to find the dead kid who got eaten by spiders in the locker room? like was he just lying there all day and nobody noticed.
lol lydia went to eichen house and didnt tell anybody she was going there. smart move. much good plan.
bruh this nurse guy gonna kill parrish. what is lydia even doing rn?
jesus everybody be having flash backs for when they were tortured at some point in the past. poor girl be having a panic attack.
like literally they go all terrified and crying before their expression gets intense and powerful like seriously? girls dont all react the same way you cowards.
wow actually having a moment where scott admits he got freaked out. cant remember the last time that happened. oh hey and here comes the malia x scott scenes. how is this not weird?
has literally everybody hooked up on this show now at some point?
hahah chris turns up with a laser sight thing on his gun. very appropriate. not traumatising at all.
aww scotts little smile after he looked at malia was kinda sweet. 
omg the way they flinched when chris raised his gun- these poor fucking kids man. cant catch a break
oh god when young pack gang find the spider kid decidedly not dead and they say they tried to call him and he checks his phone and is like “huh musta died” THATS A TERRIBLE PUN. VERY BAD.
wooo they figured out its an inexperienced hunter killing ppl. also where did brett go? are we just assuming hes alive because he got away idk?
im liking the little pack powows in scotts kitchen. simpler times.
it all comes down to fear. “What are they afraid of?” “....us” DUN DUN
hold up counsellor lady got scratched? she a werewolf now???? omg lol brett jumping out of trees to attack counsellors who tried to kill him.
gets shot by an arrow for his efforts. flees into the night. noice.
ugh gerard. bruh. you need to die. lets not take the counsellor lady under your wing. beacon hills is running out of bodies to make piles out of as it is. 
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
life at black*star and tsubaki’s house gets more interesting every day
Higan: "...Hello. I love what you've done with this place." Sakuya: ^^;;; "Howdy." Belkia: *shiny eyes* "STABBY SLICY SUGAR GODDESS!" tsubaki: thank you... stocking: *SHIV THROUGH THE HEAD* no. Belkia: "...Otogiri? I will need blood..." Kid: "When she's through with you, you'll need a _lot_ of blood..." otogiri: understood. Black Star: *pushes past Naho and Lilac, glaring at Higan* "What are you doing here?" Higan: "...Lavender? Care to explain?" lavender: well... -she explains the situation- otogiri: lady tsubaki, please take care of us. Black Star: -_-;;;; "This is what happens when you give your address to weirdos..." Sakuya: *slaps Black Star upside the head* Black Star: "Ow!" tsubaki: noted. there's some empty rooms on the right hall, feel free to take your pick. otogiri: behave yourselves. Black Star: "WHAT?!" Sakuya: -_-; "I guess we're sharing rooms--" Belkia: "Dibs on the one with the biggest bed!" lilac:.......... tsubaki:...its ok. lilac:..................... otogiri: you should probably keep the sharp objects locked up for a while... lavender: if you hear anything in the night, that'll most likely be me~<3 Belkia: "But I need to sleep with Mr. Saber, Ms. Battle Axe, and Baby Switchblade!" *swings aroun a switchblade--that cuts off the top of Black Star's hair* Black Star: "????!!!!!!!!" Kid: "...Oh my sweet merciful me...This is a trainwreck." otogiri: then for now, keep lilac out of your room. naho: its ok lila. stocking:...... -_-; Sakuya: "...Can share rooms for now..." Black Star: *strangling Belkia* Belkia: D: lilac:....s-sakuya....can i....stay with you? Sakuya: "...Yeah, of course." -\\\\- naho:....QwQ Sakuya: "...Naho? You have a room picked out?" Belkia: *choked* "She could bunk with me--" Black Star: *smacks him in the head, knocking him out* "Stocking, go write on this fucker's face." naho: otogiri, lets be roomies! otogiri: ok. stocking: im not getting anywhere NEAR that clown! Black Star: "...Okay. Just tell me what to write on him, then." Kid: *hugs Stocking* "It's okay..." Sakuya: "I hope there is an air mattress, at least..." lavender: i think i know who im gonna be rooming with~ *grins* Higan: -\\\\\- "So good...Just go easy on me. They only got the glass out of my dick yesterday." Black Star: o______o stocking: EWW!!! D8> Kid: "We need to wipe our minds of this." naho: THAT'S WAY MORE THAN ANYONE NEEDED TO KNOW OLD MAN! Higan: "You're just jealous that you're not getting an--" -WHACK- otogiri: stop. Higan and Belkia: *collapsed on the floor* Black Star: "...I'll get the floor cleaner, before their blood stains it..." tsubaki: well, this has been an eventful start to the new year. Kid: " 'Eventful' is a polite way to put it..." -elsewhere, in the C3 cells- Shamrock: "...I have only one eye. And I still can see that these prison clothes are dreadful." -footsteps are heard, a young woman peeks into the cell, she is only wearing a large labcoat, but is otherwise unclothed- woman: ??? Shamrock: x\\\\\\\\o "Wh-What--What the hell?!" woman: are you a vampire mister? -the nametag on the coat reads 'Yukimi' Shamrock: "Y-Yeah...Why are you naked, um, 'Yukimi'?" woman: oh, mafura-chan is almost always naked, like father tells her to. Shamrock: "...One, who is Mafura? Two, who is 'father'? Three, why does Father tell Mafura to be naked? Fourth, COULD YOU PLEASE PUT ON SOME CLOTHES?!" mafura: *points to herself* mafura-chan is mafura-chan ^^ Shamrock: "...'Mafura Yukimi'?" mafura: *nods* man: mafura. what did i tell you about leaving your cell? Shamrock: *covers his eye* "This is...uncomfortable. Who is your father?" mafura: that mafura-chan shouldnt leave it... Shamrock: "...'It'? What is 'it'? Or who? Am I 'it'?" man: *he grabs her and drags her back* if anyone saw you...i'd be in trouble...so be a good girl from now on, ok? Shamrock: x______o;;;; "What is even happening here? Who are you? Where am I?" man:......*he takes mafura and closes the door* Shamrock: "Why was that woman naked? What are you doing?" -elsewhere- licht:.......*staring at lawless*..... Lawless: *panting, in hedgehog form...* kranz:....guildenstern, romina, and julian are beginning to wake up now... Lawless: "O-Ophelia..." licht:....*stroking his head* Lawless: "T-The subclasses...Are they...?" licht: they're alive.... Lawless: *sighs* "Thank you...Thank you..." -elsewhere- Anya: *groans...wakes up* tsugumi: hey anya. Anya: *squints* "Tsugumi? What happened?" tsugumi: well, your leg was broken for one thing... -in another room- momo: and, i dont remember what happened after that... Izuku: *holding an ice pack to his black eye* "Well...You have a great right hook." ^^;; momo: i am so sorry!! i dont remember punching you at all! Izuku: "I know, I know! It's okay...But the next time you zombie out--" Sid: "Excuse me?" Izuku: o_______o;;;; yukari: *lectures izuku's ear off* ochako: ^^; tsuyu:....anyway, you seem to be in good shape, and you'll be able to head home tomorrow morning. momo; that's good.....hmm? iida? are you ok? Iida: *icepack on his groin* *high-pitched* "I'm fine..." -elsewhere- Kuro: "...I'm sorry." -elsewhere- shinra: GAH!!! *wakes up, screaming in a cold sweat, and throws the blankets off....his feet are fine*.... Arthur: "AH! ...Shinra? What the hell?" shinra: *panting* .....s....sorry.....bad dream.... Arthur: "..." *sigh* "Want to talk?" shinra:....my feet....went up in flames....i was....t-turning....*teary eyed* Arthur: "Hey, hey...You're fine. Calm down...You didn't turn into a Flame Monster..." shinra:...*whimpering* Arthur: "..." *walks over, gives him small hug* shinra:...... -elsewhere- Sakuya: "All settled in?" naho: yep. lilac:.......... Sakuya: "..." *small bump on Lilac's shoulder* "It's okay..." lilac:....i dont.....feel well..... Sakuya: "...I'm sorry...Is it your stomach? Or...did you want to talk?" lilac:...i'd....like to go to bed now.... Sakuya: "..." *nods* "Miss Tsubaki and Mr. Black Star laid out the bed..." naho: ok....we need to be up bright and early tomorrow, tsubaki wants to discuss stuff in the morning. lilac:...o-ok... Sakuya: "...Night, Naho. Sleep well." -morning, tsubaki lays down the ground rules of the house- tsubaki: all good? naho: *she nods* Belkia: -_-;;;; otogiri: understood. Sakuya: "This is reasonable...Thank you, Tsubaki. We will follow these rules." Higan: "Oh, come on? That curfew hour is insane..." otogiri: 11 at night does seem fair. Higan: "Hmph." Belkia: "So, let me get this straight...How do we get blood, again?" otogiri: we still have the blood bags. Belkia: "And when we need more of them?" tsubaki: i'll do some part time work at a clinic. (thinking: i'm sure he'd be willing to lend a hand...hopefully) Black Star: "Yeah, me too..." Belkia: "...Could I have your blood? It smells tasty!" otogiri: *chop* behave. Belkia: "ACK!" Sakuya: *small laugh...then looks at Naho and Lilac* lilac:...i think....i'll stay home today....... naho:...take your time. Sakuya: *pats Lilac's back* Higan: "Well, I'm going to stay in and do some painting...Need a model, though..." -at school- Kid: "So, how are the new roommates?" tsubaki: a handfull, but i can manage. Black Star: -_-;;; naho: since we're all friends here, i guess we can introduce ourselves to the group officially? Kid: "Let us know if you need help...and if that awful Belkia gets out of line." Sakuya: *waves* "Hey. I'm Sakuya." naho: and im Naho Toguchi. please take good care of us ^^ soul:....so licht and lawless are still absent.... Sakuya: "..." naho:......... *remembering lilac's breakdown*.....yeah. Black Star: "Want any company?" soul:...sure. Black Star: "Cool..." -elsewhere- Relan: *hugs Shinra* shinra: thanks, rel. *hugs back* Relan: "You'll be okay...I'm sorry..." shinra: its ok. you didnt do anything wrong... Relan: "...Whatever happens, no matter what, I'm not going anywhere, Iris is not going anywhere...We will always be here for you." shinra: thanks...i love you. Relan: *kiss on the forehead* "I love you, too..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "So, how is my workout routine working for you, Buddy?! As your life coach, I--" akaderu: *passed out* im dead. Shotaro: "...Jeez. Maybe 400 situps _was_ too much--" -elsewhere- Nals: "Well, this is dull..." alvis: find anything? Nals: *sighs* "Here's the relic." *holds up a device in the design of a snake* "I don't get what this is gonna do. What, Medusa wants a new toy for her kid?" alvis: we arent certain for sure. -elsewhere- Belkia: "Yo, Lilac! How you holding up?" lilac:.........*clutching his pillow* Belkia: "...Not great, huh? ...Want to see some magic?" -no answer- Belkia: "...Oh? What's this behind your ear?" *pulls out a giant coin* "Money!!!" lilac:............... Belkia: "..." *frowns* "Well...Maybe I should do...THIS!" *coughs, and a bouquet of lilacs appears in his hand* "Tah-dah!" lavender:...hey, there's a lot of books in the bookcase, maybe one of those might help? Belkia: "Good idea! I wonder what Ms. Tsubaki keeps here, anyway. Want some fairy tales? Short fiction? Operating manual for the DVD player?" lilac:..... otogiri:.....*making lunch* Belkia: "...Lilac? Talk to us. It'll make you feel better..." lilac:...i....did something bad.....didnt i?......it wont....bring them back.... Belkia: "...Oh boy...Um..." lavender:....*awkward hug* easy does it, kiddo... Belkia: "...Maybe...Mr. Tsubaki wants you to do something else? Or Ms. Tsubaki may be good on that whole 'make up for what you did' thing...maybe?" lilac:...... -elsewhere- misono:.....*staring up at the ceiling* Lily: "Everyone needs their time to recover, Misono..." misono:........to think shinoa is working with C3.......but this 'Demon Moon Company'..... Lily: "..." *pats his hand* "It's a lot to take in..." misono:....*small smile* you're pretty bad at keeping secrets, i see....still.... Lily: ^^;;; "I guess so...Sorry. I'm sure it was nothing personal from Shinoa..." misono:...yeah.. Lily: "...Maybe you can try coffee again?" misono: i'd prefer tea thanks. Lily: *pokes his forehead* "Ever insistent..." *smiles* -elsewhere- Shamrock: *trying to sleep...* "Awful." -upstairs- shinoa:..... mitsuba: thinking about your boyfriend? shinoa: maybe, are you? mitsuba: NU-UH!! XP shinoa: hehe~ shuuhei: "...Could you please cease this teenage romance nonsense and focus on your work? We still need to locate the remaining subclasses..." hyakuya:............(thinking:....yuu....mika....im trying really hard....but....) Jun: "...Hyakuya?" hyakuya: what? Jun: "Have you finished the tasks? Made sure our 'guest' is fed?" yumikage: i thought that chick with the ponytail was keeping them under control, at least that's what tinker told me... hyakuya: yeah yeah, im on it....but i still say we let him starve... shuuhei: "...Tinker? Is this true?" tinker: *she nods* at least she's keeping them out of trouble. that's what we do right? keep them out of trouble? shuuhei: "...Quite. Make sure he is not a nuisance. Keep asking him where his fellow subclasses are located. And keep that doctor in line..." tinker: doctor yukimi or johannes? cause the latter i have no idea where he is....but doctor yukimi...he gives me the creeps. *shudders* -elsewhere- Emine: "Shotaro told me to bring this to your boyfriend." *holds up bowls of cherry and strawberry yogurts* akaderu:.....pink doesnt count. *takes the cherry ones* Emine: "You can't blame someone for doing a bad deed...How is your work going?" -elsewhere- Asura: "What do you say to Daddy and Mommy?" heibito: i wuv you! mikan: good job sweetie! *smooch on the forehead* heibito: hehehe ^^ Asura: "Hee hee...Mommy and Daddy love you, too." mikan: ^^ Asura: *picks up Heibito* "You are our pride and joy..." -elsewhere- Kishiri: "It was so scary..." Q~Q vivian: awww. *hug* Kishiri: *hugs* "...Vivian. They did show me something, though. I...don't want to mistreat you." vivian: ?? Kishiri: "...I am lustful. I like women. I find them so attractive...and I am with you. And you are beautiful. And I want to know so much about you, because I don't want to screw up..." vivian: awww. *hug* ^^ Kishiri: "...What's your favorite food?" -elsewhere- tsubaki: we're home! otogiri: welcome back. Black Star: "Yo. How is it--" o____o Belkia: *sawing Higan in half in a box* "...What? I needed to practice my magic." lilac:..... Higan: "Hello. My attention is divided right now." Black Star: "??? Lilac?" lavender: *in a bunny girl outfit* *BA-DUM-TSH* on a drum set* lilac:.......*scarred for life* Black Star: ._.;;;; "What on Earth?" Higan: "...Okay, that is hot." Sakuya: "Lilac? You want to talk?" naho: O_O -later- otogiri: what have we learned, belkia? Belkia: *sitting in the corner* "Ms. Tsubaki's house is no place for bloody magic tricks..." otogiri: if you're going to do that, do it outside. Belkia: "O-kay..." *pout* "My Stabby Sugar Princess would like my magic tricks." otogiri: somehow i doubt that. Black Star: "Yo, Otogiri? How good are you with medicine?" otogiri: quite, since i did work as a nurse. Black Star: "Good to know...because my arm is still aching from workout today..." *shows a bruise on his arm* otogiri: right this way. Black Star: *follows* -elsewhere- *In an alley, someone sits, crying softly...* ame: *walking past with her mother* ??? ???: *looks up...in shock* "A...me?" ame: *she smiles* hiya mr tsubaki ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *struggles to smile back* ame's mother: ah... ame: mr tsubaki, what's wrong? Mr. Tsubaki: "...I...am alone now." *weak smile* ame:....do you want to stay with us tonight? Mr. Tsubaki: "!!! I...Would your family even have me?" ame's mother:....well, after all you've done for us, i suppose it's the least we can do for you. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *POOF* *in fox form* "I...need to recuperate...take as little energy as I can...so, I'll be tiny..." ame's mother: alright then...but keep in mind we have a new puppy, so she might be a little wary of you. Mr. Tsubaki: "...I'll be good. I'll stay out of the way." -elsewhere- Kid: "...You feel anxious?" stocking: im....im fine... Kid: "..." *hug* "You're safe." stocking: thanks....*kiss* i love you kid. Kid: "I love you, too..." *hug* "Tsubaki is good at balancing things out..." -elsewhere- Lawless: *shudders* soul: how're you feeling? Lawless: "Tiny...This hedgehog form is embarrassing." soul: ......*tiny head pets* licht: ....it's adorable. *shiny eyes* Lawless: -\\\\- "Stop, Licht." soul: *sweatdrop* Lawless: "...Soul? Scratch my belly?" soul: 7///7' *pet pet pet* Lawless: ^\\\\\\\^ "Ah..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *hugs Lilac* lilac:....*hugging* *sniffles*..... Sakuya: "You're okay...You'll be fine." lilac: *hic* im...s-sorry.... Sakuya: "I know...I know...Let it out..." lilac: *crying* naho:...i know we wont be able to replace them, but we're still here for you lilac. *hug* you arent alone. Sakuya: *nods* "We're here. Right now. Just get through tonight..." lilac: o....ok.....*hic* -the three of them all slept in the same bed that night- Sakuya: "Zzz..." naho:....... *nuzzles* Sakuya: *smiles...holds on close* Sakuya: "So nice..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *hiding* maddie: *bark bark!* *tail wagging* ame: hehe ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: "...Your dog is friendly..." ame: ^^ do you want to see my new room? we can have a tea party! Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *nods* -ame's room is adorned with blue green colors and a canopy bed. several crayon drawings are taped to the wall. there is also a dresser, a beanbag reading area, and a toy box. there is a framed drawing of ame with mr tsubaki and the other subclass- Mr. Tsubaki: *stares at the drawing* "..." *lowers his head* ame:...you said they're staying with the nice lady? Mr. Tsubaki: "...The nicest." Mr. Tsubaki: "But...some of them are lost...I think." ame:......*hug* thank you mr tsubaki, for making me not sick anymore. Mr. Tsubaki: -\\\\- "Ame...You are welcome...Are you feeling okay?" ame: *she nods* yep. i dont feel sick anymore! and lookie! my hair's beginning to grow back! *she points to her small braids* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *small smile* "Your hair looks great, Ame." ame: ^^ -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Hanging in there?" shinra: yeah... Akitaru: *hug* "You'll be okay, kiddo." shinra: ...... -elsewhere- Higan: "Feel alright?" lavender: yeah. that felt good. *pant pant* Higan: *smirk* "Best keep it down..." *kisses down her chest* "Or you'll back someone up..." *reaches her clitoris...* lavender: a-ahhh~<3 Higan: *eats her out...his fingers pinching her backside* -in another room- Black Star: *tosses in bed...hears the moans...and feels...* -\\\\- "...Damn. Can't sleep." -elsewhere- Hibana: -\\\\\\w\\\\\\- gabriella: *pant pant* ho-how was it? Hibana: "So good...Master..." *pinches one of her nipples* gabriella: ah~<3 Hibana: "You are delicious..." *licks where she pinched her* -morning- Black Star: =____= "No...sleep." tsubaki: aww... ^^; Black Star: "Zzz..." *crashes face-first into Tsubaki* tsubaki: um.... ^^;; Black Star: "Mmm..." *hugs her in his sleep, resting on her chest* tsubaki:.... ^^; *pets his head* Sakuya: *yawn* naho: *streeeetch* morning sakkyun.... =w= Sakuya: o\\\\o "M-Morning...I...Um..." lilac: zzzzz..... Sakuya: "...Naho...?" naho: yeah? Sakuya: "...Thank you for being here." *smooch* naho: O/////////O Sakuya: -\\\\\\- "S-Sorry..." naho: .////////. i-i-its fine.... Sakuya: "...I just...wanted to show my appreciation...and I...I..." naho: ??? lilac: *holding him, still asleep* Sakuya: "...You and Lilac...are two of the most important people in my life..." *holds Lilac...and holds Naho's hand* naho: *blushing brightly* b-but...w-what about mahiru? Sakuya: "...I will always love Mahiru, in one way or another...And I also can see that the feelings are not the same right now...Naho...I..." naho: *she grabs him by the shoulder and kisses him* >//////< Sakuya: o\\\\\\\o "..." -\\\\\\- *kisses back* naho: ..... U//////U Sakuya: "...Wow. Naho...You are amazing." naho: >//////< *covering her face, blushing brightly* Sakuya: *small laugh...he kisses the hands covering her face* naho: *teary eyed* i...never thought...anyone could like me back... Sakuya: *hugs Naho, while still holding onto Lilac* "Why would you ever think that?" naho: usually, if i like someone a lot, but they like someone else, or someone else really likes them, then...i'd want them to be happy. if i make others happy, t-then i'd be happy too, right? Sakuya: *small laugh* "Is that why you spend so much time shipping boys together, instead of fulfilling your own desires?" naho: i-i guess so.... and hormones. >///< Sakuya: "..." -\\\\- "Hormones are a pain...Naho...I care about you and Lilac...Can all three of us be there for each other?" naho: *she nods* of course, forever and always. Sakuya: *smiles* "Always. Forever." *pats Lilac's back* lilac: *yaaawn* mmn? Sakuya: "Time to wake up..." lilac: *waking up* *yawn* Sakuya: *smiles* "Morning...We wanted to know how you are feeling?" lilac:...b-better....i think.... Sakuya: *nods* "Hey...You know Naho and I are here for you, yes?" lilac:...y-yeah.... Sakuya: "..." *hugs Lilac* lilac: *small blush* ah...? Sakuya: "We love you." lilac: >///////< Sakuya: "..." *small laugh* "You okay?" -at school- Kid: "Good morning, all." liz: morning. Patty: "Howdy!" *spots Naho* "Hey, girl!" naho: mornin~^^ Sakuya: "Hey...So, looking forward to classes today?" liz: yeah. Black Star: =___=;;; "Ya...hoozzzzzzzz..." Kid: "??? What is wrong with him?" tsubaki: he had trouble sleeping ^^ Kid: "...Understandable. I suggest a white noise machine." tsubaki: i'll have to pick one up then. Black Star: *drooling on his books* soul: *poke poke* Black Star: "Hmm..." *sleep talking* "Not there. I don't like vampire bites there..." soul: dude. wake up. Black Star: *opens his eyes* "Dude...I'm exhausted. Stop waking me up in my bedroom..." soul:...you're at school dude. Black Star: "...Shit." Kid: "Let's get you some coffee..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Hmmm..." *wiping kitchen clean* -elsewhere- reimi:...... Konro: "Good day, Sister!" reimi: !!! good day commander. ^^ Konro: *smiles* "How are you?" reimi: i've been well, we all have. Konro: "...I'm glad to hear. I think I'll say hello to everyone..." reimi: *she nods and lets him in*..........(thinking: i cant wait to burn him....ahhh, my sweet fire tornado, how i long to use you again~@ ugigigigi~) Konro: "Good day, everyone." hinata: konro! hikage: ^o^ *hug* sister: good morning commander. Konro: *hug* "Hey, kiddos! How you doing?" *nods to the Sister* kirei: *she smiles* Konro: "Hinata, Hikage, I brought you a new toy..." *pulls out a top* How 'bout you show it to the sisters while I talk with Kirei?" hinata: neato! kirei: *she nods* Konro: *walks with Kirei* "...How are you holding up?" kirei: i've been well....the sisters and i have been working on something that may help. Konro: "Oh?" sister 2: HYAH! *slaps a piece of paper onto konro's head.........nothing happens* he's good to go! Konro: .\\\\\. "Um...Okay?" sister 2: it's cool huh? its and illusion dispell charm! we got your research team's notes and made a counter charm to it! how that works im not sure, but eh, what can you do. Konro: "...Excellent! Sisters, how many of these can you make to cover all residents?" sister 2: we're working on it right now. hinata: *has a paper on her head* uwooo im a ghoooost. hikage: *also has a paper on her head* myon myon~ hinata: what the hell kind of ghost noise is that? hikage: *shrugs* Konro: "Heh heh...I will inform Commander Benimaru." -elsewhere- Nals: "Here is the relic you desired." neian: muu? Ponera: "Excellent." Medusa: *examines the relic* "Hmm...Should be workable..." shaula: what is it? Medusa: " 'The Leviathan,' said to contain a significant boost to snakes' abilities...Noah had mentioned it to me..." shaula: and ya took his advice? Medusa: "Shaula, really...It has been this long, and I have researched over and over again to verify what he told me. I am curious about what I can find, but intelligent enough to verify it." shaula: cool story sis. Medusa: -_-; ("It also helps that Noah talked in his sleep...and at other times...") -elsewhere- Kid: *presents cookies to Stocking at the cafeteria* stocking: *nom* mmmmm~<3 ^^ *smooch* Kid: -\\\\- "Sweet kisses..." stocking: only for you~ Kid: *smiles* "Maybe we can do something new this weekend..." stocking: like what? Kid: "We haven't been out to a club in a while...and I know a new one that's supposed to have a delicious strawberry drink." stocking: sounds interesting~<3 Kid: *smiles* "Then it's a date." -elsewhere- Anya: *sighs* "This is boring...and it hurts to breathe...Ow." tsugumi: you'll be better soon. Anya: T_T "I hope so..." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Interesting...So, these papers will reveal the dopplegangers?" soldier: hopefully so. the combination of science and magic is one hell of a thing. Benimaru: "...Those sisters are more impressive than I have given them credit. Continue the random screenings." *takes a handful of the papers* "I have work to do as well." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *sorting books* "So many..." ef: *she nods, putting text books into their shelves* Jacqueline: "Mai, what do you think of doing after graduation?" ef: !!! m-me? *she points to herself* Jacqueline: *nods* "Yes, you..." ef: *clears throat* s-sorry, i just....im not used to being called by my name... but, im not really sure...i know i'll most likely stay in death city..... Jacqueline: *nods* "I plan to stay as well. Are you considering EAT, or civilian work?" ef: im not sure yet... Jacqueline: *friendly smile* "I'm sure you could be a good member of EAT. And you are so smart that you would be helpful as a teacher, librarian, medicine..." ef: awww. >////<; Jacqueline: *shoulder pat* "I wish the best for you." -elsewhere- Relan: "Any plans for after school?" shinra: not sure yet. Relan: "Can always get coffee, or snacks. Maybe just walk..." -elsewhere- Yohei: "Sandbox, complete!" chie: it looks great! *smoooooch* Yohei: "Heh...I think WASHU and GET deserve a lot of credit." chie: good job you two ^^ WASHU: ^o^ -elsewhere- naho: *siiigh* it gets kind of boring in this city when there isnt an incident going on...hey bel-bel, how about you get set on fire? Belkia: "...Nah, I don't want to do that. I mean, first-degree burns are fun, but when you get to second, it moves from 'titillating' to 'holy fuck that sucks.'" naho: what about 3rd? Belkia: "Third are worse than second-degree. So those move from 'holy fuck!' to 'kill me now!" naho: then 9th degree- lilac: i-i-isnt that going t-too far? O-O;; Belkia: -_-;;;; "It only goes up to fourth. Can't I just cut myself off or something?" naho: *shrug* Belkia: "...Fine. I shall perform...THE GUILLOTINE OF DEATH!" *summons a guillotine* "I will need a volunteer assistant..." all: PASS Belkia: *pout* "But I'm going to cut my head off..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form...lying on couch...* ame: *watching cartoons with maddie on her lap* did you sleep ok? Mr. Tsubaki: "I did...It was just the dreams that bothered me." ame: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: "...Just about missing my family." ame:....*pet pet* do you want to visit them? Mr. Tsubaki: "...I worry it is too soon...And I can't face...someone with them. She must hate me." ame: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: "...Ame, I want to be a better person." -elsewhere- Black Star: *holding hands with Tsubaki* tsubaki: ^///^ Black Star: "You know...this isn't what I imagined when I thought about starting a family." tsubaki: well, things are certainly more eventful here now. Black Star: "Yeah...I think we got a bit less privacy now." tsubaki: perhaps... i could use a bath now though, it might help me to unwind. Black Star: "...Oh. I'm sure it would..." ^\\\\^ tsubaki: *she goes to get the bathrobe and goes into the bathroom* Higan: "??? Well, hello..." tsubaki:...............................................*she closes the door*...............i think i'll wait on the bath. *her expressions is calm, but you can tell she's broken on the inside* Black Star: "???" Belkia: *pops up behind Tsubaki* "This is why you should knock. I mean, really, Tsu-Tsu." naho: *excalibur* i feel your pain, tsubaki.....all too well. [she had the same thing happen to her when she first became a subclass] Sakuya: "I don't suppose you can just build an extra bathroom--" Black Star: "Do I _look_ like I have any money?! I'm not that Fire Brigade princess!" tsubaki: ah! actually, there is a second bathroom! you didnt know? Sakuya: "..." Black Star: "..." Belkia: "..." *The boys suddenly all have the urge to go* Sakuya: "OUT OF MY WAY!" Black Star: "ME FIRST!" Belkia: "GET LOST!" tsubaki: O.O; naho: -__-; -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *paper on her face* "...So, I'm not an impersonator, right?" fang-hua: *paper on her face* seems not. ^^; Konro: "Good to know." *takes the paper gently off Fang-Hua's face* Benimaru: "Indeed." *rips the paper quickly off Tsukiyo's face* Tsukiyo: "AAAAARG!" fang-hua: *wince* it kind of feels the same as when you take off a bandaid. Benimaru: "Slight adhesive. ...Oh, wait, I should check Tsukiyo again--" *reapplies the paper--then pulls it off again* Tsukiyo: "AAAAAAAAAH! WHY, BENI-HOTTIE, WHY?!" fang-hua: commander... -_-; Benimaru: "...What? I rarely smile." fang-hua:.... 7///7; so i've noticed. Konro: "Fang-Hua, could you and the Commander finish with the rest of the random paper tests?" fang-hua: *salute* yes sir. Benimaru: *still a slight smile* "Between the two of us, we should have this work finished quickly." -elsewhere- Kid: *playing with Shiori* "Here's the ball!" *rolls it towards her* shiori: uwa! *catch* ^o^ Kid: "Hee hee! Now, toss it back..." -roll- Kid: *catches* "Good arms, Shiori!" -elsewhere- Lawless: *small pant, as he tries to resume human form--and collapses from exhaustion* "Ow..." licht: easy there... misono:.... Lily: "You'll be back on your feet in no time." *gentle smile* Hugh: *small groan* tetsu: hugh! are you feeling alright? Hugh: "Grouchy..." the mother: .....*concerned* do you need to rest more, big brother? Hugh: *nods* "And juice...And maybe a nap..." uzuki: *worried* Lily: "...Time heals everything...Maybe not to full extent..." *clutches his watch* misono:....... Lawless: "Don't know why this is taking me so long..." Hugh: "Young people just lack that get-up-and-go quality..." Lawless: *annoyed grunt* misono: in any case, the servamp of melancholy has gone into hiding, and his subclass are currently in the custody of tsubaki and black*star, save for one detained by C3. and with all the jinn in the city, we should assist in properly disposing of it to prevent further incidents. Lily: "...Yes...It will take time." mahiru: so for the time being, we'll just be taking part in purifying the jinn from people? misono: more or less. Lawless: *grunt* "Super. The kind of hiatus I've wanted..." mr sendagaya: tetsu, you have visitors. tetsu: oh? misono:....!!! oh for the love of..... -_-; Lily: *pops up* "Oh!" Mikuni: "Howdy!" misono: *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* hello mikuni. tetsu: oh? oh right, misono's older bro. sup? Mikuni: "Yep!" *leaps up to Tetsu, vigorously shakes his hand* "Mikuni's the name, tracking vampires is my game!" *looks around* "...Jeez, you guys look awful." Lawless and Hugh: *angry twitches* Jeje: "Sssss..." the mother: glad to see you're in good health, doubt doubt. Jeje: "You as well...How are your subclasses?" the mother: ....other than the stolen car, just fine. ray: you're _still_ gonna hold that against us? the mother: yes. *to jeje* with you here, and melancholy M.I.A., that makes gluttony the only servamp not here...im still convinced he's in canada somewhere. Jeje: -_-;;;; "Jeez...Typical. I do not look forward to him learning what 'Canadian bacon' is..." -misono explains the current situation- Jeje: "Hmm..." Mikuni: "...Brother, you can count on us." mahiru: so who's going to take the first shift on this? sayaka: im here! sorry im late~! ^^ some weird people were asking me weird questions haha ^^; Jeje: "...Oh, no." *sympathetic nod* "Sorry." Lily: "Perhaps Misono and I should start?" misono: perhaps, you need to start training up your weapon again. jinn hunting may be a good place to start. sayaka: *notices mikuni* oh! you're the guy from the antique shop! s-say, that creepy doctor isnt with you, i-is he? O-O;;; Jeje: "We keep him at the shop, for many reasons. He should not be let out in public..." Mikuni: "Ah, shoot! Johannes ain't no thing! He's as harmless as a pussy cat!" Lily: "Training about be good..." *flexes* sayaka:...... Jeje: "If Johannes ever gives you trouble again, do not hesitate to ask for help." sayaka: thank you QuQ misono: anyway, we should get going then, we'll start by the park area. Lily: "After you~" -and so- misono: see anything yet? Lily: "I see some cuties~" misono: *chop* keep focused, damn you. -_-; Lily: *pout* "You brought me to the park, where everyone is so carefree and--" Bystander: *SCREAMING* Lily: "...Except that person." misono: *runs to investigate* girl: *holding a knife to her neck* i know you're here......please.....eat me up... misono: lily! Lily: "!!!" Lily: "Um...Ma'am? Hi. I'm here to ask that you please let down that knife. We would like to make sure you are safe and sound, 'kay~?" girl: please....take my blood..... misono: *THROWS CHAIR AT JINN* -that seemed to do it, and the girl drops the knife and passes out- Lily: *catches her, sighs* "A chair?" misono: well, that's what my lead is, so dont blame me U///n///U; girl: nnn.... wh-wha? guy: jeez kate, what got into you just now? kate: ??? misono:....... Lily: "You, um...just had a small accident." -elsewhere- Higan: "I said I was sorry..." tsubaki:...*sigh* it's fine. perhaps i should have knocked on the door first. Higan: "Yeah...But it's fine. I don't mind gender-neutral bathing facilities." naho: ......... tsubaki:....*sweatdrop* ok, new house rule; if anyone has to use the bathrooms for any reason, be sure to knock on the door first. Higan: *muttering* "Can be fun sometimes, sharing a bath..." lavender: hell yeah. Black Star: "Second house rule: lock the bathroom doors!" lavender: speaking of baths, i might need one. higan, mind helping me scrub my back~? Higan: "Of course~" Black Star: o~o;;; "...Squick." naho: *gags* Sakuya: "...Can we have a 'TMI rule'?" -elsewhere- Spirit: *chopping vegetables* sachiko: *stirring* ok...*adding some salt* Spirit: *smiles* "It's smelling great..." sachiko: thanks. i got the recipe from a neighbor when we first moved in. Spirit: "...I miss these opportunities, to get to cook with someone else." sachiko: *she smiles* i think it's ready for the next ingredient now. Spirit: "And they're all chopped..." *moves to add them...* sachiko: *she smiles* thanks, hun~ ^^ Spirit: "You're welcome, love." *kiss, as he carefully adds the vegetables* "...It's good when the ingredients come together." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "That is enough work for today." *bows* "Thank you, Kohana." fang-hua: *small blush* no problem, commander. *scratches her head* Benimaru: "...I am hungry. Care to share a meal?" fang-hua: are you sure? Benimaru: "Of course. I'm hungry, and it would be rude not to offer." fang-hua: well, i suppose it wont be too much trouble. Benimaru: *leads the way to a restaurant, pulls back the curtain* "After you." fang-hua: *she nods and goes in* worker: ah, commander! a pleasure to see ya! oh? who's this, have you finally decided to settle down? haha! Benimaru: *follows...sits by her at a booth* "Hmm. Nice atmosphere." fang-hua: yea- *blushes at the worker's comment* t-that's not how it is! Benimaru: *looks at worker* "We are here for dinner. I expect we will have a good meal--" *steady stare at the worker* "--or else." worker: OwO;; fang-hua: commander, please dont threaten him. -_-; Benimaru: "Just keeping people in line...I do not like being teased." -\\\\- fang-hua: ah...right... ^^; Benimaru: "Want to share some ramen?" -elsewhere- Black Star: *yawn, lies down next to Tsubaki* "After this day, I just want to sleep..." tsubaki: yeah....*hugging him* good night. -smooch- Black Star: ^\\\\^ "Good night, Tsubaki..." *smooch on--* Belkia: ^\\\\\^ "Thank you, Daddy." Black Star: o_O;;;;; tsubaki: O___O Belkia: "I had a bad dream. Mommy, may I sleep with you and Daddy?" -he ended up rooming with otogiri- otogiri: now, what have we learned? Belkia: *holding ice to his face* "Mommy is violent..." tsubaki: im sorry, but you did startle us. i guess i dont know my own strength in a panic... ^^; Belkia: *pout* "Apology accepted..." *cheerful* "And now Otogiri and I can be roomies!" otogiri: *monotone* yaaaay. Belkia: "See? She's excited! Maybe we can even share clothes!" otogiri: that hasnt stopped you before. Belkia: "...True. Just don't stretch out my favorite shirts, okay?" -in sakuya's room- naho: mmmmm, nice and warm~ =w= Sakuya: -\\\\- "Y-Yeah...I like this." naho: *she smiles* the last two times....it felt weird....but....im comfortable with you. Sakuya: "Same...I didn't share a bed before. But...having you here feels right." naho: *she smiles and nuzzles up to him* i l-...i really like you a lot.....s-sorry, i guess....im still just so nervous and excited at the idea of....b-being with someone who likes me back. Sakuya: *smiles, slides hand gently against her cheek* "I like you, too..." naho: *blushing* *smooch* hehe...even though...sham was my first kiss.....yours are nicer. ^///^ Sakuya: "Heh..." *small smooch back* "I would hope so..." *hugs* naho: mmmm~<3 Sakuya: *pulls blanket closer* "Comfortable?" naho: *she nods* Sakuya: "That's good." *holds her close* "...I can feel your heartbeat..." naho: U//////U *pulls his hoodie closer around her* Sakuya: "Hee hee..." *pats her hoodie* "That's a cute look on you..." naho: ^////^ hehe. Sakuya: "..." *small kiss on her nose* "Ready to go to sleep?" naho: *nuzzle*......zzzzz.... Sakuya: *smiles, whispers* "Good night, Naho..." -morning- Kid: *kitten yawn* "Zzz..." stocking: zzzzz...*holding him close to her chest* Kid: "Mmmm..." *holds her close* "So nice..." stocking: *stirring awake* hehe~ comfy much? Kid: o\\\\o "Y-Yeah? I mean...you are..." stocking: hehe ^^ its alright, if you want to touch them, its fine. Kid: o\\\\\\\o;; "..." *his hands hold her breasts...* stocking: *blush* ah.......hehe, you're so cute when you're flustered~ Kid: "S-Sorry...It's just that...I never thought I would be here, with someone as perfect as you..." *small squeeze* stocking: *blushes and smiles, kissing his forehead* so sweet~ Kid: "..." *lets go, and hugs her* "I love you, so much." -elsewhere- Black Star: *yawn* tsubaki: morning. *she and lilac are making breakfast* Black Star: "Morning..." *sniff sniff* "Hmm...Smells good. I guess Lilac is really helping you." *smiles* tsubaki: *she smiles* Belkia: *stomach growling* "I'm hungry..." otogiri: *she's helping as well* here, like this, see? lilac: o-ok....*following along with her instructions* Higan: "Morning, everyone..." lavender: *streeetch* smells good. a lot better than anything i could ever make, haha. ^^ Higan: *whispers* "You're not bad at makin' bacon..." naho: eeeew is that a euphemism? Higan: "...Yes." naho: ........well i just lost my appetite. lavender: ....perhaps maybe this isnt the right hour to talk about that ^^;; Black Star: "O-kay, new house rule: no sex talk at the breakfast table. Or lunch. Or dinner." Higan: "...What about at dessert?" otogiri: agreed. -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Done in the shower!" akaderu: noted. mono: *brushing her hair* Shotaro: "Then hop on in! You have an early start today!" akaderu: *grumbles as he goes in* Shotaro: *nods* "I'm gonna mold him into an outstanding person--" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *buttoning her shirt* "Looking forward to today?" kim: *streeeetch* yeah. *straightening out her uniform tie* Jacqueline: *finishes* "...Need help with that?" kim: im good. you got your coat out? it's been colder than usual this winter... Jacqueline: *nods, as she holds up her own and hands Kim hers* "...You look nice." kim: thanks. 7///7; Jacqueline: o\\\\\o; "Um...Well. Off to school, then." *picks up Kim's bookbag, starts leaving--* kim: um, your bag is this one. Jacqueline: "..." *hands her the bookbag, grabs hers* "Right." -in school- Meme: "I hope these notes will be good for Anya..." tsugumi: im sure they will be. Meme: *nods* "At least she's getting through most of the recovery...Her poor leg..." *sniff* ao: it is quite unfortunate...*her tone is sincere* Meme: *nods, trying to keep it together* mio:....*holds meme's hand* Meme: *small squeeze* -elsewhere- Anya: "Nurse? My bed is stuck..." nurse: see the remote attachment? it should be able to adjust it. Anya: *takes the remote, looks at the buttons, and presses one--* *The bed goes up rather than down, knocking her forward with a start* Anya: "ACK!" nurse: careful now! Anya: "Maybe if the buttons weren't reversed like this!" *presses the other button, lowering her bed again...* "Hmph." nurse: um....miss........you're holding it upside down ^^; Anya: *glaring* "Then set it right-side up with an indication which side is up." nurse: very well ^^; Anya: "..." *small noise, as she wipes her eyes* nurse: oh, you did get some flowers that came in for you. Anya: "O-Oh?" *looks at them...* -some nice blue flowers are in a fancy jar with a ribbon and card attached- Anya: *sniff* "They look lovely..." *opens the card* "Hmm...Excellent penmanship..." Note: "Have patience, madam / There's no doubt you / Will soon recover your accustomed health / Wishing you a speedy recovery." Anya: Q~Q "...Oh my..." -elsewhere- Shima: "Yo, Sister!" iris: um....hi? shinra: can we help you? Shima: "...Oh! I was just wondering whether the Sister was busy and would want to get a cup of coffee?" Relan: -_-;;;;;; iris: yes. im very busy. -_-; -CHOP- izumo: down boy. Relan: o___o;;; "We found Tamaki's twin..." izumo: apologies for my classmate's behavior. *she extends a hand* Izumo Kamiki, a pleasure. Relan: "!!! R-Relan Koizumi..." shinra: Shinra Kusakabe, from the NOT classes and member of the 8th brigade, and this is Iris. iris: it's nice to meet you miss kamiki. Relan: "Y-Yes...Thanks for putting Shima in his place..." izumo: well someone has to. we'll be heading back to class now. *she tugs him by the ear back to homeroom* come on idiot. Shima: "O-Ow! Later, Sister! Talk with you soon--OUCH! That really hurts!" iris:..... *sweatdrop* Relan: "...What a creep." shinra: we got another kishiri in our midst. Kishiri: "You talkin' shit about me, Kusakabe?" shinra: O_____O AND WE'RE RUNNING! -elsewhere- Patty: *nom nom nom* "Mmm...Chili fries..." liz: *shivers* so cold out today.... TT~TT Patty: "Maybe you need another layer on, Sis? Or a scarf? Or new boots?" *holds up...* "Or a shopping trip with Kiddo's credit card?" stocking: ^^; Kid: -_-;; "Liz, just eat something to warm you up--" *snatches card back from Patty* Patty: *pout* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "And...that is the last one! All books are now back on the shelf." ef: good job today! Jacqueline: *smiles* "Thanks!" *stretches* "Can take a break now..." ef: yeah. -elsewhere- gabriella: here's your latte, princess. ^^ Hibana: "Thank you, Gabriella~" *sips* "Hmm...Tasty. But where is that gopher? School should've let out an hour ago..." Rino: *throws open the door, panting, exhausted* "I-I-I'm here! Here! Stuck...*pant* Stuck behind at school..." Hibana: "Hmph." *sets down her drink* "About time." Rino: *takes two steps forward--then collapses onto the floor* gabriella:.... ._.; Hibana: "Oh no..." *walks over, picks up Rino* Rino: x_____x Hibana: *sigh* "Gabriella, put her to bed in the medical ward. I'll let her parents know she'll be home in time for dinner..." -elsewhere- lavender: *watching tv with lilac* lilac:....... *huddled in a blanket* Belkia: *small sound* "D'aw." *shiny eyes* lavender:....poor kid....he needs all the rest he can get....*frowns* Belkia: "...Want some snacks?" lavender: i'm good. *petting lilac's head* lilac:.....zzzz..... Belkia: *whispers* "How's Lilac doing?" lavender: like i said, he needs rest..... Belkia: "Hmm...A lot to go through..." otogiri:...... Belkia: "..." *sighs* "Now I'm bored. Anything that needs to be done around here, Otogiri?" otogiri: tsubaki said she needed help in the garden later. Belkia: "Oh! I can help with that!" -later- Belkia: "Oh! I can help with that!" -later- tsubaki: we're home! lavender: welcome back! lilac: *asleep in naho's bed, clutching a stuffed hello kitty plush* Sakuya: *looks around* "Where's Lilac?" lavender: naho's room. naho:....ah. Sakuya: "...Maybe check up on him?" naho: *she peeks into her room*......he's asleep... Sakuya: *nods* "I hope he's getting some good rest." naho:.....*tucks him in* lilac:........mmm.... Sakuya: *small giggle* ("So cute...") naho: *petting lilac's head* get better soon, ok? Sakuya: "We love you, Lilac..." naho: =w= our little cinnamon roll baby. Sakuya: -\\\\- *soft pat on her shoulder* naho: ^w^ Sakuya: "...Maybe make a dish for Lilac when he wakes up?" naho: sounds good. Sakuya: "Something flavorful and fulfilling...Good home cooking..." *sad frown* -elsewhere, in the cells- Shamrock: "Hey! You can't keep me in here forever!" -no answer- Shamrock: "Listen to me! I need blood! I need to be out of here! I need to get back to him!" -the door opens- mitsuba: chow time. *she slides it in through the opening on the floor* Shamrock: "...Tch. Finally." *looks at Mitsuba* "???" mitsuba: ......what?...if akane had been left in charge of feeding you, she'd have spilled your food on the floor......she...she doesnt like vampires all too much. Shamrock: "A lot of that going around...Where are the others? Your colleagues, I mean." mitsuba: upstairs. Shamrock: "Hmm...So, your colleagues send you down because one of them is upset by vampires...Interesting. And you? You are not afraid of me?" mitsuba: ....im just doing my job. Shamrock: "...Does not answer my question...Are. You. Afraid. Of. Me?" mitsuba:....no. but that doesnt mean i like you. Shamrock: "...Not what I was asking, either, but thank you for your directness." x_-;;; "I was trying to be intimidating..." mitsuba: look how well _that_ ended for ya. *she exits* Shamrock: D:< "Rude!" -elsewhere- Relan: "So, to review: we have some weird pink-hair stalker guy, and we managed to piss off Kishiri...Um...Are those things to check off some metaphorical 'bucket list'?" shinra: *shrug* iris: well, the new year has had an interesting start... ^^; Relan: "Definitely...Heh. I hope it's a good one..." *awkward shoulder pat to both Shinra and Iris* -elsewhere- sayaka: hope you dont mind us dropping in~ ^^ tsubaki: not at all! stocking: you better keep that weirdo magician on a short leash....or in a kennel. Belkia: *puppy dog eyes* "I don’t like the leash..." Kid: *pats Stocking's shoulder* "It is okay...The maids have been warned. And armed." naho: hey guys! lilac: h-hi... *meek wave* Patty: "Lilac! Kissy Face!" liz: hey. naho: are you _ever_ gonna let me live that down? -_-; Patty: "Nope! I got the memory of an elephant!" *looks at Sakuya* "...Who the hell are you?" Sakuya: -____-; "Sakuya." stocking: hey. soul: sup? Sakuya: "...Soul." soul: ?? yeah? that would be me. Sakuya: *looks him up and down...* ("I can smell that hedgehog on him...") "Hmm..." *puts his hands in his pockets, walks back to Lilac* soul: ???? lilac:........... Sakuya: *smiles at Lilac's pats his shoulder* "Let's have some fun while we're here, okay?" Belkia: *stands behind Otogiri, looking warily at the maids* "...Eek..." maid 1: *glare* otogiri: *sweatdrop* Belkia: "...I'll be good..." -later- Kid: "It does feel more cramped in here..." -_-;;; *Belkia is seated between him and Stocking* Belkia: -\\\\\\- stocking:.....*she sits up and next to kid* ^^ much better <3 Belkia: >_< "Curses!" Patty: *nom nom nom* "Tasty food, Tsubaki! You have any cooking helpers?" otogiri: *raises hand* Patty: *thumbs up to Otogiri* "Good work, Nurse Chef!" soul: aw, who blue shelled me just now?! naho: XP Sakuya: *chuckles* "Too bad, so sad." *speeds past Soul* soul: *frown* lavender: *grin* Higan: *stares at Liz* "...You ever think of modeling. I am a great painter..." liz: well... Patty: "THOMPSON...PUNCH!" *Patty slugs Higan in the face: it is super effective* Higan: *knocked back into the wall* x____x Patty: "Pervy old geezer!" naho: ouch >.o Sakuya: o_O "Good right hook..." Black Star: "Patty, watch where you're punching--you'll put a dent in our walls..." lavender: you alright there? ^^; otogiri:....he's had worse. Higan: x______x "Still...hurt..." Belkia: ._. *slides away from Stocking* stocking: good boy. *calm glare* Belkia: *small puppy whine, as he hides behind Tsubaki* tsubaki: ^^; Kid: "How difficult has rooming been?" tsubaki: it's been rather well, actually. Black Star: "Bathroom sharing is a pain, though." -elsewhere- Rino: *tosses in bed, before sitting up* "Wha--Where am I?" medic: med bay. you passed out. Rino: "...Oh, no...Did you call my family?" medic: your father will be picking you up shortly. Rino: o~o "Oh, no..." medic: is something wrong, miss tamiya? Rino: "...My dad doesn't know all the details behind me working here...like how I kind of broke into the Brigade..." medic: we'll keep that information confidential. Rino: T~T "Thank you!" *BANG* ???: "RIIIIIIIIIIINOOOOOOOO!" Rino: o_______o medic: ?!?! *knocked over by the large man* X-X ow. Rino's Father: "RINO! Are you okay?! Where does it hurt?! Anything broken? Do you remember who I am?!!" Rino: -_- "Just tired. I just feel sore. Nothing is broken. You are my very abrasive father." Hibana: "??? Gabriella, could you check on that noise?" gabriella: just mr tamiya ^^; -elsewhere- Emine: *yawn* lin: busy day? Emine: *small nod* "Someone didn't like my bad deed..." lin: aww. Emine: "The man had mocked a homeless person...so after Shotaro got the homeless person to the shelter, I followed the man and...well, in his defense, he did have on some embarrassing boxer shorts..." lin: *snerk* >3< Emine: *small smile* "Yes...He could run fast for someone with his pants around his ankles." -elsewhere- Lawless: *snore* romina: he musta really tuckered himself out, huh? licht: no kidding... Guildenstern: "A bit more time, and he'll be fine...I hope." julian:.....this hasnt been a good winter for him.... Guildenstern: "Had best do something kind, even for him..." -elsewhere- Arthur: *reading in bed* nozomi: what is it that you're reading, mr boyle? Arthur: "Something I can never get through--'The Once and Future King.'" nozomi: ah, i see. Arthur: *puts in a bookmark, gets out of bed* "How are you doing?" nozomi: well. and yourself? Arthur: "...Doing better, I think." *smiles* nozomi: ^^ Arthur: "...I was going to make some tea. Want some?" nozomi: sure. ^^ Arthur: *walks with her to the kitchen, starts heating up the water* "Have any plans for next weekend?" -elsewhere- Kid: *stretches* "This was enjoyable--thank you." stocking: ^^ *nuzzles up to kid* hehe~ tsubaki: ^^; naho:.....bel? O__O; Kid: ^\\\\^ Belkia: *frothing at the mouth, small chihuahua barks* lilac: Q.Q Kid: -_-;;; "Maybe you should muzzle him--" Belkia: "NO MUZZLES! You muzzle me, and I'll bite your face off!" otogiri: *puppet strings him up* down boy. Belkia: o_o; "...But I'm _up_ now, not _down_..." Kid: ._. otogiri:...... -______________________________-; Belkia: "I just wanted a hug from my Sugar Pop..." stocking:.....oh, did you say something? Belkia: D: "B-B-But...My delectable muffin top...I just want your love!" otogiri: *tightens the strings* behave. Belkia: "GAK! Girioto, not there! That's sensitive..." otogiri:...............*drops him into the snow* Belkia: "...Cold." naho: in more ways than one. Sakuya: *snort laugh* Black Star: "...At least Otogiri has good uses." stocking: *she locks the door* Belkia: D: Sakuya: "...Well, then--more snacks?" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *watching TV* kim: *sitting by the heater in tanuki form* -w- Jacqueline: "??? Kim?" *small chuckle* "If you wanted to keep warm, I could use my lantern..." kim: zzzzzz...... Jacqueline: "..." *picks her up, sets her in her lap, wrapping her in a blanket* -elsewhere, in the snow- Mr. Tsubaki: *running in fox form in Ame's front lawn, jumping up and down in the snow* ame: *playing in the snow with her father* Mr. Tsubaki: *pops his head up, which is covered in snow, looks at Ame and her father...* "Building a snowman?" ame: *she nods* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *moves his head through the snow, forming a snowball...* ame: ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: *wags tail* "Is this big enough?" ame's father: looks good. Mr. Tsubaki: *fox smile, as he uses his tail to pat down some of the snow* -elsewhere- Tool: *AH-CHOO!* saki: *she gives him a coat* here. Tool: "Thanks..." *sniff* "Kappa weren't made for snowy weather..." saki: aww. ^^; *hug* Tool: ^\\\\^ *hug* chie: well look at you two lovebirds. ^^ Tool: o\\\\\o *brain shuts down* saki: chieeee, jeez. ^///^; Tool: "D-D-D..." (holds Saki's hand) saki: ?? Tool: "Do-Do-Do-Do y-y-you..." saki: do i what? chie: *backs up to give them room* 83 Tool: "...Do you want to get dinner?" saki: i would love that. Tool: "C-Cool...M-Maybe Chie and Yohei can watch Io?" chie: sure, we could use the practice. ^^ Tool: "Th-Thanks..." *nervous smile* -elsewhere- Hibana: *sigh* gabriella: zzzzzz..... Hibana: "..." *strokes Gabriella's hair...* gabriella: =w= Hibana: *small kiss on Gabriella's cheek* "Love you..." gabriella: *hugs her arm* Hibana: *holds her, humming softly* -elsewhere- Kid: "Thank you for having us. Good night." tsubaki: get home safely. *wave* stocking: see ya. soul: later. Patty: "Night, Naho!" Belkia: *shivering* "G-Good night, my sourball..." stocking: *holds kid's arm and nuzzles* ^^~<3 hehe~ Kid: "Hee hee..." *holds her* Belkia: *small growl* naho: *pap pap* Black Star: *stretches* "Better clean up, then get some sleep..." otogiri: *she nods* Sakuya: "Lilac, hold the garbage bag open while I dump trash into it..." lilac: o-ok. Higan: *passed out on the couch* "Zzz..." lavender:....*she puts a blanket over him* you just rest up. Higan: *smiles, breathes a bit more easily* naho: *washing dishes* Belkia: *pouts* tsubaki: ^^; Belkia: "Why can't I appeal to my lovely lolli? Why won't she see we are meant to be?" otogiri:...... -_-; do you want me to sugar coat it, or should i just give you the hard truth? Belkia: "OoooooOOOooooo, I like sugar! Do that one!" *smiles widely* otogiri:....she likes someone else. naho: (thinking: and your personality doesnt help matters...) Belkia: "...I see. Well, I have only one mature action to take, and move on--" *pulls out a giant battleaxe* "--TO BIGGER WEAPONS! BWA HA HA HA HA!" otogiri: *CHOP* down. Belkia: *whimpers* tsubaki: ^^;; *she gets him an ice pack* Belkia: "Thank you Miss Tsubaki...at least you are nice. UNLIKE CERTAIN OTHER PEOPLE!" naho: well, otogirin calls them as she sees them. Belkia: *grumbles* "I could call things as I see them, too, you little half-pint..." naho: i may be small, but that just adds to my adorable factor! >u< Sakuya: *chuckles* "Definitely." naho: ^w^ Belkia: "???" *looks back and forth at them* "...Oh, come on! You two hooked up?! And I'm still single?!! What the hell?!!" lilac:...*pap pap* Belkia: TT~TT lilac: maybe....otogiri could- otogiri: i doubt it. lilac:...oh. Q.Q Belkia: D: "Not even a quickie? I mean, you shouldn't hide your talents under a bushel--just like you shouldn't keep those puppies under a sweater--" -CHOP- otogiri: -____-; Belkia: *collapsed, bleeding* Sakuya: o_o; lavender:...*calmly sips her drink* Black Star: *sigh* "Otogiri, clean up that mess." otogiri: understood. Black Star: *looks at Lavender* "...Not going to help clean up?" lavender:....*sigh* alright. Sakuya: "Awesome, Lilac--we got the trash collected! Just leaves wiping down the table..." -elsewhere- Kid: *stretches* "Happy to be home?" stocking: yep~ *smooch* Kid: *smooch, hug* "It's good to be back...and safe." *rubs her back* stocking: mmmmm~<3 Kid: *soft kiss on each cheek* "Ready to get to bed?" stocking: yeah. Kid: *unbuttons his shirt* "Same...It'll be nice to lie down again in our bed..." -a few days later, it was time for the test of courage- sayaka: so how are we doing this? Black Star: "You got to walk through the marked path, throughout town--and anyone who can't get back to the school in time will be called a wimp, a coward, a scaredy cat, and every other name we can think of!" tsubaki: -.-; kyouko: apperantly the path leads through some supposedly haunted areas. Relan: ._______.; "...I knew this was a bad idea. What is wrong with me?" shinra: it's ok, we've got your back. *thumbs up* Relan: *weak thumbs up* Sakuya: *looks around* "Can't be that terrifying..." naho: im sure we got this in the bag ^^ lilac: g-good luck...you guys... Sakuya: *smiles* "We'll be back in no time. Wait for us..." lilac: o-ok... -and so- Relan: *walking stiffly through the path, small whimper* sayaka: (thinking: so chilly....but this is fine so far....im sure i can handle anything!) Sakuya: "What's around this part of town, anyway? I don't see much scary--just the usual: low-lit lamps, some bats fluttering by--" Relan: o____o "Bats?" iris: hmm? there's a shop...'land of nod'....hmm. sayaka: O______O Sakuya: "...Huh. Weird name for a shop--" *Creepy noises of "WoooooOOOOOOoooo" heard* Relan: *hiding behind Iris, shaking* naho:....*knocks on the door* trick or treat? hehe X3 *The door creaks open...and a pair of eyes appear...and a wide, toothy grin* naho: OwO;;;;;;; sayaka: O________________________________O ???: *GASP* "Sweet Pea!" *Johannes has arrived* Johannes: "Good evening!" Relan: "...Huh. Not as terrifying as I imagined..." Sakuya: "???" sayaka: OHGODNOOOOOOOO!!!! *she sprints faster than she has in her life* IYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! naho: ??????? Johannes: "..." *sad pout* "Where is she going? I was going to make espresso..." naho: O.O;; do you have any blood? iris: O___o Johannes: "...Blood? You're not, um, wearing a wire, are you?" naho: no?? Johannes: "...Okay. Come on in..." *stands aside* naho: awww, these dolls are so cuuuute! metsu: ?? naho: *she looks at metsu* are you a vampire too? metsu: 0-0 Johannes: "Quite a number of vampires in this town now, huh? Fortunately, I am a trained medical professional in all things vampires! Tell me, ma'am, have you had your yearly physical?" naho:...umm... o-o; Johannes: *pats her shoulder* "It is vital for your health--AND SCIENCE!--that you have your physical. Let my nurse guide you to my office and--" *POW* Johannes: *twitching on the floor* Sakuya: *twitch of anger* "Hands off." metsu:....my apologies for the good doctor's behavior. would you like a discount? Sakuya: "Maybe for one of the dolls for Naho?" naho: awww, this one is so cute! can i get this one? -down the road- sayaka: *panting* phew...that...that was....way to close....haaaa.... Jeje: "??? Sayaka?" sayaka: ?? oh, hey jeje, hey misono's bro. *wave* Mikuni: "Howdy, little missy! What you doing out at this hour?" -sayaka explains what's going on- naho: ^w^ *whistling* iris: ^^; Mikuni: "Neat-o! Can we join in? I love trying to scare myself!" Jeje: -___- Relan: o_o; *traumatized for life* iris: i suppose... naho: sure! Mikuni: "Yahoo! Let's get a-goin'!" -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Hmph. So boring." yumikage: oi, eyepatch. you know where dr yukimi is? was he in here at all? Shamrock: "...No. I have not seen him." yumikage: well...nevermind. *he exits* -elsewhere- Kid: "Looks very foggy out..." stocking: no kidding...and we're not too far from tsubaki's house either....*shudders* Kid: *holds her* "I know...but you're safe here." stocking: ^^ -cue creepy puppets- Kid: o____o stocking: YEEK! otogiri: *maneuvering the dolls from behind a bush* Kid: "What on earth is even happening?! Where did those come from?!!" stocking: oh right, test of courage thing...well it sure got us, huh? haha! Kid: ._.;;; "..." *nervous laugh* "Y-Yeah..." stocking: aww. ^^ *smooch* Kid: *holds her, small whimper* otogiri: how cute. Kid: "??? You hear something?" otogiri: ..... stocking: lets just keep going. Kid: *nods, follows, holding her arm* -elsewhere- Lawless: "Well...I'm humanoid again." *his hair is sticking up on end, like a hedgehog* "Mostly--" *POOF* *Lawless is back in hedgehog form* Lawless: -_-;;; "Curses." licht:....*sigh* do you need more blood? Lawless: *small hedgehog nod* *opens his mouth...* licht: *he puts a finger to the hedgehog's mouth* here. Lawless: -_-;;; *NOM* licht: *slight wince* ah... Lawless: ^\\\\\\^;; *sluuuuuuuuuuuurp...* licht: better? *POOF* Lawless: *humanoid...but hair still on end* "...So far, so good..." licht: ...*PUNCH* there. now order has been restored. Lawless: *collapsed on the floor* "Ow..." *springs up* "DAMN IT! You know I'm in a vulnerable state! If you punched me, I could've turned back into a hedgehog and not be able to come out of it!" licht:....sorry. 7///7; Lawless: "Yeah, you better be! ...And...thanks for the blood." -\\\\- -elsewhere- Wes: "So, why didn't you and Patty try the 'test of courage'?" liz: .....do i even have to answer that? Q.Q Wes: "..." *pats her hand* "It's okay..." *hug* liz: TT.TT Wes: *pats her back* "...Want something to drink?" -elsewhere- Gopher: :< "Scary..." kirika: eh, i've seen worse. Gopher: "B-But that's because you're so brave! And I'm...so not..." *looking at the cobwebs and shadows...whimper* kirika: *sigh* do you want me to hold your hand through this? (thinking: you baby...) Gopher: .\\\\\\\w\\\\\\\\. "Y-Yes?" -she does just that- Gopher: *shudder* "Oh! I...could feel your soul resonance on that one..." kirika: *shuddering, bright red* y-yeah, whatever man... Gopher: "..." Gopher: *smiles at her* "Thank you." -elsewhere- Black Star: "I wonder how many of them will chicken out..." tsubaki: .... Black Star: "..." *pats her shoulder* "I'm sure they'll be fine..." tsubaki: *she smiles* yeah. *From the bushes, something small is watching Tsubaki...* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." tsubaki:.....?? *she glances over* Mr. Tsubaki: *the fox tries to hide himself in the bushes...tries to stay quiet...* Black Star: "???" tsubaki:...*she shakes her head* nothing...just thought i saw something. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." ("At least C3 didn't go for her...") -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "No interest in that 'test of courage' thing?" kim: nah, im not scared of stupid kid stuff like that. Jacqueline: "..." *small smirk* "No, you'd just be scared if, say, your piggy bank suddenly was empty..." kim: you wouldnt! did you give it to that tsurugi guy?! Jacqueline: *crosses her arms, teasing* "Not telling..." kim: jackiiiie you're meeeean >n< Jacqueline: "Hee hee...I'm just teasing you." *pats her arm* "Your money is safe, right where you left it..." kim: good. =n= Jacqueline: *small hug* "I would never come between you and your money..." kim: aw, thanks. ^^; Jacqueline: *pat on her head* "You're welcome..." Jacqueline: *yawn* "Want to have some tea before bed?" -later- naho: *putting the doll on her shelf* hehe~ ^^ lilac:...its really cute.... Sakuya: "Suits you, Naho." naho: aww, hehe ^^ otogiri: so you took a detour from the challenge? naho: yeah, but the doctor was pretty creepy *shivers* Sakuya: "Yeah...Odd he'd have a servamp with him...and blood." otogiri: i see...theres not much we can do about that for the time being...tsubaki told us to behave... Belkia: "Weeeeeeeeeeeeell, I'm sure there are loopholes in that rule..." -chop- otogiri: -_-; Belkia: "OWIE!" Sakuya: *small laugh* "In the meantime, wouldn't hurt to keep tabs on that shop...when that creepy doctor isn't around." -knock knock knock knock- naho: ?? tsubaki: yes? Mikuni: "Howdy!" tsubaki: yes? may i help you? Mikuni: "I'm here to check in on you, on behalf of some mutual acquaintances of ours!" *spots Sakuya and the others* "Oh, there you are!" naho: o.o hmmn? who're you? Mikuni: "I'm Mikuni! You were at my shop earlier..." *low growl of a voice* "...and bought one of my dollies..." tsubaki: oh right! you're misono's brother, right? naho: OwO;;;; Mikuni: *smiles at Tsubaki* "Bingo! A prize for the little lady..." *holds out a rose to her* tsubaki: oh. thank you ^^; Mikuni: *smiles sweetly at Tsubaki, before looking back at the subclass* "And y'all behaving? Not causing any troubles for this nice young lady and her nice young meister?" naho: no sir! lilac: *shakes head* Sakuya: "No, never." otogiri: work in progress. Belkia: "Nothing that you know about--" lavender: *elbows him* ignore him. Mikuni: "Well that's good." *stares intensely at Belkia with a serene smile* "Because if a certain someone were to step out of line, they would face a wealth of misery..." Jeje: *pops up out of Mikuni's shirt in snake form, staring at Belkia* Belkia: ._. lilac: eek! naho: !! Sakuya: "...Better than if the snake come out of somewhere else..." lavender: oh? naho: sakuya! >///<; lilac: ???? Sakuya: *chuckles* Jeje: *glares at Lavender* "...Ssssss...." lavender: ....?? Jeje: "I'm watching you..." lavender: well join the party~<3 Jeje: "And if you hurt anyone I care about ever again, I will break your spine." lavender: OwO;;;;;;; noted. Jeje: *slides back down into Mikuni's shirt...* Mikuni: "Could I trouble you for a cup of joe, Tsubaki?" tsubaki:..........i suppose we have some in the cupboard. make yourself at home. naho: hey gramps, get up! Mikuni: "Thanky!" Higan: *clutches Naho's head, turning it to face him* "I'm. Awake." Mikuni: "?!!" naho: EEK! GROSS! >3< Higan: "You called me old, so I'm just letting you know that I'm--" *spots Mikuni* "...Doll Man." Mikuni: "Artsy-fartsy-pervy man." Higan: "..." *charges a flame* lavender: oh, you two know each other? tsubaki: *spray bottle* down! Mikuni: "Jeje...Let's do this." Jeje: -_-;;; "Not indoors." *CHOMP* tsubaki: *sword aimed at both of them* BOTH OF YOU JUST CALM DOWN! Mikuni: Q___Q;; "AAAAH! THERE'S A SNAKE IN MY BOOT!" Higan: *soaked* "...I'm wet." lavender: phrasing, BOOM! -after tsubaki diffused the situation- Mikuni: Q____Q "I'm sorry, Tsubaki...Just don't spray me. Jeje hates water." Jeje: *sips a glass of water* "That is a lie." tsubaki: *sweatdrop* Jeje: "At least you seem to be quite the negotiator, Tsubaki. I have not seen subclasses so well-behaved." tsubaki: i have them under protective custody for a reason. keyword _protective_. ....i wanted to keep a promise to someone. Jeje: *nods, whispers* "However, you are aware that C3 is concerned about their...potentially destructive behavior." tsubaki: ....im doing my best to keep them behaved and protected. but they've been well for the most part, with certain exceptions. *glances at belkia* Belkia: *puppy dog eyes* "Little old me?" otogiri: *chop* yes. Belkia: "Ow!" Jeje: "Hmm...Do you require any assistance, Tsubaki?" tsubaki: what exactly do you mean? Jeje: "Any resources? Additional persons present to monitor the subclasses? Perhaps materials to calm them down?" tsubaki: well...i'll consider it. Jeje: *nods* "Thank you." *looks at Naho* "Keep Lavender and Belkia well behaved, please." naho: *salutes* yes sir! lavender: i am behaved though~! *pouts* otogiri:..... lavender:.....oh....that....yeah, that was pretty shitty of me, wasnt it... ^^; forgive and forget? ^^;;;; Jeje: *snake hiss* "Tsubaki...I will leave her to you for acceptable punishment. Best not to escalate--not here." tsubaki: ....right.... *sweatdrop* Mikuni: "Well, then...Thanks for the coffee. C3 likely will be in touch with you..." *whispers* "Watch out for Tsurugi..." tsubaki: ?? tsurugi? Mikuni: "A guy...Kind of stuck up and serious." tsubaki:...noted. -elsewhere- Relan: *shudder* shinra: *hugs him* Relan: "Creepy...A-Am I still alive?" shinra: of course you are. Relan: *holds onto Shinra* "G-Good..." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *patrolling* kantarou's wife: good evening, commander. *she smiles* toshio: *waves* Benimaru: *smiles, bows to them* "Good evening. How are you both?" -elsewhere- mitsuba: hey, anyone seen tsurugi? he just kinda wandered off. yumikage: he's probably doing tricks for some random numbskull, the poor bastard. Jun: "Hey, want to see this trick Tsurugi showed me?" hyakuya: do i dare ask? -someone is heard screaming- hyakuya: ?!?! mitsuba: what the hell was that? yumikage: *runs to the source of the scream* Jun: *follows* "What is happening...?" -a worker is standing outside of dr yukimi's office. the inside of the office is coated with blood, and tsurugi is standing over the mess that used to be dr yukimi- Jun: *covers mouth* "Oh no..." yumikage: mother of-....tsurugi....what the hell did you do?! Tsurugi: *shaking* "What he...he did to her..." yumikage: ???? Tsurugi: "Touma...told me to...What this doctor did...What he did..." yumikage: easy there... hyakuya: holy shit snacks! what....did he do this?! Tsurugi: "I did what Touma said...It was important...Dr. Yukimi, that monster..." yumikage:.... -voice over the intercom- Tsurugi: "..." *covers his mouth* -Tsurugi Kamiya, Yumikage Tsukimitsu, and Junichiro Kurumamori, please report to touma's office as soon as possible.- yumikage: for fucks sake, now what? Jun: "Shit...This will be fun..." *eyeroll* Tsurugi: *dry heaving...* mitsuba: h-hey...i-its ok.....*not sure what to do* hyakuya: ....?? (thinking: touma?) Jun: "Come on...Let's get this meeting over with..." -in the office, there is a girl in a coat sitting on one of the chairs, she stares and tilts her head at them- yumikage:....who's this kid? Tsurugi: o_o Touma: "I called you here regarding this one in the room--and regarding a certain mess that needs cleaning up..." yumikage: i still dont know what's going on.... mafura: o^o~? Touma: *ahem* "Everyone, this is Mafura. Say hello to our new friends, Mafura..." mafura: it's nice to meet you all. mafura-chan's excited to see everything. ^^ Jun: "...Why are you speaking in the third-person?" mafura: ?? but there's five people here....isnt there? Touma: "...Mafura will need your assistance adjusting to our surroundings. Please guide her..." Tsurugi: *still in shock from earlier* yumikage: al....right then... the name's yumikage, but if you wanna call me yumi, that's fine. Jun: "I'm Jun." mafura:....?? *walks over to tsurugi* who're you? why do you have red on you? Tsurugi: "..." *starts crying, trying not to vomit* mafura: ?? Touma: "Hmph...Someone take Tsurugi away to get over this. The rest of you, get Mafura some clothes..." yumikage: !! come on, we need to get you to med bay, like, now! yumikage: come on new girl. Jun: "Sounds good..." *leads Tsurugi away...* -elsewhere- Yumi: "Shh...It's okay, Shiori. Mommy's here..." shiori: muguu..... lord death:..... ):> *worried* Yumi: "She feels a little warm..." lord death: my poor baby Q-Q Yumi: "Call the emergency room...and the car. I want her to be checked..." lord death: on it! Yumi: *packs Shiori's bag, goes to the car...* -elsewhere- naho: D8> lavender: doctor's appointment?? Sakuya: "Seriously? With which doctor? That creepy guy?" Belkia: *chuckling* " 'Witch doctor'..." otogiri: oh shush. tsubaki: well, mikuni scheduled your appointments. naho: o.o; Sakuya: -______- "Oh. So it _is_ that doctor...Creepy." lilac: *trembling* Belkia: "Hooray! I can get my shots!" otogiri:........................i'll stay here and make sure the house is safe. Sakuya: "???" *pats Lilac's shoulder* "You'll be okay..." Belkia: "D'aw, what's wrong, Otogiri? Afraid of the doctor?" otogiri:....... lavender: well, vampires dont get STDs, so that's one less thing to worry about~ naho: TMI! Higan: "Heh...Well, let's get going..." Sakuya: "Yeah, so you can make sure you can still get it up..." Higan: -_- lavender: oh he can get it up alright~ naho: TMI!! lavender: *AHEM* shutting up now. Black Star: "Would you all just get to your appointment already!" -and so- metsu: oh? naho: hi ^^; Johannes: "So many specimens--PATIENTS!--today--*SQUEE!*" lilac: *trembling* lavender: it's ok, kiddo. metsu: -__-; apologies for the doctor's.....'enthusiasm.' Johannes: "Well, then, who's up first?" naho: not it! lavender: i'll go~ ^^ Johannes: *opens door* "Right this way..." -later- naho: Q~Q that was terrifyiiiing... lilac: ....*clutching his wrists* *whimpering* Sakuya: *hugging both of them* "It's okay..." Belkia: *cone around his neck* -_____- tsubaki: that wasnt so bad, right? lavender: that went surprisingly well. otogiri:....welcome home everyone. Black Star: "Hey! ...Oh, Lilac? You okay?" lilac: *sniffle* naho:.....*hug* its ok lila... Sakuya: "Come on...Let's get some water..." -elsewhere- Rino: "Done filing, Miss Gabriella." gabriella: good job, rino. Rino: "Thank you, ma'am...Can I ask you something?" gabriella: hmm? what is it? Rino: "...Do you like me? Like, am I good at this work?" gabriella: i think you're doing a great job, for what its worth ^^ Rino: *nods* "Th-Thank you...I don't want to screw this up, I mean, more than I already have...Is this kind of work common for the Brigade, or just Princess's business?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *lying on the couch...* ame's mother: will you be staying much longer? Mr. Tsubaki: "N-No...I should have a place lined up." *weak smile* ame's mother: ah....we really do appreciate what you've done for us....i was...so scared of losing her... Mr. Tsubaki: "...You are welcome. I just...want to do better for people like Ame." ame's mother: *she smiles* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *wipes his eyes* -elsewhere- Shotaro: "That is a lot of progress! Congratulations!" akaderu: *passed out* god kill me =_= Emine: "..." *pulls out a butcher knife...* chie: put it back. Emine: -\\\\\-; "Oh, alright..." *puts it away* Shotaro: *picks up Akaderu* "You'll feel better after a warm bath and some sleep..." -elsewhere- Kid: "Welcome home...And how is little sister?" lord death: just a little fever. my poor baby girl! TT~TT Yumi: "She'll be fine soon..." *strokes Shiori's head* shiori: *shivering* kirika:.... Kid: "Aww..." Yumi: "The medicine will be a bit tricky..." stocking: should i hold her or nah? Yumi: "It would help...She will be fussy, though." stocking: sshhh, its ok shiori. Yumi: "Open wide...It'll help you feel better...Please, don't fuss, Shiori..." shiroi: uuuuu....*whimpering* Yumi: "Here we go..." *spoon-feeds the medicine to Shiori...It tastes bad...* shiori: *crying* stocking: shhhh, its ok baby, its ok. Yumi: "We're here for you, sweetie..." *hums softly* -a few days pass- Yumi: *looking at Shiori* "Better?" shiori: ^^ Yumi: *smiles, holding her* "I'm glad...And guess who wants to say 'Good morning' to you?" shiori: ?? Kid: "Good morning, little sister..." shiori: kid! ^o^ Kid: "Shiori!" *picks her up* "Feel better?" shiori: hehehe ^^ Kid: "Hee hee...That's good." *sits Shiori in her high chair* "And time for breakfast!" -at school- Patty: "Just a bit more time, and we're graduates!" stocking: hell yeah! Kid: *smiles* liz: *she smiles* Black Star: "Thank goodness...That should be one heck of a celebration." tsubaki: yeah. Kid: "I already have a place in mind for the graduation after-party." soul: oh? Kid: "You'll like it: plenty of space, with decorations...plenty of sweets..." stocking: >w< Kid: *quick smooch on the cheek* "Anything for you~" soul: get a room. Kid: "...Okay." *teasing Stocking* stocking: kiddo~ not here~ the others are watching~ soul: OH! MY GOD! Kid: "Hee hee...Of course not, my delicious cupcake~" *smirks at Soul* "Some of you are so easy to tease." -elsewhere- Relan: *looking around* "At least the school is bright and shiny..." iris: *she nods* shinra: *shivering* Relan: "Shinra? What's wrong?" shinra: so cold out. Q~Q tamaki: you baby. Relan: *small glare at Tamaki* "Want to borrow my scarf, Shinra?" shinra: sure, though its mostly my feet that are chilly. -elsewhere- Jacqueline: -_-;;; "You can stop borrowing my clothes, Gopher." Gopher: "...But I like this skirt." -elsewhere- yumikage: *passed out on the couch* mphgh.... Jun: "...How long has she been lying there?" mafura: *asleep on the floor* yumikage: *he looks up* nyeh? *yaaawn* what time izzit? shinoa: around 9 in the morning. Jun: "Late. You weren't at your station." mitsuba: jeez, you look beat. yumikage: *stretch* jeez, getting her dressed is one thing, potty training is something else....fuckin hell... -_-;; Jun: "...What happened to her?" yumikage: she fuckin pissed on the floor TWICE! just how long was she in that place for....? hyakuya: O______________________________O what the actual fuck Jun: "...Yumikage, go to your room and get some more sleep. Hyakuya, we're watching Mafura today--and introducing her to some new...well, lessons, I guess." hyakuya: *excalibur face* fantastic. Jun: *pokes Mafura* "Hey...You up?" mafura: *yaaaawn* hmmm? good morning mr kuruma ^^ Jun: "...Morning. Do you need the bathroom?" shinoa: come to think of it, has anyone seen tsurugi around? yumikage: i'll go check....*he looks in tsurugi's room*......*sigh* again? Tsurugi: T_T "Don't you knock?" yumikage: *closes the door* *knock knock knock* oi, open up. Tsurugi: "...It's open?" -later- Jun: "Feeling better, Mafura?" mafura: mafura feels better now.....mafura's hungry now... yumikage: ok, how about we show you to the cafeteria? Jun: "Yeah, we have some good food there..." -elsewhere- Yohei: "Um, Chie? Tool seems...off." Tool: x_x chie: hey, you alright there? *poke poke* Tool: "How does one 'date'? Is it like 'chilling'? 'Lounging'? What does one do? I'm so confused..." chie:... 7w7 tuuuhl, you like my sister, dont you~? Tool: o__o "I AM ONLY ASKING A QUESTION!" chie: well so am i. Tool: "...Yes." chie:...you have my blessing~ ^^ Tool: ._. "What does that mean?" chie: if you want to be with my sister, then i'm perfectly happy for you two. Tool: o___o "...Thank you." *nervous grin* -elsewhere- naho: *watching tv* lilac: *nestled up under the kotatsu* zzzz... Sakuya: "Anything good on?" naho: just weather right now...looks like there's gonna be a blizzard soon...death city sure is weird, huh? Sakuya: "Yeah--how can a desert get a blizzard?" naho: *shrug* Sakuya: "Better stay bundled up, then. Break out the sweaters and scarves..." naho: *she nods and crawls under the kotatsu* nice and warm. =w= Sakuya: *small laugh* "There room under there?" naho: *she nods* Sakuya: *crawls in too* naho: *nuzzles* ^^ Sakuya: ^\\\^ "Warm enough?" *hug* naho: yep. *smooch on the cheek* Sakuya: ^\\\\\^ "Cutie..." *smooch on the cheek* naho:....zzzzzz... *She and lilac nuzzle up to him* Sakuya: *contented sigh...* "Get some sleep..." *closes his eyes* -elsewhere- stocking: .....SNEAK ATTACK! *hugs kid* Kid: "AAAH!" *giggles* "Sneaky!" stocking: hehehehe~ *smooch* Kid: *smooches back* "You are quick and stealthy..." stocking: hehe ^^ Kid: *hug* "I think today was a good day...How about you?" stocking: yeah. cant wait to bundle up in a sweater soon. we could share a scarf~ Kid: *chuckles* "I would like that...I love the look of your sweaters...and how good you look in them." stocking: oh~? Kid: *nods* "You look so cute, so nice and warm...and they complement your figure..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *smiles* "And your laugh is divine." stocking: *smooch* <3 Kid: *kisses back, holds her closer* "And your kisses are like honey..." *small kiss on the cheek* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Still no word on new clones in the area?" fang-hua: nothing so far....*shivers* Tsukiyo: "??? Still chilly?" fang-hua: yeah...but....i just have a feeling that...something bad is going to happen soon... Tsukiyo: "...See something around here to back that up, or just a feeling?" fang-hua: just a gut feeling.... Tsukiyo: *stomach rumbles* "Hmm...Not the kind of gut feeling I had in mind..." *pulls out two chocolate bars* "Want one?" fang-hua:...sure. Tsukiyo: *hands it to her...bites into her own* "No point worrying about these things until we see something...and I can't find those fakers. Everyone seems to be acting like they usually do, look like they did before--no one seems any less hotter than before." fang-hua: ..... ???: hey there~! -reimi smiles- fang-hua: oh, sister reimi. Tsukiyo: "Hey, there! Keeping warm?" reimi: *she nods* im not too bothered by the cold. Tsukiyo: "Well, good for you." *pulls her coat more tightly around herself* "I miss summer: warmer, less clothing..." fang-hua: -_-; well, spring will be here before you know it. Tsukiyo: "Awesome! Then you, me, and Sister here can rock the swimsuits!" -elsewhere- Relan: "Feel warmer now?" shinra: *nods* iris: ^^ Relan: "That's good..." *pulls the blanket closer* "This is comfy..." -elsewhere- Rino: "I'm heading out. Good night, Miss Gabriella." gabriella: get home safely~ Rino: *nods, exits...walking past an alley...* -silence- Rino: "..." *nervous whistle...* *Rustle in a garbage can* Rino: .______. ???: *mew* -there is a small cat there- Rino: "...Oh. Hello...tiny cat." kitty: ^^ Rino: "..." *holds out palm* -elsewhere- Lawless: *eating a burger* romina: ya'll feelin any better? Lawless: *nods, with his mouth full* "Definitely...Should be at 100 percent tomorrow..." romina: that's great! Lawless: -\\\\\\- "Yeah, I guess...At least I'll be able to walk around again." julian: and you'll finally be able to resume your studies! Lawless: o_o; "Um..." *clutches his arm* "Ow! Oh, no! I'm not quite well yet! I guess I have to miss more school--" kranz: *sprays with holy water* julian: D: how could you not be excited? romina: (thinking: julian ya’ll're such a nerd ^^; ) Lawless: *desperately trying to dodge the water--and failing* "Ah! School can be so boring! STOP SPRAYING ME! I fall asleep in the dull classes, don't get to hang out with my friends--GAH! MY EYE!" julian: but dont you share classes with some of them? like the evans boy? Lawless: *holding his hand over his eye* ("You got that stupid holy water in my eye...") "Yeah, but we have to be studying or paying attention to the teacher..." -elsewhere- Anya: *lying in bed...* "I can't sleep." -morning- Kid: "Mmm...So comfy." stocking: U////U Kid: *smooch* "Sleep okay?" stocking: yeah, did you? Kid: *nods* "Very well...Good dreams, too..." ("She was so pretty in that dress...") stocking: hehe~ *smooch* Kid: *smooch* "Mmm...You were in my dreams." stocking: oh~? Kid: *smiles* "You were beautiful...It was what I have dreamed of for so long..." stocking: *blush* Kid: *strokes her cheek* "And you dance so well...in my dreams or outside of them." stocking: awww. Kid: *smiles...as he pulls back the sheets, gets out of bed, and offers a hand to her* stocking: why thank you~ Kid: *leads her out of bed...puts a hand on her waist, takes her hand, and leads her to dance in the room* stocking: ah~ hehe~ Kid: *smiles* "You're light on your feet..." stocking: ^^ Kid: *kisses lightly on her lips, as they dance towards the bathroom* -elsewhere- Benimaru: *sipping tea* fang-hua: morning commander. Benimaru: *smiles* "Morning. How are you?" fang-hua: doing well. it's a bit chilly out.... Benimaru: "Can always warm up with a little flame..." -elsewhere- lilac: zzzzzz...... lavender: damn, thats one hell of a blizzard going on out there... Belkia: "Jeez...Glad to be indoors." lavender: yeah, anyway. otogiri: *observing the others* (thinking: and as usual, higan is completely unphased.) Higan: "More time for the finer things: art, beauty, painting, sculpting...other pursuits." lavender: 7w7 Higan: "Oh, Lavender, you look a little chilled..." lavender: it is pretty cold out~ naho: *excalibur face* do you have to be so gross in public, old man? Higan: "No--I can be nasty in private, too..." naho: I DONT WANNA KNOW THIS STUFF, OLD MAN!! >3< Higan: "Then stop listening..." *puts an arm around Lavender's waist* "Let's warm up..." naho: *hurk and flees to her room* lavender: lead the way~ Higan: *leads the way* Sakuya: -_-;;; *knocks on Naho's door* "It's me." naho: yeah? oh, hey sakuya ^^ Sakuya: "Hey, don't let that nonsense get to you...You feel okay?" naho: yeah, other than the mental scarring, im fine. Sakuya: *small laugh, nods* "Yeah...Creepy, right? Just...who would want to think about that?" naho:....did i tell you what happened to me on my first day of being a subclass? Sakuya: "Only a little bit..." *sits down in a chair* naho: the showers there could have really used an 'occupied' sign....*cringes* Sakuya: "??? ..." o___o "No...Oh, man...I'm sorry." naho: yeeeeeah.... *excalibur face* some things were not meant for mortal eyes...or immortal eyes for that matter... Sakuya: *nods* "At least with time you should be able to block out most of that...replace it with other memories." naho:..... .////////.;;;; Sakuya: "???" *realizes* o\\\\\\\o "N-Not that I meant anything...Or, um, maybe...I'm confused..." naho: ^^;;;;; did you want to study for classes then? Sakuya: .\\\\\. *nods* "Better do so..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "I fixed the leak in the roof! Just before the blizzard got worse...Also--" *covered completely in snow* "I'm a snow man!" mana: *sweatdrop* you sure...are.... Shotaro: "Hee hee..." Yohei: "GET, vacuum the snow off of him, then get him a hot shower." GET: ^o^ -elsewhere- Hibana: "Dreadful weather...Glad to be indoors..." gabriella: *she nods* Hibana: *pats her shoulder* "Come on--I want to get some sparring in. Then we can kick back for the afternoon." gabriella: right! Hibana: *takes off her coat, revealing her workout attire* "You better get changed." *smiles* "I was ahead of you on this one..." -elsewhere- Jun: "Some storm outside..." yumikage: yeah no kidding. mitsuba: spring cant get here any sooner... -__- Tsurugi: "..." *looks depressed* shinoa: hmm? Tsurugi: *sigh, slight shudder* mafura:....*plomph hug* ^w^ Tsurugi: o\\\\\\\\\\\o "...What are you doing?" mafura: =w= yumikage: O____O Jun: *eyebrow raise* shinoa: oh my, it seems she's imprinted on you~ Tsurugi: *staring at them* D: "M-Me?! Why?!!! What?! How?!!" yumikage: *JAWDROP* Tsuguri: *small voice* "Help me..." ._. shinoa: awww, how cute ^^ mafura: hehe ^^ yumikage: (thinking: OHMYGODWHYTSURUGIOFALLPEOPLE?!) Tsuguri: "Stop 'aw, how cute'-ing and HELP ME!" *moves--and ends up hugging Mafura by accident* o\\\\\\o yumikage: *just about dies from shock* hyakuya: D8 mitsuba: O///O; mafura: ~? Tsuguri: o___________O *opens his mouth...no sound escapes...he passes out* x_x yumikage: oh for the love of.....*sigh* do you want to put him to bed or should i? mafura: ~?? Jun: "Tsuguri's room is around the corner. Mafura, please put him to bed." mafura: ???? yumikage: *siiiigh* fine, i'll do it then. *picks up tsurugi, piggy back style* Tsuguri: x________x mafura: ??? Jun: *pats Mafura's shoulder* "He's okay. He just gets a little nervous." *smiles* mafura: ~? -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *shivering* -someone left a bowl full of fish out in an allyway- Mr. Tsubaki: *stomach growl* -____-;;; *approaches the bowl of fish* "Not my preference..." -the door was left ajar- Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *he walks into the room...* -seems to be a sashimi restaurant- Mr. Tsubaki: *stomach growls* T_T;;; *small whimper* worker: hmm? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *puppy dog eyes* worker: hey lil fella, did ya need a place to hide from the cold? Mr. Tsubaki: *small nod* worker: *picks him up*..dont see a collar or anything...you lost buddy? Mr. Tsubaki: *shivers* worker: .....hey boss, can we make a lil pet bed by the heater? Boss: "??? A fox? Rare to see those domesticated..." worker: still, it has happened. i saw this video of a guy with a pet fox and it actually laughed! looked different from this lil guy though... Mr. Tsubaki: "???" Boss: "Well, this is Death City. I'll get him something to eat--you make the bed." worker: hmmm, if he is someone's pet....*idea* *pulls out phone* hey lil guy, smile for the camera! Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *smile* -click- worker: ok. *he gets to making the pet bed* Boss: *cuts up some fish* "Here you go. Hope fish is okay." Mr. Tsubaki: ^^ worker: *typing something* found....fox, presumably someone's pet? appears domesticated and trained, black fur with white spots, red eyes....two tails...male.... aaand, posted! Mr. Tsubaki: *nom nom nom* "Mmmm~" worker: ??!! did it just talk? Mr. Tsubaki: o____o *cough, makes fox noises* ^^; worker:.....must be my imagination *shrugs* Mr. Tsubaki: "Phew..." -elsewhere- tsubaki: *checking her phone*....?! Black Star: "???" Belkia: *trying to fix a magic trick...* -someone made a post regarding a found animal....a fox...- tsubaki:...*she turns off her phone* .... Black Star: "What, Kid text you another image of symmetrical artwork?" tsubaki:...it's nothing. just spam mail. Black Star: "That sucks." Belkia: "Oh, you mean for those pills? Or free money from a prince in another country?" -elsewhere- Hibana: *on her back, panting* "Jeez, that was some workout...I just can't beat your right hook, Gab." gabriella: aww shucks ^^; y-you arent too hurt, are you? Hibana: "Nah, just sore...Nothing a dip in the hot tub won't fix." -elsewhere- Kuro: "Blizzard. Darn. And I was actually going to go out today." mahiru: well, at least we can get a head start on new years cleaning! Kuro: -_-; "Oh, be still my heart." *sigh* "Hand me a broom..." mahiru: *hands him one* remember this? *he chuckles slightly* Kuro: -___-;; "Nerd..." mahiru: ^^ hehe~ Kuro: "..." *starts sweeping* "You actually find this cleaning stuff fun?" mahiru: well, my uncle isnt home right now, so thinking simply, i should be the one to do it, right? or in this case, _we_. Kuro: -____-;;; "You know, cleaning up is more fun in video games." *starts sweeping* -elsewhere- Gopher: *pout* "This snow just keeps falling..." kotone:.... inori: *nom*....tasteless..... Gopher: "Well, trust me, that's a good thing. And you can always collect it from the air, add some juice, and you got snowcones..." inori: ?? Gopher: *pulls out cones* "Watch..." *collects the snow in his cone* "And now..." *pulls out a squirt bottle of cherry flavoring* "Here!" *hands it to Inori* "Hope you like cherry." inori:...*nom*....*shiny eyes* how...? kotone: ??? Gopher: *smiles* "The power of invention!" *hands a blueberrry snow cone to Kotone* "Want one?" kotone:...*nom*...t..thank you. Gopher: "You're welcome." *bites into a lemon one* "...Oh, good! It _is_ lemon!" -elsewhere- Kid: "Each snowflake...so different from the other." stocking: yeah. Kid: *holds her hand* "Stocking...Not all of them are symmetrical. But...they are beautiful, in their fragility." stocking: ....*blush* Kid: *smiles at her* "...Your beautiful, too, especially when you blush." stocking: >///< Kid: *cuddles* "Keep warm, sweetness." stocking: want to share a sweater~? Kid: "...God, yes." stocking: *pulls out a big sweater, but small enough for them to both be close together while wearing it* Kid: -\\\\\- *lifts his arms to crawl on in* stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: "My, my...So close to you..." stocking: *nuzzle nuzzle* hehe~<3 Kid: *hug* "Hmm...This is so comfortable...And you're right next to me~" stocking: this is the life~ Kid: *smooch* "I can't get over how great this feels...Stocking, you do have such a great body." stocking: as do you~ Kid: -\\\\\- "I try...Stocking, it was so long ago that I was so nervous to say 'hi' to you." stocking: *she smiles* hard to believe. Kid: "...You brought me to this point...and I am so grateful." stocking: i...im happy too...thanks kid. *kiss* Kid: *kisses back, holds her hand* stocking: i love you kid. Kid: "I love you, too, so much..." *small kiss on her neck* stocking: ah~ U/////U Kid: *smiles* "I am happy that you are so comfortable, to be this close..." *kiss on the other side of her neck* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "This was a great idea..." *turns slightly, bumping into her a bit from the front...* stocking: oh- o.o Kid: o_o "S-Sorry!" *his hand bumps into himself...* o___O stocking: ./////. Kid: .\\\\\. "Um...Stocking? I...feel..." stocking: *smooch* Kid: "!!! ..." *kisses back softly, hugs her* -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Want more hot chocolate?" shinra: *he nods* Akitaru: *holds the mug to him* "Here you go, son." shinra: *he smiles* thanks dad......i-i-i mean commander sir! >///<; Akitaru: *chuckle* "No problem." -elsewhere- Konro: "Keep warm." *puts a scarf on Benimaru* Benimaru: -_____-; fang-hua: ^^ Benimaru: "Let's just...get on with the patrol..." fang-hua: right. Benimaru: *starts walking, looking around* -elsewhere- Lily: "Quite a storm out." misono: *ACHOO!* *sniffle* *muffled grouchiness as he slumps into his mountain of pillows* Lily: *smiles* "I think another bowl of chicken soup should help~" misono: *mumbles* TT.TT Lily: "...Maybe a phone call with your girlfriend would put you in better spirits?" misono: =//////////= *covers face with a pillow* Lily: *giggles* "I'll be back with your soup..." misono:....*sigh* stupid cold.... Lily: *hums, as he heads to the kitchen--* Mikado: "MISONO! MY BABY! ARE YOU OKAY?!!!" misono: im fine father. -.-; (thinking: i thought he was going to be on a trip?) Mikado: "But how can I leave you in this state?! I should cancel--" misono: i can handle this reall- *GACHOO!* ow.... Mikado: "I shall tend to you! Come to my bosom, son!" *hugs Misono* misono: *muffled* what if i get you sick? Mikado: "I will work through it! Your health is so important! YOU WILL RECOVER FROM THIS MALADY!!!" misono: -__-; (thinking: oh god, if he found out about shinoa-.... ./////.;;; ) Mikado: "After all, a parent has to tend to their child--before sending them out of the nest to find love, romance, a spouse--" misono: ..... ./////////////.; right. Mikado: "..." *stares into his eyes* "...You met someone?" misono:..... >->;;;;; define 'met'. Mikado: o_______o; "...You had congress with someone?" misono: i dont believe i follow? Mikado: "You laid down with someone? Intimately? In a bed? Or the back of a vehicle?" misono: NO! IT WAS JUST LUNCH AT A CAFE! >/////<.... !!!! *covers his mouth* Mikado: "..." *shiny eyes* "D'aw! Please tell me they are rich...and have noble lineage...and that their name starts with an 'M.'" misono: *sweatdrop* well....remember that hiiragi girl from the christmas party? Mikado: "Hmm...Best two out of three!...Did you have a good conversation with her?" misono: well.....i suppose yes. 7///7; (thinking: until mikuni had to embarrass me, the bastard.) Mikado: "...When do I meet her parents?" misono: well, if you're planning a trip to japan, then i suppose then? Mikado: "Yay! I can't wait!" *happy clap* misono: (thinking: i have a bad feeling about this. ._.; ) -elsewhere- Hibana: =w= *yawn* "So warm..." gabriella: =w=~<3 Hibana: "Good workout, warm hot tub...another workout..." *hug* "How did you get to be so perfect?" gabriella: >////w////< *smooch* i love you~ Hibana: *surprised...kisses back* "Oh, Gab...I love you..." *cuddles* gabriella: ^^...say....you ever think about...i dunno...having kids? >///<; Hibana: "..." *looks a little nervous* "I...don't know. I don't know that I'm the mothering type...Aren't you afraid I'd be abrasive or something to them?" gabriella: just a thought. to be honest, im not sure if im cut out for it either. Hibana: "...I think you would be a great mother..." *lays a hand over Gabriella's stomach* gabriella: *blush* Hibana: "...Would you want to go to a sperm bank? Or did you have a guy in mind?" gabriella: im not sure, but if it came to it, i'd go for the sperm bank. i could never betray you like that. *hugs* Hibana: "Awwww..." *hug* "I just meant, did you know a man who would donate for us, not like you would be intimate with a man..." *smirks, as she pats Gabriella's bottom* "I don't like to share~" -elsewhere- Yohei: "Warm enough?" chie: yeah.....*rubs her stomach* just a few more months... Yohei: *smiles, holds her hand* "Imagine how he'll react to first seeing snow." chie: *she smiles* ^^ *rubs her stomach* hey toru honey, you warm in there? Yohei: *silly voice* "Yes, I am." chie: *giggles and kisses him* you goof~ Yohei: "Heh..." *kiss* -elsewhere- lavender: *panting* fuck that was great... Higan: "Mmm...No kidding. Great way to warm up the blood...Brings such gorgeous color to you...especially here--" lavender: ahh~ Higan: "Hmm..." *shifts his fingers inside her* "Anything else you had in mind? Tie you up? Something hot? Cold?" lavender: i wouldnt-ah~ mind something a little hotter~ Higan: "Candles? Or maybe I could heat up one of your toys?" -elsewhere- Kid: *contented sigh* "Ahhhhh..." stocking: *pant pant* mmmmm~ Kid: "F-Feel okay?" stocking: yeah...that was incredible Kid: *nods* "S-Same..." *rests his head on her chest* "Damn...You are amazing...Your mouth..." stocking: *she smiles and cradles him* Kid: *purrs* "This is great..." :3 -a few days later, after the storm had passed- liz: happy birthday, stocking! stocking: aw, you guys! Kid: -\\\\\- "We hope you like your gifts...and the desserts..." stocking: hehe~ *smooch* lord death: ^^ in a few days, i'll be shiori's birthday too! ^^ Kid: *smooch* Patty: "Wait 'til you see your gift, Shiori! It's gonna be big!" shiori: ^o^ Kid: "Hee hee..." *holds Stocking's hand* "So many birthdays..." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: *holds a box up to Stocking* "Happy birthday." stocking: thanks! *she opens it* *Inside are dessert truffles and a framed photograph of Kid and Stocking--the frame decorated like candy* stocking: awwww! *HUG* Kid: -\\\\\\- "I hope you like them..." stocking: *SMOOOOCH* Kid: o\\\\\\\o ("...She likes them...") -elsewhere- Anya: *cast is off, but still with crutches* kim: feeling better now? Anya: "Mostly. My leg is still weak, though." kim: ah. Anya: "Hmph. Just in the wrong place at the wrong time...Stupid vampire." kim:... Anya: *winces as she tries to move, then whimpers...* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *nom nom nom* worker: any luck finding an owner yet, boss? Boss: "Nothing yet. Maybe someone will stop by to ask." *pats Mr. Tsubaki's head* "Little fox here certainly brings in customers." Mr. Tsubaki: ^^ worker:...hey boss...? Boss: "??? What's up?" worker:...nevermind. (thinking: does he even notice it has two tails...?) Boss: *shrug* "Back to work--money to make..." Mr. Tsubaki: ("No wonder he didn't notice my two tails...") *nom nom nom HIC* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *pats Akaderu's back* "Feeling better?" akaderu: yeah. Kepuri: *smooch* "My hardworking man...I'm proud of you." akaderu: =/////= Kepuri: "Keep this up, and things will work out...But first, I got you a little treat..." *holds up a box of red beetle-shaped gummy candies* akaderu: *nom* thanks. -///- Kepuri: *takes one, bites in* "Shotaro hasn't been too rough, has he?" -elsewhere- Belkia: "Please? I just want to see her for a little bit..." maid: no. otogiri: -_-; my apologies for my friend here. Belkia: -_-;;; "Oh, yeah? You and what army, maid-girl?" -several maids are brandishing knives, one actually has a chainsaw- ellen: it is mandatory for gallows mansion staff to be trained in combat, in case of intruders or unwanted guests. Belkia: o____o "...I've had dreams like this..." otogiri: please spare us the details. Belkia: -_-; "Fine, I'll leave...I'll just mail her gift to her..." -later, she opened it, with a pair of work gloves, just to be nice- *It's a magician's hat and wand* stocking:.... -_-; i'll just toss this into the fire then. Kid: "Good idea..." -FWOOM- -into the fireplace it went- *And then--* *POOF!* stocking: O_________O *Smoke pours in the room* Kid: *cough cough* "Ugh!" stocking: WHAT THE FUCK?! Kid: "What on earth--" o_____O;; "Stocking...I...Um..." -he’s covered in glitter- Kid: *AH-CHOO!* "Ugh...Now I hate glitter..." stocking: aww *brushing him off* Kid: "That was odd..." *sniff* "That crazy vampire..." stocking: im seriously going to kick his ass for this. but at least you're ok. Kid: *nods* "Next time, let's have a bomb disposal unit deal with this..." stocking: right. -outside- otogiri: seems your little plan failed. again. Belkia: *pout* "Darn. I wanted her to start performing magic...We could be a team! On the Vegas strip! 'Belkia and Sto-tan: A World of Magic'!" otogiri: -_-; Belkia: "Oh, well...Guess I'm stuck with you as my magician's assistant, Otogiri--" otogiri: -____-; Belkia: "Let's begin!" *takes his hat, and pulls it down to his ankles--and when he pulls it up, he is now in a Las Vegas showgirl outfit* "Ta-da!" otogiri: .... (thinking: no comment) -elsewhere- Rino: *reviewing paperwork* "You guys have a lot of expenses for a fire brigade." soldier: yeah. well we also got our research department as well as the princess' fashion career. Rino: "...The 'research department'? That's...creepy." -elsewhere- mafura: *nomming on omelet rice* Jun: "Taste good?" mafura: thank you mr jun. ^^ yumikage: *nom non nom* mitsuba: this is really good! Jun: *smiles* "It's the proper preparation that makes the food taste so good." mafura: ^^ tsurugi? do you want food too? Tsurugi: "Um...sure?" -elsewhere- Kishiri: *sigh* -elsewhere- Arthur: "Rock paper scissors...GO!" shinra: hah! Arthur: *"paper" with his hand flat* shinra: *lands scissors* Arthur: "I win!" shinra oh, i think scissors _beats_ rock. -_-; *Arthur does a small chop to Shinra's head* Arthur: "But 'sword' beats everything!" shinra: i didnt see 'sword' anywhere! Arthur: *holds up his hand, still in 'paper' form* " 'Sword.' See? 'Sword.' Rock, Sword, Scissors..." shinra: *sweatdrop* (thinking: what happened to him that made him this way?) Arthur: "And since I won, I get first choice of the snacks!" *takes one flavor of chips* "You can have the spicy ones." shinra: -___-; Arthur: "Go on--you lost. Eat them up. Can't be too spicy..." *opens his own bag of snacks, starts eating* -elsewhere- Hibana: *looking through a web site...* "Hmm...I admit, that _is_ cute..." gabriella: isnt it though? Hibana: *small pout* "How do parents have kids, and still globe-trot to Milan, Shanghai, and Sydney every year?" gabriella: *shrug* Hibana: *pout* "I mean, we are still young...and I have a lot of fun ideas in mind...but...I think we should see the doctor about options..." gabriella: possibly. -elsewhere- Lawless: "Yo, Soul!" soul: sup man, glad to see you're doing better! *high five* licht: hey. Lawless: "Ha ha! Yes, I am back to 100 percent...more or less. How you been without me around?" soul: well, we're just glad to have ya back man. lilac:.....!!! *flees* Lawless: "...Yeah..." -elsewhere in school- lilac: *breathing fast* Sakuya: "??? Lilac? What's wrong?" lilac: !!!! *he looks up, tears staining his cheeks* Sakuya: "!!! Hey, it's okay..." *holds Lilac's hand* lilac: *whimpering* naho: do you want something to eat? *she gives him a snack pack* lilac:....i think...i need to....see the nurse again....
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gulescamisade · 6 years
Virginia:  Day 23
ROXANNE: -There are aspects of the campus that really are quite spectacular and maybe if it wasnt the circumstances of this basically being a kind of revolution base Roxanne still would have wanted to visit it anyways. For instance this fountain she is looking at is quite lovely! Dont mistake her stern expression for not appreciating it, she is just fairly stressed the fuck out.-
RILEY: -too restless. she's always so restless lately, especially from last night. the walk she's taking leads her by the fountain, where roxanne is, and she doesn't look too happy.- hey.
RILEY: -alternatively HEY!!!!!-
ROXANNE: -The smaller hey will suffice in getting her attention away from the water.- Hm? oh hey.
RILEY: what are you doing out here this late? can't sleep either?
RILEY: -looks around before approaching closer, also looking at the fountain- that's. RILEY: sure an answer.
ROXANNE: Yeah. -Sighs and rubs her eyes with the back of her hand.- Sorry, Im just. Yeah cant sleep.
ROXANNE: Too much to think about ya'know?
RILEY: oh, yeah. too much shit. RILEY: hard to even feel rested when all of this is going on.
RILEY: also when i have this beautiful little fucker kicking my insides.
ROXANNE: Yeah I was about to ask if that was the reason you are still awake. th'kicking is the absolute worst sometimes. ROXANNE: I remember at one point i couldnt even sit comfortably let alone lay any which way without feeling my organs crushed.
RILEY: -she laughs- yeah, sounds about right. it's like...okay, yeah. i get you're bored, kid. can't you just like move those really tiny fingers you developed instead?
ROXANNE: Nope 'cus feet are hell of a lot more interesting. thats why babies love chewing on their own toes.
RILEY: fuck, i remember that. when i first saw dirk do that i was like...freaking out about it because i thought i had a monster baby, but i didn't.
ROXANNE: Nope your baby is just normal as every other toe eating baby.
RILEY: thank god. didn't want to return that one.
ROXANNE: -Turns and looks at her with a raised eyebrow.-
RILEY: joke. joking. not serious.
ROXANNE: Yeah got as much.
RILEY: ha. haha. yeah. RILEY: -clears her throat- anyway. you thinking about the whole...i don't know what the fuck to call it. mission?
ROXANNE: -Nods.- I might sound dramatic in sayin' it but to be honest its the only thing i really can think about right now. -Sighs, and glances back at the fountain again.- which is pretty damn annoying considerin' i didnt want us to go through with it in the first place. i still dont.
ROXANNE: But what can you do.
RILEY: no. it's all i can think about too. i get that.
ROXANNE: Yeah? What are your thoughts.
RILEY: i don't want to do this, honestly. but i understand why more now. RILEY: i just hate the risk.
ROXANNE: -Well at least one of them understands why. Like, yeah no the concert was great and amazing and inspiring but... This just wasnt something she could ever really support.- Same. ROXANNE: I was having a talk with that Eridan guy. he said it pretty spot on there is a real chance we all are gonna' die doing this.
RILEY: -she looks down when she says that- what does that guy know anyway? RILEY: it's obvious. isn't it. -her expression softens-
ROXANNE: ..... Hey do me a favor, Riley.
ROXANNE: If... or I dunno' when shit hits the fan. gets hot. goes crazy, whatever you want to call it. Keep yourself away from it and get the hell out of here and all the way to minnesota. -Says this all without looking at her.-
RILEY: -she nods- yeah. of course. RILEY: do me a favor?
ROXANNE: Name it.
RILEY: -sniffs a little- stay the fuck alive.
ROXANNE: -Riley dont sniff. She tenses a little when she hears it, Riley better not cry.- ROXANNE: ....Okay.
RILEY: -she's tearing up a little. she wipes at her eyes quickly cuz she doesn't WANT to cry right now- good.
RILEY: cool.
ROXANNE: -Yes please dont cry because if she starts crying then Roxanne is definitely just going to let it out too.- ROXANNE: -Contain the sads and stress for the win.- ROXANNE: Thanks by the way...for asking for that. I mean like not that I wasnt planing to but I'm pretty damn serious to my word so now its a for sure thing.
RILEY: yeah. of course. RILEY: i'm really shitty at it, but. RILEY: i still want you to be okay?
ROXANNE: I want you to be okay too. Fuck... I just want all of us to make it out of this alive, in any semblance of okay. but every day its starting to feel like thats asking too much. ROXANNE: Like i dont even want to check the message board anymore but I cant not look at it you know?
ROXANNE: Everything is going to hell for us. For everyone. how are we supposed to stay positive about this stupid suicide run when everyone else is struggling to just get to minnesota. -Her fists tighten at her sides and shes trying really hard to keep the anger out of her voice.- ROXANNE: I get it, its really important that we do this. Earth is my planet, I get it as well as anyone else but its impossible for me not to feel like it shouldnt be us doing it.
ROXANNE: -Her shoulders sink a little now.- Ugh. What the fuck do I know though, I never dealt with combat I'm a shitty scientist.
RILEY: -she listens to roxanne, her chest tightening. she laughs weakly- i think that's what makes you a great scientist.
RILEY: in my professional educated opinion.
RILEY: with my degree in scient....ology. RILEY: wait no.
ROXANNE: .................................................................... -snrks.-
RILEY: point is you're fucking smart and i am not.
ROXANNE: Yeah but youre good in other ways. ROXANNE: Th'singing was pretty top notch.
RILEY: -she snorts- hey, thanks. RILEY: means a lot coming from a scientist.
ROXANNE: Are ya' going to keep pointing out how im a scientist now?
RILEY: i mean it makes everything i say sound true, so...yeah.
ROXANNE: Hah, alright have fun using my credentials to validate your arguments.... hmmm. -Folds her arms as she thinks.- Ya know come to think of it thats probably the best use of them. ROXANNE: Cant say the whole scientist title has been too useful since we all got labeled criminals.
ROXANNE: I mean sure I still have the skills and all, but i dont actively talk about my old work anymore.
RILEY: oh, i will. -watches her with a grin- there has to be some benefits that come with being friends with a musician, too. like...you can get away with a lot of shit.
ROXANNE: Oh yeah?
RILEY: sadly not treason, but everything else, sure. i guess i'd just have to be present for whatever it was. then it goes hush hush.
ROXANNE: -Snaps.- Damn asking ya' to get us off the hook for presidential murder was going to be my next question.
ROXANNE: I'll keep it in mind though next time i think about doing something crazy.
RILEY: i'm already down.
ROXANNE: Pft, okay.
RILEY: put me on that pre-registration shit.
ROXANNE: After you give birth maybe, I dont wanna' see you do anything risky with me until after.
ROXANNE: Im sure derek would lose it if you ended up in the slammer because of me.
RILEY: ah, it's fun to watch him lose it sometimes. rile him up.
ROXANNE: Wouldnt say I really know i guess, haha.
RILEY: -whoops. she laughs it off- need me to sing you a lullaby so you can sleep?
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