#new world monkeys
markhors-menagerie · 10 months
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Black-headed spider monkey (Ateles fusciceps)
Spider monkeys are famous for their agile profile when climbing, swinging from the trees with their thumb-less hands and supporting their body weight with their prehensile tail. Who needs opposable thumbs when you have a fifth limb? The black-headed spider monkey is found in tropical forests at the very northwest top of South America, and eats fruits, leaves, seeds, nuts, bark, and insects.
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animal-of-the-day · 3 months
have you done spider monkeys?
Animal of the day: Spider monkeys !
Spider monkeys are New World monkeys in the genus Ateles, and they are notably larger than most other monkeys in the region. They use their long thin arms, legs and prehensile tails to swing from tree to tree with a spider-like appearance, which is how they got their name !
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These monkeys are native to central and south America, and they live in tropical rainforests. They mostly eat fruit, nuts and seeds, and thereby act as important seed dispersers for many plants. They also eat insects and arachnids, which means they have an omnivorous diet. Due to habitat loss and human activities such as hunting, all seven species of spider monkey are declining, and the brown spider monkey in particular is critically endangered :(
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Spider monkeys, like humans, are social creatures that live in communities of around 20-40 individuals. They are known to engage in polygamous sexual behaviours and have sexual segregation with differential roles in foraging for food and parental care. They are very intelligent animals with the ability to communicate using a wide range of vocal sounds, such as barking and screaming !
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Interestingly, female spider monkeys have well-developed genitals that are difficult to distinguish from those of males due to the shape, size, and urinary function. This is really cool and it shows how even among primates sexual dimorphism is not as black and white as humans often think it is !
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tidenoodle · 6 months
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Heyyy long time no post! I've been making things, I just got behind on tumblr. DtB is coming up soon and I have a lot to make. Speaking of DtB, that's what these little guys are a preview for! Not for Ecosystem... no, these curious little monkeys are for the tree! They are so excited to climb around the branches and see all the other ornaments.
(Their true ornament versions are the proper 100px, but I like to show my stuff in 150px because it's a bit more detailed.)
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demi-shoggoth · 6 months
2023 Reading Log pt. 14
Where the hell did November go?
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66. New World Monkeys: The Evolutionary Odyssey by Alfred L. Rosenberger. In the introduction, the author laments that there aren’t any good books outlining the evolution and ecology of the New World Monkeys. If that's the case, there still aren’t. This book does alright by the ecology part—it has good summaries of the anatomy, behavior and feeding interactions of the covered monkeys. But the evolution is a mess. Rosenberger’s take on the evolutionary relationships between the animals covered here is iconoclastic, to say the least. He distrusts molecular phylogeny, uses synapomorphic characters that are basically just vibes, and has an entire chapter dedicated to lambasting the idea that any mammals could disperse across the Atlantic Ocean from Africa to South America (the consensus explanation) in favor of a hypothesized trek through Greenland and North America that has no evidence and still requires open ocean crossings. This was an incredibly frustrating experience to read, because there’s enough good content among the dross that I didn’t want to just abandon it.
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67. Seaweeds of the World by John H. Bothwell. The weakest of Princeton University Press’ “X of the World” series. For one thing, the subtitle is usually “A Guide to Every Family”, whereas here it’s “A Guide to Every Order”. The book’s general coverage of seaweeds is pretty good—it explains why “seaweed” is a polyphyletic category but still useful in common English, explains the anatomy and the complex life histories of seaweeds. But the actual coverage of groups is lacking. Again, it doesn’t cover every family. And it’s more interested in seaweeds of economic importance than it is in their actual ecologies. Plus the writing is just kinda boring. This is the first entry in this series I do not recommend.
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68. Lapidarium: The Secret Lives of Stones by Hettie Judah. Now this is more like it! This book is a series of short essays about stones and their cultural impact. I’m a sucker for cultural histories in general, and this is a very good one. I especially liked that it doesn’t just cover gemstones, as I originally expected, but also stones used in art and architecture, resources like coal, and the use of earthworks in religion. The focus is much more on the culture than the geology, but the book does discuss things like deposition of sediments and how metamorphic rocks yield gemstones in explaining why certain places have certain rocks. The book is also lovely to look at, with minimalist bands of color along the sides of the pages in the hues of the stones covered in that chapter.
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69. Monsters and Monarchs: Serial Killers in Classical Myth and History by Debbie Felton. I was excited for this one. I had read Felton’s chapter in Monster Anthropology, which suggested that Greek traveler’s tales about werewolves and the murderous robbers encountered by Theseus in myth were both expressions of cultural fears about serial killers. Unfortunately, that article already covered the bulk of Felton’s actual argument and evidence, and this book is those 20 pages fluffed to 200. The only other really good material is some coverage of the distinction between Greek and Roman attitudes towards law and order, and what “counted” as murder in each society. The rest of it is handwaving and extrapolation from very little data, with just about every instance of mass killing that we have records of, from political uprisings to court intrigue, being taken as the work of a possible serial killer. Plus, the author is a Freudian, so we have to hear about coded references to rape and sexual violence in stories where there really aren’t any. Sometimes a bed where you get your legs cut off is just a bed.
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70. Cult of the Dead: A Brief History of Christianity by Kyle Smith. They say you can’t judge a book by its cover, of course, but that title and that cover made an instant sale for me. I’m glad it did, too, because this is a good one. An explanation of the importance of martyrdom to Christianity, it does an excellent job of explaining why, exactly, so many people were willing and eager to die for their faith, and how this persisted in building a persecution complex among the dominant European religion for centuries. The book avers from discussing the present day for the most part, tapering off with the work of reformist Catholics poring over the many, many legends about saints and trying to determine which, if any of them, represent actual historical events rather than religious fictions. Other topics covered include the trade in relics, the role in martyrologies in shaping the modern calendar, and how women could most easily play a role in the Church through the mortification of the flesh. The book is eminently readable and very well illustrated.
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ruporas · 9 months
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opla inspired!
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jeiyuuen · 3 months
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Punk Hazard proposal redraw
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vintagewildlife · 9 days
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Black lion tamarin By: Unknown photographer From: Wildlife Fact-File 1990s
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ollyneanderthal · 1 year
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hybrids 2: uakari mermaids
since it’s mermay!
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izuke-the-zombie · 1 year
hi!!!! im such a big fan of ur work hfdjkshfs your drawings are incredible and you seem like a really nice person!! i hope u have a great new year nd have a good day :D
🌸Thank you so much!!!💕✨ I hope yours and everyone in the whole wide world has the most fantastic year ever and hopefully we can encourage one another for a better year too🤩✨💕🌸🎉💐 let's be the best versions of ourselves we can be😆✨
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🎉Happy New Year everybody😆🎊 here's another year of an unhappy Mac😍✨🐰
PS I'm sorry this drawing was late💦
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onepiece-coded · 8 months
Look, I'm not saying that New World reptile Au could use crocodad. But the angst.
The correct question to ask is... but the flamingodad angst!!
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markhors-menagerie · 11 months
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Bearded emperor tamarin (Saguinus imperator subgrisescens)
This tiny, tiny tamarin is found in the wet forests where Brazil and Peru border each other. They eat fruit, flowers, fungus, and tree sap- but they’re apparently too lazy to dig their own holes in trees, so they wait for a different species to do it for them!
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as-i-watch · 1 year
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Illustration by Chixy Anaa
Izuku followed her pointed finger, and saw the patch of open ground. Within a few moments, Yamato’s feet touched the grass, and Izuku undid Blackwhip, dropping lightly to the ground.
He looked around. The forest was lush and green from above, but from ground level it was dark and brooding; thick with tangled branches and heavy undergrowth. There was a stream at least, about thirty meters away; but Izuku could not see much further.
No one would bother them there. All the privacy in the world.
"Alright." He turned to face Yamato. She was bouncing on her feet, as giddy as can be. "So Yamato… how does one use the power of Haki?"
"Oh that’s simple!," Yamato replied, smiling radiantly, “It’s a power born from one's own will and ambition!"
"Will and ambition?"
That answered…precisely nothing.
"Yep! Just think of 'I need to hit someone really hard in the face!' or 'I need to protect myself even more than I could!' or something like that," Yamato explained.
Izuku blinked once, twice.
"That's it?" The voice sounded like an echo, before he realized that many of the Vestiges in his head had spoken aloud with him at once.
"Yep!" She turned and strode over to a large boulder on the edge of the clearing. "Here, I'll show you."
[Chapter 28, Heroes of the New World by Zaru]
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theprodigypenguin · 6 months
Rated G | 1226 Words | Good Dad Dragon | Baby Luffy | Fluff
There was so much life in his tiny little body it was overwhelming.
*blows a kiss* for the Dragon Lovers ❤️
Nah but ever since I had that fucking dream of Dragon singing a lullaby to Luffy I've been tearing at the seams to write this, so I slammed it out while listening to Miserable Man(David Kushner) and Atlas Falls(Shinedown) , I hope you enjoy reading 😩
Title inspired by the only lullaby lyric I remember from my dream.
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local-fire-dumpster · 10 months
Reverse Au where instead of Ace, Sabo gets captured to be publicly executed.
Ace managed to overpower Teach by just a little, so the later makes a run for it and somehow manages to capture Sabo instead, which suits him just fine.He still becomes a Warlord as Sabo is the Revolutionaries No.2 and worth a lot.
When Ace finds out while tracking him he has a stroke. Likewise Luffy who is on Amazon Lily like in the canon timeline also has a stroke.
Basically both of them end up infiltrating Impel Down independently, in an attempt to rescue Sabo and join together once they find out.
With both Ace and Luffy working together the guards and Magellan couldn't stop them from reaching Level 6 and freeing Sabo.
There'd be a lot of angst and tears bc Sabo still got amnesia and straight up does not know who they are but ultimately it'd be a happy AU because they all make it out alive while the navy gets humiliated by Luffy once more.
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ask-the-marimozoro · 1 year
(( Hi, it's been a while.
I'm sorry about all this time I haven't been around in the blog, life sure has been a chaotic ride in any way possible for me and my family for a while now. I wish I can get more time to be around this year for I love this blog and the people I've met thanks to it. All I can say is that, even when it's not a certainty that I'll be here anytime soon, I'll do my best to find the time to be back on the things I love once I get used to the new life I'm about to start along my close family.
By the time you're reading this, @ask-the-future-kingofpirates and I are on our way to our New World.
Thanks to everyone who's still here and to the new followers too. I hope that when the time comes and I get to be active again, I won't disappoint any of you. ))
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