drsonnet · 4 days
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Strapped down, blindfolded, held in diapers: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center..Finally, #CNN SPEAKS (May, 2024)
Sde Teiman: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center | CNN
| تحقيق لسي إن إن: - انتهاكات وتعذيب لمعتقلين فلسطينيين على يد جنود إسرائيليين في مركز اعتقال سري بالنقب. - شهادات مخبرين إسرائيليين كشفت أن المعتقلين الفلسطينيين يعيشون ظروفا قاسية للغاية.
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Update from #Khan Yunis (May, 2024) :
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Palestinian citizens, who have been kidnapped by Israel's military from Khan Yunis | (Jan., 2024)
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Palestinian men detained by Israeli forces since the start of the war in Gaza have told Middle East Eye how they were physically tortured with dogs and electricity, subjected to mock executions, and held in humiliating and degrading conditions. (March, 2024)
long live the resistance : This is what Farouq looks like after severe... (tumblr.com) Dec, 2023
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soon-palestine · 1 month
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By Yaimi Ravelo
With the participation of 82 delegates from 26 countries, the anti-imperialist meeting echoes the international rejection of the genocide perpetrated by the Zionist army of “Israel” on the Palestinian people; and the unanimous demand for the return of the Cuban territory usurped by the United States with the installation of the Naval Base in Guantanamo; first Military Base of that country in the world, as well as the repudiation of the wars organized by NATO under the direction and auspices of the US.
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usauthoritarianism · 1 month
OK So Context
I kind of progressively lost my mind in college. What with the learning about the specifics of what is going on and how it relates to what has happened in the past. -and subsequently took the time to develop a series of presentations about why the US sucks.
Specifically, the interventions in Latin American, just the astoundingly predatory nature of American Capitalism domestically and The Police, like, as a concept.
Fast forward to the Summer of 2022 and I realized that working with an editor and publishing a book is hard and expensive but its measured in thousands not tens of thousands so I committed to doing that at some point in my life with this project, and began working on adapting the presentations with more research and more connections between these different expressions of White Supremacy.
I let the research balloon. There's just so much.
Anyway, the whole social media campaign thing was to distract me from pinning all that down. -and last month one of the members of my subreddit, u/acebush1, self immolated in the time it took to get around to responding to his most recent comment. That made this all very real. The US' support for Israel and it's foundation as a settler colonial state are critically relevant.
Right, so,. Last month someone asked me how to buy the book and that was the thing I had said to myself would mark the transition back to a writing and research focus rather than just research and learning social media.
Site is up. Its an email submission form with a set your own price stripe link.
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Doctor Denounces C.I.A. Practice of ‘Rectal Feeding’ of Prisoners - The New York Times
Dr. Sondra S. Crosby, a court-approved expert on torture and other trauma, testified in a long-running defense effort by lawyers for Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, who is accused of orchestrating the 2000 bombing of the U.S.S. Cole. The lawyers are seeking to suppress from his eventual trial admissions he made to federal investigators as tainted by torture.
She held up a tube that is designed to be put in a patient’s windpipe and said that — according to the agency’s once-secret records —C.I.A. prison staff inserted one just like it into Mr. Nashiri’s anus in May 2004. Agency personnel then used a syringe to inject a protein enriched nutritional shake into his body.
She testified that at Guantánamo Bay in 2013, Mr. Nashiri confided that, years earlier, C.I.A. personnel grabbed him from his cell, stripped him naked, shackled him at the wrists and ankles, bent him over a chair and administered the liquid.
He asked that she never again speak to him about it. And he did not attend the court session when she discussed it at length on Thursday.
“This was a very, very distressing painful, shameful stigmatizing event,” Dr. Crosby testified. “He experienced it as a violent rape, sexual assault.”
Another year would pass before Dr. Crosby found corroboration of the account. In December 2014, the Obama administration released a 500-page summary of a classified Senate study of the C.I.A.’s so-called black site program. It revealed the agency’s practice of using “rectal rehydration” and “rectal feeding” to punish prisoners.
At the time, the C.I.A. defended it as a sound medical procedure. The group Physicians for Human Rights then condemned the practice as “sexual assault masquerading as medical treatment.”
But this week the agency declined a request for a comment on the descriptions that were attributed to the C.I.A. in open court. Nor would an agency spokeswoman respond to Dr. Crosby’s testimony that Mr. Nashiri also told her that he was sodomized with a broom stick while the C.I.A. held him in a cell, nude with his wrists shackled above his head.
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pipe-tobbaco · 27 days
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dollfishu · 1 year
I will be adopting this quote from now on whenever I find myself in a pickle.
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the-vegan-muser · 1 year
So every time I get into a new hardcore band, I check their Wikipedia to make sure they’re not white supremicists or something because that happens sometimes and the band I just looked up has an absolutely wild section:
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lunarian-anarchist · 1 year
People really need to talk about how Desantis tortured people at Guantanamo more....
TLDW:  Desantis oversaw torture at Guantanamo.  He would gain the trust of prisoners over time and then ask them about their biggest fears.  He would then report back and the torturers would use the information of the prisoners fears to personalize their torture.  Desantis would watch and laugh while this happened.
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azspot · 1 year
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Sunday, June 25 - Washington, D.C., and across the U.S.
Biden, Take Cuba #OffTheList of ‘State Sponsors of Terror’
End U.S. Terror Against Cuba! Life All U.S. Sanctions!
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thingstrumperssay · 1 year
so Ron DeSantis enjoyed torturing people in Guantanamo Bay. One of the people he tortured described what he would do in a podcast. Not only could I not finish the first paragraph, I had to drink some Pepto afterwards to keep my food down.
Shit’s disgusting, and I’m sure it got a lot worse than force-feeding Ensure to people, so reader beware.
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sixbucks · 1 year
Ron Desantis was a Navy JAG on the investigation of the hanging deaths of Ali Abdullah Ahmed, Mani Shaman al-Utaybi, and Yasser Talal al-Zahrani while being detained at Camp Delta in Guantanamo Bay.
I’ll not saying he scuttled the investigation.
But I completely believe he would scuttle such an investigation.
If you want to know more read on. If you don’t want to I understand.
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sarahaubel · 7 months
Adèle et moi.
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Je ne chante ni bien ni mal et c’est là tout mon drame. Pas assez bien pour qu’on s’extasie, pas assez mal pour qu’on en rit. Le genre de moyenne supportable sur 2min30 mais qui donne envie de me fourrer du sopalin dans la bouche au bout d’une heure. Et là réside une partie du problème. J’ai de l’endurance. En témoignent mes partenaires de karaoké. Accrochée à son micro tel un bulot à son rocher une femme réussit l’exploit de chanter une semaine d’affilée sans boire ni manger. Mes amis sont trop aimables pour m’interrompre, je doute qu’il faille les en remercier. Ils supportent, sourient, serrent les dents sans aucun doute, se risquent même parfois à taper dans leurs mains ou à chanter avec moi ce qui, je vous met en garde dès à présent, a toutes les chances de me relancer avec plus d’ardeur encore. Je donne dans le vibrato de fond de gorge légèrement nasillard, toujours en rythme avec ce qu’il faut de justesse pour penser moi-même que j’envoie du lourd sur Adèle (prenez la mesure de l’ego). Sans parler de mon faciès. Sourcils froncés et petite moue de tête à claques, parfois même quand c’est trop bon je ferme les yeux. S’ajoute à ça une maîtrise inégalée du yaourt franco-français qui a tué une seconde fois ma tendre Dalida dans la tombe. Aux oreilles des autres c’est une torture lente. Vous connaissez le supplice de la goutte d’eau ? Au commencement on se dit que c’est inoffensif, à l’usure on massacrerait sa propre mère pour que ça s’arrête. La goutte d’eau c’est moi. Envoyez-moi à Guantanamo, je serais votre meilleure arme, tortionnaires.
Maintenant que je me suis confessée et mes vacances approchant voici un avertissement : Ne sortez jamais vos guitares en ma présence messieurs. Je me jetterais avec allégresse sur l’occasion pour massacrer vos interprétations.
Je suis à la chanson ce que le taboulé industriel est à la gastronomie française. À petite dose ça passe encore mais un peu trop et c’est l’étouffement garanti. Vous êtes prévenus.
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mulderspice · 1 year
pregnant scully: eats rabbit
rabbit soul staring at developing little william: This is where the fun begins.
william a few years later: has weird eyes and scampers
our first gitmo of 2023
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If a prisoner hadn't lived outside, he would not detest the dungeon.
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