how do we feel about a cis girl using he/him pronouns
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teslacoils-and-hubris · 9 months
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We live such different lives... come with me I can show you the beautiful intimacy of literally holding someone's heart in your hands
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vashti-refused · 4 months
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Imagine if the guy who you heated up soup for and whose stump you disinfected three times a day while everyone else was in Mexico just shows up like this. I would die of humiliation before I even got to That Bathroom
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wolfythewitch · 10 months
Hmmm would Crowley and Aziraphale be on the Greek or Trojan side of the war
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nokomento · 2 years
and then this hypothetical Young!Zenos series i had from reading his official ffxiv side story
(i churned this one out so fast it scared me lmao)
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nelkcats · 1 year
When Danny became the Ghost King he left many things behind: a normal life, his friends, his parents, his sister. All he had left were his space models, glowing stars and some things that he could read.
The halfa knew the situation was not that bad. The ghosts were very friendly and his loved ones could visit whenever they wanted. Time in the Realms was strange, and it would seem like an eternity but they would come eventually.
Seeing their King so down, the ghosts presented him different interests to distract him (Teens needed entertainment, right?) and thanks to Clockwork (who was accused of cheating) Danny found out how much he loved comics and how much he had missed them.
Seeing that this made their King happy, the other ghosts provided thousands of versions of those comics. Danny's mentor warned him to take comics seriously, but he dismissed the comment.
The Realms were infinite and since ghosts could go through the (now stable) natural portals or ask Wulf for help, collecting comics from different dimensions wasn't difficult. They found at least 5199 versions of the Justice League comics the first time. Their King would be happy.
Danny even participated in some of the polls with the help of Clockwork! One of them was called "Kill Jason Todd?" The king thought it was ironic to ask a dead man that and marked yes. He was delighted when volumes of "Red Hood" appeared a few weeks later, Jason was amazing!
Of course, every action has its consequence. When he was summoned to help with a problem in another dimension, the king quickly noticed that the Justice League was real, the same one from his comics. And his favorite character, Red Hood, was looking at him with a frown.
Taking the situation in, Danny felt the weight of guilt on his head as the boy's toxic green eyes looked up at him. He...had he killed him? Did he supported his death? He remembered the 50/50 poll results initially, and how his vote decided the boy's fate.
Even trapped in his castle and just reading comics all day, Danny kept messing things up.
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sideblogdotjpeg · 1 month
i love when u draw sol more than anything else in the world. his slutty short shorts. his :D swag. his bisexual demeanor. his love for his friends. his clinginess. always a beautiful moment.
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THANK YOU. im glad because i wld truly everyday draw sol and nothing else. also heres a page of sols for you
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irl-donut · 29 days
I wanna fuck marker
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halloweenreaper · 1 month
Hypothetically, if Fyodor took over Chuuya’s body, would Arahabaki go nuclear? It's implied in Stormbringer that Arahabaki is only dormant because his vessel is Chuuya specifically. And we know Chuuya only has some access to Arahabaki’s power since he doesn't have the black flames or turn into a monster like Verlaine did with Guivre. So, would Fyodor be able to restrain the god? Or would he instantly go into corruption mode?
On that note, would he be able to take over Lovecraft since it's implied he's not human and even Dazai couldn't nullify him?
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i-need-of-a-hobby · 29 days
if i were to (theoretically) write a long fic centering on our favorite under appreciated queen mary macdonald and (hypothetically) post it to ao3 since i (in theory) already have a good number of chapters written, should i call it "forget me not" or "last one standing"?
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obsessingoverl · 1 month
Overhearing my bestie talk about her ED and recovery while she doesn't know my issues with food
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phykoha · 11 months
What if I made my own discord server?
What then?
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thatotherman001 · 18 days
Hypothetically if I were to hypothetically draw one (or several) of your OCs who would you hypothetically want me to hypothetically draw
Okay… let’s say… Hypothetically… you were to draw one (or several (hypothetically)) of my Ocs
Hypothetically speaking of course, this assumes I have a preference for which Ocs should get drawn (hypothetically)
Now let’s say, hypothetically, you were to draw multiple of my Ocs. Hypothetically, you could, hypothetically speaking, could draw any and all of my Ocs as many times as you could hypothetically want, and I would be, hypothetically, totally okay with that idea
… hypothetically
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concretdandelion · 3 months
hypothetically would anyone want a hypothetical wad slime tutorial hypothetically you could dm me
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This is what I feel every time I see a viciously incorrect mischaracterization of any of my favs..
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didthekingdieyet · 1 year
this is a total what if But what would happen if all the british royals died at once like genuinely what would happen to the crown i hope they sell it bit by bit to pay back all their former colonys but i mean what would happen to the crown as an institution
okay so ridiculously enough. i actually have an answer for you
first off- let’s get it out of the way. yes. the line of succession is very clear not open to a different interpretation. with everyone knowing their exact place.
it would be fairly impossible for every member of the line to just simply drop dead (i mean there are THOUSANDS of names on that goddamn list. almost every living english citizen is somehow a descendant of an early monarch so the risk of exhausting the line of succession is practically impossible) and thanks to that oh so lovely merovingian inbreeding almost every living (european) monarchs are listed on the line of succession to the br*t*sh throne.
if EVERY member of the BRF (br*t*sh royal family)(i suggest we start calling them the BARF) died the norwegian royal family due to their descent from edward VII (i think it was that one?) would take over.
but back to your hypothetical. let’s say that they died and there was such a scramble that they couldn’t determine who is next. well based on convention parliament (1689) (that number i did actually google) parliament would decide who to offer the crown.
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