#Fran Miscowicz
creating-tabs · 2 years
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New Tales from the Borderlands (2022)
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radioactive-synth · 2 years
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New Tales from the Borderlands (2022)
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rolilith · 1 year
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ntftbl gifs (3/10): "...there's no way i can give you a lifetime supply of free frogurt, hank. not at the rate you eat it."
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inksplit · 1 year
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borderlandsmostwanted · 2 months
Thought it might be fun to do a poll!
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scrap-brainzone · 2 years
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may i present to u; another fuckin au!!!! wooooooo!!
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citrine-elephant · 2 years
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science, technology, yogurt
i... had to. i had to attempt...
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gamingladies · 1 year
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Fran Miscowicz | New Tales from the Borderlands
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borderlands-ate-me · 9 months
Octavio and Fran in that one scene:
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theyre discussing new tales. yknow honestly i can understand they made fran horny just because.
and the fact anahatium didn't heal her disability is something that kinda flew under my radar.
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angeltannis · 1 year
Also while I’m thinking about it, do you guys think the ridiculous amounts of parallels between Fran and Gaige were intentional? Or does Gearbox only know how to write so many character archetypes, leading to the series now having 2 unrelated disabled anarchist punk redheads who struggle with emotional regulation and whose backstories involve them accidentally killing classmates with anti-bullying robots?
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creating-tabs · 2 years
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bean-pole-art · 2 years
A Perfect Combination
fandom: Borderlands relationship: Rhysothy word count: 1960 rating: G summary: Rhys and Timothy want to enjoy a date out at Fran's Frogurts. They just gotta convince Fran.
played New Tales From The Borderlands with @spoks-illogical-art over the weekend and wrote it as fast as I could 💙❤
“Leet’sss tryyy… This one!”
“Do I have to have my eyes shut?”
“Yeah! I mean, where’s the fun otherwise?”
“Iiii dunnooo… What kind of a warrant do I have that it’s not ratch vomit?”
“You’d– You’d probably have to endure her eternal hatred if you’d say so,” Rhys shrugged, without a care.
To which, Timothy nodded. Hard sell indeed. “Yyeepp, very true. Okay but what about my warrant?”
“Your warrant?”
“Yeah. Y’know, my guarantee it’s really not… Any of the things you pfftt, send the science team to examine?” Timothy gave him a smile, showing some more of his teeth.
Oh, how much Rhys loved that one. One look at that made him melt away like a frozen treat.
read the rest here!
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inksplit · 11 months
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redshirt-23 · 2 years
Can I just say I love Fran Miscowicz. She’s a wheel chair, baddass, hyper sexual, big bodied beauty and I’m so glad fear box gave us here
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kyndaris · 1 year
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
Following on from the massive Pokemon Violet, I felt it imperative that I tackle something smaller in scale for my next game. I was, after all, planning to travel overseas soon anyways so sinking 30ish hours into a 100-hour game and then return after three weeks away didn’t feel like the best use of my time. Don’t get me wrong. It’s doable, true, but it wouldn’t be much fun. And so, I picked a game that I knew could be completed in record time and still have all the craziness that the series has come to be known for: New Tales From the Borderlands.
Following on from the events of the first Tales of the Borderlands and the divisive Borderlands 3, which was known for the way it riffed on internet culture, New Tales From the Borderlands stars characters that are no longer denizens of Pandora. 
Welcome to Promethea and Meridian City! 
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You would think that going to a different planet and seeing what they had to offer would be a breath of fresh air after being stuck on a desert planet for so long. Pandora’s story has been retrod countless times and so, yes, I did think it was refreshing to see a game take place in a different part of the Borderlands universe and provide new things to savour (even if Meridian City did feature in Borderlands 3). Unfortunately, when it comes to the Borderlands franchise, one cannot escape from the fact that even in space, capitalism knows no bounds. And in this action-adventure game, instead of a rockrolling adventure with space treasure hunters, New Tales from the Borderlands focuses on tackling the issues of unscrupulous megacorporations and their primary interest of making money and more of it by an means necessary. Mostly in the context of corporate wars of one-upping each other as often as possible.
In New Tales from the Borderlands, players step into the shoes of three different individuals: Anuradha Dhar, Octavio Wallace-Dhar and Francine Miscowicz. The three of them are, as our erstwhile narrator Marcus called them: absolute nobodies. ONe is a scientist working for ATLAS. She has big dreams and on the day that Tediore invades the city down on the planet below her where her adopted brother lives, she had just been fired from her job for releasing living test subjects aboard a space station. Octatvio, on the other hand, is a street-wise entrepreneur wannabe. He might not be the smartest tool in the shed, hustling from one get-rich-quick scheme to the next, but there’s a lovable charm to his character. And then finally, there’s Fran, the owner of a froghurt shop that was damaged during the last megacorp attack on the city. She, unlike the others, has a penchant for punching things. Given her proclivity for anger, her desire for violence is quite understandable.
After having one of the worst possible days in their lives, our heroes come together to get revenge on Tediore. In so doing, they stumble upon something beyond their own comprehension. Escaping from the vault located down in the sewers of Meridian City with a healing shard, they strive to make something out of their terrible circumstances and start a business.
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So begins what felt like a days long journey that sees them to try to hawk their idea of a healing ray device, fail in their plans as they get captured by Tediore before getting embroiled in a ‘save the world’ scenario as they face down chairwoman: Susan Coldwell. It’s an oddly paced story that comes off as both whacky and endearing in equal measure. The characters all have large chips on their shoulders, which serves to impede the start of their adventures, but are all neatly resolved by the end. Which actually has five different endings that are dependent on the relationships between characters and their overall team score - represented, of course, with skateboards. Why? Well, L0U13 simply wouldn’t have it any other way. And after seeing these mechanics in so many games I’ve played, why not denote relationship status with skateboards? It seems to work just as well as any other metric.
But what I loved about the game was seeing Anu, Octavio and Fran coming together to solve the problems before them. In my blind playthrough, the team were a bunch of strangers at first. However, as the game went on, they started to trust each other better. I still didn’t get the arguably ‘best’ ending but all of my team members survived AND they were able to pursue what they were individually interested in. 
Just like the Telltale game that came before, New Tales from the Borderlands game mechanics are quite simple. Yes, there are areas where Anu, Octavio and Fran can explore their environment, usually a tightly confined place, but most of the gameplay comes in the form of choosing a response for a conversation or pressing a button in reaction to a quick-time event. 
In fact, much of the game felt like sitting down and watching a movie unfold with me, the player, with the occasional prompt to have me press something on the gaming controller. 
Still, in comparison to the first Tales from the Borderlands, I was impressed by how smooth and fluid the motion of each character was when I could explore the environment. They also included a few fun options by having Fran engage in a turn-based battle with her anger management bot! And the writers were quite smart when it came to dealing with battles.
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Whilst the Borderlands franchise usual MO is to have vault hunters shooting up a storm in a vault, Anu, Octavio and Fran don’t have the luxury of being armed with guns. Even if they did, none of them are particularly skilled with them. Rather it’s their wit and ingenuity that see them through. 
And while I couldn’t control most of their actions - seeing as they were mostly scripted - I did enjoy how they were still able to defeat what felt like huge threats by taking advantage of whatever skills they did have and what opportunities were provided to them in the environment.
Was it the perfect game to wind down after playing through Pokemon Violet and trying to catch ‘em all? Yes, I think so! It was just the thing I needed to serve as a palate cleanser after getting too rundown by another very long and huge open-world game. Will I be playing a lot of these types of games? No. They work in small chunks and I think I need to be in the right mood for them. But they do serve as a fun way to just sit back and enjoy a story. 
Oh, and the fact that Fiona makes an appearance at the end, voiced by the ever lovable Laura Bailey (who made a cameo at the Encanto Bowl performance that was shown on Disney+ with toddler Ronin) was just icing on the cake! Here’s hoping for more expansion of the Borderlands universe and figuring out the mysterious of the ancient alien race that came before.
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