#Gemstones in Bulk
thegembazaar · 2 months
About The Gem Bazaar
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At The Gem Bazaar, we proudly stand as the premier B2B wholesale gemstone marketplace, bridging the gap between Jaipur's rich gemstone suppliers and businesses across the globe. Our platform is a treasure trove of exquisite gemstones, meticulously crafted beads, and intricate carvings, each piece telling its own story of heritage and craftsmanship. With roots deeply embedded in the heart of Jaipur, known for its long-standing tradition in gemstone cutting and jewelry making, we offer a direct gateway to a world of vibrant colors and unparalleled quality. Our commitment to excellence ensures that every transaction is seamless, offering our global clients unparalleled access to the finest selections at competitive wholesale prices. Welcome to The Gem Bazaar, where timeless beauty meets business.
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itsbulkgemstones · 20 hours
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uniquejewel · 6 months
Radiant Spessartite Faceted Heart Beads | Unique Jewellers Jaipur
Spessartite beads are radiant gemstones that are famous for their vibrant colors and mesmerizing beauty. Each bead is finely crafted in the shape of a heart that makes them more affectionate and makes them the best choice for making jewelry. These pearls come in different colors like orange, light orange, orange red, reddish, brown & red-brown.
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rajiyagemjeweles · 7 months
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Natural Blue Lace Agate Cabochon Lot, Blue Lace Agate Mix Size Mix Shape, Blue Lace Agate Cabochon For Making Jewelry.
Price - Dm me
Dm me more details for price intrested buyers.
Shipping worldwide available.
Payment Paypal accept.
Custom orders also accept making jewelry and gemstones comment mine & Pm me.
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Wholesale Gemstone Beads | Natural Gemstone Beads Store https://www.onlinegemstonebeads.com/
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hitfitgems · 2 years
Natural Ethiopian Opal Smooth Round Beads, 3-5mm
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Natural Welo Fire White Ethiopian Opal Smooth Round Gemstone Beads, 3-5mm at Best Wholesale Price.
Shape: Smooth Round Color: White Length: 17 Inch Size: 3-5mm Cut Grade: Excellent Treatment: None (No Enhancement) Modified Item: No Country of Origin: Ethiopia Natural/Lab–Created: Natural Average Carat Weight Per Strand: 27 cts Country/Region of Manufacture: India
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hotyanderedaddies · 4 months
Hello mate
Would you ever be interested in writing something for a yandere Pirate x (navy) Admiral male reader?
Yandere Pirate Boards Your Ship for His Treasure
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[Yandere! Pirate x GN! Admiral! Reader]
You're an admiral on one of the Navy's most prestigious ships, and you were on a mission to deliver some precious cargo back to your country. Said cargo was traded goods, including gold and precious gemstones.
Word had gotten out regarding what your ship would be transporting, hence, your crew was on high alert for any pirates that might try to come and take it.
You were at the wheel of the ship when the bell from the lookout post started to ring. "Pirates!" the lookout shouted, altering you to the potential danger.
You grabbed your binoculars and tried to look out over the water for a sign of any pirate ship, but the thick fog helped to shield the lingering threat. Unfortunately, once the fog cleared enough for you to see, it was too late.
The pirate ship was dangerously close, enough for the pirate crew to start tossing ropes on board to your ship, some of them hopping on board to start attacking.
But that wasn't what made your heart drop.
You vaguely recognized the name on the side of the pirate ship: The Blackheart.
It was the ship belonging to one of the most infamous pirates on the Seven Seas, a dangerous pirate who went by the moniker "Daddy", and who was always successful when it came to taking whatever he wanted.
"Fuck," you spat under your breath.
The commotion happened so quickly that you didn't even have time to grab your weapon and help defend your ship, until the door to the steering room was kicked open and in walked Daddy.
The tall pirate had a joyful expression on his face, and he smiled widely as he looked over at you.
"Well, well," he said with a chuckle, "if it isn't Admiral Y/N. You know, I've been following your ship quite a while now, and I wasn't sure I'd get the chance to board. But as fate would have it, here I am."
"Yeah, here you are," you spat, "now leave!"
You tried to grab your sword, but Daddy was a lot faster than you, and he snatched it out from your reach.
"Not so fast, Darling," he laughed. "You see, I'm not goin' nowhere without my treasure." He crossed his strong arms in front of himself and waited, expectantly
From the opened door, you could see Daddy's crew rallying yours on the deck, having easily defeated them. They were starting to tie them up and you began to fear the worst.
Of course you had a mission, but you believed that your true duty was ensure your crew members' safety as opposed to some gold coins and shiny rocks.
"Fine," you relented, your shoulders falling. "Just let my crew go."
Daddy puffed out his chest with pride and stalked closer to you, completely towering over you with his intimidating bulk. "Oh?" he teased. "Are you givin' up already, Admiral?"
You scowled, avoiding his eyes.
"Just take your treasure and go," you muttered, clenching your fists angrily.
"Gladly," Daddy exclaimed.
Daddy stalked even closer to you and quickly tossed you over his broad shoulder as if you weighed nothing.
"W-wait!" you cried out, confused. "What?"
"Don't act so surprised, my treasure," Daddy chuckled as he carried you out of the steering room and over to the edge of your ship. With one mighty leap, he brought you onto his ship, and stalked over to the room on the deck that was without a doubt the captain's quarters.
Daddy kicked this door open too, revealing a tiny room with a double-sized bed. There was a singular nightstand beside the bed and on it was... a small picture frame with a picture of you in it.
You looked up at the pirate with confusion written all over your face.
Daddy only chuckled in response, closing the door shut behind you two.
"Oh, Darling," Daddy said in his deep voice, "I've been following you across the seas for a long time now. I've been so desperate to get my treasure, and now that I finally have it, I'm never letting it go..."
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Apple Merchant [BOTW!Link x Isekai!Reader] (Part 6)
Plans are being made. And Link is facing his demons as well as he can.
Still taking time to inch my way back to full speed. Things are getting better though and I can feel my fingers itching to write more and more. Still riding the joy of pure indulgence with a feel good favorite. I can never stop myself from rambling in this one.
Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Alternate Extras: Embrace
TW: Choosing not to display warnings. Read at your own discretion.
Disclaimer: Don't own The Legend of Zelda franchise.
Finally back in Hateno after several weeks of long, uncomfortable (sand infested. lizalfos infested) travel along the coast (doing your standard business. gathering what supplies you could for Link), and you were ready to just slip into bed for the rest of your life. Maybe even retire early. Ensure you never have to see another damned lizalfos for as long as you live (you won't, but the thought is there).
But it was simply not to be. You'd barely crossed the gates into Hateno proper and already you were planning (reluctantly) an even longer trip into territories you'd never (well. not never. but not for long) thought to venture to. And honestly, you weren't looking forward to it.
And by the look on Skim's and Adino's faces, neither were they.
Not even a day after returning to your home village you'd broken the news to your guards that you were planning a trip towards Goron territory. Though, if you were lucky and utilized your resources wisely, you might never even have to set foot in that brimstone hellscape of a volcano (you hoped).
You'd thought once (some years ago), that maybe it would be a place you should visit. The Gorons were known to be friendly to travelers. The paths were littered with unclaimed mineral and gemstone deposits. And the infrastructure for travel was there thanks to the thriving tourism industry in the area.
It'd seemed like a wonderful idea when you'd started planning such a venture in your early days of merchanting. Back when you were still riding high from making your first small fortune and were still relatively unaware of the world at large. Of its challenges. Of its dangers.
That was until you started gathering information on the hazards in the area, and your opinion of the region took an immediate and drastic turn.
The high death rates associated with heatstroke, dehydration and smoke inhalation were concerning enough. But learning that the volcano occasionally erupted (killing dozens, even hundreds of travelers when it did), and was infested with talus' (over 40 confirmed sightings. nearly 20 unconfirmed). It was enough to put you off.
Skims and Adino knew this. You'd made it a point to explain to them why you wouldn't be heading that direction ever (but apparently not ever, because here you were. planning). No matter how much money could be made harvesting minerals or trading with the locals.
Not the produce trade though, despite what one would think coming from a land known for its lava lakes and frequent wildfires.
The volcanic soil was actually an excellent source of fertilizer (which you wanted. in bulk. as much as you could shove in your mindslate). Making the region around the volcano one of the more prosperous lands for growing crops and herbs. Even when compared to the more central settlements of Hyrule, right on the bread-belt of the land (if you were willing to risk the guardians, that is).
It was a region a farmer (and merchant) could make a fortune, if they were lucky enough to hit brown gold. And If one was willing to take staggering losses everytime the volcano blew its top. And there would be losses. There always was when mother nature got involved with the lives of mortals.
No. You had been eager to get into the fish and cloth (and sand) trade. So close to the volcano, magma deposits were unusually close to the surface in the surrounding lands. And while this created the most beautiful hotspring (entire lakes worth) tourist attractions, it also limited the amount of life-sustaining (and fish-sustaining) water sources in the area. Which, in turn, limited the number of local fisheries and livestock flocks the land could sustain.
The constant presence of ash and volcanic runoff also poisoned much of the water sources in the immediate areas around the mountian. Further adding to the lack of available water sources for fish and livestock (and people too, for that matter. Hence, the sand. A natural filtering agent for locals in the area) to live off of.
So. Fish and cloth (and sand). Those had been your plan a couple years ago. Until the reality of the territory's dangers made you reconsider. And later, dismiss the idea all together.
Knowing this, of course Skims questioned your sudden interest in the northeastern part of Hyrule. A territory you had said yourself was not worth the risk of death and revenue loss to expand your business ventures into.
You had been honest with them, of course (you were always honest with your most trusted guardsmen. when confronted, at least). Though not necessarily forthcoming with the details. Which, frankly, was par for the course as far as your more private dealings were concerned.
"I'm looking to acquire localized goods for an important client." You offered in way of an explanation, letting the things you hadn't said speak volumes. And, of course, Skims merely nodded. Still looking doubtful, but willing to accept your reasoning as your own without contest.
That was another thing you liked about him, other then his fierce loyalty and care. Easy going at the best of times, accepting at the worst. You never had to worry too much about Skims poking holes in your reasonings or explanations. You just needed to pay him, and he was willing to turn a blind eye to your eccentricities.
Adino, on the other hand.
"It's a waste of damned time no matter how important this so-called client of yours is. Just use the stable system instead of draggin' us along to that Goddess forsaken hellhole." Adino snapped, irritable still so soon after the previous trip (the bite a lizalfos nearly took out of his rear near Highland Stable not having helped his already sour attitude). Narrowing his eyes at you with suspicion.
Which was fair, honestly. In any other situation, letting the stable system deliver your desired product would have been the most efficient (and cheapest) way for such a limited and precise order. What would take several months of travel for a merchant (yourself included), the system could get delivered several weeks earlier. Maybe the same amount of time, or slightly longer than originally calculated, if the weather turned unfavorable or a blood moon cluttered up previously clear roads with monsters.
Without knowledge of your mindslate or the connection you have with Link (the previously mentioned client), it does sound like a bullshit reason to undertake such a dangerous journey out of the blue. Especially when there are safer and more cost efficient methods to achieve the same results (sort of). But the fact of the matter is that the system would not be quick enough to deliver your order before Link begun his journey towards Death Mountain.
(And it would be soon. Already there were rumors of the Zora Domain's endless rains easing at the boarders.)
Tally up the timeables, and getting the merchandise yourself was the only feasible way to get ahold of what you needed when you needed it. Where the stable system would require a two way trip to acquire your goods, you needed only one way to get it yourself (and add the slate's instant delivery to Link, and you're set). It was the only way to guarantee you'd meet the rapidly approaching deadline.
Also, you didn't trust the stable system to be as discerning as yourself when choosing suitable product. While you didn't doubt they would put forth their best efforts, you acknowledged that a delivery guild probably had limited knowledge of advanced spell craft and their associated counterfeits.
You couldn't afford to make any mistakes when it was The Hero of Hyrule's life you were working to secure.
Only the very best would do for Link, after all. Even if you had to put in the footwork to ensure it.
You smiled tiredly at Adino, noting how his thin brows were pulled into a deep frow. How his eyes flickered over your road-weary face and sagging posture with veiled intent. Searching and prying and worried. Lips pulled down in displeasure.
He was worried for you. Keeping secrets (something you'd seldom done so openly before. something you'd rarely done, period). Taking seemingly unnecessary risks (something you'd never done at all before this little proposal). All behaviors that were definite red flags. All behaviors that were concerning. Especially coming from someone like you (who you'd become).
And you loved that about Adino. How quietly observant and caring he was when he cared enough to try. Even if he acted like a prickly little cactus most of the time.
"Trust me. I wish I could just let the stables handle this." You'd begun, meeting Adino's (and Skims) gazes as you continued. Sighing. "But this is something I have to do myself. It's important to me."
Skims nodded, having already accepted your reasonings regardless. And slowly, reluctantly, Adino nodded too. Still looking as surly as ever, but willing to back down quietly so long as you were in possession enough of your thoughts to acknowledge the strangeness of your current plans.
"Thank you." And you meant that. Even as the next words hurt your very soul. Perhaps even more than the damned sand (yeah right). "I'll pay you triple if you agree to accompany me as my bodyguards." Skims' and Adino's eyes lit up at that, and you could practically see the rupee signs swimming within them. The bastards.
And somehow Red was suddenly there as well, looking just as bright-eyed and eager as she nodded along with the boys.
Your brow twitched. And Red grinned. Far too many teeth caged within blood red lips.
You sighed.
'Damnit, Link. Why do you cost me so much money.'
Sitting on the edge of the Zora Capital's Central Reservoir, Link held the slate in his cold-numbed hands. Looking out over the misty landscape laid out far below, cushioning the shining zora city in its translucent shroud.
The divine beast calmed at his back, as was the spirit still trapped within its confines (patient. kind. understanding. even in the face of death and heartbreak).
His fingers tightened on the slate's smooth edges at the reminder. Knuckles turning white from the pressure of his grip. The chilled ache of his bones a painful burn against his exposed flesh and skin.
His shoulders begun to shake. He wanted to sleep in his own bed, with his own pillow and his own blankets. He wanted to bathe in his shiny round bowl of a bath with his nice smelling soaps and hair cleansers.
He wanted to go home.
He was afraid to go home.
But no. That wasn't true. Not really. It wasn't that he was afraid to go home (to his home. to your home).
It was that he was ashamed. Ashamed of what he had lost. Ashamed of how he had failed.
Seeing Mipha's face (and that was her name. Mipha. the zora woman he may have once loved. not some nameless face peering out of her tomb with sad, accepting eyes) had finally made him understand the weight he carried upon his shoulders now. The burden of his past failings.
And he didn't know how to reconcile these feelings. Of who he was, and the pain he'd left in the wake of his death.
And who he was now, and his inability to grieve these people who had once meant so much to him. And who, in some ways, still did. Even if he couldn't remember why he felt as such. Even as the guilt tore him apart at the seams.
Far below, in the dark waters of the Domain's endless web of rivers. The flashing white of paper slips beneath a rising current. The ink fading into the darkness of the depths.
Thank you for everything you've done for me. Without you, I don't know if I'd have the strength to continue on. Knowing so much has been lost because of my failure.
I'm afraid of what I'll find if I remember who I used to be. I don't think I can be the man so many remember.
I don't want to be him. He's dead. I'm not him anymore. I'm me.
Is it selfish of me to just want to be the man I am now?
I'm sorry I couldn't be stronger for you and everyone who ever believed in me. I'm sorry I don't want to remember how to be strong.
I hope one day you can forgive me.
Back to the shadows to rest.
I forgot the tags before sleeping! Sorry Babies, I know you already found it, but I'll still tag you regardless!
Tagging: @littlepanda7 @2000babies
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tsukiyadori · 8 months
"Amidst Stars Spread Out Immeasurably Like Sand, There is One Star Shining Towards me"
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 The Case Files of Jeweler Richard Side Story: Masago Nasu 真砂なす(Like Sand)
Finally, finished reading that side story. It took it to the last split part to actually get to the title's meaning that had been in a riddle to me for all this time. As it turns out, it's a from a song/haiku from poet Masaoka Shiki (1867–1902) from the Edo period in old Japanese and the nasu would be something like のうような or と同じくらい or 形づくる, basically a fancy way of saying 'like'.
Amidst stars spread out immeasurably like Sand, there is one star shining towards me
Which is to say, this is the origin story of Seigi's shift to calling Richard his 'shining star" in volume 12. It was just a little detail dropped in a conversation with Minoru, not explained, but probably noticeable to any observant reader as it has nothing to do with gemstones or natural phenomenon or anything he used previously.
Every time he calls him that, it's literally actually a confession basically???
I mean, that's pretty much the same thing they already did in Moonstone?? Just using a piece of more obscure classic literature that isn't so overused, like Souseki's The Moon is Beautiful. And with none of that teasing playfulness.
I still think Claire the Lune has to be right after the bulk part Masago Nasu, before its epilogue. It didn't get so much of a confirmation rather than another reference (Seigi having to realize, he's not the youngest any more, when he overeats.) And with that it's a whole string connecting it all together. But in any case, this is a direct prequel to the Overture side story. Which again is a direct prequel to volume 12. Both of them along of with v12 exorbitantly make me think of....
Series convergences (that maths thing) or the Sorites Paradox.
As in: How close do you have to get, how many grains do you have to pile up until it is basically as good or actually that same thing?
Seigi keeps insisting he's Richard's "Private Secretary". And it's his way of differentiating it from that usual stuff, to which he has clearly distanced himself more than one time. That's not the nature of their relationship, despite anyone outside thinking it could only be that. I still remember how I felt like screaming to the void when he declares as much to Jeffrey in the Otsukareta Hanashi short story (from Tsujimura-sensei's blog) that is set right after the epilogue of volume 10. (I mean, how often do you get something served that screams queerplatonic and then basically confirms it even if it doesn't use the word?)
But is it that still? (Was it that to begin with??) Does that differentiation even matter at this point? Couldn't they just go with that usual way?
In Ouverture the topic of marriage gets brought up by a Sri Lankan woman, Seigi dodges it, but there is no way he hasn't considered it. It's cut short by an interference by Richard. Seigi and Shimomura have a phone conversation and Shimomura treats his work as the same as a Jeweler, Seigi corrects him, his job title is 'private secretary' and he's stubborn about that, but also by this point, as Shimomura points out, he's doing effectively that very same work. Saul makes sarcastic implications about that job title in Masago Nasu, only for Richard to cut him short and basically muzzle him. But Seigi even has to and does agree. He even reiterates that fact in v12 by his own accord, his work is now essentially the same as Richard's as a jeweler (though he says he's still a sort of lesser Richard.) And 'private secretary' which really is his very Seigi-roundabout way of naming their nature of relationship that also just makes sense only to them. And the analogy to their relationship is palpable. It's been a running trope since at least Diamond that they look like a couple, but they have piled up a lot more of things that make it look just like that. And short stories like the Itsuka Operaza de actually depict the details from an outsider's eyes with more details, which almost feels like the narrative is trying to make a persuasive case.
And then there's Masago Nasu's main point. Saul telling them the story of his and his wife Masago, over whom he sing-sangs another ancient love poem, including a word that means sand and is her name. And he warns them, they are so similar, their headspaces are similar, it's like their souls are twins, so they are prone to not talk about some things, because they simply already know. But if tragedy strikes (Masago dies by the machineries of Truck-kun), you may be left with the regret of not having said enough that you loved them, when you had the chance. And there's the whole chess play, with Richard first being in a clear lead, but then bang, Saul drove him into checkmate, things aren't always going the way you think they will.
And Seigi has bullocks of things to say, but doesn't manage while it's probably super simple actually (he even basically concludes this in Clair de Lune!) while also not, but also he probably wouldn't ever use it that way, because as he already says in Sardonyx it feels like it would become trite to say it like that. Also, he's probably scared in a few ways about that on top of it. Not being able to say anything is 'salvation' to him. But also, Richard's waiting for that. Although clearly he very much knows already what it would be, because in all the numerous roundabout ways Seigi has long since said it, more than just a trillion times, but still apparently thinks he hasn't, but kind of also, he knows Richard knows (because he kinda always knows what he wants to say). But despite that, Richard looks very much like he wants to hear that. (At least that interlude in v12 and many other spots has him always look like internally sighing.) So he waits for Seigi to get there. (And even keeps any external interference away for him at that.) But what's worse, Seigi knows that. But still fails to, at this point, mostly because he keeps dodging the easy ways that are.
Couldn't they just settle for that usual thing? It really does undeniably look very similar. It would be simpler.
But where's the beauty in that trite simplicity? Why round up the convergence value, if you can have a beautiful endless irrational number?
(And there is still undeniably something still different. Or why make the point that they are sleeping in different hotel rooms or still have their own floors in the Sri Lankan house so clearly?)
It's a convoluted something, but unlike any other case of can't they just open their mouths and talk turkey?? It doesn't feel like there will be any miscommunication drama to be had here whatsoever.
Oh, I dig this dodgy roundabout way of all sorts of coded analogies, context-sensitive, but to outsiders entirely incomprehensible metaphors and talking around the bush while also having zero of the bad consequences not talking straight typically has in that old trodden infuriatingly stupid trope. I so dig it.
.... But I still also want to shake Seigi a few times though. Just because he says he'd wait a hundred years until you are both just bones in your graves; don't have this way too patient poor tsundere wait so long for it. Get it over or just settle on that there is no need to do this talking between you and don't tease the poor fellow so much. :<
In any case, quite curious where this is going to go towards in the next volumes. There seems to be little plausibility that this doesn't get picked up as a theme one way or another, me thinks.
Less than a week left until v13~
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cyberneticlagomorph · 2 months
The Appraiser's tent is much larger than you expected.
A sprawling mess of fine fabrics in colors that would make shrimp jealous, decorated with glittering baubles of all shapes and descriptions. The whole thing is perched on a set of four scaly bird legs, with the front set idly pawing at the dirt and a tail of some sort curling behind it.
Zeb gazes uneasily at the strange limbs. The tent seems to be aware of the boy because it curls the fingers of one front paw in a beckoning motion. Tigger has no such apprehension and is sitting very comfortably in the palm of the opposite paw, examining its large painted claws with childish delight.
A snout of considerable size melts out of the tent's shadowy interior, purple smoke coiling from fist sized nostrils and slithering between sharp teeth. "Come in, come in!" Purrs the snout. "I don't bite... much."
You watch the snout slowly retreat back into the silky darkness from whence it came and move to follow it, stopped only by the sudden iron grip on your wrist. Zeb's nails dig into your skin, his palms damp with anxious sweat, he's pulling on you with all of his weight and going nowhere.
"We need to go!" He gasps with exertion, still trying to pull you along.
"We can't go, I haven't finished my shopping." You don't budge, you weigh a quarter ton after all and even if you didn't this kid isn't very strong to begin with.
"To hell with your shopping!" Zeb switches from pulling to trying to push you, again getting nowhere. "That. Is. A. Dragon."
"Yeah, and?"
"Dragons EAT!! PEOPLE!!" He keeps pushing.
You pick Zeb up by the armpits and dangle him off of the ground like a naughty cat, "Good thing I'm very much not a people, c'mon they invited us in and it would be rude to decline."
Zeb squirms and thrashes as you throw him over your shoulder like a sack of potatoes, loudly objecting to this clear and definite suicide attempt of yours. You pointedly ignore his antics and carry on inside with Tigger close behind.
The tent's interior is no less grand than its exterior, the ceiling festooned with all manner of lights and lamps, the floor swaddled in intricate rugs. One corner of the tent is dominated by a massive set of golden scales, but the rest of the space has been taken over by the sheer bulk of a magnificent dragon.
It's a beautiful beast, with a long neck and an elegant snout that crinkles with a conspiratorial grin as it lays its golden eyes on you. The dragon's teeth are sharp glittering things made of precious metals and moon-bone, encrusted with gemstones and zigzagged with incomprehensible filigree.
You put Zeb down and watch the boy try to scuttle for the tent's open mouth, only for the flaps to delicately flutter closed and for him to run into them full force like a confused coyote. The dragon laughs at the display, it's a deeply melodious sound that shakes your bones in the best way.
The dragon lifts Zeb off the ground by the back of his shirt, bringing him up to its face for a closer look at the boy. Zeb of course starts to kick and scream, twisting and flailing until he manages to slip out of the creature's grip, falling into the dragon's other hand. The dragon opens its vast maw as if to eat the child, you reach for a weapon that isn't there only to watch the dragon reach into its own mouth and pull out a set of dentures.
"Now then, little Knightling, what was that about dragons eating people?" The dragon rumble-purrs with amusement.
Zeb stares at the dentures with clear distrust and disbelief, one hand reaching out to touch a moon-bone fang. His hand comes away wet and slimy of course, but he relaxes almost imperceptibly. "...you're toothless..."
The dragon roars with laughter, slotting their dentures back into their mouth, "Toothless is an old friend of mine, but no my name is Avarice."
Zeb looks, really looks at the hand he's sitting in. Avarice has no claws, the first digit of each finger and toe has been replaced by an intricate metal prosthesis. The dragon has no scales or horns, just soft bare skin tattooed to look like scales and sawed off stumps where horns should be.
Avarice doesn't have a tail either, just a scarred over nubbin at the end of their spine.
Zeb... feels sick and scared, but not like his life is in danger, like he's done something wrong again. "What happened?"
The dragon smiles again, resting its chin on the knuckles of its free hand, "Nothing you or your kin did, little morsel, I did this to myself as a brash wyrmling."
"Money makes the world go round, and I didn't have any, so I sold myself bit by bit until I had what I wanted and what I needed." Avarice sets Zeb down and the boy doesn't run this time, instead inspecting the dragon's fake claws and mangled tail.
"Did it hurt?"
"Oh yes, it still hurts in some places." Avarice says, fetching a kettle and some cups for you and Tigger and Zeb. "But I try not to think about it."
Zeb wanders numbly back to you without saying anything, you rub his back and feel him stiffen before he starts to relax again.
Avarice pours you all cups of spicy smelling sky blue tea with fluffy clouds scudding by just beneath the surface. It tastes the way flying feels, the rush of wind and the ever present excitement of defying physics that grips your heart like fear but is so much gentler. Zeb doesn't drink his, but he holds the cup politely and let's the warmth seep into his skin.
"Now then!" Says Avarice, sipping from a mug the size of a bathtub, "I assume you need my services, or you came to gawk at my misfortune, I charge by the hour for both so let's get things started hm?"
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itsbulkgemstones · 11 months
Shop for Authentic Natural Loose Gemstones at Wholesale Prices on Bulk Gemstones
Gemstones are like graffiti on a wall, adding sparkle and beauty to your life. At Bulk Gemstones, we are a leading wholesaler, manufacturer, and supplier based in Jaipur, India.
While diamonds are often considered the most precious and expensive stones, there are other gems that can offer unique beauty and luxury. A stone becomes a gemstone when it is skillfully crafted, enhancing its texture, look, and feel. Just like an emerald that shines with a billion beautiful miracles and possesses healing qualities, gemstones have the power to captivate and enchant.
Imagine a peacock singing in the rain, creating a mystical and magical ambiance. Gemstones are like rain to the peacock, enhancing its allure and beauty. Whether you want to adorn a pendant, glazing ring, or other jewelry pieces, gemstones add a touch of elegance and charm.
Gemstones come in various shapes, each with its own unique appeal. From round gemstones that fit perfectly in rings to oval-shaped gemstones that resemble the ideal face shape, there are endless possibilities. Pear-shaped gemstones draw the eyes downwards with their brilliant cut, while cushion-shaped gemstones reflect light with a dispersion that resembles a fluffy cushion. Square-shaped gemstones shine brightly with grace, and octagon-shaped gemstones feature facets that capture attention. Marquise or navette-shaped gemstones add style and independence, perfect for fashion-conscious individuals.
When purchasing gemstones in bulk, it's crucial to ensure their genuineness. At Bulk Gemstones, we prioritize the authenticity of our gemstones, providing you with a secure and trustworthy shopping experience. Consider the 4 Cs when selecting gemstones – color, cut, carat, and lucidity. Avoid falling for tricks or upgrades and always ask for genuine gemstones that truly embody the essence of a gem.
Shopping for gemstones in bulk not only lightens your efforts and wallet but also allows for more creativity in designing and trading. Explore our extensive collection of semi-precious and precious gemstones in bulk and upgrade your gemstone collection. From rings and bracelets to pendants, the possibilities are endless.
Gemstones hold a fascinating history. Ancient civilizations revered gemstones for their healing powers and often used them as gifts. Whether it's the ancient Egyptians' love for green gemstones like peridot and emerald, or the belief in garnets symbolizing life, death, and rebirth, gemstones have played significant roles throughout history. They are not only luxurious but also hold astrological influences, making them even more desirable.
Gemstones possess captivating qualities and interesting facts. From the strength and hardness of diamonds to the softness of amber, each gemstone has its own unique attributes. The world is filled with a variety of gems, each shining brightly in its own way. From rubies symbolizing life and love to tanzanite, a rare blue-violet gemstone found only in one location, each gemstone tells its own story.
Intriguingly, diamonds are often considered the "Kardashians" of gemstones, while red diamonds are extremely rare and hold great value. Lapis Lazuli, once crushed into powdered form, was even used as eye-shadow. Gemstones possess deep facts and secrets, making them truly fascinating.
Whether they are precious or semi-precious, gemstones are captivating in their own right. They add a touch of elegance and beauty to any piece of jewelry. Gemstones are treasures that have stood the test of time and continue to be cherished today.
Explore our collection of semi-precious gemstones and let their beauty and magic adorn your life. Choose from a wide range of options and let the gemstone's allure shine through.
For More Information Visit our Site
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uniquejewel · 2 years
In terms of the gemstone market, the gemstone wholesale India market is very rich, and you can find the rarest stones here. Not only that, but in India, Beads online shopping is also growing very fast but if you need gemstones for the jewelry business, buy wholesale gemstone beads in bulk. Here we are sharing short description about 10 semi precious gemstone beads.
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cannibalisticskittles · 6 months
OC + Random Associations
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tagged by @fiendpact, thank youuuuuu <3
Animal: i always waver between a dog and a cat with her – she's got the teeth and claws of a cat, the propensity for sleeping in and laying around in random bits of sunlight, and her mouth has a bit of that catlike :3 curve, but she is also extremely full of love in a way that radiates out from her much like a dog enthusiastically wagging its tail around exciting new people. either way tho – house pets that will love you deeply and also grievously wound someone who tries to harm you.
Colors: gold + vibrant blues and greens
Month: september?? i will be honest, i hadn’t had a month association before 
Songs: make the grade - jack conte, i won't hurt you - the west coast pop art experimental band, my dog’s eyes - zammuto, existential crisis hour - kilo kish, birdsong - regina spektor.
Number: 1 because she always feels lonely maybe, haha
Plants: asphodel – and I always think of strawberry blossoms when I think about what flower would best fit her, even though she is Very Allergic To Strawberries. sorry babe, but the imagery of the humble little strawberry flower is just too fitting.
Scents: ash, sulfur, whatever the hell bat guano smells like bc of all her spell components – but also something pleasantly warm and earthy, like rocks in a hot spring
Gemstone: i feel like i’ve got to go with amethyst bc. purble. 
Time of day: late late late at night, creeping into the very early morning, when the world is quiet and you can’t help but hear your thoughts (or your worries) clearer than ever before 
Season: autumn – the warm colors and dry crackle of shed leaves for her well, and even more so because she’s recently accepted the patronage of equinox, an autumn eladrin-flavored archfey
Places: caves with bioluminescent plants/fungi, places with strange and magical flora like the feywild, but also busy, crowded city streets where it's easy to get lost in the noise 
Food:  stew! and traveling rations like hardtack or jerky or dry, aged cheeses – things that would keep for a long time on the road. she’s an obligate carnivore, but she does try to pad her diet with as much non-meat as she can.
Drinks: really shit ale that you can buy in bulk at the local tavern as you daydrink with your adventuring party and discuss what steps to take next to fulfill your quest as you also take turns sneakily refilling your friend’s mug so that he remains convinced that it’s magically self-sustaining. (and also, a shitload of water. to wash down the dry ass jerky and hardtack.)
Element: fire
Seasonings: cinnamon and clove! also maybe saffron because she spent so much of her life traveling with trading caravans and saffron seems like the kind of coveted shit that would justify long-ass journeys by guarded caravan.
Sky: night, somewhere in the wilderness where it's so dark that the stars fill the sky everywhere you look
Weather:  hot, dry, windless summer days – if faerûn had wildfire watch levels, it would be stuck on extreme 
Magical power: fireball babyyyyyy (+ a dash of hellish rebuke)
Weapons: daggers. and more daggers, hidden in various places on her body. and teeth. so many sharp teeth. 
Candy/Sweets: honey candy, soft caramels – and pop rocks. she would be delighted by pop rocks.
Method of long distance travel: walking. just… long slogs on foot. walking across distances that are truly miserable to traverse – the sort where you’re ready to give up halfway through but can’t, because turning back would take as long as soldiering on, so you soldier on anyway? that. 
Artstyle: my memory of art styles has not really been brushed up on since my middle school days, i admit, but i think i lean towards impressionism for her
Fear: being useless, being alone, being Known; and, of course, the combination of those fears combined – having someone get close enough to her that it feels like they really know her and see her for who she is and then reject her as not being worth their time. 
Mythological creature: fairies/fae! they're beautiful, terrible, awful little winged shitheads and she adores them. and, to a lesser degree, unicorns, lmao. an association with and an assumption of goodness while also being fully willing and capable of skewering someone.  
Piece of stationery: an old, old notebook filled with small, cramped notes; various plans and calculations and details about people she comes across (‘naming day is just before the winter solstice; remember, they dislike most sweets and pastries’)
Three Emojis: 🥰🔥✨
Celestial body: stars, but distant and far off – she views herself as one of many, not standing out, and she’s very content with that! (imagining herself as one star in a sea of stars would delight her, actually. would feel a little less lonely.) perhaps she is a sun to someone, but that will never be how she sees it.
tagging @amphyn, @biknuckles, @brekkie-e, @fangmich, @lesbianaloy, @meishuu, @riddlcr, @stellamancer, @wasserpl – no pressure tho, haha
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demi-shoggoth · 7 months
2023 Reading Log pt. 14
Where the hell did November go?
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66. New World Monkeys: The Evolutionary Odyssey by Alfred L. Rosenberger. In the introduction, the author laments that there aren’t any good books outlining the evolution and ecology of the New World Monkeys. If that's the case, there still aren’t. This book does alright by the ecology part—it has good summaries of the anatomy, behavior and feeding interactions of the covered monkeys. But the evolution is a mess. Rosenberger’s take on the evolutionary relationships between the animals covered here is iconoclastic, to say the least. He distrusts molecular phylogeny, uses synapomorphic characters that are basically just vibes, and has an entire chapter dedicated to lambasting the idea that any mammals could disperse across the Atlantic Ocean from Africa to South America (the consensus explanation) in favor of a hypothesized trek through Greenland and North America that has no evidence and still requires open ocean crossings. This was an incredibly frustrating experience to read, because there’s enough good content among the dross that I didn’t want to just abandon it.
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67. Seaweeds of the World by John H. Bothwell. The weakest of Princeton University Press’ “X of the World” series. For one thing, the subtitle is usually “A Guide to Every Family”, whereas here it’s “A Guide to Every Order”. The book’s general coverage of seaweeds is pretty good—it explains why “seaweed” is a polyphyletic category but still useful in common English, explains the anatomy and the complex life histories of seaweeds. But the actual coverage of groups is lacking. Again, it doesn’t cover every family. And it’s more interested in seaweeds of economic importance than it is in their actual ecologies. Plus the writing is just kinda boring. This is the first entry in this series I do not recommend.
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68. Lapidarium: The Secret Lives of Stones by Hettie Judah. Now this is more like it! This book is a series of short essays about stones and their cultural impact. I’m a sucker for cultural histories in general, and this is a very good one. I especially liked that it doesn’t just cover gemstones, as I originally expected, but also stones used in art and architecture, resources like coal, and the use of earthworks in religion. The focus is much more on the culture than the geology, but the book does discuss things like deposition of sediments and how metamorphic rocks yield gemstones in explaining why certain places have certain rocks. The book is also lovely to look at, with minimalist bands of color along the sides of the pages in the hues of the stones covered in that chapter.
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69. Monsters and Monarchs: Serial Killers in Classical Myth and History by Debbie Felton. I was excited for this one. I had read Felton’s chapter in Monster Anthropology, which suggested that Greek traveler’s tales about werewolves and the murderous robbers encountered by Theseus in myth were both expressions of cultural fears about serial killers. Unfortunately, that article already covered the bulk of Felton’s actual argument and evidence, and this book is those 20 pages fluffed to 200. The only other really good material is some coverage of the distinction between Greek and Roman attitudes towards law and order, and what “counted” as murder in each society. The rest of it is handwaving and extrapolation from very little data, with just about every instance of mass killing that we have records of, from political uprisings to court intrigue, being taken as the work of a possible serial killer. Plus, the author is a Freudian, so we have to hear about coded references to rape and sexual violence in stories where there really aren’t any. Sometimes a bed where you get your legs cut off is just a bed.
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70. Cult of the Dead: A Brief History of Christianity by Kyle Smith. They say you can’t judge a book by its cover, of course, but that title and that cover made an instant sale for me. I’m glad it did, too, because this is a good one. An explanation of the importance of martyrdom to Christianity, it does an excellent job of explaining why, exactly, so many people were willing and eager to die for their faith, and how this persisted in building a persecution complex among the dominant European religion for centuries. The book avers from discussing the present day for the most part, tapering off with the work of reformist Catholics poring over the many, many legends about saints and trying to determine which, if any of them, represent actual historical events rather than religious fictions. Other topics covered include the trade in relics, the role in martyrologies in shaping the modern calendar, and how women could most easily play a role in the Church through the mortification of the flesh. The book is eminently readable and very well illustrated.
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bolyde · 2 months
“I sleep better if you’re around.” (for rolan again !! teehee)
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In the wake of the Netherbrain's defeat there were plenty of individuals who needed aid that the Sorcerous Sundries was able to provide.
It also helped to have Leitha stay in the city. Rolan can give credit where it is due, and it is the fact that they were an extremely talented wizard, and while Rolan could figure out to handle everything on his own he was thankful that he didn't need to yet.
The two of them had been hard at work within the alchemy lab for the better part of the day, bulk orders of potions coming in seemingly endlessly. Rolan's wrist was aching from grinding the gemstones down, and due to the heal that came with distilling the water properly his hair was pulled up into a bun and sleeves were rolled up to his elbows in an effort to gain some relief from the humidity. Now far into the night, Rolan thought that perhaps it was time to stop-
"Are you asleep?" He accused, tail flicking in curiosity as he massaged his wrist. Rolan maneuvered over to where Leitha was resting their head, arms curled up beneath their head, and he set a hand between Leitha's shoulders.
“I sleep better if you’re around.”
The way their words sleepily left their mouth struck Rolan right in his sternum. "I think a bed might suit you better." Rolan replies simply, tail swaying idly as he offered a hand to help them up and out of the lab for the night.
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