bunny-heels · 4 months
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ifwebefriends · 1 year
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Wake up hot bitches the TF2 ARG ever just came back
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tones3d · 1 year
Hey nerds,
Check out my Garry's Mod map!!!
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It's got like a dozen secrets and a boss fight or something
Download it on the Steam Workshop:
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vancedtihng · 3 months
heavy's sandwich
yup, here it is
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thetreedragon · 2 months
dont feed the muse in the nutshell
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triggerthreestrikes · 9 months
Fun fact: an as of now hiatused project of mine (that’s college student for never going to see the light of day) I had a series concept similar to this.
So the story would be told from the sentient ragdolls/tf2 characters POV. They have limited awareness of the medium and fourth wall and all that and know about players, and how some players *cough* gunslinger and badwater *cough* torture and force the ragdolls to be posed. However, most of the videos are spent watching the player of their gmod just…doing gmod things. Screwing around with props, making wiremod contraptions blowing himself up by complete accident while using explosive mods
Eventually the ARG would have the characters find a discarded camera that has videos of the player making the characters. Posing them for art and sfm posters. They would find how he posted all of these making of videos and how none of them got very many views, maybe a few comments calling his characters cringe. they would learn how he eventually gave up making anything with them, but kept the videos up, kept the ragdolls around, all because while he gave up on having any sort of following, the characters were too special to him to delete their saved dupes. He’d put them up while he screwed around in sandbox to make himself feel less alone.
It wasn’t a glitch in the system or some other ambiguous reason these ragdolls gained sentience, it was the love and care and work that went into learning how to properly facepose, add cosmetics, make better lighting, adding props and detail that gave them their sentience. This was as far as I got in the concept stage.
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
You know as creative and fun the selfoware stuff is what if it went another turn, have you ever heard of Gunslingerpro2009? They make horror arg's using the tf2 models and maps in Garry's mod, it's great but anyways. Imagine that all the npc's you interacted with slowly gain consciousness and realize that their world is fake. Lots of existential horror stuff and are horrified with the knowledge that something otherworldly is controlling the hero. They can't do anything that they are not programmed to do so running and hiding is nonexistent, except maybe for a few that the player really likes and wants to see them move around. Now the people that are aware are afraid of the player and their power, but they couldn't anticipate what they could or would do to Volo. After that they all went into hiding.
Now if the player is a sadistic prick with a major god complex who likes to play “hide and seek” with them or not is up to you, even though Ingo don't have many story based interactions with the player he might have gained such a big counsens because of how much they interact with him. And he doesn't know how to feel about that. Perhaps the player feels guilty when Ingo confronts them.
I like to imagine that they programmed the game so that they can type using the unknown pokemon fount. And if the npc's ever heard any sound coming from the player it would sound like this.
That would be interesting! The idea of becoming self aware does have it’s horror. It’s something i briefly mention, but i don’t really expand too much on it. Imagine them like, being horrified and scared but,, you just want to say hi and give them things but for some reason your game’s characters kept hiding in different places?? You wonder if your game is bugged. Ingo would probably be one the NPC’s who’d be willing to talk to you, and confront you. He’s anticipating the worst. Would you possess him? hurt him? Play with him like you are playing with food, before deleting him?  If you had been a prick up until that point, then the characters actually revealing they are aware, would probably be a bit of a shock, and horrifying not just for them, but for yourself. You had unknowingly been playing with people’s lives, like god. I’d imagine if you told Ingo this, he’d be a bit surprised. You didn’t know? It makes the whole ‘we’re not supposed to be aware of our own existence’ thing even worse, if you ask me. Though the idea of like, horror slowed down talking as like, the only way they can currently hear you is great but also again, horrifying. You try to tell Ingo he’s cool and all he hears is distorted horror.
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thanager · 3 years
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TF2 GMOD ARG - by gunslingerpro2009
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silence-caravan · 3 years
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Melonman and Teethineer! big enemies!
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lovepoem · 3 years
people with good taste: gmod args arent good and all they do is the same thing over and over with gm_construct and a dark figure looming in the background its boring and repetitive
me, a simpleton: do you think the dark figure has feelings. do you think they, too, like making ramps in gm_construct....
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gmodargchannels · 3 years
Gmod arg channel
I found a new creepy gmod arg channel in which the ragdolls are alive
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bunny-heels · 3 months
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ash-imagines · 2 years
I am but a humble simp, might I request for ingo+emmet (gen 5) with an s/o who’s a major internet horror fan? loves to talk with them about things like ARGs, analog horror, dash of true crime possibly :)
Ahh, I regret never picking up black and white as a kid, I distinctly remember seeing it at Target and completely passing it up because I hadn't finished Pearl (and still haven't lmao). Now it's impossible to find anywhere for a reasonable price and my laptop can barely run Garry's Mod, let alone an emulator (believe me, I've tried). Essentially, what I'm trying to say is that my introduction to the train twins was PLA, and most of my knowledge on the both of them comes from the fandom.
Ingo loves your passion, it's infectious. When the two of you watch interrogation footage analysis videos, you have incredibly thoughtful conversations about the justice system and where you think lines need to be drawn. Although he does have a tendency to get really chatty and talk over the video, you don't mind because of how engaged you both are in the topic at hand. The two of you need a podcast or something...
Horror is something that he didn't really have too much of an interest in until you showed him how spectacular and thrilling it can be. It truly is a genre where nothing is off-limits, and it makes for pieces of art that are rich with symbolism and themes that other genres would hesitate to explore. He's particularly come to appreciate psychological horror. It seems like a challenge to create something that unnerves and disquiets without relying heavily on things like blood and gore, but when it's done well it can be incredibly effective.
On days when the sun hangs high in the cloudless sky, riding through a tunnel can be a strange and chilling experience. Down where the sunlight can't reach and all that can be heard are the sounds of machinery as the train carries you forward. It's also a comforting feeling, perhaps because of nostalgia or the way the tunnel shields him from the sounds beyond its walls. In any case, it now makes him think of the "liminal spaces" you've told him about. On the track between what scares and calms him, he thinks of you, and there's something weirdly romantic about that.
Unlike Ingo, I think the nuanced psychological horror approach doesn't do a lot for Emmet. The one that did get to him a little bit was NOC+10, and the concept of machinery turned sentient by the souls of its operators. Aside from that, though, the really subtle horror stuff just doesn't scare him. In fact, it kind of has to have some blood and gore for him to be scared by it.
Even then, not a whole lot scares him. Working on public transportation sort of forces you to develop of a strong stomach for anything bizarre and alarming. Although, that doesn't stop him from joining you to watch some horror. Despite not being easily scared, the stories are often still quite interesting!
More than anything it's the mystery aspect that draws him in to true crime and horror. He has a love-hate relationship with unsolved cases, both enjoying the puzzle of it and despising the fact that there is no conclusion. It gets frustrating, so he can't watch too many of those. Thankfully, he's pretty adept with the ARGs. He's pretty good with the codes and ciphers, although he can definitely lose his patience and give up. This is in stark contrast to Ingo who has basically no patience at all for deciphering things and is more than happy to leave that part up to someone else.
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tones3d · 11 months
Just released my new Garry's Mod map, rp_Kowloon!
It's based on the kowloon walled city, and it's great for darkrp and fishing! Don't check out the sewers!
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campyvillain · 3 years
what would be a good classic horror movie for me, a baby who couldn't sleep at night after watching a garry's mod arg
if ur lookin for something lighter i’d definitely recommend little shop of horrors above all else (make sure u get the one w the theatrical ending instead of the directors ending because the og one will make you cry) i watched it all the time as a kid nd all things considered it’s pretty tame, plus the story is just nice nd comforting :)
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bunny-heels · 4 months
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