lee-minhoe · 2 years
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blue tyong for @tyongsies
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kyunsies · 2 years
happy birthday mädch!!! I hope your back-to-back shifts wrap up smoothly and you can both catch up on some well-deserved rest and celebrate 💜💜💜
wings !!! thank you my dear 💗💕💖💞💘💓 i hope it does too and i’m SO excited to spend time celebrating w my roommate after nfjfjf :’) love u very much and super grateful for u hun !!!
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wongki · 4 years
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you!
happy birthday dear nessaaaaaaaaaa
happy birthday to YOU 💘💖💞💗💓💕💘💖💞💗💓💕
NESSA MY LOVE MY LIFE MY SWEET BUB OF MINE!!!!!!!! i hope you have an amazing day filled with happiness and good company!! i love you SO much angel !!! have a great day !!!!!!🥺
hi mädch 🤍✨ thank you very much cariño. i love you too 💗💫💕
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kyunsies · 2 years
Hi Mädch 💖💖💖💖
I just quit my job last week and I'm so relieved 😭😭😭 I was really suffering at my workplace and now I'm feeling so much better already. It kinda sucks because the work itself was really enjoyable,but the environment and bosses were not so great.. but now I'm out of there!!
I visited my out-of-state sister for four days this week and was able to relax, and I spent my birthday (yesterday!) driving five hours home, which was honestly kinda nice!! I got to listen to all my fun kpop tunes and just enjoy the relaxing drive 🥰 and my parents took me out to dinner and bought me new shoes when I got home 🥰
I'm giving myself a month off until I start looking for a new job just to relax and recharge, etc etc. I feel super lucky that I'm able to do that at all! I'm living with my parents and they aren't making me pay rent or anything, so I'm very grateful.
🥳🎉🎊 MÄDCH, RN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🎊🎉🥳
I'm so proud of you!! Even though I was only here for your last year of schooling I can really tell you are full of so much love and enthusiasm for your career and those you will be working with and you will be SUCH a great fantastic excellent nurse 😊💖💖 I'm so excited and thrilled for your future, I know you will be amazing 🤩
So that's my long update for this week 😅 Lots and lots of love!!! Minji 🌟
[ @dkbtho ] hello my dear !!! how are you doing today?
oh my gosh, you quit your job !!!! i'm so sorry you were so unhappy it's aways a bit of a hard pill to swallow going to work everyday and liking what you do but in the same light hating the ppl you are surrounded with ;____; it's not an easy thing to do but i'm really glad you advocated for yourself !!!! and i hope u spend this time relaxing a bit before you have to start looking for a job <3
oh yes i remember you mentioned you two had one more sister !!! i hope she is doing well <3 also OH MY GOSH HAPPY FREAKING LATE BIRTHDAY AHHHHHH i hope u were able to spend it well but it seems that you did !!!!!!!! i wish you nothing but lots of love and happiness for you too angel <3 also DLKFJFKLJ PLS you are sooo me, i love long drives for that reason, just listening to my kpop songs on full blast and doing a bit of mindless driving on a long stretch of road :) oooo what kind of dinner did you have? do you prefer a specific dish on your birthday? for me it's italian food LDKFJ but if i'm being honest i crave italian food all the time sdklfj <3 and WHAT KIND OF SHOES DID THEY BUY YOUUUU that's always so exciting !!! you are a sho person or not really? i know some ppl are really into collecting shoes but for me i literally have like 2 pairs of heels 2 pairs of tennis shoes and 1 pair of sandals LDSKJF i never feel i have enough for anything ;_____;
but that's good you're taking time for yourself before you start looking at jobs again !!! it's a good move esp since your previous job made you stressed with the whole environment :( and i was gonna say AREN'T YOU LIVING W YOUR SIS but then i was like omg wait she's a married woman now LDKFJ but it will all work out for you bub and your parents are being really generous for you <3
but ALSO SDLKFJSDFLKJ ANGEL !!!!! THANK U SO MUCH !!!!!!!!!! it's so weird to think i have an official title to my name now ,,,,,,,,,,,,, isn't that insane sldkjf gosh when i saw my results of my exam i started balling bc all of these years of hardships and tireless work has paid off and i feel so grateful for my whole experience, i feel grateful that iw as able to go to a university that was able to prepare me well and give me a great education and it makes me even MORE THANKFUL that i got to share it with all of you lovely friends on here who more or less got me through it all in one shape or form ;_______; so THANK YOU !!!!!! SO MUCH !!!!!!!! it really means the whole wide world for me truly angel !!!!!!
thank you for updating me on your life it's always nice to catch up w you and it means a lot that you consider stopping by <3 have a good weekend too love <3
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kyunsies · 4 years
Mädch my love!!!! Happiest of birthdays to you!!!!! 💖🎂💖🎂💖🎂💖🎂💖 I wish you another year of love, happiness, and health 💕💕💕💕💕 have a great day bub ily 🥰💕🥰💕🥰💕🥰💕🥰💕🥰💕
thank you so much my dear!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 this message means the whole wide world 💞💘💖💗💓💕 you are so kind, thank you for being such a great friend :) love u angel!!!!!
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kyunsies · 4 years
hello mädch!!! i know we haven’t spoken in a long time 😭 i really missed you 🥺🥺 it’s finally the weekend and i’ve just finished some exams so i can come on here properly now and relax a bit. how are you? I hope school hasn’t been too stressful and that you’re alright. ily 💕💞💟 -🐺
oh hello my sweet 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 gosh i’ve missed you so incredibly much!!!! how is school going my dear?? i hope all is well and that you get to enjoy a relaxing weekend!!
i’m okay angel!! uni is going fine, joo’s mixtape/birthday is coming soon, all is well!! 🥰 it’s been so quiet on tumblr lately, so i’m so happy to have you here ;; tho and you for stopping by hun, i love you 💘💗💖💞💓💕💝💘💗💖💞💓💝💕
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