#Hafiz Saeed
deeptalewombat · 8 months
Who Is Killing India's Enemies Abroad? Hafiz Saeed Is Having NIGHTMARES! Even Pakistan Is Not A 'SAFE HEAVEN' Anymore For Perpetrators
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In Karachi, Pakistan, one of India's most wanted terrorists, Mufti Kasar Farooq, was fatally shot. Mufti Kasar was a founding member of the terrorist organization Lashkar-e-Taiba and was known to be a close associate of the militant Hafiz Saeed. A video of the incident has also emerged, showing Mufti Kasar walking with a group of people outside a mosque when gunfire erupted. In an attempt to escape, Mufti Kasar was seen hastily running, but he stumbled and fell after being hit by a bullet in his back.
How Was Hafiz Saeed's Associate Killed?
The sound of gunshots sent those present at the scene fleeing for their lives, desperately trying to save themselves. It was reported that among the people caught up in the gunfire were some children studying in a nearby madrasa, and one of them was injured during the shooting. After the shooting, the attackers, who arrived on motorcycles, managed to escape, and their identities remain unknown. Mufti Kasar Farooq was then rushed to the hospital for treatment, but doctors declared him dead.
The Elimination of India's Enemies, One by One
It is noteworthy that in recent times, several terrorists plotting against India have been killed worldwide, with some of these killings taking place in Pakistan. Mufti Kasar Farooq was one such individual. He was not only a close associate of terrorist Hafiz Saeed but also someone whom India had been searching for, much like Hafiz Saeed himself, for an extended period. However, due to his residence in Pakistan, India had been unable to apprehend him. Similar incidents have occurred recently, with the elimination of other terrorists, including JeM's Jiya-ur-Rehman, raising questions about the safety of these individuals hiding in Pakistan.
Hafiz Saeed Faces Mounting Difficulties
Hafiz Saeed, the most wanted terrorist in India and the chief of Lashkar-e-Taiba, is facing increasingly challenging circumstances. Starting from September 26, his son, Kamaluddin Saeed, has also been reported missing. No concrete information about his whereabouts has emerged thus far. It is said that Kamaluddin Saeed was kidnapped by some individuals in a car from Peshawar on that day, and his subsequent location remains unknown.
Who Kidnapped Hafiz Saeed's Son?
Pakistan's intelligence agency, the ISI, has been actively investigating this case, but the identity of the kidnappers and the current whereabouts of Hafiz Saeed's son have not been ascertained. Additionally, there have been unverified reports in the Pakistani media that due to the continuous and increasing attacks on Lashkar-e-Taiba members, ISI has also relocated Kamaluddin Saeed to a secure location, and the news of his abduction is false.
Enhanced Security Measures for Talha, Hafiz Saeed's Brother
During this time, security measures for Talha, Hafiz Saeed's brother, have also been increased. Talha had survived a life-threatening attack in 2019 when he was just a child. Talha is responsible for managing Lashkar's finances and had been working with the terrorists for many years. However, his recent rise in prominence within the organization has led to concerns among some of the veteran terrorists, who oppose his leadership. In an effort to prevent any further escalation, Pakistan's intelligence agency, the ISI, has sent some of the key leaders of the terrorist organization to safe locations.
Last year in April, the Indian government had declared Talha Saeed as a terrorist. Furthermore, India has been advocating for his designation as a global terrorist, but China has repeatedly obstructed these efforts. Hafiz Talha Saeed openly operates in Pakistan and promotes jihad against Indian interests in public gatherings and forums, including those in India, the United States, and Western countries.
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ainews18 · 8 months
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mowgliproductions · 1 year
Operation Chachajaan Book By Amber Sharma Now Available in Paperback & e...
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automatismoateo · 7 months
I'm embarrassed for being associated with Islam - Ex Muslim via /r/atheism
I'm embarrassed for being associated with Islam - Ex Muslim Grew up in Pakiland. Met Jihadis to Mullahs from the Red Mosque and even saw Hafiz Saeed. All my life growing up I kept seeing Muslims killing Muslims in Pakistan. Taliban doing suicide blasts daily. I remember we were averaging more than one terrorist attack per day for a whole year. Then came ISIS and Bin laden. Then Boko Haram & the list keeps ongoing. Now we have Hamas. It always bugged me why we can't state the obvious that one specific religion is causing worldwide grief. From beheading cartoonists to Lynching blasphemers, what are these people drunk on? The prophet is a 50 yo man & married a 6 yo child when his own daughters were teens. He married the equivalence of his grand daughter. Ended up marrying 18 women & divorcing many others. This sex obsessed maniac endowed upon the world big titted houris in heaven, a psychotic belief at best inspiring jihadis to blow themselves up for imaginary pussy post humous. What else do we get? Chopping hands, stoning people, veiling women, flogging people & a butt load of ancient bullshit encoded in 7th century poetry such as shooting stars chasing genies or Angels descending from heaven to fight wars. Oh yes Jizyah & being told how unbelievers are deaf, dumb, blind, donkeys, cattle, pigs, animals or filth etc. It is so EXTREMELY embarrassing to be ever associated with such a brain numbing ideology. Muslims are not realizing that Islam is hurting their society's and progress. More Islamic extremists keep killing themselves as Islam is no longer evolutionary stable. It's imploding. The world is suffering Stockholm syndrome as the west tries to resuscitate that 2 billion chunk of homosapiens stuck with the Islam meme. We all recognize the deep problem of Islamic extremism yet are scared to say it out load. They tell us Islam is a religion of peace whilst being the single religion that outshines every other faith in religious violence. Submitted November 08, 2023 at 02:51PM by Punjabi-Batman (From Reddit https://ift.tt/EA9aszI)
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buzz-london · 1 month
Terrorists recently killed in Pakistan!
Pakistan में कौन मार रहा Bharat के दुश्मन? कब तक बचेगा  Hafiz Saeed? | U...
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adarinj · 2 months
Exclusive Interview With SP Sinha | Is ISI Involved Behind Hafiz Saeed’s...
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ranatechno · 4 months
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thegeopolitica · 5 months
India and Afghanistan, Pakistan’s two neighbours, are the most frequent targets of Pakistani state-sponsored terrorism. India has been dealing with it since the establishment of Pakistan, and Afghanistan has been dealing with it since the Soviet Union’s invasion.
With the formation of Pakistan, the country entered into a conflict with India over the issue of Jammu and Kashmir. In 1948, they utilised army officers dressed as locals to invade the state, and they curved out some areas of the state due to shaky decision-making by Indian leaders at the time.
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localreport · 5 months
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Pakistan should hand over terrorist Hafiz Saeed to India - Indian External Affairs Ministry. Pakistan handed over terrorist Hafiz Saeed to India
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mowgliproductions · 1 year
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Watch Hafiz Saeed's son will contest elections: Nomination filed for Nationwide Meeting elections from Lahore; Voting will happen on 8 February 2024 - Hindi News Paper - Dainik Bhaskar
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catdotjpeg · 6 months
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On 26 October, the Palestinian Ministry of Health released the list of names of Palestinians killed since 7 October. Among them, from the Atallah family, are:
Muhammad Matar Darwish Faris (74) and his sons Nasr Muhammad Matar Darwish (41) and Zaahir Muhammad Matar Darwish (40);
Muhammad’s son Mansur Muhammad Matar Darwish (49) and his sons Zakaria Mansur Muhammad Matar (24) and Ismail Mansur Muhammad Matar (22); 
Muhammad’s son Nasir Muhammad Matar Darwish (47) and his sons Musab Nasir Muhammad Matar (19) and Jafar Nasir Muhammad Matar (16); 
and Muhammad’s brother Fayiz Darwish Faris (59) and his son Hani Fayiz Darwish; 
Fuad Muhammad Abd (72);
Jamila Muhammad Saeed (64);
Muhammad Sobhi Muhammad (63);
Hafiz Elyan Ismail (57);
Jamil Moeen Abdul Malik (40) and his children Muhammad Jamil Moeen (10), Anas Jamil Moeen (6), and Ghazal Jamil Moeen (3);
Hisham Hamdan Darwish (40) and his son Baha Hisham Hamdan (14); 
and Hisham’s brother Muhammad Hamdan Darwish (35);
Omar Ibrahim Darwish (30);
Marah Bassam Saeed (25) and his brother Ala Bassam Saeed (19);
'Isam Nidal 'Isam (24);
Nur Musa Youssef (22);
Ahmed Hussein Darwish (21);
Faris Jihad Faris (21);
Omar Waseem Hamdan (17);
and Muhammad Nidal Hisham (less than a year old).
Mohammed al-Hajjar from Rimal, in Gaza City, remembers the Atallah family, saying:
Supermarkets and newsagents have also been levelled. One of the most important in the neighbourhood was the Atallah Supermarket, owned by the Atallah family. It was bombed, as was the residential block adjoining it, wiping out the Atallah business and most of the family with it. The attacks killed at least 35 children and young members of the Atallah family. Among them was a young man with a lively sense of humour, who worked as a cashier at the store. He was always cracking jokes and spreading joy among customers. He will be deeply missed.
You can read more about the human lives lost in Palestine on the Martyrs of Gaza Twitter account and here.
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worldnewz4u · 1 year
Tourism Squad Directed To Provide All Possible Facilities To Tourists In Murree
RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 22nd Jan, 2023 ) :The Punjab Tourism Squad has been directed to provide all possible facilities to tourists in Murree and adjoining areas. According to a Commissioner Office spokesperson, on the special directives of Secretary Tourism Punjab Shahzad Saeed and Deputy Controller/Director Department of Tourist Services Tourism Deptt Punjab Hafiz…
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indulgeamsterdam · 1 year
LeT’s deputy chief Abdul Rehman Makki designated global terrorist by UN
India’s persistent diplomacy appears to have paid off, with Pakistan-based proscribed Lashkar-e-Taiba’s (LeT) deputy chief Abdul Rehman Makki finally being listed as a ‘global terrorist’ by the United Nations. Makki, 68, is LeT chief Hafiz Saeed’s brother-in-law and is wanted in several Indian terror cases. The UN Security Council’s 1267 ISIL (Da’esh) and Al Qaeda Sanctions Committee designated…
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piyasahaberleri · 1 year
Cemaat-i İslami Karaçi Emiri Hafiz Naeem Ur Rahman (sağda) ve Sind Emek harcama Bakanı Saeed Ghani 19 Ocak 2023'te ortak basın toplantısında konuşuyor. — Twitter/ @NaeemRehmanEngr Perşembe günü Sind'de bulunan iktidardaki Pakistan Halk Partisi (PPP), Cemaat-i İslami'ye (JI) Karaçi'de kısa sürede meydana getirilen mahalli organ (LB) seçimlerinin sonuçlarıyla ilgili şikayetlerinin giderileceğine dair güvence verdi.Gelişme, Sindh Emek harcama Bakanı Saeed Ghani ile JI Karaçi Emiri Hafiz Naeem Ur Rahman içinde metropoldeki Idara Noor-e-Haq'ta meydana getirilen görüşme esnasında geldi. 15 Ocak'ta Karaçi'de meydana getirilen LG seçimlerinde geri dönüş meydana getiren JI, PPP'yi seçim esnasında ve seçim sonrasında hile yapmakla suçladı. Toplantının peşinden düzenlenen ortak basın toplantısında konuşan Hafız Naeem, LG seçimlerinin sonuçlarıyla ilgili ciddi endişelerini dile getirdi."Biçim 11 ve 12'yi alırken sorunlarla karşılaşıyorduk. Netice alırken de zorluklar yaşanıyordu."JI lideri, seçim sonrası iddia edilen hileye atıfta bulunarak, tartışmalı UC'lerde oyların tekrardan sayılmasının sorunlara niçin bulunduğunu söylemiş oldu.“Şu anda bazı UC'lerde oyların tekrardan sayılması sürüyor. Sonuçlardaki değişimleri protesto ettik. Tekrardan sayım sürecinde de hatalar yapılıyor” dedi. JI lideri, Saeed Ghani ve ekibinin meseleleri araştıracağını ve sorunları çözeceğini umuyordu. 'JI şikayetlerini ele almak için mümkün olan her adımı atacağız' Ghani, eyalet hükümetinin JI'nin şikayetlerini gidermek için mümkün olan her adımı atacağını söylemiş oldu."Başından beri JI ve PPP'nin beraber yürümesini istiyoruz" diye ekledi.Sindh bakanı, iki parti içinde ihtimaller içinde bir ittifaka atıfta bulunarak, bunun metropoldeki insanoğlu için yararlı olacağını söylemiş oldu.Ghani, "PPP ve JI'nin kent için beraber çalışmasını istiyoruz" dedi.Hileyle ilgili iddialara cevap veren bakan, "direkt hükümetin kontrolünde olmayan" birçok şey bulunduğunu söylemiş oldu.Bakan, her iki tarafın sorunları çözmek için işbirliğini sürdüreceğini de sözlerine ekledi.Ghani, "ECP iyi performans gösteriyor sadece bazı çekinceler olabilir" dedi.Farklılıklara karşın şehrin çevresini bozmamaya çalışmalıyız” diye konuştu. Bugün erken saatlerde Ghani, PPP'nin seçimlerde hile yaptığını, partinin Karaçi'den minimum 125 iskemle alması icap ettiğini söylemiş oldu.JI oyların tekrardan sayımının askıya alınmasını talep ediyor Günün erken saatlerinde JI lideri, PPP'yi seçim sonrası hile yapmakla suçladı ve Pakistan Seçim Komisyonu'nu (ECP) metropoldeki tüm tartışmalı sendika konseylerinde oyların tekrardan sayılması sürecini durdurmaya çağırdı. Karaçi'de bir basın toplantısında konuşan JI lideri, Sindh hükümetinin mahalli seçimlerin neticelerini PPP'nin lehine değiştirebilmek için seçim personelini etkilediğini iddia etti. PTI'yi tekrardan sayım başvuruları yapmamaya çağırdı ve PPP'nin bunu kendi lehlerine kullanacağını ve Karaçi'nin görevini çalacağını iddia etti.Rehman, "İtiraz edilen tüm UC'lerden gelen oy sandıkları ECP ofisine gönderilmeli ve ECP yetkililerinin huzurunda tekrardan sayılmalıdır."LG anketlerinin dört kez ertelendiğini ve fazlaca sayıda insanoğlunun oy kullanmaması için kasıtlı olarak insanların kafasının karıştırıldığını söylemiş oldu.Sınırlamalar mevzusundaki çekincelerine karşın, LG seçimlerini şehirde yapmak için çaba sarf ettiklerini de sözlerine ekledi. Sadece oylamalarda gecikmeler yaşandığını, sayım bittikten sonrasında Biçim 11 ve Biçim 12'nin zamanında verilmediğini ve Geri Dönen Memurların sonuçlarının birçok seçim bölgesinde Biçim 11 ve Biçim 12 neticelerinden değişik bulunduğunu da sözlerine ekledi.İşçilerinin saldırıya uğradığını ve üstüne ateş açıldığını, sadece halkın görevini korumaya devam edeceklerini de sözlerine ekledi. JI lideri, başkanlık görevlilerini JI'nin oylarını oy pusulasının reddedilmesi için çift damgalamakla suçladı.Karaçi'nin bir sonraki belediye başkanının JI'den olacağını da sözlerine ilave ederek, "PPP, JI'nin Karaçi halkı tarafınca verilen kuvvetli yetkilerine saygı duymalıdır" dedi.JI Karachi şefi ek olarak, başarıya ulaşmış LG anket kampanyasında yarın (Cuma) MA Jinnah Road'da bir "şükran günü" kutlayacağını duyurdu.ECP, JI savunmasını 23 Ocak'ta dinleyecekECP yapmış olduğu açıklamada, JI'nin hile ve yanlış sayımlara karşı savunmasını 23 Ocak'ta Sindh'te yapılacak mahalli yönetim (LG) seçimlerinin ikinci aşamasında dinleyecek.JI, Karaçi'nin altı sendika konseyinde hile ve yanlış oy sayımı ile ilgili şikayette bulunmuş oldu ve vakaya karışan bölge geri dönen memurlar (DRO) ve geri dönen memurlar (RO) hakkında işlem yapılmasını talep etti. 15 Ocak'ta Karaçi'de meydana getirilen LG anketlerinde 91 sandalyeyle Pakistan Halk Partisi (PPP) en büyük tek parti oldu. 88 sandalyeyle JI ikinci, PTI 40 sandalyeyle üçüncü sırada yer aldı. .PML-N yedi, JUI-F üç ve Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP), bağımsız adaylar ve ötekiler ikişer UC kazanmıştır.Sonuçlar üstünde çatışmalarBigün ilkin, LG anketlerinin neticeleri açıklanırken siyasal partiler içinde çıkan çatışmalar sonucu fazlaca sayıda şahıs yaralandı.Keamari Bölgesi, Malir Halt, Gulshan-e-Hadeed ve Qayyumaba, siyasal işçiler tekrardan sayıma şahit olmak için toplanırken cenk alanı haline geldi.PTI, PPP işçilerinin de bulunmuş olduğu Keamari kazasının SITE alanındaki DRO ofisinin önünde protesto gösterisi yapmış oldu. İki rakip partinin taraftarları birbirlerine karşı çarpıcı sözler attı.İki siyasal grubun işçilerinin taş atmaya başvurması sonucu iki gazeteci yaralandı.Keamari ilçesindeki DRO ofisinin önüne atılan taşlar sebebiyle bir şahıs yaralandı ve polis burada copla hücum etti. Ayrıca, JI çalışanları Malir Halt ve Gulshan-e-Hadeed'de protesto gösterileri düzenlediler.
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gamegill · 1 year
PPP, JI hold joint media talk - Pakistan
PPP’s Saeed Ghani and Jamaat-i-Islami’s (JI) Hafiz Naeemur Rehman are holding a joint press conference. The two parties were rivals in the second phase of the local government elections that were held on Sunday. At the outset of the press conference, Rehman said that recounting of votes was underway in some places and due to which several problems were arising. “We have forwarded our complaints…
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