#HAHA ! <3
princema-k · 2 years
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so. do u guys like pain ? :) (original date: march 26, 2022)
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sherlockig · 6 months
Ok I’m glad I’m not the only person who has been reading your username as “Sherlock I guess” for the last year… 😭
haha i am sorry for my confusing username lmao 😭 it can mean whatever you want it to mean. its sherlock + lockig but its also sherlock + ig where "ig" is a the swedish way to make a adjective out of a noun
Send me an ask with an assumption you've made about me, and I'll tell you if it's true or false.
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gnzma · 1 year
a bite on the neck, violently
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By now, neither could stay in the same area of the other without eventually getting aggressive.
As odd sa it might sound, Guzma knew better than throwing the first punch... at least when it came to people like Lysandre.
The powerful ones, the ones that showed no mercy. Who aimed for the easy targets instead of facing him directly.
But, really.
Would anyone be surprised if the Skull leader immediately got on the offensive when he noticed the other lurking around Ula'Ula again? Not even at the garden, in town, or hell even at the League -- but right past Tapu Village, near Nanu's police station?
That wasn't a coincidence.
The asshole was keeping tabs on them as far as he knew, - or at least on Ree - so clearly he didn't get the memo when he asked oh-so-politely to stay out of the way.
So. Of course he ended up getting violent. It's just fair, no?
His fist connected with the Kalosian's face, and soon the other retailated. It was quick, violent, an exchange of punches and insults that, much to his surprise, he found himself unable to keep up with.
Slammed against a nearby wall, Guzma's movements are restricted by the giant's hands - one holding on one of his wrists, the other grasping at his face, thumb pressing on the bruised cheeks, index tainted by the blood falling down the thug's nose.
Still, he keeps eye contact, struggling and growling against that mountain -- and, finally, he yells in pain when the other moves unexpectently, biting at the side of his neck.
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Fangs pierce through tender meat with ease, draw blood, try to rip his skin. If he's forced to step back, it's just because one of the Skull's free hand moves fast and attacks the beast's eyes, squeezing enough to make him let out a roar of pain and step back, rubbing them and giving him a second to breathe, lean over, move the same hand on the new wound.
Fuck. It's bleeding badly. If he wasn't fast enough...!
"...s-son of a bitch...!" he pants heavily, finding his breathe tremble with fatigue and agony "Fight like a man!"
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osshisan · 9 months
jp enstars!! players.... do we get 100 bp for climax events i can't remember and im poor
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smitebounds · 2 years
          @gcldenrule​ !!
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          “alright, mate. where are you—” shades up since hitting the curb, ezra had gone through the motions of greeting his passenger without checking to see who’s settled behind him. normally, not an issue. now... it wipes the easy smirk from his face, has him sinking down into his seat. odd. “—off to, then?”
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angelsandarsenic · 1 year
One of my all time favorite whump tropes is when whumper tells Whumpee their plans to capture whumpee’s team when they come to save Whumpee, and that delightfully heartbreaking moment when whumpee says “you’re wasting your time, they’re not coming for me”
Or, possibly better, is the same thing but whumpee waits fearfully for their team, knowing it’s a trap…only to realize that they never came
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miratenebrarum · 1 year
🪓 or 'weapon’ // sender corners receiver with a weapon He swings the chain with the blunt ball at the end just outside the inn, wrapping it around his legs and yanking back.
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He should know better, by now. It doesn't take much more than a single instant to end up in trouble. Just one moment alone, away from the noise and the despressing chats of his companion, to take in the night breeze and reminisce on on his own about the better days -- if there was any 'better day' to remember to begin with, anyway -- to fall.
In this case, literally.
One second he's standing outside the inn, his eyes closed, blindly looking for the very last cigarette in his pockets, and the next he's yelping, his back hitting the mud, dragged towards the darkness as his hands, rather than some smoke, quickly reach for his gun, aiming it in front of him as he removes the secure--
--and hesitates, for a second, as he notices who decided to pull that little prank on him.
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There's a moment of hesitation. A moment where he feels a shiver go up his spine.
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And the next, he just pulls the trigger.
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
Nite & Daye Lore
Established Relationships
(sorry this took so incredibly long)
I struggled immensely with how I wanted to make this post so I want to first and foremost thank @marinesocks for listening to me ramble about it haha. I appreciate it <3
Basically, I'll be listing out some of the fairly important relationships of the main cast in Nite & Daye (non-spoiler ones anyways) that occur before the story starts.
Anyone is welcome to ask questions about ANY of these relationships (considering there are plenty of characters here who yet to be mentioned).
Anyways, info under the cut (:
Daye Nouvel
Aleah Nouvel (parent)
Eero Black (half-sibling)
Vasin Wood (half-sibling)
Amoris "Nite" Rien (sibling?)
Lenora "Nora" LeBlanc (acquaintance)
Amoris "Nite" Rien
Aleah Nouvel (parent?)
Daye Nouvel (sibling?)
Silver Light (friend?)
Aleah Nouvel
Maverick Blake (ex-partner)
Mattias "Matty" Cross (ex-partner)
Mordecai "Mort" Wood (late partner)
Silver Light (ex-partner)
Micrathena (business partner)
Vell (ex-business partner)
Aglamir "Agla" Illiad (late business partner)
Ventian Illiad (mutual dislike)
Salomé LeBlanc (mutual dislike)
Imani Emem (mutual dislike)
Akane Sato (mutual dislike)
Eero Black (child)
Vasin Wood (child)
Daye Nouvel (child)
Silver Light
Aleah Nouvel (ex-partner)
Amie Coeur (ex-partner?)
Rachel Young (platonic partner)
Colm Enda (adoptive child)
Merel Ingram (adoptive child)
Amoris "Nite" Rien (friend?)
Eero Black
Aleah Nouvel (parent)
Vasin Wood (half-sibling)
Daye Nouvel (half-sibling)
Vell (business partner)
Evelyn Fare (acquaintance)
Aurora Solin (acquaintance)
Carmine Solin (acquaintance)
Vasin Wood
Aleah Nouvel (parent)
Mordecai Wood (late parent)
Eero Black (half-sibling)
Daye Nouvel (half-sibling)
Sozminir "Soz" Illiad
Ventian Illiad (parent)
Aglamir "Agla" Illiad (sibling)
Aleah Nouvel (former business partner)
Eero Black (business partner)
Evelyn Fare (friend)
Aurora Solin (friend)
Carmine Solin (friend)
Aleah Nouvel (business partner)
Riziren "Ren" Illiad (enemies)
Caecis Hemera
Erebros (sibling)
taglist - @midnight-and-his-melodiverse, @isherwoodj, @cedar-west, @bardic-tales, @cactusmotif, @fearofahumanplanet, @marinesocks (if you’d like to be added or removed, don’t hesitate to let me know!)
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panther-asterisk · 2 years
If headless horseman Blake attacked my by throwing his head at me I would just catch It and smooch it
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traumxrei-archive · 1 year
can i call you trau?
of course !! i assume you mean in asks or in comments/tags, but sure, go ahead ^^ but if you don't feel comfortable, you could also call me op skfjdks i always call ppl i don't know op when i rb art or fics or etc.
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xx-hail2theking-xx · 2 years
oh, lol, the authority of angels. u both have the same kind of.. whismy to ur speech
ew </3
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imperatoralicia · 3 months
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I get a lot of entertainment thinking about how containers are used in video games sometimes.
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fangsforfags · 8 months
when making a character, u have to ask urself:
are they bloody?
will they ever be bloody?
is it their blood or somebody elses blood theyre covered in?
why are they bloody?
how drenched in blood are they going to be from a scale of 1-10, with 1 being ''barely drenched'' and 10 being ''so covered we shld ask where there ISNT any blood on them''?
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gnzma · 11 months
you know the worst thing when it comes to Lusamine?
She succeeded. Most people truly believe he's the reason everything went to shit.
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Himself included.
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peecyjacksoo · 4 months
Hades offering them something to eat literally killed me. Hades is like "the smart one's gone" and immediately tried to keep them there forever.
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how to build compelling characters
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