punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Once again i am being plauged by the parallels between the og Dead Sea Siblings and Ghostflower,be it romantic or found siblings.Nico,Percy,Miles and Gwen all being so mix and match only makes me suffer 10x more /pos.You're a boy with no real friends at this weird school where you don't fit in and one day,you met this girl who's a little older than you and she is the COOLEST ever.You've got this little crush on her and she's so nice to you and it only makes it grow and turns out she was there because she's part of the new world you're about to join and when the new supernatural shit in your life finishes hitting it's beginner stage including one of your family member's who took so much care of you getting killed,you don't see her for a WHOLE year.She taught you because she's got way more experience than you but you were friends for so short of time that you only know the babysteps and you want her back so bad,more than anything because so little time filled you with so much love.And her?She feels the same way about you and it's hard to go on with her life normally when she's so worried about you but the forces of world saving leads one of you to the other's room again and they welcome you in with open arms and they give their mamí's food that you've never tried before and it's fucking DELICIOUS just like they said and your convo is a mix of hero talk and catching up
You get closer and closer because all that buried love is bursting out and you're a team again but then,you're reminded why you're here.Your dad is a monster and you want out of that haunted 'home'.Your first friend makes you feel safe for once so you try to stick around as long as you can and they're happy you do even if things are getting harder.They see you more than ever now
You haven't always had it easy and you're not the only one.You didn't wanna hurt them but you did.You thought you knew the rest but you didn't.In every other generation,Hades kids are outcasts and in every other generation,it dosen't end well.They're angry at you,of course they are,you BETRAYED them so you're not angry back,you only want to explain and they don't wanna hear it but they don't hate you now like you've convinced yourself.Nothing could ever make them hate you,not even canon itself and the crush isn't a crush anymore,it's grown into something woven into your souls that you both put there.Maybe some things are meant just for you two
It's not easy but you repair your relathionship and that's when the illusions of eachother completely shatter and you're both better for eachother for it.She's not an unattainable perfect goddess,she's a huge dork with dork tastes and all that shit she's pulled wasn't even planned beforehand,she's just batshit insane and she's your best friend ever and he's not a meek little helpless boy you can't let do things by himself,he's one of the strongest hero's in existence and can stand up to people way older than him with no fear-not unlike you actually!-and you're reminded why you believed in him so much even without seeing much of him on the field and he's your favorite boy ever.You have so much history and it's been rough but you're together now and when it's only you two,you finally feel normal.There's a first time for everything,right?
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