#He refers to cumulus when little as
cirrus-ghoulette · 5 months
Sometimes, if Phantom stares at Cumulus for long enough, he can accidentally make himself go little.
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gravehags · 1 month
give me mercy no more
Pairing: Cardinal Copia x f!Reader x Cumulus
Tags: masturbation, voyeurism, panty sniffing, breaking and entering, pussy eating, dick riding, this is starting to read like a rap sheet, unexpected romance, threesome, antichrist reference
Words: 3,790
Summary: He should know better than to pine so desperately after what is not his, but the way you look at him makes it so hard. So he takes action in the only way he knows how.
a/n: being in a throuple with cumulus and cardinal copia would save me, clear my skin, and give me a reason to live. hallelujah. also reference to copia being the antichrist.
divider by the lovely @ghuleh-recs!
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This is Cardinal Copia’s little secret.
He adores you. He’s long admired you, would see you standing in the crowds at his rituals gazing up at him…and also at one of his keyboardists. Cumulus’ new girlfriend that the ghoulette excitedly introduced to him, unaware of his long-standing infatuation. It was fine, he told himself, he was happy for his beloved ghoulette. Seeing her smile made him smile. But the more he watched you two in the dining hall, caught glimpses of the two of you kissing in secluded little areas of the abbey, the more he needed…well, more.  
He cannot believe his luck after charming the keys to your quarters off a maintenance worker and sneaking in while you are at Nihil’s mass and while he is supposed to be in a meeting with Cardinals von Schreck and Bergoglio. No matter, he is head of the Ghost project now, he can do as he pleases. Your room is sizable - not a surprise considering your position as a more senior sister - but even he doesn’t have a closet as spacious as yours. One that would make a perfect little spot for him to kneel and watch you both. He tucks the idea away and focuses - you could come back at any time. It takes a moment of fussing to access the hamper in your absurdly large closet but when he looks down at its contents he smiles wide. Perfetto. Right on top is a mesh thong in cardinal red - almost as if you put it there just for him. His gloved hand is trembling as he reaches down and gently picks it up. With some hesitation, as if the garment is going to burst into flame, he raises the gusset to his nose and inhales deep. The forbidden smell of you floods his brain and he collapses against the doorframe. Frantically he lifts his cassock and fumbles for his button and zipper and by the time he takes himself out he’s already hard and drooling. His body sags against the wood as he smears the pre with his thumb then spits in his hand. 
“Cara mia,” he moans the moment leather meets flesh. His eyes slip shut and his jaw hangs open as he bunches your underwear under his nose with one hand and strokes his cock with the other. He thinks of the generous curve of your hip in those tight black pencil skirts you favor, the way the fabric clings to your belly. Those days when he’d be lucky enough to catch you in the library bending over to pick up a stack of books and he’d have to hurry off to his office to address the tent in his trousers he desperately tried to hide with the drape of his cassock. How you looked in that chilly little alcove the other day pressed up against his ghoulette, her tail wrapped around your thigh as you traced her lips with your tongue. Cumulus almost caught him that time but he darted behind a statue of the Whore of Babylon, quick as one of his rats. There’s a thrill in his heart in that moment however, the fear only further igniting his passions. There’s a sound outside from the hallway, a sibling’s laughter, that causes him to jump and remember where he is. His cock twitches in his firm grip and his mouth is open, drool pooling in his jaw as he looks down and squeezes, imagining it’s your cunt instead. He won’t last long, not with the sweet smell of you driving his fist forward and back at a punishing pace as he moans into the fabric. His eyes dart over to your bed and he imagines you and Cumulus, tangled together kissing lazily, your hands brushing over each other’s curves. What sweet noises his ghoulette could tease out of you with her talented fingers. He’s panting like a dog now, your smell all but overwhelming him and his hips spasm once, twice and he’s cumming in desperate spurts. His spine feels like it’s made out of jell-o as he finally lowers your underwear from his face. Stars bloom behind his eyelids and idly he remembers he’s still fisting his cock. He opens his eyes and sighs at the mess on his glove…and on your closet floor.
“Ah, shit,” he hisses, briefly dropping your most sacred underwear so he can rummage in the hamper for a shirt or a towel or something. When he finds a slightly damp hand towel he’s filled with relief, wiping off his fingers first before tucking himself away and lowering his cassock. As for the floor…eh, it’s wood and you shouldn’t notice once he scrubbed his mess away. In his haste to hide the towel, he almost leaves behind his treasure crumpled on the floor. As he reaches out for it he hesitates for a moment, but the insistent little devil on his shoulder is cooing so sweetly in his ear in your voice. She won’t miss it. She would want you to have it. He’s never been one to say no to the Devil. And if he finds himself fingering the fabric stuffed in his pocket during his delayed meeting…well he certainly will not confess. His prize lasts for a week before the smell of you fades and he’s more than made a mess of the garment after hastily wrapping it around his cock one night while pleasuring himself. It now sits in his hamper - he’ll return it to you after getting it thoroughly cleaned. He briefly considers stealing another pair the next time he’s in your quarters but then he remembers how spacious and cozy your closet was. A perfect little spot to hide.
And watch.
It’s bolder than anything he’s done before but that only makes him more aroused by it. He knows you spend Friday nights with Cumulus in your room and his blood sings at the prospect of witnessing what the two of you get up to when you think you’re alone. He plans his day perfectly - manages to get to your quarters and smuggle himself away in the dark behind your habits, the door open just enough for a generous view of your bed. He’s not wearing his cassock tonight - just his simple black suit - so he has less fabric to fuss around and can get straight to business. When he hears your lock make a click and the door squeaks open, he’s momentarily flooded with fear. What if you opened the closet door and saw him, the de facto leader of the Ministry, crouched on his knees with his cock out? His fist flies to his mouth as he bites down on a moan at the thought, his dick twitching in his pants. He peers out into the room and wonders if either of you heard him, but the two of you are quite preoccupied. He doesn’t know how Cumulus has disrobed you this fast as you work the buttons of her shirt and ease her suspenders off her shoulders. With a playful shove she pushes you onto the bed where you bounce, grinning up at her.
“Bossy tonight, babe,” you coo, scooting your body up the mattress as Cumulus removes her pants and underwear. With a snort she slingshots her bra at your head and you skillfully dodge it with a laugh. His heart aches as he watches the two of you, so carefree and intimate, and for a moment jealousy and sadness flood his veins. The feeling is mercifully brief as he watches you beam at the ghoulette settling between your legs. The two of you are so…so…lovely. His mustache twitches as his lips curl into a smile watching you wind one of Cumulus’ white curls around your finger. Idly the ghoulette leans down and places a gentle series of kisses to your belly before sliding her body lower. When he finally gets a view of the treasure between your spread legs his breath comes out in a shudder. You’re already so wet, your curls glistening as your lover teasingly blows her cool breath over you. Your eyes slide shut and your head tilts back to expose your throat as she lowers her mouth to where her thumbs spread you open and hovers. 
“‘Lus if you don’t–”
“If I don't, what?” she asks airily, placing a cheeky kiss to your mound. She looks up at you and must mouth something that he can’t see or hear because you let out a giggle and tug on your lower lip with your teeth.
“Understood,” you sigh and Cumulus arches her back, giving him a delightful view of her own dripping cunt. 
“Good girl,” she purrs before diving in. He’s so caught up in the moment he realizes he hasn’t even freed his cock from his trousers, and the head is leaking profusely against the fabric. Hastily he pulls himself out and sighs as the blessedly cool air hits his heated flesh. Once in hand he turns his attention back to the two of you and…oh.
Cumulus’ tongue lazily circles your clit as she moans into you. Your head is thrown back, chest flushed as you fist her curls.
“Mmmfuck ‘Lus, yeah right there.”
The whine in your voice makes Copia bump his head on the doorframe in his eagerness to get a better view from his hiding spot. The two of you are all soft, undulating skin as she loudly laps at your cunt, her finger teasing at your entrance. The sheer decadence of the image before him makes his breath come in pants as he once again runs a hand over his throbbing cock. When Cumulus slowly, achingly slowly slides her finger inside you your moan is borderline pornographic. 
“Just like that, baby. One more.”
Obligingly she slides another digit inside you and grins.
“You take me so well, don’t you? Doesn’t she, Cardinal?”
It takes him a second before he drops his dick in shock, it comically bobbing in front of him as his face is flooded with red. He takes a couple deep breaths before once again peering out into your bedroom to see you looking right into his white eye, your head cocked and a teasing smile on your face. Cumulus is propped up on an elbow, also watching him, looking amused.
“Are you going to come out, your Eminence, or shall we drag you out by your ear?”
Something about the way your lips wrap around his hardly used formal title as you gently humiliate him sets him on fire. Fuck it, he thinks as he stands, not even bothering to tuck himself away before opening the closet door and stepping out. Your eyes widen and eyebrows shoot up when you behold him with his hands perched on his hips. Cumulus lets out a low wolf whistle and his stance falters slightly.
“I don’t quite know what to say, Cardinal,” you breathe, reaching down to idly scratch behind Cumulus’ horn. “Other than are you going to put that to use or not?”
“What?” he asks flatly, anticipating a shaming or degradation, hell even being chased out by a feral ghoulette. Said feral ghoulette instead smiles wide at him and gestures to you.
“She asked you a question, Cardinal. Are you,” she rises from her reclined position as she speaks, slowly stepping over to him, “going to stuff my girl full of your pretty, fat cock or are you going to leave her wanting? I don’t recommend it. She’s very vindictive.”
His eyes dart over to you where you coyly grin at him and flutter your eyelashes.
“I…eh…I don’t…”
“You’re going to say no?” you pout exaggeratedly, “After I’ve spent all this time wanting you?”
He can almost hear a record scratch.
“Wanting me?” he hoarsely half-shouts, which makes Cumulus snort loudly. “But you…you and Cumulus…”
“Mmhmm, me and Cumulus,” you nod encouragingly, “and I think there’s room for one more. Wouldn’t you agree, love?”
His ghoulette runs a claw down his arm and he shivers.
“I think I can manage to share,” she grins, “with my Cardinal. After all, he works so hard. And I know you’ve seen the way she watches you during rituals. How could I deny her this?”
“I’m only disappointed he didn’t wear the white suit tonight,” you say mischievously, propping yourself up on an elbow with a wink. “But there’s always next time.”
“Darling, he hasn’t even agreed to this time,” Cumulus chuckles. He looks at her and at you, on the bed. The two of you deliciously bare and you, so eager for him. His head spins and he wonders if too much blood rushing to his cock would knock him out.
“Belle donne,” he finally says, with a little bow, “I am at your service.”
Copia didn’t know where this night was going to end an hour ago but he certainly hadn’t imagined it like this. Cumulus is on him in an instant, much to your glee, stripping him of his clothing. In a flash he’s nude, save for his gloves, and Cumulus kneels before him taking his hand in hers. She looks up at him knowingly before he exhales and gives her a tight nod. Gently she slides the leather off each hand and when she sees the inflamed flesh at the centers of his palms she bows her head in deference before kissing them. You’re on your knees on the bed, watching curiously but you don’t inquire further - just nod your head at him - and he is thankful. 
“Come here, beloved,” you say, outstretching your arms and with Cumulus by his side, he reaches the bed. Just as tenderly as his ghoulette had treated him, you reach up and brush back a piece of errant hair, your thumbs gliding along his cheekbones.
“Huh. I never knew you had so many freckles,” you say with a soft smile, “Cute.”
When your small hand drifts downwards to card through his chest hair you smile even wider at the tattoo on his pectoral.
“Aren’t you full of surprises? A tattoo, a peeping tom…oh and I would like that pair of underwear back, by the way. It is my favorite, after all.”
He has to force himself not to choke in humiliation but in an instant your hand has drifted lower. He’s only half-hard now but the way your fingertips brush against his shaft makes his head fall forward. Slowly, you stroke him to full hardness as he pants into your ear.
“Nice and ready for me, Cardinal,” you murmur, swiping a thumb over the head of him, making his hips buck. He hears Cumulus make a soft noise of appreciation from behind him and he turns his head slightly to see her splayed out in the overstuffed chair in the corner.
“Don’t worry about me,” she smiles as her fingers dance between the curls at the juncture of her thighs, “Focus on her.”
When he turns his gaze back to you, you lean in and nose along his jaw.
“How do you want me?” you whisper, placing a sweet little kiss to his neck. The question makes him throb and he thinks of all the times he’s watched you during mass, during your duties, and the myriad of ways he’s imagined having you.
“Ride me, cara,” he breathes, “I-I want you to ride me.”
He can feel your grin against his throat as you shift to the side and pull him down to the mattress. Cumulus is up in an instant and walks over to the two of you to settle in on the bed with her back against the headboard and her legs spread. She crooks her finger at Copia and he crawls to her before settling in with his head on her belly, breasts tantalizingly close. When she brings her hands to his shoulders, rubbing at the tense muscle, he sighs.
“Good boy, Cardinal,” Cumulus purrs, making his cock twitch. She looks up at you, still perched at the bottom of the bed.
“Come on, honey. Come show us how pretty you’ll look riding his cock.”
You beam at the two of them before shuffling onto your knees and maneuvering your legs to straddle him. When your cunt, still soaked from your earlier activities with Cumulus, brushes the underside of his dick a shiver runs through him.
“Perfezione,” he murmurs, gazing at you adoringly as you slide yourself back and forth against him.
“Mmm and you haven’t even been inside her yet,” Cumulus says, running a clawed hand through his silver streaked hair. When you raise yourself and wrap your fingers around his cock to position him at your entrance, he holds his breath. You look to Cumulus and then to him before slowly - achingly, tortuously slowly - impaling yourself on him. He nearly cums on the spot when he hears the sweet little whimper you let out after taking him to the hilt and feeling the way you stretch around him.
“Copia,” you breathe, uttering his name for the first time that evening. It makes him want to weep. Cumulus chuckles behind him but her voice comes out rougher and lower than usual.
“How does he feel, sweetheart?”
Experimentally, you raise yourself halfway off him and slide back down.
“So good, ‘Lus. Filling me up just right.”
She hums in contentment and then places a kiss to the top of his head.
“And you, Cardinal?”
“She’s p-perfect, like I always imagined her to be. Hot a-and wet and–fuck–tight.”
You close your eyes and smile, lifting yourself off him once more and bringing your hips down with much more force this time. He lets out a broken moan as you repeat the action, setting an eager pace for yourself. You feel his eyes lingering on your face, the bounce of your tits, and the way he disappears inside you.
“Touch me,” you whine, “Please, Copia.”
“C-can I?” He knows his voice is desperate as he cocks his ear towards Cumulus, who lets out a laugh.
“Of course you can, she’s yours too, remember?”
She’s yours too…for the second time that night he almost cums on the spot. His hands shake as he tentatively places them on your thighs. He freezes, too hypnotized by the way your skin feels under his fingertips but Cumulus is watching and reaches to place her hands over his.
“We’ll do it together,” she murmurs against his hair as she guides his hands onto the curve of your hip. Your pace slows slightly as you revel in the way your lovers knead the flesh of your ass, smiling down at Copia. He’s mesmerized as Cumulus places his hands onto the curve of your belly so he can feel the soft skin there before sliding them upwards to palm at your breasts. Your head tips back and you keen beautifully as his thumbs circle your nipples. When Cumulus guides him to pinch, he’s worried that it’s too hard but the way your cunt clenches around him and your mouth falls open says otherwise.
“Bellissima,” he rasps out, “again, please.”
The way your smile scrunches your nose makes his heart sing and you appease him before continuing to slide your hips up and down. Your pace begins to get a little less languorous, a little more frantic and he fucks up into you eagerly.
“Copia,” you pant, thighs clearly burning from the effort, “fuck, Copia, s-so good. ‘Lus he feels so good.”
“I know, sweetheart,” the ghoulette purrs from behind him, eyes hungrily watching your coupling. Copia feels Cumulus slip a hand between his body and her own to rub at her clit and it makes him groan.
“Come on, Cardinal, make her really feel it,” she pants as her fingers dip into her slick. When she takes them out and holds them up to his lips he greedily sucks them in, lapping at the taste of her. His hips jackrabbit upwards, making you throw your head back and cry out.
“Don’t stop, Copia, please, please, please, do–ah!”
Your walls spasm around him and his breath comes in broken stutters.
“Cum for her, Cardinal,” Cumulus breathes into his ear, her own hand returning to her clit. “Cum for us both.”
“Cara!” he shouts, hips rutting desperately into yours as he fills you up with rope after rope of his seed. At the same time he hears Cumulus moan low and long into his ear as she efficiently brings herself over the edge.
“So good, Copia,” she pants, “so good for us.”
When you collapse against his chest, trying to catch your breath with his cock still inside you he smiles against your hair. Lifting your head you give him a tired smile before gently, sweetly placing your lips against his in a slow kiss. You pull away only for a moment to lean upwards and slot your mouth against Cumulus’, the two of you giggling as your tongues tangle. When you finally pull away, a string of saliva connects the two of you and he raises his hand to wind a finger in it and bring it to his mouth.
“Ragazze mie,” he whispers, “Belle e meravigliose ragazze.”
“Our Cardinal,” you murmur, placing a soft kiss on his tattoo. With some effort you slide off him and he scoots over so you can join him between Cumulus’ legs. 
“So,” you begin conversationally, fingers carding through his chest hair, “is this what you expected when you came here to watch us tonight, you filthy pervert?”
He laughs and shakes his head.
“Eh, truth be told I hadn’t thought further ahead than getting in your closet. How…how long have you both known I…I was…”
“Watching us?” Cumulus supplies, her fingers stroking up and down his arm. “Ages. I knew she wanted you as well the moment I started pursuing her. And, well. I’ve always thought you were handsome, Cardinal. When this opportunity popped up, we couldn’t resist.”
“Mmhmm,” you agree, tilting his chin over to look at you. His lipstick is smudged on your top lip and strands of hair stick to your sweaty forehead. You’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
“The feeling is mutual,” you grin and it dawns on him that he said that statement out loud. “Second only to her.” You give Cumulus a wink and then your eyes travel over her breasts. As he watches you lean upwards and suck along the underside of one before slipping her nipple into your mouth he growls.
“I’m eh. Not quite ready for round two,” he admits after clearing his throat, toying with a strand of your hair.
“Don’t worry, my love,” you smile, “You can watch. You don’t even have to get back in the closet, either.”
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ravenssilver · 6 months
Maybe something with Phantom getting left out of dinner in the beginning? Started with someone intentionally or accidentally leaving his plate off, and he's too nervous to ask why he doesn't get one when Aurora does. He eventually stops coming to dinner, and someone starts to notice just how sickly, and dizzy the smaller ghoul looks because he's too afraid to ask for any food or take any yet
unfortunately this is is part one of two :( i got super caught up in writing a whole mini story, and i felt bad for taking so long, so here this is!
1.4k words of phantom being neglected because i can’t get enough of the heartbreak
cw: mention of body issues, phantom is nervous about being around the pack, small scene of phantom vomiting, i guess some of this could be seen as an ed? the ask is a good wrap of cws!
also, ‘quint’ is used in this instead phantom or aeon, and will likely be that way in the next part :)
under the cut, if you please<3
He didn’t have a name. At least, he hadn’t come up with one.
The others referred to him as Quint, just to get names straight among him and his summon buddy, Aurora.
He stared at the ceiling as he laid in bed, his eyebrows furrowed.
Aurora had a name. Did she pick it out? Or was it Cirrus and Cumulus? Why didn’t the others pick out a name for him?
He sat up with a sigh, feeling hungry.
He glamoured himself as best he could, only having enough of a grasp on the ability to hide the different color splotches in his skin.
As he walked out of his room and to the common area, he stared down at his arm which was buzzing with his quintessence induced glamor.
Aurora’s markings were beautiful. The subtle yet bright flows of pinks and purples and blues blended perfectly with her skin. The small swipes of green made her look like a perfect painting that had hours of detailed brush strokes put into it.
His markings just looked like splotches. Random globs of paint flicked at a canvas in a half-assed attempt to make art.
He wondered if Aurora ever tried to glamor away the markings of her skin. Surely not, as she was gorgeous. The colors of her skin showed her personality and her connection with confidence and self love. Her mental state flowed healthily through her skin, the beauty of security blending in with her vessel.
He sighed and dropped his arm back down to his side, trying to focus on his pack’s laughter just around the corner and the scraping of forks against plates.
His steps slowed for a moment.
Dinner had started?
Confused, the newly summoned ghoul sped up only to slow down again. He peaked around a corner, seeing his pack at the dining room table. All the chairs were full, all plates had someone behind them and were stacked with the delicious cooking of Swiss and Mountain.
Every chair was full. Every plate was stacked.
There was no space for him.
A little ball of anxiety formed in his stomach, making his quintessence spark. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and he stepped around the corner and shuffled to the kitchen to fix himself a plate.
Though, he was quick to realize all the food prepared was on the table.
Mountain and Swiss had prepared a feast in celebration for the pack’s first dinner together. Dew and Rain had just returned from a small trip away with Copia for business, of course everyone would want to celebrate.
He looked at Dewdrop and Rain. He took in their appearances, memorizing his first in person encounter with them as he was simply used to seeing them over FaceTime.
His eyes traveled to Swiss and Mountain as he set his plate back in the cupboard.
Maybe they were just swept up in the joy of being reunited with their partners and that’s why they forgot to prepare a plate for him.
He nodded to himself and snuck out of the dining room.
That’s okay. He can eat leftovers tonight and he’ll have a plate tomorrow.
He sighed as he brought his fifth night of leftovers to his room. It was long after dinner, and it was long since the others had retreated to their rooms.
Tomorrow, he told himself, I’ll have a plate tomorrow.
He knew, deep down, that he had been forgotten. Of course he knew. Twice was an accident, a coincidence, maybe. Three times, if you had self respect, was a pattern.
But for the young quint, it was an accident.
It was an accident just like the fourth time, and now, this time.
He slowly ate his potatoes, his churning stomach fighting against every bite he took. He was lost in his thoughts, off in his own world of anxiety and the pain of knowing he was being left out of his own pack.
He hadn’t been able to keep food down when he realized that he had been forgotten. Every night he would eat a meal long after dinner, only to be bent over a toilet not long after.
He celebrated every bite he took and could swallow, having not been able to get this far the night before.
Though, his food was quick to come right back up when he heard Rain’s laughter in the next room over. He tossed his plate down and rushed to his bathroom, which wasn’t helpful since it was right next to Swiss’ room, which Rain was in.
He hurled into the toilet as Rain’s laughter continued, now accompanied by Dew and Swiss’. And once his stomach had no more food to send back up, it sent its own acid instead.
He felt like he was dying. He was light headed, his body was trembling, and his throat burned and felt like it was closing up. He sobbed as he flushed the toilet, struggling to close the lid due to how shaky he was.
He knew Swiss, Dew, and Rain couldn’t hear him over the sounds of their laughter and Swiss’ record player. He knew that he hadn’t bonded enough with Aurora, Cirrus, Cumulus, or Mountain for them to feel his strife.
That just made him even more sick.
He gave up on even going to dinner a week ago.
He also gave up on leftovers after Swiss and Mountain started cooking smaller portions after having a conversation about how they always had “too much leftovers.”
He sighed as he pulled on a shirt that was too big for him. He thought it was the shirt Swiss had given him when he was summoned, but after staring down at it for a few moments he realized that it was his shirt.
A shirt he had bought with his own allowance money from Copia.
Why is it so big? Did the dryer stretch it? He asked himself, messing with fabric for a few more moments before he left it alone, opening his door and leaving his room for practice.
He sighed to himself as he walked into the practice room early, seeing Copia sitting in a chair as he waited for the ghouls.
“Ah, hello, Quint.” Copia smiled at him as he looked up. “Hello…” He choked out, not realizing his voice was so hoarse. Copia’s eyebrows furrowed and he stood, watching as the new ghoul struggled more than usual to pick up the Fantomen.
“Are you alright…? You look, how shall I say… pale? Worn out?” Copia asked, looking concerned for his ghoul.
The quintessence ghoul looked up, apparently a bit too fast for his body’s liking. His head spun and he stumbled back slightly, eliciting a slight exclamation of surprise from Copia. The ghoul stumbled back into a chair and sat ridged for a moment before sloppily acting like he had meant to fall.
“I’m fine.” He stated, his shaky fingers doing a run up the A string.
Copia stared at him for a moment, a bad feeling swirling around in his stomach.
“You will tell me if you are not, yes?” Copia asked, worried about his ghoul. “Yes, Papa,” the small quint nodded, shaking out his hands to try and make his trembling go away.
Copia’s frowned deepened as he went to say more, only to be cut off by the loud clamor of the rest of his ghouls crowding into the practice room.
Copia sighed, knowing the conversation would have to be put up on a shelf for the time being.
The fire ghoul turned around as Copia called his name. He watched his pack slow down for a moment, only to be reassured with a soft smile from their Papa that Dew hadn’t done anything wrong.
Dew watched as the pack nodded and walked out of the practice room, Quint following behind and slipping out of the room just before Copia called for him.
The fourth Papa sighed deeply, his eyebrows furrowed.
“Is everything alright, Papa?” Dew asked, sensing Copia’s worry. And though it wasn’t far off from the man’s usual demeanor, Dew could tell this was different.
“No.” Copia sighed, knowing he had to be blunt. “I am worried for our young Quintessence. Have you noticed anything off about him?” Copia asked.
Dew’s eyebrows furrowed and he shook his head, going to say something, only to realize just how much of a ghost the new quintessence had been.
“I… I haven’t seen much of him at all, actually. He’s never shown up for dinner and he stays in his room all the time.” Dew responded, now realizing where Copia’s worry was coming from.
“Keep an eye on him, yes?” Copia requested. Dew gave a curt nod and walked out of the practice room, quick to catch up with his pack.
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
out of all of the clouds in the sky, you are my favorite.
summary. imagine muichiro being the former tsuguko of the cloud hashira, [name].
trigger & content warnings. none applicable.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff. muichiro tokito & hashira mentor!reader. 0.8k words. they/them pronouns for reader.
author's thoughts. muichiro the beloved <3333 hes my favorite ever fr, he deserves so much happiness.
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he adores his mentor so so much!! admittedly, he does show it in odd ways, but he really appreciates them in ways words cannot adequately describe.
when muichiro's on solo missions, he sends them little letters detailing the shapes he saw in the clouds. sometimes he even sends them shiny or textured rocks because he thought they would like them! it becomes very cute once one learns to understand his love language. he also gives them origami figures every now and then.
^ additionally, before their solo missions, he gives them origami cranes as a sort of good luck charm.
they have a history of becoming livid when the fragile things get crumpled by demons during missions. how dare they? that was a gift from their tsuguko, you know? they know the little paper cranes are easily replaced, and yet... it just makes them so sad to see them crushed.
the gifts he gives them are, for the most part, either handmade or non-traditional (rocks, a pretty shaped leaf, etc). sometimes he'll see something like a hairpin that he thinks they'd like, and so he buys it for them. any and every gift he gives them is appreciated, because just knowing that he remembers them better than almost anyone else and even thinks about them voluntarily is so heart-warming <3
he still calls them '[name]-sama,' even after he himself becomes a hashira. it's an improvement from '[surname]-sama,' sure, but they still insist he doesn't need to call them any such honorific anymore.
"[Name]-sama... that cloud, what's it called again?"
"I'm not your mentor anymore, Mui-kun," they commented with a little smile, hand raking gently through his silky hair. "You don't have to refer to me like that. It's okay to just call me [Name]. We're equals now, you know."
"No," he muttered his opposition, "you'll always be [Name]-sama to me."
"I only trained you for a brief... hmm, two months, was it? I'm not sure, but the point is that I trained you for a very short time."
"Doesn't matter."
"Hehe, I see. ...That's a cumulus cloud, by the way."
sometimes the two will cloud gaze together and just end up napping peacefully. both of them are light sleepers as a result of their job, but light doesn't necessarily mean restless.
mui associates them with the clouds—cloud breathing is their breath style, after all—and has often wondered about them when he cloud-gazes alone. are they okay? is their mission going well? is an annoying junior bothering them? he'll gladly tell them off if [name]-sama is too nice to.
he misses them a whole lot when they aren't around.
the mist hashira respects and trusts his mentor very deeply. he totally goes to them for like... everything.
cooking together is a very common thing for the duo; they love teaching him how to cook and bake and he loves learning. it reminds him of something he can't quite remember; simpler times, perhaps? they think it's very sweet that he's so willing to learn as long as they're the one teaching him.
they tend to his (minor) wounds, send him off on missions with snacks, braid his hair nicely so it stays out of his face... it's like he's been given a second chance at having a family. not that he remembers his first one, but still.
he sticks close to their side more often than not because of this.
muichiro is a little posessive of their attention, especially if they're doting on other junior demon slayers that are closer to his age (e.g., tanjiro, zenitsu, and inosuke). he gets a little jealous but takes great pride in being introduced as their former tsuguko. he's just worried they'll forget about him is all.
"silly mui-kun," they had once teased when they realized what was going on, "i'd never forget you. you don't need to be jealous; you're my favorite junior. ♡"
the other hashira find the attached behavior very endearing—he clings to them constantly, following them around like a lost puppy. it's moments like those in which the others are reminded that he's only a child that had his youth stolen from him far too early, so he subconsciously clings to the one person that really makes him feel safe and loved as every child should feel.
he accepts every gift from [name] with grace and humility. every single thing they give him is kept in pristine condition, even if it's a silly little trinket they picked up on one of their missions because "it's the same color as the ends of your hair, mui-kun." ridiculous!! ...what? he doesn't have to take it if he doesn't want it? no, back off, he's keeping it forever.
he especially loves all those silly gifts. knowing that someone he loves thought of him while they were away makes him all fuzzy and warm inside <33
[name] would be so protective of him. they know how many tsugukos shinobu has lost. to experience that... the thought alone makes them tremble with fear.
they're terrified that one day they might feel that pain too.
no-one will take their student from them, not when he's so young and has his entire life ahead of him. they will not allow it, even if it should cost them theirs.
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everybodyshusband · 7 months
what was supposed to be a tiny little drabble because dysphoria is stupid and it sucks turned into 1.9k words because i couldn't stop writing, haha !! (see again: dysphoria is stupid and it sucks)
transmasc dysphoric dew being comforted by cirrus and rain <3
cw. lots of crying, dew has a mindset that he can't do certain things because he sees girls doing them but he's aware that this is an unhealthy thought process to have, he also misgenders himself in his head once out of dysphoria
Dew's skin is crawling. Sweat from tonight's ritual clinging to his compression shirt and making his skin itch more and more with every second he keeps it on. He needs to get it off. In fairness, his skin has been crawling since before the ritual caused him to sweat buckets into his shirt. He's been feeling distinctively wrong since this morning, when they all arrived at the venue and realised the venue crew had allocated the dressing rooms differently than usual.
Dew's with the ghoulettes. He hates grouping them all together like that in his mind—knows Cumulus would probably have his head if she knew he was referring to the three of them as one single entity rather than individually appreciating them as they all deserve—but today, there's something in the back of Dew's head that itches every time he tries to separate them. He hates it. He can't figure it out.
He doesn't figure it out until after the ritual. When Rain calls out to Dew over his shoulder as he makes his way to his own dressing room. "When the rest of the boys and I are done, we'll meet the four of you in the greenroom with Papa, okay?" Dew calls out his response but the way Rain phrased it won't stop echoing through Dew's mind as he chats with Aurora, lifts his mask off, unbuttons his shirt, unlaces his boots.
"The boys and I" Rain had said.
The boys.
And Dew's not with them.
As he comes to this realisation, he pulls his first boot off, throwing it to the ground in frustration as tears pinprick the corners of his eyes. Cirrus jumps at the loud noise as she unbuttons her shirt, revealing her short-sleeve compression shirt underneath—most days Dew forgets that she wears it, given that it doesn't show when she rolls up her sleeves. And because he's never placed in the same dressing room as the... The girls.
"I don't know what kind of tantrum you're throwing over there, Dew," she says, not looking at him as she takes a seat in front of the mirror to unlace her own boots. "But if you could cool it enough to not make loud noises, that'd be great."
She's joking. He knows she's only joking and that her casual dismissal shouldn't hurt as much as it does but... Well, he's already had an off day and apparently, the disinterest in her tone is enough to break the dam of tears that was already struggling to contain itself.
He cries silently, too scared of disturbing Cirrus even further and of interrupting Aurora and Cumulus' conversation by making more noise. It's not until Cirrus is finished with her boots that she looks up and sees Dew sitting on the beat-up, beer-stained couch with tears streaming down his face. Her face softens immediately, an apologetic furrow forming between her eyebrows as she makes her way over to him. He flinches back before her outstretched hand can come to rest on his knee as if she's got cooties. As if he's going to catch "the girl" from her. As if her touch will cement the fact that Dew's just a silly girl playing pretend with her boyfriends' clothes.
The worry in Cirrus' eyes as Dew sobs makes him hate himself even more. "I'm sorry I was so rude to you, love," she tries.
"'S fine." It's not fine, they both know that. The real apologies and explanations from both of them will come later, they always do. The cursory, meaningless apologies happen in the moment, and the real ones come later as they hold each other close, tears streaming down both their cheeks. That's just how they work.
"Do you want me to get Rain?" She knows her presence is too much for him right now. She's probably able to read him better than he's reading himself. Come to think of it, she probably knew how Dew was feeling before he did, if her gentle questions throughout the day are anything to go by—well, with Cirrus, "gentle" usually means gripping Dew around the neck and ruffling his hair, laughing and pressing a kiss to the top of his head once she's had her fun; Sathanas, he loves her so much.
Dew nods. "Rain," he echoes.
Cirrus nods as well and disappears out the door, letting it band shut behind her as she goes off in search of the water ghoul. On the other side of the room, Cumulus and Aurora are trying very hard to pretend they haven't been watching the entire exchange.
In what feels simultaneously like no time at all and all the time in the world, Cirrus returns with Rain in tow, looking especially soft and relaxed in his street clothes. She must have briefed him about what's happened because although Rain runs to Dew and drops to his knees in front of the couch, he doesn't touch Dew.
"No," Dew whispers softly, longing for Rain to reach out and touch him.
"No?" Rain starts to move away from him.
"No! Come back... Please." He holds his hand out and almost starts crying again out of relief when Rain takes a hold of it.
"You doing alright, darling?" Rain's voice is soft, kind.
Dew tilts his head this way and that, not quite a nod but not quite a shake of his head either. "I'll be okay." He's not actually sure he'll be okay for a while, but he's rather Rain not worry about him even more than he already is.
Rain fixes Dew with a look, but gives him a gentle smile regardless. "D'you want to get out of this, love?" He gestures to Dew's uniform, his pants and the compression shirt that remains clinging to his sweaty skin.
Dew nods, standing up to shuck his pants and replace them with his favourite fluffy sweatpants, balancing himself against Rain and chuckling good-naturedly when he trips as he steps into his pants and almost falls flat on his face. As he tries to pull his shirt over his head, Rain collects the other parts of Dew's uniform and places them into a neat pile.
He turns back to Dew while Dew's shirt is halfway over his head, his head trapped in the damp fabric, stretching it as he tries to pull it over himself to no avail.
"Love–" Rain's hands are gentle as he stills Dew's hands. "Love, stop pulling. You're going to wreck the shirt."
"It's stuck." Dew knows his voice is muffled by the shirt from the way Rain chuckles at him.
The water ghoul's cold hands are welcome against Dew's warm skin as he pulls the shirt back onto his body. "Don't pull it off, you're just going to stretch it. See what Cirrus is doing?" Dew's gaze finds Cirrus just in time to see her cross her arms in front of her body and grip the hem of her shirt, pulling it over her head.
He knows it's irrational, but his stomach twists and his skin begins to itch all over again in that same uncomfortable way as before at the idea of taking his shirt off the same way Cirrus did.
"N– No, that's... That's..." He trails off, voice thick with tears before he can say "the girl's way" because Sathanas, if he doesn't know how horrendous that sounds.
Somehow, though, Rain seems to understand what he wants to say, because before Dew can even start to think about panicking any further, Rain is taking Dew's hands in his and nudging their foreheads together. "Do you want me to take it off for you, love?"
"Sh– Shouldn't you take me out to... To dinner or something first?" He stumbles over his words and his voice cracks as he tells the joke, but Rain laughs anyway and something in Dew's heart feels a little lighter, but with Rain still looking at him expectantly for an answer, all he can really do is nod miserably and pull back from the water ghoul to give him room to help him out of his shirt.
Once Rain has pulled the sweaty shirt off of Dew and has begun searching for the fire ghoul's hoodie, Dew does his best to avoid looking down. He knows he's got something on underneath his shirt—whether it's a binder or tape he can't remember, but the incessant itching feeling from earlier makes him think it might be his tape—but regardless, he's hesitant to test his luck with his dysphoria, especially after everything that's happened today. Soon enough, Rain is passing Dew his hoodie and helping him pull it over his head, ruffling his hair gently and kissing the top of his head once he's finished.
"All done, love," Rain murmurs against his forehead. "Just shoes and then we're done, 'kay?"
Dew nods, eyeing up his choices. He's got the Doc Martens he arrived in leaning against the wall, or the pair of beat-up Converse buried in the bottom of his bag. Against his will, his eyes drift across to the other side of the room, where Cumulus is lacing up her own Docs.
Rain's fingers are gentle against his cheek as he guides his gaze away from the air ghoulette. "Don't worry about what's she's doing," he says gently. "What shoes do you want to wear, Dew?"
He casts a longing look at his well-worn, comfortable Docs before dropping his head and asking for his Converse.
Rain kisses him again—a soft thing that makes Dew's stomach swoop at the realisation of just how loved he is—and moves away to rummage through Dew's bag and hand him the shoes. He kneels down at Dew's feet once more and laces the shoes for him, stroking his knee gently before he stands up once he's done. Rain holds his hand out, offering Dew a hand up, but he ignores it and stands by himself, pretending not to notice the disappointment in Rain's eyes. He can't help it. Rain's extended hand reminded him of all the times Mountain has pulled Lus up off of the couch, or the few times Swiss has offered a hand out to Sunshine to help her up when she's been sat on the floor during their rest time at practice.
Once he's up however, he takes Rain's hand gladly, just as Aether and Aeon or Ifrit and Omega when the pairs walk around the Abbey.
Rain huffs out a quiet sigh, looking over at Dew with a soft smile on his face. "Ready to go?"
Dew nods, grabbing his bag and slinging it over the shoulder not obstructed by Rain's hold on his hand. He pushes the door to the dressing room open and tries to turn left, but Rain tugs him along to the right. "Greenroom, remember?"
Dew sighs and follows without saying anything. In all honesty, he couldn't care less about their post-ritual rundown at the moment. He'd much rather head back to the bus with Rain and let himself be held—maybe he'd even be able to convince himself to curl up into Rain's side without feeling wrong about it.
As they walk, he feels Rain look over at him. He returns the gaze, knowing the smile he sends Rain's way is a bit too tight to be genuine. He's tired out from monitoring his own actions all day, he just wants to cuddle up with Rain in one of their bunks and go to sleep. The water ghoul squeezes his hand twice in quick succession.
You okay?
Dew squeezes back once.
I will be.
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p1nkcanoe · 10 months
Bratty Mountain. He deserves to be on the other side of it for once, as a little treat you know? He's acting up, testing the new ghoul to see if he means buisness (he does)
Ace Up My Sleeve
[ phantom x mountain smut ]
summary: phantom is perpetually horny and refuses to ask anyone for help. mountain is determined to change that. warnings: masturbation, rough oral sex, teasing words: 3982
!! Phantom is described as being a young ghoul. Although the ‘teenager phase’ is mentioned, Phantom is a fully mature ghoul and is nowhere near actually being “young”. The phrase refers to the idea of being newly summoned and getting used to a new body and its urges.
Click here to read on Ao3 or read below:
Phantom has been settling in well. He’s a quick learner, gets along with everyone, is never angry, he’s truly the perfect ghoul to have around. Not to also mention that he’s sweet and energetic, charming in all the right ways, but he’s also young. Really young. Even for a ghoul he’s far younger in his years than anyone else. Where some ghouls in the den are pushing multiple millennia, Phantom can’t possibly have more than 200. Even Sunshine, who at one point had been the youngest, just added a revolution to her 800-something. And there’s nothing wrong with a young ghoul. He’s well past maturity–responsible and independent–but he’s still in what Copia once described as the equivalent of the ‘teenager phase.’ 
He eats through everything they have in the kitchen, rifles through the pantry and the freezer just to grumble about there being ‘nothing good’, stays up for days at a time playing video games on the console he stole from the common room until someone has to turn it off and tear open his curtains… but he’s also unbelievably horny. And it’s painfully obvious. 
The smallest things turn him on. He’d popped a boner at the sight of Cumulus walking past his room towards the laundry in a plain cotton bralette, excused himself from their lake day last week right after Rain rolled his shorts up impossibly higher while sunning on the lawn, and even yesterday the smallest sliver of Swiss’ exposed tummy while he reached upwards for his morning stretch sent the ghoul into a stuttering, inarticulate loss for words between bites of his waffle. Everything gets him worked up and not once has he asked someone to help him. Mountain is going to change that. 
It’s late at night when Mountain considers making his first move. He’s walking through the halls with a handful of dirty dishes when he hears the ghoul groaning in frustration through the heavy walnut door that guards his bedroom. The gap between the floor and the bottom edge of the door gives him away, evidence of worn floorboards and leveled stone underneath. It’s a rookie mistake to not invest in some sort of soundproofing. It’s not the first time the earth ghoul has heard him, but usually he doesn't sound so… exerted. It’s clear he’s been at it for a while with no sign of release, and Mountain stops right outside that door, listens as he groans and grunts and curses between gritted teeth and listens to the little fap fap fap as his hand flies over his shaft. Even with the door closed he smells delicious. He almost bends at the waist to set down his dishes and invite himself in but something in his head tells him not to. He shouldn’t. He doesn’t want to scare him. He doesn’t want to embarrass the ghoul or make him uncomfortable. A ghoul’s bedroom is their sacred space, afterall. So he shakes off the thought instead and finishes taking his dishes to the sink. He goes to bed and dreams up more natural approaches to getting the ghoul on his dick. 
Turns out it’s a lot harder than it seems. 
He finds his first attempt in the common room, where the game console has been returned due to popular demand, and Phantom sits engrossed in one of Dew’s first-person shooters. He fails to acknowledge when Mountain saunters in and settles in one of the armchairs, lounging lazily with his arms up and his legs spread. He’s fresh from a nap and dressed solely in an old pair of gray sweats. He hadn’t bothered to throw on a shirt or pull on a pair of boxers, especially after being woken up to obnoxious game noises, and had instead toyed around with himself in the haze of waking up in the middle of the day. He sits, watches with faux interest, and his cock sits pretty against his thigh–just enough to be obvious but not alarming to anyone else who may wander through. 
Phantom plays on obliviously. His fingers mash over buttons and drag against the sticks of his controller and the character on screen barrels through a line of enemies. Combo x4, the screen reads, and Phantom makes a pleased noise to himself. 
“What’s the game?” Mountain asks, forcing himself to sound interested in the game he’s watched Dew play for hours at a time. Phantom turns his head, catching Mountain’s eyes before letting his eyes flick down his torso and towards his hips. He opens his mouth but his voice paralyzes in his throat when he sees it. “It’s– oh, um,” he stutters, glues his eyes back to his controller and his equally as paralyzed fingers. The screen lights up with red. 
You Died, Press x to Retry. 
“You okay?” 
Phantom goes red in the face, mashes the x button more times than necessary to respawn, and Mountain smirks. “Yeah, yeah, I’m cool.” 
Phantom stumbles around for the right buttons to press. He walks into walls, accidentally throws out his selected weapon, and keeps getting penalized for damaging allies. He’s doing terribly, and it makes Mountain want to laugh out loud. In the span of the next three minutes he manages to die in game two more times and make so many mistakes that his teammates end up kicking him from the lobby altogether. But even when the title screen shows back up and the message appears in front of his face he never gets angry. He fumbles around for the controls again and clears his throat when Mountain spreads his legs a little wider. 
There he goes, Mountain thinks when Phantom hastily adjusts his body from sitting criss-cross on the carpet to sitting back on his butt against the couch with his legs crossed tight to hide his little boner. It’s too easy. Just to get him worked up a little more, Mountain adjusts himself in his pants, grips at himself to a more comfortable position, and Ant audibly curses under his breath, drops his eyes to his lap. He waits for the ghoul to make a move. He can see it in the way his hands shake that he wants to. He’s fighting himself. 
Do it, he wants to say. Get up. Touch me. He waits another handful of agonizing minutes and finally Ant makes a move– “I’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick.” He pushes himself up to his feet and shuffles awkwardly into the hall. By the time he comes back Mountain is gone. 
His second attempt hadn’t been much of an attempt at all. In fact, it had been completely unintentional the effect he’d had on the ghoul. 
The entire pack had gathered together for a movie night of some random romantic comedy that the girls had suggested. They’d spent an hour setting up pillows and blankets into comfy nests where ghouls and ghoulettes could cuddle up together for the duration of the film. Phantom had chosen a spot on the floor and fit himself snugly between Aether’s side and the bottom edge of a couch, Mountain had decided to take over the loveseat on the far side of the room. He’d fluffed it up with pillows and the velvet throw from his own bed, and by the time it was time for the movie to start Sunshine had decided his spot was now their spot to share. And he didn’t mind. Her warmth pressed into his side and her head on his chest is always a pleasant feeling. 
It takes about forty minutes for Mountain to lose interest in the film. It’s not like it’s a bad movie– it’s actually really good–but Sunshine is beginning to get handsy and when she slips a warm palm under his shirt to pluck at a nipple he can’t help but get a little distracted. 
When he pulls her in by a hand under her chin she chirps in surprise when he bites at her lip and immediately soothes it with his tongue. They fall into it after that, pressed together as close as possible on a cramped couch, and they’re quiet about it for the most part so nobody pays them much attention. But Mount can feel it–those mismatched eyes. They’re burning into him from across the room and it makes him smile against soft lips. The ghoulette sucks on his tongue. He drops his hands to her ass and squeezes. She lets out a giggle and the kiss goes dirty. 
He takes quick little glances across the room, catches the other ghoul’s eyes over and over, and stares back with hooded eyes when the ghoulette latches onto his neck. Mountain hisses at the scrape of her fangs against his jugular, rolls his eyes back, and Phantom never looks away. Mountain watches from the corner of his eye as the young quintessence ghoul tries to act like the movie is interesting, as he tries to act like he isn’t infatuated by the couple just a few feet away, but he fails. Miserably. 
Mountain grabs at Sunshine’s thighs, gropes her soft skin and forces her closer and closer to where he needs her to be until she settles right over his chubby cock and begins to subtly grind. The groan that escapes past his lips is accidental and someone from the floor throws a pillow that hits him in the side of the head, but he’s too far gone to just stop there. He breaks away from Sunny, gives her a goofy smile, and guides her away carefully so that he can stand. Phantom’s eyes burn holes into him the entire way. He apologizes to his pack in a way that doesn’t reflect his true intentions, offers the ghoulette his hand to go finish what they’ve started in a more private setting, and wiggles his eyebrows at the young ghoul when he excuses himself. Phantom shifts against Aether’s side under the eyes of the earth ghoul and Aether grunts, pulls him closer with an arm behind his back and traps him there. 
Mountain disappears into the darkness of the hall. 
The third time he catches Phantom alone and vulnerable, he’s sure he’ll break him. He times it all perfectly. Everyday around 9:00 after dinner has been cleaned up and the pack starts settling down in their rooms, Phantom heads into the bathing room to brush his teeth and freshen up before bed. Mountain’s memorized his routine, the products he uses to keep his skin smooth and hydrated and in which order he applies them, knows that he spends approximately ten minutes standing at the vanity on his phone while his facemask dries, and always finishes by applying some kind of oil to his two-toned hair. It’s a little after nine when Mountain hears the pad of his feet pass his bedroom and push open the massive door that guards the bathing room. 
Right on time; like clockwork. 
Mountain allows the ghoul a handful of minutes to get into his routine and busy himself at the vanity. In the meantime, Mountain strips down bare and pulls his towel from the hook behind the door, wraps it tightly around his waist and tucks it at the hip. He lets it hang a little low just for emphasis. 
Phantom is applying the same green salve to his face when Mountain walks in. He offers the ghoul a hello and gets a muffled one in return as he applies the mask to the skin above his lip. He doesn’t receive any more obvious attention apart from casual glances through the mirror, but Mountain knows he watches as he drops the towel from around his waist and wades into the bathing pool. 
It’s innocent, domestic and familiar, and Phantom pays him no obvious attention. And so Mountain goes through his own routine of picking a bottle of sweet smelling soap from the vast selection on the pool’s edge and squirting a generous amount into his hand, spreading it into his hair until it gets all bubbly and slippery, and then wading deeper into the pool to dunk his entire body and wash it all out. The surface of the pool gurgles when he goes under and the air blooms rich with lavender and bergamot. Mountain emerges from underneath and wrings the water from his thick hair with his hands, reaches for the bottle again to lather his body with soap. He puts on a show, touches at his skin deliberately and slowly, and shines up the smooth planes of his chest and patches of dense hair. Phantom watches him in longer glances now and Mountain watches right back with dark, sultry eyes. Inviting. Alluring. He backs himself up against the edge of the pool and leans back. The suds stuck to his skin slide down with thick droplets of water. He should dunk himself, cleanse himself of the excess, but he doesn’t. Instead, he drags a hand through the suds and drops it to his half hard cock, stroking himself with the slick and moaning softly at the pleasant stimulation. 
At the sink, Phantom has gone rigid. He actively tries to ignore the sight behind him but when he looks up into the mirror to brush his teeth he can’t help but take a little peek. Mount keeps rubbing at himself and groaning through his teeth when he squeezes at the head. It’s a sight too hot to ignore and Mountain is practically begging him to become his voyeur when he throws his head back and pulls at himself deliberately from root to tip. Water splashes up onto that gorgeous chest. His tail swishes back and forth below the surface. Phantom grips the edge of the vanity so hard his knuckles turn white and his claws squeak against dark marble. His toothbrush stays bitten between sharp teeth… and he watches unabashedly through the reflection. 
When Mountain brings a hand up to pull and pluck at a pebbled nipple Phantom finally caves, but not fully. He drops the toothbrush from his mouth and it clatters into the bowl, rolling around the curve before settling somewhere at the bottom, and he grabs at his chubbed cock through his flannels. Mountain grins. He’s been putting on shows for the ghoul all week but just the sight of the ghoul giving in just enough to touch himself makes flames lick at his belly. 
He surprises himself when he opens his mouth, lets his head hang low, and moans out into the peaceful lull of the bathing room- “Ahhhh, Ant-” He hears the sharp intake of the smaller ghoul’s breath. “I know you want it. Can see it on your face. On your body…” 
This is it, he thinks. He’s got him wrapped around his finger, all he has to do is-
There’s a clatter of objects. A sudden and hurried noise. And Mountain looks up to watch as Phantom gathers up all of his things and hurries for the door. The bulge in his flannels is obvious and sticks out even more with his clear lack of underwear. “Goodnight, Ant,” Mountain says, a tinge of disappointment laced into his words. “Night,” Phantom mumbles back. The door closes heavy behind him and Mountain rolls his eyes. 
So close… 
He might as well finish getting himself off. 
Mountain feels wholly defeated when he shuffles back into his bedroom. He hangs his towel up on the hook, pulls on a pair of boxers and a tshirt from the drawer, and gives himself a once-over in the mirror. His hair is still wet. Droplets drip from messy strands and soak little circles into the fabric of his tee. His cheeks are flushed and rosy, evidence of his recent orgasm, and his lips are bitten red. He doesn’t feel tired but he looks it. 
He’s about to head to bed and peel back the sheets for an early turn-in when there’s a knock at his door. His brow furrows, his door should be unlocked. Nevertheless the ghoul walks across the room, where he twists the knob and pulls it open to a much unexpected guest. He doesn’t get to mutter a word before Phantom invites himself in and grips the earth beast by the neck, shoving him into the cold stone of his wall. 
He looks angry, disheveled. Like he tried too hard to think about something and ended up cracking. Phantom kicks the door closed behind him, gets all up in Mountain’s face… the best he can with their significant height difference. He smells like soap and mint and lust. Mountain snickers despite the press of sharp claws into the sides of his neck. 
“You finally come to your senses, bug boy?” 
“You think you’re so smart, teasing me all week, getting me all worked up…” He fixes his eyes to Mountain’s mouth where he licks over a sharp fang and pulls him closer until they’re centimeters apart. “I knew exactly what you were doing.” 
“Then why didn't you do anything about it?” 
“Because I didn't want you to think you were in control.” 
“Then prove it.” 
The young ghoul grips the taller by a horn and pulls him down roughly to smash their lips together. Mountain moans at the taste of his tongue between his lips. He tastes like toothpaste and something sweet and intoxicating. Mountain tries to deepen the kiss, to slide his tongue against the other’s already in his mouth and he yelps in surprise at the feeling of a fang catching on the soft inside of his lip. He smells it first, rich and metallic, and then tastes it when Phantom licks at him hot and wild and slides it into his mouth. 
The grip on his horn is unrelenting. It pulls and twists and forces the ghoul to comply with its movements to keep the teasing beast at bay. But even more is the pressure on his neck. He adjusts his fingers and readjusts again, never completely letting up on the pressure, but then he finds Mountain’s carotid artery and hones in on that sweet spot between his jaw and his ear and Mountain starts to go fuzzy. He goes brainless, drunk off of the floaty feeling in his head, and chases the taste of the other ghoul on his tongue. Any ounce of previous defiance and surprise flies out the window only to be replaced with something confusing that he wouldn't quite call submission, but the unexpected dominant demeanor definitely is intriguing. He goes fuzzy in the brain, and weak in the knees, lets his eyes fall closed, and right when he’s about to tap out that hand around his neck releases him and he floods with sweet, sweet oxygen, gasps, and moans lazily into his mouth against open lips. 
When he opens his eyes he looks straight into mismatched ones. Locked on. Predatory. Consuming. This was not at all the way he expected this to go, but who is he to complain with another ghoul’s hand around his neck? 
“Get on your knees. Suck my cock and finish what you started.” 
Phantom pulls away just enough to help force the massive ghoul to his knees and Mountain groans. The ache at the base of his skull feels like lightning down his spine. He knows he should keep his mouth shut–just fall to his knees like he’s been told to–but he can’t. He looks up despite being forced to look downwards, snickers between fangs still laced with poison. “I’m surprised you're not taking care of it yourself. Tired of jerking yourself to the point of exhaustion?” 
Phantom growls. A pretty rumble from deep in his chest. 
“You talk too much. Too confident. Doesn't anyone ever tell you to shut your mouth?”
“This is unlike you. Who knew the new guy had it in him?”
“You don’t know anything about me.” 
With a final shove Mountain’s knees hit the floor. 
“I know enough, like how you’re scared to ask for help getting your dick wet.” 
Phantom scoffs, pulls himself out of his pants and gives it a few pulls. He has a gorgeous cock–speckled pink and gray in an irregular pattern and shiny at the tip–Mountain can’t wait to put it in his mouth. 
“I’m not scared, but you didn't ask either.” 
There’s some truth to that, so Mountain shrugs in a passive sort of surrender and lets his tongue loll out past his lips when Phantom inches him closer by his massive, curling horns. “That’s what I thought,” he mumbles and slides into that hot, wet mouth. 
Mountain knows he is in for it when Phantom slides in wholly to the hilt, when he holds Mountain there for a few seconds just to see his eyes well up and sting, and then lets go of himself to grab onto that other horn. He grips Mountain’s head like he’s an object for his pleasure; a toy. The earth ghoul grips the bottom hem of his tshirt in his fists, tries not to touch, but he starts to shake when Phantom forces him impossibly deeper and buries the earth ghoul’s nose in his hair. Mountain struggles to breathe, but he breathes in the heady smell of Phantom and hums around the obstruction in his throat. 
After a long and torturous minute Phantom pulls out. He rubs the ruddy head of his cock against swollen and spit-slicked lips with little turns of his skinny hips, moaning at how easily it slides against messy skin. He’s going to fuck his face. Mountain knows it. His own cock jumps in his boxers and he holds back a little noise in his throat. For once, he holds his tongue. 
Phantom does exactly what Mountain thinks he’s going to do. He pulls him back onto his cock and holds him still, uses his mouth like a toy to get off, and Mountain lets him because maybe he deserves it. All of his teasing, and his attempts to seduce the young ghoul into his bed, had caught up with him. He relaxes his throat as much as he can, flattens his tongue against the bottom ridge of his teeth, and takes it. 
“Fuck,” Phantom curses. “You’re a lot more pleasant when you’re on your knees. Quiet. Pliant. It’s music to my ears.” 
Mountain knows he isn’t quiet like Phantom said. He’s making all kinds of wet noises and drooling down his chin. He’s even gagged a couple of times when Phantom’s cock jabbed at the spot in the back of his throat, but he knows what he means. If he was in control of his body he’d probably pull off, spit something snarky back just to test the ghoul and find out how dedicated he is, but he can’t. He looks up through lashes stuck together by tears, catches sight of Phantom’s lip between his fangs and his brow scrunched up in pleasure. It makes his belly burn, he wishes he’d make a noise and stop trying to act like Mountain doesn’t feel good. 
Mountain wraps his lips around his shaft, flexes his tongue, and tries his best to suck. The effect it has is devastating. Phantom groans out loud and beautiful, pulls Mountain down hard on his cock and buries it deep just like he knows he likes. He throbs against his tongue, hot and heavy, and Mountain thinks he’s going to bust. He hopes he does, his throat is starting to get sore–it’s not every day another ghoul barges into your room and forces their cock all the way down your throat. He tries to swallow around him but it’s a futile attempt. His throat spasms, he chokes a little, and Phantom pulls out with teeth clenched tight. 
“Get on the bed. Strip. I’m gonna make you regret ever underestimating me.” 
His tshirt hits the floor before his knees unglue themselves from wooden boards. 
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beeloovedd · 2 months
Earth emotions
Tw!: Crying, overthinking, pronoun confusion, gender dysphoria, Newly summoned Phantom, I was listening to Mitski while writing this so yea
Credits to @wrathofrats for the dividers as always <3
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Phantom whines quietly as he looks at himself in the mirror
He thinks maybe he's just going crazy, maybe he did something wrong, maybe he's broken?
Everytime he hears someone always say "he" or "him" when referring to him it makes him feel weird
He doesn't like it
Well, he doesn't hate it but constantly hearing he and him is getting old and doesn't feel right
He tried to tell Swiss but Swiss said he's probably just sick and explained to him what earth sickness are, that was scary
But the miscommunication may have been a small bit on phantoms part since he only told Swiss he didn't feel good
He tried to find the words to explain that he didn't like being called he or him that much but his brain was running at 100 miles per hour and his words? Not so fast
Swiss just told him to go get some rest and he'd ask mountain to bring him some tea for him and Phantom when he finished restringing the guitar
Phantom wipes his eyes as they water
He's a little bit familiar with the water coming out of his eyes or crying as they call it apparently
But last time he cried it was from happy tears after Cumulus crocheted him a small bat stuffed animal on the tour bus
But these tears felt different, not happy
More salty and bad feeling
He didn't like it but doesn't know what to do, he's supposed to be resting
He sniffles and takes a deep breath before walking out of the bathroom and laying on the bed
He holds the crocheted bat tightly to his chest as an attempt to muffle his crying
He hears the door open and he curls up more under the blanket, wanting to just disappear and not talk
"Swiss told me you weren't feeling goo- Hey you ok?" Mountain says as he carefully sets down the two glasses of tea in the bedside table and sits on the bed
Phantom whimpers quietly, not trying too but it slips out accidentally
"here, I'm gonna carefully lower the blanket, ok?" Mountain says, putting his hands on the edge of the blanket but waiting for approval
Phantom sniffles but nods and Mountain pulls off the covers
Mountains eyes soften at the sight and he gently runs a hand through phantoms hair
Phantom wipes his eyes, embarrassed yet thankful the comfort
"what's wrong bug?" Mountain says gently
Phantom looks up at him with glossy eyes, holding on to the bat plush tightly
"there's something wrong with me Mount" he says quietly, his voice breaking slightly
Mountain hums quietly as he continues to pet phantoms hair
"There's nothing wrong with you Phantom, Swiss said you were feeling sick, is that what you mean?" Mountain asks, a bit more concerned now
Phantom sniffles
"no!" He says a bit louder
Mountains hand pulls back, not expecting the sudden raise of tone
Phantom also jerks back, not expecting his own tone changing
His eyes get watery and he hides his face in the stuffed animal
"i-im sorry" he says quietly
He sniffles and his mind yells at him again
"am I broken m-mountain?" He asks as tears begin to fall
Mountains heart breaks and he rests a hand on Phantom's shoulder
"your not broken Phantom"
Phantom sniffles and shakes his head
"I think I am" he says as more tears fall
"come here bug" Mountain says as he opens his arms
Phantom looks up at him then hesitates before flying into his arms
He hides in the crook of his neck, continuing to cry
Mountain hugs him tightly, hands rubbing and tracing shapes on his back soothingly
After waiting patiently for a few minutes Phantoms sobs start to calm down
"im sorry" Phantom says quietly
"it's ok" Mountain says, kissing his head
He waits a few more minutes to calm down before talking again
Phantom takes a deep breath before speaking again
"Mountain?" He says quietly
"Yea bug?" Mountain says, running a hand up and down his back again
"feelings on earth are confusing" he says as he hides more in his neck
Mountain chuckles
"that they are" he says with a smile
"do you ever not like the word he?" Phantom asks hoping mountain will understand him
"what do you mean Hun?" Mountain asks, a bit confused but waiting so he can part the words together
"like.. Everytime someone says "he" or "his" when talking about me. It feels.. icky" he says quietly, wanting to just curl up and disappear again for a bit
Mountain hums quietly to think and soothe Phantom's nerves
"Oh? Would you rather be called she? Or they? Or something else?" Mountain asks, getting the idea of where this is going
"is.. all of it possible? But with he sometimes?" Phantom says, very thankful that Mountain is understanding it
"Yea! you tell me what you wanna be called and If you want people to say she or they or he when talking about we can go tell them, ok?" Mountain says with a gentle smile
"is that allowed?" Phantom asks with small hint of hesitation
Mountain chuckles and runs a hand through his hair
"Yea it's allowed bug"
"really?" Phantom asks with a small smile now creeping up on his lips
"yep! You know how Rain goes by they and them sometimes? That's perfectly fine"
Phantom just thought that's how they just were, he didn't know that they went through this too
Phantom smiles and pulls away a bit to look at Mountain
"then.. can I be a he, a they and a she?"
Mountain smiles
"yup!" He says as he gently taps/boops Phantom's nose
Phantom laughs and smiles
"Oh and here, I brought you some tea, we'll have to tell Swiss about the miscommunication" Mountain says with a laugh
"thank you" phantom says then hugs mountain quickly before taking the tea and taking a sip
Earth emotions are confusing and scary at times
But in the end everything will be alright
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forlorn-crows · 6 months
All this talk of soft ghouls got me thinking some unwise thoughts...
Can we, the clamoring public, see some Sunny softness? One of her ghouls (gn) showing her how loved she is once everyone gets back from tour? Taking some time to spoil her and just feel some pleasure with her? Please can we see that from your skilled and talented brain?
hi mallll you know i love my sunny girl
whats better than one multi ghoul? two multi ghouls. swiss spending time with his multi girl to get you all warm and fuzzy wink wink
a little bit of slice of life, a little bit of porn. mostly banter, some makin' out and some frotting action.
transfemme sunshine, with cock/dick/balls to refer to her anatomy.
“There she is, little miss Sunshine,” Swiss beams, pulling her into a strong, warm hug. “Missed you, multi girl.”
Sunny giggles, bouncing on her heels and squeezing him tight. “Missed you so much, Swissy.”
He gives her a chaste kiss on the side of her face, pulling back and holding her at arm’s length. Just to look at her. Breathe in that bright clementine smell of hers that they’ve all gone without. 
He sighs, giving her a lopsided grin. “I’m sure Cir and Lus will wanna steal you away first,” he rumbles, smoothing his thumbs over her freckled upper arms. “But maybe we can catch up later. Just us. How’s that sound, bunny?”
Sunny grins right back at him, clapping her hands together softly. “Yes! I’d love that.”
“Perfect,” he says, leaning in to kiss her on the nose. He eyes the other air ghoulettes who are quickly approaching them. “Uh oh. Gotta dash before Cir bites a chunk outta me for stealing her girl,” he teases, mock-whispering against her temple. 
“You better,” Cirrus lilts, flicking the forked end of her tongue out at him with a playful hiss. 
Swiss raises his hands in mock surrender, taking two steps back. “All yours, ladies,” he assures with a wink. 
“Thank you,” Cumulus says, turning her nose up proudly and crossing her arms. It’s all show though, her face splitting into a grin a second later, dimples on full display. The two of them take Sunny arm-in-arm, predictably whisking her away from the rest of the group—but not before Cirrus lands a smack on Swiss’ ass with her tail on the way out. 
“Bye,” he chuckles, offering Sunny a little wave. 
“Hey!” Aurora calls out from across the courtyard where she’s been flinging the few remaining suitcases into manageable stacks. She’s hunched over a random equipment case, ushering the multi-ghoul over. “I need your muscles. Big boy ran off with the other lovebirds already, and Lucifer knows where Rain and Aeon are.” 
Swiss rolls his eyes. “Slackers. The lot of ‘em,” he jests. “I gotcha, sweetheart.”
“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” Swiss muses hours later, pulling on a lock of Sunshine’s hair to watch it spring back out of his grasp.
She pouts and wrinkles her nose. Furrowing her brow, she blows a stream of air perfectly upwards to put the curl back in its place. “Yes. But you’ve interrupted me to say so.”
“It was really important, bunny.”
She rolls her eyes, even with the grin tugging at the corners of her lips. “You don’t wanna hear the rest of the story?”
Swiss pulls her closer by the waist, melding their bodies together for the first time in a long while. “I do, sweetheart. But I’ve heard my fair share of griping and groaning about human taxes from Aether himself. Can’t blame a guy for getting distracted by other things.” 
Sunny snorts. She walks her fingers up his forearm, over the swell of his bicep, and over his shoulder to poke him in the cheek. “And what are you thinking about instead, hm?”
He snaps his teeth at her finger, smiling when she yelps and pulls her finger away with a giggle. Then he leans in close, holding her gaze. He runs the tip of his nose along her browline, sighing when that sweet scent of her flares at his proximity. 
“You, sweet thing. My beautiful bunny whom I’ve missed so dearly.” He nuzzles further into her with a raspy purr, squeezing into the space between her and the pillow and tucking his nose right into the crook of her neck. 
“Swissy,” she half laughs, half whines. 
“Come onnn,” he groans teasingly. “Lemme be sweet to you. Show you how much I’ve missed you.”
“You just wanna get in my pants, you fucker,” Sunshine says bluntly, all while lifting her chin to give him better access. 
“Now, who said that?” he says at length. Swiss presses a kiss to her skin, smoothing his hand up and down her back. He inhales her scent again, ripe citrus and warm honey. “Fuck, baby, it’s been too long,”
She hums, coaxing him out from the crook of her neck. She holds the side of his face, smiling sweetly. “So dramatic,” she whispers before closing the distance to kiss him.
Swiss rumbles happily, tasting her slowly, softly. Though the sun is dipping below the horizon just beyond the hills outside, neither of them are in a rush. He cups her face in return, his fingers curving along her jaw. Not pulling or gripping. Just holding, caressing. 
Their lips meet and part, then meet again, over and over in chaste little touches that are paired with sighs and pleased chirps. An easy pace full of affection and mutual appreciation. 
“Missed havin’ you in my arms, bunny,” he mutters against her lips after what feels like ages. He gives her a tight squeeze, migrating back to her jawline.
“What, Rora didn’t keep you busy?” Sunny snorts without malice. 
Swiss huffs a laugh. “‘Course she did, that insatiable little thing.” He slips his hands down to her ass, kneading softly and pulling her as close as she can get. “But she’s not you, is she?”
Sunny hums. Rolls her hips against his very obvious bulge. “No, but I bet she looked real nice from the floor,” she grins.
He lets out a real laugh this time, pulling back to look at her. “Oh, you would know, wouldn’t you?” 
Sunny gets right back up in his face, nipping him on his kiss-swollen bottom lip. “What’s it to ya, Swissy?” she challenges.
He scoffs, eyebrows raising at her. “Oh, she wants to play games, does she?” he asks with a playful growl, bullying her onto her back. “Guess it’s time to bring out the big guns.”
Sunshine catches the glint in his eyes and the way his fingers twitch at his side as he straddles her. She narrows her eyes, realizing too late that she’s now trapped beneath him.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
Swiss gives her his signature frightening smile, all teeth.  “Oh, wouldn’t I?”
It’s all the warning she gets before he descends on her, fingers fluttering along all her ticklish spots—the middle of her ribs, the crease of her hips, her armpits, the divots of her collarbone. She swats at him helplessly, caught between shrieking and laughing uncontrollably. He’s always too fast, dodging and dislodging her hands to go from one spot to the other, pinning her down with strong legs despite how hard she tries to buck him off. 
“Swis-suhhh,” she whines, gasping for breath. “Lucif—hah-have mercy.”
Swiss smirks, ceasing his torment. He puts his hands on his hips, grinning smugly at the ghoulette still pinned beneath him. “Mercy granted.”
She sucks in a deep lungful of air, groaning on the exhale and scrubbing her face with her hands. She tries to twist out from underneath his thighs, groaning louder when her pelvis grinds against his. Her face quickly blooms with a rosy hue as she peeks at him through her fingers. 
“Uh oh,” Swiss lilts. He rocks his hips against hers, chuckling when she lets out a breathy moan. “What’s this, bunny?”
She swallows, attempting to catch her breath. “You know what.”
“Every time,” he laughs to himself. He drops down onto his hands, tail whipping behind him as he boxes her in with a hungry gaze. Licking over his fangs as he admires the way her freckles stand out against her blush. 
“What will I do with you, sweetheart?”
Sunshine reaches up to grip the hem of his t-shirt, twisting it between her fingers and tugging slightly. She bites her lip. Looks up at him with her big, amber eyes. “Kiss me?” Her eyes drop down to his chest, exposed a little now with her pulling on his shirt. “Make me feel good. Please?”
Swiss trills and melts himself against her. Guiding her hands to wrap around his waist as he tucks his forearms under her head. He presses a kiss to her forehead and ruts against her, sighing into her curls and sinking further into her infernal warmth. 
“Don’t have to tell me twice,” Swiss promises, dipping down to kiss her deeply. 
Where it was lazy before—chaste pecks and delicate touches—the pace is heated now: tongues exchanged, hands roaming, and hips rolled unabashedly against each other. Taking one another in like stifled flames no longer deprived of oxygen, drinking each other down like parched earth after a drought. Greedy, but relishing in it at the same time.
Sunshine claws at the back of his shirt, wriggling beneath him until she can wrap her legs around his hips. She groans when he slots between her legs, Swiss’ dick hot and hard against her own even through the layers of fabric between them. 
“Fuck,” she gasps against his lips. 
“Yeah,” he groans back. “So hard for me. Wanna get my hands around you.” 
Sunny nods, quick little movements of her head that rub her nose against his cheek. “Together,” she begs breathlessly. “Your dick against mine.”
Swiss groans louder, already pulling away from her to strip his clothes. “Fuck, that’s hot, bunny.”
The ghoulette all but yanks off her pants and underwear in one fell swoop, kicking them off and wrenching her crop top over her head simultaneously in an awkward flailing of limbs. She exhales triumphantly when she’s bare to the world, grinning up at Swiss with that crimson blush still on her cheeks and a cute leaking stiffy between her thighs. 
“Multi girl, you are something else,” Swiss says affectionately. With another shimmy of his hips he’s bare too, slinking back to lie side by side as before. He twines their legs together and pulls her right back into a hungry kiss, all tongue and fang. 
“Touch me,” she moans against his mouth. Pawing at his bicep until his hand moves from the curve of her back. 
Swiss wraps his hand around them both without further preamble, huffing a grunt as her length snuggles up to the underside of his. Likewise, she can’t contain her keening sigh as she bucks into his fist. Writhing atop the sheets and begging him sweetly in nonsensical syllables. 
“Just like that, baby,” he rumbles. He latches onto her neck, sucking a bruise into her heated skin. Warm tongue matching the pace of his hand. “Gonna make you feel so good.”
“Shit, Swiss,” Sunny whimpers. “So good—fuck—I love you so much.” 
“Love you so much, sweetheart,” he purrs into her skin. He tilts his head up, dipping his hand further down to brush against her tight little balls as he presses his lips against her ear. He smiles when she whines and gives her a squeeze. 
“Lemme show you how much I do.”
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kxyera · 5 months
How the Ghouls spend time alone (SFW) <3
All fluff, first time i've ever wrote something like this :)
I know for a FACT this girl can draw. She can sketch, paint, reference, shade and draw in multiple art styles. She's incredibly proud of her art (AS SHE SHOULD?!) and always draws little sketches of the other ghouls when shes bored or alone. She sometimes rips the pages out and gives it to the ghoul she drew, they always fawn over it and thank her multiple times.
She's a doomscroller. Enough said. She has a screen-time of over 10 hours and is not ashamed whatsoever. She also loves online shopping, she spends at least half her time scrolling to buy things she cant and will probably never afford or wear.
THIS. GIRL. CROCHETS. SHE IS A CROCHET QUEEN. She especially loves making stuffed animals and makes the ghouls little stuffed animals for anti-christmas and their birthdays. They're always personalised and is colour-coded to the giftee's element (EG: Fire = Red wool, Water = Blue wool, Air = White/grey wool, Earth = Green/brown wool, Quintessence = Purple). She loves the time and effort spent in making crochet projects, and absolutely adores seeing the other ghouls' face light up when they're gifted one of her projects.
I feel like she'd just enjoy the alone time. She'd go on walks by herself, skipping and listening to music. She just loves everything and is literally a walking ray of sun. literally.
He definitely plays loud music and sings along to it. Other ghouls either love it or hate it, depends on what time of day/night it is. He once woke up Sodo at 2am from it. DEEPLY regretted it. Has always stopped playing music at exactly 10pm after that incident.
Depending on his mood, he'll either practice his guitar or go on walks. He almost always practices his guitar as he thinks its the only thing that will keep him focused in on something. He plays to get his mind off of whatever happened and he'll only goes on walks when he knows he needs to properly clear his head.
He'd be a gardening boy. His room is full of plants and he knows the exact name of every plant in his room. He'd go out to the ministry gardens and sit underneath one of the trees reading. He's a calm boy.
You bet your ass if its a rainy day he's out there running around in it. Heavy rain? He loves it. Storm? No problem. Thunder? He'll jump at the large crashes of thunder, but find it to be music to his ears. He takes daily showers and the water has to be cold. He loves cold water (especially in the mornings) and he absolutely has a rainfall shower head. His spare time is spent damp.
This little gremlin is a walking pile of chaos. He once baked with the ghoulettes when he was bored. Its safe to say he's now officially banned from the kitchen. Everytime he has spare time alone, he instantly goes to find someone to mess about with. He also plans elaborate pranks to pull on the other ghouls in the future. Yes, he has a notebook with all these plans.
He’s the type of guy that reads a lot of old novels, always has a book on him. He *loves* H.P. Lovecraft, especially ‘Call of Cthulhu’ and could talk about it for hours by a cozy fire if he had someone to listen
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divine-misfortune · 5 months
I just saw u rebloged a picture of an era 1 (?) water ghoul and called them River in the tags. As I’m still trying to learn the names of the ghouls from earlier eras I wanted to ask if this (River) is a wider spread name for this ghoul or if it is only the name u personally use and wich water ghoul exactly this on the picture is? Thank u in advance! Always a pleasure coming around to ur blog! Have a nice day!
You've come to the right place, I am obsessed with the older ghouls and have a lot of plans in the works for them in the near future. I know there is some variation on names with the older ghouls, there was never a clear decision made overall by the Fandom but here, allow me to list.
So these are the ghouls of each element in order.
Phantom, sometimes referred to as Aeon
Earth, also sometimes referred to as Big Earth
Pebble, also referred to as little earth
Water (we've had so many water ghouls jfc)
Zephyr, also called chair ghoul
And then you've got your oddball ghouls like Special and Cowbell. They're their own group.
Ghoul names like Omega, Alpha, and Water have been sconfirmed - Terzo has said them before. Then there was that one Instagram post the official page made referring to Aether by name.
Some things to note about the list, Delta was a water ghoul before he switched to quint for a very brief period of time. Between Delta and Mist there was a period of time where the group didn't have a bassist. Also Dave Grohl, founder of the foo-fighters, and drummer for Nirvana, was in the band for a minute? I cannot for the life of me tell you when, but he was there at some point!
Up until the tail end of era 3 the ghouls are a little harder to tell apart in my opinion. There are some obvious things to pick up on (and if you'd like I can try to make a visual guide at some point?)
Feel free to ask questions about any of this btw-
I love the old ghouls and want to talk about them so bad it hurts
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iamthecomet · 11 months
Comet Coment Comet COMET
This came to me in a dream, I think, and I need to share:
Cumulus teaching trans Dew how to peg Swiss for the first time. Does she lead by example? Fuck him first so Dew gets her sloppy seconds? Or does she just instruct, guide? Does she get her hands on Dew's little hips and move him inside Swiss? Showing him just what he likes?
MIASMA ILU. I'M KISSING YOU FOR THIS. I need you to know that I have barely thought about anything else since you sent this ask. It's ruining my life. 1.4k of trans Dew pegging Swiss under Cumulus' watchful eye. Cunt and clit used in reference to Dew's anatomy.
The dildo is pretty. Deep shimmery purple marbled with gold. It’s so soft under Dew’s fingers when he presses them over the molded head, over the space beneath.
Cumulus hooks her chin over his shoulder and watches him touch it. It juts out from Dew’s body, held on by the harness looped around his waist, his thighs. He strokes it the way he would if it was really his and Cumulus purrs behind him. Her cool body rumbling against his back. She’s the only one of them still dressed. Wearing tight shorts, and a sheer robe. No bra. Dew can feel the cool press of her nipple shields against his shoulder blades. They’re bronze this time, heart shaped.
Dew wants to put his mouth on them—but that isn’t why they’re here. The reason they’re here is spread out in front of Dew. Swiss, on his back, naked as the day he was summoned. Miles of dark charcoal skin open to Dew’s wandering eyes. Swiss grins up at him, a little heavy lidded already. Cock hard and leaking against his belly. Eyes darting down to the silicone between Dew’s legs.
Dew’s stomach flips. A flash of anxiety. He wants to do this maybe more than he’s ever wanted anything. But Dew’s always a little resistant to new tasks, worried—foolishly—that he’ll be bad at it.
“Tell him you want it,” Cumulus whispers, her breath cool against Dew’s shoulder. Swiss swallows, drags his eyes back up to Dew’s face.
“Want your cock, firefly. Please.”
Dew feels weak already. Knees a little wobbly. He’s warm, sweat already pricking at his temples in anticipation of this. Swiss’ words make it all worse. They feel like a gut punch. He feels himself get wetter. It’s like being a water ghoul again. He’ll be dripping down his thighs in no time.
He grips the silicone cock at the base like he’s trying to stave off his own pleasure.
They’ve already prepped Swiss. Taking their time with it, Cumulus sliding two of her fingers in alongside Dew’s just to watch the way Swiss’ eyes rolled back.
Look how much he likes it. She’d said to him. Imagine how he’ll be when he’s stuffed full.
Dew knows how he gets when he’s full. Has sat in this room before and watched it happen. Cumulus behind Swiss, her hands on his hips while she fucked him with this same strap. Swiss’ face buried in Dew’s cunt. Keening with his tongue pressed to Dew’s clit.
Swiss pulls his legs back a little further and Dew watches as his hole winks for him, clenching around nothing as Swiss adjusts. Cumulus reaches around Dew, lube in one hand. She uncaps it, pours a healthy amount onto the silicone and strokes it from root to tip. Polishing the head. Dew can’t look away from how her manicured fingers look wrapped around him. He shudders, blushing when he finally has the presence of mind to be embarrassed about how far gone he is.
Cumulus presses her lips to his jaw. She nudges Dew forward and presses the fat head of the toy against Swiss’ rim.   She grabs both of Dew’s hips and pushes him forward. Dew watches as inch by inch that purple silicone disappears into Swiss’ body. His hole stretching around it. Swallowing it. Swiss groans. He tips his head back against the bed. Dew watches his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows. Swiss’ mouth drops open as Dew bottoms out. Hips pressed flush against Swiss’.
Cumulus reaches around cup one of Dew’s tits. Small, barely a handful for her petite hands. She rolls his nipple between her fingers, tugs on the ring through it, and he gasps bowing forward, teeth digging into his lip. Swiss reaches for him, putting a warm palm on Dew’s stomach. Fingers digging in a little, a tiny dose of pain to bring him back to earth.
“Move,” he pleads.
Dew finds himself frozen. Between the way Cumulus is rolling his nipple between her fingers, and the visual, he can’t get his brain to respond. He wants to move. Wants to fuck Swiss so good he’s the one Swiss will come to when he wants this. That Swiss will beg him for it.
Cumulus nuzzles her face against the side of Dew’s neck, and finally takes mercy on him. Dragging her hands down his sides to squeeze at his hips. She pulls him back.
Dew watches as the strap reappears. Watches the way Swiss’ body clings to it, tries to suck it back in. Swiss groans, fists one hand over his weeping cock and the other in his hair.
“Look how greedy that hole is,” Cumulus purrs in Dew’s ear. “Look how hungry he is for you.”
Dew whines, a low feminine sound that he tries to swallow.
Cumulus only has to direct him for a few more thrusts, her fingers dimpling into his hips as she pushes and pulls him. Swiss arches off the bed, and Dew pulls out of Cumulus’ grip. Snapping his hips forward the way Swiss does when he fucks Dew. It makes Swiss keen.
He loses himself in the rhythm he sets. Swiss grinds down on his cock and Cumulus keeps a steady hand on his hip. He watches Swiss’ face, his body. Watches his stomach muscles jump with each thrust. Listens to the harsh huffs of breath Dew knocks out of him. Dew reaches down and puts his hand on Swiss’ belly, presses down.
Feels the slight bulge of his cock dragging against Swiss’ insides. He’s going insane. He’s doing this. He’s making Swiss moan like this. He’s responsible for the desperate pleasure twisting Swiss’ features.
Cumulus smooths one hand down Dew’s thigh. “You’re doing so good. Isn’t he Swiss?”
Swiss is flushed, his cheeks violet, eyes unfocused. He nods. “Y-yeah. Fuck, Dew. So good. Just like that.”
As if Dew would do anything different. As if he can stop himself.
Swiss pulls at himself, dragging spurts of precum from his cock with each measured stroke.
Cumulus backs off a little, makes room. And then her hand sneaks between Dew’s thighs, presses up. Through the slick gathered on them. She drags the pads of her fingers over his clit and he bucks, driving into Swiss harder than he means to. But Swiss only moans louder. Dew watches his fingers flex as he twists over the head of his cock. Fingers shiny with pre.
Cumulus presses two fingers into Dew’s cunt, pressing her thumb down hard on his clit as she curls her fingers. Dew wails. He searches for something to hold on to—finding only Swiss’ thighs. He drives himself deep, hard. Swiss’ thighs shake under his palms.
He’s babbling. Begging. He doesn’t even know what he saying. He feels the words on his tongue, hears them in a voice that doesn’t quite sound like his. Cumulus is guiding his thrusts again—he can’t focus on anything except her fingers against his g-spot, and the way Swiss moves against him.
Swiss cums with a shout. Dew watches his rim pulse around the purple cock. Puffy and slick, twitching in time with each spurt of cum across his chest.
Swiss drags his fingers through the mess and reaches up, shoving two of them into Dew’s mouth and he’s gone. Cumming so hard his vision darkens. Knees buckling as he leans his weight back on Cumulus and shudders through his orgasm. When he comes back, Swiss fingers are still in his mouth, petting over his tongue, but they’ve moved. He’s on his back, Swiss on one side, Cumulus on the other. One of her hands running up and down his skinny thigh. The strap is gone. He wonders how much time he lost. “Welcome back.” Swiss grins at him, pulls his fingers from Dew’s mouth and wipes the spit off on his nipple, swirling over the piercing and making Dew hiss. He bats Swiss’ hand away.
“How do you feel, firefly?” Cumulus asks into his hair.
“Good,” he mumbles. Closing his eyes and leaning back against her. Swiss reaches between Dew’s legs and drags his fingers through the slick mess on Dew’s thighs, unable to keep his hands to himself. Dew wants, as usual, to push his face into the mattress and fuck him until he cries. It’s how he usually feels about Swiss, a primal need to put him in his place. He can now, he realizes. Possibility opens up before him—he feels better than good. He grins. “When can I do it again?”
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Some simple headcanons, with a side of angst for your Friday night. Below the cut.
-Dew is really good at sewing, and used to repair the old ghoul uniforms before they got the money to buy new ones/were able to hire a professional to do it, but he still fixes the other ghouls’ clothes now and then if they ask.
He’s currently in the process of making a t-shirt quilt out of some of his old band tees as a little side project.
-Rain is not a great cook, but he does make the best fucking pancakes. They were the first thing he got to cook topside apart from scrambled eggs.
-Swiss likes being the little spoon, both because he loves cuddles, and because then he doesn’t feel like he’s trapping the other person there if they don’t want to be. 
The only exceptions to this rule are when he’s laying face to face with the other person, or when he’s snuggling with Cumulus.
He enjoys holding her.
-Sunshine can do cartwheels, and is generally very good at gymnastics/balance related things, to the point that everyone is convinced she might be part goat.
-Cirrus and Dew have watched every Adam Sandler movie together, and basically have the plots of “Blended” and “Just Go With It” memorized for no reason at all, and parrot lines from “Little Nicky” at each other all the time.
-Aether is 100% ride or die, and has gotten into a LOT of fights despite everyone thinking he’s not a fighter, and he has not regretted a single one.
-Mountain is well versed in sign language, and has given all the other ghouls sign names, some are more creative than others, but Rain is obviously Rain, and Dew is simplified to just “D” or a repeated “Dee-Dee” when Mountain is referring to him in an affectionate way.
-Cumulus is friends with a couple of the sisters from the abbey, and goes out with them pretty regularly, and basically has them as a sort of separate friend group from the other ghouls.
Cirrus doesn’t really get along with them, not because of anything bad, but because she doesn’t want to feel... replaced.
-Dew can smell changes in people’s blood sugar levels well enough that he can tell when someone is experiencing hypoglycemia just by catching a whiff of their breath, and while he has explained, numerous times, what the scent is like to the other ghouls and even the siblings, none of them seem to have as firm of a grasp on it as he does.
-Rain can make sand, or, more accurately, he can channel his water magic to erode rocks and make sand.
Once, Rain and Dew teamed up to see if they could make glass this way, with Rain making sand and Dew heating it, and as it would turn out: Yes, yes they can.
Neither of them, however, are exactly good at sculpting though, so the results were a pathetic little glass snake, which they gave to Imperator on Mother’s Day because, “Sure, why the fuck not?”
...She kept it.
And, lastly;
-Mountain has a secret greenhouse and adjoining cabin in the woods where he grows his “experimental” plants.
He has yet to elaborate on what that means, or where this mystical place might be.
Many have wandered in vain.
Except for Dew and Swiss.
They found that place in under an hour on a summer’s afternoon, and were lowkey disappointed to find out Mountain wasn’t growing monster amounts of weed, and was actually researching rare plants.
Neither of them left though, and now Mountain has guinea pigs lab partners.
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everybodyshusband · 1 year
are you going to write about more regressed ghouls? i think itd be nice for some of them to have a playdate, namely phantom and rain and maybe even swiss. the rest could be caregivers (or also regressed, up to you)
i am always so excited to write regressed ghouls, haha ! thank you so much for your ask, anon !!! i wrote this in a rush and while regressed please be kind, haha :’)
(almost) 900 words of regressed rain, swiss, and the New Guy (i haven’t decided on a name that i like for him yet, so i’ve mainly referred to him as “the newest ghoul" i hope that’s okay!!)
under the cut or on ao3 :)
Rain looked up from where he was sitting on the floor with the band’s newest ghoul playing blocks to see Swiss standing in the doorway, grinning down at both of them, a plushie clutched tightly in his fist.
Rain had walked into the common room wanting to find someone to sit and cuddle with for a while, but he had found the youngest ghoul sitting cross-legged on the floor building a tower of blocks and chatting to himself quietly instead. The water ghoul had toddled over and plonked himself down on the floor next to his friend, asking if he could join. The quintessence ghoul hadn’t said anything, but he’d nodded at Rain, patted the ground next to him, and held out a block for Rain to take, babbling something about needing more builders to finish the tower on time. They’d been playing for about an hour or two, chatting away at each other as they built a tower together—the tower of blocks had been so big that the little ghouls had needed to stand up to put the blocks on top. Luckily for the furniture around them, the tower had fallen over before the two of them had needed to start standing on couches, so they were back to sitting on the floor again, their small tower between them.
When Swiss came to the doorway, Rain was confused. Something felt different about the multi ghoul, but he didn’t know what it was. He tilted his head in Swiss’ direction and trilled in confusion, wanting to know what was different but not having the words to ask. Luckily, Swiss knew what Rain meant.
“No, no! ‘M not big right now, ‘m sorry, Rainy,” he said, his smile going away slightly as he spoke. It looked like he was sad that he couldn’t take care of Rain and the new ghoul like he normally would if he found them being little with no one to look after them, but Rain didn’t want Swiss to be sad. He wanted him to be happy! “I– I wanted to know if– if maybe I could play blocks too?” Swiss looked so scared to ask, and Rain didn't like that.
At the suggestion of a third playmate, the new ghoul trilled happily and clapped his hands together, accidentally knocking over the newest tower of blocks in his excitement. “Ah, noo!” He cried out. “Swissy, help us! Tower again!” He gasped. He didn’t have many words, so he worried that Rain and Swiss wouldn’t be able to understand him, but the other two gasped as well, very excited that the three of them would be able to build a tower together.
Rain nodded quickly and pulled at Swiss’ arm, dragging him down to the bricks. “Yeah, Swissy, you need help us!”
Swiss sat down, his mouth dropped open in surprise that the other ghouls wanted his help so much, and began putting blocks on top of each other to help them build their tower. Each time a new block went on and the tower didn’t fall, they all clapped and cheered excitedly.
As the three of them built, they came up with a story about the tower, which they were all very proud of, and when Cumulus walked into the common room, they all started talking at the same time, wanting to tell her their story. She sat down on the couch and leaned forward, taking a good look at their tower of blocks, praising them for how well-built and sturdy it was. The three ghouls melted under her words and began purring even louder than they had been when they were building together.
“Do– Do you wanna hear th’story ‘bout our tower, Lussy?” Rain asked, sitting at her feet and looking up at her lovingly. “We really, really, really wan’ to tell you!”
Cumulus laughed happily. “Of course you can tell me, little ones! C’mon, come up here and snuggle with me. Get cosy while you tell me the story.”
“We can’t!” Swiss said. “We need to move an’ show you things when we tell you!”
“T’ank ‘ou, though,” the new ghoul added quietly with a yawn. He regressed even smaller than Rain did, so he got tired the fastest out of all of them. Before he knew what was happening, Cumulus was scooping him up in a hug and holding him tight to her body. He made a tiny, quiet noise of surprise when she dragged him into her lap, but once he was settled, he felt so comfy and so warm that he didn’t want to leave. He could tell Cumulus things about the blocks while he was sitting in her lap if he needed to, but the warmth of her body heat was just so nice that his brain was getting a bit soupy.
The chatter of the three ghouls around him made him fall asleep very quickly, still snuggled up on Cumulus’ lap; his hands around her waist and his head buried in her chest, purring softly. He fell asleep so fast that Swiss and Rain didn’t even get up to the bit of the story he was supposed to tell before they looked over and found the quintessence ghoul sleeping peacefully in Cumulus’ comforting hold.
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spoiledleaff · 1 year
✿ been thinking about mountain and his flower nicknames he gives everyone… my love for victorian flower language haunts me. anyways, buckle up. it’s another leaf hyperfixation :)
aether: “my little jonquil” which means ‘i desire a return of affection’, because mountain thinks that aether doesn’t bother him nearly enough or as much as the rest of the ghouls do and he wants to be bothered, damnit! also, the yellow hues complement aether’s eyes nicely, mountain thinks.
rain: “my little blue bell” (‘i will be constant’ in flower language), because mountain wants rain to know that even though he is one of the younger ghouls, their little pack would simply not be the same without him, no matter what his insecurities and awkwardness might try to tell him. this name in particular never fails to leave rain a perfectly blushing mess. also, the bulbs of this flower reminds mountain of rain’s nose.
swiss: “my sweet geranium” and “my little ivy” for geranium ivy. mountain likes to divide this nickname up, but make no mistake! it’s in reference to the same flower (meaning ‘your hand for the next dance’), and it references both swiss and mountain’s places next to each on stage and their sometimes shared shenanigans. also, the shape of this flower’s petals reminds mountain of swiss’ vape, as the slight curve and stretch of the petals remind mountain of how the fumes from swiss’ vape somehow always find him; always reaching for mountain’s lungs.
dewdrop: this one was a bit tricky, as mountain has tried numerous names in the past that dewdrop has immediately shut down, the dastardly fire ghoul somehow knowing a good deal of flower language, and the embarrassing softness behind mountain’s nicknames (perhaps from his time as a water ghoul? did he once have an interest in these things?). but, regardless, mountain has found two names that he’s been allowed to use repeatedly. “my scorched mulberry” (‘scorched’ is intended to take the place of ‘black’, so a black mulberry which means ‘i will not survive you’) and “my dear mignonette” (this one means ‘your qualities surpass your charms’), amongst some other names that dewdrop allows like “fire lily”. although that one doesn’t have much meaning besides the obvious. also, both the reaching structures of mulberry flowers and mignonette stalks remind mountain of dewdrop; always reaching towards the sun. whatever that might mean.
cirrus: “my sweet heliotrope” (meaning ‘devotion’) because no matter the height difference, mountain will always be there to willingly drop to his knees and worship the earth with which cirrus simply breathes. just as she deserves. also, the sometimes complicated scent of the heliotrope flower reminds mountain of cirrus’ own scent; complex with floral smells, but also balsamic with sweet notes.
cumulus: a personal favorite nickname of mountain’s, he adores calling her “my lovely, lovely juniper” (meaning ‘asylum; shelter’ in flower language), and it’s in reference to how much of a motherly figure/safe space cumulus is — not only for mountain — but for the rest of their polycule as well. also, the soft blue/white colors of the juniper flower reminds mountain of how cumulus’ hair shimmers underneath the moonlight.
sunshine: mountain likes to alternate between “my sweet cedar” and “my darling little maiden’s blush” (meaning ‘i live for thee’ and ‘if you do love me, you shall find me out’, respectively)the last one is certainly a mouthful, and mountain typically saves it for some very special occasions. both nicknames are in reference to their elements connections, and how the earth quite literally needs the sun in order to victoriously flourish and thrive. also, the way sunshine’s hair is so curly and vibrant in color reminds mountain of the intricate curves and structure of the maiden’s blush rose. how sweet.
copia: mountain called him “my sweet cypress” (meaning ‘mourning’, and ‘despair’) when they first met, and it’s in reference to when his brothers had been killed. now, he calls copia “my little locust” (meaning ‘affection beyond the grave’) not just for his lost brothers, but to remind copia of his forever place in the ghoul polycule. also, the fact that the tree is called a black locust, and yet it blooms a white flower reminds mountain of him. specifically his papal paint.
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Inspired by this gifset from @cardi-c.
Jealousy is an unfamiliar emotion to Cirrus, and she isn't adjusting well to having to share Cumulus's affections with the new ghoulette.
Cirrus x Cumulus Hurt/Comfort Rating: teen, slight sexual references words: 2148 cw: possessive/jealous behavior, on-stage kiss without prior discussion
I love the ghoulettes, and what better way to show it than putting them through some emotional pain.
Read below the cut or on AO3:
Jealousy: it was a new emotion for Cirrus. Summoned alongside Cumulus, they had been inseparable both on and off stage. Bonded. A package deal. “The Lionesses”. Sure, it might have annoyed them at first when Copia would treat them as a single entity, but now Cirrus would give anything to have that closeness back.
Nothing had changed between them when Sunshine was summoned. They had welcomed her into the pack with open arms, and eventually their bed on occasion. She had slotted naturally into their lives, they both adored her, but she had never gotten between them. Not like the newest ghoulette.
Things had started off so well. Aurora was playful and fun, and everyone had taken an instant shine to her. From frolicking on stage with Swiss to her hours spent in the greenhouse with Mountain, it was clear that the new ghoulette had taken to her packmates like a duck to water. She had also latched on to Cumulus almost immediately which, given the current situation, Cirrus was rather less pleased about.
At first, the pair had seemed to have an almost sisterly dynamic, Cumulus teaching Aurora the intricacies of life topside, the pair of them matching each other’s energy perfectly. The trio – and Sunshine when she had time off from her new duties – had spent many hours in the commons together before the tour. Cirrus had been delighted by how quickly she had assimilated into their little family. But since tour had started something had changed, and Cirrus had never felt so alone.
From her podium stage right, she felt the distance between her and Cumulus more than ever. A literal Mountain between them Cumulus had joked at the start of the tour. How right she was. Glancing to her left, she saw Aurora twirling up to Cumulus on her platform. As they continued to dance around each other, Cirrus felt the green-eyed monster deep in her gut rear its ugly head once more. She forced herself to look away, to concentrate on the rack of keyboards in front of her as the thundery smell of ozone began to waft around her. She saw Swiss look her way, concern and confusion visible even behind his mask. Cirrus chose to ignore him.
Unable to stop herself looking back at her mate and the new ghoulette, Cirrus wished she hadn’t. They were closer together than ever now, and Cirrus watched on in horror as Aurora reached out to cup Cumulus’s face in both hands and draw her in for a kiss. Exaggerated, as if she wanted Cirrus to see.
Jerking her head back to face forward, Cirrus felt a rumbling in her chest. As both Swiss and Mountain turned to glance at her, anxiety and unease rolling off them in waves, she realised she was growling. She tried to take deep breaths, to control herself, but only succeeded in choking on her own polluted aura. Was this how Dewdrop felt every time he snarled at any roadie or venue staff who looked at Rain for a fraction too long?
Cirrus drifted through the rest of the ritual in a daze, and soon she found herself being pulled forward by Swiss’ warm hand to interact with the crowd. She did her best not to look at the pair of giggling ghoulettes playing up to the crowd on the other side of the stage, and threw her setlist aeroplane with as much enthusiasm as she could muster. She was glad she had a balaclava to hide behind, sure she would be unable to force a genuine-looking smile even at a distance. As the ghouls and Papa gathered in a line for their bows, Cirrus found herself pressed between Swiss and Mountain, each grabbing a hand and squeezing tightly as she desperately tried to hold herself together.
Breaking formation to leave the stage while Papa took his final bows, Mountain pulled Cirrus close to his side.
“C'mon Anemone, let's get out of here.”
The taxi ride back to the hotel was similarly torture. Still curled into Mountain, Cirrus was sat opposite Cumulus and Aurora who seemingly hadn’t stopped their conversation since they left the stage. She had figured it was probably better than sharing the other taxi with either of the two loved-up couples, but with the way the pair of ghoulettes were giggling like they were in a teen movie, she wasn’t so sure. Cirrus tried to focus on Mountain’s warm presence next to her, and he gave her another comforting squeeze, feeling her discomfort.
Arriving at the hotel, the room pairings were the same as they had been since the start of the tour; both pairs of mated ghouls together, and the two new ghouls sharing. Rain and Dewdrop had scuttled off to their room almost immediately, barely pausing to wish the others good night. Cirrus hoped she’d get a chance to talk with Cumulus tonight, she was desperate to find out what the kiss had meant – was it just on-stage acting or was it something more?
As the group went to part ways in the corridor, Aurora caught hold of Cumulus’s sleeve,
“Hey Lulu, it’s not that late and we have tomorrow off, we should go out dancing!”
Cirrus blanched at the use of her nickname for Cumulus, but tried to keep her face neutral as she dove towards her hotel room,
“I think I’m going to turn in early, goodnight everyone.”
“Riri, wait-” said Cumulus, but it was too late, as the door fell shut. Cirrus threw her bags into the corner of the room, kicked off her shoes, and curled up in the middle of the king-size bed. Every fibre of her being ached for Cumulus to follow her into her room, but equally she wasn’t in the mood to host a ghoulette slumber party in their room tonight if Aurora followed.
She sat there silently, hugging her knees to her chest as if she could hold all her emotions in that way, until the corridor went silent, voices disappearing behind closed doors.
Robotically she went about changing out of her travel clothes into pyjamas, pulling one of Cumulus’s old and worn band shirts over her head and breathing her lingering scent in deeply. She crawled into the too-large, too-cold bed and wondered how she was ever meant to get any sleep.
A short while later, she heard doors opening and closing, as the ghouls who weren’t totally wiped out from the ritual headed out to a nearby bar. Normally Cirrus would’ve jumped at the chance of a night of human fun in a new city.
Nothing brought her more joy than seeing her mate being truly carefree, dancing under a rainbow of lights, her porcelain skin glowing like opal. Always the most beautiful creature to have ever set foot in whichever dingy venue they ended up in, her breezy laugh more melodious than any music playing. Her tongue loosened by alcohol, she would coo sweet – and increasingly salacious – thoughts in Cirrus’ ear until the pair would stumble back to their hotel room. All soft words and softer hands, Cirrus would make a point of showing Cumulus exactly how beautiful she was, wringing sweet sounds from her until the sun rose outside their curtains.
But tonight, as Cirrus’ shoulders shook with silent tears, she couldn’t help but wonder if Aurora would be the one to worship at the altar of her exquisite mate.
An indeterminate number of sleepless hours later, she heard the voices of her packmates again. She waited hopefully for any sign of Cumulus coming to her room, until the corridor was quiet once more. A gentle knock on the door had her falling out of bed in her haste to rip it open, only to be faced with the hulking shadow of a recently-awakened Mountain with a blanket pulled up over his head. Cirrus tried to hide how her shoulders sank, her hopes of seeing her mate dashed.
“Sorry Cir, Swiss brought Phantom back to our room, and they’re doing loud and unspeakable things I want no part in.” he apologised sheepishly. Cirrus motioned silently towards the bed. At least she might get some sleep now, she never slept well alone.
“Thanks.” He muttered, shuffling in. “Lus gone back to Rory’s?”
“I guess so…” Cirrus shrugged, climbing back into the bed and curling up in Mountain’s offered arms. “Night Mounty.”
“Goodnight, Windflower.”
The next morning at breakfast, Cumulus plopped herself down next to Cirrus, herself and Mountain the only ones to have emerged so far, and leaned in to press a chaste kiss to her cheek. Cirrus gave her a wan smile, staying sat stiffly upright in her chair before looking back down at her plate of food.
As they ate, Cirrus could see Cumulus shooting her worried glances out the corner of her eye. She did her best to ignore them, trying to keep her emotions in check. Nibbling on some fruit she had no appetite for, Cirrus did her best to block out Cumulus’ citrus and lavender scent washing over her, it tasted acrid and burnt in her mouth. She heard Aurora continuing to chatter away, her normally bell-like voice grating on Cirrus’ sensitive ears.
Abruptly, she stood up, her chair screeching on the cheap hotel flooring. Cirrus made a break back to her room, already feeling tears pricking at her eyes again. In the back of her mind, she heard Cumulus’ concerned voice over the ringing in her ears.
She slammed the hotel door behind her with too much force, before collapsing face forward into the tangle of sheets. Not even a minute later, she heard gentle knocking, and Cumulus calling her name from the other side of the door.
“Ciri? What's wrong sweetheart?”
Cirrus pressed a pillow over her head, hoping to drown out her voice.
“Will you let me in Stormcloud? Please talk to me, love!”
Throwing herself to her feet and stumbling back to the door, Cirrus wrenched it open with an anguished howl,
“How can you call me that! Aurora's clearly your love now!”
"Whatever do you mean?”
Cirrus drew a ragged breath, sure every emotion she’d felt over the past few days was painted on her tearstained face,
“You've been spending all your time with her, you've ignored me since the last ritual, and you kissed her, it's like you've forgotten all about me! We're meant to be bonded!”
“Oh sweetheart...” Cumulus reached out her arms to Cirrus, who fell into them as sobs wracked her body, letting Cumulus guide her back into her room and into an armchair. “I'm so sorry I made you feel that way, I just wanted Aurora to feel included, I never meant to make you feel like I'd replaced you!” Cumulus rocked them together gently in the chair, barely big enough for the two of them, her hair falling around them in a fluffy silver cloud. Cirrus held her tightly as her shoulders continued to shake, as if she could be ripped away at a moment’s notice.
“And you're right, I shouldn't have kissed her without talking to you first. I got carried away by the energy on-stage, but that's no excuse.”
“I- I just want to feel like I'm your mate again, I feel like I'm losing you...” Cirrus gazed up at Cumulus with a heart-broken expression.
“You'll never lose me, and I'm so sorry for not treating you like the most beautiful person in every room, and most important person in my life, because you are! I'm so in love with you, I'll spend eternity making sure you know that.” Cumulus was on the verge of crying herself, how could she have ever made her mate feel anything less than perfect?
“I should never have got so caught up that I ignored you, and I should've discussed doing anything on-stage with Aurora with you before.”
Cirrus sniffed, determined not to make a mess of Cumulus' shirt. “I'm happy you get along so well, I just don't want to feel second-best anymore. Not when you are my whole world, the air in my lungs.”
Cumulus stroked her hair, her fingernails gently scratching soothing patterns into the short hairs of the undercut at the nape of her neck as she spoke gently,
“You know she loves you too right?”
“How could she now? After I’ve acted so rudely to her?”
“She’ll forgive you. She’ll understand if we explain.”
Cirrus looked up at Cumulus with hopeful eyes, the longing for harmony with her mate, her pack, her family clear in the teal depths still shimmering with unshed tears.
“You always take such good care of us all, let me take care of you for once.” Cumulus clutched her tighter to her chest, the final remnants of Cirrus’ tears choking off as a shaky purr started deep in her chest.
“Sleep my darling, I've got you. Now and always."
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I hope you don’t mind but I have a question. On your page you say you write of a band, I guess I would like to know more about the band if that is ok. Is it from a film or are they people? I am sorry for the bad question. I like your writing; hope you continue to write and enjoy the time off.
Oh I love this question!!! I love getting to go on tangents about this, so literally just come on in and ask me any questions you have, and I will answer (to the best of my ability).
Anything linked will look like this (and underlined).
Okay so, Ghost is an actual band. They’re a Satanic* metal band (you can find them on any music service). If you’re on TikTok, you probably have heard Mary On A Cross. That’s from their EP Seven Inches Of Satanic Panic.
Ghost actually has quite a bit of lore, which means they have characters and other things that go with the band in itself. Oftentimes, you’ll see someone say in their writing that they are “writing about the character, not the people under the mask.”
If you want, I can also post a timeline of events that are (I think mostly) canon events to explain things more in depth.
The frontman is Tobias Forge, but he uses a silicone mask to turn himself into different characters (Papa Emeritus I- Primo, Papa Emeritus II - Secondo, Papa Emeritus III - Terzo, and Papa Emeritus IV - Copia). So Tobias Forge is the lead singer, he just acts as different characters onstage.
Being a Papa basically means that dude is the leader of the Clergy (like a pope). Copia is the current Papa, so he’s currently the ‘head’ of the Ministry.
Primo, Secondo, Terzo, and Copia are all brothers because Papa Nihil is their father. I highly recommend watching the series I have linked at the end of this for more lore that I didn’t explain or didn’t remember (such as characters like Papa Nihil, Sister Imperator, or Mr. Saltarian) (I can also explain that stuff in a different post if you’d like).
Nameless ghouls are the people Tobias hires to perform during concerts (also commonly called Rituals). In lore, they’re basically elemental demons that the Papa’s (the anti-pope’s) summoned to perform with him and spread the word of Satan.
I’m just going to discuss the ghouls as characters and not the people under the mask because they’re masked and nameless for anonymity. Everyone basically knows who is under the mask, but some people prefer not to know, so I won’t go into the at the moment.
The current lineup is (name - instrument - element):
Dewdrop - lead guitar - fire**
Rain - bass - water
Phantom - rhythm guitar - quintessence***
Mountain - drums - earth
Swiss - backing (?) guitar, vocals, tambourine - multi-ghoul (which elements is up to you, but most say fire/quintessence)
Cumulus - keyboard, vocals, tambourine - air
Cirrus - keyboard, keytar - air
Aurora - vocals, tambourine - multi-ghoul (which elements is up to you, but most say water/air)
Previous ghouls that I know of but are no longer touring:
Aether - rhythm guitar - quintessence
Sunshine - vocals, tambourine - multi-ghoul (which elements is up to you, but most say fire/air)
Omega - rhythm guitar - quintessence
Alpha - lead guitar - fire
Mist - bass - water
Ifrit - lead guitar - fire
Zephyr/ChAir - keyboard/keytar - air
Ivy - drums - earth
Cowbell - cowbell - unsure of element
Special - interview ghoul (just Tobias Forge when he was still anonymous) - unsure of element
Plus others that I haven’t really gotten the chance to learn
Considering the ghouls are nameless and masked, it’s fairly difficult to figure out who is who when you’re just getting into the lore. If you want, I can make separate posts talking about how to tell them apart.
If you couldn’t tell, basically each element is attached with certain instruments.
Also the men are referred to as ghouls and women are referred to as ghoulettes, but people use ‘ghouls’ also as a general term. Not super relevant information, but just a little side note. A lot of people headcanon certain ghouls with they/them pronouns (commonly Rain & Phantom), and a lot of people also consider them as transgender (commonly Dewdrop - especially considering the elemental transition).
* A lot of people who listen to the band don’t identify as Satanic. Personally, I don’t, so don’t feel like you have to convert to Satanism to enjoy any of the content. Ghost is basically (for lack of better terms) a parody of the Catholic Church. They just has a lot of imagery in regards to mixing Catholicism and Satanic things.
** Dewdrop used to be the bassist after Mist left the band, but switched to lead guitar after Ifrit left. He used to be considered a water ghoul, but once he switched to lead guitar, he became a fire ghoul. In the lore, people say he had to go through a transition, so if you read any of the fanfiction, you’ll probably see quite a bit of angst in relation to his elemental transition.
*** Quintessence is usually seen as something to do with things with the mind - I’m not too good at explaining it, so you might just roll through google (or fanfiction) for better information
Papaganda: Episode 1 - Episode 2 (complete)
The Summoning: Playlist - 7 Videos (complete)
The Chapters: Playlist - 17 videos (still ongoing)
Jesus Talk With Father Jim DeFroque (this is kind of just a random thing that they did, it’s not super relevant to the lore) (from my knowledge)
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