#Gellert Bad
Nah am Wasser
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Das Haus der Macht
Ein Besuch in Budapest
Als eingesessener Mitteleuropäer braucht man nicht lange zu fahren, um einer der attraktivsten Städte des Kontinents einen Besuch abzustatten: Eine Stadt, durch die 6800 Kubikmeter Wasser pro Sekunde fließt, kann nur feucht-fröhlich sein. Die ungarische Hauptstadt ist eine der mächtigsten Metropolen entlang der Donau. Budapest liegt im Herzen Europas - und in dessen Magen. So prachtvoll die ungarische Machtzentrale, das extravagante Parlamentsgebäude auch außen herum ist, was innen drinnen passiert, steht auf einem anderen Blatt. Politisch tendiert das Land derzeit weit nach rechts, geografisch liegt es mitten drin - Paris oder Moskau ist es gleich weit entfernt. Zu beinahe jeder Tages- und Nachtzeit wehen seufzend-mollige Melodien durch die Hauptstadtgassen – Komponisten von Weltgeltung erblickten hier, in Ungarn, das Licht der Welt. Ob Abraham, Bartok oder Kalman, Ligetti, Liszt oder Lehar, das Land glänzender Operettenmelodien und dramatischen, sinfonischen Werke gilt seit jeher als Musen-Perle am Donaustrom. Europäische (Kultur-) Geschichte, (Macht-) Politik und (globale) Wirtschaft findet und fand hier ebenso statt, wie die Lust an der Gaudee, wie der artverwandte Wiener sagen würde. In Budapest lebt man eben gut - und gerne. 
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Kitsch, Klumpert und Kokolores
Links und rechts des Donaustromes liegen die schönsten Bauwerke aufgereiht wie die Jou-Jous eines Bettelarmbandes. Der Fluss trennt Rechts von Links, Buda von Pest. Gemeint ist der hügelige Stadtteil, und das linke, flachbrüstige Ufer. Verbunden werden sie von fünf mächtigen Kettengliedern - der Margaretenbrücke und der Petöfibrücke, dazwischen: Die Ketten-, die Elisabeth- und die Freiheitsbrücke. Auf dem Burgberg liegt das glänzende Diadem: Das Schloss, in dem die Nationalgalerie untergebracht ist, die Nationalbibliothek, das Historische Museum, das Sándor-Palais mit dem Sitz des Staatspräsidenten (aktuell Frau Novák), und die Matthiaskirche. Hier wurden der Franzl Unser, gemeinsam mit seiner Sisi zum Königspaar gekrönt – und der Liszt-Ferenc steuerte die Musik bei, weswegen auch laute „Ferenc-Rufe“ erschallten, als das Paar die Kirche verließ. Unüberhörbar aber galten sie, wenn man der Überlieferung glauben darf, weniger dem jungen, absolutistischen König, als dem umtriebigen Herrn Compositeur. 
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Fischerbastei im Burgviertel von Buda
Mit der Standseilbahn geht’s hinunter in Richtung Ufer und von dort hinüber nach Pest, wo der (kulturelle) Teufel los ist: Von der Staatsoper zum Operettenhaus, vom Museum der bildenden Künste zur Großen Synagoge, von der Kunsthalle zur Markthalle, vom  Stadtwäldchen über den Heldenplatz und dem prächtigen Andrássy út-Boulevard bis zur wirbeligen Geschäftsstraße Váci ùt. Überall wird getanzt, gefeiert, gelebt und – gebadet…
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Der Heldenplatz
Széchenyi Bad – Thermal und Party, der Spaßkracher der Hauptstadt!
Gellért Bad – Budas Antwort auf die Pester Herausforderung: Neben dem Grand Hotel am Fuße des Gellért Berges steht das Freiband und schlägt Wellen!
Lukács Bad – eines der ältesten Bäder der Stadt: Seit dem 12. Jhdt. schwammen die Ritter des Johanniterordens im Glück!
Rudas Bad – Die „Wellness-Welt der Saunas“. Baden am Dach, Stadtrundblick inklusive!
Király Thermalbad – Uraltes türkisches Dampfbad unter der Kuppel!
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Große Synagoge Aussen und Innen
Das Wasser
Budapest ist die einzige Hauptstadt der Welt, die über natürliche Thermalquellen verfügt. Aus 125 Thermen, man glaubt es kaum, sprudeln  pro Tag 70 Millionen Liter Thermalwasser, das reicht, um die Bevölkerung gesund zu machen. Auf bis zu 58 Grad Celsius kann sich das Wasser hier erwärmen. Besonders im Széchenyi-Bad, im schönen Stadtwäldchen, tummeln sich die Massen - Tag für Tag, Stunde um Stunde. Kaum wo kann man so schön baden wie hier. Schon das Äußere kann sich sehen lassen. Der schlossartige Badetempel ist europaweit der größte und prächtigste seiner Gattung. Die ersten Bohrungen begannen 1868 und endeten in einer Tiefe von 970 Metern. Geologen hatten einen Artesischen Brunnen unterhalb des Pester Stadtteiles vermutet. Sie sollten Recht behalten. Man musste dem Wasser nur Platz schaffen. Wenig später schon durften die Pester den Terminus ‚Heilbad‘ für sich beanspruchen. Bald schon genügte das Areal nicht mehr dem Ansturm der Badewütigen. Ein neues Freibad wurde eröffnet. Nun betrug die Wasserfläche der drei großen Becken bereits über zweitausend Quadratmeter, die Baderatten tummelten sich Schnauze an Schnauze. Neuerlich wurde gebohrt, und als 1938 die Welt in Grund und Boden versank, hatte man hier erstmal andere Sorgen. In einer Tiefe von über zwölfhundert Meter stieß man wieder auf Wasser. Sechstausend Kubikmeter heißes Thermalwasser schoss täglich aus der Erde, so viel, dass man das Gebäude gleich mitheizen konnte. Seit damals ist das Széchenyi-Bad der Mittelpunkt der Budapester Bevölkerung. Arm oder Reich, Jung oder Alt, Schön oder Schiach, das gesellschaftliche Leben spielt sich hier und in weiteren zwanzig Thermalbädern der Hauptstadt ab. 
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Im Széchenyi-Bad trifft sich die Hautvolée
Im Széchenyi allerdings kann man weit mehr als bloß baden: Spa, Schach und jede Menge Bespaßung stehen am Menüplan. Hier gibt‘s nichts, was es nicht gibt. Bedingung: Badelatschen (außerhalb der Becken), Badehaube (innerhalb der Becken) und Badekleidung (sowohl als auch). Und wenn einem danach ist, kann man sogar in Bier planschen: Im „Bier Spa“ ist das 36 Grad warme Thermalwasser mit Malz, Hopfen und Hefe angereichert - dazu zapft man die, am Rand der Becken stehenden Holzfässer an, und kostet so viele verschiedene Biere wie man mag. Und wem immer noch nach Flüssigem ist, der bleibt an Samstagabenden einfach im Nassen stehen. Von 22h30 bis 06h00 gibt‘s „Sparty“ - so nennt sich der weltweit abgehobendste Disco-Kracher, DJs, Lasershow und jede Menge Attraktionen inklusive. Und da sage noch einer, die Pester seien nicht feucht-fröhlich!   
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Elegant wie ein Opernfoyer - Das Széchenyi-Bad
House of Houdini – Zaubertheater zum Schauen und Staunen!
Labyrinth – Herrlich abgruseln in den Geheimgängen, tief unterhalb des Schlossdistriktes!
Felsenkrankenhaus und Atombunker-Museum – Zeitgeschichte zum Fürchten!
NOVESTA - Jan Antonín Baa‘s unzerstörbares Schuhwerk aus den 30ern, gefertigt in Partizánske, verkauft bis heute in der Grösslingova 4!
Fővárosi Nagycirkusz – Klassischer Nummernzirkus im winterfesten Zeltbau für Junge und Junggebliebene!
Zentrale Markthalle – Paprika einkaufen, kiloweise!
Altes Judenviertel – Frommes Beten, koscher essen!
Hungarian Halloween
Hundertausende Genusssüchtige ziehen von Restaurant zu Kaffeehaus, von Tanztempel zu Studentenkneipe, von Jazz Klub zu Ruinenbar. Budapest ist Nacht für Nacht der Mittelpunkt der Partywelt. Gut so. Touristen wie Einheimische fühlen sich im selben Stück „Der Untergang der Titanic“ - kaum dass man einen Schritt aus welchem Innenstadthotel auch immer wagt. Fortgerissen wird man vom nicht versiegenden Strom der Leiber, die um die Häuser ziehen, immer auf der Suche nach Beute und Futter. Budapest ist am ehesten mit dem Big Apple, Berlin oder Rom zur Zeit der Papstwahl zu vergleichen. Kaum sonst wo wird ähnlich gefeiert, getanzt und gegrölt wie hier. Wenn man in Wien nächtens die Gehsteige hochklappt, beginnt zweihundertfünfzig Kilometer ostwärts die Partymeile. Der Zufall wollte es, dass ich zur Zeit der Untoten und Halbverwesten durch die Straßen Budapests gespült wurde. Halloween! Eine schrillere Zeit ist nicht denkbar. Fratzen, Freaks und Freddy Krueger. Auf den Gassen wird gerasselt, gekeucht, geschrien, geröchelt. Ketten klirren, Böller krachen, Gehängte baumeln (aus den Fenstern). Wo bin ich? Ich möchte in eines der angesagten Ruinen-Vierteln der Judenstadt. Gefehlt. Ich komme nicht mal in deren Nähe. In den Katakomben ist heute Stoßverkehr.
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Ruinenlokal im Judenviertel
One Way to Hell. Ich versuche einen Abstecher, werde von der nächsten Flutwelle erfasst und durchs nächste, übernächste, drittnächste Durchhaus gespült. Ich kann dem Druck des Massenwahns nicht standhalten und klammere mich an einen Laternenpfahl. Mit Gewalt stemme ich mich gegen das Pressing entgegenströmenden Horrors. Sind die Ungarn völlig verrückt geworden? Das Gewühl an Skeletten, Teufeln und schreienden Mäulern wird immer beängstigender. Eigentlich habe ich Hunger, aber da ich nicht zum dritten Mal hintereinander Halászlé (Fischsuppe), Pörkölt (Gulasch) oder Paprikás Csirke (Paprikahuhn) vertilgen wollte, stand mir der Sinn nach Alternativem. Drittens kommt es anders, erstens als man denkt. Also rette ich mich in die Warteschlangen unorthodoxer Teenie-Speisehäuser: Burger, Fritten, Cola. Anstehen. Nein, weg! Dann schon eher Barbeque. Doch nicht. Kaffee und Kuchen? Schon gar nicht, nicht am Abend. Also trotte ich durch Hinterhöfe, schummrige Gässchen, überquere abgeschiedene Plätze, immer auf der Flucht vor Halloween-Partytiger*innen. Hunger.
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Zum Angedenken
Doch Töltött Káposzta (Kohlroulade)? Mir wäre bereits alles recht. Ich sehe mich schon Im Rinnstein enden, verhungern und verdursten. Alles ist ausreserviert. Kein Platz für Bedürftige. In der Király ut. werde ich fündig. Der tatsächlich einzig freie Platz liegt im ersten Stock eines kleinen, neonbeleuchteten Hinterhoflokales, im letzten Stübchen, kurz vor den Toiletten. Ich bestelle. Ein netter Thailänder zwinkert mir zu. Als was ich denn gehe, will er wissen. Er meint, er kennt sich nicht gut aus in Sachen europäischer Horror, und als ihm sage, ich bin ohne Maske unterwegs, das ist mein Gesicht, verzieht er sich augenblicklich in die Küche. Kurze Zeit später kommt er mit einer original ungarischen Rezeptur zurück. Ich habe kaum wo je besser gegessen. Man muss sich dem Zufall anvertrauen, dem Schicksal überlassen und das Landestypische probieren. In dem Fall ein Glasnudelsüppchen mit Wok-Gemüse, ein paar listig blinzelnden Tintenfischen und einer Handvoll Muscheln. Halászlé: out, Pho: in. Budapest ist nah am Wasser gebaut.
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Zwischen Alt und neu - Die St. Stephansbasilika
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vashhanamichi · 9 months
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*Sigh* here we go again with the bad german word - puns. Sorry 😬 creativity left my soul today
Have a great day!🌻
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inastarlesssky · 4 months
I feel a big rambling coming on. I was just thinking about characters I like, tropes/ships I like, and those I don't, and this happened.
I'm going to start by saying I respect that everyone likes different characters and ships, and that's a good and fantastic thing. I myself don't like Grindelwald. Regardless of how he looks. I just. Don't. Like him. I see so much of him in the FB tag bc well, he's the big baddy, but damn is he creepy.
I mean it could be that I don't understand him, maybe, but my understanding of him comes primarily from the understanding you get of Newt's perspective and everyone on the good side, I'd say. I didn't even fully understand the whole blood pact thing between him and Albus. Was it that they loved each other so much that they swore never to duel each other? I think the thing is, I don't know enough about who Gellert Grindelwald was before he became the next big bad guy of the wizarding world before Voldemort hit the screens. I'm not so sure my opinion of him would change, but I would genuinely like to understand him as a character.
I think I mentioned this earlier but I felt funny about the way that Albus acted or thought in regards to Grindelwald. I got the idea that Albus sort of saw it as there was nothing else he could do, and Newt was the best option he had of getting close to a good solution. But if Albus felt anguish or real conflict over this, I either missed that or didn't pick up on it.
Anyway, I digress. This is not a Grindeldore analysis, this is about Grindelwald.
I will admit, I was very much horrified by the part when Grindelwald resurrects the Qilin he murdered to get precognition. Like sickened to my stomach. I mean, hats off to Mads Mikkelsen because he did an excellent job playing the villain and rocking it, but I was very very far from any sort of benevolent feeling toward him.
Anyway, this is just my opinion about that, and I thought it was curious, bc I'm someone who likes enemies to lovers, and I've seen my fair share of fics with this trope, and it's great. But I found that obviously, I've liked both the characters who were enemies and then became lovers. I like Albus Dumbledore, I do. I don't like Gellert Grindelwald.
Again, this is just Ella rambling, don't mind me.
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Actually, the best Grindeldore meeting dynamic is Gellert falling in love with Albus at first sight while gushing and giggling both during their meeting and after to Bathilda as this is happing Albus is sitting with his dead mother and having to look after his siblings and due to this s looks like absolute shite with greasy unkept hair and the unkept start of a beard and his glasses half off who is also staring at Gellert the hole time stunned at how beautiful he is and just sitting mouth agape and blushing and when Albus, Aberforth, Ariana walk home All Albus talks about is how beautiful and intelligent Gellert is wile Gellert spent the whole time being a giggling school girl batting his eyelashes. Both of them are talking about how they’ll never stand a chance with the other and how sad it will be other is too good for them and never like them back and Aberforth, Ariana, and Bathilda just watch these 2 gays be so dramatic and so obviously have a crush over one another it’s ridiculous and that’s how you do love at first sight with Grindeldore I take no criticism.
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ascandalincamelot · 2 years
The British (WB): *cast Mads Mikkelsen as a German*
The Americans (NBC): *cast Mads Mikkelsen as a Lithuanian*
My good sirs he's Danish
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where-is-my-whump · 2 years
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Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore | 2022
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fblover · 10 months
yeah, Queenie and Credence go back to the good guys, but they were with GG from five years, so, they're still a part of Grindel's Army.
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caringalbuswrites · 1 year
Timeline: FOGG times. Not sure about it's canon position.
"I always notice weird or curious things about other people." He smiled, glad to share it. "Abs, Ari and I share a birthmark. I mean, Abs and Ari have the same mark, Ari on her right and Abs on his left." He pointed the sides as he mentioned it, both halfway the ribcage. It sounded kinda concerning how did he know the location of that small mole. "I mean, I used to help mom when bathing Abs and Ari, and that kind of things don't dissapear when you get older."
Gellert was interested. "So, where's yours?"
He smiled, knowing that part of his conversation was working the way he wanted. "I actually don't know where's mine." He shrugged, stopping the gesture when he received Gellert's ' I don't believe you ' face. "I mean it. It must be in a place I can't see it. In the remote case I have it." Before Gellert could react, Albus already had his shirt over his head, giving his back and showing from his nape to the bottom of his back.
Gellert was speechless. Albus just did that without asking or shyness. And Merlin Save Him. Albus' back was like a constellation field. The missing stars at night were not on the other side of the visible sky, but under the shirt of the boy he had in front. Lots of small freckles, dots, probably his birthmark was there. But as astonished as he was and that amount of details on Albus, he could get lost in there, and use his moles as navigation references.
Hidden on his shirt, since he didn't take it off completely, Albus thanked having something to cover his red and flustered face. He didn't know how he did that, and was more embarrassed when he felt Gellert's fingertips tracing lines on his back, like it was a Connect The Dots game. And it fitted Gellert. His touch made common and mere things into real pieces of art, even a disastrous boy like Albus was. He just closed his eyes, trying to picture what Gellert was seeing on his back that he had to trace it.
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opugno-1007 · 2 years
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gildinbainas · 6 months
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Gellert:Can I kill that guy?? Albus*smacks Gellert with a rolled up newspaper*:Bad Gellert, no killing, don’t give our daughter the impression that killing is right! Gellert:Ouch!!! Destiny:You’re a bad apple, dad.
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bonniesfamiliar · 3 months
DIMENSION TRAVEL STORY IDEA: Summary: Harriet "Harry" James Potter has travelled to an alternate dimension during a spell gone wrong (Kreacher's actually responsible cuz he cares about Harry since she's the Lady of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black) Harriet knows it's an alternate dimension cuz she finds a newspaper stand and lo and behold, who's on the front cover? Tom. Fucking. Riddle. But not the ugly Voldemort Tom Riddle she killed. No this is young Tom Riddle who grew up FINE AS HELL.
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And he's on the front page cuz he's The Minister of Magic and guess what he's talking about.
He's talking about Dumbledore.
And not manipulative gramps Dumbledore whose beard is longer than my hair.
We're talking about this one
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You know why he's talking about this Dumbledore?
Because Albus. Percival. Fucking. Dumbledore decided to become the epitome of "Be Gay, Do Crime," with Gellert Grindelwald, his husband.
So Harriet is obviously freaking out and does the right thing.
She goes to a pub and drinks her sorrows away in Scottish Whiskey, (Thank you, Minny)
But Harry never makes reasonable decisions so when she finds a quill and paper, guess what she does.
She writes to Misinter Riddle.
But the drama doesn't end there.
Whenever Harriet does anything, whether she writes or talks about Tom Riddle, she doesn't speak in English.
She talks in Pareseltongue.
(Cuz she and tom are the only Parselmouths. I think.)
So Parseltongue.
Harriet writes in parseltongue to the Minister of Fucking Magic on his wrongdoings in her universe.
The letter literally looks like this:
ssss ssss sssssssss ss ssssss s sss ssssssss ssssss sss sss ss ssss ssssssss ssssssss ssss ssssss sssssss ss ss sssssssss and that transcribes to 
"Dear Lord Voldemort, or should I say Minister Riddle, you are an ugly noseless hairless evil snakey bastard in my dimension,"
and cuz she's spiteful, she signs it off with "You-Know-Who"
But the thing is Harriet never mentioned her name or who her parents were.
So when Minister Riddle receives this letter, he freaks out and then does everything he can to find this person.
Not to kill them.
But to woo them.
This kind, thoughtful person has travelled from another dimension just to stop him from becoming evil.
THEY'RE OBVIOUSLY HIS SNAKE MATE. (cuz he killed all of the Gaunts and Riddles so they're not family)
You can bet ur ass he was squealing to Nagini at the thought of having another Parselmouth in the world with him.
He's obsessed.
(He's not tom riddle if he doesn't have possessive issues and his jealousy issues are just as bad.🤭🤭🤭🥰🥰🥰😩😩😩)
Like it's not a want.
It's a need.
He needs the writer of this letter to be with him forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and-
You probably get the idea.
Anyway, 1 year goes by.
Harriet Potter: *forgets about even writing the letter* 
Tom is growing more obsessed as the days go by and then he meets a woman at a charity ball held for idk an organisation for potieneers? Potion Masters?
She's chatting up with Lord and Lady Dagworth-Granger cuz she's been working with them cuz they remind her of Hermione and she needed a job.
Anyway, he approaches the couple in hopes of talking to them and Harriet sees Minister Riddle approaching and quickly moves away to head to the drinks table.
And then lets out a breath of relief when she realises he wasn't heading for her.
She schmoozes for a few more minutes before calling it quits and heading out for fresh air.
The party is at the Dagworth-Granger's manor so she goes out to the gardens.
And hears a cry for help.
Her Gryffindor instincts push her to run towards the sound of danger.
But her Slytherin side made her hide behind the wall from where the cry of help had come from.
It was a witch being harassed by two wizards.
One of the wizards was holding her wand, taunting her.
While the other had begun to take off her outfit.
Before it could go any further, she brought the men's attention to her and with a flick of her wrist, Harriet had the men on their knees.
She then walked over to the one holding the witch's wand and grabbed it out of his hand, accidentally snapping his wrist in the process.
She gave the witch her wand back and accepted the shaky hug she received.
Harriet waited until the witch was out of sight before she turned to the men and smiled, watching as their faces fell into horror as they saw the fangs in her mouth.
(I'm in love with the prompt by a post on tumblr where  Basilisk!Harry is hugging Kneazle!Hermione and Dragon!Ron also wants his cuddles. I can't find the person who made it but I've lived by the idea that these would be their animagus forms if they ever performed the spell like James Potter, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew had done to become illegal animagi for Remus Lupin)
Harriet rips into their throats, feeds on them and then turns their bodies into ash with the fiendryfire spell.
She grabbed a mirror from her purse to erase the blood from her face and clothes and began to walk away lest anyone come looking for the wizards.
But, Harriet suddenly slammed into what felt like a wall.
A very warm wall.
Regaining her bearings, Harriet looked up to notice that the "wall" was MINISTER RIDDLE.
"Minister Riddle, what are you doing here?" She said pasting a smile on her face.
Shift of POV:
Minister Riddle internally sighed at being stuck in another ball instead of being at home, analysing the letter once again.
He was certain it was a woman who sent it as there was a red lipstick kiss on the paper after it was signed sss-ssss-sss (You-Know-Who)
His thoughts are cut off when Lady Dagworth-Granger asks her husband where Harriet is.
Who is Harriet? he muses but when Lord Dagworth-Granger offers to look in the gardens, Tom leaps at the chance to run away from the party.
He goes into the gardens aimlessly walking around for a few minutes, lost in his thoughts of his mysterious parselmouth when a witch comes out of nowhere and collides with him.
He uprighted her by placing his hands on her arms and looked on curiously as she seemed to freeze in place when she looked up to see that it was he she bumped into.
Tom Riddle is the one to freeze when she speaks.
"Minister Riddle, what are you doing here?" She says an innocent smile on her face as if she had no idea his whole world had just flipped on its axis.
She's speaking in parseltongue.
She's his parselmouth.
The one from another dimension.
But he had to clarify so he replies honestly for the first time in his life, in parseltongue, "I've been looking for you," 
"Searching for me? Whatever for?"
A boyish smile widens on his face before he forces it into a polite smile.
"The Lord and Lady Dagworth-Granger have been searching for you, Miss Harriet I believe you are?" He reverts to English to test if she notices the change but she doesn't.
She just replies in English, "Ah, I see. I disappeared for too long with my break from the stuffiness of the ball and yes, I am Harriet."
Harriet, he muses in his mind, no last name to give for me.
She extends her gloved hand for him to shake but Tom riddle reaches for both of her hands and turns them over to kiss them gently and forces himself not to give into the urge of nuzzling into her hands (well not yet at least) and without letting them go, he straightens to his full height to tower over her (giving him a thrill at knowing she was shorter, meaning he could easily pick her up and carry her, be it over his shoulders or bridal style) and replies, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Harriet. No last name?"
(Harriet has been wearing gloves cuz of the 'I must not tell lies' scars that cover her hands.)
Harriet smiles teasingly towards him and his cold heart thaws ever so, "I couldn't decide on a last name and I've decided I like the mysterious aura it gives me,"
Or maybe she couldn't risk using her real last name because she was from a different dimension, Tom muses in his mind, Nevertheless, Harriet Riddle has a lovely ring to it.
Harriet Potter: *staring confused at Tom Riddle as he smiles down at her
Tom Riddle: *Winter would be a lovely time to get married, wouldn't it?
I'm stopping here cuz it's a summary, not a story. Yes, I'm Evil.
Tell me if you like it tho.
I was this close *makes an inch between her fingers* to making this a Soulmate AU story.
Think of the angst that Harriet would go through all her life knowing that her soulmate's words to her are:  I've been looking for you
And it's an alternate hotter version of Tom Riddle, AKA THE BAD GUY WHO MURDERED HER PARENTS 
And think of how Harriet's words had motivated Tom his entire life to do his best to work hard (and cheat death) to live long enough for his soulmate to see him one day at a place be it a library or a gala or a hallway and ask him: Minister Riddle, what are you doing here?
Maybe I should make them soulmates.
I need a timeline. fuck.
Riddle was educated at Hogwarts from 1938 to 1945, and was sorted into Slytherin House, a nod to his ancestor Salazar Slytherin.
Making Tom 34 cuz 1927 is the year Tom was born in if he went to Hogwarts in 1938 which would make him 11 in 1938 and 38-11 is 27 so 1927 is when he was born.
61-27=34 so Harriet is in 1961 but cuz of the time skip tom is 35 years old in 1962
Harriet was born in 1980 
The Second War technically began on 24 June, 1995, though was not officially announced by the Ministry until nearly a year later on 17 June, 1996, and ended on 2 May, 1998, at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, after the death of the Dark Lord.
Which made Harriet 18 in 1998, 24 in 2004, 24 in 1961 and 25 in 1962
 but she deserves peace so the year Kreacher sent her back was 2004 which would make her 24 cuz he's horrified that she hasn't attempted to romance anyone since Cedric Diggory.
Tbh, if he was my bf I would never love again.
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But then hubby "I would burn the world down for you and rebuild a new one from its ashes" tom riddle is here and I'm like Cedric who?
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But none of them compare to (long list of titles, I'll research later.) Harriet James Potter.
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metalomagnetic · 5 months
hiii! i love your different characterisations of v so muchhh, how would you rank your voldemorts from the cruelest to the least cruel from all your fics?
That's such a fun question! Made me think a little, since my Voldemorts are always similar in nature, and mostly have some slight differences based on circumstances.
So, here we go, from the cruelest to the least cruel:
1.Voldemort from Ouroboros. (and from Beauty and the Beast, since I always intended them to be the same person with the same history. And he's also the same with The customer is always right.)
I think some people will not agree with this- I think the most common opinion is that Voldemort from Either must die is the cruelest, but in my opinion the one from Ourobors is far worse. The only difference comes from the way the protagonists sees him; Tom is cruel himself, so Voldemort doesn't look so bad to him; poor Harry is a national treasure made of kindness and compassion so he perceives his Voldemort in a different way. But, overall, in my mind, Ouro Voldemort is so much more broken, so much crueler than Either must die Voldemort.
2.Tom from Lesser Evil
Tom here is worse than even canon Tom. He suffers so much more in this world ruled by Grindelwald, and he also grows up with Gellert as a mentor, who gives Tom access to prisoners and poor civilians, with no consequences to be had. That universe is very, very lucky Tom developed an obsession with Albus, who so far keeps this feral boy from burning the world down. But when Albus will die...well. I would not want to be part of that universe, I tell you!
3.Voldemort from Either must die
I wouldn't say he's especially cruel compared to my other iterations of him, but this one is one of the sanest, so that makes him *highly* efficient. The scariest thing about this Voldemort is his remarkable patience and his crystal clear logic. Yet, over time, his daughter (and Harry, to a lesser extent) definitely mellow him out by the end.
4.Voldemort from It runs in the blood.
This one is also very scary because he's at the height of his power, still saner than whatever came back from Albania, and he's an expert manipulator. Some people tell me he is noticeably softer than my other Voldemorts, but he's not. It just seems that way because we see him mostly through the eyes of our smitten protagonist, Sirius, who also doesn't have the greatest moral compass in the world.
However, this Voldemort now gets someone in his life that might influence him in some ways, teach him something about caring for others.
5.Tom from Ouroboros (I feel like he should get a place in the ranking, too, since he's also Voldemort)
This is a Tom that grew up with a very broken, bent on revenge Voldemort. That learned dark magic straight from him, since an early age. Saw him torturing and killing muggles in their home basement.
Alas, he also got friends in this, and he learned some compassion because he felt safe, and that allowed him to care about others, too.
He's a sweetheart compared to his 'father', but he's still very much a cruel, selfish boy that ends up ruling the entire world and allows Voldemort to commit genocide against billions of muggles.
6.Voldemort from The last enemy.
He's dead, so he has nothing else to lose. There's no one around to be cruel to.
He also fell in love. Better late than never!
7, 8. Voldemort from Prison Blues/ Tom from Dissonance
Just plain, old regular cruelty levels.
9. Voldemort from Metamorphosis.
He's retired! He's too done with everyone's shit to be that cruel. He has it in him, of course, but those darn kids and that annoying Albus with his lovely, bouncing curls occupy most of his time, so he doesn't have the energy to be cruel much. And did he forget to kill Potter again? He even wrote it down somewhere!
10. Tom from `Metamorphosis.
He's just a darling. He's a little ...deficient when it comes to compassion, but he's definitely the most well adjusted from all the Voldemorts. He also makes a great step-dad! Ask Lucius, he'll tell you in a heartbeat that Tom is his favourite dad and he can do no wrong.
(Also, I realised the last 5 Voldemorts all had a fling with Abraxas? And they're the least evil? Hmmm....is that the secret? Malfoy cock is a cure to evilness??? Must be researched!)
This is just how I see it! I'm sure some of the people that read all these fics would rank them differently and that's fun and interesting! At the end of the day, Voldemort is rotten, everywhere, but he's just such an interesting, complex villain that I will never stop loving him. (From behind a laptop scree, of course. Where it's safe to love him and torture him in my fics.)
Thank you for the ask! ❤️
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kazuza-art · 11 months
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Another lesser evil fanart for the week end. I tried to color it so bad but nothing was working so I had to stick to the only thing I can handle for now 😭
I totally root for Riddledore in this story don’t get me wrong, but damn those flashback of baby albus and gellert are so soft and tender (with such a deliciously subtle dangerous underlining )
Ah how only the greatest most passionate love can turn so ugly and bitter. Love you @metalomagnetic for writing this 🥹❤️
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Bit of a rant and long post
Grindeldore fandom is probably one of the best fandoms I've ever been in like there is little toxicity probably because of how small it is but for goodness sake a Cannot stand this forced femininity on Albus I don’t mind having characters be feminine and wear dresses am a he/they/she genderfluid I like it when people make characters when both fem & masc cloths but you guys do know that Gellert can do that too. The minority of the fandom always seems to make one Albus feminine and Gellert extremely masculine. To the point, Albus is drawn as curvy with feminine hips and Gellert as a square like those really bad how-to-draw things you know the ones. It’s the same with the bottom/sub and top/dom debate like really are we still having this stereotypical gay relationship stuff with the hole in a gay relationship “there’s a girl and a guy in every same-sex relationship” when there are BOTH GUYS that’s the point of them being gay in 2023 Cabral believe we’re still having this conversation. like Gellert can wear a dress as well and Albus can wear a tux to a dance and vice versa. I don’t mind if you only want to draw Albus in dresses or hc him as being genderfluid, non-binary, Demiboy and using he/she/they pronouns and Geller as just using he/him or something like that it’s your hc and am not hear to tell you about your hc but that didn’t mean Albus like the girl in the relationship or something but as a genderfluid lesbian, I’ve seen many people who if I dated a girl was just using she/her say that I had to be the masculine or the metaphorical man in the relationship which is bullshit absolutely bullshit you know it’s just weird stereotypical gender stuff like come on guys. We can do better than this the Grindeldore fandom is literally amazing with tons of great theories, great people, great fanfic writers and great artists we don’t need to have weird gender roles or some batshit stereotypes in this wonderful fandom like please guys.
Also, I don’t think I explain this very well if you’re confused or annoyed by something just ask I’ll try clearing it up but hope you get the point am trying to make. But am just annoyed I feel the fandom has a tendency to do the hole you gay relationship with one being a guy and a girl. This isn’t targeted at anyone but it is just something I’ve noticed as a reoccurring thing Also I believe most of fandom doesn’t really do this I don’t think but I’ve a lot of it. See my problem isn’t Albus wearing dresses it’s the fact He can’t share them with his husband who also wants to wear dresses
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