#Fake Sanami Matoh
sherokutakari · 2 years
Look I'm just saying
-FAKE- anime adaptation
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But animated by Sunrise
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that's it that's all thanks for coming to my ted talk
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stardustasincocaine · 8 months
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Maybe the real gay agenda was the emotional intimacy we ADHD trainwrecked our way into somehow weaseling out of that one dude at work along the way 🖤
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nih-nih · 2 months
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FAKE manga again, it's very beautiful (●'◡'●)
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hirata30 · 1 year
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They still belong to Sanami Matoh.
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ironized · 7 months
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FAKE Second // Re:TRY_1
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isindismay · 7 months
It just occurred to me today how many parallels there are between Kim & Harry & Cuno & Cunoesse from Disco Elysium and Dee & Ryo & Bikky & Carol from FAKE. Mind actually blown.
There’s got to be an overlap in these fandoms, it can’t just be me, right?
Crossover, anyone?
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sherokutakari · 1 year
Thinking only very distantly about a Tiger & Bunny/-FAKE- crossover/mashup/whatever and I'm just wondering
Any time I talk to a customer or something who is more asian than me (I'm only 25% Japanese) for more than just like two minutes, they HONE IN on like idk my super straight hair or super black eyes idek and are like "OH, ARE YOU ASIAN THOUGH??????" and proceed to interview me on the spot about my family and making sure my schooling's going okay et c et c, where any whites are always flabbergasted I am not Just White Like Them so anyway ramble coming to a point:
If Randy/Ryo encountered our #1 Buddy Hero Duo, would it be Barnaby who is like "o wait ur asian?" when it's brought up? or would it just be Kotetsu just going "OOOOOH, ARE YOU JAPANESE? WHERE DID YOU GROW UP? DO YOU HAVE ANY FAMILY BACK IN JAPAN???" 0.4 seconds after they meet?
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stardustasincocaine · 4 months
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Somehow hadn’t drawn Cal yet, so “found family offspring cringing at displays of affection that is deep down appreciated and adored” it is!!
Fuck Dee’s arm for real though, that bitch took forever and STILL isn’t right but it’s good enough.
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anjistuff · 28 days
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"Oldies but goodies" BL manga shelf! All of these series hold a special place in my heart 💕
#1 fave series - FAKE by Sanami Matoh was my first ever BL manga title~ I remember reading this series in the early 2000's and falling in love with Dee & Ryo and their story! Fake is probably the most romantic BL series I've ever had the pleasure to read. 💕 Other older BL manga titles on this shelf: Yellow by Makoto Tateno, Earthian by Yun Kouga, Nekrateholic by Maguro Wasabi & Love Control by Ai Hasukawa: all of these series are my older BL grails! I also have other fave titles by Sanami Matoh, which are: "Until the Full Moon" & "@Fullmoon" shoujo series with BL undertones and "Access" is an original comic BL doujinshi series that Matoh-sensei published in the early 90's.
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andthekitchensinkao3 · 6 months
Get to know me better?
@tentoriumcerebelli way to drag a shy critter into the spotlight ;) Thanks for the tag!
1. 3 5 ships: Hank/Connor (obviously, duh, but I love all ships.) Markus/Simon (their hearts are compatible!!!! T___T). In no particular order: Finch/Reese from Person of Interest; Jim/Blair from The Sentinel; Ed (Blackbeard)/Stede from Our Flag Means Death
2. first ever ship: Dee Laytner X Randy "Ryo" Maclean (from the Sanami Matoh shounen ai manga/anime FAKE) - veeery closely followed by Jim and Blair from The Sentinel TV series.
3. last song: Last song I listened to, or referenced in one of my fics? XD Listened to Adam Lambert's cover of Bonnie Tyler's Holding Out For a Hero.
4. last movie: Because it's Spooky Season, I am watching horror movies and scary stuff. Most recently returned to a favorite of mine, Deliver us From Evil - which I have coincidentally drawn inspiration from for an as yet unfinished HankCon AU, called When You're a Stranger. I know, me and my weird AUs... ;)
5. currently reading: Stephen King's The Dark Half
6. currently watching: Making my way through the SAW movies (and playing The Devil in Me) - both because I love the franchises, and for spooky horror research for the Kamski Project XD
7. currently consuming: Coffee. Every hour of every day. I have a cuppa right in front of me as I type this very sentence.
8. currently craving: More hours to the day so I can write? Also sleep is good. But also popcorn. Or, ooh, oven roasted potato wedges and aioli + sriracha.
9. Tag, you're it!! I am passing the gauntlet to anyone and everyone who feels inspired to join this game of tag that's got nothing to do with AO3 :D
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allboutheyaoi · 1 year
hi,afternoon here..
sorry to bother u but i got to ask dis, is bout bl manga_an ald one. i read it loong time but i forget d title n its make me restless.hope u can help me.
d story told bout a police officer in Detroit or NY maybe, he got bully coz his gay n end up transferred n he got to know d luv of his life,his soon to be husband at a cafe or fam.res(sorry forget d detail) d narration really poetic at dis scene but is all fuzzy now.. he just open d door n dat police officer saw him n luv at d first sight (he's an asian decent maybe),a writer if m not wrong.later his husband got kidnapped n traumatized but all end well.
can u help me to remember d title, sankyu
I'm probably wrong about this because I don't read much old BLs but all I could think of is a series called Fake by Sanami Matoh.
God, this series is an OG classic BL with an actual GOOD story plot and it's one of my favourites. The plot is set in NYC but both leads are detectives AND they're partners ;).
Highly recommend to those who especially love crimes-solving, detectives, action and sexual tensions. Also, they're basically married and have a child *wink wink*.
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ironized · 9 months
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sanami matoh
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 7 months
9, 11, 23, 31, 49
Weirder Ask Games
9. Who is/are your comfort characters?
Okay you know what I'm gonna do this time? I'm going to take you all way, way back. To a simpler, younger Nate. Before I was approaching my DILF years. Pre-DILF Nate, if you would.
To a Nate who LOVED, ADORED, (and still does) this old 90's manga, that later became an OVA.
Anyway, I'm going with Dee and Ryo, from FAKE.
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Now how's THAT for dating myself eh? ;) Yes I was 5 years old when the OVA came out (1996 help me-) but it was on totally legal hack cough sites in the early 2000's. The manga ran from 1994-2000, with an unfinished reboot, Fake II coming out sometime later. I am a little sad it was never finished, but it's mangaka, Sanami Matoh suffered from injury and health issues, it's not really her fault.
It's near and dear to my heart and I will NOT take you down this 3hr (or more) rabbit hole I swear.
11. Favourite extracurricular activity?
Painting, colouring and swimming. Writing and video games of course.
23. How do you feel about chilly weather?
BRRRRR (I dislike it)
31. What type of music keeps you grounded?
Answered earlier :)
49. Can you skip rocks?
Answered earlier :D
Thank you for sending in!
As a bonus here's FAKE happily on my shelf:
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Still mad TokyoPop changed the top spine logo WITH JUST ONE! VOLUME!!
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yaoi-world · 2 years
Yaoi World Recommends...
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Content Advisory:
Gore, violence, racist terminology
Sanami Matoh's FAKE, a shounen-ai favorite, is the unlikely love story between two NYC cops--who both happen to be guys... Meet Ryo and Dee, two New York City cops with an attraction for action, and for each other! When Ryo, a soft spoken officer, joins the NYPD's 27th precinct, he's soon partnered up with Dee, a cocky, confident cop with attitude to spare.
Yaoi World Rating: ★★★★
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butdriampagliacci · 1 year
hi omg i really love "wildfire"!!! i'm so curious about the behind-the-scenes process behind it. what media inspired you to write it? what's the revision process like and how long does it usually take? what part did u find the most difficult to write? when did you start writing the outline + first draft? are you the type to finish a rough draft of an entire long fic before revising or do you take it chapter by chapter? i have so many questions pls infodump as much as u want about the behind the scenes of the fic i'm so hooked on the story i've been sharing it to all of my mutuals. thank you again for creating it <3
OMG first of all, thank you! I love talking about writing, so infodump I shall!
As far as inspiration goes, I love mysteries and detective stories in general. Some that stand out to me as influencing wildfire are the manga FAKE by Sanami Matoh and Beyond Evil, a kdrama that I highly recommend. Lots of twists and turns in that one. (And of course I like Knives Out and Glass Onion haha, there's a little bit of that too with how Diluc is helping Lumine.) I also have a playlist I made for the fic. If y'all ever want to see that, let me know~
I started writing the fic in September after rotating the idea in my brain for about a year. Initially I wasn't planning on posting it, since people can get pretty heated about kaeluc so it was just for my own amusement. But after talking to friends about it and realizing how much I was enjoying myself, I figured I should go ahead and make an AO3 account and publish it. Seeing other people enjoying it too makes me so happy it's unreal!
Re: the process--I tend to go chapter by chapter, usually with a bit of a buffer. In other words, I try to stay ahead of the most recent chapter, so if chapter 4 is ready to be posted, I'm already working on chapter 5 and so on. I actually started out with a substantial buffer and had about 5 chapters written before I posted the first one. I've got a document called "Misc" where I write scenes out of order or further along in the story to place later. Also, this is going to sound insane, but I don't really outline--at least not strictly. I have a document called "plot notes" to remind myself of certain important clues, the timeline, anything that I came up with while brainstorming. I know what's going to happen in the broad sense (like the solution to the mystery, I know where Aether is haha) but I like to give myself a little freedom to make creative decisions as I work. Sometimes I'll plan for something to happen, but then it doesn't really fit. For example, I had the flashback where Kaeya and Diluc almost kissed as teenagers completed for a while, but had trouble deciding which chapter it should go.
I'm often editing as I go. If I'm writing and the scene feels wrong or the dialogue is off, I'll cut and paste it into my "outtakes and deleted scenes" doc so I can still keep what I like or change my mind later. I re-read the previous chapter to try and keep things consistent and make sure to read my draft before I post to catch whatever I can. (I don't have a beta so any typos or other mistakes are on me TvT) The most difficult parts to write are anything involving actual procedure lmao I do my best to make it seem believable, but I take about as much artistic license as a detective show would. I prefer amateur/gentleman detective stories to police procedurals so that's the vibe I'm going for (despite Kaeya having access to actual law enforcement resources). That, and action scenes aksjdfosdjfoj If you can't already tell, I'm a dialogue/character writer.
As far as how long it takes to write and revise, I can usually finish a 3-4k chapter in roughly a week. That's thanks to my severe brainworms hahahaha I'm lucky to have a lot of free time right now and a slow paced job :> Although I know how the fic will end and the major twists, I'm not sure how long it will take to get there, but we've already crossed the 50k mark, so there's going to be plenty more content haha
Anyway, I've probably talked enough for now but I'm always down to chat fic and writing haha Thank you again for reading and sharing the story! I appreciate it so much~
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