nerdgirljen · 2 days
I know I wax poetic about how Ted Lasso is the perfect Golden Retriever boyfriend/husband, but I don’t think we talk enough about Roy Kent being a Black Labrador Retriever boyfriend.
Follows you around like a lost puppy.
Happy to be close to those he loves.
Loyal to those he cares for.
Protective of those he cares for.
Good with kids even if surly at times.
Growls at things he finds unpleasant or unfavorable.
Pretty sporty.
Would probably crawl onto your lap if there was room.
Easy going but yet a bit high strung.
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I rest my case.
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nortsauce · 2 months
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Man screw y’all i think stede is cool >:,(
I really love how inspiring he is. He’s a pure example of understanding your self worth while also knowing when its time to let someone teach you the skills you need to survive. BUT he also knows when someone is being a dick and he is able to stand up for everyone (but struggles to stand up for himself sometimes.)
man practice what you preach. TALK IT THRU DAMMIT.
also like:
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look at him :(
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kitamars · 1 year
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(avatar au) the one in which a (somewhat) impactful introduction is made
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sapphicseasapphire · 1 month
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Living in a world as populated as it is by mortals, it is rare to come across a being who is not so. Rarer still is it to come across one who is both mortal and immortal- those who toe the line between Life and Death.
Reapers are abundant but undetected, doing their work for the spirits while hidden in a mortal body. They are bound to no Gods, serving only the lost souls of the land and answering only to the inevitability of Life and Death.
Hylian legends depict Death as a woman clothed in flowing white fabric, serene and tranquil, everlasting and inescapable. Some fear her, some hate her. Most bunch her up with the Goddesses.
She is not a Goddess.
She is… a promise.
And just as they’ve cast Death’s image onto a Goddess that doesn’t exist, they attribute Life’s gifts to Hylia, singing her praise. Hylia, the little sister of the Golden Three, tasked with protecting this world, is not Life.
Life has existed here for far longer than Hylia has. Some say that she was created with the breath of Farore, others speculate that she came before.
People think that Death exists in Life’s shadow, that they are entirely separate from one another. One brings joy, the other brings pain. This is, wholly and entirely, untrue.
For Life and Death wear matching white cloth, and they stand so closely together that they are indistinguishable from each other. One cannot exist without the other. They are… the same, in nature. They are patient. They take nothing more than what they are given; they give nothing more than what they take. It is balanced, in that way.
Everyone must face them, one way or another. Even Gods cannot deny the push and pull of Life and Death.
Although, there are occasions in which they can be swayed. In the case of a young boy who’d met his end during his quest, so beloved by the spirits, Death chose to wait. She did not claim his soul, not yet. She heeded the pleas of the spirits and allowed him to continue on- to finish what he had started. But this was not without a cost.
The boy- only twelve years old- was named Link, and he was not unique. Those who are favored by the spirits and succumb to illness or injury are often granted these second chances. They may never remember that they had died, but they are forever changed.
These people are known as Reapers. They recruited by Death to guide lost spirits to the afterlife. They have heartbeats, they breathe, they require sustenance. Reapers are mortal, normal people.
Until it becomes time to do the reaping, that is.
In order for a Reaper to find and guide spirits, they must use spirit magic. Spirit magic is as potent and variable as any other type of magic, except its power source is distinct: it is fueled by the power of an untethered soul. It comes naturally to Reapers, except in order to use it, they must free their soul.
Reapers have the ability to separate their souls from their bodies, becoming nothing more than a spirit. Once freed, they are immediately pulled to the nearest lost soul and it is their duty to aid them in their journey to the next life. The pull of a Poe is just as potent as the pull of a portal: demanding and unavoidable. Reapers feel it physically.
When their soul is outside of their body, a Reaper will appear comatose to the waking world. Unresponsive and unmoving, almost like they’re asleep. Their hearts still beat, their lungs still breathe. They still live but there’s nothing there. If their body is moved during this time, the Reaper will have a difficult time returning to it. Their survival will depend on whether or not they can find their body.
Link is one of many Reapers that serve under Death, and he is not unhappy. He sees the Threads of Fate that bind all things- the red ones of the living, the black ones of the dead, and the white ones of the immortal- and he takes pride in helping wayward Poes follow these threads home. He… has experience guiding souls, after all.
Link doesn’t remember when exactly he died, but he knows it had to have happened during his quest to rid the Demon King from Princess Zelda’s body. With her spirit by his side, he felt unstoppable. And his new job isn’t much different. He doesn’t feel sadness when he guides a Poe to their next adventure. No, he feels… at peace.
Death is extremely welcoming to him, for she knows that in time, he will return to her. Just as all things do. Link- our Spirit- admires Death. He serves under her but he is not opposed to it. He’s wholly dedicated to his job. He takes pride in it. It doesn’t interfere with his waking life too much and even as he cast on another adventure, it’s not too much to manage. Death treats him well, and he’d never denounce her.
When he’s reaping, he’s making a difference. He’s helping people. Is that not what a hero should strive for?
He’s… home.
Some notes!
• This kind of turned into a post about Reapers specifically and less about Spirit, but ehhh lore is lore
• Spirit and Wind are BEST BUDS. I’ve been referring to them as “the twins” in my head this whole time
• Spirit’s pupils glow when he is looking at the Threads of Fate. He can’t see them all the time, just when he really focuses on them, or else he’d be blinded by all the string everywhere!
• More on that- he doesn’t only see the threads that bind people to each other. He also sees the threads that bind people to objects. Everything has a memory, everything has a story.
• Something about Spirit’s presence is so inherently peaceful. He speaks quietly and clearly, he moves like a whisp, he smiles so gently. He can 100% be a little goblin in his own right, but he can be incredibly comforting when he wants to be.
• He cannot swim. Wind is APPALLED.
• He knows that Time is a God right away. His string is white. He doesn’t tell anyone, though, because it’s not his place. Everyone has their secrets, everyone should have the right to reveal themselves at their own pace.
• He and Wild sure do have a relationship. Yep. Just. The Reaper- the one who is tasked with guiding lost souls. And the literal spirit, actual ghost. Uh huh. They. Um. Yeah, they definitely have a dynamic. (This dynamic is the reason that I was convinced to add Spirit to my Cryptid Chain)
• A spirit is any soul without a body. A Poe specifically refers to a spirit that is lost. Hopeless. One who needs help. Wild is not a Poe. (Kind of)
• Spirit is like Time in the sense that he has not fully ascended, and won’t until his mortal lifespan is over. When he dies, he will continue to be a Reaper, but much more powerful as he will not be bound to a body. But that’s far, far off. He’s twelve, I won’t be cruel to him
• hehehehe
• He’s so incredibly good at playing the pan flute.
• Also this kid’s hilarious without even trying. (Spirit Tracks is the funniest Zelda game of all time)
• He has the unique ability to talk to Poes and Spirits directly, so he’s gonna be the best bet when it comes to translating for Wild. If Wild will let him come close, that is.
• “Don’t disturb me guys, I have some reaping to do,” he says, and then takes a nap. The others can’t tell.
• Or, mid battle, the decides they could really use a blast of spirit magic to aid them. So he just. Separates his soul from his body, as one does. Falls limply to the ground as the monsters they were fighting just suddenly all die. What just happened???
• Do monsters have souls? Do they become Poes? Thoughts that keep Spirit up at night.
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just-a-drawing-bean · 9 months
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Drew @venomous-qwille ‘s lovely Clip.exe in the magma today, cleaned it up later in Krita. I’m so normal for Ghost in the Machine right now… so normal
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myketheartista · 2 years
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old and new doodles bc I’m bored
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lil-shiro · 7 months
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LAS VEGAS GP ‘23 – november 15, 2023 (Jared C. Tilton / Getty)
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ju5t777 · 8 months
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mega monster battle got an R rating and it went down on discord
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m00nagedreamin · 3 months
look who finally arrived!!
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codther · 2 months
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sarahsmi13s · 1 month
Sooo Lou Ferrigno Jr is slowly taking over my brain…
Okay it’s not slow at all. I need this man
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fallenrocket · 1 month
Unless there’s an instance I’m forgetting, every instance where the Roy Kent chant is used on Ted Lasso, it comes at a heartwarming moment.
Season 1 - After his devastating knee injury, the crowd chants for him as he gets up and limps off the pitch.
Season 2 - When he has his big rom-com moment and leaves Sky News to race to Nelson Road and accept his true calling as a coach, the crowd chants for him as he strides out along the side of the pitch in his black suit.
Season 3 - When Richmond plays against Chelsea, the Chelsea fans chant for him to show their continuing love for him, even though he left their team.
Taken on its own, I always hear, “He’s here, he’s there, he’s every-fucking-where!” and feel hyped. But within the actual show, that chant is exclusively used in scenes that make me tear up. I love that.
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aha-aha-ahahaha · 4 months
One of the funniest things is:
“Right, where does Bernard live?”
“Roy, we are not going to go beat up a little kid.”
“Why not?”
Immediately followed by:
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experimentalcats · 4 days
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inaris-pokemon-world · 3 months
You mean no one "on site" survived. There could have been those who were not there at the time during your "great escape" who were lucky to not experience your wrath. but unlucky to come back and witness the aftermath. Not to mention those who supported the particular location from outside, who most likely got informed of what happened shortly after. If what I just said is true, then assuming no humans from opposing organizations, mostly of the "government verification," didn't come by and investigate what was happening, there's a chance they rebuilt that place... but this time stronger than before. I'm not sure if you would know, though, if you or your son ever ventured back there just to see if that place stayed dead.
…A week after we made landfall, the Rockets caught up to us.
Even knowing it might happen, even preparing myself for their inevitable fight… I was afraid. I was only one Pokémon. A legendary, sure, but all alone nonetheless. And with my son far too young to fight for himself…
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I fought with all the ferocity in my body, but they had numbers on their side. I was slowly being overwhelmed.
[Slight blood warning beneath read more]
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First: here
Last: here
Next: here
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kingwilliamv · 7 months
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05 November 2023 || The Prince of Wales with Sim Ann, Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Senior Minister of State for National Development during his visit to the HSBC Rain Vortex at Jewel Changi Airport in Singapore. (📷Getty Images)
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